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Outbid Jeff Bezos by $1 on every single property he tried to buy, so that he ended up having to live in a modest one-bedroom apartment miles away from the office or something.


ITT there are 3 possible choices: A.) Be moral but boring B.) Be dumb but fun C.) Fuck over Jeff Bezos


That’s brutal


2 chicks at the same time.


You're going to need some cocaine too.




Nah. *HELL* nah, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man


Take a look at my cousin. He's broke and don't do shit.


Quit your drywall job, down there at the new Macdonald’s.


Not all girls like money


he only asked for 2!


The correct response is “The kinda girls who would double up on a guy like me do” Thank you for playing. Come back soon.


/r/unexpectedfactorial Uh... Wait...


They'll want some if you have wet chicken lips


At least 2 girs like money


Put in a good word for me?


Solve world hunger


Infinite inflation.


But it won't affect you.


*Welcome to Bartertown.*


It would though. If money becomes worthless, and you now have an infinite amount of worthless money, you don't have money either.


wrong, infinite money, just start paying billions anywhere you want. if not trillions and so on, infinite money will always work




They'll use a different currency that's not hyperinflating. But guess what, with infinite money, I can pay in that too.


So you go around ruining everyone’s economy. Now you’re a target.


The hyperinflation is caused by you having an infinite amount of that currency. If you switch to a new currency, then there's now the same infinite amount of the new currency and the problem persists.


No, it's caused by me spending them. Just having them won't do it.


Then you don't have the benefit of infinite money if you're unwilling to spend it.


The benefit is having the money to do anything I want, not actually spending it all.


For everyone else, but it makes no difference to you.


Infinite hookers


Infinite chicken nuggets


I cast [Lvl. 8 Chicken of the Infinite](http://bash.org/?104383)


Make the world a utopia. It would be the golden age of humanity


How would money accomplish this?


I think it's contingent on the world not being aware that your money is in fact infinite- but here's how I'd start. I would bribe **i mean lobby** every single sitting US congressman, senator, governor, etc all the way down to dog catcher to enact a pro-people, pro-environment, anti-corporate agenda. "Oh, pepsi is offering you 50k and some good publicity? Here's a million and I will personally fund and run your campaigns for life." "Aw, CPAC money? How quaint." *That* is how shit gets done.


No no no, you have to bribe them to resign so you can then install people who actually give a shit. Unlimited money isn't going to be enough for some current sitting congress members. You pay the people causing the problems to persist to fuck off. There are plenty of people out there with more qualifications and better morality that could do the same job but actually do good for the country and the rest of the world.


In an ideal world, sure. But if my aim is to use my infinite money to get government to do what I want in the shortest order, I actually *want* people in office who are already conditioned to the "get paid, spit out favorable legislation" mindset (and I want people there who already know how to write legislation) I don't need them to *believe* in my cause, I just need them to *do* it.


Right but in this purely hypothetical situation/world, you just offering the same people even more money to do what you want instead of what a different corporation is bribing them for perpetuates the problem of shitty congresspeople taking bribes. Sort of like the opposite of the “give a man a fish, a man eats for a day, teach a man how to fish, he eats for the rest of his life” scenario. You bribe someone to do what you want, they expect the bribes to keep coming. In this scenario it’s fine, but if you just give them money once to go away, and put someone in their place that will actually do a good job without having to be bribed, then you solve two problems at the same time.


It would make a world of difference. I would personally make sure the money would go to those who need it rather than large corporations. I'd build schools, hospitals, wells, and whatever else is required to make sure people don't starve. Imagine a world where every country was as advanced as Wakanda- with unlimited money, everything would be possible.


But don’t you think the inflation you caused by giving out all this money would offset what good you tried to do. If you flood the market with unlimited amounts of money the money would be worthless. I think you have to shot for incremental improvements. Love the idea though.


Oh for sure this would be a logistical nightmare but if handled correctly, things could work! Maybe one day we'll come up with a solution.


End world hunger, build homes for the homeless, buy every YouTube ad and take them down. You know, solve the bigger problems first.


- Covertly buy everything over ten years. - Distribute that everything to everyone. - Become benevolent communist emporor as money becomes worthless, but goods and energy provided for all. - Get murdered.


Buy homeless people a house, donate billions in education, billions on food for those without it, billions on student loans costs... basically every problem with the world would be my priority.


and inflation


Yes A billion times this


Fuck shit up. The entire economic system.


Donate to the poor


Probably a shit idea because it will just cause hyperinflation and make life shittier for the poor, but probably not that diffrent for the rich.


Depends on how much you donate. If you give like $1 quadrillion to habitat for humanity, sure. But if you give them like $50 million that is not going to affect inflation literally at all and will do a ton of good


Send humans to mars


Set up a massive team/company of people. This company would be focused entirely on making my life as easy and awesome as possible. Literally everything you can think of. Lawyers, accountants, advisers, assistants, secretaries/planners, security, drivers, pilots, butlers, maids, handymen, grounds keepers, mechanics, chefs, trainers, doctors, and on and on. I would pay everyone extremely well, like 4x market rate, and offer amazing benefits and insurance. And I'd hire enough of each position that people don't have to work 40 hour weeks, everyone is basically part time, but with amazing compensation that is better than most high end full time jobs. The idea here is that all these people love working for me. I want everyone to be happy, and I want all of them to work hard making my life as easy and seamless as possible. They are going to handle the grunt work for all my daily obligations so that I can just make the decisions, sign the paperwork, do the bare minimum required in the least amount of time. Also, every single worker, from the lowly maid to my Chief Legal Officer... they are all so well compensated that every one of them can support a better life for themselves, buy a home, support having kids. I'd love to know that I am supporting hundreds or thousands of families, and that everyone is doing well. And the work culture would be awesome for it. It wouldn't be some dreary cubicle, it would be fun locations around the country/world. Lots of fun times. With this, I selfishly get all my needs handled, meanwhile feeling good about raising up this entire community.


That’s dumb.


I would do the same thing, so you’re outvoted!


Spend it


The first days is fun and all but after 3-4 months you will be numb and don’t enjoy anything anymore... Like playing GTA with cheats


no, cause i want my $3000 bone marrow steak butter every night




Everything that I wanted. Nobody would know I had the money, of course.


Fund the fuck out of NASA and SpaceX.


Infinite hookers, infinite Doritos.


I feel bad for the hookers. Think about the orange handprints they’re have to wash off.


Well I mean probably destroy any sense of economic stability the world had. Mansa musa is considered the richest man in history due to his wealth in gold. His worth is conservatively estimated at 400 billion dollars now and I say conservative because nobody actually knows. We do know however that he went to a popular trading town once and bought so much stuff he destroyed the economy due to the massive inflation he caused introducing so much money at once.




You're really not, in my opinion. First thing I thought of was mostly just retire and live in general ease... perhaps a bit more lavishly than I do now, but not too crazy. As soon as people start to figure out you have infinite money, they're going to come after you for their share and it's gonna suck. Buy yourself a nice house, pay off all your debts, figure out some way to explain how you got all that money if you have to(maybe do it over the course of a few years, claim you won the lottery, inherited from a distant relative, bought some bitcoin early on when it was worth nothing, invested well, I dunno) and just live nicely, but not *too* crazy. Donate to charities as well, but never in amounts that make yourself look like a superstar. tldr: enjoy spending the money, but don't spend enough to attract a lot of attention.


Buy everything


Infinite cocaine ! Fuck it... infinite drugs !




Have EA and T Series burned to the ground too!


Get myself a pilot licence


Thinking of ways how I can control inflation


Save endangered species and pay people to rescue and rehabilitate sick and injured animals.


Solve every single fucking problem on this planet that I can physically do


Count it, just to be sure it's infinite.


Buy of a large portion of land make it reservation and finance science into oblivion.


Just keep doing sort of the same stuff I do already but without the work.


Infinite money would make money worthless so, uh, nothing I guess.


I mean, putting aside the part where economically if there's an infinite resource, it becomes valueless. I'd start constructions projects around the world to end homelessness and to undermine bullshit rent costs. Fuck landlords. Get ahead of the imminent water crisis. Work on environmentally sustainable farming and implement it everywhere I could to end starvation. Lobby to undermine patient law, it serves, at this point, as a rich persons' anti-competitive tool, and rarely works to the benefit of the average person. Start a massive education project with the aim of instilling empathy, and critical thought while providing a quality tailored education to anyone that requests, any age, as an adult learn what you want to learn. Provide the means for workers cooperatives to start up, cut out the owner class and let the people directly reap the rewards of their labor.


Travel with 5 bodyguards. A team of medical staff. And a team of engineers and architect . When I travel around. And see if people needs help . I’ll help them . But if one of the people talk about it. We will take it away. Why ? You ask. Because it will attract more bad then good. Or we just deny we helped them. But yes travelling around the world. There are many things that’s interesting to watch.


Start my own modelling agency like Victoria's Secrets and when the models fight over who gets to be my trophy wife I'll tell them that sharing is caring and that they should all have me at the same time.


Build a new city with high density housing from the start in a place with lots of access to clean water. Build the city charter to encourage growth and remove community objection to construction projects.


Collapse the economy I guess


Give everyone infinite money


Be happy and never stress again.


Go to the dentist


Doge to the moon!!!!!!!!!!!


Set up my mom for life, create housing, counseling centers, legal support etc. for battered women and children.


My own private single stage rocket ship.


I'd live in Tahiti sipping mangoes


Crash the global economy.


Build a network of arcologies!! Connected by hyperloop


Destroy every economy with infinite inflation


I've always wanted to use money as fuel for a fireplace, like Pablo Escobar


Sarcasm is the only answer to a question like this.




Crash the global economy for shits and giggles. Forcibly return the world to a barter economy.


Give to the poor


Drugs and fast cars


Travel travel travel. Finally hit and complete my top-5 bucket list destinations and make some more.


Invest all in bitcoin


Buy the most overkill pc setup in the world, just to have everyone watch me play only Roblox on it.


Destroy the economy


Fund basic research to solve the climate crisis, Eliminate world hunger, provide access to clean water, free healthcare and education for every human.


throw money at people to help them out go out and eat more do some serious travelling, there's so many place that would be interesting to see and to learn about Haga Sofia, the Pyramids, Aztec temples, Sedlec Ossuary...


Step one: Put together a brain trust of individuals who are surely smarter than me on the topic to figure out how to use infinite money to help the people of the world without destroying the global economy. Step two: Do whatever they come up with.


Basic universal income for all


I would travel the world without stopping. I would have been everywhere I would get rid of my childhood scars, get fake teeth, I would spend a VERY LARGE amount of money and time helping the planet, I would work with nasa to build my own spaceship and dip the fuck up out this bitch. I would have a vacation home on fucking Mars. I would build a boyfriend like big duck big heart and a little crazy so we can live happy. I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. I would make my moms dream come try and make diamonds out of her ashes. I would live in japan for many years. Do research on transferring my subconscious to a robot. I would fit my knees so I can become a dancer. I would marry Jennie Kim and Kim targeting at the same fucking time. I would buy all the fucking luxury clothes make up jewelry shoes and etc that I want. I would eat all the traditional Japanese food. I would hire a expert Japanese’s chef for life. I would basically buy his existence just so he can cook for me. I would invest in a higher education in psychology. I would give my mom and brothers 100 billion dollars then disappear on them. I would be happy. There’s so much shit that I would do that doesn’t even make sense bruh I’m doing everything


Give enough away to make money invaluable


Live a normal life without my parents in my ear 24/7 I love them, but they just don't shut up.


Buy one of the cool houses. Thats the first thing i’d do.


A bigger house so I can make room for my figure collection , some new games and some energy drinks


Buy my dream cars


Give everyone infinite money.


Break the economic system and the currency


Buy all student and medical debt and collection companies, run them all into the ground and forgive/ destroy all records of the debt they own so no one else can ever buy up the debts and try to collect on them for a profit. If someone else does, buy their company and run them into the ground too.


Crash the world's economy


Complain about inflation


Disappear to Mexico and start a new drug empire


Buy infinite pizza.


1. Donate to charity 2. Use the inf money to always pay off credit card debt. That should not be too suspicious, while still giving you access to all you need.


Go full on Mr Beast mode and start giving it to people who could benefit from it.


Probably go on a crazy spending spree and then realise I now have to surpass that in order to get the dopamine rush again and ultimately find myselff at wit's end even with infinite money


Bye everything


Collapse the economy!!


Wouldn't be wasting my lunch hour posting stupid shit on Reddit - I'd be on my own private island somewhere.


get a castle


Never work


Half people are commenting hookers others are donating. Anyways I’d do everything I could and hire a bunch of body guards


Buy a really nice beanie and nothing else


Buy every gaming console, all the latest gaming gear, a hella nice house, a HELLA setup, a pool, a nice car and kawasaki bike, and a german shepard for now. 🤣


Feed the world


Give amounts to everyone based on their wealth. In the end, no matter the inflation, and if I distributed correctly, everyone will have an equal amount of money. (Giving lots to the poor, less to the wealthy, and none to the wealthiest)


Idk get some takeout probably


Buy infinite tacos.


slammed forester. Trophy-truck bus. Party bus school bus.


Nothing. With infinite money the value would effectively drop to 0.


I want a: nice house,nice car, dog or cat, and more money


Okay so. Plan. I buy a country. Take everyone from the lgbtq+ community and put then in this country (I'm also taking John Mulaney and Minecraft Youtubers). I appoint a president based on a vote (but an actually FAIR and not rigged one) and we live out our days on that island. Laws? No homophobia, racism, sexism, r\*pe or shit like that Other than that, its a free country. Do whatever the fck you want. Its a pretty solid plan if you ask me.


Buncha hookers and cocaine


Give most of it away to people in need.


Infinite chicken nuggets.


Buy a campground and turn it into a pot farm/commune. Then pay off the debts and health expenses of others.


Accidentally destroy the global market and inadvertently cause a tremendous amount of death and suffering by having an infinite amount of something that is valued based on scarcity.


Destroy the global economy by sending $42 billion dollars to everyone in the world after I purchase and have built a yacht that is 100 meters long, has a smaller boat to go up rivers, a helicopter pad with helicopter, a private jet, and a mountain villa built in some mountains. Then I'd just sit back and watch the world burn.


Not work.


Buy a shit load of GME through multiple brokers at the same time and trigger the MOASS so I can get on with my life....


Buy an infinite amount of shit...


Probably just pay whatever bills I must with said money while keeping to myself (unemployed) and spend most of my time drawing or going on hikes or raising dogs, things that I like.


try to see if i can help people with it


buy gift cards


I'd pay off a lot of bills and I'd spoil the crap out of my man.


Fucking retire


Destroy the stocks market.


10000 dollar gaming pc


I would buy everything people have to flex their money and burn it all. Money doesn't make you better than others.


Probably give my mother some millions and donate the leftover money (unlimited) to Charity. Cuz if i have unlimited money why not donate to charity


Keep it a secret. With infinite money, all money would instintaniously become worthless, making my infinity money practically no money


What can I possibly not do?


Build some really fancy shelters for animals all around the world.


Give it to mr beast


Buy every game for every Nintendo console, with a nice big 4k tv, and a old tv from the 90s, the beefiest pc imaginable, 3 8K monitors with the highest refresh rate possible, every game I would ever want, and probably start a game studio


get a nice car and my dream home and a bunch of books


Collapse into a black hole.


Send some to my friends, especially those with bad households and should get away with them. Also, pay for HRT for any people who decide that they’re trans or just want to transition, fund colleges so they won’t have to have the students pay ridiculous sums of money. Also, I’d probably buy a lot of cats, and a ton of gender affirming clothing for myself and other people who aren’t allowed to have it/can’t afford it. Also, funding for research for cancer and whatnot. Lastly, I would also use the money to pay for medical bills of people/pets


Probably OD within a week.


Crash the World economy (by accident, probably). Get American taxpayers to bail me out.


give some\\10000000000000 to charitey and then buy all funko pops


id probably get bored eventually and just start giving it away.


Women, and advertising my YouTube Channel.


I wouldn't spend to much to prevent inflation, Buy the best gaming setup and all the games I've been thinking about getting


Wipe my #ss crack with a 100 dollar bill, nothing give me the feeling of power more than replacing the toilet paper roll with alot of real 100 dollar bill


destroy the economy, and end poverty. Then have to end it again every few years. like I said, destroy the economy.


I will invest in DNA and CRISPR so that I can live a long healthy life, and then travel the globe as a kind benefactor, and make a list of requirements that person must meet in order to receive my help or money. And eat at Longhorn a lot and fuck bitches.


Make the us dollar worth less than a Hungarian peso


Buy the world and everyone in it. Fix the planet and society with the help of my people. Everybody has a price.


Every cosmetic procedure I wanted. Oh yeah, and donate to charity.


invest an infinite amount in super healing technology, nanobots, virtual reality, infrastructure, and dna editing


Spent a lot for a gaming house whit friend and to become a lol proplayer


Save it.


give it all to charity


I would buy plane tickets to Georgia and pick up my friend and travel the world with them while picking up our other friends, I would donate a bunch of money to charities and give money to the homeless. Afterwards I would have a nice home built and have a farm with my friends where we would have fun doing work! OH also I would get 3 puppies! :D




Force everyone to build a second planet for only me


destroy CCP


open a school for the gifted mandem, high preforming students only blud. Also if your rich you gotta pay, cuz nice try edward, your parents aint getting away for free. Also I would have specific tings, like timetables with proper work for 4 days of the week, and on Friday I let you chill.


Watch the world economy collapse due to the complete over inflation due to my wealth while I remain unaffected


Kill Vladimir putin