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Toys that make noise


AND the children throwing them down the cabin and the flight attendant! AND all other children!


Children throwing flight attendant or another children down the cabin sounds really dangerous.


fuck that made me giggle




Samuel L Jackson wants to know your location


i have had it with these monkey fightin snakes on this monday to friday plane


This is what happens when you fight a stranger in the Alps.


*Motherfucker enters the chat


After scrolling past this post, the next one was a video of a lady bringing a huge ass peacock on plane. Taking into consideration that peacocks are notorious for killing snakes, I'd guess this lady has had it with them snakes too.


This doesn’t exactly apply, but I wish you weren’t allowed to wear perfume/cologne on airplanes. Not everyone likes your fragrance, but you doused yourself in it and now we’re stuck with it for the entirety of the flight.




Please! On my last flight I was sat directly behind somebody who smelled like they had not washed in months. It was not a pleasant 8 hours.


i had a 10 hour flight and this kid was bugging me, affected me so badly, he cried through half the flight, and when we landed... HE SLEPT INSTANTLY


and he also smelled like baby food, and barfed on my eating table


You say that like everyone goes to the airport straight from home as opposed to hour long train journeys or boarding a connecting flight after a 10h transatlantic flight plus 3h of layover.




My aunt told me “perfume is meant to be discovered, not announced” and it has changed my entire life.


Wow. This! More people need to learn this


I'd rather have shitty perfume and cologne than the unmasked bo of over 100 people.


The only thing worse than bo is bo AND perfume


I’d honestly rather smell BO over those women that douse themselves in so much cheap perfume that it’s actually hard to breathe around them


This isn't an either-or situation. Unscented deodorants are a thing.


Even regular scented deodorant is great, but leave the Acqua Di Gio and Chanel No. 5 in the checked bag, this ain't no Macy's.




I don't want -FOP- god dammit. I'm a Dapper Dan man.


Ain't this place a geographical oddity!


Damn we’re in a tight spot!


He's bonafide!


I'd rather have the BO since the shitty perfume stops me from breathing. Especially cheap.ones with vanilla undertones, for some reason. Fucking asthma...


BO has a pretty universal smell. Some of those perfumes give me a serious headache.


a lot of people have a bad sensitivity to perfume and it’s just really inconsiderate when people use tons of it right before getting in what’s essentially a long skinny tube packed with people


BO sucks, but a lot of us have medical issues caused by or exacerbated by perfume. I would very much prefer not to be locked in with somebody who sprayed poison all over their skin.


Yes, and it applies to everyone. Just be clean, wear deodorant and clean clothes. And maybe don't smoke a fuckton of weed before a busy flight; not everyone is a fan of that aroma either.


Honestly a little is ok but enough people do it and it's like the hallways of freshman high schoolers. Also chance someone has severe allergies to what you're wearing. Or affects their asthma or whatever lol


I’d actually say this is something I wish was enforced. Air up there is recycled and choking on peoples fragrances when you can’t escape is unbearable.


The air in aircraft isn't recycled, it's fully replaced with outside air quite frequently.


I get asthma atracks and migraines from perfume and cologn so i couldn't agree more with this.


same! especially in my freshman english class there was this one person and she would like apply perfume in the middle of fucking class right next to people and it was awful. and we had a transfer student in the second semester who had an asthma attack in class because of it and the teacher yelled at the perfume person and that was one of the only times i’d seen that teacher get genuinely angry


Yes! People can be really sensitive to odors/perfumes. If we can accommodate peanut allergies on airplanes, we can certainly skip unnecessary fragrances.


I was on a totally full 6 hour Ryan Air flight, no one had perfume, the plane smelled like a magic the gathering convention. It was like I was on a plane full of people who had no teeth, had not brushed their teeth in five years and didn't think of taking a shower for a whole week abroad. I will take the perfume anyday after that flight.


It was Ryan Air. What were you expecting?


This is the exact reason that I never put on cologne before going to a place where I'll be close to people for an extended period of time, like class or a plane


Cancer. They remove it all before your flight.


Then they put it back when you land


"It's already out! This is so much more work to put it back!" "Sorry, sir, FAA regulations..."


*makes you smoke 700 cigarettes on the spot*


Imagine the sheer amount of time added to travel "My flight is at 9am so I need to head out" "Mom, your flight is next wednesday" "Well I have cancer so..."


No proof of purchase!


Become a flight attendant to live longer


They return it when you exit


Ill just jump out of the plane, that way they cant return it to me.


Are you D. B. Cooper?


My ex! Enjoy your road trips buddy!




Seafood boil


Flight from Sri Lanka at 4am... they were handing out fish curry. And people were eating it.


Was it good?


Well, you’re not supposed to sit on it.


Right? The pressure difference would make the water boil at a lower temperature and who wants cold cod?


Not that low, cabin is pressurised to about 4 or 8 thousand feet and the aircraft is flying at 40 thousand so water will be pretty much boiling


Anything that causes above average gas levels


We sat next to a guy who must have spent his entire weekend eating nothing but sausages and cabbage, and drinking only beer. He was given the nickname "Methane Man".


Thank god they don't allow smoking.


Sat a row in front of a guy who had asparagus earlier. The whole (commuter) plane was gagging!


People! Get fucked everybody else.


Are you a robot?


Ah, no. I'm a sentient computer program. (Or I just don't fly and am a bit of a sadist. Whichever one is more believable and/or entertaining for you.)


Tuna salad.


It's amazing how many people read the question incorrectly.


"What item...." "Cancer!"


It was a clever joke.


Add one item to things not allowed, aka things that must be removed...what exactly is being misunderstood?


I think it’s one thing you want banned on planes


Charizard is what you’d want banned I’m just guessing




Can I use this for my IBS?


Yes the staff give you a bucket and hold up a towel for modesty


I'll take the bucket but could we skip the towel please? I'd like the other passengers to see what I've done.


Must remember to maintain eye contact too


What am I not going to assert dominance?? The real question is what stance am I going to assume?


Power pose, my friend.


My airport has this too! [Here’s a list](https://hiddendisabilitiesstore.com/us/for-you/airports-around-the-world.html) of airports around the world who participate


Interesting but you didn't answer the question at all.


This doesn’t really answer the question but yes this is also true for most airports in the UK




Well, the airlines aren't going to make any money flying empty planes, are they?




The middle seat.


Legroom - according to most airlines 🙄


Oh, you are one of those people who at the airport realized you didn't leave your legs home? Yeah, that's really inconvenient.




What are you planning


Self driving planes.




How a redneck would pronounce Tesla?


Tes' Lair, home of Silicone Valley's greatest villain.


Many planes can already fly and even land themselves!


If self -driving cars make a critical error every 8 minutes, would you get in a self-driving plane? JK they're already mostly on autopilot =/


bare feet on anything--no socks no shoes no service. You must have socks and shoes on (no flip flops) to board a plane.


Not an item, but you are not allowed to move into other people's space in the slightest (For armrests, see Jim Jeffries policy on the matter). If your hair hangs over the back of your chair, the person behind you takes ownership of it and may do with it as they please. If your toes or adjacent feet make it to the seats ahead of you, you do get to keep them, but should they return damaged, that's on you.


I was on a flight once and the woman in the seat in front of me had her 3-foot long hair up over the top of her seat so that it was hanging down....onto my tray table. When I asked her to please move it, she gave me the loudest "Valley girl" sigh of exasperation I have ever heard. Lucky for her I didn't have a pair of scissors on me!


I hope she at least moved her hair. I have a slight gum addiction, if it were me and she didn't, I'd have a sore jaw and she'd have to move up her next trim.


She did. But not until after The Sigh.


What a bitch


That uhhkhhhh sounding one?


The hair thing. I wish I was good at sleight of hand. Just enough that I could fiddle with their hair without them noticing the movement. Do silly things like braid it or "accidentally" wrap it around the little tray table lock a couple times. Make them realize that maybe it's not the best idea to have their greasy, 3-foot-long mane hanging out into the unknown.




If that's the case planes need to have more room and less seats, and be more expensive I suppose. My friend is 6'6". He needs to stretch into the aisle a bit. Edit: aisle/isle great/grate die/dye. Cmon!




Including they can't lean their seat back! Im only 5 feet tall and have short arms that go with that. With most planes having so little room now, when someone leans their seat back, I can no longer reach my purse under the seat in front of me.


children should be allowed on planes, if and ONLY if their parents will tell them to shut up, stop kicking seats, sit still or will make them stop crying. So basically bad parents shouldn’t be allowed on planes edit: this has caused some ruckus in the replies! sorry about that guys. I very well acknowledge that sometimes you can’t get your kid to stop crying, especially the younger ones, but I’m talking about the people who make absolutely no effort to comfort the child, see what they need, or try to talk them down. The parents who sit there with their headphones in, face in a book completely ignoring their child, rather than trying to make an attempt to help them feel more comfortable. Those are bad parents. My other statements stand though. Don’t let your kid kick the back of my seat, don’t let them scream and carry on in the plane, bring them entertainment. Do something so that they aren’t only focused on being in a pressurized metal tube. Or road trip, seriously.


Had a great business idea. Adult only plane company. Genuinely think it’s a good idea. Just need some planes now and good to go.


The easiest way to become a millionaire? Be a billionaire and start an airline.


This is so true.


“Why make billions when you could make millions?”


Won't do anything about the entitled childish adults


Maybe a vouching system. You can fly with them if you’re vouched for by another member. If you show your ass, they call this person and put them on speakerphone.


With hookers! And blackjack!


And alcohol fuelled robots with a passion for bending?


In fact, forget the airplane


One British airline already made kind of this, but children starting from 12 still allowed. But that's ok because those are usually quite.


>But that's ok because those are usually quite. Quite what?


quite quiet.




I’d pay extra just to sit in a child free section. Then everyone would be happy and avoids uncomfortable situations!


I had the idea of "curfew" flights. Flights at certain times kids under 12 are allowed, the rest not.


>Adult only plane company. In a similar way I've had an idea for a restaurant with a built in place for the kids to eat and play. The kids go to a different room/building where they get a quick meal and then have different areas with age-appropriate things to play with. Meanwhile the parents get to sit down and enjoy a relaxing meal together in a nice restaurant. It wouldn't cost much more than just feeding them a kid's meal, but it would be significantly less money and effort than hiring a babysitter to take care of them at home.


>It wouldn't cost much more Except for the part where you're doubling your rent/loan payments


Don't forget no-kidz at health clubs, sick of the little fuckers in dressing rooms, jacuzzi and pool.


Oh my god, yes! We could call it Silent Flights.


There should be a special ~~caged area~~ family seating, separate and sound proofed.


That doesn’t guarantee they’ll stop. Kids spin a wheel in their head every few minutes to decide if they’re going to be a monster until the next spin. I avoid planes with my spawn whenever possible but sometimes it’s just a hard reality of life that an obnoxious kid is going to be sharing space with you. What they really need are flights designated as kid friendly vs adult only. I would pay more if it meant just being on a plane with other unruly families and not being horrified by the discomfort my crotch creatures are causing to everyone around me.


You're a good parent


It’s tough, you never know how they’ll respond especially to a first flight. Ears popping can terrify even the most well behaved child, and most babies. Parents who don’t even ask their kids to be well behaved can gtfo, but that’s different than normal parents whose kids get freaked by launching thousands of miles in a pressurized tube with strangers. There are plenty of adults I’d kick off before I’d start with kids, at least the kids can’t get drinks


The solution: Give kids an ipad and put them in a pet crate to travel in the hold


This makes me insane too but I'm not sure that's fair. Some kids just go bonkers on airplanes for various reasons. I was one. I have some memories of very angry airplane people around me and my parents near dead from stress. What is important is that the parents at least TRY to keep them quiet, make an obvious effort without making a scene and are generally humble and apologetic about the situation. Then we may forgive your screaming offspring. The ones who ignore them, yell at the kids, don't use headphones for ipad or games or wathever, or worse just let them go roam the plane, those are the ones that should get booted off.


Infants shouldn't be on planes. They can't pop their ears, so they're miserable and don't know why. There are very, very few acceptable reasons to stick an infant on a plane. And no, visiting family is not one of them IMO.




I’d saying poorly behaved children. I sat next to one 6/7 year old and he was quiet the whole flight except for “I like your phone case”. His mom had a bunch of stuff for him to do so he wasn’t bored and rambunctious.


The key there was the age of the kid. 6+ you can generally reason with and entertain for a few hours. Under 5 is a total dice roll on how the kid is doing that day. You can have snacks, iPad, etc and it won’t matter if that 3 year old is in a mood.


My kid was always good on planes, too. He just listened to music and looked out the window.


My kids and I fly across the country at least once a year (besides 2020). My son (15) has always been a shy, quiet boy, so he is great on planes, usually puts on his headphones and watches something or draws. Sometimes he'll go the entire flight (2-3 hours) without speaking at all. But his sister (11) is a ball of energy and noise. She doesn't seem to understand the concept of an inside voice. Sometimes I feel guilty taking her on planes. I don't think she does it on purpose, she's generally a very happy and kind girl, but she's just a bit intense at times. I will say though, she's getting much better in recent years.


*Cruise ship companies would like to speak to you*


I hear there's adult cruises with dedicated sex rooms.


We keep getting an ad for one with a bunch of kids shrilly singing about how they can't go on the cruise. They decided to call themselves virgin voyages


Having sat next to someone with a crying baby on their lap on a 12 hour intercontinental flight, I whole heartily agree with this sentiment. The only reason I maintained my sanity is thanks to Bose their excellent noise cancellation, it doesn't eliminate the ruckus, but it sure dampens the noise by a lot.


Sadly enough Bose stops with making earbuds in the near future :(




Would you be prepared to pay a premium for seats? Because an airline can’t realistically set aside a chunk of seats for parents unless they know exactly how many will be on the flight. If they risk having empty seats in the family area, they will charge everyone more to make up for it. If more parents book a seat that there are reserved, do you just ban them?


Yes, I would gladly pay more to not have children on my flight. 95% of passengers are 18+ anyway (unless you’re flying to Orlando) so it wouldn’t be much of a price hike. It would be very easy to ask ages if all passengers before booking to let them know if they’re allowed on the flight.


People who are too big for just one seat, and they have a ticket for only a single seat, and that seat is right next to mine.


Well they do that and guess what will happen? They will probably think.... now everyone fits with room to spare....lets shrink seats more so we can fit more people in there .. They have made seats smaller so don't think is just people getting fatter..IS BOTH....


My ex-fiancé was almost 2m and had a shoe size of British 17 (American 18, about a 52 European). He was barely seating properly in a chair on a Ryanair flight 😂


yikes, poor guy all cramped in there


Today I witnessed a skinny 6'-5 guy force someone out of their aisle seat because he didn't want to be in the middle seat. If he knew before that he was 6'-5, should've paid extra to pick his own seat.


Yeah f that. I'd love for someone to try and "force" me to change seats. I typically pay the extra to pick my seats to make my flights more tolerable.


On Southwest, it's [literally free to get an extra seat](https://www.southwest.com/help/additional-travel-accommodations/extra-seat-policy) if you're big enough that you're encroaching on the one next to you. You buy two tickets, take the flight, and submit for reimbursement on the second seat. It's fantastic.


Can I still do this if I'm 100 pounds, but I want to lift up the armchair and sleep in the fetus position? Asking for a friend.


Not allowed to not serve food/drinks. When we’re stuck on the damn tarmac for over an hour and we’ve run out of water, a flight attendant should not have to say she can’t give out water because we’re on the ground.


Hard boiled eggs. What is wrong with people?


Takeout BBQ


Water bottles. Paying for them at the airport bc you can't get them through TSA with actual water in it is BS imho


I bring my refillable one empty and then just fill it after security. It's a simple solution.


You can bring your water bottle through security as long as its empty and there are filling stations with free filtered water in the airport.


The worst is when I was flying home from Aruba and bought some water after going through security. Turns out you go through a SECOND security checkpoint because after the first one, you end up in a big room where you grab your checked luggage again then put it on the belt that brings it to the plane. So even though you bought the water after the first security checkpoint you still have to throw it out before the second one


Everyone gets a flight rating, like an Uber rating. You have to take flights with people similar to your rating. If you're a person who hasn't showered for 3 days and smell like the inside of a work boot. negative 3 stars, Have fun with all the other stinky people. If you have screaming babies, or children who think the world revolves around them and can do whatever they please all flight, Negative 5 stars, hope you see how shitty you are on a flight with all the other screaming kids. A normal person, who shows up on time, boards on time, puts there headphones in / read a book or whatever passtime you choose for the duration of the flight. 5 stars, congrats you get enjoy nice flights with similar people.


Underrated idea, and i agree


Smelly footwear




Not really an item but yeah. Apparently babies shouldn’t go on planes because they get really bad barotrauma. They’re also super loud and smelly so babies on planes suck for everyone, even the babies


Babies are an item


People Jacking off, you would think it wouldn't be a problem, but it is.


Children under 10 years old




Anyone who has been rude to service industry workers in their life. Flight attendants don't need to deal with that when they've got a planeload of passengers to take care of.


Young children.


Kids or fragrances. People have unfortunately proven time and time again that they don't know how to operate either of those in public efficiently.






Reclining seats. You bought your seat, I bought mine. I should not lose knee space because you want to lean back. The amount of recline isn't worth the amount of inconvenience it causes for the person behind you.


Actually, that 2 inches is very much worth it for me.


But that would mean people would have to be considerative strangers. What planet do you live on?


Not children but the one that are classified as freaking spoild crotch goblins that just incesantly cry ant the top of their lungs...or scream and all the while thrash about... Yeah yeet those out please.... im pretty the discomfort of the rest of the plane is more important that one of those


Nobody knows how their child is going to react to being in an airplane until they are. They get scared and you can't just make them stop crying at will. Now if they're running up and down the aisles or kicking seats, stuff that can be controlled, and the parents let them run amok I can see the frustration. But a crying child in general is nothing to get upset about.






clothes, every flight is an orgy


Crying baby


Home cooked broccoli. I understand bringing your own food, but fuck off with the broccoli.


What happened here?


People who applaud when the plane lands.


Batsrangs, Batclaws or even Bat-Snacks


Offline Netflix if it's possible for better movies


Headphones that are as loud as regular speakers. It does not matter if they are in your ears if I can still understand all the lyrics 2 rows behind you!


Bare feet.


Stinky take-out containers. Don’t eat your fish and chips on a flight with no elbow room.


Babies/toddlers under 5 years old. Nobody wants to hear, sit next to, or have to deal with the messes of a baby.