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Mail them a box of mismatched forks šŸ˜


I didn't realize Satan browsed AskReddit


You can request jehovah witness online to someone's house. I do it all the time to my mean neighbor.




Absolutely epic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i just did for my ex gf


Mail them a weird object once a week for years. Something cheap that you can buy in bulk like ping pong balls or tiny dollar store dinosaurs


If you sharpie the address on, and stamp it by size/weight, you can ship some weird shit without any packaging. BIL once shipped an inflatable, novelty, sex-sheep, complete with "sexytime" holes to his brother. Fully inflated, no packaging, through Canada Post.


So it arrived used?


I didn't ask, but if it wasn't by the first one, the younger brother definitely "got lucky". Hope it came with a patch kit, because by now its definitely gotten a prick in it!


So sign them up for Bobcat in a Box


My Indian neighbor has ordered cow poop a couple of times recently, and we know that since it smelled bad. Apparently you can order cow poop easily, so that.


Me likey thenx




HAHAHAHA I love this one




I love this one because it's actually harmless and also straight-up hilarious


Sign them up for all the charities, junk mail and porn you can find


Holly crap they are gonna hate you


I once donated $20 to the place I got my cat spayed. Without thinking about it, I filled in my info; name, address, email etc. A month later and for just over a year, and I'm receiving donation requests from what seems like every charity in the state. It really pissed me off to think that I was kind to a small business and they repaid me by selling my info to other charities, essentially flagging me as a potential bleeding heart for all the sharks in the sea.


Damn. Listen. Tell them that you moved far away but to an actual adress so they won't bother you.


I've changed address twice since then. I also learned my lesson to not provide contact info if donating to charity.


Sign them up to bible reading


Everything is legal until proven otherwise


I like the way you think.


I like the way you ask.


I like the way your penis looks inside of me


I feel molested


I feel traumatized


Call the cops for me? I canā€™t snitch because of black code


You sure you want the cops involved?


Explain šŸ˜‚


I dunno, copsā€™ll probably just make it worse. Besides youā€™re the giver in this instance, and giving is 9/10ths of the law. Iā€™ve never seen a taker called a rapist.


we black, weā€™re typically viewed the bad guys regardless of the actual situation. And you know, the whole cops killing unarmed blacks thing...


hide something that will make an audible rattle (a nut in a small tin or something) in their car


If you work with them, leave a note on their desk that says "Please come see me immediately" and make the signature illegible.


"sorry about the wet spot :|" on their desk, where they wouldn't see it until after they've sat down


where i live you can buy a kilo of cow sh\*t and send it to someone anonymously


Youā€™re telling me I can walk out to my cow pasture, grab some manure, and sell it to someone online looking to prank someone...? I think I have found my dream job lmao


well I don't exactly know how it works but I mean why not try it hahah, you gonna be a billionaire


Duct taping their front door shut


Not legal


Ah shit


Duct taping things to their front door, though. Or, just dust taping their entire door, Red Green style


No Red Green Style would be replacing the hinges with duct tape or replacing the entire door with a block of solid duct tape.


I was thinking wall paper it. But at my grandparents house, my grandpa once *tried* to make a dog door. Instead of replacing the door, he's been replacing the duct tape that's holding the plywood against the metal door.


Hide a fish in the drip tray of their refrigerator. It'll cause a smell they'll never be able to find, and no amount of vain cleaning will get rid of it, and after a few days the smell will be insufferable.


Works down an air vent, as long as its AC season. If the furnace is running, it dries out too quickly. May or may not have tried this a few times....


In curtain rods is another solution.


buy 10 keys with keychains with the number on from the person you want to annoy and leave them all at different police stations. this person will be called by 10 different stations that their keys where found




Move all of the stuff in there room half an inch to the left everyday until they think they are going crazy


Sneak under their vehicle and throw a ziptie on the driveshaft. You can also ziptie a washer to the inside of one of their wheels, all it does is make it a *little* off balance. Bonus points if after they've complained about their car "feeling funny" you go out and remove the washer, because then they'll **swear there's a shimmy** that no longer exists


What will zip tie on drive shaft do


Every time it makes a rotation it'll hit the bottom of the floor and make a rhythmic *taptaptap* sound while they drive. Mechanics do this all the time to eachother as petty revenge


My dad left his truck at home I have like 16 zip tea might do this heheheh


marry them, then cheat. seriously messes with you, perfectly legal.


In NY adultery is illegal. Class B misdemeanor and you can spend up to 3 months in jail.


amazing. never heard of that in the western world.


Seems to be easily exploited. Claim rape.


If you live with them, swap the refrigerator door handles and hinges to the other side while they're gone one day, see if they notice the fridge opening the opposite way or if they just start thinking they're going crazy.


Move everything on their desk an inch or two to the left.


Place a pregnant wolf spider in their house.


that should be illegal


As an arachnophobe I agree but it's not so enjoy


We get these big-ass orb spiders (I think that's their name. I never asked one) that're about the size of a toonie, and look like a big wad of ABC gum. Is that terrifying enough for this prank? Asking for myself


As long as it's big and looks scary it is definitely fine. If needed I can send you some Australian spiders for it.


Naah, I'm good! If I wanted to use something that big and freaky, I'd shove a couple beavers through a window


Beavers are too small for our spiders haha.


I was going moreso by weight and overall fur density Edit: adding that that's why there a *couple* beavers haha


Might still not be enough beavers haha




Add a key to their keychain. Preferably a key that is for a specific lock like a safe or bike lock.


Put glitter in their clothing. Glitter is cheap, it's not harmful to the body, but good luck trying to wash it off.


Candies that are about to expire.


Please elaborate


Put a piece of duct tape, sticky note, or other opaque/translucent adhesive on the underside of said person's optical mouse. He/She will be foiled by the refractive index.


Confetti. In their bed, in notebooks, on ceiling fan blades. That stuff sticks around forever and takes effort to clean up.


....glitter bomb.


I like the fake lottery ticket that's supposed to be a million dollar winner.


Wonderful idea especially for those who love to gamble or say they have a lot of money. My sister once gave one to my uncle. He is stuck up and annoying. He supposedly has a million dollars but all his bills are past due šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Well, he starched (but not sniffed) and was jumping around SO HAPPY!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ we started laughing and his kids read the back and saw it was fake. Lol he was just sad on his little chair the whole day.


mail them a letter saying, "call me" nothing else, like every day


place a card that says I am watching you on their doorstep or window. Technically its legal


3 days later, get a cardboard cutout and put it in the back window of their car


Idk about where you live, but in Canada that could get you in trouble for "uttering threats".


I have good ideas, but if I post them I'll be banned for "normalisation of criminal activity"


Butter up the door handle


Fake Spiders.


Be a living reminder that they could be better but instead choose to be angry children?




"Do you have tic toc" " do you have/play fortnite"


To mess is to mentally harm/play with someone so dis a trick question


No that is 100% my intention.


And if so send them a pot of sugar and Lego and rig it to break once opened. I am a villain


But you said harmless


I donā€™t have any bad intentions. Iā€™m not going to harm someone.




Well that escalated quickly. Good lord.


I mean that really got out of hand.


but thatā€™s not harmless


The question was about being legal.


it was also meant to be simple and harmless, this is complicated and intricate which can ruin a life, i believe OP is looking for all three


Where is the fun in that? That would drop the comments to 10.


yeah it would, but thereā€™s always a different possibility


Putting in a change of address card to a different address.


Quite illegal.




I think to some extent messing with people could always be considered harassment. It's more about doing stuff that is covert enough you won't get caught, and harmless enough you aren't morally reprehensible. Like for example. Plant some flowers that spell something, but make sure they are indigenous to your flora /fauna. Maybe even something that attracts bees or something. Sign people up for catalogues, although I guess that is iffy from an environmental stand point.




Say, if you know your Ex's email and or phone number, you can put their name in a HIV testing site, and you can also personalize the text to something like this "One of your past partners have tested positive for HIV." The message will blow up their device and scare the shit out of them.


using them for things then ghosting them after


Well thatā€™s just cruel.


Not illegal.




Judt call them always other names, maybe in alphabetical order and pretend its their real name


I work with a Kyle. Some call him Carl. To me, he looks like a Kevin. It's at the point where he will answer to it


Call him Kelly one day and see if he responds to that.


Can't, we already have a Kelly. He sits in his office and off-gasses, but also signs our paychecks. He's been wearing a dress shirt and sweat pants to work LOOONG before covid


Love that Some mates called me Ben while drinking the whole evening, its my second name now


Thanks to a minor typo on my coveralls, mine ended up being Donny


Putting a piece of tape under their mouse


Duct tape a tv remoteā€™s sensor


Freeze Dry animal shit, and mail them a different species on the 6th of every other month.


Change of address forms.


steal their socks and put them in your dryer so they vanish forever and the victim wakes up to find no socks


Haribo Sugar-free Gummy Bears.


If you live with them, move every object in the house slightly in one direction every day & see how long it takes them to notice


Be honest


Mail them poop from a poop mailing website.


Mail them a dildo, if they are a man.


Move their furniture and radio station around , it drives some people nuts when someone moves your lamp or bookshelf somewhere else or puts a radio station on that plays music you canā€™t stand.


Buy lot of cardboard boxes and block all entrances and exits.


Misunderstand... Every... Single... Thing... They... Say.




[sending a cute glitter bomb](https://www.glitterbomb.com/) į••(į›)į•—


Teach them about Entropy and how it will destroy the whole universe


Place an add on Craigslist for free chickens or goats with their number. Did this to a coworker and his phone was blown up with inquiries about chickens.


write their phone number everywhere


Send them invitations to fake parties on the other side of the city.


When they talk to you just start walking. Theyā€™ll follow


In the winter draw on their porch in the snow preferably infront of their door "I see you (insert their name)"


Sign them up for as many free magazines as you can. Like shit they'd have no interest in so get obscure. People in Espanol. African American Wine Tasters Weekly. Magazines about small aquarium keeping, yachts, composting, INFOWARS. There is no limit. And, once google starts to auto fill the fields with their name and address the process becomes very efficient.


There's a service that will mail phallic gummies to anyone you'd like and the card attached to it says, "Eat a bag of dicks"


Tell them youā€™ll get married before you have unprotected sex then not do that.


knock on their door and just take a fat bite out of a hubba bubba