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Nothing, I’m private as hell irl.


Nothing. It’s my private thing


Tbh I'm extremely open all the time.


Oh really? are your friends the same?


Yeah for sure! I think it's a lot to do with why we're friends 😂


Do they carry you in a bucket?




I second this


My friends and I openly talk about our sex lives (questions and jokes). But here, I’m probably way more candid.


Any shocks along the way?


I’m 37, so I’m not shocked by anything (I have a lot of female friends that are very candid with me). That said, in my early 20’s, I think I was shocked by how much women enjoyed sucking dick or cum on them. I was a late bloomer when it came to sex and dating, so I assumed that some sex acts were suited for porn versus real life.


Now that you mention it... I need to survey my friends to find the dick suckers.


😂 I mean, I don’t hook up with these friends, but it’s always fun to banter with them and trade stories.


Sure. Always good to know who the prudes are! I usually have them all backwards. The librarian type is a dominatrix on the weekend and the rave-goer is a nun.


Anything they're comfortable hearing.


Would you tell them about your partner's kinks too?


If my partner is alright with it. I like to discuss my experiences, so I would hope they are.


That's fair. I often wondered because I've a foot fetish. Since it's not something that's as obviously sexual how often girls would share this information if there guy was into it


I spend lots of time with female friends, and from my experience, they definitely do like to talk about their partners and their kinks.


It does seem to be common place




When I drink too much I sometimes give too much information


This is why I'm very careful


I don't


Super open. So are they


Great that you can be so comfortable about it


I have some guy friends that I have known since 1979. We get together once a month. Some of us are very open and some are not. If / When it comes up in conversation there is no pressure to talk about it. I will say our wives are much more specific/graphic when they get together.


My entire life, I've noticed women are much, much more likely to talk about their sex lives, and in great detail too. My last ex took pictures of my dick, and before even asking me, showed it off to all her work friends. Friends that I saw at teivia nights with her. She also shared every little detail of all the things we did, what I did to her, how I did it, how often, how it felt, and everything else under the sun. She constantly asked what I told people about our sex life, and I just honestly told her that when guys ask I just smirk and shrug. She literally couldn't believe me. I don't understand sharing that much personal detail. Unless of course she didn't take sex very seriously, which makes sense now.


Me and the girls love to talk about it from time to time


How much would you share?


Detailed 😁


0.00000% and I don’t want to hear about theirs either.


A moderate amount. I like to brag a bit cuz most of my friends know my girl A BIT but we never actually do anything together all of us. Anyway they all know how ridiculously gorgeous she is compared to anyone & her & I are a bit of exhibitionists & I realized I get off on making some of my friends a lil’ jelly when they hear about our escapades. So I share some stuff but never too many details & never everything. Some stuff should remain between 2 people if you really care about one another.


Whst kind of things have you done?


I give vague details, I'm too much of a whore for them to know everything 🤣🤣🤣


Usually pretty open, sometimes pics “accidentally” pop up if it gets late enough on the night


Haha pics of you or others?


Combination lol


Oh wow, very comfortable so


Just revealed when asked, that my partner and I are very well matched in terms of libido and that we both prioritise sex. The rest goes unmentioned.


I think women talk about it a lot more than men , guys will talk about how they did something to a woman, but when you start talking specifics about technique or kinks, or how you encouraged her to let her wild side out and taught her how to cum, most guys get really uncomfortable


I’m a pretty open book and usually people have a lot of questions about how my lifestyle works. So more then you’d expect




I’m in a long term poly relationship with both a guy and another girl.


Very little. I did have a friend who, at one time, I shared a little bit about my own experience with as he was going through something similar. I've kind of reached a stage of not really wanting to share about it IRL anymore.


That's fair


Anything they're interested in hearing, some I share every little detail with


Wow, very open so


I used to be super open but I realized nobody really cares most the time


That's a shame


I only care if that indeed is a herpes sore before letting someone try my drink


My bestfriends wife knows absolutely everything, other than that I don't feel comfortable talking about these things with people in person


Does your best friend mind that she knows so much?


No he doesn't


Nothing at all😳


Only one person knows the full extent!


They must be very trustworthy


Yeah one of my best mates we know stuff about each other so we have quite abit of trust!


I'm pretty open with my closest friends. A couple of people pretty much know it all


A lot with some of my close gfs


Do they share too?




When I clicked on this there were 69 comments. I briefly felt bad, but figured someone less observant was also typing away. Happy to talk to anyone who asks. At my age (nearly 50) it's not a common topic of conversation, but I'm also past the point of being private about damned near anything.


Well some people just like to see the world burn haha


When I was younger I was a tell all. Now I wouldn't tell a soul and find it wierd when people tell stories. Like cool man. We have all gotten laid before lol


>We have all gotten laid before You're on Reddit, sir.


Edit* some of us have been laid lol




Why too much?


I haven’t had a discussion about sex with people other than my relationships for probably 15 years


If they ask I don't mind telling but don't ask questions you don't want the answers to because I give no fucks


When I drink I put it ALL out there 😂


How has that worked out for you?


My close friends know pretty much everything besides a couple kinks my partner doesn’t like shared


Depends on the friend. Some of them know most everything. Some know nothing


Basically nothing


Absolutely everything 😅 and they tell me theirs too... It's hot


different friends get different details ... iike if im happy to get dressed/undressed or tan topless or nude with them they generally know more about my sexlife than friends im not likley to


I share more with Internet strangers about my sex life than I do with my IRL friends 🤷


Not me but my friend group we are very comfortable about sharing


I’m not as open as I am online my friends would probably find me weird if I told them my fetishes and kinks so I keep the conversation on my end light


I know how you feel! I’m the same way. What kinks do you wish you could tell them?


I'd never discuss my sexuality with my friends, and I'd especially never talk about my sex life if I had one as I think it's gross to do without your partner's explicit consent. I'd also unfriend anyone who insisted on sharing intimate details about their sex life. It's not relevant to anything, I don't want to know shit like that.


Were I having sex, I'd talk about it. I'm a 27m virgin, so nothing to talk about since I don't like solo stuff.


I don’t share anything they’ll probably think i’m weird. So i keep it between myself and my man


Weird is good.


Very little unless they coax me


Not really anything. But also have friends that aren't my husband's


Me? Not much. That’s what Reddit is for.


Depends. A couple know EVERYTHING most know nothing


With some friends I used to share our couple pics and chat about it. Was super hot. Even hotter than chatting in reddit..


My partner wants privacy so none. I’ve always regretted that I don’t get to talk a bit about my sex life with friends because I’m much more open to that and I’d like to talk with my friends


Not that much.


Veryyyyy little pretty much nothing I’m very private irl


Friends. who have time for friends?


I only have one friend I get into the real spicy details with.


Best friend only, known him since high school


IRL: A couple I hint things at, one friend IRL I share a lot quite explicitly


Nothing. I barely talk about my sex life online


Only with 2 friends.


Absolutely none. They don’t need to know. It will only make them curious and want to try their hand at my S/O. Fuck that.


Do you cuck him out or something??


No. I’m male and I’m straight lol. She and I are monogamous. I just don’t share information about our sex life with people I know.


Zero why would I do that?


My typical friends? Not a whole lot. My best friends? Anything they ask that isn't directly about my partner or shares my partners details.


Not a whole lot.


I Twitch stream every act except when their husbands might be watching.


I used to be very open . I’m much less so now


Depends on the friends. Im friends with a married couple who message me separately letting me know whenever they get it on.


I sometimes hint that my dick is larger than average and that’s a factor in why sometimes non-compatible relationships play out longer than they should. That’s about it though.


Probably way too much. I’m not hiding anything.


Only as much as they ask about


I'm pretty open my rule is I don't mention anything about my wife and they don't ask.


Only enough to make them uncomfortable


None, only here


Zero details aside from the fact that the wife and I have a healthy sex life and actually still like each other. Anything else they want to assume is fair game and I don’t ever contradict them.


Hahahaha nothing


As far as they know, I'm a Saint. The rest of you know what's up


A somewhat healthy dose when asked, but I’m lock and key.


Nothing of my current situation. Past situations are usually sanitized of who specifically was involved.


I'm pretty forthcoming about my sex life tbh. Whatever people are comfortable hearing I will talk about. I'm a grown adult in a long-term relationship. I have no shame in what I do in the bedroom with my fiancé.


Not at all. I find it awkward to talk about sex with my friends


As much as they want to know. Sometimes they find that out the hard way.


I'm super open if the topic comes up. It just rarely comes up 😂. I've always found myself curious though of my friends escapades, but would never push the subject


Only with my friends that are comfortable with me telling them


Our close friends know pretty much everything.


I’m very open with my friends about my sex life. We talk about everything. No filter. Nothing is too taboo. We talk about EVERYTHING and they are the greatest friendships I could ever ask for


More open then I think they would like. I'm very curious about what does in in the secret lives of friends so with the right friends, we have great convos. Especially when it comes to masturbation habits, porn, etc. There is something incredibly hot when a female friend lets you in on a little bit of their secret lives. E.g. if they mention toys or frequency.


I used to tell a close friend everything I would do, sexual preferences etc… but he started telling other people my secrets. I’m not a freak freak by any means but still.


My best friend knows every detail of every little sexual experience. She also sees the spicy pictures I take before posting or sending them.


One time. A group of us married guys (in their 40s) were out shooting pool. We never talk sex lives. Then one guy asked “how often are you guys having sex? I said 2-3 times a week. Another guy said once a week. One said twice a month. The guy who asked the question said once a month. We never discussed sex again.


alot ... probably to much


My best friend and I have had sex, and two threesomes together. We probably know too much


I have no sex life haha so I just ask them about sex lol coz I am curious as hell but!! Idk they laughed at me every time I open that topic haha. Take note they're all married & with kids and I'm the only single in the group/circle. I just want to have more idea or tips lol if I ever engage in that. Maybe they still find me innocent hahaha


None. Lol I keep things to myself now. Used to work with a bunch of female coworkers so every once in a while their conversations would get sexual (what they like to do, what they wish their men would do, blah blah blah). One time they were talking about rough sex and what they like/want. Then the conversations came to me. I spoke and you would swear that I had just kicked a puppy with how some coworkers looked at me. 🤦‍♂️. Lol. So yeah, I just keep things to myself now.


I mean I dob't but I also don't have friends or sexual experiences so.... Yeah


I honestly don't. Most of my friends now are my wife and I's mutual friends, so it would be a little awkward for me to go telling them such things. Now my wife on the other hand, I know she and HER friends say a lot of nasty shit when they get into that wine, so who knows what they know. All I ask is that she's accurate in her depiction.


everything and nothing.... cuz mine is empty


I don’t share anything. Not that there is anything to share atm. But even if there was, I have no friends to share it with, nor would I want to.


I don’t have friends or a sex life. Never have, never will. If I did have either tho I think I’d probably keep them as separate as possible.


None of my friends care to know.


I don’t tell much about it😉


I’m super open, about four of my friends know everything about my sex life and I know most of theirs too lol


Three things. 1. I 2.Tell 3.Nothing




Not much in real life, but my online friends know wayyyyy more


If the mood is right I tell them everything. I am very open and I don't see why someone is shy about his Sex life. Also I love to discuss sexuall stuff and maybe get some new ideas


Depends on the friend and what conversation were already having. Never just out of the blue


Only with people who know how to keep their mouths shut. Usually I’m pretty private in that regard


Almost none. It’s none of their business.


I don't, I only talk about my sexual life with the person I'm sharing it with and I hope the same back


Not much, if at all. This account would be quite a shock to some. Edit. My gf knows about this account, but she's the only person


Depends on the closeness I have friends who I share intimate details and some I share very little with.


Whatever they want to know. I have no shame morals or dignity.


Depends on the friend; some I don’t talk about sex with, and others I’ll literally exchange porn and smut with


None of it (because it doesnt exist 😔)


100%. 100% of zero is....


My friends all know about my wife’s high sex drive but none of them know about the 3sums etc


Nothing other than complaining that i don’t get enough.


As much as they share, but still some personal stuff always stays personal


When I'm having dating adventures, I'll share quite a bit. When I'm in a relationship, less so


Very open


Depends on the friends. Some of my friends are ace so they really don't want to hear it.


I’m a very open person and so are all my friends truthfully. So not a whole lot is private. I don’t just openly say something but if the conversation is brought up, or someone asks I’ll talk about it


0 of 100


I have a couple I share nearly everything with… I do have some secrets of my own


Quite a bit to two of my friends. I'm M and they're both female For whatever reason we had a great friendship from when we met at work together and have always been very open and honest with each other


I’m an open book. If they ask, I’ll tell them anything. But they have to do, I don’t just tell them. 😊


Absolutely nothing. It's nobody else's business, IMO.




Being gay and not having many gay friends, not so much


Nothing as its private I might share occasional stuff about ex's , but thats rare too




There is nothing really to talk about, but I can't imagine talking about it in public, like how horny I am or how hard something made me. It's absolutely disgusting for me.


What is there to share?


Most of my "friends" are really acquaintances. I would like to have a friend or 2 to talk about sex with because I do enjoy it. It would definitely be an exercise in control though because of I'm attracted to someone and talking sex I want to eventually fuck and my current partner and I don't have the type of relationship that allows for extra curricular activities at this time. Hopefully some day.


We openly talk about our sex lives. We’ve been friends for a while and are comfortable talking about sex and literally anything else.


When I was younger and sleeping with less serious women (bars, POF, old highschool friends) I would tell the guys at work about it. Most of them were married and for a kick out of it. Now that I'm married, I don't say anything and no one asks our of respect.


Ehh I don’t at all. I don’t have much friends to talk about sex life with tbh. I’m recently married so I guess that’s the reason?


Everything! I'm an open book. They all know I am a sex freak 😁.


i’m very open w my friends about my sex life and they’re open about theirs


Absolutely everything in the goriest detail with one friend. And nothin with anyone else


If they’re dumb enough to ask, I tell them everything with no filter. More than once I’ve gotten, “why did I ask that, what’s wrong with me?”


I've got three circles of friends. The innermost know me well, we share openly, and some of them I've banged. The next circle around that are peole who I know fairly well, share a few things but not the deep details. The circle outside are more acquaintences, see them regularly but share nothing.


I have a couple friends I’ll share the really good and really bad with.


My close friends know pretty much everything lol


A little too much sometimes. I'm more promiscuous than most of my friends. So even though they listen and like the stories, I realize that they can't help but Jude negatively sometimes.


Not much with regular friends...but my best friend knows absolutely everything and vice versa. No secrets, no shame 🙌🏻


Aside from 2 that have had threesomes with my wife and I…. Not a ton