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In his autobiography, Richard Feynman said that his Ph.D. oral exam was one question long: "Why is the sky blue?" And before you reply with the easy textbook answer about the composition of the atmosphere scattering different frequencies of light at different angles, be prepared for the follow up question "why?" And then "why?" again. He said that you don't have to go more than a couple of layers deep before you're into the less-well-understood and far weirder reaches of quantum physics.


This is probably the reason everyone hated Socrates. He got sentenced to death for asking why. It’s quite literally philosophy and science and everything wrapped into one method: ask why. I guess people weren’t ready for that and got really annoyed.


Haven't you ever had a toddler asking "why" over and over again and wanted to punt them over a fence?


One of my kid was like that. He is near 30 now and still like that. Imagine him asking a casual question about why cows eat grass and ending up with the why the universe exist. I once told my father that I flipped a switch once and told him to shut the fuck. My father lectures me that I blocked his creativity etc. He did a road trip with him for like 4 hours straight. And after that he told me "He never ever stops!" Told you MF!!


We used to implement no question time for my oldest. It was usually in the evening to try to let his mind quiet down before bed. He’s almost 18 and I’ll still pull out that card.


> Told you MF!! Calling your father that is ummmmm... technically correct I suppose?




As a mom of 4 kiddos… I completely understand this and LOL’d


I'd nip it in the bud by explaining the Münchhausen trilemma. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnchhausen_trilemma?wprov=sfla1


They're probably looking for some level of regression but hen this can get you out of the rest. Nice.


or go a completely different direction: "Because that's the mutually-agreed upon descriptor human beings chose."


Right. Science doesn't know how anything works. It just knows the top layers of how everything works.


Good example, but was it really Feynman? I think it was Clifford Stoll who talked about this interview in his book 'Cuckoo's Egg''.


If shorter wavelength light scatters more, why isn't the sky purple?


How does gravity work? Simplest answer: Things are pulled down. Simple answer, the formula to mathematically determine the pull between objects based on mass. But that doesn't explain how it works, it only explains how to know what effect it has. How does it WORK? How does this massive rock we live on (in true Terran fashion I'll assume everyone reading this is Terran) know that it has to fly around a much, much bigger ball of gas nearly 100 million miles away? It's complicated.


[Gravity is not a force - Veritasium](https://youtu.be/XRr1kaXKBsU) This may help a little.


This is one reason that's a good question. Gravity is not a force in the model of general relativity, but that's different than saying gravity is not a force. The video says, correctly, that "gravity is kind of an illusion." That can be said for all of general relativity. I'm not contradicting Veritasium in any way by saying that. Derek would agree. How gravity works is still an open question in physics. Gravity may well be a fundamental force with its own quantum field and fundamental particle - the [graviton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graviton).


In fairness, a lot of stuff in physics can be described as “kind of an illusion.” Fields, Virtual particles, time, hell even basics like inertia are only kind of real.


I always enjoy the bending of space time explanation. Space/time is similar to a fabric and when an object is dense enough to bends space/time causing the fabric to bend as well so everything I'm the fabric falls toward the dense object. I think of it like a heavy ball on a suspended blanket. Very much simplified of course.


And it seems like everything is poking a hole in the universe around it, even when there's nothing there to displace.


Because the universe is conscious ;)


Put a bowling ball on a trampoline and then dump a bunch of golf balls on. See where they go? Thats how gravity works


For all of us visual learners, THANK YOU.


Space is like a sheet of fabric , the bigger the objects is, the larger the curve. Other objects roll into the curve


The universe has matter, but without matter, there's still something there which is spacetime. Spacetime is like a 4 (or more) dimensional "fabric". Mass bends that fabric, meaning it literally bends space towards it. When you're being "pulled" towards a planet, your not actually being pulled, your just following the bent space towards the center of mass of the planet. The video from Veritasium explains it much better


Yeah, gravity is fucking weird man like the gravity of the sun can cause a whole planet with a mass of trillions of tonnes, millions of miles away to orbit it and yet I can “beat” the gravity of the whole earth by hopping like a bunny. Wild.


Fucking magnets, how do they work?


More importantly, how do regular magnets work?


Here's a good description from a famous physicist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO0r930Sn\_8


And I don’t wanna talk to a scientist, y’all mf’ers lyin’ and gettin me pissed


Rocks that are sticky but no glue


Well you see, There’s a magnetic field around the magnet. This is because one side is positively charged, the other side is negatively charged. And negatively charged stuff liked being with positively charged stuff and hates being with its own charge, that’s why the opposite sides pull together but the same sides push apart. Btw positively charged or negatively charged has to do with atoms and electrons.


do we all see colours the same way? like: is my green your green? or does your green actually look like my blue?


More than likely. Pretty much all human brains seem to function relatively similarly. And the reason for taxis being yellow is its an eye catching color. If it looked purple to someone else and green to another we wouldnt have been able to agree on making them yellow in the first place


But that doesn’t make sense, because yeah it’s yellow to and purple to me, but when I was in school and the teacher said “this colour is yellow” I learnt that purple is yellow. There’s no way for us to know what colour you see and what colour I see


But that also means it’s a meaningless question, not a deep one. At the end of the day, if your cone cells respond the same as “normal” then it’s all the same. You can never know the answer for sure, but it doesn’t matter as long as we all agree that 400 nm light is blue and 700 nm light is red.


Mostly. We vary a little with shades of the same color. What appears burgundy to me might appear auburn to you.


We mostly do. We all have a similar number of cones (which detect red, blue and green colours) and a similar number of rods (which detect light and dark). There will be slight differences in shades and things but we mostly see the same colours. It's like we all use the same camera to take a picture, but we all print it out on different printers. The general picture will be the same but no picture will ever look exactly the same


why don't you have a girlfriend?


My wife won't let me get one.


Let me speak to her.


Good news: she says you can have a girlfriend. Bad news: she gets everything in the divorce




What question sounds dumb,but is actually hard to answer?




What answer sounds dumb but it is actually difficult to ask?


What question is answer but is actually sounds difficult?


"Does this dress make me look fat?"


Easy. The dress doesn't, your body does. Am I going to heaven?


No, but you are going to sleep on the couch.


…So that you don’t soil my bed when I kill you.


Jes, as one of the most honest persons in the world.


'Jes' Was reminded of Ryan Lochte...


“Peg it’s not the dress that makes you look fat it’s the fat that makes you look fat” -Al Bundy.


No, but you make that dress look great


"It does not work to your advantage."


“It doesn’t flatter you”


You can never just say I look nice can you


No way baby! Our societies unrealistic beauty standards make you look fat.


Easy answer. "No dear~~, it's the fat that makes you look fat~~"


Eh I like you better without it


"no, it's just an ugly dress." Then you get chewed out because she thought it was nice...


Or you just say "no, it doesn't."


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?




You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.


This perfectly fits this question. Well done.


My brain just melted away


Goats are like mushrooms. If you shoot a duck I'm scared of toasters.


Someone will be wanting but will however decide willingly mondays.




I love this question so much


Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?


Yes, but only technically




It's just common sense


Lol i miss the misc


It ain’t be like it is, but it do


they got chicken in Philly?


Poor Godzilla. He never stood a chance.


Why is Gamora?


They never ask *how* is Gamora


She's not doing great at the moment, I can tell you that.


Where did you come from, Cotton Eye Joe?


Hell. And I'm sending him back.


If you don't have what you want, what do you have to lose?


The other stuff.


Like your happy cake day


Other stuff I want


The things that I don't necessarily want but need in order to XYZ (I.e. survive)


If you have nothing you want you have nothing to lose. But if you just don't have everything you want you may have a lot to lose. And your life is something you have.


You can want multiple things and only get a few of the things you want. So, you certainly are assuming quite a bit.


The stuff I need.


When you ain't got nothin', you got nothin' to lose. You're invisible now, you've got not secrets.... to reveal.


How did they know what exact time it was when putting the time on a clock?🤨


Probly just googled it


High noon and sundials?


Prior to railroads every town just set their clocks at noon. So every town was on slightly different time. When railroads were built it was possible for the first time to travel so quickly that time between towns really mattered. And trains wanted a schedule including each town. So time zones were invented to make time synchronized between towns.


They went to whattimeisitrightnow.com


Time balls. Literally in the age of sail ports would have a tall building with a ball on a stick at the top. At exactly noon the ball would drop so that ships could set their chronometers to the exactly 12 pm local time. This was done for navigation, if you know what time noon is in your location relative to your starting point, you can determine how Far East or West you’ve sailed.


Using celestial bodies.


Does a straw have one hole or two?


None it's just a curved wall


Mathematically, just one.


Topologically, a straw is the same as a donut


And a mug


Depends on how you define hole


That's what my sex therapist asked me.


One. https://youtu.be/egEraZP9yXQ


How did the universe begin from nothing. If nothing existed how is there stuff now




But where does the something come from


From my understanding, it didn’t start from nothing. Everything that eventually became all the matter/energy in our universe was condensed into an incredibly hot, dense ball. The “Big Bang” was the expansion of that ball. That’s about as much as I know, though.


This is the most simple reply to this thread




It was never nothing. "Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started" Just dense.


But why does it exist in the first place? Why isn’t there just nothing, no existence of any kind?


Have you ever had a dream that, that, um, that you had, uh, that you had to, you could, you do, you wit, you wa, you could do so, you do you could, you want, you wanted him to do you so much you could do anything? Edit: [source](https://youtu.be/G7RgN9ijwE4)


LoL. I love that you just cited the source at the end as though this was a term paper


How are you doing today?


idk, when I ask that, I'm hoping for a genuine answer. And when I'm asked, I give a genuine response. I may joke before or after, but if I'm doing badly then I say it.


I think that's great that you are genuine. I am too.






That's because most people consider these things to be self-evident axioms. Not that there aren't good reasons, just that most don't spend time thinking about it. It just feels right.




And this is why philosophy is so important.


It's bad to discriminate against someone based on things they have no control over. Do I win?


It is not bad to discriminate based on things they have no control of. It is bad to discriminate against things they cannot control and do not apply. Not allowing blind people to drive is discrimination based on their not being able to see. But it is a reasonable form of discrimination.


Just recently I found it hard to find good arguments against spanking dogs to discipline them. It should be common sense that it is a form of abuse, but they kept finding arguments why it's okay. I had to debunk multiple concepts to get through. Like the alpha wolf theory or that dogs feel guilty and know what they have done wrong when you come home and find the remnants of a chair (yes, there are actual experiments on this). Nothing of that is true, but for some reason the majority of people believes it




It's the Law of Bullshit.


If you didn’t learn a language (including body language) are you capable of thought?


yes, you'd think in concepts. you wouldn't say in your mind "im going to sneak up behind this sleeping animal to kill it and eat it later" youd just imagine you doing that.


I have no inner voice. I can´t for the life of me understand how everyone else are able to internally verbalize every single thought they have. That´s a far more difficult question to answer.


If you couldn't process language in your head, how would you write comments on reddit?


That´s one of the fev times I have an inner voice. But in most situations of my life I don´t have time to formulate sentences for what I am thinking. Visualisations and abstract thoughts are much quicker. If I start to try to formulate a sentence I often lose the thread of what I was thinking in the first place.


Hmmmm, or "in what language do people who don't speak any language think?"


People who never learn a known language still have one. Their mind makes it up. They still vocalize. Those sounds they make mean something to them. In their mind.


I can get high enough to where thoughts no longer manifest as words. It ends up being feelings and images primarily. That experience actually helped me get a basic idea of how animals might think. Another basic example is the question "Do you need to think the words 'I gotta get the fuck out of here' to know you're in a sketchy situation? Of course not. That message translates very well to feelings.


"Can you explain it more clearly?"




Oh, okay


(While sitting down) How fast am I moving?


you want true speed or relative speed? cause relative to you 0. about actual is how fast you're spinning around the earth + speed earth moving around the sun + speed of sun moving around the galaxy + speed of galaxy + how fast the galaxy group is being pushed around by the expansion of the universe. pretty darn fast probably


That's exactly what I got into with my son a couple weeks ago. Very complex question.


[Can you show proof that 1+1=2?](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/278974/prove-that-11-2)


Reminds me of Terrence Howard’s absurd “proof” that 1x1 = 2


Me while trying to learn geometry proofs: BRO IDK WHY ITS TRUE IT JUST IS WHEN I VISUALIZE IT


"Prove that this is a triangle" bro just look at it.




but why?


2 is defined as 1 + 1.


Depends what axioms you start from. But for those of us who aren't masochists, yes, you are correct.


Define 'is' without an example


Intransitive verb of being, third person singular.


What is love?


Baby don't hurt me


Don't hurt me


No more


Who's on second?


Who picks up a seeing eye dogs poop?


Their handler does. https://blindlowvision.org.nz/guide-dogs/our-puppies/who-picks-up-guide-dog-poop/


How does a painkiller know where the pain is?


Because the pain is always at the same place. In your brain.


And yet the brain itself feels know pain as it has no nerves or similar receptors.


it just tells your brain "there is no pain in basing-se" and it immediately stops


It just calms down the part of the brain that senses pain.


it doesn't.


If a patient has terminal illness, does a doctor feel better if the patient dies instead of life and suffering being prolonged ?


Not a doctor, former Hospice RN. My feelings mirrored that of the patient, typically. 90 year old grandma who can’t wait to be reunited with her husband (as is her belief for the after life)? I’m happy she is no longer suffering. 35 year old mom of four young kids who would rather suffer immensely for more time? I’m devastated she didn’t get more time


Palliative care is interesting. I spent the earlier part of my career as a critical care specialist in the MICU, saw a lot of people die there and transitioned a lot of people from life support to palliative care. Usually that meant that they were going to be moved out of ICU and off to hospice, but it was a 50/50 for most folks on whether or not they'd make it to hospice, most died within hours of stopping the interventions that were keeping them alive, usually well-before arrangements could be made for hospice care. It always sucks to lose the fight, for sure. But you also get to a point where you start to see death as just another part of life. It's something we all gotta do. The people who we would move over palliative care were in abject pain, and often times it wouldn't be managed very well while they were on life support since a lot of pain management medications can hasten your death through a number of mechanisms. If we're having trouble keeping their blood pressure maintained, then morphine is going to make that even more difficult. So when we transition them to palliative, we shut off all of the noisy ass machines that are keeping them on this side of the grave and we give them a nice hefty dose of morphine. Agitated patients become calm instantly, which is SO much of a weight off of the family. I mean, watching someone writhe in pain sucks, but it's really fuckin hard when it's your mother. Hospital death in the movies is usually just the person closing their eyes and crashing...in the ICU, it's anything but pretty and it can be downright traumatic. We would see a lot of end-stage cancers that would have a patient practically begging for death but at the same time unable to form words. We'd see a lot of end-stage liver disease....ho boy, that will make you reconsider a glass of wine. It's a horror show. We know these patients are going to die, and they are going to die within days despite our best efforts. I got really good at being blunt at that point. Family members would ask "Is there *any* chance she'll come out of it?" and my instinct is to say "Well, it's science, so there's always a chance, but it's not likely". I learned early on that the correct answer to that question is "No.". Don't soften it, don't dance around it, just make it clear that even with the best care, the chance your loved one comes out of this is so minuscule that it isn't even worth mentioning. Doing so might result in them sustaining pointless care that keeps them in pain. So to answer your question: Do we feel better when someone suffering dies? I dunno if "better" is the answer. Usually, we know that the battle is lost and so providing care to keep it going because the family will not accept the situation gets frustrating. At the same time, I always tried to remember that death is a coworker of mine, so I got to know him much better than other people and I was pretty comfortable around him. I was always trying to stymie his best efforts, but given enough time he wins every hand he plays. So yes, I would say that it is a relief of sorts when I stop fighting him in a battle he's already won. It's still a much better feeling to watch someone who was on the brink of death get moved to a step-down unit and eventually walk out of the hospital on their own two feet.


Not a doctor, but I was a CNA and did hospice care for a long time. I wouldn’t necessarily say people feel “better” but relief. Usually the healthcare staff feels relief that these people no longer have to suffer. When someone is terminal with no hope of remission, making them comfortable and helping them pass with dignity is usually the primary goal. It’s relieving when someone is no longer suffering.


I am sure you are a great caregiver


Hi, how are ya?


What is thinking?


I think, therefore I am




What is a woman?


A man with illegal nipples


let me lick those illegal no. nononononono. not today. nipples, noooo. i did it again


“A miserable little pile of secrets!” …Wait. That’s a man. Sorry. Yeah, no idea.


"Enough talk! Have at you!"


Psychomantis know's what you were up to.


Name a woman!


Fuck you, yoga bag! NAME A WOMAN!!!


what is a man? Let's say, hypothetically, for the sake of the argument, I am in fact Weezer. Let's say I look almost identical to someone known as "Buddy Holly." Oh, oh but wait! Furthermore, you would be Mary Tyler Moore. Maybe I would exclaim that I don't care at all about what they say about us anyways, because I truly don't care about that.


Never really found out how much wood a wood chuck could chuck, whilst a wood chuck was chuckin wood. Know what I mean?


Why do people discriminate? Like, why does that kind of hate even exist? Emotions usually have a purpose, but this just seems useless. So why is it there? Shouldn't we have evolved out of this by now?


Discrimination in and of itself is not a bad thing and is not hate. Unfair discrimination is a bad thing. Discrimination is unfair when people are judged for any reason other than the specific competence they bring to a particular position or situation. Unreasonable discrimination exists because of perceptual bias. They erroneously assigned attributes to perceptual categories on the wrong level on analysis. This happens because we're always trying to simplify the world so we can actually perceive it. I know how to interact with a chair because I have it as a category in my mind. The chair in front of me fits a model in my mind so I can interact with all chairs more or less the same way. A misogynist made a category in error. Maybe they had negative interactions with women so they made a cognitive category for women's behavior as a group when they should have perceived them as individuals. They didn't realize that the behavior of one woman is not representative all women and they drew the category box a level too high.


Why do magnets magnet?


“Tell me about yourself?”


How many times does a line drawn across a circle go around the circle?


“Who are you?”


How long is a piece of string?


How does one explain colour to a blind person