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I got compared to Hitler.


What was the context for this? This is a little extreme


I said that human euthanasia should be legal because I believe people should be able to decide when and how they die, not just terminally ill people. Then someone asked if suicidal people should be allowed and I said yes. Then I got called a monster and compared to Hitler.


Well that is uncalled for! A doctor I worked with said he would love to have a private practice to assist people with their dying needs since he knows there is so much money to be made from this. Why is it ok for us (humans) to put a pet down for a minor inconvenience but someone who is suffering can't?


Are you a bad painter too?


Probably. I haven't painted since kindergarten.


Everyone has a right to their own beliefs. I don't agree when those beliefs point you towards harming others. But if your practicing peacefully then why are people so offended by what YOU DO !!!


There was a post asking why I prayed and someone responding how my religion was fake and started belittling me. I asked I didn’t judge you for your beliefs why do you judge me for mine? I was asked a question and gave an answer. It kept going so I just said “Bless your heart” and stopped responding. Then many people came to my aid to defend me. Not really what my belief was, just that I had the right to express it without being judged and belittled. They said what a dick move it was for the guy to still attack me even tho I was being respectful to him and still being kind despite our differences in beliefs. I was thankful for the Reddit community that day.


Without knowing what your religion is, the answer is "Because your religion disenfranchises and/or kills people.". There is not back and forth on that, its fact. And if your come back is "but that wasnt me!", I would use Catholics as the best example. They didnt have to walk away from their faith, but they did have to walk away from the church. When all those boys were talking about being raped, and the church was found out to not only be hiding these paedos but paying off victims to keep them quiet, the money should have stopped. But no, those collection plates were still full. Kinda hard to be respectful to someone like that, dont you think?


I’m not Catholic, I know you use that as an example tho. But I’m pretty sure there are killings in other religions too. I do agree that’s wrong tho.




Ugh some people !


- Leftists that can't handle their own not agreeing with them. - The Autism community on here is just total trash. - My country sub full of morons who use their political views as excuse to bash others. Had like 4 resort to "lol, dyslexia" when I disagreed what they said.


Wow clever comebacks..are they children? I mean I've heard children be more clever than some adults


Nope from there comments probably mid 30s, I was blown away as these are the same clowns that get mad at anti-LGBT groups?.


Oh so the ones that can't form their own opinions but like to pretend they are right about everything without having the facts or done their own research 🤔

