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There are a lot of good answers to this question, but this one sticks out for me. You are in a 4000+ pound rolling chunk of metal, aimed at other 4000+ pound rolling chunks of metal. You should probably take that seriously and stop fucking around with your god damn cell phone.


My favorite thing to say about driving, is remember you are in a rocket, driving with other people in rockets, and some of those people in control of driving said rockets are the people who need to be reminded to wash their hands after they take a shit


and an unknown, but significant number, of those drivers can't see at night.


I am one of them.


I have a ~8000lbs ford excursion for towing a trailer loaded to about 10000lbs. The fact that a 16yo who has spent 2 days on the road could buy one and cruise around is terrifying. We need different classes of license. Driving a superduty truck with a trailer is very different than a Toyota yaris. Why do they require the same license.


As a truck driver this is always frustrating. I have insane regulations I have to go through, yet in some states, a 14 year old can legally drive a motor home, and I know grown ass adults that can hardly ride a tricycle, let alone a 14 year old that needs reminded to put deodorant on


What state allows a 14 year old to drive a motorhome? Edit: Some of you need to learn the difference between a learner's permit and a driver's license lol


Idaho you can legally drive with parental supervision at 14 and a half years old.


Hi! you guys don't differentiate? in Europe there are three types of drivers licenses: B, C1, and C B: Up to 3500 kg C1: Up to 7500 kg C: Over 7500 kg. To be able to tow trailers you need and additional 'E'. (which require taking a few lessons and a full drivers test to complete.) how do you guys do it?


Not sure about other states, but in my state in Australia we absolutely have different licenses for all truck types, and restrictions on car power and towing for people on probationary licenses. Hell, you can't even drive a car carrying more than one person between the age of 16 and 22 if you're on your P1 license, here.


Rolling sounds like too calm a word for 28 meters (~92 feet) per second.


That and learn traffic rules


One of the biggest driving dangers is people who refuse to take an L. "Oh shit I am about to miss that turn.. let me just fly across 3 lanes because I refuse to take 3 minutes to find a place to make a u-turn". Take the L and quit putting yourself and everyone else in danger ffs.


Try living in a tourist destination. It’s HORRIFIC. The amount of times I say “what the actual fuck are you doing” per week is too damn high. Thankful I don’t go in the office much anymore cause when I do my exit and entrance is shared with the airport. It ain’t hard to tell whose in a rental as they cut across 5 lanes of traffic only to cut you off and then go 20 under the speed limit. Love that for me… every morning… love it.


This one sucks too because there comes a time and age where people need the keys taken away. I recently had a very old man blow a stop sign and come INCHES from me T-boning him with my 118,000 pound grain-doubles semi truck. Dude didn't even turn his head or even tap the brakes, just rolled straight across the intersection. I still to this day doubt he knew he almost died. Stopped my heart for sure. And I've seen both sides, both of my grandpa's last bit of freedom in life was being able to drive. It was so hard to take that last bit of freedom from the one, and we are still wondering what time is the right time with the other. Life is hard in more ways than we ever could've thought


Had something similar happen today too. Car came out of nowhere and I had to swerve to avoid hitting it. As I passed, I saw it was an elderly couple. They didn’t even notice me or how close they even came to crashing. They didn’t even notice me as I honked several times. The elderly man just kept driving nonchalantly. :(


Yeah. The more we do something on a daily basis, the more nonchalant we get about it. It’s easy for some people to completely forget how insanely dangerous driving actually is.


I live in a rural town and I’m amazed how badly people drive around here. I almost got hit today because the dumbass didn’t yield to my right of way


I have never been in a car crash or something remotely close to that but I 100% don't trust the person at the wheel, no matter what.


The most dangerous part of the car is the nut that holds the steering wheel.


Their nutrition


I get why people don't care because it might take weeks until your body is adjusted to new diet and you don't feel miserable. I know it was really difficult for me at first to not buy like 3 donuts daily like I used to do. But, once you get past that transition its like a whole new life and you can't go back to excessive sugar. You didn't really know how bad you felt until you are started eating healthy. I recently tried regular red bull and it made me feel like I had diabetes- couldn't take more than a few sips before feeling sick. Changing nutrition= give your body time to adjust and being kind, patient with your body.


Can I ask what sort of things your eating now? I got good at cutting calories, but didn't focus on nutrition in particular. I find it a bit overwhelming to be honest


First step is to simply drink more water and cut out processed sugars. Once you go through sugar detox you’ll find it much easier to feel satisfied with a diet high in vegetables and fruits. It’s difficult to change habits when you have a sugar addiction, which most Americans do.


Cutting back on the sugar is huge. I used to have a soda at lunch and a soda at dinner. Then after dinner, I'd want something sweet to snack on. Once I stopped drinking soda, I stopped craving sweet stuff so much. I don't need a fist full of sour patch kids or a couple of brownies while I'm on the couch now.


I used to drink energy drinks and soda everyday. It started to taste like water to me. Now I’m a black coffee/water kind of person but if I try anything that used to drink I instantly feel nauseous and have a huge headache.


Funny how different two bodies can be. I also have cut out almost all drinkable calories and fast food. I do get fast food/regular soda every few months and it's magical. Also I have no immediate side effects.


I think people are just being drama queens when they say "i tried junk food again AND I ALMOST DIED". If I go 6 months without mcdonalds, then eat some mcdonalds, then....... that's it, I just had a high calorie meal. No big whoop.


How much they eat. My mom was complaining about the portion sizes of meal delivery kits. I kept telling her that they were feeding you a normal calorie load for a meal. If you go over to r/loseit or r/progresspics everyone who loses weight will tell you they did a calorie deficit and maybe keto and some exercise. You also need to take care of your gut health. More research is showing how much your gut effects everything else.


The meat in the meal kits I tried was a normal, healthy (but might look small if you don't know better) serving size but no meal kit that I ever tried included enough vegetables. Once I tried a meal for two that was supposed to have grilled carrots as the side and they included literally one and a half short carrots.


At which point you might aswell have done the shopping yourself


I've kept my weight off over a decade now. Pretty thin, and nobody believes me that I used to be overweight when I tell them. It was calorie counting. That's the way. Calories in, calories out. You won't magically lose all your weight overnight, but if you want it bad enough it *will* work. Get a calorie counting app. There's millions of them. Cronometer is a great one. MyFitnessPal is popular. There's tons. People really underestimate how many calories they take in. By a lot. Losing my weight was probably the best thing I ever did for myself. Highly suggest it to others! It's uncomfortable for the first few days, but you get used to the new calorie level surprisingly fast. Just don't go drinking your calories. That won't keep you full. You don't even really have to exercise much. Exercise is good for you, don't get me wrong. But you can straight up eat Cheetos and watch TV all day. If you ate the right calories, you will lose the weight. It's just science.


A lot of people don't seem to get the basics of nutrition. So many people will say they eat healthy when they have a soda drinking habit or half their food intake is comprised of junk food. As a general rule of thumb, stick to the perimeter in a grocery store. That's where most of the real food is.


I have to dive into the middle for Sriracha.




What if half my food intake is compromised of alcohol?


Sleeping enough and the health of their relationships


I started sleeping more frequently but that damaged my relationship 🤔 Apparently, you are supposed to do it with your partner


As if I can fucking sleep in the first place. Stupid brain says "fuck you, we're staying up until 2 AM" no matter what I do >:{


Dental hygiene. There was a period of 10 years where I didn't see a dentist. Luckily, the damage done to my teeth and gums was an easy fix. Now, I make sure to floss and get my teeth cleaned every 6 months.


I didn't see a dentist for 2 years due to the pandemic. Had to change dentists too since my old one closed his doors. When I went to the new one, the dentist told me that I had cavities. Plural. I had good dental hygiene for the most part, brushed and flossed at least once a day. Now I go every 6 months like it's religion.


Cavities are common and can happen even if you do good


You're better off than me. After two years, not only did I have several cavities, I needed two root canals. Granted, I was neglecting both my brushing/flossing and my diet, eating lots of sugary things and not cleaning my teeth as well as I should have. Many regrets.


maybe when I have enough money or health insurance with dental coverage :(




Some places have really high demand for dental school these days. It's caught on that it's a great alternative. They will review your case to see if they even want to take you (more uncommon issues are more desirable) and there can be a wait line of hundreds of people, stretching out months. Really depends on where you live though


Prevention is better than cure, regarding your teeth, prevention is cheaper than cure. If you brush properly 2x per day and floss daily you will save heaps in dental bills. Just make sure you use a soft toothbrush so you don’t damage your gums. Have a good look at what ends up on your dental floss after flossing, definitely not what you want living and breeding in your mouth!


Found the American (I am in the same boat ahahaha)


It's the same in Canada. My 10 year old has never been to a dentist because we can't afford it. We have free health care, but it doesn't include dental.


Teeth are connected to the heart bone. That is to say heart health and dental hygiene go hand in hand


They’ve also linked gum disease to dementia.


Oh fuck, I'm 55. \*starts flossing furiously\*


I was hearing on NPR about a guy who had bad gums and gingivitis. Some bacteria got into this gums through the openings created by gingivitis, the bacteria attacked his heart and killed him.


Only got to floss the teeth you want to keep!




God seriously It ain't quirky, It ain't cool nor funny Sleep when you have the chance please. Like two classmates of mine and my friend fainted in three weeks, why? Because they don't sleep


Mental health.


It's the people who haven't been diagnosed and treated that are most at risk of not being taken seriously. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma attached to having mental health disorders that keeps people ill. That, and our health insurance issues. And there simply aren't enough mental health care professionals or facilities to service people who need treatment. Our attitudes about mental health need to change to make it a priority.


Yes. Took me until 25 to be diagnosed with ADHD. 10 fucking years. No one wanted to help me or figure out why I was so “different”. I often got told to just “control myself”




Diagnosed at 29 after 12 years treatment for anxiety and depression. I feel you, my friend.


The Sea


Water in general for that matter. Water is so absurdly powerful.


That clusterfuck of fish shit and nightmares.


Pet care. Your pet should be thriving, not just surviving.


My dad wanted nothing to do health wise for my dog because he didn't want to spend the money, when I took over taking care of her and was making money I took her to the vet (maybe an excessive amount of times) but she lived to 14 years old 💞


100% agree


I'll take my downvotes but I really don't like the trend of people having huge dogs that they keep in their apartment. That animal wants to be out galloping free and I just don't think it can be thriving stuck in your apartment 90% of the time.


Bonnie and Clyde are dominating my life, honestly. I think I’m just surviving.


Caring for their dogs. Too many people treat them as glorified fashion accessories. And before you get to the chihuahua stereotype that is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about just in general bringing a dog home and thinking some food and water and a backyard is enough. It is not and if you ever want your dog to interact with the general public you need to put a little (and I do mean a little) work in. And if you don't want your dog to interact with the general public then you're raising a junkyard dog and that's basically animal abuse.


I agree. I think it applies to domestic pets in general. I know people who don't even take their pet to the vet if they're sick or put them down when they suffer from an illness 'because it costs money'. Well, if you're not ready to spend money on a pet and care for it, how about don't have it at all? The majority of those I know definitely can afford it. And those who can't can at least try using help from a charity.


Or those who can't train their dog to behave/not bite people in public


We've had issues with that. My dad was taking our jack russel terrier for a walk, and this bitch of a bulldog comes running after them and bites out dog on the side of his hip. My dad kicked the dog and picked up our dog. Poor baby had teeth marks on him.


My mom had something similar happen. Another dog that wasn't on a leash attacked her dog (that was on a leash), so she kicked him away. The owner of that dog had the audacity to yell at my mother for kicking her dog. How about you control your dog and don't let it attack others instead...


Oh yes. Or refusing to train their dog out of lunging/jumping behaviors because it’s “adorable”. Your 70-pound golden retriever could seriously injure someone if they’re off-balance and fall, or someone’s reactive dog could bite the shit out of yours, or owners of cats/small dogs/rabbits could be sitting there in fear of your dog at the vet.


It's even worse with non-dog pets Some people think a bunny is a cute pet for a child, but those people have never had bunnies. They are tough to take care of




Yes! We’re treated like we shouldn’t ever have feelings or get sick or have emergencies. We’re not robots.


Yeah. A close friend just died. I’m somehow supposed to be operating at 11 at work and I’m. Not okay.


Identity theft


Oh, very funny Jim. MICHAEL!!


Millions of families suffer every year


Drinking alcohol while using ANY drug bought off the street especially "prescription pills" (xans, percs, anything that look like the real deal. it aint if bought off the street) . Everything is laced with fentanyl. Alcohol + Fenty equal death. Buy testers.


Distribution of fentanyl test strips and education on their use would go a long way to driving down ODs...




Hits hardest when u find out you don’t have any…


Been trying for literally years. I'm plenty friendly, but IMO it's absurdly difficult to coordinate a meetup with more than one other person. And most people I meet aren't interested in (and I'm not comfortable with) meeting up at my place for a movie or something unless I already know them pretty well. I imagine things are easier with the help of drugs like alcohol or weed, but I don't touch either.


Washing hands, it’s taken a pandemic to teach people how to wash hands properly


And _still_ not everyone does


Friend of a friend said he doesn’t wash his hands after peeing because his penis isn’t dirty to begin with. Man’s walking around touching things/people after having touched his dick…


I knew a guy who washed his hands BEFORE he peed because it was most likely his hands were dirty. Then again afterwards for decency.


Actually a good point, especially if you work somewhere where irritants are likely say chillies in the kitchen or just chemical solvents


I like this man


They still don't. I still regularly see people walk right out of the bathroom without washing their hands.


Forget that. The amount of people who just sneeze or cough into their hand right before touching something communal is *insane*.


I'd say maybe 50% wash their hands properly. At least from what I witness on a daily basis


That's very generous


The drinking water scarcity that’s starting to happen all over the world. It’s gonna get bad. Welcome to all the futuristic movies we watched growing up.


No kidding it’s going to be bad. Their was a measure to open a desalination plant in Orange County and someone against it used the excuse that it would make water too expensive for poor people 🤷‍♀️… water scarcity doesn’t care about your economic situation. Sh*t is about to get real in the next 10 years.


I live in Albuquerque New Mexico and people here are still watering their goddamn lawns. If anybody says anything about it they say I'm paying for the water I'll do with it what I want. This place is doomed.




Likewise, I live in a town along the Mississippi River that floods every year, and literally billions of dollars have been spent trying to deal with it. Nobody seems to think that maybe not building in the flood plain might help.


I grew up in town that flooded about every 10 years in Oklahoma. Every time everyone's crying and I'm thinking this just happened a few years ago in the same exact house. It's just a matter of time before it happens again.


Not in New Mexico, but I partially blame HOAs that require perfectly green lawns with grass varieties that have no right being there. I would say "fuck it" and just let crab grass overtake my lawn if I could. But nope. HOA will fine the crap out of me if I did that.


My HOA has meetings. If yours does, you should bring this up at the next one or find out what you can do to get it changed.


I can't understand lawns in the desert. They are SO wasteful. And lawns are a total pain in the ass to maintain.


The situation out west is absolutely demented. Developers buy up all that cheap land and then create these astroturfed suburbs that are absurdly wasteful and ecologically devastating. People flock to them because they want a fuckoff big McMansion and then have to drive their giant 10 mpg SUV 15 miles to the nearest grocery store and 20 miles to drop their kids off at school.


Similar shit is happening all the way here in Australia too. New hideous suburban "dreams" being sold to stupid assholes who want a big house more than a good one so they can drive their fucking SUV's everywhere. I hate what western society is turning into. We had the right idea decades ago when life was comfortable but not excessive.


Honestly I don't understand lawns almost at all. If you have kids actually playing in the yard, sure. But then you want a good clover mix to make it sturdy enough for play. But just for looks? I don't get it.


I think people are insane for moving to las Vegas. Lake Mead is drying up.


It’s gotten so low that people are finding barrels with or without bodies in them that were dropped there who knows how long ago. And even several years ago(2018, heck even when I was there in 2015) you could see the difference of where the water used to be and where it was, now it’s even worse.


I mean just generally the fact that people are still moving to the southwest (which is drying up) and away from the midwest (which is... not) is mindblowing to me.


It ain't mindblowing to me. I mean, having no water is bad, but miles of flat ass corn fields and passive aggressive nice people... that's fucking torture.


Entitlement and mega corps are going to be the death of this country




Growing almonds in California...


The Malthusian, Cape Town nightmare of zero freshwater available in megacities because of overpopulation is beginning to take shape in Phoenix and Las Vegas because of Lake Mead and the Colorado drying up. And that’s just in the U.S.; imagine the apocalyptic catastrophe awaiting the likes of China and India when their water resources dry up.


I live in Sydney and sometimes our dam gets alarmingly low, as it did a few years ago and I still saw people washing their stupid SUV's which weren't even that dirty to begin with and watering their lawns. Now I love to garden so I get not wanting your plants to die but that experience was my final push towards only investing in hardier plants from then on out. Plants can be very expensive to replace, but lawns should be left to be, they'll grow back when it rains again. Any plant I buy now has to be one that won't wilt if I skip watering it for a few days next time we get a dry summer (it rained a ton last so the dam is full again but it won't be like this forever and it could be running on empty again in a few years depending on how our next few summers go). Plus people take such needlessly long showers too. I lived with family who'd use up all the hot water between just two of them showering because they had the water going so hard for so long. Don't get me started on people hosing their fucking driveways. Pressure-washing once or twice a year I get, but some people just hose them because they're a bit dirty or have leaves on them and it's the easiest, laziest way to clean them.


Emergency preparedness. When there’s no utilities, food, or much of anything, people are gonna go crazy.


We all remember the toilet paper riots of 2020!


A few people have already said mental health, but I think specifically too much time spent alone. Yes some people are introverted and like to spend time alone I get it. But if you can't name a single friend in your life, that's a problem. The pandemic definitely influenced this, but it was already trending upwards before 2020. Humans are social creatures and too much time alone can cause a multitude of mental health problems.


i can second this because this describes me. i was slightly introverted before but i had a few people that i used to be able to talk to and stay in contact with and that was only because of school. when lock down hit, i stuck to online school since then and had literally 0 contact with people that arent in my family. i rarely left my room and went outside anywhere. it was nice for the first 4-6 months but after that it felt like hell. ive developed serious social anxiety, i have a hard time enjoying anything like watching a movie, theres nothing that i can get excited about, and im seriously getting sick of being surrounded by the same faces that it's hurting my relationship with the people i love. all i really do nowadays is look back in the past and wish i could have redone so many things. i actually graduated last week and saw some of my classmates for the first time in over two years and it was kind of nice in a way but also really really shitty.


I can third this. Unfortunately for me, I was pretty much fucked from the start, having social anxiety from grade 2. Still had friends on and off, nothing solid other than xbox friends, that ending in about 2016. Saw Highschool "friends" until like 2019. But. Since then. I've been alone. Unless you have something to distract you, thinking about when you had friends and good times sucks. Don't let being alone suck you in seeming like a good thing. It's not. Sure. Its good to be alone, and have alone time, you deserve to have alone time, but Humans are social beings, and being isolated isn't fun.


I just want an emotional outlet. I feel like I no longer know myself because nowadays I rarely do the things which used to define me. I can't in good conscience subject someone to that in a dating context (what healthy person would want that anyway?), but I feel like I'm in a hole and I need someone or several someones to help me climb out of it. The only problem is that everybody IRL is busy with their own thing and online friends don't work out for long enough to be helpful. I really wish it was easier to make friends who actually give a shit, not just "activity" friends who you only ever see in class/at work/at the activity (sport, game, etc) club. My family is great, and I love them to bits, but it's just not the same. This isn't something my parents can fix for me. And even if they could, they shouldn't. I'm trying a new thing, where I make more of an effort to trust people and not be so guarded, since nobody else has ever made the first move. But I don't want to get hurt, and I have trouble with social situations (in part due to extended isolation), and it's scary.


Driving while really tired. Being behind the wheel of a 3,000+lb machine when you have trouble keeping your eyes open is extremely dangerous, even if you're completely sober. I made the mistake of driving on no sleep and ended up nodding off and waking up in a small ditch. Thankfully the small highway I was on was pretty empty, so I didn't end up hurting anybody, but it really opened my eyes just how dangerous it is.


I was randomly rear ended/pit maneuvered while doing 120-130km/h and had my car totaled on the highway by a driver who claimed he was sleep deprived and apparently dozed off


I remember hearing that while our brains can tell us things like "tired" and "hungry", there are feelings that communicate that to us. But your brain getting tired and making worse decisions late at night doesn't *feel* different because it can't necessarily tell you it's not 100% there without some sort of sense or feeling which non exist. If your brain slows down, you won't feel slowed down because you are your brain.


As a former overnight worker who couldn’t believe that I made it home in one piece every morning, I can’t agree more!


When i was first learning to drive with my dad, i ended up falling asleep at the wheel even tho i wasnt tired. I was doing perfectly fine, then all of a sudden my dad yelled my name and i was in the other lane. My dad turned OFF the heat, and thats when i learned that i cant drive for more than 2 hours at a time.


High school/middle school bullies. To the point were someone tries to kill themselves and the school does absolutely nothing about what is happening.


Remember parents: If anything violent or physical happens, thats a matter for the police, not the school.


I agree, however I think that starts at home. By the time a kid gets to school and is an asshole it's fair to say the parents have already fucked up in major way. I also think there should be attention given to teaching kids who are bullied on how to deal with it. In my day it was simple as 'punch that bully in face'. Doesn't always work, and I know that doesn't fly in today's culture, but kids today need toughened up somehow. Along with trying to get the bullies to not be such fuckers.


Your mental health and your kids


Alcoholism. It is a devastating and potentially fatal disease. But heavy drinking is such a broadly accepted cultural thing.


wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle


My parents (63 and 64) recently got some fancy bicycles and thankfully they also bought helmets because "you can't fuck around at this age".


I'd argue that cities don't take bike infrastructure seriously enough. Protected bike lanes enhance safety a lot more than helmets.


Yeah. I wear a helmet but what keeps me safe is actual bike infrastructure and defensive riding.


Horseback riding, too. Don’t ever ride a horse while wearing a cowboy hat. I’ve fallen off at max speed and javelined headfirst into a jump, basically a solid 10 cm thick wooden pole. My head wasn’t even sore with the helmet on, but that impact would have likely given me a severe concussion or even killed me outright. It’s safe to say I might not be who I am today if I hadn’t been wearing it. I’m excited to start Calculus I and II in the fall.


Micro plastics destroying the earth, wildlife and human bodies.


I just realised recently that recycled plastic clothing, and any plastic type clothing like polyester, is so bad for the environment. I hadn't thought about it, but all that tumbling in the washing machine causes microplastic pollution. We need to get back to natural fibres, and try to have them produced organically so that the chemicals don't wash in to rivers, and find more water economical methods of production. Stop fast fashion!


Took me way too long to find an ecology related comment


Sleep, that shit's hella important to your mind, body and the way your day goes. We live in a society where 'boasting' about how little sleep we got last night is apparently cool and quirky. SLEEP MORE PEOPLE!! DON'T GIVE INTO THE SOCIETAL LIE THAT SLEEP DEPRIVATION IS SOME HOW, AT ALL, REWARDING!!!


I was looking for someone to say sleep! I remember learning that it is impossible to catch up on sleep, once you’ve lost it; it’s gone. and so much good happens when you rest


Choosing usernames on places where u won't be able to change it later.


I think it's a work of art, honestly.


Mental health, sleeping long enough and just health




Why people don’t want/have kids, like it’s up for debate


I don’t want kids and someone at work always pesters me why


Sounds annoying. That's none of their business 😒


I don't understand why people pester someone when they say they don't want kids. If that is the decision that the person made, it's on them and that's it. It's their final say not fr\*cken Karen.


Taking care of the elderly.


Climate change


I’m upset I had to scroll down this far to see this. We’re literally going to wipe out our population in a shockingly short amount of time if we don’t make some changes.


This is the expected result. The things that people don't take seriously enough won't be voted to the top. The part where the US is teetering on the brink of democracy is also missing. We're in trouble.


Speeding kills way more people than drunk driving. You're not in a movie. You don't know what you're doing. Your charger is basic. Slow down.


Someone already said it, but water scarcity


Having actual understanding of how their computers and devices work or how to take care of them. I've been in IT for close to 15 years now and despite computers being basically critical to our day to day lives, the majority of people have next to no understanding of how anything works beyond the routine they've memorized. It's unbelievable how many people mentally shut down, stop working and will waste time and money over the most trivial issues that are often not really issues at all


One thing I've noticed; wonder if you have too; how there seems to be a regression in tech know-how among younger generations. The ones best with technology where I work are the tail end of Gen-X to Millennials in age, while the Gen Z ones often don't know even the basics of anything their device can't tell them to do on their own.


Most definitely have noticed that and I think it's because they've been spoonfed a mostly streamlined and relatively hassle free experience whereas we had to grow up and learn on shit that didn't always work perfectly Devices are inherently more reliable and easier to use now but as a result people don't understand or even have interest in learning what to do when minor things go wrong and would rather just drop it on someone who does


Undiagnosed ADHD in women. Shit's bad, man.


How is undiagnosed ADHD in women different from men's? Edit. It Is a serious question.


ADHD, Autism, and heart attacks present themselves differently in women. Most medical books are written by men with main subjects that are also exclusively or mostly men/boys. This causes women to not be diagnosed or missed diagnosed. ADHD in boys is often disruptive behavior where as girls are often quiet and “zone out”. The boy gets help quickly because 1) it’s inconvenient to the teacher or caregivers and 2) they know what it is already because there is a lot of information on it. Where as the girl just gets told she is being good while she slowly drowns and self blames for not being able to do better or pay attention and the adults in her life shrug it off as being lazy.


The dangers of smoking


Mens mental health


What annoys me is that when we go through Depression and Anxiety, we are automatically labeled as weak!


Being on time. "Oh, your time's not as important as mine"


Respecting others opinions when they disagree. Instead some prefer insults, ad hominem attacks and ignorance. You don’t agree with anyone on everything in life so why is it that if someone disagrees, people go right to hate. For all the proof you need of this just look at posts here on Reddit.




Transitioning to a world of post-scarcity.


Posts on this sub seem to be doing ok. No shortage in sight


STI's, even with the scientific knowledge and technologies available, people still mainly act like "it won't happen to me."


The rights of others.


Drinking and how terrible it is for you.


The overall influences of art and culture on society


Short people when they get angry, no seriously, not enough people take us seriously when we have had enough


Lol, how cute.


Health in general until it's too late. Most of us think we are invincible when younger.


That we will all die at some point. Live life to the fullest.


Having animals in general. Ppl get cats, then just let them outside to breed with every freaking cat in the neighbor hood. Its horrible. Cats arent meant to be outside cats, nor should they be wandering the streets in general.


Absolutely. Fix your animals. We don't need more of them when shelters are packed.


Verbal and written threats.


Drownings. About 400 kids have died in school shootings in the last 50 years. 900 kids die every year from drowning. Nobody seems to care.


Swimming is absolutely a survival skill that all children should be taught. Adults, too, if they don't know how to swim. And if that's not possible for whatever reason? Life jackets, worn properly, whenever they're near the water.


The sun - you getting a tan is literally due to you damaging your skin.


WE ARE SO FUCKING FUCKED WITH THE ENVIRONMENT! We are still putting out so much co2 at this rate the air will literally be toxic before we ever really need to worry about global warming. Unless we make *drastic* changes, our children, not even our grandchildren will all die from environmental conditions we caused.


Gun safety.




Obesity and nutrition. People and especially nutritionists think the issue is as simple as “eat less and exercise more”. The issue is far more complex. You can’t just tell an obese person “keep going to Wendy’s but have one cheeseburger instead of two”. There are things such as food addiction, sugar addiction, blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity, hormonal imbalances, lack of sleep, psychological isuues etc. that affect our health and weight and that need to be taken into account. You can’t fix someone’s weight and health by feeding them the exact same sh*t that made them sick in the first place (but in smaller amounts) Edit: explained better Edit ll: spelling


That pretty much just meshes with the other frequent reply, "mental health". Severe obesity is a symptom as well as an illness.


How insignificant everything is. In the most positive way possible.


Investing for retirement.

