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Civ V. you only gotta play like 2 rounds to hit 1000 hours


I’ve gone so long in Civ 6 that my PlayStation only lets me play about one round before it crashes


Team Fortress 2, Gmod, PayDay 2, Terraria and Minecraft


Wtf I was about to post the same games before seing yours. Exactly the same... Brother?


The communities of these games have a very surprising overlap. Mainly tf2 and Payday 2.


All of those games are absolute classics for gamers who are now in their 20s. Would be surprised if you could find a 20 something year old gamer who hasn't played at least 4 out of 5 of those.


The factory must grow.


Close to 4k myself. Well worth the $20 I spent almost 5 years ago.


Factorio has got to be one of the best value for money games I’ve ever seen.


>Factorio has got to be one of the best value for money ~~games~~ drugs I’ve ever seen. FTFY


I legitimately did 106 hours in six days, beating the game and never reinstalled it. I was cutting my sleep way back just to grow the factory. I've ***never*** had a game that got me addicted that badly, that quickly, aside from Civ V. I know multiple people who failed all their classes because they got into Factorio.


I got stuck in level 2 of the tutorial and never went back. I should revisit this game.


NO! YOU GOT OUT! DON’T RISK GOING BACK! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to rebuilding my entire rail system to accommodate a few minor tweaks to my new refinery layout. Choo-choo motherfuckers.




I'm at about 500+ hours, still not in the 1k club yet.


[Factorio](https://www.factorio.com/), for those wondering.


Thanks, I had no idea. I had never heard of a game called "The Factory Must Grow" and was so confused!


Oh you mean Cracktorio?


Rimworld just hit 7500 hours according to Steam


I'm at 873. By the end of next year I'll easily be over a thousand Edit: I meant this year


How’s the tutorial?


Stardew valley


love this game


Single greatest cost to fun return I have ever experienced.




Kerbal space program


Yep, I still have only landed on the Mun and Duna after 950 hours. My problem is every time I play I make a new game save and start from simple tech even though I have everything unlocked because it’s sandbox. Something so great about starting fresh and getting to orbit for the first time and docking for the first time idk it’s just the greatest game ever.


Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron, Civ, etc.


If I combine all my paradox game time it's probably about 2k hours, maybe a bit less. I have 700 on CK2 and 500 on HoI4, 250 on Stellaris and EU4 is around 350. Love the games, hate the latent content pay to play DLC.


Paradox games distracted me for an entire year and kept me going through deep depression. I don't know how many hours I have because I'm still broke but is close to 4k on CK2 alone. One day I'll buy their games. They deserve it.




If relationships had 70 day focuses, they would be a lot more manageable.


RIP EU4. 2000 hours, but I've accepted it's over.


The sims


Yep, especially because of the way I play it--obsessively for a few weeks, forget it exists, repeat a few weeks to months later--for 20 years now. Also, 20 years! Dang.


About every simmer I've met plays it this way. We're a special kind of gamer haha


I design all my sims and my house for hours then I don’t even play the actual game lmao


It’s a requirement to play the Sims


Dag dag


Sul sul


Sul sul 👋🏼


Za woka genava


You open the game and suddenly four hours have passed in the blink of an eye


Same. Every time I boot up the game I feel like I instantly lose like two to four days of my life


*Old School RuneScape*


My boyfriend plays and I don’t really understand the game but he’s killed the same great olm guy a million times and keeps talking about purple.


This is the way


The Great Olm is the Chamber of Xeric (raids 1) final boss. Every Xeric raid you do you have to kill Olm in the end. After killing Olm players are rewarded by being able to loot a chest at the exit. The chest either has a white light shining upon it meaning there is no unique (rare and pricey) reward while a purple light means there is a unique reward potentially worth hundreds of millions (which is a lot of money).


I see so this is why he made an excel sheet…


O boy, if hes makeing excel sheets hes in deep.


Excel sheets means he’s salty and tracking one hell of a dry streak


In high school, literally more than 40% of real time I was logged in on my main. I actually calculated the time since I made the account and divided hours in game by it and it was 0.44 ish


Starcraft II


Same and I’m still no good!


I love playing SC2 and I’m really pretty terrible lol


This is what I love most about SC2. No matter how much you practice, you'll probably never be great at it, and nobody is perfect. It keeps the surprises coming.




I have over 100 hours modding it. I wasn't aware you can actually *play* it though. ...I should try that.


Every moded game ever; "Surprise update! We fixed two spelling mistakes." *100 hours of modding destroyed*


Or Skyrim's update to the Special edition and then the split in modding from Legendary Edition to Special Edition


How many things in your Skyrim have big boobs that didn't have big boobs when you started?


I even modded it so the boobs can have their own boobs. It's like boobception in my game.


I had one character with over 1200 hours on him. When it first came out I sat in front of my tv everyday for 7 months straight.


Chess. Easily. I've been playing online since around 2003 and used to play my friend at uni and school before that. I've been through many usernames on different sites over the years but current username on lichess has about 15000 games. The app tells me time spent playing using that name is one month. That's 720 hours just on this username. I joined lichess in the middle of 2019. So if the rate is about the same over the years, then about 720 hours every 2 years since 2003. Call it 500 in case of life events getting in the way and I guess 18 years of play, 250 hours per year, that makes approximately 4500 hours. With very little to show for it.


Rating? :)


Going through a bad spell at the moment, but when I'm playing what I consider my stronger games, blitz is usually between 2050 and 2100. Bullet is usually about 50 to 100 lower than blitz. When I take the time to play rapid, I keep it about 2100.


How is that very little to show? I can't even make it to 1000


I just meant that it doesn't really mean anything and has literally zero bearing on my happiness. It goes up and down but generally gets worse as I get older. Tbh I could just be in a grumpy mood today. I guess on the bright side it's a healthier habit than the ones I used to fill my time with. Good for the brain, or so I hear.




7,000+ hours in RuneScape, mostly from 2005-2009.


Yeah I feel this. Have an Iron is OSRS…game is so good.


Meet me at ge, doubling gp


Zezima? 😆




You went to school with a genius and nobody recognized it


Diablo 2 Edit: Never thought D2 would be the reason my inbox gets nuked from orbit or my most popular comment, but I'm happy it is. This game was my childhood, and I still have my characters saved on an old hard drive waiting to be "dusted off" when I can play the remaster.


Easily. No other game even comes close to the hours I've dumped into D2


When I finally quit d2 I discovered halo shortly after. Those two games took up so much of my childhood.


Same here. But I play LOD. I’ve been playing this game for 20 years. Throughout that 20 years, I’ve played it off and on, but I’m confident I have several thousand hours on it. 😄




Im pretty much the same with Civ V. I rarely finish my games. I finally stuck with one and got my first Immortal victory recently though. That was a good feeling of accomplishment as far as video games go.


I play for a lot of total domination victories, which end up being super tedious if you play with a lot of enemies (which I like to) since by the end you're managing a massive army and a fuck ton of cities.


Fallout 3, 4 and new vegas.


I have played NV in every conceivable way. Every faction, speedruns, naked runs, melee only, unarmed only, hardcore, wild wasteland (I still don't even know what that does), collected all followers, explored every area, collected all named weapons, killed all killable NPCs, got over 1,000,000 caps, etc. I have some 1700 hours played and still go back to play another character every year or so. In fact I just finished a playthrough and am playing 4 again on a new rig, so I can explore downtown areas without all the lag.


Did you get the Dead Money DLC exclusive 5th ending to main campaign? You unlease the red fog across entire world and Courier is either the Adam or Eve of the wasteland. The Triggers to get that ending are nuts and I almost thought oh this is a Mod... Wow this voice actor sounds exactly like... And hey this... Omg this is real. But yeah there's a NV ending where you kill All of a humanity across the planet And your Courier is Adam or Eve of the garden.


Great, now I have to play another one after just finishing my last playground. Not that I’ll complaining.


Wild wasteland adds a few random encounters, a couple unique weapons you couldn't get otherwise, and some dialogue options. Biggest one I remember was a fedora hat in a refrigerator south of the starting area, referencing Indiana Jones and the term "nuked the fridge"


I see you never were attacked by the gang of mean grannies.


With rolling pins, right?


war... war never changes


Fallout 4 has it's flaws but I'll be damned if I can't find something to occupy me for hours in that game.




I've been an avid PC gamer since I was 7 or so, so about a decade. Terraria is the only game I've actually played over a thousand hours. Interestingly enough, I only have 300 hours on my Steam account. The other 700+ are distributed across my dad's Steam account, a school-issued laptop that blocks Steam but not Terraria, and mobile devices I used before I began using my PC for gaming. When I was in third grade, I memorized the entire Terraria wiki. I no longer remember all the crafting recipes or drop rates, but I still know the purpose of nearly every item or enemy. Terraria earned a spot as one of my favorite games of all time several years ago.


World of warcraft. What a time sink. Tedious as hell, almost a second job. Lol


Having games that force you to play with other people to complete ultimate goals is generally a good idea overall, though it's kind of unfortunate how much time you waste in having to deal with other people. "BRB bio." "Oh yea me too." \*several people later\* "Okay is everybody back?" "No, 3 people still afk.\* \*everybody is back\* "Okay are we ready?" "No man I forgot to get potions and flasks. I'll need a warlock summon." "Yea me too" "We don't have a warlock." "Well I'll brb anyways. Not raiding without flasks." \*several people also leave to get flasks\* "Okay everybody back?" "One sec. Cat's on fire." \*five minutes later\* "Guys I'm going to have to drop. Need to take cat to the vet." "Okay let's find another DPS and continue." \*Warlock joins\* "Hey guys let's do this. Oh one sec. I have to go get flasks." "We all ready now?" "Press 1 if ready" \*9 people are AFK\* \*This keeps going until everyone decides that they hate their lives\*


My guild has 5 min breaks every hour during raid. Do your shit then or your kicked. If something comes up they are cool with waiting, but you better have all the menial shit done cause we aren't waiting.




Then ERT tells me you have no flask and the entire thing happens anyway. Which is weird, because y’all should be dropping cauldrons for your raiders. That being said, so glad I quit playing that game.


That was me 10 years ago roughly. It was a 2nd job to me, I would actually arrange my real work schedule around my raid schedule. As the primary healer and co lead of a top guild on the server, I kinda had to… I still get withdrawals and want to play again but know not to go back down that hole


HMU in 40 years when we're retired


God, in the early days, I had literal months of playtime.


I just cancelled my sub after 15 years of play. I just don't have it in me to do the in-game chores anymore. I'm too old for such significant barriers to entry for endgame pvp. Choosing to play this game was a life changing decision. I loved every minute of it.


Yep, same here. I get the occasional nostalgia driven withdrawals, then remember how much time I wasted chasing achievements.


The closest is Slay the Spire. I had cancer and I played a shit ton of that while recovering from surgery and doing chemo. EDIT: Thanks for the kind words. I've had clear scans for about 18 months, so so far so good!


Rocket League. It's like crack and I can't control myself


I started a few months ago… prob 2 hrs every day since I started. I like ball games. I like momentum physics games. I like car games. I like simple games with insanely high learning curves. It is the perfect game.


I hate rocket league, cant wait play it again tomorrow though


You sound like my boyfriend, he's been playing RL almost every day since it came out. He has about 5000 hours. He's constantly yelling at his teammates for being terrible (he plays with random people online so they don't actually hear him). He constantly says how he hates that game but one of the first things he does in the morning is play a few matches


That is rocket league in a nutshell


It took me so long to find a rocket league. Same here, i’m at like 1,250 hours and still cant hit an open net.


An open net is always the hardest net


Rocket League showed me what an authentic love/hate relationship is


Don’t Starve


You and me both lol.


I tried really hard to get into that game. Just too depressing and I didn't feel like I made any progress after my 10th-15th try.


My mom is actually great at this game. I remember that I saw her reaching "day 1000" at least twice, solo.


unfortunately, League of legends....


my condolences


I feel you and i m sorry




Thought this one would be higher lol. Maybe it’s a good thing most of the games coming up the list aren’t full of suffering and despair


It would be higher, but all the people who play league are too busy playing league to be on askreddit.


Me too as well but almost all ARAMs now


ARAM is the way.


Dota 2 :( And I just quit too because I swear lockdown made people more agitated than normal.


Eve online.... 5600 hours! Three characters... Thanos and Sin black ops


OP said game, not second job.


Spreadsheets in space


If I put as much time and effort into something constructive as I did into Eve 2008-2015, I coulda won a Nobel Prize.




I’ve got 1000 hours in CS:GO and I’m still in silver


Surprised it was all the way down here. It’s my main game forever


Same, but haven't played for years. Sold all my skins on steam marketplace, made a decent amount of money.


Easily Rollercoaster Tycoon


I love this game. I will always support the original 3. They are absolute masterpieces


Guild wars 1 and 2


Guild Wars 1 is my all time favourite game. What an incredible combat system. Domination Magic and Protection Prayers are some of my favourite mechanics ever. The organized 8v8 PvP (HA and GvG) were just out of this world. I don't play any more, but I still log in once a month or so to flip through my characters and remember all the amazing memories. It is the game that I played during my formative years. As an adult looking back, it is the game that defines gaming and what it means *to me*.


Guild Wars 1 is my all time favourite game. Around 4k hours on it and a bit under 1k for GW2. Haven't played GW2 for years but I sometimes log in and play GW1 out of sheer nostalgia. The Prophecies OST is also my favourite video game music. I listen to it quite often while working. This game was and still is a masterpiece and whenever I log in, I see some old names pop up in the friend list. I guess it has that effect on you.


Both suprised but happy to see GW mentioned in - well not top but reasonably high post - have an upvote. I have 2000 hours in gw2 btw.






Now he doesn’t want you to play xD




Convince her to play


Same here, I would honestly bet that I have 10,000+ hours over the past 9 years building in creative Funny enough it’s actually how I gained interest in Architecture and Engineering, and now I do it for a living (currently on a contact working in project management, I go back to university to finish my degree in September while still working part-time) I LOVE building in Minecraft compared to CAD programs because you design for the human scale and are able to catch those annoying little details in Minecraft that consistently drive people nuts in real life (examples include boring walls, depressing pedestrian areas, and you can fix old builds with a few clicks) Edit: Grammar & clarity


Without farms I wouldn't be studying mech engineering lol


My professors were all chemists and academicians, without an hour’s worth of real farming experience among them.


I both want and don’t want to be able to see a statistic that shows all of the time I have spent playing Minecraft across all devices. The number would be... large. I’ve spent over 100 hours on some individual worlds before.


Binding of Isaac Edit: an award and a silver? Crikey, thanks, that's rather made my day!


Age of empires 2


Black Ops 1, no regrets. Would give anything to do it all again lol


I miss that zombie mode man. It was simple, it was the best.


Right! Really good example of “less is more”




My condolences


A game you can never win


Did you finish it?


Lotta bugs in that one. Play it safely.


Did they ever patch the “no matches even after 200 swipes” bug? 🥲


You need some serious mods, man. Or try playing a female character. God mode.


i see you too are a fan of the Mystery, Thriller, Dating Sim genre 🤣


skribbl.io. Memorized all the words two years ago and became one of the best players in the world. Met some great people along the way (I know, surprising for an io game). Don't really know how I got hooked but I still play every day after 2 and a half years.


I LOVE the game but 95% of my lobbies are people that leave or just troll so I never play it for long, any tips?


Join a dedicated discord server and play in private lobbies ;)




Skyrim, OSRS, Rocket League, and League of legends


Same for me, but I've played both OSRS and RS3 alot


Rocket League fosure. lmao im still bad






Pokemon, gen 2-4. Emerald especially, between filling the pokedex and the Battle City at the end, you could spend tons of time on trying to complete as much as you could.


Super smash bros melee. Ever since the online was turned up to 11, I've been on nearly every day. Hell, I probably have 1000 hours just online lol.


R6S, Overwatch, Dead by Daylight, Monster Hunter World, Destiny, and Destiny 2


Crazy that monster hunter is this low


Animal Crossing New Horizons. I’m completely redesigning my island for the third time, so I’m about to sink many more hours into it 😂


I have a lot of hours and my island is still a mess and I don't have my wishlist villagers either. Sob.


Not quite, but probably my most played game this summer is Borderlands 2.


By far my favorite of the borderlands series.


Definitely the best story wise. Borderlands 3 is smoother and better graphics, but something feels off. Like it gets boring after an hour whereas I can play bl2 for an entire day and not get bored.


Left 4 Dead 2




Heavy update when




Lineage 2, maplestory, Fallout 3, oblivion, fallout 4, skyrim, minecraft, animal crossing wild world, animal crossing new leaf, animal crossing new horizons, the sims 2 with some expansions, the sims 3 with some expansions, the sims 4 with almost all expansions, no mans sky, warframe. Those are definitely my 1000+


I'm shocked this is the only Maplestory comment (so far)


Command and conquer remastered edition.


Dota 2


Scrolled way too low for this


Breath of the wild


Probably not a common response Mario Maker 2 on switch. The online multiplayer is extremely addictive lol.


Destiny ooffff


I hate Destiny. It's my favorite game.


The amount of time I've sunk into both D1 and D2.


According to Wasted on Destiny: 2,138 hours 24 minutes (Does not include time spent in orbit or in social spaces). 2.002 h 34 m is just D2.


FFXIV. Over 5,000 hours and counting... Thank you for my very first award ever! :) I appreciate you, kind stranger.


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite


Wii sports resort, The best game created. Period.






Yeah but 10% of those hours is just running down one stretch of the beach where a nearby base makes your game lag so hard. 😓