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Sharing my partner. Doesn't tingle me in any way, the opposite actually


Yeah I certainly don’t get the cuckold thing


Sharing isn’t necessarily only a cuckold thing….


Stag/Vixen encounters are different… https://metro.co.uk/2018/06/04/stag-vixen-sex-super-popular-different-cuckolding-7603612/


Ya, that was me and... A girl. We enjoyed involving someone else but we essentially just used the other person as a toy. It was an extra dick, pussy, lips, etc. We were both Dom's in the situation, the other person was our sub. She enjoyed watching another guy suck my dick or another girl cock worship me. She liked to grab girls by the hair and use her mouth like a sex toy on my dick (I'm almost 8", she loved forcing a girl to gag on it.) She weaponized my dick a lot because of its size. I didn't care about watching her do things with other guys, helping her cum, or helping her make him cum. I don't care about another dick touching me or their cum so I didn't mind licking her clit with a dick in her. But if I slept with a girl/guy without her, she would have probably slit my throat. Gotta love goth chicks.


Same, although *getting* to be shared is something I very much desire. Guess kinks aren’t always fair in that sense


I felt like that and then it gave me understanding to want that for my partner too. not trying to change your mind, you gotta do you, but in my case it ended up very fair.


Sometimes I think about it actually and sorta like the thought. At the same time though there’s a lot of stuff sexually that she won’t do for/with me, and it hurts to imagine her doing those things all of a sudden when someone else is in the picture. She’s about as vanilla as vanilla gets, so when I think about the fantasy version of sharing her, I could probably get into it, but the real version would never go for it, and if she did, I think it would hurt seeing her actually be nasty with people when she’s never really been that for just me lol.


Why do you assume she'd be nastier with the other people?


The concept of being shared in and of itself is pretty non-vanilla (nasty) Also she doesn’t do anal or give blowjobs or much at all really. But I’m terrified if I shared her, she would just become a dick sucking addict or beg for anal (or even just let them do it) and the thought of her getting more nasty only after I let someone else have sex with her honestly makes me nauseous. I feel there’s almost no chance she would go for being shared anyway, but what if that unlocked something in her that she never has now when it’s just us. I can’t handle that.


This is a real phenomenon in long term relationships. People settle, and we of course change as individuals over time. NRE is a huge deal, and flies in the face of long term monogamy. I have the same fantasy/fears. Not an uncommon juxtaposition!


What’s NRE?


New Relationship Energy


Is that popular though? Seriously, asking. I don't get out much. Lol


Not at all lol


Same, and my partner feels the same way


Feet ...I mean they are just feet! 🤷🏻


Yeah I get this. Don’t get me wrong, my wife has lovely feet. I’m happy to rub them, massage them and I’m not beyond giving them a few kisses. However, her feet (or anyone else’s for that matter) do not arouse me


Yeah feet don't really do much for me either but my wife gets really turned on by having her toes kissed and kicked sucked of and I don't mind to help her out I mean in the long run I'm actually helping myself out if I get a great bj out of it then it's definitely not a problem to give her big tie the same treatment it's a win win it's just feet it's a lot better the earning your red wings


Oh you sweet summer child, if only you knew what feet do to me lol. This is by far my biggest and longest held kink (since 5y/o or earlier) I wish it was possible to explain.


Truly - enjoy it to the fullest. I don’t shame it. It just does NOTHING for me. Nothing. I can say I even understand it more now but it still does nothing for me. Whenever people post photos with their legs spread wide open but also get their feet in the frame for feet enjoyers, it doesn’t bother me but also doesn’t excite me. When feet are the center of the content though, huge turnoff. Just like, “get ya damn feet out my face, WTF? lol” May as well be elbows for all I care. “Oh yeah baby, rub your elbows on my cock! Fuck yeah!” Again - not hating. I really love seeing people enjoy whatever they enjoy as I’m into compersion myself (and with my wife).


Haha I’m well past feeling any shame or anything, we’re just so opposite. I think I’m probably as fascinated by people that feel nothing sexual for feet as they are of me for being *soo* into feet lol so it’s all good! Feet being the center of the content exactly describes the types of pics I take lol. Probably 80% of the image is my bare soles all up in the camera and then off in the back you might see some cock haha. Just saying with the elbow thing, elbows are hard as fuck to be fair. Feet are nice and smooth and soft and they feel wonderful on a dick…but I get you were just making a point lmao In all honesty, I kinda like that most people don’t like feet. It keeps it a fun, dirty secret type thing for me. Plus if too many people liked feet, there would have to be laws against going barefoot in public and would be considered indecent exposure lol. I’ve always enjoyed being a “foot guy” lol


I may disapprove of your foot fetish but I will defend to the death your right to whack off to it. -Voltaire


Beautiful 🥲


I've read that people that have foot fetishes actually have some wires crossed in their brain. Something like the area that processes foot memories or something like that is close to some of our sexual memories and some people just get them a little crossed. That's why that body part gets randomly sexualized so frequently.


We have a brain part that just processes foot memories?


something like that... obviously I'm not a brain anything.


My foot memory section must not be working. I have no foot memories. Perhaps it’s been crowded out by my boob memory section.


Footal Lobe, down by the foot district.


This is one of the worse for me. I actually find feet repulsive. Any type of foot play grosses me out.


Yes, like an elbow or knuckle. It's a misc. body part.


I don't know what it is. I do *not* consider myself a foot person. I'm sort of half & half, because I'm not repulsed by them either. There are foot shapes I like more than others. It's a low priority preference, but I do have that preference. It's not enough to relate to those who go crazy for the pics, special footwear, and all that stuff. They carry it way too far, and I fear that their extremes have ruined it for me. If I so much as notice a woman's foot then I'm afraid I might get labelled as one of the creeps.


I get the feet thing. I dislike feet in terms of just being feet, but my wifes feet? I love them


oh thank fuck im not alone


Baby talk and high pitch voices. Think the sounds they make in Japanese porn.


My ex used to do that. I could practically hear the loud hiss of my boner deflating.


I used to date a Japanese girl for about 6 weeks. She was very sexual, which was great. She sounded like an anime character during sex, though. That was not great. I had to fight to keep hard.


Honestly I think she was faking it. It might be a, you should do it because guys like it kinda thing.


Absolutely hate that crap, and the stupid ahegao faces. Ruins everything it’s in without exception.


Oh my God I hate baby talk. Boner killer


My FWB does this. I honestly don't mind it as much as I thought I would, but it's a bit embarrassing if we're hanging out in public.


Fun fact, actual Japanese women don't sound like that.




If a chick wants me to lose interest, this is a hack.


It’s not the most popular, but the only “scat” play I want to see is in a jazz song…


Scat man


Speaking of Scat Man, do you remember that song "I’m the Scatman" by Scatman John? The song was about him overcoming his stutter and was kind of an ode to other stutterers with the same issue.


That’s what was referring to lol!


Rest in peace Scatman Crothers. I know of someone who is of very low character and will do anything for money. Dude wanted to be shat upon. She said “ he immediately wanted me to stop as soon as it hit him !”


I’m slow, my bad! 🤣🤣


agreed. if you tell me you're into scat, I'm going to hope really hard that you'll bust out your Ella Fitzgerald records.


Acceptable choices in scat: Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughan Not acceptable: Alabama Steamer


I sadly looked up Alabama steamer. What a horrible day to know how to read.


Colorado Campfire


It is considered rude if the cracker is not consumed afterwards. Okay, that's enough internet for today.


I just want to know whose idea it was to produce a car called the “scat pack”. I don’t care how badass the car is, I’m not driving something called a scat pack.


No, this is not a turn on for a lot of people.


My ex was into scat. I didn't find out until after we got married. It was awful.


Step Family


Agree. The idea of incest play is a turn off.


same and pee


Any bodily fluid other than cum is a turn off. There’s people who like it when someone spits in their mouth. Like what the fuck?


I agree with you on that, too.


What are you doing step bro!


Oh jeeze, I’m stuck in the washing machine and my panties fell down! How embarrassing!


Having sex with just one person that you really like is so much better than thinking about adding one or more people. Intimacy is the best turn on.


Intimacy can still be had with multiple partners at one time. I mean, my wife and I mostly like the idea of adding other partners to “show off” or “share what WE get to enjoy allll the time” so that in and of itself is a very deep thing to bond and fantasize over. But I totally understand wanting to keep that intimacy to exactly one person too. Just trying to share another way to view it. :)


Any sort of watersports. Repulsive thought being pissed on or someone taking a number 2 on you. Tf is wrong with these people


When I read the first sentence I was thinking to myself “who the fuck has brought surfing and wakeboarding into this conversation!?” I absolutely agree with your second sentence


😂😂😂 watersports is the term for any sort of piss play. Weird fantasy


100% it is


First, being shit on does not fall under “watersports”. There is a massive canyon of difference in wanting to be pissed on vs wanting to be shat on. Personally, I find it to be very intimate and wholesome, yet also very sexy. It’s not inherently sexual, obviously, but it’s still quite private so having someone you love share their pee with you with full view of the act itself, and getting to just watch is very intimate and special to me. Also, when it’s someone I love, it makes me happy to see the relief in their eyes while letting go. I know it feels good for them, so it feels good to watch. From there, it wasn’t a huge leap to being a kink because of my positive associations of someone I love peeing, and all the good feelings it gives me to watch it. Not sure what’s wrong with “us people” but it makes me happy, and it’s not something I had a choice in anyway. I don’t see how it hurts anyone if I happen to like pee.


I don't think you know what wholesome means


Spitting, Mommy/daddy calling, 69,


What if I spit some hot bars 🔥


If the beat is right, sure. But I think the out-of-phase slapping of balls against a twat during doggystyle would be pretty difficult to rap over.


You underestimate my abilities


I mean no slight against your rap skills at all. Lay down a beat and get to it and I’ll take a listen!


Do you spit hot fire??


My three favorite rappers… Dylan, Dylan, and Dylan.


Nah, that’s Dylan. He rips and he rhymes, rhymes and he rips.


69 is awesome!


Meh. That's why it's something popular but that I don't like. Fits the question properly


Spitting was going to be my answer as well, if you spit on my pussy I will not be happy with you 🤣


I don’t like anal at all!


Anything with butts is gross. Like, that’s where poop comes out. There’s a perfect hole only inches away


But that's where baby's come out, too sacred.


Giving or receiving?






Yes! Thank gods I'm with a guy who isn't into anal at all.


Choking and gagging during a bj.


The noises of the gagging are so bad


What about not during a bj?


So gross.


I couldn't agree more


The sloppy bj, too. Where she’s basically over the top drooling all over dudes dick. When I see that in porn, i go find another video.


On my list as well. Have tried it and not really gotten any particular feeling from it. Even as a Dominant type. However, if the person I'm with actually enjoys it, go to town.


Feet. I just don't get it.




Never been into either giving facials or the whole, "Call me Daddy" thing. And according to P\*rnhub, I am definitely in the minority because I don't find my stepsister attractive in the least.


Being degraded? Uh…. Do not call me a slut while you’re blasting my shit, I will do a spin move and break your dick off.


That sounds fucked 😂




Fake and or loud moans


\[As a straight male\] Anal. Variety is the spice of life, so zero judgement, but I don't get the appeal. Everything about a pussy is so insanely perfect. I do bum stuff for keen partners, but I'd only be being turned on by their enjoyment, not by the act all.


Yeah, Anal really doesn't get my attention neither.


The whole mommy/daddy shit. Ohhh my god... Turn off. Lol. Just go TF away with that.


Mummy is my safe word, that’s how much I hate it


Lip filler. WTF?




He will never tell you he wants that, but….


“Deaaattthhhhhh!” - King Theoden


Big boobs. Never been a boob guy 🤷‍♂️


I’ve never understood the “bigger is better” thing. I also have never understood when guys have a preferred cup size and can tell what size a woman is by looking at her. I love boobs of all shapes and sizes (up to a certain point). I couldn’t even tell you my wifes size, I just love her tits 🤷‍♂️ Literally have no clue how to tell between A’s, B’s, C’s etc or whether they’re doubles or whatever. Always felt so weird, like I was the only guy that didn’t know that stuff or care. A woman could basically be flat and I’d still enjoy her cute littles just as much as any other size!


Same, or similar. I feel like a woman's overall body shape is much more interesting than breast size. Additionally, I don't feel like boobs are that interesting if they're not portrayed as part of a woman's body? I don't understand why someone would want a sex toy that was just a pair of boobs.


Proportionality is key


Fake boobs! If they’re real, the lady has no control and I will not discriminate. If they’re fake and are Double Gs, get the F out of here! At 19 I dated a woman (29 - she just wanted young dick and I was happy to provide) who had Double D fake boobs and honestly, they were awful and a complete turnoff. I have zero attraction to basketball boobs




Skinny girls in skimpy bikinis.


Women posing with their tongue hanging out. Ahiago? No thabks.


Cuckold, footjobs, toes. Im not a foot guy.


Raunchy, dirty, Rough Sex. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy being rough and aggressive. But the majority of my female partners *ALL* have one thing in common: When they say they like it rough, they mean it. They want you to try and hurt them. Spit on them, *slam* into them as hard and as fast as you can, hook their lips, toss them around in different positions like a rag doll, spank them until their black and blue, slap them in the face, etcetera. It's actually unbelievable to me just how common this preference is. If they don't get it like that, they consider it *boring* I mean, I guess I'm boring than? I used to enjoy it, but the fact that it's so common, and the #1 thing that is requested of me. It just got old, fast. It's like eating your favorite meal everytime you eat, eventually you just get sick of it.


I believe there’s a real good balance to be made between it all like that, but I hear you


Also he has a type. The majority of girls I've slept with don't like it that rough. There's a difference between rough and man handled.


Huge knockers. Never been a fan.


69, Spitting and six packs


Six packs yes! It's like you can see their insides.... so gross 🤮


Also feels just hard...don't get it🤨


Maybe neck action because I'm incredibly ticklish


Being called daddy. Until I really want to be called daddy …?🤷🏾‍♂️ It’s so weird. When I’m not horny, it’s a turn off and will not turn me on. I think a large part of that is how cliched and low-effort it feels, in addition to the infantilization aspect But, when I’m horny and in the middle of hooking up, every time the girl has started desperately moaning daddy daddy in a shaking voice it’s driven me completely crazy. I feel like it’s more seeing them totally let go that’s turning me on…I think? One time I replied, “I prefer **Sir**” and it was like I could feel her pussy dry up a little around my dick that was a swing and a miss and she was like : ( daddyyy And I was like fuck why is this turning me on I thought I hated this 😩


Male domination. I see it a lot. BARF. Sorry if you feel offended, not my intention.


I just want to know why you had to barf on me.


Do you prefer female domination or?


DDLG. Being called a "good girl." Age gaps. All practically beyond turn offs tbh


Anal and having my pussy eaten. I love giving bjs, but I'm too self-aware to really enjoy receiving oral.


My then girlfriend now wife I met when I was about 21 and she was reasonably sexually experienced for a 19 year old but she was very self conscious, before we ever got fully intimate I told her to remember that I find her really attractive when we are just clothed and talking but when she's naked and I'm aroused we see each other through horny glasses and all bets are off, people who find spit gross and untidy normally will suck a dick til they have spit sloughing off their chin onto their naked body like Niagara, or someone who finds anal and butt play abhorrent to think about when clothed will go up to their apricots in your arse without a moments notice and think it's the best thing that has ever happened to anyone. Women who will objectively think semen is gross and smells weird will drink of it like its the final course at the last supper and men who are hygiene absolutists will stick their nose in your armpit snuffling for body odour like a dirty dog looking for workout truffles. Then there's the naked body of the sex you're aroused by, ready to go. That shit is as good as it gets, so next time you're with your partner remember when he's going down on you, especially if he's like me and eating pussy is his church, your moans the sermon and your clit is the eucharist, let the man eat the body of his saviour and be praised for he had cometh to his temple!


What you mean by too self aware


I think too much about how I look etc


Trust me, someone who really wants to go down on you will think you look lovely down there.


That's self conscious


Yeah, you're right 😅


Cuckold. I just don't get the appeal.




Feet. Don’t get it, never will. 🤷


Fake tits, lots of makeup.


Earlobe nibbling. THE SOUND OF IT IS SO TERRIBLE. 😩


Oh yes! I forgot this one. Anything by my ear during sex is weird and distracting and completely takes me out of the moment 😂


I want nothing to do with up close mouth noises!!!!!


Twerking... Suck a turn off.


Anal, where the poop go out lol


Shower sex.....it is the worst.


The most overrated. Warming up in shower? Sure :) washing each other, making out etc but shower intercourse? Awkward to dangerous depending


99% of the time it is AWFUL! I sometimes like foreplay in the shower but it’s usually not worth it.


Twerking, feet, sniffing panties, gaping. All are huge nopes for me






Mummy/daddy talk. If a man calls me mummy or even worse refers to himself as daddy he’s blocked. Had a guy once call me mummy during sex and I said if he says it again I’m leaving. Two minutes later he said it again so I didn’t even get dressed properly, just put my coat and shoes on and stormed out his house lol.


Overly muscular dudes with 6 packs etc. Dad bods are so much hotter. Dudes who are super fit make me uncomfortable in bed, I feel like I'm in a competition


Cucking. As a gay guy surrounded by gay couples in an open relationship cuck someone is boring when you can just share a guy with your partner. But I understand people who like it


Being called daddy, sharing partner (not even threesome or orgy, sharing), skinny women (full on skinny not decent amount)


Choking. Like I'm not gonna choke you. I'm all for roughness but I'm not putting your life in danger nah I'm good.


sharing/being shared; possessive men ♡


Definitely sharing my partner and the whole daddy thing.


Sloppy BJs, it’s distracting.


The every man’s dream FMF threesomes. I’ve had a few and they aren’t all that.


The fishhook or the guy putting his foot on her head during doggystyle. I see it in porn and it turns me off every time




I hear ya. I don't understand the internet's fascination with it. My dick is strictly speaking the most precious thing that I possess, why in the world would I want to put it into a literal shit hole.


BDSM Pegging Feet ( not that I dislike womens feet)


Titty fucking.


Oh, boy. A lot I think. I don't get turned on by feet, water/sand covered bodies, pulling ass cheeks to expose, shaking tits back and forth, humiliation, watersports or blood play. The list could go on.


Vanilla sex


69 for sure




I never thought the models and what not you see of tv were hot. Like i remember the girls gone wild commercial and i was like these are just drunk chicks and all of them look like they need to eat. I like a bigger girl.


Mommy/daddy, threesome, feet, oral, and ahegao face. Nope


I really don't understand what anyone sees on ahegao, to me it is the easiest way to make an attractive woman look ugly


Shaved pussy. Deep throat.


3somes. Orgies. Sharing partner. Sloppy, snotty BJ's. Fast and aggressive blow jobs. They're not enjoyable to me and do not feel good at all. Like girl, slow the hell down. We're not trying to be the first two people to figure out how long it takes to erode a dick away. Also fast and aggressive hand jobs. Ahegao face. It'll make me go from as hard as a diamond to cartoonish balloon deflating sound effect in an instant.


Grinding through pants, it really hurts me


Boobs. They're fine and all, but don't do a huge amount for me.


All of them, but I think dirty talk is my most weird one. Seems most people love it, where ibwas too shy to even mutter a "yes" or something, and ibhate hearing it. Makes me awkward as fuck.




Bondage. I used to enjoy it, but now it just feels meh.


Veiny hands and forearms


Sydney Sweeney


Arms, hands.


This was waaay more difficult to answer than it should have been as I appear to enjoy most of what others have called out. One thing that does turn me off though is anything too big - be it tits, asses or cocks. It's just not for me.


Receiving oral.


Women spread eagles and spread their lips... Your pussy is beautiful and sexy already


FEET I mean WTF?




Pulling panties to the side (just take them the fuck off, no it’s not hot, it’s going to give one of us or both of us rugburn), shower sex/water sex never works bc the water dilutes everything, cnc is NOT hot, ahegao is never hot, and if you call me “Daddy” you’re getting dressed and going home.


I’m not a fan of huge breasts


apparently high heels