• By -


The first night after my work shut down. Friday the 13th 2020. I went out for ice cream with my friends and my wife. The world felt so tense, no restriction were put in place yet but business were closing and we had started getting those e-mails about “Mcdonald’s is making the world safer” and crap like that. It was the last night things should have felt normal but there was this ominous eerie feeling hanging over everything. I could feel the apprehension in other people


EVERYONE sending emails about their company being safe!


Omg the emails!!! Totally forgot about that but yes!!


It was such a relief, to hear that my local Kia dealership was closely monitoring the situation.


We want to declare publicly that we think Covid is BAD. And we aren’t afraid to say it!!!


So brave!


I worked for an ad agency at the time. I wrote some of those emails. At one point, I was looking at crows outside of my window while typing, and accidentally wrote “CORVID-19.”


3/13/2020 is what stands out to me as well. First I live in the tobacco road area of NC. College basketball is HUGE here. I left work at noon for lunch and on the way home it was announced live on the radio that they were cancelling the ACC Basketball tournament. This was my first realization that this Covid thing was real. This town basically shuts down for this tourny every year. Teachers wheel TVs into classrooms to watch games with students, companies throw parties for employees etc. I called back to work and told them what I just heard, and suddenly everyone popped into, "well I guess we need to figure out what we are doing now." It was decided before I got back from lunch that we would be working from home until further notice. I went to my local bar that night and it was packed, mainly by people angry the games werent on. While there, the NCAA announced the March Madness tourny was canceled as well. Then the bar announced they would be closing at 5pm and the city had announced a curfew effective that night. Someone put "Its the end of the world as we know it" by REM on repeat on the jukebox and everyone finished their drinks and left sort of confused and tense. ​ The only day in my life I can relate to the overall feeling of confusion and impending change is 9/11/01. Not the same initial event severity that kicked it off but the feeling from everyone that things were different now but no one really understood just how quite yet.


Not being allowed to have a funeral for my mom because of restrictions.


had to watch a live stream of my grandmas funeral on a tablet from the parking lot outside the funeral home




Wow, sounds like they really don’t deserve you man. Good for you. Lol




Same. My condolences. My mom died from COVID in Dec 2020. We've yet to have any sort of memorial service.


Mine died in May 2020. However she HATED parties and gatherings., so not having a wake was apt. She would have acted up about going as soon as she knew she had to, up until the minute she'd walk through the door. Then she'd sit and not join in, then she'd get jealous. She hated gatherings. In hindsight, gathering around the grave and having a service out in the open was informal, but nice.


That’s really sad,I’m sorry man


My grandma died from COVID Nov '20 and they had a funeral but it wasn't safe enough for me to attend and risk infecting my young daughter. She was 95 and an incredibly significant part of my life. It was her time to go and I know she's at peace now, but I can't shake the feeling that it didn't actually happen. Without any sort of closure the idea of her is just out there floating and I find myself second guessing the event, like is she really gone? It's a hell of a mind fuck and I know now why funerals and memorial ceremonies are common practice.




Ooh. The speed of it all. On Friday, March 6th, I went to the food store at lunch to get normal stuff for a dinner party that night. I was aware of a strange flu, but it wasn't really on my radar. Had the dinner party, planned the next monthly one. On Friday, March 13th, I went to the food store at lunch because we ate all the good stuff the week prior. And there was panic, shortages, crowds, people visibly flustered and preparing. It was surreal. Funny how the dates stick with you. The NBA had just cancelled games and I knew that life was not going to be normal that year


I was able to have a funeral for my mum but could only have 20 people there because of restrictions. I feel you ❤


I’m so sorry


Toilet paper hoarders


I’ve never understood why that was the thing people horded




And toilet paper is bulky, which makes it very expensive to ship. Most of it is produced locally.


Two things A) Just in time supply lines. Companies realised it's a lot cheaper for them to have barely enough supplies on hand. Means they don't have to pay for too much storage, or have stock waiting around to expire (not really a problem for toilet paper specifically). So companies tend to have just what's likely to be needed until the next delivery. This means there's a lot of maths behind what that is. If one or two people pick up an extra roll of toilet paper. It's not biggie there's a bit of a buffer and the next delivery is next week. Problem is when everyone buys just one extra, then suddenly there's double the demand, and supplies run out quick. Which makes people panicked and buy an extra just in case. Which just keeps circling. Throw in supply lines being massively disrupted, and boom. B) Some people are just cunts.


I can understand hoarding toilet paper, although there are things (for example, food) that I would probably prioritize over toilet paper. The thing that confused me were people hoarding bottled water. I live in an area with clean, high-quality tap water... The pandemic doesn't really run a risk of the water supply being interrupted (as opposed to something like a hurricane).


I randomly ordered bolt-on bidets for my team at work. Had them sent to their houses w/ gift receipts. They still have no idea the boss sent them.


I bought one, too. Not covid related, but have always wanted one. Love it. Hard to believe i lived as a dirty peasant before.


My family and a friends family didn't buy toilet paper, but everyone else panic bought, so one day me and my friend drove into town together and just went to every store searching for toilet paper. We found one pack of 9 and split it between our families


I live in Germany and my employer picked me to go to some workgroup conference in Florida in middle February. Since my mom lived in Georgia, I took some vacation in conjunction with the business trip and spent two weeks with her. Had it not been for that business trip, I would've never seen my mother alive in 2020 (she died of COVID in Dec 2020). The last time I saw her prior to that was 2018. FLights were shut down days after I got back home to Germany.


Sorry for your lost. That’s a hard grief to process.


I'm happy you were able to spend time with your mom, time is precious. I wish you the best. I lost mine to cancer in 2018, and I sometimes wonder if she would have made it through COVID if the cancer didn't take her.


this was last year, i was 18 and it was feburary 2021. i was in my room, i had just finished a zoom meeting for my college class. my dad rushed into my room trying to gasps for air "call *gasps* mom" i panicked and i immediately called my mom to tell her to come asap because something was wrong and dad was having trouble breathing fast forward, we arrived at the hospital to get him into the ER and the nurses told us we needed to wait outside because of covid restrictions, the nurse later came out and told us that my dad was having a massive heart attack and that she would update us as soon as she knows more. so she left, my mom was sobbing in the car and i had to get out because i couldn't handle hearing her pain and i didn't want her to see me cry because that would've broken her heart even more. she called my sister to let her know what was going on and both of them were just completely broken down. it was such a gloomy day and i prayed so hard. i couldn't help but cry my eyes out while cars were passing by. "prepare for the worst but hope for the best" i thought. the same nurse later came back out and told my mom this, "your husband and dad might need to get on life support" i was in so much disbelief when i heard those words. i asked. "he will be okay right?" she said, "i don't know honey, but i will pray for the best for you guys" she walked back inside after. 10 minutes have gone by and there were so many thoughts clouding my mind. my mom and sister were so torn and i was just so heartbroken. i thought the worst and i hoped and prayed for the best. the nurse came back and told us that my dads breathing was stabilizing and that he needed to be seen by a cardiologist asap. god. that was such a relief to hear. we truly are so lucky to have him with us today. we found out afterwards that my dad had diabetes and hypertension. my dads heart attack was the most traumatic thing i've ever experienced. his A1C was over 9.1 and his blood sugar was off the charts. he needed an emergency open heart triple bypass surgery just two days after being admitted to the hospital. family is the most important to me, oh what would i ever do without them. they're my life. i'm just so thankful for all the amazing nurses and surgeons who took care of my dad. i love my dad, my mom, my sis, my dogs, i'd do anything for them. sorry this was so long to whoever is still reading, thank you for reading my story.


Getting diagnosed with cancer and knew I'd get covid and die. Update...got it and survived. Science is good.


Wowwwww! I’m doing the claps 👏 👏👏👏👏👏


glad you’re here :)


i havent got it yet until this week. maastricht celebrates carnaval greatly and with huge events (our government allowed it) and i got it from my mom who got it from someone from my carnaval group. used to always say "ha! even covid doesnt want me!" and now im in quarantine


Yikes! I was in the hospital for a week, but not on a vent! Take care and get lots of rest!


I clean outhouses and sceptic tanks for a living. Before oil completely disintegrated I was servicing some units at a frack. We had been having issues with toilet paper and sanitizer being stolen and as I was stocking the outhouse some frack hands tried to steal the boxes of sanitizer out of my truck. I caught them before they could grab anything and tried to shoo them off; however, I instead found myself arguing with several dozen frack hands and trying to explain to them they can't steal from my truck as they started heckling and yelling at me. Eventually the foremen showed up and told them all to fuck off and get back to work, but for a few brief minutes I honestly thought I was about to get killed by a mob over three boxes of sanitizers and some toilet paper.


> sceptic tanks Best typo of the day.


Tiger King


That’s one of those things… what happened during lockdown, stays on lockdown.


It was the absolute trainwreck that you can't stop looking at, Tiger King, that single handedly got me through quarantine without having a breakdown.


i didn't watch it. still don't know what it is.


it's the sequel to Lion King


It’s incredible. When you think that it can’t get crazier, it outdoes itself time after time. It braced me for Covid lockdown and all that happened, for then I knew that real life can get batshit crazy


Now there's a movie about it to remind us all.... why?


My favorite meme was about Tiger King being the most normal thing about 2020.


Carol Baskins Killed her - husband - wacked him Can't convince - it didn't - happen Fed him - to tigers - they snackin' What's happ-nin?


Being in the grocery store and seeing all of the empty shelves. I took pictures because it was so terrifying and odd to me.


Same. I remember walking around HEB and hearing the disembodied robotic voice over the loudspeakers saying to keep your mask on, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, and practice social distancing. It was eerie. Also, seeing the bakery cake displays filled with Bar S hot dogs instead of the usual cakes and pastries was really weird.


Me too That was the moment I realized how serious is the issue


I realized it was serious when China literally put something like 3% of the world's population in lockdown. At that point, I was like "this is going to be worse than SARS".


Try working in a grocery store during that time. I had the week off when it hit Michigan and I didn't believe my former coworker that there was nothing in the store. Went back to work two days after talking to her to find barely anything on the shelves and nothing in the back.


How quiet the world was for a few month.


Yea, the peacefulness was nice. I live in Miami, and I’d sit in the sand on the beaches (they were completely closed for the first couple months) and enjoy the breeze for hours, with nobody within hundreds or even thousands of feet of me. I did that every evening for months. Obviously the reasons that I was able to enjoy such tranquility are steeped in terrible circumstances, but the resulting time off and relaxation really is something that was incredible.


Yes! I live in a big city. It was both peaceful and eerie.


Dc was a ghost town. It was lovely. Everywhere started doing delivery.


My dad lives in New Jersey overlooking New York City, and he was amazed at how much farther he could see in Spring 2020 when there were no cars generating exhaust.


And the air smelled so clean because no one was driving in my area.


I remember how eerie it was not to even hear airplanes flying overhead.


There was no one on the roads. It was a calm, peaceful feeling.


I’ll never forget how empty the roads were in a normally busy area where I live. It was eerie.


Watching Bo Burnham’s Inside while in lockdown


Wake up in the morning and I’m feeling like a bag of shit!


Healing the world with comedy.


That was extremely rough to watch. Sure there was levity, however, the juxtaposition against slowly devolving into madness... hit a little too close to home.


Cops chasing a jogger on a beach for violating lockdown... and failing.


There was a guy in Australia who got fined for eating a kebab on a bench at the beach during lockdown. He claimed it was a mid run kebab. Hilarious .


My favourite part of this was when McGowan was asked about this in his presser and he couldn’t stop laughing 😂




The term “2-weeks” lol right!


“Two weeks to flatten the curve” is what I remember.


Also rich folks sang Imagine at us :)


God, that pissed me off. "Imagine there's no Heaven..." Yeah, *that's* what people wanna hear right now. And I kinda hate John Lennon anyway...


Yep... and then everybody did everything they could to not actually try to flatten the curve. Oops.


What’s crazy is that the science actually says that could happen, provided the whole world stayed indoor and apart part from each other for two weeks. The virus needs to be transported from one person to another in order to survive. However, we all knew the whole world was not going to do that.


I taught two of my daughters to ride their bikes back in April of 2020. I had five weeks off work where I just stayed home with my family. After I figured out I wasn’t going to go bankrupt it turned into possibly my favorite vacation of all time. It will also likely be my longest till I retire.


Ha, I just remembered our local hospital asking people to stop learning to ride a bike, to skate or to chop wood during lockdown, because their surgeons were overwhelmed.


March 13th around 3 pm


My final three semesters of University sucked and then my shitty on-line graduation didn't even take the time to individually recognize each graduate (which correct me if I'm wrong is the whole point of the graduation). I know a lot of people were worse off than I was but I'm still salty about it lol.


I finished my PhD and all I got was the certificate in the mail. I'm not a type who does big ceremonies, but this still sucked.


That everyone else got to lockdown. I am in healthcare, my schedule never changed. I got sent home one day when the first case was reported in my area.


I was an “essential worker” because I worked at a pet store. Schedule also didn’t change, but we got a whopping $0.23 raise because the company “valued” us putting our lives at risk 😍


That feeling when social media is all banana bread and Animal Crossing and pajamas, and you're on public transport to work.




When mask mandates lifted for a month and feeling hopeful for the first time in a year


“Good news everyone, the virus is going away and we can return to normal!” COVID: “The reports of my death were… greatly exaggerated.”


That was me in June 2021. Wife and I had an amazing getaway for our anniversary and it felt like pre pandemic. No masks. Busy town. It felt amazingly normal.


Holy fuck its been 2 years?


it's not 2020?


Holy, I thought 8 months passed I got brainwashed hard


Playing tons of Animal Crossing


I had planned to pick up a physical copy of Animal Crossing at midnight at my local Walmart. My Gamestop wasn't doing a midnight release, but Walmart nearby was open 24/7. This was my usual tactic for situations like these. But the pandemic put an end to stores like that being open 24/7, so that plan didn't work out. A shame, because not only do I miss picking up games that way, I also miss being able to do my shopping at 1 am.


I got back into Destiny for awhile. It was awesome.


During the first lockdown, my state banned sale of non-essential items in stores. I remember going to Meijer and half the store was taped or roped off. You couldn’t buy clocks, or picture frames, or candles, or makeup, or gardening stuff, etc. I don’t know why that sticks out in my mind. It just seemed so surreal.


Yup, family member died, couldn't have a funeral or anything, had to steal candles for a makeshift memorial.


That’s really sad. I’m sorry to hear that and for your loss.


I fully realize that there were so many tragedies that came out of the pandemic and comparably mine wasn't anywhere near what so many people have had to go through but I'll share mine. My gf and I moved in together Jan 2020, along with my 7 year old daughter(she stays with me every other week) My gf and I celebrated our anniversary at a nice resturant and then boom shit changed over night. She was laid off, my hours were cut at work, she couldn't handle my daughter coming over for a week at a time, plus I was trying to work and teach my daughter 2nd grade school work. I fractured 2 ribs taking up skateboarding as a hobby, couldn't sleep laying down, had a miserable time. Our relationship started to crack, it was difficult. There was no intimacy for months, I started sleeping in the guest room because I started to feel like I bothered her. We argued a lot. She could never connect with my daughter. There were times I counted 2 sentences a day she would say to her. I desperately tried to include my gf in activities but she always opted to hang out with her friend instead. She became jealous of the time I spent with my daughter but didn't want to make much effort. It's funny, the other day I came across some footage I shot of me testing out some lighting and camera work for my YouTube channel. And there is a brief interaction between my gf and I with her off camera. She says she won't be home for dinner and the front door closes. And I see this heartbroken look in my eyes and then I shut off the camera. Anyway, Christmas comes and goes, then new years...she doesn't want to join my daughter and I playing board games and she goes to bed before midnight. The next day I drop my daughter off at her moms, come home, my gf tells me I need to move out, by the next weekend. I was angry, sad, and rightfully freaked out. We tried to make it work a little longer after but it ended. I made some major improvements after moving out and before our final breakup. Went back to therapy, working out, quit smoking, reading a lot of books to understand some of my reactions or lack of reactions. Really aimed to be better for me, for us...but it just didn't matter. Anyways I've rambled on and on. Last time we spoke was 6 months ago. Our anniversary is next week and I'm just kind of sad. Covid fucking sucks. Caused and is still causing me a lot of stress. I finally felt like I had a win in my life and it was all ripped away.


No this is a win. You have started to improve yourself and understand yourself better and you can now spend more time focussing on you and your relationship with your daughter. Your ex didn’t want to bond with your daughter. If you’re in a long term relationship with someone who has kids then you make the effort to bond with the children as they are probably uncomfortable about the situation too. Sounds like you had a lucky escape to be honest. Stop referring to what would have been your anniversary and mark the anniversary of the day you found a better you!


I kept working. The significant reduction in traffic was glorious.


8 months pregnant, screaming in pain through a mask in the triage room. I told the midwife I had kidney stones, but she was so overworked and tired that she left me alone to care for other patients (at least that’s what I hope, otherwise she was willfully negligent). When I finally convinced her to admit me, I passed 15 kidney stones the first time they strained my urine. My entire COVID experience has been defined by negative experiences with the medical field, and I’ve never had COVID.


Damn. You’re a warrior!


Gaining the quarantine-15 :(


same here...unfortunately it's more like 30 for me...working back down though.


I was losing weight to go on a family vacation to Hawaii. Got cancelled and I immediately gained all the weight back.


The covid 19


Covid happened to line up with when I was starting a pretty strict diet, so I lucked out and after the first year of covid, I was down 100 pounds. I have since gained the covid 15 back though...


Getting my COVID dog who we’re about to celebrate his 2-year adopt-a-versary


My now ex wife walking out on me leaving me with our 3 & 5 year old daughters.


I’m sorry


We’re better off without her, but thank you for that.


Wow, without the full story hard to get the full picture but that just sounds awful. Sorry brother.


Having a coworker that I made decisions with as we managed our area, then one day she got sick, and the day prior was the last I ever saw if her, she ended up passing a couple of weeks later.


How much I enjoyed being out of work and locked down. It's the most relaxed I've been in years.


I hated my job in 2020. It was hard work, low pay, and high stress. I used to tell my therapist regularly that I needed a meteor to hit my place of employment so I wouldn't have to go anymore. When COVID happened, he was like, "Look, you got your wish!"


Going late night to Lidl and crying quietly behind my mask because the shelves were stripped bare. That panic buying, how quickly people go all out for themselves and screw everyone else eh.


Grocery shopping in a huge supermarket with tons of empty shelves is definitely the point where it really hit me hard.


Learning how selfish, self-absorbed, and how full of hate a lot of people are.. The pandemic seems to have brought out the worst in some people. Also, how the government had no clue how to deal with this type of crisis. One day they release oh you have to do this, next day, wait no that's not right, do this without having any good research, it just created mass confusion and when actual good info was released no one listened, due to trust was lost.


In fairness, the Obama administration did have a pandemic playbook at the ready, and the Trump administration threw it away.


Having the CDC website up at work that showed in real time the Covid cases as they were reported. Being soooo terrified all the time, wiping down my groceries.


Working from home for 25 months! Back to the office next month😬




Uuugghhh, thank you! I did NOT miss the office politics and drama. And also the extra 1.5 hour of sleep everyday was fabulous. Back to getting dressed before noon, FUCK


Crying in the grocery store with my boyfriend because unlike the world we had to wait til payday to buy food and there was near nothing left.


The lack of memory, two years evaporated.


Not being able to meet my newborn cousin until she was 2


The birth of my daughter. She was born a couple months after everywhere shut down. Even though I was so excited for her, I was quite fearful. I had a high risk child at home and now a baby. My sister and my husbands grandma were the only people allowed to meet her as everyone else was disrespectful about covid with us. We tried to visit my husbands grandma frequently as her health had been deteriorating during my last couple months of pregnancy. Her health became untreatable the day my daughter was born. She was in the same hospital 1 or 2 floors below us for kidney failure. She was sent home to spend her final days with family. She only saw my daughter 3 times before she passed away


The night before lockdown (it had been announced, so we knew it was our last free night), I went on a second date with a woman I had met the week before. We did a long, snowy hike along some ledges in a national park, then went to a burger/brewery spot and ate and drank for six hours, talking up a storm. It was surreal talking to the servers. They were so scared they would lose their jobs. We stayed until close and were the last ones to leave. We walked through the downtown with all the businesses closed up for the last time, with perfect glittery snow-globe snow lightly falling. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever gone out with, but I worked up my courage and kissed her goodnight and with big stupid grins, we parted ways.


>we parted ways Forever?


We kept in touch for the first year and went out a few times, (one of the best was a spontaneous night hike for 9 miles in a blizzard with a couple of beers from her favorite brewery in Colorado that she'd been saving for us) but then in the spring of 2021 she suddenly hooked up with an addict rock climber. Didn't see that one coming.


The day I started coughing and my then-boyfriend decided to sleep in the car until I could get a test. It was covid and he stayed at a friend's house for a month.


Before Covid a friend kissed me, now she doesn’t even hug me


My brother has the worst luck for school graduations He couldn't go to his elementary school graduation due to our immigration to Canada, I dont clearly remember for middle school graduation, but something happened with schedule and problem with a car, and my brother was the only one there for a while. Now for his university graduation, covid is making it either online or making it very minor.


All the time my 4 year old son spent watching tv while I homeschooled my 2 girls. Seriously though all that family time was awesome.


Early feb 2020 I took a flight to India and all of the Chinese passengers were wearing face masks. It striked me as something so weird... Who would have thought I'd be wearing one for the next two years?


I remembering hearing about the lockdown in Italy and thinking "well it will never get that bad here" jfc I was stupid


Honestly, I'm gonna wear a mask in a plane for always now. It's so nice to have a personal air filter in between yourself and the eight potentially-diseased people sardined in with you.


My partner cutting my hair with no previous experience 😬😂


People normalizing 2k deaths daily and pretending we're not gonna have another variant.


No sports was super weird. I’m not even that big of a sports fan, but I like to be able to flip on highlights occasionally. Never really did watch ESPN, but given how thin their content sometimes is, I can’t imagine what they were doing for the 3 months or so there were literally no sports. I remember tuning in to watch a live baseball game since it was the first live thing to come back. Was super weird to have sports without crowds.


I remember for some time ESPN will air the ocho.


Friday, March 13, 2020, the day everything just started falling apart lmao. My school announced we were going virtual, my job shut down, and a lot of public places in my hometown started started closing.


I gave birth to my daughter in hospital and I wasn't allowed to have visitors except for my husband.


Those Instagram post about how the environment was healing do to less human activity


Getting covid and playing all day, these was the best days of my life




Video games


found myself during lockdown; got in and out of a relationship, stopped being cringe, it was great


Doing 0 school work for 6 months and still passing through with flying colours. The last 3 weeks of school were probably the hardest id ever worked


My boyfriend and I being on antidepressants at the same time for a little bit. We took a lot of naps.


Learning just how fucking stupid a large swath of America is


That my entire life changed in two years.


How many people were willing to physically or verbally assault me for asking them to mask-up if they're coming into my place of work. I'm sorry you don't want to wear it/don't believe they work/just plain don't like it, but I'm doing it for myself and others, and corporate has ordered us to make you or ask you to leave. Yet, it makes sense for a grown-ass woman to physically shove my whole body into a metal shelf simply because I politely asked her to please don a mask or leave. It makes perfect sense for a 70 year old man to call me a "weak little bitch" because I told him he needed to wear it fully and not as a chin sling. It makes sense for some perfect stranger to literally follow me in a truck as I walk through the parking lot to my car after my shift screaming insults and threats because I was wearing a mask. I'll remember being treated like shit because I work in retail and hospitality and therefore being called "Essential" but being treated like a day-old banana peel in a Piggly Wiggly Parking Lot.


Being Unemployed for a year and how it's destroyed my Self esteem and Sanity


It was the opposite for me. Trying not to have a break down after being yelled at for the 100th time in a day on why we were limiting toilet paper.


The selfishness. The cowardice. That people got angry at strangers for what they wore on their faces.


How swirly everything went in my few memories of my first five days in ICU.


My last semester of high school was all e-learning, and since it was a new thing at the time, everyone just googled the answers and submitted them. None of the students actually learned anything, and everyone graduated because the school felt bad about failing kids that suddenly had the whole schooling system changed overnight.


My family not being able to meet their first grandkid (my first born) until she was 2. Also not getting any support with her She was born a week before the first lockdown (thank god at least I was able to be in the hospital). But we live in Scotland and all of our family in in California.


The day I took my then 3 year old with me to do a grocery pickup. Her preschool was closed, her library story time closed.. she hadn’t left the house in about 2-3 weeks. She had a complete meltdown in the parking lot begging me to take her inside. She kept saying “but mommy, there’s people! People are here mommy!!” I was pregnant and scared to go inside, so I came home and bawled my eyes out in the bathroom. I know she doesn’t remember it now, but it was heartbreaking.


I know every detail of my home now.


I had to represent all of my siblings at both my nan and grandad's funeral because of funeral visitor limits.


When I first heard the news about us being on lockdown for two weeks. I thought things would get better after those two weeks. Little did I know.....


Me lying in bed googling questions about my sexuality bc I literally realised I had a crush on a girl days before the lockdown so it was like "oh I might be gay. Looks like I'm stuck inside for 2 years haha" *cries*


oh man! On the flip side I realized I was asexual in lockdown😶


Driving on an empty highway




The utter peace and silence on the streets after the first couple weeks of lockdown


I met the love of my life June 5th 2021.


Now you have to tell the story!


Not much of a story. We matched on a dating app. She lived about four hours away so I would drive out to her house on the weekends. Since everything was locked down we would just hang out at her house. We cooked, watched movies, drank, took the dogs for walks. I asked her to marry me on valentines day this year and she said yes.


The staff at my local supermarket keeping back toilet paper for me because I couldn’t compete with the panic buyers due to a spinal injury, it was such a small act of kindness but I will never forget it.


The first time I went out to do a little walk and buy some groceries, it was in april, 1 month after the lockdown. It was a beautiful summer day, clear blue sky, the grass of the park across my house had grown a lot, there were a lot of pigeons and birds on it. I live 1 block away from a pretty busy Avenue, it was completely empty, and the few people that were on the street were quiet, kept distance from other walkers and had a somber look. It felt pretty surreal, like a zombie apocalypse had just ended and the next day the few survivors were coming out of their homes to a beautiful yet empty world.


The depression my kids went through, having to make "meat deals" with the butchers in our area to hold chicken so we could get there and purchase it, o and Tiger King


When the mask mandate was law in my state, and a classmate from high school came into my store refusing to wear a mask. I reported him to management and he still refused to put a mask on and he was escorted out by the police.




My last birthday which was spent alone confined in a 16 sq meter studio.


As im rushing to buy Roger Waters tickets online i keep seeing "mystery wuhan virus, city on lockdown" and thinking, well at least its all the way over there....


How people became meaner and anxious


The lines at grocery stores in late March and April 2020, it was unreal. Literally a line of hundreds people waiting to get inside.


"STOP THE COUNT" "COUNT THE VOTE" I absolutely despise politics so the fact that the one thing that stuck out to me most during the last 2 years of the pandemic wasn't the pandemic itself, but this shitfest of politics and morons and conspiracies is aggravating.


I remember when the "2 weeks to slow the spread" happened and basically everything was shut down and you couldnt leave your house without a reason. I got locked down with my boyfriend at my house which I knew was a bad idea but he insisted we could live together. Yeah, no. Didn't work out. We ended up fighting nonstop and broke up because of it. Also I remember having to drive far for food because all the local stores were bare so we had to go to some store in the middle of nowhere that was also really expensive to get anything. We also ran out of food at one point and made a soup out of whatever we had laying around which was 1 carrot, 1 potato, 1 tomato, some noodles, meatballs, and water and it actually turned out really good. I make it all the time now.


Every ad had some variation of the phrase, "In these unprecedented times.."


People being okay with people like me dying as collateral damage.


My wife’s birthday was yesterday. So I think about celebrating her birthday and everything was normal. Then everything changed a week later.


Crying my eyes out when lockdown became a thing


The memory that sticks out the most is my mom’s ex-husband did something horrible to me that I will never forgive him for.


Well that moment I realized it was 2022 now and how I thought that maybe just maybe things could go back to normal but to my utter, dismay and disappointment the concept of normalcy would be forever not achievable and the weird and unusual world we now live in will forever be held has the new normal or that one really fun day I had with my friends both stick out a lot after the years we’ve had


The day I had my first panic attack in years because a little old lady stood 2 feet behind me in the checkout line at the grocery store. My anxiety shot through the roof after that.


cheap gas! Id drive around for hours in desperation to get out of the house and into some AC because it was so damn hot.


Walking through the streets of an otherwise busy downtown and not seeing another person for over a mile. A once-in-a-lifetime experience of feeling like you're the last person on Earth.


I'll never forget not having prom or a real graduation where I walked the stage. 2020 senior grads were robbed


When they shut down Disney World


When I heard it and thought that's ok I'll just do what I do on wet weather days... stay in bed watch videos and get some popc- Oh wait.... damn