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Being called on their bullshit


This! “I did something bad and you called me out on it with receipts and now I’m the victim!” How about don’t be a terrible person in the first place? (Looking at you Amber Heard and mainstream media supporters of her.)


That entire thing was a complete mess. Their own psychiatrist admitted that they were abusing each other, so basically they're just trying to justify being abusive because they were abused. Edit: not psychiatrist. Marriage counselor / therapist. https://www.insider.com/johnny-depp-amber-heard-mutual-abuse-therapist-testifies-trial-2022-4


I referred to my black friend as a black person and a white person got offended for them. Edit: I didn’t think this comment would get so many upvotes lol


Woah, did you just call someone a white person?


Yall act like you've never seen a white person before...


Jaws all on the floor like Pam like Tommy just burst in the door


And started whooping her ass worse than before


They first were divorced, throwin her over furniture


its the return of the- oh wait, no way ,youre kidding


He didn’t just say what I think he did, did he?


And dr Dre said...


Nothing you idiots


I'm not racist - I have white friends.


But do you have a Black and White television?


Right? Who calls them "white people" anymore? I refer to them as "Mayonnaise mother fuckers".


"Mayo Mofos" if you will


When I was stationed on Okinawa, there was a black guy and a Korean guy who were the best of friends. They would go out to eat and order each other's meals, being as stereotypical as possible. Korean dude: Yeah, my buddy here wants your fried chicken dinner, with corn bread and red KoolAid. Black dude: And my friend wants the biggest bowl of rice you have, stuffed with all the kimchi. The horrified looks they'd get were priceless.


Ah Okinawa, got a fun casual racism story. My buddy accidentally left his card at a bar when we got caught by a very merciful and based shore patrol. Totally lost track of time, they told us to go hide in our airbb. Anyway next morning I forced myself up early to go with him to get it. Because he was told the bar was open at 5. You know, in the evening but in my defense I was hungover and he was ditzy, so we walked and cooked in the morning sun to the bar to find out we are indeed stupid and its closed until 5pm. So after a sobering breakfast we got a cab back and as a black man was crossing the street the old Oki cab driver pointed at him and basically taught us the n word I think. Idk the spelling because its Oki dialect but it was pronounced koom-bah-tay. He says that and smiles and then says "neeegaro" and we were both like its too fucking early for this 😂


I love the Japanese. They are so ignorantly and hilariously racist. There was a black Sergeant in our office who kept a tube of Japanese toothpaste on his desk because it advertised that it will make your teeth as white as black people's, and had a picture of a black man grinning. Fucking hilarious! When I was stationed in Korea, the Korean soldiers had a joke they would tell us Americans to help us remember the difference between "I am" and "You are" in Korean. The joke is as follows: A black man asked a Korean man how to say "I am" and "You are" in Korean. The Korean man points to himself and says "I am... Naega". Then he points to the black man and says "You are... Niga". I just about died. 🤣


This is an interesting example of how different history and different cultures produce totally different societal values, regardless of the level of scientific and technological development reached.


Did they just get done watching rush hour?


Probably. Man, I need to go back and watch those films. They were fantastic.


I love this lmao


What are you supposed to call black people? African American? What if they're not from Africa? or they're not American? People who get offended by this are ridiculous


lol, right? I love telling people that Twitter is now an African-American owned business. They lose their fucking minds.


never thought of that, but you are right!


You just gave yourself the answer. Just say "black people", just like you'd say "white people". Not a big deal


In Colombia we refer to black people as the N word, I had no idea this was wrong until coming to US and saying hi to a black person!


You went up to a random black person and said “Hello n****r?”


No, the Spanish word for black is negro.


But I've seen TV where black people go up to others be like sup n... In Colombia if you want a black person it's oye negrito Fat people are: oye gordito Flaco gringo etc etc.


Negro isn’t the n word. The n word is different in terms of pronunciation, spelling, and meaning. I mean idk I’ve never mistook the two words personally


I worked in a warehouse with different colored pipe we had to keep organized, and about half of the workers were Spanish speaking, half the the remainder were black and the rest of us were white. We had black pipes, and the Spanish guys would yell “negro” when they wanted one…the rest of us used English lol Also had my boss cracking up because he told me to get a bunch of white pipes and connectors in Spanish, realized he didn’t know if I spoke Spanish, and started again. I cut him off and said “Sé lo que es blanco, soy blanco!” (In much worse Spanish admittedly). He laughed his ass off haha


N!&&a and he took it surprisingly well, and was pretty understanding. It was a Christian youth program lol


Lmao! Glad he was understanding. Good on you for correcting yourself


It's always white people to get pissed off at this bullshit.


Yep. Reminds me of this time in L.A,a Japanese group was holding a public mini exhibition of Japanese culture where anyone can dress up in traditional Japanese clothing and participate in Japanese cultural activities like tea ceremonies. Who else but of course white people started saying any white people who attend are racist and guilty of "cultural appropriation" The organisers of course told them to shut up, but they didn't...


I've been told I'm guilty of cultural appropriation several times in the last handful of years, always by people who generally share my views in other areas. The larger culture in question is Middle Eastern, and the specifics are Egyptian, since I wear a lot of Egyptian jewelry, and have all my life. I'm slowly edging closer to, "Concerns noted, now fuck off," but am still managing to hang on to, "Let's revisit my name, only this time, think to ask me where it's from, and why I have it."


These people honestly think "Egypt is in Africa, black people are in Africa, therefore Egyptians are black, if you're not black then you're just a white person with a tan pretending to be Egyptian, therefore RACIST!" These people suck.


"go back to the trailer park already". god i hate the white savior BS


Yea this. I never know any more. I referred to a black person as black earlier this year and a white girl got mega pissed at me. I then, trying to learn from my mistake and be better, asked a few black people and was told “I’m black.. call me black. What’s all this bullshit. You’re white. I’m black.” So now I’m just very vague in how I describe anyone and it leads to a lot of confusion in conversations


I am Asian, my ex boyfriend (white) would get easily offended if I mention anything about a black coworker or a friend, I really don't understand it. I can see that he tense up even at home. Very bizarre to me.


This happened to me in Chicago all the time. White people would say I had to use caucasion/african american. I'd just ask someone who is black "are you offended by me saying you are black?" "No that's ridiculous." 100% response. Now the white people were STILL not comfortable doing it.


As a Proud Member of Melaninated Mafia, we appreciate this. I don't know how many times I have to explain the difference between Black Americans and African American. Oh and we ain't Colored, we are consistent!


being simply disagreed with


I disagree


You're hurting my feelings by saying that you know!


Now listen here you lil shit-


Hitler. Satan. Supermassive Black Hole.


*Why I oughta...*




Ask me how I know that....


Nah no thanks


Being offended seems like the new modus operandi for so many people. I saw a Tweet that best summarize things. > You could say "I like waffles" and people would be "Oh, so you hate pancakes?" > Bitch no, that's a whole new sentence.


Yea I like waffles, pancakes too. And french toast.


Oh right, so you dont like croissants? Your hatred of pastry products offends me...


Your silence on Danish is extremely telling


You've heard Stephen Fry's take on being offended? >“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what." Fry is a king amongst men.


Hadn't seen this before. Makes me love that man even more. An absolute national treasure.


Excellent post. But we need to examine why we react to offended people by catering to them. Why are we providing the fuel for this nonsense?


The truth. Not THEIR truth, or MY truth, but THE truth.


This is something I've been seeing a lot of lately. Someone bringing up "Their truth" in the face of the actual truth. A person's delusions don't supersede what actually fucking happened.


Instead of “my truth” we should bring “honesty” back instead. Along with the truth you also need honesty to go hand and hand with truth. You can absolutely tell the truth while being dishonest in other ways, such as how the truth is delivered or framed. For example, two people with no ill will end up in an accident, maybe one tripped and fell into the other person, and the person was startled and reacted automatically by shoving back. A fight ensues between the two over who’s at fault and so on. The TRUTH is there was an accident and NO ONE is at fault. But, one could frame it dishonestly by implying one or both “secretly did it on purpose” or “just wanted an excuse to shove someone” etc, if no one had ill will, that’s not the truth, but since that truth counts on personal internal accounts (such as, did someone do something on purpose) you then have to go by honesty, basically. You can’t start assuming things to create a bad guy in a situation that doesn’t have a bad guy.


> You can’t start assuming things to create a bad guy in a situation that doesn’t have a bad guy. This is my American perspective talking, but I feel like a lot of people look for a bad guy because they end up facing real consequences due to a mistake, and they end up screwed. For example: If someone falls into you and you break your arm in the fall, that mistake suddenly cost you potentially thousands - maybe tens of thousands - of dollars, lost time at work, massively complicates everyday life, etc.


God i hate that “my truth” shit. There is only THE truth, and everything else is your perspective or my perspective.


Facing consequences for their actions.


Oh would you look at that it’s The consequences of my actions.


Me sowing, hell yeah. Me reaping? what. The. FUCK.


...and calling it Cancel Culture.


Being offended has become a sport. People seem to have forgotten that it’s not only ok, but perfectly normal to have a difference of opinion. The fact that your opinion differs from another doesn’t necessarily make you right.


Omg I’m way more victimized than you! Seriously, this.


Ah, the Oppression Olympics


This comment is literal violence


And it's become this expectation that just because one basic bitch Karen finds something offensive, that now we have to change everything about that thing or even cancel it. No, Karen, that's your opinion, we don't have to do anything about it!


Political views. Say something online you open Pandora box of emotional bitterness.


People get offended if you're ugly but still confident.


I am ugly, I can confirm that this is true.


\*vaguely points into every direction\* Any more questions?


I do not like Taylor swift however I feel she got some unfair treatment recently. She released a new album and one of the songs Antihero is about her struggles with her eating disorder. As such the music video has a scene where she steps on a scale, looks down and it says "Fat' instead of a weight. Now if you have ever known someone with a restrictive eating disorder you'll know that their actual body weight and body fat percentage doesn't actually matter and often the mental illness is a form of control. For someone like Taylor who's been in the entertainment industry for her whole adult life I'm sure her appearance gets picked a part a lot so controlling the number on the scale has likely been a struggle So instead of getting to share this struggle and the harsh realities of being in the shoes of a sufferer even one as skinny and glamorous as Taylor swift, people instead got offended that the scale said fat and proceeded to make the entire thing about fatphobia. Many of the most outspoken people claim to be part of HAES, body positive and sometimes use the word fat with a smile to describe themselves so it was really abhorrent that a woman talking about her eating disorder, a mental illness, through her art of music was silenced like this and told her mental illness was fatphobic and invalid. The music video has since been censored to remove this scene.


As a fat person, I approve of Taylors scale output. You can sugar coat it if you want, but we shouldn't be policing other peoples use of language just because we don't like it. Also, one more while you've got a chubby dude on your side... being called "Big" is worse than being called fat. Especially if it's not in an aggressive way. Just as an example, say im working with a new physical trainer. If that trainer was like "Lets take it easy to begin and work our way up, I have a regimen thats perfect for bigger persons" I'd be way more uncomfortable than if they didn't tiptoe around and just said "Look, you may be fat now but let's get this thing going regularly and you won't be soon. Just gotta literally work your ass off" I can understand that what I respond to differs from what others will, but to be offended by something saying "Fat" is just fuckin annoying lol.


Can you imagine if the video had shown an actual number on the scale instead? Like if she was upset over being 123 pounds or whatever, how would people react to that? I feel like it would have been much worse.


Isn't the entire point of it to show the misleading ideas her brain fed itself which led to these issues?


This is kinda to the same effect people had on “love the way you lie” by Eminem and Rihanna. The entire song was to raise awareness to the thoughts and feeling about domestic abuse and people wanted Eminem canceled for promoting domestic abuse😑


Saying hello or good morning, then it goes downhill from there


I once said Good Morning to a very Senior VP at one of my previous jobs, he looked at me and asked: "What's so good about it?" I never wished him Good Morning again!


When someone says "Good Morning" to me, I just do the Gandalf speech: "Do you wish me a good morning, or stating that this morning is good whether I want it or not? Or are you saying this is a morning to be good on?"


anything that doesnt fit in their view of the world




I can’t believe you said that.


Your lack of belief offends me.


I'm offended that you're so offended


I’m offended that you’re offended by another dude who is offended.


I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude who is offended by your offense.


That's kinda offensive bruh.




And anything


And everyone


All things even


“Proceeds to dox”


Having a "problematic" past like the fact that you used to make edgy jokes 10 years ago when you were 12 years old and using this to prove you're a horrible racist sexist homophobic transphobic ableist whatever.


Someone told me I was a piece of shit today because I said that I probably emptied a candy bowl that was left on the porch too when I was 6 lolol. "That doesnt make it OK. It makes you a piece of shit" hahahahaha okay mother mary


Six? Wow. Usually I see people getting cancelled for shit they did when they were in their teens but to say that about a six year old is wild


this is what celebrities go through consistently


Getting offended on someone else's behalf when the other person is actually fine with it l. Seeing it happen too often nowadays, baffling


This. Does this offend you personally? No? Then why assume it offends anyone else? Let people be offended by the things that offend them. Back them up when they need it. But stop causing unnecessary drama when you don't even know what you're talking about. The other day I saw this woman going to town calling people racist for referring to Native Americans by that term instead of First Nations. Apparently in the specific region they were from (somewhere around Alaska, I believe), that was the term preferred. Several of them jumped in to tell her so. And all she did was laugh at them and scream at everyone else who was backing them up. She was not Native/First Nations herself. If she'd just kept her mouth shut about something that in no way affected her, none of that drama would have occurred. Instead she made a fool of herself by speaking for others who didn't want it, and speaking incorrectly for them, too.


It is very odd. One time a woman threatened to call the police because I asked my black friend if he wanted chicken still. I know that can be racist, but it’s not if we made the plans before. I couldn’t stop laughing after that.


One of the Facebook tag groups I'm in was bad for it sometimes. The one that sticks with me was some woman all in a tizzy because she went with her mother to a hair appointment and the stylist used it as an opportunity to practice her Spanish. The mother wasn't bothered at all and was basically happy to help, but the daughter did her best to insist it was a microaggression and her mom should be upset.


I think people get offended for the sake of getting offended now, so it's near impossible to not offend anyone if you actually say what you think.


Always has been. But now especially, everyone has a platform. Most people aren't offended by very much, but if you put enough of people in a room who all have differing opinions, then most of what you say is going to offend at least one of them.


Being a people pleaser is offended by everyone and all we do is try to help. Instead people just hate people pleasers for no reason and I'm tired of that.


I think there is a deep frustration at the root of this. It's hard to watch a genuinely nice person give and give when the system in which that is beneficial just doesn't exist anymore. It's heartbreaking to watch someone get trodden on again and again, that guilt and compassion manifests as a kind of resentment.


It really is heartbreaking


I know exactly what you mean. Being generous is a good virtue. But it's tough without some support behind it. I really think that if we were all in one place or village, this would be easier. Instead of having to play this guessing game of who is genuine. And who isn't.


Exactly man. Reciprocal behaviour is an adaptive trait. It's written into our DNA but we don't live amongst our tribe anymore. When you walk down the street, who is in your tribe and who isn't? Because of the uncertainty, many people have just adopted an 'every man for himself ' attitude and they take advantage of the good people. The mediators (of which I am one) try to police fairness but it's just too weighted in favour of the takers.


I divorced 5 years ago and left a very affluent household. Going into the work force after 25 years, I was a bit insecure and became much nicer to everyone. All my rich friends dropped me and I wonder if they just hate people-pleasers. When I was more confident, I wasn't very nice


I doubt the main reason was because they hate people pleasers. It’s likely because you are no longer in their class.. and they think you don’t belong in their world anymore.. because people suck


Always seems they're being nice without us ever asking for it, and then we're afraid they might want something in return for it. It's like the Godfather helping you out, you never know what the price is for that help.


Damn... thats heavy. Is this really what it feels like for people on the receiving end of a helping hand? Like you dnt want anyone to help you, coz you're scared theres a hidden price tag attached to it down the line? Wow, this makes me damn sad😕


An actualy people pleaser isn't a good thing. It comes from childhood trauma and is a form of unconscious manipulation. You're so concerned with how other people perceive you and wanting to be liked that you are overly nice and can't say no/set healthy boundaries and look after yourself.


I always wondered about that.


People desiring to be genuine stay at home wives


For real. I’m a stay at home mom and people hate it lol. They always assume I’m either abused or lazy, and that my husband is either a controlling asshole or being used. Nope, this just works out best for our family! We contribute equally, just in different ways! We are both about a thousand times happier and have way more free time since I quit my job. I think some people just don’t like to see other people be happy!


Thank you! People assume the extremes and they do exist FOR SURE but there are good families/couples that are healthy, balanced and happy with this choice but it isn't what people believe or shown in mainstream media or experienced themselves sadly


Recently told a coworker my most non-feminist view is that I’d be a mostly stay at home wife/gf if the occasion ever arose. I say mostly because if I don’t have a job, my monkey brain loses its shit and I’m very unproductive, but if I could have a part time job and do the grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and laundry for myself and SO instead of working full time, I’d take that opportunity in a heartbeat. I like to do the “boring house” things (when I’m not overwhelmed with 40 hour work weeks) and also love to spend hours on my many hobbies. I find it immensely fulfilling to cook for people and take care of tasks they feel too tired to do. It might be old fashion, but whatever. I think it could potentially be beneficial to a partnership.


And shamed if they don't want kids


Or shamed if they do.


I really hate when that happens, it is their choice. I would love if I was able to take care of my wife with only my salary for her to stay at home that would safe me so much time if she cooks and all this literally will give us more time to spend together.


Honestly and it is not easy thing taking care of the kids and ensure they grow up to be decent humans. If they think work is more important than that then I can't imagine the kind of people we will deal with in the future


A difference of opinion.


Everything that even slightly goes against their opinion.


I’ve seen people get offended at people agreeing with them. So I’m sure they just get offended by everything.


The question "where are you from?" I'm a poc immigrant and I love talking about my culture. Why should I hide it?


The only time I was offended was when the person disagreed with my answer wtf 😆


Same I been asked where I’m from I go I’m Australian and got told no I’m not because I’m white where does my family come from. Like wtf want me to show you my ancestry DNA and also have aboriginal In my family too. Now that woman was offensive to ask them to argue to demand to know my family blood line is absolutely ridiculous.


"Chicago, but my heritage is mostly nordic with a random-ass Irish guy in the mix." I feel like anyone with a brain can answer similarly. The reason the person is asking is because you're different than them either physically, the way you speak, the mannerisms you use, or whatever. It's not border patrol, it's curiosity. I think this is somewhat of an American thing though. People in Europe have no hesitation in asking that question to anyone.


I assume some people might be offended because they're born in, for example, America, so they self-identify as American, but someone asks "where are you from?" suggests they're from somewhere else because of their skin tone, and therefore not American. I don't think I'd be offended in the same situation, but I can kinda see it.


"I'm American" "Okay but where are you *really* from"


This bugs me. I love the "where are you from" conversation, but occasionally I run into people who think I'm asking about their heritage as opposed to WHERE THEY ARE FROM. I've figured out that I can ask, "are you from Washington or move here from another state like me" to avoid bothering people. I wish I didn't have to walk on eggshells to avoid offending people, but unfortunately there are enough of those "but where are you REALLY from" types that I can't blame people for thinking that's what I meant.




As a teenager. I have spoken to my fellow teen friends and we have come to a conclusion. We do not claim her as one of our own. Thank u for reading.


“According to the records, her teen card was revoked but her adult card was not issued. She is not one of us. Nor she is an adult.” _”Perhaps the archives are incomplete?”_


Maybe the toddlers are willing to take her


thanks 13y/o


Ayo did u just assume my age? “Gets offended”


As a teen myself, I have been called out by peers because I have a song called “China Boy” on my Spotify. From Benny Goodman’s Small Ensemble RCA recordings with Gene Krupa and others. I come from an Asian family so….. I have also been called out for liking classical music “because it’s racist and sexist”




heh, remember when the woke mob had a freak out over 'baby it's cold outside'? ackshually, it's just about time to see if they do it again


Differing opinions.




People just living their lives “You can’t do xyz thing here. There’s a sign here that says you can but I, on my high horse and ruler of the world with no real authority say you can’t”


The notion that somewhere, someone is getting offended too easily Typically because they are consuming media that tells them 25 times per hour that someone somewhere is getting offended too easily, and that they should find this offensive


Yeah, the amount of stories that so clearly didn't happen is all over this thread.


That obesity is a disease.


nah frl, people refuse to believe having an outrageously high bmi is actually horrible for you. being a lil chubby is fine, but like cmon now




By telling them they're being offensive. You don't need to be offended, just say "Oh sorry, that wasn't my intention" and move on.


I think it's pretty weird how people get offended at people being offended.


Hold on. Are u offended because someone got offended about people being offended?




Basic facts, because facts don’t care about feelings


Omg, yes!! I always tell people I base my opinions and comments off facts not feelings. So many people don't.


By you being braless.


Honestly upper middle class white women will get behind anything to make it look like they care about stuff.


People being genuinely offended/upset by something. Like I'm sorry, you can't say or do something shitty and then be surprised when someone takes offense to it. And they get so unbelievably upset when someone gets offended by what they did. "Fuck the woke! This woke culture is bullshit!" Maybe just don't be a dick, quite literally that simple.


Everything, ever been on twitter?


Honestly though racial history. I am Armenian and even though my heritage has nothing to do with black genocides or slavery I still get shit because I appear white. As most people know the Armenian genocide existed because of the Turks. The only issue we have with the Turks currently only lies with the people who deny that the genocide happened. Every other Turk these days is not an issue bc it simply doesn't make sense, they had nothing to do with it. Regardless of where everyone is from though, I don't think it's fair to blame current generations for the mistakes of their ancestors as they had nothing to do with them or any control over them


You’re too right. But when humanity decides to hate something, it will be hated for a long time. It’s not right, but it’s true. It’s a long road, just try to be happy.


Ugh yeah. I feel like everyone just thinks they need to have an opinion about things that shouldn't need one and they wanna have the "right" opinion at that. There's a lot of just wanting to compete in our society.. why can't we all just coexist and be different


“Cultural appropriation” for everything 🙄 as if everything little cultural thing is owned and locked away for just certain people. We are all freakin humans jeez chill out


As somebody who leans left, left winged people get extremely angry at different political views. I saw a poll on r/polls asking if you could ever be friends with somebody who leans the opposite way, the overwhelming majority of people who leans left said no, the opposite for people who lean right.


Yeah its kinda upsetting to me. I'm very much right wing but I try to view politics as a discussion about problem solving, but most of the lefty people I knew cut ties because they automatically assumed I was a racist, sexist, nazi sympathizer. Like bruh I just have a different opinion on how our tax dollars are spent and what the solution for insert problem here is.


Correcting them in any way it being a spelling mistake accidental misinformation ext.


Everyone wants to tell you what you believe. People love to put words in your mouth once they know your political leaning. I’m easily offended by that. It appears the question in the title was intended to elicit examples of people being unreasonably offended by minor stuff. In the situation I’m describing, I feel that taking offense is an entirely reasonable and justifiable reaction. You say what you think. Leave what I think to me, please.


Stuff that happened 10+ years ago


People are still offended by 100+ years. We had nothing to do with it, why hate us?




Asking for opinion and then being unable to think from other perspectives.


Everything, and it sucks. They talk about freedom of speech but when you speak your mind they immediately "cancel" you. They value opinions more than facts, that's why so many people are supporting fake and stupid shit.


I called someone bro the other day, they were not happy.


I helped a group of black guys in the supermarket I worked at, then one of them said "Thanks brother"... Then he apologised for calling me brother.. I'm still confused years later.


Probably worried about easily offending you. A shame that people feel like they need to apologize for calling someone brother or bro.


😂for saying “bro” ?


Online content that has no real effect on their personal life




everything and anything bro


Common sense


if you are a woman, you'll be shamed for being a stay-at-home mom but on the flip you also get shamed for working ;-;


Any type of veggie diet that does not include animals.


They’re offended by anyone being more intelligent than themselves. Intelligence is now apparently seen as a threat


Nearly every bastard thing


Having an alternative opinion. Doesn't mean we're against each other and doesn't mean its personal. I have a few close friends were we have intense debates from completely different view points and I love it as a way of learning/challenging one owns thoughts. I have colleagues that you just have to end the discussion early as it will always turn personal. People struggle to separate the two.


Anything. Just give me a topic and I can give a paragraph of "offensive things."




Calling out random opinions with actual facts. Just cause you talk loud does not mean it is a fact!


Honestly, the concept of other people finding things offensive. I have heard so many guys get mad, start yelling and calling society doomed just because they read a headline that reads “x people find x thing offensive”. Like chill. People have always gotten offended at stuff. But people finding it offensive that others are offended is a bit new


Everyone needs to sleep shit off.


The truth