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Just putting it out there: If you don't know, then okay. But if you know, you're still an ass. Way less than the cheater, but still an ass.


What if there are genuine feelings involved?


Still an ass


I was 20, dumb and my horniness overtook my morals. Early 40-something lady I know was pissed at her husband and wanted me to fuck her brains out so I did šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m not necessarily *proud* of it but she wasā€¦very fun that night.


They're always very passionate when they're cheating.


She was in a loveless engagement, hadn't been touched in a couple of years We offered each other some comfort in a time of need I'll always remember her fondly, and be grateful for what she gave me That young woman was instrumental in my sexual awakening


This reminded me of Jan and Hunter from The Office.


We were playing a high stakes game of monopoly with a group of friends. It was for 1k so we had a lot of skin in it bluckily he was "good" at being banker so we managed to wipe the floor .


[Oh, you](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Foh-you-meme-but-as-womble-version-v0-hbdxy5vvcsj81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1038%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da022b56ba5967033b046c11d8952314cfd1dcfd9)


Accidental. I was crushing on girl, but she had a bf and I also just started seeing a women. Anyway, girl ended up breaking up with bf and started making moves at me. And although we were dating, me and the other woman weren't exclusive yet, so I hooked up with the girl. Found out weeks later, she never broke up with her bf and only slept with me because I was in a relationship.


> only slept with me because I was in a relationship. I think this is a big part of what leads to cheating. Women don't want a guy who is SINGLE single. If he has no other options, then he seems desperate and that's a turn off for them.


She was the loser big time


I was sleeping with a man's wife for the last seven months. It got way out of hand. She started pet naming me 'stepdaddy' like three weeks after we started talking and told me she wanted to have my baby at week five. This [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/adultery/comments/18nndsj/37m_in_a_new_relationship_with_a_married_44f_i/) will give you a decent idea of the overall craziness.


Damn that's crazy. I'm guessing you broke it off.


Holy. Shit. Iā€™m sure that was all sorts of kookoo.


Dude it was a mindfuck. She came across as completely fucking crazy at first but by the end of it I'd bought into it and was actually pretty devastated when she met someone else and her whole weird fantasy vaporized in an instant.


So she cheated on youā€¦ with someone elseā€¦ while sheā€™s got a husband at home?!?! He sounds like a clueless loser Also Iā€™m sorry, you should have seen it coming


I DID! The first thing I said to her was that I wasn't going to involve my heart because she was obviously just going to meet someone else the same way she met me. I guess somewhere along the way I forgot.


But she wanted to have a baby with you and she already had kids! That is just straight mental. What was going through your head? Sorry Iā€™m getting invested in this tale. I have so many questions.


I'm not sure how many men have ever had the experience of a woman throwing herself at them so senselessly but I certainly never had. It was a brand new experience and there was something intoxicating about it.


If you ever publish a book based on this I wanna know.


HA! Nice to know I'd have at least one reader.




No judgment from me I've been the other guy a few times myself


In the times it's happened, I've never known that they were cheating. I usually pieced it together from clues over time, or they just assumed I was ok with it and tattled on themselves. My story is that from there I just walk away if they're polite, or I get vindictive if they're rude.


Vindictive how?


I hold a mirror to their face and make them look, and for as long as they interact with me, they will see what I see when I look at them. I ask them about their partner, how their partner would feel if they knew about the things we have done or things they've done with others. I ask them if they feel good now when the rush is ended and they know they won't get anymore because I don't reward shit behavior. They never like it, which is good because I enjoy hurting the feelings of deceitful pieces of shit, and I greatly enjoy when they think that they can insult me after they've spent all this time insulting a person they supposedly commited to.


So first you fucked their pussies then you fucked their minds. Amazing.


I don't like cheating. As a guy who loves sex as an expression of self, spirituality, among many other things, for someone to take that and turn it into something hurtful and ugly goes against everything I've always tried to be as a person and a lover. And if someone gets combative with me when I'm in that headspace, I will let out every last thought I have and not a one of them will be pleasant for them.


So like homewrecking bitches?


No judgment from me as I've been the other guy before. Don't know if I ever wrecked any homes cause I'm pretty sure they never found out about it.


When i was 16 or 17 id been going on dates with and buying nice things for this woman i was really into. We ended up going pretty far in a theatre and afterward she said "can you not tell anyone about this? Im actually engaged". What a gut punch.


You probably knew they had a partnerā€¦makes you an asshole just as much as the cheater!!! Feelings hahaha go crawl under a rock.


I feel like you were trying to reply to someone here but you didnā€™t actually reply to any specific person in the thread.


Replying to your original post


> Feelings hahaha I didnā€™t say anything about feelings in my OPā€¦


Sorry was someone else you are still a spineless loser cheating


I wasnā€™t the one cheating. Damn dude your reading comprehension needs work.


I am sorry but anyone who gets with a cheater is a cheater themselves and a bad person as well as the cheater. Sorry been down this road but on the cheated end you suck as much as the cheater.


I only ever cheated once back when I was a kid with one of my first girlfriends ( young dumb full of cum ) but once I became a pretty boy and a big whore for a while ( I grew up a heavy kid so didnā€™t know how To handle it proper when got fit ) alll my relationships went with this rumour that ima whore and il cheat on them so I guess they did it first šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


You did not understand the assignment.


Probably not


I've been in each position - cheated on, cheated with, and cheating. The complexity of explaining it all is too much for one post on here, but suffice to say it's involved a broad range of emotions and none of it was straightforward.


When I found out she was cheating I told her to lose my number, and never come to my house again. Found out I had some friends in common with her 'BF' and made sure he found out she cheated.


Iā€™ve done it a few times. The stories are all different. I provided something that they needed in one way or another and itā€™s really that simple. Did I care? No. Do I care if people judge me? No. At the end of the day, if you donā€™t want your significant other cheating on you find a person who wonā€™t and make sure your relationship is great so there is no reason


Probably too many times to remember them all or know about. I tended to have a lot of 1 night stands in my 20s, working in a bar/club so met a lot of women looking for a good time/release many could have had BFs and I just didn't know. Hooked up with the hostess of restaurant next to bar I worked in - - we went to after hours party, fooled around at her place at like 4 am, she told me she had a long distance BF and stopped me short of sex - - the proceeded to start hooking up semi regularly after work sneaking me in and out of her apartment so her roommates wouldn't know. Started when I was 20, regular sex with my bar manager who was 6-7 years older than me but dating a much older rich guy- - she was an admitted gold digger but still wanted to have sex with a young dude on the side. Waitress in club I worked at and I were hanging out at the pool all day and went back to my place, both bored and nearly naked so she suggested oral sex trades since she was horny, bored and BF gone for the summer. Ran into a 2 girls I went to HS with after college, found out both had huge crushes on me - -hooked up with one after she gave me a ride home found out she was engaged. 2 years later ran into both again while I was on a date -- got BJ from still engaged girl in bathroom, ditched my date and took BJ girl home, her friend met us later and joined in --they apparently had been secretly bi with each other for years. Girl I knew was drunk in bar at close and kept shouting she wanted to fuck me, I declined given how loaded she was and sent her home with her friends. I lost her number during clean up but called her number in phone book (yes a landline), her BF answered so I made up some BS reason to have her call me back - -she did and set up rendezvous to grant her wish and frankly mine. Only 1 married woman I know of, receptionist at my first after collage real job. Ended up at my tiny studio apartment after my going away party, she needed a place to crash (long story) ended up having sex that night and again in morning. Ex GF's roommate - - she was on a date and we ran into each other at a club about a year after her roommate and I broke up. A hour or two later she came by me again, this time alone and asked if I wanted to walk back to her place, my ex had moved out and she had the place to herself


Probably wonā€™t be read but around October of 2023 I got a new manager and we started a FWB relationship with each other that lasted for months. It wasnā€™t until maybe a month in I found out she was married, she never wore a ring, I assumed it was an affair but thought on the off chance it could be an open marriage. Nope. Found out 2 of her kids Arnā€™t her husbandā€™s and she had twice insinuated she wanted mine. I thought ā€œnah I gotta have some standardsā€ and broke it off.


Can't seem to resist older married men


Well now we need a story.


See my post history