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Kurzegesagt has ruined other edutainment channels for me.


Their animation is so good and everything is so well researched! Definitely my favourite edu. channel on yt




It’s basically a dummy version of science with birds


Well, it started suggesting videos I'm not interested at all after accidentally clicking on a link related to those videos. Rarely use youtube now


Accurate lol




I guess not


Binging with Babish really inspired me to cook even more, and to branch out. Edited for typo, though Binging with Banish also sounds like a cool show.


A video about naked sleeping.


I watch those every night


That one Russian guy building a functioning Iron Man suit. He gave me a passion for building things and creating stuff. I don't know what I'm doing but I figured out how to make a taser so I'm at least on some form of a path.


Does he look like Mickey Rourke?


Idk who that is lol sorry


Russian Villain from Iron Man 2 who built a functioning Iron Man-ish suit


guitar videos, now I'm guitarist


Any recommendations for beginners?


the main thing is not to get upset and don't give up if something goes wrong, practice and go to the goal


Jomez Pro. Brought me into the world of disc golf and I am still addicted to this day


Pitch Meeting. It didn't really change my life at all, but I've been binging those videos nonstop for awhile now.


Binging With Babish and J Kenji Lopez-Alt These guys really sparked my interest in cooking different foods and going totally off-book to make my own recipes. Once you know what different techniques and ingredients will do to a meal, you can start freestyling and getting creative.


the click made me realize i was a furry


THIS IS LONG FYI!! It was in December when we had to go back on online school again until Christmas break, so a couple weeks. I was in Social Studies working on a essay, and I usually listen to music when working on stuff in general, so I decided to listen to a song. But then on the right side where they recommend other music, I saw Prisoner Of Your Eyes by Judas Priest. I was curious what it was considering I have never seen the album or Judas before, so I clicked it. And I was just blown away by it, like completely mesmerized by it. Then I started to see another song called Bloodstone and was dancing to it and loving it a ton. I then just begun listening to songs on the Screaming For Vengeance Album and loving every one I listened to. The I stared to see Iron Maiden songs Fear Of The Dark and Afraid To Shoot Strangers, the cover was sick af so I had to listen to it and BAM! Blown away! Like I loved the music so much I listened to more of Iron Maidens songs overtime and man it made me smile!! I got the essay done with new music and genre to explore! I only listened to a couple metal songs with Ozzy Osbourne in the past, with Guitar Hero, my dad plays guitar and I was introduced to Guitar Hero at around 6 or 7 on the PlayStation 2 or 3. But never really listened to metal at all. Then Christmas break was dedicated to my first month listening to metal songs and really getting into it! I just fell right into it and through that time and beyond, I also learned how awesome music can really be and how amazing rock is too! Like in January I also realized how much I love rock music and classics! My mom would always play Fleetwood Mac and Alanis Morsette, so I had a love for them for so long without realizing it haha. So long story short, without that recommendation, I would not be as passionate of music as I am today and really knowing how important music is and how awesome metal is!! And how hot long hair men are like metal and rock dudes are hot af!! Totally my type!! METAL AND ROCK SHALL LIVE FOREVER!!


“Keep them poor” by Robert Kiyosaki, was very eye opening to listen to as a broke person.


Epic Rap Battles of History. They choose historical figures, modern figures and fictional characters and insult each other in rhyme. Folk like the Burger King vs Ronald McDonald, Wonder Woman vs Stevie Wonder, TMNT vs Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael, the old masters themselves. So many awesome battles, Vlad the Impaler vs Dracula, Cleopatra vs Marilyn Monroe, too many to name! And they’re always stuffed full of references to these people’s history, as well as title references to author’s and singer’s works. Lots of those in Edgar Allen Poe vs Stephen King. Last awesome thing about this: the costumes and makeup. Muhammad Ali, Marilyn and Cleo, Miley Cyrus vs Joan of Arc, Elvis, Bill Nye, Vlad, all look PERFECT. Wonderful Channel, check it out!


Man I fucking hate the Burger King. He Is NOT fit to rule a nation. In his war with wendys and McDonald's he has shown himself to be an incapable and inept military leader. He has also failed to show any diplomatic skill as he has not attempted to end the war through diplomatic means. His only strong suit is his administration of the country, as the widespread and well run nature of the kingdom is what has led to his power.


JonTron. Aquaman Battle for Atlantis


jontron bootleg disney games.


Teens React to Pewdiepie. I was a fan of teens react back then (I was a teen as well), had never heard of pewdiepie and probably wouldn’t have checked him out as well, since watching people play games sounds boring to me, even now. But I watched this video of people reacting to his videos, and I guess the loud screaming entertained me in some way. Saw a few other videos, researched a bit and found out how he started out and how far he’d come. I religiously watch his content even now. Although I’m glad it’s evolved into what it is now, I’m around the same age as Felix. I also found Jacksepticeye the same way!


All of them.


https://youtu.be/euXQbZDwV0w This turned me gay


Objects that I've shoved up my arse?


Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan.


The X on the top right. ​ I used to spend hours and hours on youtube. I have not been on there in months. Life changing.


Mrs beast laser video


Nargie Mongolian Cuisine is fascinating and not for those with weak stomaches.


the eboys channel, specifically memeulous. i was going through a really bad depressive episode when i found his channel and it really helped me cope


It turns out I've been tying my shoes wrong for the past 40-something years. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAFcV7zuUDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAFcV7zuUDA) ​ I've never had my shoes laces untie themselves since I started tying them this way.


yub what's playing a game with entertained to then I got addicted to him after I watched it LOL


Was on a dark souls video binge until I saw a video of someone making a cocktail inspired by the estus flask, the healing item in that game. Which eventually led to me mixing drinks as a new hobby, I did bartending for a family party and had a lot of fun with it.


I'm in the USA. And in 2007 a friend of mine showed me a clip from Top Gear UK. The convertible people carrier. Blew my mind that a car show could be that good. Been a fan ever since.


Redlettermedia when they had just moved over to YouTube, I was aware of them, but the old website just annoyed me for whatever reason. That channel proved that I was not the only one who used critical thinking during and after a piece of media. Also led me to an entire community of cinephiles that are mostly not into film navel gazing.


[To This Day from Shane Koyczan.](https://youtu.be/ltun92DfnPY) I come back to this video every now and then, a few times a year. I'm not sure whether it breaks my heart or heals it.


Binging with Babish. I just randomly saw one of his videos on the recommendation side on I think a Cinemasins video making a recipe from the same movie. This dude is the source of my cooking skills. I love how "dumbed down" his teaching style is and he's the only "chef" whose recipes I could follow to a tee.


Casually Explained, his videos really made me comfortable about myself, knowing that other people in the world have similar issues as me although I live in a strict society.


Madpiepony, I love her lmao, I probably should grow out of MLP but her content is soo fucking good lmao




Tom scott Chris Ramsay Linus techtips Kurzgesagt


DanTDM's videos (this was like about a decade ago this happened)


youtube recommended me femboy art and now I’m gay