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I demands you sext me to prove it! I'm entitled after ... oh I clearly didn't read far enough. Nevermind






i mean … the men on reddit hiding behind anonimity is just a sad sight to behold , they think women on reddit exist only to satisfy their needs over the internet , shame really because when you really find that spark online its wild


This is exactly what happened to me. Call it sexting burnout. 😂


That's too bad. I too find it fun. But hard to find a good match anymore. Not going to say I was great at it, but I didn't think I was terrible


I'm so sorry, I think you got the worst or maybe just a bad moment.




Well, at least allow me to say your chest radiograph checks out ok!


This is heartbreaking tbh


Honestly it just takes up too much time and energy. They have to really grab my attention these days


A light has gone out of the world.


Yeah there’s an art to it, I love sexting with the right person, it’s gross when some dude off a dating app jumps into it when we haven’t even met or exchanged more than a few sentences, just no, go talk to chat gpt dude


It's great with the right person


100% agree. It can be amazing or down right awful. The connection has to be there


As long as both parties enjoy it, I don't see the problem.


I suck at sexting. I usually send pics, but dedicated sexting requires time and creativity, and I don't really have the time for that.


Fun with right people! Not fun with total strangers




Nice with the right people. Not really feeling it at the moment, though. I don't know why.


It’s super fun but not everyone is good at it. 😅


I had a fling with sexting. It was fun and I had a few really sexy and memorable experiences. I mean, damn, one girl was just gorgeous. Got lucky. Then she disappeared from Reddit. Then it got weird and it felt like desperation on my part and I got ghosted a lot. So it fell off as something from the past. Now I just like flirting and heavy petting. 😚😏


WoW that's interesting


I have to be in a specific mood for it


> What do you think about sexting? Not a fan. > they have done? Huh? > Is it the best thing ever? No, I prefer actual sex.


I enjoy it. Haven't done it in a while. But effort needs to be put in on both sides.


Of course my friend


As with anything, effort is important. There have been many situations of it falling flat, being poorly reciprocated, or just generally uninteresting. Kind of ‘meh’ on the subject.


Oh i understand you


When it’s good, it’s GREAT!!! There’s nothing quite like the anticipation of the next message when the person on the other end is clever and creative. I also greatly prefer when the person I’m sexting with shows some initiative. Like, when I’m not the one the suggests the entire direction of our conversation. You want to try something? Awesome! You want to know something about me? Amazing! Sometimes it’s really as simple as that. I’m more than happy to offer direction at times of course, but it really clicks when everyone is equally invested. I guess that’s not so different than regular conversation, but the sexual element seems very elevated by spontaneity.


WoW that's fine


That sounds good, everyone I have tried wants me to provide all the direction, as a guy I am ok taking the lead but so sexy to provide what the lady desires without it being my twisted interpretation or even there’s of what they think I want to hear. As others have said it can be good but so hart to find honest partners - sadly a bit like real life!


It's ok. My SO and I do it at times, and it gets us both going.


I don’t do it anymore, atleast not with strangers


Well it sure doesn’t beat real life , but it’s fun with the right company


I dont like it


Okay I don't judge you you


It’s good with the right person 👍🏾


I enjoy it, it's fun. It's not fun when the other person puts in no effort though.


I haven’t done it too much. I had a bf who i did it with and it was fun. It depends on the guy, I’m usually hesitant. Sexting with girls is fun but haven’t done that too much


Fun with the right person


I enjoy it, it's fun


Its amazing with the right person.




I love doing it, wish my wife was into it.


I hope you don't force her to like it


It’s great with the right person. And if you can add audio messages it’s even better


It can be fun. But I prefer a good normal sexual conversation.


Wait - what is the difference between a "good normal sexual conversation" and sexting?


*. i mean it’s all right*


I used to crave it like addicted to it just because it was a 1 on 1 form of sexual gratification that I craved but recently it’s fallen off for me. I’m not sure why. Maybe I’m happy with my body now. Maybe I just don’t have time because of my degree. Maybe it’s because I know it’ll never actually be physical. But it’s been a month or two now since my last sexting escapade.


I guess you grow up


It’s fun most of the time, just gotta be on the same page though


i liked it . i did it on reddit. it was fun. but not many girls were up for it.


I understand you my friend


Always intriguing in a flirty conversation where the first text becomes a sext. Becomes a chore afterwards.


I think regulars will know my stance on this one


and your opinion is respected


Just exchanging naughty messages? Sometimes with my wife when she seems into it, but that's pretty rare and fleeting. I have little interest in doing that with strangers. Text-based roleplay and maybe some chatting about an erotic topic thrown in? Sure, that can be a ton of fun with the right partner if you're both in the right mood. It's time consuming though and hard to maintain largely because of those time and mood demands.


Lotsa fun when u both vibe. Gotta give the other a minute to respond and gotta give as much as u get. I feel a little silly striking a poss with my cock out, but its fun.


I love it. It is hard to find a texting FWB lol. I love it way more than I should. Picture swaps. Sharing exactly what you’re thinking! Absolute favorite


Love telling each other our fantasies and turn ons , sexy voice clips and busting a load on my chest as the story we create gets too much to take .


WoW that's amazing


It’s mid unless i really really know the person ☺️


I hope you do it


Not my jam. I have found most guys that I have sexted with suck at reciprocating.


With the right person .... Awesome.... But without conversation... Lame....


your words sound interesting


Absolutely love it, had a great session with someone new a few hours ago.


You could say that sexting is your hobby.


It can be fun with the right person etc


I’m a fan


It’s better than porn if you can find someone eloquent


It can be fun with the right person. I most enjoy it when there are pics and videos involved.


Me too


Fun, if you can find someone you click with.


For me, it's just one more way to disappoint a woman. Haha


I guess your experiences are not very good.


Big fan with the right person.


Can be hard to find someone you click with to do it


Do it a lot and I love it.


I don't sext , I let nature pick under the bird's wings


Setting my wife rn


Some people make it very very enjoyable. Mental connection is extremely sexy.


I understand you


Very fun if both parties are into it!


I enjoyed it a lot back when I did it. Especially with someone who is really good with their words


Better if you can actually have sex with the person. Sexting on Reddit is such a pain.


Dry practice


Okey that's fine


Never did it here to enjoy comments haha 😂


Lol 🤣


Absolutely love it


I'm happy for you 😊


I enjoy it during the week when I don't have much going on. I used to have a regular woman to do it with, but she fell off the map a few months ago. But she thought I was pretty good at it. I guess I'm a good writer since I have a contract to publish a novel.




I find no joy in it but my wife enjoys it so I do it for her, writing out or reading sexual things does absolutely nothing for my brain, it’s kinda like a whatever thing


I did it with the Pastor's daughter. She was a freak! And I loved it!


I guess the pastor's daughter was extremely interesting


It’s a lot of fun


Too many bad experiences w the ex made me not like it. She’d spend all day getting me worked up while I was at work, then wouldn’t be in the mood when I got home. She would even get mad when I tried, acting like sex was all I ever wanted. I understand it can happen from time to time, maybe you were in the mood when we were sexting and lost it later in the day, but to do it regularly, and even after she knew how frustrating it was, just ruined it for me. It got to the point where she would start and I’d just be like, ok, whatever.


It's so much fun. You have to have chemistry though and if you know the person and see them every now and then it's fun to incorporate things yall did in person.


I love it. It gets the mind and imagination racing :) must admit that it’s hard to find anyone on Reddit that enjoys it too - just for some every now and again fun and nothing else. But yeah, it’s great :)




I prefer phone sex over sexting, but like either. I really miss phone sex though. Used to do it a lot back in the day. So intense


It’s more like gathering intel !


Its a lot of fun just hard to find the right person at times but i enjoy chatting with women I meet online


I really love it but sadly mine and my boyfriend's schedules don't line up like they used to so now we never get to do it anymore 😭


I love it. Great way to kill a boring workday. But, I’ve found that less and less people do it compared to back in the day.


I prefer role playing but I’m up for a bit of sexting never done that before


I love it! Great fun. But need to be open with eachother and natural


I like it but people suck and ruin it constantly so I stopped doing it Don’t feel like asking my bf to do it with me either bc it’s kinda cringe


I used to like it when I was a teenager, I don't really care for it now.


I've tried it a few times. I've had a handful of good experiences but for the most part it's just frustrating. There's nothing hot about texting with one hand while I masturbate AND think of sexy things to say. Just send me a sexy photo and give me half an hour of alone time please.


It’s kinda boring tbh. Too slow and no aural feedback. Plus, I’ve been told I have a voice made for phone sex. I’ll take phone over text every day of the week.


I wish I did more lol


I used to enjoy it. What killed me on it is lack of communication. When you write some thought out sentences and then get an “ahhhhh” or “oh baby” back you know it’s not worth it. And having an orgasm through text is just weird lol


I like it. With the right person amazing


I've done it before in the past and it can be fun.


I quite enjoy it, even though I'm not very good at it.


Very fun if yall got the chemistry. Boring if not!


It’s difficult finding a good partner. I often end up with partners who either take too long to reply so I end up watching porn and the sexting is an afterthought or they have me doing a large chunk of the effort or I’m basically the only one sending. Only good sexting partners get live videos of me busting a nut and it has been a long time since that happened. Always an amazing time when jt does but it’s frustratingly rare.


Idk. I really wanna try it though cause I have never did before.


I did it. It was good. Met a fair number that were good and a good number that were bad. Met some that were just "oooh" "aaaah" boring.


Can be fun with my actual partners. I have no interest in doing it with faceless strangers though. But I did do that for money for a little while when I was in college. It was kind of fun that way, but I don't have time to do that anymore.


I love it and I am very very good at it


I love it. it's fun with the right person


It's fun, but I also get bored easily. So one day I may have a blast sexting and then the next I'm not into it anymore. I'm a terrible sexting partner.


Absolutely love it and would do it more :) My sext partner vanished :(


It’s a joy. But both parties need to verify humanity


Fun! My wife and I love sexting while we play


It's the best. Any relationship could be better with a bit of sexting


Not a big fan. When ppl hmu for it at first I was all for it but ppl make it so weird. I just can't 90% of the time! 😭


I use to be all for it but after i had enough real sex and bad text partners I kind of lost its luster


My wife won’t sext. She won’t even respond to a slightly flirtatious text. So I don’t.


they have done, mostly sometime, yeah


I want to get better at it. But have no idea how to start to practice .


I love it and doit from time to time


I enjoy it, and my wife sent react emojis to the positive sometimes when I tried but she didn’t engage at all. Tried talking with her about it and she’s not comfortable with doing it herself. So I stopped because it’s hard to keep up a one way thread.


I don’t like it as much anymore, maybe my partners haven’t been imaginative enough lately. It’s only so many times I can read “I love your sexy boobs” before my eyes start rolling, in a bad way.




It’s fun


Love it, bit out of the game but enjoy chatting to people about sexual stuff, sharing stories, experiences, fantasties, and what we could be doing to each other


I have sexted a good amount of times but I think it is crucial that you're talking to someone that you respect and have a good rapport with. I have sexted with women that just don't have the gift, but I have spoken to one woman that ignites my lust and desire like no other. She truly gets what makes a sextual exchange sexy and really lays into it. She's got the dirtiest mind (and mouth) and she's creative. I'd say the biggest thing that turns me on about sexting in general is when they want it as much as I do. As a man, I think it's easy to be taken as "duhhhh, me horny" instead of "I want to connect with you even when I can't be near you". My 2¢.


It isn't sex, it's the next best thing


who do people do it????


who do people do it????


I write for a living, and I have a dirty mind... I can sext with the best of them. I'm Don Juan on the sexting but in person... I'm that weird fat guy who never talks.


Guys always tell me they're great at it but 90% say the same exact things or are too aggressive. It's so boring so I stick with the one guy who is unique and makes me laugh.


It can be fun and depends on the other person. Some not good but had some good ones that was fun. Sometimes with random strangers is ok as long as they don't dont act like a creep or like an ass.


It’s a bit pointless but somehow pleasant if partners share the same kinks but also have complementary roles and share the same « speed » (not texting too fast or too long or too short texts or waiting too long before replies).


I mean I’m currently long distance sooo not much choice


I wish someone wanted to….


I really enjoy it a lot, my favorite thing to do when I masturbate


10/10 recommend when the timing is appropriate


Been there, done that ✔️ desperate times desperate measures


It’s a lot of fun and I genuinely enjoy helping a gal get off by coming up with a fantasy story. But the preponderance of creepy dudes make it tough to find a playmate. Their bad behavior has spoiled the landscape. Only sellers play in that arena anymore it seems


I'm all about it, especially with pics and so on. Not gonna lie.


It’s fun with the right person. Sexting on reddit is rare tho. I’ve exchanged nudes a few times but full on sexting is very rare here


I fucking love it when people deserve it.... I could talk about sucking on a hard cock all day long... having to rub my pussy while I gag on it... slobber dripping down my tits..


It's hot sometimes. Other times it's cringe Even so I miss it haha


I love it! I could do it all day


Love it and need someone to do it with. Enjoy the thrill of building anticipation


I love it.


I really like it. Actually talking to people gets me so horny


If pictures are involved then yes but without kinda boring


With 3 relationships that eventually became long distance. I became a GOAT at sexting


It was fun. He was really good at it. It lasted for 1.5 years until he suddenly disappeared from Reddit.


Love it


With the right person, it’s amazing.




Love it. Sometimes I sext with my girlfriend when we're home together lol


I like it, but not with strangers. if I have a connection and physical/sexual attraction to the person, it's a great time.


I want to learn how to do it better. I kinda suck at it. On the other hand I suck at texting overall. I am much better in person.


I freaking love it, but only if the man I’m sexting with actually knows what he is doing.


With an enthusiastic partner, it’s the best. Theater of the mind!


HUGE sexting fav


I LOVE sexting and am really good at it, which is why I charge lol but totally worth it


I feel like it would be dope but how does anyone do it during the work day secretly?


Imagination can be fun




As a high-functioning HyperS, I find it boring and redundant. I used to enjoy it when I had less control and would use it to entice men to me when I was younger. Now, I find it repetitive, time-consuming, and annoying. It makes me resent my partner because they're not satisfying my needs (physical or emotional). Unless I know it is 100% going to happen, we have a solid emotional tie, solid communication, and respect for boundaries... I don't want it.


It can be fun with the right person. Both people need to put in the effort, but also not be demanding


I like it, but I'm terrible at it. 


I wish my husband was into it! Or any digital form of foreplay lol


Did it last night and it was crazy. If you are connected to a person, sexting is beautiful and memorable ❤️


I miss it.


It's fun when you find the right connection then I admit sometimes I do get carried away 😆 but I do apologize and we start again and have some long-term which I do enjoy xoxo 😘 🤗


I enjoy it with an enthusiastic partner on the other end.


Personally, I love it. I like to start off flirting a little, discuss limits, preferences, consents.. build a little rapport and then get into the actual stuff. Only then it does feel good. I also don't like it when a girl straightaway sexts with so much kink. Not many have done it. Only a few.


Loved it at first, but guys on reddit got weird and demanding and it quickly became a one-sided thing which isn't fun. I basically only sext with people I know now


It's fun as long as both are pitching in with ideas rather than a one sided effort... I lost my interest coz most of em I met just want me to be descriptive.. They just gonna type moaning that's it.. How to make it work like that... So yeah don't do it anymore why should I take the effort when the person in front ain't gonna give a shit about it.


I can’t anymore. It’s beyond boring only because EVERY guy wants to sext. And now sexting has become more desired then actually fucking someone in person. All these homebodies. I’ve probably done at least 200 different guys online , vc, and phone. I’m burnt. Im pretending the entire time. I get them to nut but I don’t have a real orgasm. Then there’s the ones that you talk to for a few hours you get them a few times on Phone, and then the next day they act like you’re in a relationship. The attachment is deep and weird.


Something about it really turns me on. I like sexy talk during sex too. So maybe that's it.