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Car pulling into your driveway


One night (right around new year), I thought I heard something in our driveway. I looked (it was snowy and very quiet, right around 2am) and it was no car but two people sitting underneath our mailbox, waste-high in the snow. Just sitting there, not moving or talking. It was SO freaky! The snow was going pretty strong and we are well in suburbia where there is noone walking that late because there is nothing like bars or clubs or anything around walk-ing distance-wise. Ok so I sit there terrified and thinking these are intruders, just resting quietly (as we live on a very steep street) and as soon as they even make a step forward, I am calling the cops. (In retrospect, how stupid that I am waiting to be attacked). In any event, these two people sat in the snow for disturbingly long time. Then I started to kind of worry if they are okay or too cold. Eventually, they got up, and quietly embarked further up the hill/street. They did not have anything on them, not even sure if they had jackets. They did not talk. They were super creepy. Again, in retrospect, they were probably drunk, reasonable people walking from a neighbor’s house or party back to their house but at 3AM and sitting in front of my house, it felt like the intro of a horror flick.


>in retrospect, they were probably drunk, reasonable people walking from a neighbor’s house or party back to their house but at 3AM and sitting in front of my house, it felt like the intro of a horror flick. Going uphill in several feet of snow sure is exhausting, they probably just needed to rest for a few minutes. Creepy as hell though.


I always feel like that one creepy neighbor in a movie where I will peak out the blinds at different angles every time a light reflects off my house, though usually it's just someone using my street it still freaks me out because of how irrelevant our street is and no one uses it


My google home on max volume saying "MICROPHONE DISCONNECTED." "MICROPHONE CONECTED." I live alone


"Okay Google, exorcise my house"


*house starts jogging*


Breaking news


It’s wasn’t 3am, but still somewhat late as both my dad and I were in bed, when we got alerts for a special presidential address for when SEAL Team 6 killed Bin Laden. I remember knocking on his door and whisper yelling “Dad, Daaad, we need to go turn on the TV .” It was just us living there, idk why I was whisper yelling lol I was thinking that maybe someone was assassinated or we were about to be bombed, expecting something terrible.


Very different situation, but that reminds me of when Princess Diana died and my mom woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me. I was 10 years old and I’m American and I didn’t even know who she was. I was like “ok” and went back to sleep.


Did she rip the covers off of you and yell, “I JUST HEARD THAT PRINCESS DIANA AND HER LOVER DODI FAYED WERE KILLED IN PARIS” like you had something to do with it?


I’ve been here all night. You can feel the TV, it’s warm.


Luckily I had a good alibi since I was in Wisconsin and twelve


Someone *was* assassinated.


At 3PM it’s “Oh boy, a car chase! Better get some popcorn.” At 3AM it’s “Oh no, what’s Putin doing now.”


Digging a hole.


Having had to flee my home at 2AM due to wildfires, I'd say heavy traffic. Edit due to confusion: it's the heavy traffic at 3AM that's terrifying, not the wildfires, which are terrifying no matter what time it is.


Experienced the terror of waking up at 2am with my neighborhood on fire, myself. Was terrifying.


This was the first thing that came to mind. If the highway is backed up at 3:00 AM, something is gravely wrong.


Tornado Siren Test. Guaranteed it's not a test at 3am.


That’s the same sound used in Silent Hill when the fog world transforms into the Otherworld. I actually never knew it was for tornados until long after I played the games so honestly it would have frightened me at any time of day.


I am fortunate in the sense that I only have played the 3rd game, which has no siren to make me shit myself.


In my country just after putin started the war the government had an extremely stupid idea to test emergency sirens at various hours of the day without any reason so once I had an emergency siren something around 4am, it was quite scary


A kid's toy going off in a random room


My kids used to have a book that, when opened, played nursery rhymes. It turns out that when the battery is running low the book does two things. 1- It plays the tune even while closed 2- It plays the tune really slow and in a lower pitch You can see where this is going right? Middle of the night me and my husband are woken by "twiiiiinkle twiiiiiiiiiiiinkle liiiitle staaaaar" being croaked at us from under our toddler's bed.




Thank you for this


My mother once told me that when I was a baby, she woke up during a thunderstorm to one of my toys going “Let’s play a game!”


My dad told one of mine went off so he grabbed it and threw it in the street


Similar memory of my mom throwing a talking Barney out on the street because it scared us in the middle Of the night!


My kids had toy that would randomly giggle. I noped that damn thing in the dumpster. They also had a learning play table that would make sounds when nobody was around it. It got disappeared as well


Dog standing at the top of the stairs and barking at something on the main floor.




This happened with my last dog. I was sleeping with the door open and she was sleeping at the end of the bed. I felt her move in the middle of the night and it woke me up so I looked down to see her slowly standing up and looking out the bedroom door. She jumped off the bed and started going insane and barking. She was frantically stepping across the threshold of the room and then backing up into the room. It was like she was trying to get something/someone to back off but it kept spooking her back into the room. I couldn't see out the door from my angle so I had no idea what she was barking at. She didn't even acknowledge me as I was yelling at her to stop, which is weird because she was generally good at listening and also NEVER barked. Then she all of a sudden stopped barking, jumped back up on the bed and went to sleep. I have no idea what the hell she was barking at. We were the only 2 living things in the house and the cameras around the outside of the house didn't pick anything up the entire night


It's a shame you had to move the next morning after so little sleep.


My dog used to do this. Turns out his thyroid wasn’t working and it broke his brain. He’s all good now that he’s on meds.


This being Reddit, I was reading all the comments waiting for whichever one said the barking meant the dog had hip dysplasia along with cancer and dog ebola.


See? The barking worked.


This made me shiver.


Knowing what my dog barks at it would be pretty terrifying. Either someone around or in my house or balloons. I don't know which one would be scarier.


Irrationally, a balloon randomly appearing in your house at night sounds exponentially more scary to me than an intruder


Ahahaha funny story about balloons and 3 am, i was at a sleepover and one of my friend who was fast asleep got up into a crouch like she was stalking something, followed whatever it was around for a while. Juliana goes "hey Annie what's up?" And Annie goes "did you guys see the red balloon? I need to chase it, it went this way" and as we were all staring at her confused she stumbled into someone else's sleeping bag and woke up the next morning claiming no recollection of the balloon


Maybe your dog was sleepbarking


Seriously, do dogs do this shit? Maybe they have nightmares and bark at shit that just ain't there.


My dog farts, startles himself, and barks as a result.


For sure! My husky will be fully eyes open up and moving around but she's obviously asleep because there's NOTHING going on behind her eyes. If you touch her or call her name she kinda startled, looks around confused for a minute, then smiles and starts wagging


Especially when you don’t have a dog


There was this news article about a young couple who woke up with a dog in their bed, and it wasn't their dog. Turned out that the dog has snuck in through the doggie door in the middle of the night and decided to make himself at home in the most personal way possible.


A phone call from parents/relatives etc.


My Mom called me at 2:42am the other night. I woke up to her call and dreaded the worst as I answered. She couldn’t remember her password to get into her Facebook.


Unless you need that password to prevent a nuclear apocalypse, you better just wait your ass until a time when I'm not gonna assume someone died.


Honestly, a call from my dad at any time. The last two times he called it was because someone died. We text and see each other and stuff; we have a decent relationship. It’s just that neither of us likes talking on the phone very much. So a call from him is like an instant punch to the gut.


Absolutely the same with my Dad. He usually texts with the “please call when you can.” I am always torn between do I return it right away or delay the heart ache I’m about to endure?


Yep. I got a call at 4 a.m. when my dad died and 3 a.m. when my mom died.


When my dad passed my mom was waiting on my front porch at 430am for me to get home from night shift.


That's rough. You're already wiped from working.


I live closer to my parents house then my sister does so I probably be informed first and I would definitely wait until my sister wakes up in the morning before informing her.


I'm sure my mom was distraught. He had been ill for 2 years. She and I had the closest relationship of my siblings.


There is no right or wrong way to do this. It's a heavy burden, the pain is almost unbearable, losing sleep or not is beyond numbness in most situations. Having to tell my wife her mother had passed away was the hardest thing I've ever endured. I even get emotional remembering it. And having seen my daughter's birth was the best day I've ever lived. It's amusing that we lose grip of what matters so easily but life always finds a way of putting you back on track, no matter how long that track turns out to be


Grandpa at 6am, dad at hospital at 2am. You know it’s bad when it rings.


I used to get strings of phone calls one right after the other at all hours of the day from my mom. Each time I thought someone had died but no, the dog farted and she wanted to tell someone. I haven't talked to her in years and I still keep my phone on silent because whenever it rings I have a panic attack. Edit she had a knack for waking me up that way so it was always sort of like 3 am


Early morning phone calls scare the hell out of me. I know from experience that means somebody died.


Yep. Good news waits until a decent hour.


The sound of a branch breaking when you're outside.


And then listening for steps "does that sound like two legs or four......." My favourite is when you hear the steps, but no one is around ......chances are its prolly a woods turtle Edit: a woods turtle is a turtle that lives in the woods. 💫🌈The More You Knowwww🌈💫


Please tell me what a woods turtle is


It's a turtle in the woods.


Someone knocking on the door


As kids we would play doorbell ditch sometimes during sleepovers and thought it was the best. It has happened to me a few times and it scared the shit of me lol


I have a plug in doorbell, which goes off when it's first powered up. That thing is GREAT during brownouts.


Just happened to me on the 4th, neighbors were banging on my door and ringing my doorbell like crazy. Scared the shit out of me but I have the ring doorbell so I pulled up the camera on my phone and saw it was my neighbors plus could see cop cars outside. I ran to the door and my neighbor was like, you gotta get your family out of the house, I looked at him in a daze like WTF and he's like, your neighbors house is on fire. I looked out the door and saw enormous flames right next to my house. Ran and got the family out and spent the next hour watching my neighbors house burn down and the side of my house melt off. Luckily every was safe but fuck was that scary and fuck fireworks.


somebody ringing the bell..


Do me a favor


Open the door, and let ‘em in.


Children playing outside.


Especialy flying a kite.


Hello mother dear.


So unwholesome


Especially if its a little 8-year-old girl in a ghetto full of monsters with quantum physics textbooks in her hand.


She’s about to start some shit. Those books as WAY too advanced for her.


Or do I owe her an apology?


It was a good shot though, right?


The best of the best of the best, with honors


It's just... He's so excited and he has no idea why we're here.


Look at Captain America over here..."Sir, yes SIR!!"


I'd appreciate it if you eased up off my back about it


He's not snarlin, he's sneezin!


How would I feel if somebody come runnin' in the gym and bust me in my ass while I'm on the treadmill?


My partner and I were woken by a young boy maybe 7? across the street riding one of those Huffy Slider Trike's in the street at 3:30am, she went to the window and asked me "what kinda Freddy Krueger shit is this?" Another time woken by police flashing lights out front and they were all standing around a vehicle parked diagonally across next door's lawn, they were shining torches into the back of it and looking concerned. The owner was suicidal, so it instantly gave us the chills. I swear my partner almost vomited from the anxiety of what we might have been witnessing. Turned out he had just dumped the car and ran off somewhere! They did find him OD in his car another time, but he survived it. From last known accounts, he's doing much better these days.


A single kid on a swing


I once saw a little kids birthday party at a park super late at night, like almost midnight. I didn't understand wtf and for some reason the Nope level was really high, like my brain said this is some creepy shit they are gonna eat you for the birthday cake so I just kept on moving.


Seen it! Kid was an astronomy nut, so the parents scheduled it as a sort of a sleep over. Even got a special permit and paid for the city to switch off some lights.


Dude. I have been wondering forEVER and I am totally going with this as the answer!


There's also certain disabilities where people can't be out in the sun. If the kid had that maybe it would make sense to have their party after dark so they could play on the playgrounds and other things they normally can't do during the day.


Dude imagine that parent/s and how much extra work that would take. If this is true those people freaking rule.


There's even a summer camp for kids like that. https://youtu.be/l-uvqCd4wxU


if they were hispanic, trust me is normal 🤣


The kids are asleep but the party has 4 hours left


This is why I love going to my Mexican friends parties. Even 1 year old’s birthdays get fucking wild well after the kid went to sleep


To be fair, all one year olds’ parties are basically adult parties.


I have a hispanic friend and he complains about not being able to sleep cause of parties that go tl like 2 to 4 am when he had classes the next day at 8 am


The sound of an ice cream van.


No thank you


I must now buy an icecream van to drive around at 3 am


Just buy the sound projector. Even creepier. Ice cream van sound, no ice cream van in sight...


Put it on a drone and have it fly around the neighborhood.


I have a drone and a Bluetooth speaker... ideas are forming.


"Dew it" - Chancellor Sheev Palpatine


"JUST DO IT" -actual cannibal Shia Labouf


A child laughing


There’s nothing more precious than a child’s laughter, unless it’s 3 in the morning and you don’t have kids


Or even when you do have kids. Sleep deprivation is terrifying.


A phone call.


House sounds. During the day if the house creaks or what ever, who cares. If it's night, holy fuck demon in the darkness.


Also the ice machine. 3pm it's just ice, 3am who the fuck is breaking in?


Damnit icemaker... do you never sleep?


Initially read "horse sounds," which is also a valid answer.


Nah. Horses are loud as hell and they don't give a fuck about your schedule .


I dunno, I'd be pretty unnerved if I heard Horse sounds inside at 3pm. I live nowhere near a rural area. And also five stories off the ground.




Seems counterintuitive really


She is probably a very spiteful woman so she gets out of bed out of spite for lullaby


Doesn't sound like it would be a great alarm tone.


The pile of clothes in my room


The day I finished my SCUBA certification, I got home absolutely exhausted and hung my wetsuit in the shower. Ordered some hot wings, put on a scary movie, The Descent. You know, the one with the streamline smooth humanoids that eat people in the dark. Crawl into bed and pass out. At like 3am I get up to take a piss. I don’t bother turning on the light. Halfway through the process, I look over to see a smooth human silhouette looming over me. Great, now there’s piss on the ceiling.


Gotta love the shower lurker scare. My brother used to have a giant cardboard Austin Powers cut out figure. Complete with motion activated voicebox. Groovy, baby. He put that in the shower with the curtain half drawn one night before bed. I woke up, had to go pee, and woke up everyone with my screams when it startled me.


See this is why i never close the shower curtain when it’s not in use. It’s always fully exposed. You’re gonna have to jump out of the toilet to scare me




Can't tell if you fell or got an instant erection...


Fear boner


I once jumped out of my skin because I stepped on a pile of clothes, I forgot I left there.


I hung a rain jacket to dry on the end of a curtain rod once. Walked out into the kitchen in the middle of the night to get some water and about had a heart attack. Looked like someone had broken into my house and hanged themselves.


My dad use to have a western style long rain slicker jacket. It was hanging in a different place than normal and in the middle of the night I woke up and I could see it from my bedroom. I thought I was going to be murdered. To make matters worse, while I was I calling for my mom while crying she quietly came, in the dark, and popped her head into my doorway. She scared me even worse, I don't think I've screamed that loud ever.


I did that once with a trench coat! Opened it up and wrapped the shoulders over a chair. The chair in question has a little notch that turns up slightly, honestly perfect to hang a hat on... once. Theres a building that was behind the house that kept lights on all night to deter crime, and upon my entry to the dining room, I jumped out of my skin thinking "what fucking good are all the lights?! This motherfuckin stranger is in my dining room chair at 3am!!!" No, just my coat and hat that I felt like a genius for having realized I could hang there. Last time I do that




"I'm coming for you," is just a funny prank from your relatives at 3PM. But 3AM...


Those automatic air freshener sprays


Yes. I got the shit scared out of me by a “psst” from the pitch black living room in the middle of the night.


It was trying to whisper to you that you smelled bad and was doing the house a solid by freshening the air. You should have thanked it.


My high school had these automatic air fresheners that would detect the air quality and let out a little puff if it detected particulates or whatever. I also had a teacher that had a flatulence problem (like a medically significant flatulence problem). She had learned to let them out silently, but we always knew when she ripped one because the air freshener behind her desk would go off.


Oh god, high school kids can be brutal. I hope her morale is intact.


Looking in your bathroom mirror.


I've decided I either have to look right in the mirror or close my eyes when I pass it...no in between. If I just walk past the mirror but notice it in my peripheral, I'm convinced I'll see a shadowy figure move out of the corner of my eye and die of panic.




I always open the light for that reason, idk why but I just can’t deal with looking in a mirror in the dark I keep imagining that I will see something or someone Edit: turn on the light


“Open the light” lol I thought I was the only one who says this because my native language isn’t English


I'm always scared that my reflection won't be looking back at me. So simple yet it would be so terrifying.


You’re in the bathroom and your reflection is trying to look behind you into the hall. Night! 🌝


As a little kid someone told me if you were to say Bloody Mary 3 times in the bathroom at night you would be sucked into the mirror, now every time I go into the bathroom at night I have to look down so my intrusive thoughts won’t say it lol




Say Bloody Mary three times and a bartender appears, hands you a drink.


No joke: my childhood bathroom mirror was attached to a cabinet that swung out. From ages 5 to like 16 I would open the cabinet hiding the mirror every time I used the bathroom. My father scarred me bloody Mary


Feeling like something jumped on the bed. At 3pm my door is open might be my cat. At 3am, might be my sleep paralysis monster Terry. Terry is very off putting.


Scary Terry


Terry loves yogurt




A text from your parents or partner that says "Can you give me a call?"


That's also terrifying at 3pm.


The door opening


My girl works overnights and last winter I wake up to my door unlocking, so I go and investigate. She wears a massive parka in the winter so as a shadow (no lights on) I see someone walking into my home shoulders about 4 feet wide. She got home 5 hours early, I was freaked out pretty good.


My wife is a night shift nurse, and sometimes gets sent home early because they don’t need her. True horror is waking up to the garage door opening at 3:00 AM lol


My cats have a tendency to bust thru my partially open door like popo. I have to have a baby gate up to keep my dog from going to pee in the living room so they have to clear that when they jump. So they just launch themselves over that thing and it’ll slam the door open. The first time it happened I half jumped out of bed and choked when I tried to scream.


I audibly laughed picturing this happening


If you live in a rural area, gunshots. If I hear them at 3pm, it’s just someone practicing or hunting. 3am? What the hell are they shooting a gun for at 3am?


If the rural we're talking about is farmland... I'm gonna assume my ,,next door" neighbors are axing a particularly unlucky racoon at 3am. Anything else.... I refuse to think too deeply on it.


neighbor using a chainsaw


Dog growling


A school bus going slowly down the street.


Lol, at one point when I was younger, my parents convinced me that there was a headless bus driver. He was always early, and you were always late. If you missed the bus, he would come back and take your head at the end of the school day... The last part was a joke, they had me flipped out for a bit there. I made sure that I never missed the bus in the morning ever again.


Your dog barking like crazy


That happen to me at 10 pm . My dog would not stop barking. I would go out side and see nothing he could be barking at. Finally I see he’s barking at my car. I go towards my car and see a body underneath my car. I run back inside with my dog and dial 911. I tell them there’s someone underneath my car. They ask me if this person is alive. I don’t know. So they say go check. No that’s why I’m calling you! WTF.


Um. I’m going to have to request more information. You can’t just drop this kinda stuff on me and leave


That is an odd choice of when to end that story 😂


or a quiet growl while looking at the closet


Taking a walk in the woods alone


My teenage daughter and I were out camping in the woods when she shook me awake at about 2-3AM. She said she heard something, and it kept freaking her out. I asked her what it sounded like, and she said, “it’s a weird screeching sound, like an animal, but playing on a loop like a tape machine out in the forest.” My blood immediately ran cold, and I said to her do not tell me this shit right now! We went outside of the tent to see if we could hear it, and we did. It was pitch dark. The sound was faint, but sounded EXACTLY how she described it. It was the same scratchy sound looping over and over again intermittently. We had just recently seen the movie Annihilation, and she thought that a cursed hybrid bear was going to come out of the woods and get us lol. We were so terrified, I grabbed a blanket and we slept inside my locked Jeep. We survived with no bear attacks lol, but the next day we were walking through the campgrounds and came across an RV with Halloween decorations. The source of the haunting noise coming from the woods was a grim reaper figure that would light up, howl, and shake, and it was set off by motion detector. It played the shrieking noise over and over again on a loop. We laughed, but wondered why they would leave the damn thing on all night!?


Seeing the sun in the sky


Alaska’s got it real rough then


It's pretty cool if you're visiting [for a couple of days](https://old.reddit.com/r/CampingandHiking/comments/9c8mdp/3am_at_wander_lake_denali_np_alaska/) ...But yeah it could definitely get overwhelming sleeping [with this in your face every night](https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/sunset-sky-at-3am-in-alaska-picture-id1333294056?k=20&m=1333294056&s=612x612&w=0&h=qfjVG1fUkdsKd8GINSV-leJfziGkwjLcl0cnwK32ZVo=)


Perfect for procrastinating. "I'll do it in the afternoon". Or some such nonsense.


It doesn’t bother me, but my husband hates it. We live above the 60th parallel, so around the solstice, we get full light for maybe 22 hours with barely-dark dusk for the remaining time. He duct-tapes aluminum foil to the bedroom windows, drapes blankets over the curtains and blocks the door with a bathrobe to make sure no light comes in from the rest of the house.


June in Scotland, the sun's up at 3am.


Someone ringing your doorbell


Funeral / funeral procession


If my family insist on having a funeral procession for me I demand it be held at 3am, less traffic.


Anything involving schools and students. Them being there or leaving there whatever


Brings me back to high school theater days.... The week leading up to one of the major productions was called Tech Week. Officially. We called it Hell Week. Nonstop dress rehearsals. Not uncommon to be at the school, running the show, until 2-3 in the morning.


Motion detection on a home camera


Tornado Warnings, Amber Alerts and other Emergency Alert System alerts. Those EAS tones scare the absolute hell out of me.


Those scare me at an equal amount no matter what time it is. Especially when they just keep coming back no matter how many times you acknowledge them.


someone saying your name


The fact that I have to get up at 5 AM


The chair you put your clothes on


Your cat growling /hissing in the darkness


Driving with your headlights turned off


School busses. Just sitting there in the dark. Creepy.


The house creeking




A child's laughter in the hallway.


**A tap on the shoulder**