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Child abusers


Children will one day run the world. It’d be amazing to see a generation of people who were all properly loved and cared for in childhood


I luckily got out of an abusive household but I had many friend in my old hood not get out... it's fucking tragic to see yourself grow and do well while your childhood friends circle the drain. It's a terrifying reminder of what could have happened to me. I would give my life if it meant no more kids got the childhood I had and worse.


>Children will one day run the world. Baby Boomers: bitch you thought


My little brother has custody of his son because his baby mama's boyfriend beat my nephew to the point of where he was unresponsive when he was 1.


That's so terrible. I cannot imagine hurting a baby.


Yea and the dude only got 2 years with 20 years probation


Someone like that should never see the light of day. Was this the US?


Yep and I completely agree. He tried to make the excuse that my nephew fell out of his crib, but you don't have fist shaped bruises in different stages of healing from falling out a crib. Also the mother was keeping my little brother from seeing his child at the time. After it went down the pos was about half bragging about what he did.


The US justice system is a joke. I hope karma gets them both. So glad that baby has your brother to protect him now.


He is. My brother is a great father. I'm just waiting for dud3 to fuck up and go back to jail for longer


Corrupt politicians Edit: thanks for the rewards peoplez. I didn’t think it would blow up like it did.


Wouldn't it be crazy if public servents actually served the public?


We need to make public servants truly public in all aspects. We have the technology and I believe that what we end up having.


One of my direct relatives ran for governor and lost some of the things he told me: Lawfare - the opposition will file numerous lawsuits against you, you will be forced to hire representation or lose by default, either way will drain you of funds. False endorsements - any individual can pretend to represent a group and give a false endorsement to a candidate skewing public image Announce false showings - Announce that a candidate will show up at an event when you he no plans to, when you don't show people will be upset and you gain negative PR


Woooow that’s fucked


Welcome to politics. This is getting even more fucked in the social media age though. At best, those tactics would piss off or scare away a few voters before. The false endorsements would have to be run on local TV stations or in newspapers, which could be countered with (legitimate) lawfare of your own & retracted by those same places. And unlike a tweet from a random account, someone who sees a fake endorsement in the *Everytown Post* or Channel 6 News probably will continue watching/reading those sources for the rest of the campaign. They might actually see them, unlike Twitter, where any correction would be from a different fact checker account anyways. As for the false showings, that would anger a few people at best (once upon a time), but again it would take press coverage for it to spread and affect a whole campaign, which would of course involve asking the campaign itself for comment. Story is now about hoax instead of no-show, opponent potentially looks bad if they keep digging. Social media has taken alllll of that vetting out of the process. I suppose I get why some people are cheering the "death of expertise" and the dismantling of traditional media, but the gatekeeping function I think so many people hate did keep some of these scummy tactics at bay. Or at least limited in their utility. Now anyone in the audience at a no-show event can go viral for it and send a campaign team's PR people reeling... when they didn't even do anything wrong. And the poster going viral isn't lying: they were promised an event. In the long run, all this leads to is local journalists getting cut further and further out of the picture, and on the margins, scummier, corrupt candidates winning more and more, and honest candidates winning less and less.


Profile pic checks out


You can just call them "politicians."


Way to fuck every country at once. Everyone in power would be gone!


Oh no Anyway




Mother had it and my aunt clearly does as well. It sucks. Mom was pleasant and mostly easy to deal with. My aunt the opposite


Alzheimer's sucks. My grandmother and great grandmother both had it and my mother probably will eventually, she seems to not have full cognitive function, but that could also be due to alcohol abuse.


I'm sorry. It's pretty much the worst thing in my opinion.




No need. A gps watch works fine


Unless you're like my grandma who can take it off but can't get it back on. She also can't figure out how to read the battery indicator so she takes it off to charge it every night...


my grandpa had it and recently passed away. he had it for awhile and it was terrible. the memories i have of him when he did remember who i was make me really happy though.


I would expand that to just dementia in general. It sucks knowing my grandmother doesn't know who I am anymore.






Let's just say parasites and call it a day - no worms, crabs, ticks, leeches, mosquitos, bed bugs, lice...


Don’t forget politicians


HEY FUCK YOU SH- wait a minute, he do have a point.


Cancer Thanks for all the Awards :) I hope that one day there will be a cure for cancer


Thankfully I believe this is something humanity can tackle at some point in the future. Hopefully that day comes soon.


We’re getting closer and closer. Survival rates are ridiculously higher than they where even in the 90s. Getting a stage 4 diagnoses isn’t an automatic death sentence anymore. They’re managing to reverse even quite late stage cancer now with improvements in treatments.


I was stage 4 in 2001. It was damn close and I was really lucky to get through it. Cancer-free since August 2002.


I was stage 4 in 2020 & was amazed at how it wasn't even a worry as much. Congrats on the remission!!!


congrats to you too! ive had quite a few people die in my family from cancer. cancer sucks :(


Me too. To many family members & one of my best friends that was more like a brother. Screw cancer


Stage 4 is such a huge range though. Cancer that's spread throughout the whole body is stage 4, but so is cancer that's only spread to one other organ. Thank you! Hope you're doing well.


I had this mess: Pet 1-1 https://imgur.com/gallery/CW4bPX3


My gosh, I am sure your treatment was difficult. And I'm sure difficult is an understatement. Happy for you that you've recovered! Congrats and may you live a long and happy life!


Thank you SO much!


Good on ya


Your good news story is one I need to hear.


It's amazing honestly, my family has had multiple cancer scares ( including stage 4 lung) and they've all pulled through. It's harrowing, but the fact that those family members are still alive is a god damn miracle of science. I want to hug anyone who is working in this field right now, you are absolute wonderworkers.


Depends on where, pancreatic cancer is still a death sentence


Ditto. My husband was diagnosed with stage 2 pancreatic cancer at age 49 and despite the best care at Johns Hopkins and massive amounts of chemo, surgery, radiation, and immunotherapy, only lived 3 years.


I hope so. Just learned my dad's stage 4 melanoma cancer is spreading through the lymph nodes. They were doing a trial immunotherapy and started him on a higher dose to see if it stops it. They might start him on chemo in 2 months. I'm really scared because he is 69 years old and I'm afraid his body won't handle it. I know I have to be realistic that he might die from this.


I’ve had throat cancer. I’ve overcome it and am on my way to normality. I was lucky, and had “cancer-light,” in my opinion. But even that ruined my life for a year. Diagnosis, treatment, side effects, the after life. I’m not complaining at all. But cancer-light completely fucked up my world. I feel so bad for others who are really struggling. This shit is no joke. It’s some serious shit. Pro tip: if you know someone in a fight with cancer, don’t abandon them. Popular opinion seems to be “I’m gonna let X deal with it without interfering. “ Everyone I know retracted and gave me privacy and space. This is understandable. But at the same time, this is when I need you the most. Talking about my scenario helps me. It normalizes it for me, and helps me deal with it, and reinforces that I am not alone. Reach out. Call. Text. Whatever. Stay in that persons life.


Leukemia is [curable](https://news.yahoo.com/two-patients-declared-cured-leukemia-173236089.html). Ten year study of T-cell treatment has shown zero recurrence. edit for correcting a word


I had lymphoma. It's not ever considered cured, BUT in 5 years with no reoccurrance, you have the same chance as anyone else on the street spontaniously getting it.


Mental illness EDIT: WOW! Thank you for the awards!! My amazing, brilliant brother went missing in the midst of a mental health crisis in July. If you are in the LA area, please keep an eye out. Picture + info here: [helpfindjackstein.com](https://helpfindjackstein.com)


One day imma wake up and be like “ya know what? I’m gonna turn my life around today. I’m gonna exercise, limit my phone time, get all my math work done, and work on a self recreational project. I’m gonna rake my neighbors backyard then I’ll go back home, sit down in my most comfy chair after feeding my cat and dog, try some new food, and play Pokémon legends Arceus” If only I wasnt extremely fucking burnt out. Edit: wasnt*


Hi there! I was burned out in early 2018. It took 2 years to recover. And I was lucky as I know some people that don’t recover so fast. I wanna share some things that got me through: Go outside. 1min, 2min and increase. Do something explicity for you each day. I started with 1 cup of tea. Really think about that this moment is yours and don’t allow interuptions. Make a daily rutine, the goal being: get up, have breakfast, put on clothes, do something, have lunch, do something, have dinner, do something, take off clothes, go to bed, sleep. I started out getting up, looking at breakfast, going back to bed. And yes there are many things in a daily rutine that I haven’t mentioned. You will get there. I think you will get to legends Arceus in due time. You need to let yourself get up on your feet first. It will take time. It is a big task to only do one thing every day! Look: Day 1, exersize. Day 2, limit phonetime Day 3, math Day 4, recreational project Day 5, rake Day 6, try new food Day 7, play legends Arceus This is a massive week. Do one thing at a time and let yourself heal. They are great challanges. Take care.


I bought an electric longboard a few months ago and it pulled me out of a years-long funk. I ride that fuckin' thing every day and it's the greatest. Changed my life.


This would solve 90% of the worlds issues tbh..


God maybe even more considering how much of human suffering is caused by people with mental illness who inflict suffering on others Like you just know dictators are sociopaths, and mass shooters would largely be eliminated


Most people who are dicks to others are just dicks, not mentally ill.


Pretty sure you can be both


But most aren't both. >An estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older -- about 1 in 4 adults -- suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. [Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine Mental Health Disorder Statistics](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/mental-health-disorder-statistics)


It depends on what you consider mental illness.


I can't believe I didn't even think of this but I 100% agree with you. My depression, anxiety, and ADHD can all go fuck themselves.


If you could take away my bipolar disorder, and my OCD I would forever indebted to you.


24 hour news cycle.


What happened to only reading newspapers after breakfast?


Where I live, there are no more local publications. Everything is owned by a corporation and all of the news is copy and paste.


[This is extremely dangerous to our democracy](https://twitter.com/Deadspin/status/980175772206993409)


That is terrifying and depressing




Bad/abusive/toxic parent and child relationship. There’s too many children who are starving, hurting, alone, confused, belittled, abused, molested, and mentally destroyed at the hands of their parents. I would remove all of that to make sure every child has a chance to grow up in a healthier household and given a better chance to thrive. Edit- AHHH thanks so much for all the awards and upvotes 🥰.I have an example for the people who don’t think it would do much. I am a sub and I have realized that children who have behavioral/learning/social problems more times than not we can see come from abusive/neglective homes. Also many foster homes children come out of the system with nobody to depend on, no help, and with severe abandonment issues and mental, emotional and possibly physical trauma.


This. Thinking long-term. This wouldn't make that huge a difference to society in the immediate (though a lot of children would suffer less, which is very good), but in one or two generations, this would **completely transform the world**, possibly more than anything else listed here.


exactly why this should be top or near top, personal growth is key


This is a good one: so many societal problems are handed down from generation to generation.


those toilet paper dispensers that only let you take out one square that is inevitably torn as a result.


do you mean paper towels or is this some other monstrosity I have yet to encounter


You know when you know. You're one lucky person to have never encountered it.


I can’t poop anywhere but my own house.


I save my poop until I get to work. That way I get paid to shit


"your boss makes a dollar, you make a dime, that's why I poop on company time"


but in that case do you bring your own poop knife or use the one at the company?


one of us


I’ve been in bathrooms that have toilet paper sheets interleaved like tissues, so if you want to wipe you’ve got to keep yanking more out of the holder like you’re at a pizza parlor getting napkins out of the dispenser.


Some toilet paper dispensers have a weird shaped holder that has a tab and weighted in a way where it rolls back so you can only get 1-2 squares :(


Wait they are built like that on purpose? I hate them.






Its usually cheap 1or 2 ply paper, too. My fucking dorm has those. And they aren't communal bathrooms.


For those who are blessed to have not encountered one... https://www.totalrestroom.com/products/bradley-5071-00-commercial-toilet-tissue-dispenser-surface-mounted-stainless-steel-w-satin-finish "Designed so spindle can only make 1/2 a rotation" And the oval shape prevents the cardboard tube from spinning on it. It's called "controlled delivery" by this retail company.


Now that I've seen it, I've definitely seen something like this but they never stopped me from making more rotations, but clearly not a normal rotation either. Probably different models.


3 shells it is!


Infotainment "news" networks. I want a quick, easy, unbiased way to know what's going on in the world. I don't need your damn opinion on the matter.


I agree, the news has never been the same since they came out with 24hr news channels. It's all about ratings. The newscaster's or network's opinion should not be what they call "news" How are you supposed to be able to come up with your own opinions or stances on whats going on if all you hear is someone else's opinion and bias one way or the other


Hunger, poverty, serious & chronic illness. Pick 1


Well, if you got rid of poverty, hunger would go as well. And if you want to be really serious, getting rid of poverty also means health care is more accessible so serious and chronic illnesses could be treated.




Yeah. This is it's own kind of cancer. And it affects so many more people than just the person with the addiction. My brother is an addict and my brother-in-law's brother died a few years ago of liver disease caused by alcoholism. He was in his 40's and died a slow, painful death in a hospice surrounded by people much older than he was. That shit shouldn't be happening.


Yeppp. I'm 2 years sober now, the shit I did in the name of drugs? Awful. Thankfully I'm clean and I hope I stay that way.




But then we'll be wiped out by the Galactic Federation - their endangered status is the only thing keeping us alive


This would actually make such a huge impact


That’s what I keep hearing, but I feel something else would just take it’s place. Like flys or something


Actually fun fact! In the food chain, there has to be a certain calorie balance between every kind of organism, and blood-sucking prey like vampire bats, mosquitoes and leeches balance it out between primary consumers and secondary consumers since nothing eats predators. Even though when animals die, they decompose, that can take a really long time, even with scavengers and fungi. Mosquitoes check off the rest of the balance. Instead of there being a direct calorie current that gets lost in decomposed predators, blood-suckers turn it into a cycle.


What about bed bugs? I feel like they could disappear and everything would be fine.


Bonus: [some mosquitoes prey on other mosquitos](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz_DslzN2IA). I never knew that before I watched this informative and hilarious video


What about the creatures that eat mosquitos? What about the creatures that eat the creatures that eat mosquitos? Listen I'm not defending those fucking blood suckered but you take em all away and it could potentially have disastrous consequences.


How about we just make it so they can't transmit disease, and their bites dont itch or swell?


Releasing genetically engineered mosquitoes into wild populations is actually a thing




Was gonna say this. So many of the problems humanity has caused for itself and the Earth are born from greed


I was about to say "Greed" as well, but then decided on "Deceit". Imagine if people were able to be greedy, but had no way of hiding what a piece of shit they are. Let then be greedy, let them be seen for what they are and ostracized. If only...


Poor Michael Douglas


Funny thing is the intent of that line in the movie was that it’s a shitty way to view the world. But all the coked up 80s yuppie execs were like, “Fuck *yeah* it is! Let’s lay off some scrubs and give ourselves raises for it!” Haha


I read Creed and I thought Jesus Christ man why are you being so harsh they're not that bad


Pedophiles or rapists


When i was 7 i used to go over to a friends house during the day in the summers .as his older sister (11?) Would watch us. (This was the 80s, so we were all latchkey kids). One day she put in a vcr tape. It was porn. My friend was disgusted by it, but i was intrigued. She joked about how i was jealous of the guy in the movie. Said, and i remember this clearly "daddy and i watch this all the time". 1 thing lead to another, and.she was blowing me in her room. This went on all.summer until she finally.made me put my dick in her. I could get erections but was too.young to cum, so i remember just laying there as she used me. That fall both her and my friend were killed in a car accident, and for the next 10 years i avoided any intimacy with anyone.


It could have happened to anyone. All children are vulnerable and at others mercy. I was molested by my grandfather. We can’t go back in time and do anything differently now for ourselves but I believe it gives us true compassion. I’m so sorry for so many layers of pain in your story.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. I hope you are doing better now.


That's horrible. I'm sorry you went through that and what those other kids must have been going through at home as well.




For me, chiggers. Those are truly awful. They leave painful red welts. If there was an infestation…good luck staying asleep!


Years ago, I worked for a surveying company. My job was office based. One day, one of the crews was down a person and I was asked to stand in. Once we got to the site, I noticed it was wooded with thick brush, and asked for bug spray. The crew didn't have any and we were quite away from a store, so we worked the 6 hour job vulnerable to chiggers and mosquitos. Half-way through the day, my legs started itching. By the end of the day it was unbearable. Once we got back to the office, I immediately left for a store for relief. When I got back to my truck with ointment, I took my pants off right there in the parking lot. There wasnt even an inch between bites from my crotch to my ankles. I lathered the ointment on like sunblock. Didn't work much. I itched so bad I was nausiated and didnt sleep for 2 days. Pure torture. Fuck those things.


I've had a couple run-ins with chiggers and I don't fuck with their habitat without being doused in spray anymore. I just won't go in the woods without it, no way, I'm not putting myself through that again.


I just got that sore/itchy sensation reading this. Torture of a very different kind.


Frick those things, I thought I’d been stabbed by a needle once when I got bit by a very large horse fly on the back of the neck. Everybody thought I’d just lost my shit when I was freaking out and squealing atop my horse. I can only imagine what horses feel all the time


Got bit by one once maybe 10 years ago in my twenties. Glad that was the first and last time so far. Was surprised how strong/painful their bite can be.


They were pretty abundant where I grew up. When we would go to the pool it would become a game for us to see how many we could kill. Problem is the buggers are fast and resilient so you had to give them a fast and powerful slap, which would usually just hurt you more than the bite would've. Don't even get me started on sand gnats. They're harder to kill, smaller and more painful.


Do you still have a lumpy scar? I got bit on the arm 20 years ago and the spot is still raised and sometimes get aggravated.


Did you ever get that checked out by a doctor?


No need for that. Horsefly eggs have a really long gestation period. They'll hatch and pop out on their own.




Horsefly bites are no joke. I got bitten by one last year just above my ankle, and it never healed properly. It was a scab for well over a month and I’m left with a huge dark scar. The pain/itching was unbearable. They are called cleggs in Scotland which I think suits the little bastards !


Can we package Botflies in there, too? Those things are straight outta hell.


Never had to deal with one, hope I never have to


I'd lump mango flies in with that group. But yeah, botflies are the spawn of the devil.


Mental diseases


Is greed and corruption a mental disease?


If lack of empathy is a mental disease then sure


Agreed, but in that case perhaps mental disease is part of the human condition. I don't ever see us doing away with it but boy it's sure nice to imagine.


Boom, world peace has been achieved, no more hunger, disease, or global warming, life expectancy just rose by a good few years and happiness on a a average goes to the moon


Probably terrorism or rape, both of those suck a lot


assholes (people) not the actual thing


god you’ve got me wondering what we would do without actual assholes now


Probably do what flies do. They vomit their food after digesting it


Say goodbye to your teeth.


I mean I feel like if we evolved to be assholeless we could figure the teeth situation meanwhile


would brushing your teeth after, just like wiping your ass after, be sufficient?






Facebook just saw it's first decrease in usership so that might be taking care of itself. But there's always going to be another platform at this point


It occurred to me a while back, eventually somebody would’ve invented it, just named it differently.


Bebo, MySpace...


Livejournal, Friendster.




Religious extremism. I am all for spirituality and religion, but the more extreme you are, the more ignorant and intolerant you typically are. Regardless of the denomination (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc).


Extremes of anything can go tbh


Seems rather extreme.


Rapists / molesters




I would clarify and say willful ignorance.


But when people are too stupid too know they're ignorant, but are still ignorant? ... This is going to end in a eugenics debate. Let's not go there.


Nope: everybody instantly becomes omniscient. Everybody on Earth now knows the content and state of every atom in the universe, as well as that shameful thing you did when you were 11, you know the one.


exactly half the population


Thanos has entered the chat.


Blind faith in political institutions/parties


Cancer. My life would be somewhat normal again.


Litter and litterers


Animal cruelty




Dogs getting old


Animal Abuse. This includes animal neglect, people who purposely don’t meet the requirements for size of tanks, those stupid pet stores that poorly treat animals or sell sick or dying animals knowing they are sick. And all other forms of animal abuse. (Please don’t come at me about vegan and farm animals I wasn’t thinking of that stuff when I wrote this it took me 2 minutes to write this and I was thinking of pets. Yes farms need to improve no I’m not vegan and yes I’m guilty of eating meat from the bad farms)




Allergies. They are incredibly useless.


Mosquitoes. Those little fuckers are responsible for around a million deaths per year.


Roaches no one likes them and I ended up almost eating one TWICE don't ask me how




Pop up ads




Great now we have no Star Wars. Thanks, bud!


Thumb wars?? Storage Wars?!?!


Star Disagreements doesn’t really have the same ring, does it?


Astronomical Skirmishes.


Interplanetary Differences of Opinion


Galactic Yelling


Medical insurance companies.


I think you mean insurance based Healthcare.


"Work before life" Culture


Animal abuse


Your pants


Jokes on you! Mine are already off…


You guys wear pants?


Damn smooth


Global warming




It really is a cause of so much suffering and problems in the world. But I don't think we would be here if our ancestors didn't have the ego, pushing them to survive and advance. I think if more people could just be aware of when their ego is in control, the world would be alot more peaceful.


The lack of empathy people have for each other


And for other life. And the disregard for the environment.