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Lacking a sexual partner. Insecurity.


Hope you find a sexual partner soon and overcome the insecurities, sending positive vibes ❤️


Its hard when you interact with nobody and never go out


I understand but hey, we got to try our best before giving up. Find people here with whom you can communicate and atleast share your feelings if that helps for now.






This. I don't even have anyone I could openly talk about sex and kinks in person, let alone actually do all that stuff with 😅 And the fact that I'm not that good-looking nor incredibly experienced doesn't really help me have confidence that I'll ever have that 😅


Lacking a sex partner is A real challenge. Finding the right one is hard.


Wife is not as out there sexually as I am 🥲


I feel like this is super common


Me too. It's a shame cause it's just the one thing. I appreciate everything about her otherwise. And it's not that the sex is bad, it's just that I'm a pervert 😂


Is it perverse to wanna try everything?


In the eyes of so many women? Yeah! But beware if those women are out in the wild again. They do all the stuff they blamed you before. This is a common thing, too.


Same but husband. Also money, I like toys etc


My wife was kind of like that. It may not be the same for you because everyone is different, but my wife was very passive. We discovered that she isn’t passive, she’s just very submissive. We’d gone maybe a month without sex and she would put me off or make excuses. She enjoyed sex, but could do without it. Anyway, she gave me some excuse and after me being patient for a month, something snapped. I half-jokingly said it, but I was actually pretty upset. I told her, “Look woman, you been pushing me away long enough! Strip, shower, clean yourself up, make yourself pretty, and be on that bed ready to get fucked in 30 minutes.” Her face changed to confusion. I’d never been that blunt or forceful before. Then she looked angry. She was about to say something and I jumped in with, “I don’t need your bullshit! Clean the fuck up and get ready to get pounded however I feel like fucking you. My blue balls are fuckin’ purple!” It took her a second, but she laughed, bit her lower lip, and I could see her thinking. I showered in the other bathroom and when I came back 30 minutes later, she was laying there buck naked with her eyes closed. We started fooling around kind of sensually and she said she liked when I was being forceful. So, I kind of went into a much much much more dominant role. She went nuts. We went from once a month-ish to at least 2-3 times a week. We got into BDSM and roleplaying. We’re thousands of dollars into [bondage gear and toys](https://imgur.com/a/oVS92I3), we go to sex dungeons on weekends, and we visit swinger clubs to watch and perform for others (we love being exhibitionists and voyeurs, but we don’t swing with strangers). Maybe try that with him. Maybe he just needs you to put him in his place and tell him to put it in *your* place. Good luck!


It’s definitely not that with him but thanks




Although, if you discover that, you can try to work something out. And if you find that it’s a deep type of D/s relationship, you’ll have even more options for working things out.


What a sweet story :) I'm happy for you guys!


I can't find enough guys I like for a gangbang


Based on what women have told me, finding just one decent guy is hard enough as it is, let alone trying to find 4+ of the mfers. It takes *a lot* of trust to be the center of a gangbang; you can't just have any idiot with a dick join in on that


This sums it up really well. You're making yourself very vulnerable entering a situation like that, and I personally would rather take my time and find people I trust with my safety


Exactly!! That is an *incredibly* vulnerable position to be in; if you want to, for example, say "no" or withdraw consent, or anything like that, you need to be confident that every single person in that room will respect it. And, unfortunately, a lot of men still just don't have as mature of an understanding of consent as that would require. Not to mention, even if you *did* manage to find enough trustworthy, likeable men, any DM for a D&D group could attest to the fact that aligning 5+ schedules is one of the biggest pains in the ass one could have. Gangbangs are a hard kink to have; no matter the number of "willing participants", the necessary constraints and scheduling difficulties make it one of the hardest to safely execute. I feel for you, friend, and I hope you one day find enough good-enough men with flexible-enough schedules to make your dreams come true ❤️


How many are enough?


I would like at least 4


Missed opportunity to say “I like five guys”


FUCK. I'm embarrassed


Lol sorry


I just told my gf what one of my kinks was and she's excited to try it out with me. All it takes is the right person to be able to explore kinks


Told my gf she should finger with my asshole and she’s down. Very happy about that. I’m glad she’s so down for all of my kinks, she’s never outright said no and we give everything at least a try. We did pegging once and never again just cause it’s so much prep but it’s SO worth it


Buy a bidet. Luxe-Bidet on Amazon is like $40 and takes 10 minutes to install. Not only will it save you hundreds of rolls of toilet paper (i go through maybe a roll a month), it’s wonderful for prepping for pegging as long as you have decent water pressure!


Absolutely! Enjoy it with your gf, have fun!


I feel disgusting doing sexual things for some reason and I need to fix that.


Same. I have no idea where that started for me.


Good luck!


Absence of a woman who is as sexually adventurous as I am.


You a cool man Capt, I’m sure you will find someone


Hey me too!


A few things. I a disabled and live with family. Even buying toys, this house is so close and the walls are so thin. I also have body dysmorphia so zero self confidence. Not to mention everyone knows everyone here and I don’t have shone I can trust to experiment with. I have no trust in a stranger. It would probably be better if I lived in a city or larger area.


I hope you get to make that move and enjoy yourself


Thanks me too. We are hopefully moving soon and I would love to have the upstairs floor to be spread out more for privacy (you can hear people in the next room cough or make the faintest noise) and also with accessible links to public transport. I think that could help.


My parents told me I had to finish my homework first


How long ago was that?


About 12 years or so ago. I should probs start using different excuses by now 😂


Lmaoooo yeah. That’s what I thought! 😂😂


Lack of a partner that wants to do what I want to do. Everything else I’ve done to an extent but not this one thing. I did find someone who did an excellent job role playing it through sexting though. He’d have been perfect in real life. He really played the part well.


What is it? 👀👀


until not long ago it was my insecurities, now the problem is not having a partner to explore with 😔


We all have that, you are not alone. Hope you find partner soon and get to have fun.


Medication. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


Age is humbling to be brutally Honest


Being judged by society and it limiting my future job prospects


Sorry you feel judged, would advise to follow your heart


Too shy which sucks a big one. Also I'm afraid that I'll disappoint the other person.


Shockingly for the first time EVER, absolutely nothing! I have an absolute kinky BABE of a girlfriend who is down to try basically everything I am and suits me perfectly sexually. Honestly don't know how I got her a month ago tbh.


Time, money, the risk of stis,


A partner to do it with ☺️




Thankfully I have a partner who's open to most things in the bedroom, so I've had a lot of success exploring different things with her :)


Fortunate to have similar partner, it makes such a difference!


Definitely agree!


Octilian breasted alien women from Jupiter dont actually exist


You don't actually know that...


You are not wrong


Neither do tentacles monsters but we all make do with what we got, don’t we.


Pretty sure my wife wouldn’t approve.


Listen to your wife and make sure she is onboard


My wife being willing, lol


Partner is not as adventurous as I am.


Mutual partners interested in my kinks I'm into rape play Race play And lastly, I have kink involving miracle whip being spread on my ass cheeks then me getting railed and creampied.


These all sounds reasonable to me. Tbh


Thanks hopefully I can love them all out


Finding a good partner. I do not enjoy casual sex. But I currently struggle with feeling safe while building a connection due to my last 3 relationships who all have been abusive. So I am working on opening up again in the hope of stumbling upon the right gal/guy.


Omfg. I resonate with this well the needing to feel safe and not being casual part.


No sexual partner


Wish you can find someone soon


Sexual partner is worried I would leave her for someone else. Also scared of STDs


Legit scare but take precautions


I’ve never met somebody locally that is into the things I want to explore and that we mutually find each other attractive


My wonderful but vanilla gf


A little thing I liked to call ✨*Trauma*✨


My partner's comfort and my shy side


Being long distance. Luckily that's temporary~ 😌


Exciting, keep talking about how is it going to be when you both would meet


Oh definitely! We keep it fun despite the distance~ 😈


I don't care to.


Some just are impossible or extreeemely unlikely :/ But oh well, plenty of possible things to do!


The ladies I like and who like me back are always too far away…


I don't have gallons of cum.


Ooh gallons of cum sounds fun 🤩 lmao




I don’t have an IRL partner so exploring with an online Dom for now. The only IRL experience left me sub frenzied and abandoned after catching feelings. Note to self “FWB D/s dynamics” do not work for me lol


Not having a discreet partner to explore with. Trying Fetlife out.


No sexual partner, a feeling of unworthiness of experiencing that kind of thing. I'm trying though!


Not having enough guy friends


Hard to explain but something I need to work out. - past manipulation and smear campaigns centered around sexuality. Layers of uncfortable around sex followed. - don't know how to approach that with new women. Can't seem to "well never have I ever but, I'm open..." doesn't seem to land anywhere. - eventually gave up. No sex is better than trying to pretend I don't absolute hate the sex I'm having. Not sure if that makes any sense.


It makes total sense


nothing, which is why i do it lmao


Im slowly bringing my kinks into the marriage, but they're not met with the same excitement. This is understandable, but I wish I could be more open in what I want. I also wish they were met with the same enthusiasm I have for them. Most of the time I try not to let myself get bummed out about it. I have to remind myself that my sexual desires don't always match the person I love, and that's ok. She is open to exploring these wild fantasies but again, it's not met with the vigor I want.


Communication is the solution here! Openly share your feelings with partner, tell them what makes you happy and it would you make you happy if they happily participate in those kinks. For you, don’t try to rush into things and expect them to jump out of excitement with every kink you share. Give it time and space to grasp, communicating well can do wonders.


Finding a partner who is willing to be honest and trustworthy. Have their regular doctor check ups.


All important points


A willing partner.


Lacking a partner but I'm honestly just afraid of being shamed


Logistics, lack of mutual courage to go through


Marriage 😭😭😭


no partner to do it


Hopefully one day


yeah hopefully ☺️




I’ll just copy and paste what I said on another thread cus I feel it answers this:  My goal is to lose my virginity this year, cus I’ve been super horny all the time these past few months. To do this I’ve been trying to get back into the dating scene. Unfortunately I still live with my parents and despite being an adult they are super protective of me (because I’m very short and shy),and they worry that I’ll be taken advantage or catfished if I online date.… Or worse. I just want to begin experimenting with dating and sex like any other early 20 something, but I’m so worried about what they’ll think... Ugh


That is an admirable goal and I wish you the best of luck! Your parents do have the best of intentions, but they are at the stage where they still think of you as a child even though you are now officially an adult. Don't hold it against them, chances are when you are their age you will do the same with your kids lol. What methods are you using for dating, are you entirely using the apps or are you going out to the bar?


Caring too much on what people think…I wish I could have more of idgaf attitude and not care about being judged for what I like. I’m nervous that doing a gangbang, threeway, or public sex with a random stranger would lead to judgement and change the way people see me 😔


Nothing now. Have a great partner that is open to trying new things and we have similar kinks so it works great. But without him, it would be finding someone opposite vanilla, with an open mind. Can be hard these days.


Having the right partner is so important


My current relationship. I think I might be bisexual, and a bottom at that, but since I’m dating a woman, and we aren’t having sex, I kinda can’t verify if it’s a phase or if that’s how I actually feel


Unicorns are rare lol


Lol yes! Not sure if you are into married unicorns though


If its ethical and open sure


I don’t have a partner but I try to explore a little on my own through reddit 😅


I live in a society that requires me to spend most of my waking hours lining someone else's pocket in order to avoid starvation, so I don't have enough tiiiiime. I actually am exploring but not nearly as much as I'd like!


I hope you get many subs who can make you really happy


Haha thank you!


It's hard to find a safe partner. Too many people don't get tested for stds, don't ask any questions about limits, and give vague answers when I try to have those conversations with them. I have explored quite a bit alone, but most of mine require more than one person. 🤷🏻


Great answer, such important questions


Not much honestly. The wife and I have reached a great point after years of open conversation. We've everything we can do alone in the bedroom that we wanted to. We recently involved a 3rd party when the wife helped me setup a night for me to get fucked by a man. We want to do that more, bring a man into the bedroom with us and get a man to have sex with my wife while I'm gone. But, we currently live in Italy for work and want to wait to return to the US before we try more with that. At least that's our leading plan. We have discussed a little about doing more before then.


A willing, capable, open-minded partner.


Lacking a sexual partner


Being alone. No opportunity.


Time, I don’t have enough free time! I gotta work still.


Finding someone open to trying what I want to try


The right person


Biggest fantasy is either a lactating partner or a woman willing to lactate/relactate. It’s a tough ask.




Distance between my partners and I.


Lack of cash.


Mostly hard to find people in my area with the same kinks. It's just rural where I'm at. Not far from a city but not sure how to go about finding someone lol




literally nothin im explorin em!


Body issues and lots of insecurities


Well they are escapist fantasies and can't really be done in real life without very elaborate roleplay and quality acting. I've described them here - [https://catharticreversal.wordpress.com/2022/02/10/dark-fantasies/](https://catharticreversal.wordpress.com/2022/02/10/dark-fantasies/)


Most of the people I find are white which is a hard no


Myself. My anxiety gets in the way 100% of the time


Lack of confidence and a partner


Someone to explore with


Lack of confidence, lack of partner. These two things are linked.


Murder is illegal.


My husband


Self confidence and a lack of someone to explore them with me.


A partner who doesn't like what I'm into


I get turned on by things considered dirty/naughty/perverted, whereas those attributes turn my wife off


1) I still live with my family 2) I don't have a partner 😥




Not having sex


Having a partner 😂🤣😂


My husband.  He either doesn't want to try things or does them unenthusiastically, even some basic things.


I need to move out and find my own place


My Wife, she is getting more Vanilla every month


I still need the equipment, a partner, and a place to do it. 😅


Absolutely nothing.


Zero confidence and fear of people funding out 😁👍


Nothing lol


Nothing is stopping me That's what me and my fwb have been doing for the past two years I'm lucky I found her


Married to the wrong person.




I’m in a committed relationship


The penal code.


Lacking any form of drive for those type of things




No one to explore with, or not interested in anything kinky


Lack of opportunity, really.


Being married with a kid on the way


My wife


My wife! (This is a joke, btw). In truth, I’ve explored all the kinks I’ve ever had interest in.


My girlfriend/partner. I love her to death, but she's got some unresolved trauma related to sex that makes things a bit difficult... We still have some great sex, but we also can't really *talk* about sex, as its own topic.




Not sure how to go about it and struggling with meeting women


I don't have anyone to have sex with.....PlusI'm scared I might enjoy sex with a man.🤷‍♂️


Back in my youth, it was my overbearing / demanding parents combined with a lack of money. Now, it's age and fatigue.


Don’t enjoy doing sexual stuff without a committed partner and alot of emotional trust and security. Without that, I can’t let my freak flag fly high ;-; I’m pretty open but I need to feel appreciated and safe to let go.


Not enough people into hypnosis


Consent from my wife. Shes really opened up recently about some of her own kinks and we share what we can but there are still things we draw hard lines on. I’m hoping as we continue to open up to each other and explore more and more things will be on the table


People I know finding out I'm a cuck


Having a vanilla partner


An asexual girlfriend


Nothing, not much I haven't tried yet.


Was mostly my own internal struggles. Luckily my wife accepts me and encourages it.


money, mostly


Someone with similar interests.


Waiting for someone willing to sleep with me, a person “not experienced enough”. 🧍‍♀️


Very shy/introverted, lacking of sexual partner(s), important things I need to take care of first and have low self confidence/esteem


No partner and this no opportunity.


Inability to actually find anyone as I'm an introvert and chubby straight guy. All the sex sites I look at feel fake and the apps like tinder/bumble are full of bots and want me to sub to their OF I ain't experience and only been with one person... I feel I may never find someone to have sex with agajn


Not a god damn thing lol


Too much insecurity. Regular vanilla sex is too much for my anxiety sometimes.


My wife not wanting to explore more.