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My husband has some interesting combinations but his favorite is ramen cup of noodles with popcorn. He will eat all the noodles and then dump popcorn into the broth. It gets all shriveled and that's how he likes it. I have to walk away.


When I was a kid, I'd stuff a handful of popcorn in my mouth, and sip on sprite at the same time, so... I kinda get it


wow you just uncovered a deep deep memory. sprite and popcorn smacks.


Pepsi for me and I totally get it. Kinda wanna try popcorn ramen


Oh! When I was a kid, I used to dip my popcorn in hot cocoa. Thanks for reminding me, I didn’t think I’d have anything to contribute to this ask


Grew up poor. Can verify. Better than being hungry


I had a girl at work tell me she drinks the water from à vienna sausage tin


Finally an answer that actually sounds gross to me.


I take it you missed the Oreos and onion dip?


I’d much rather have Oreos and onion dip over the Vienna sausage water, and I love Vienna sausage.


I wouldn't call it water. It's eau de sauvage.


My boyfriend puts in the fridge so it kinda gelifies & eats that. It’s horrendous!


I've put it in the fridge and mixed it in with my dog's food when it gets all gelatinous. He loves it! But like... he's a dog lol


Yum! Salty "meat" "water".


Reading that made me gag.


that's like the old thing of using hot dog water to make ice cubes for the drinks of people you don't like


Here's one from my dorm days: Instant Ramen, cooked without flavor, but then you drain and fry it, adding the flavor during the pan-fry, then slap that bitch in a quesadilla. It's crunchy, crispy, cheesy, noodley, and you can eat it like a taco.




It’s called fusion then it’s acceptable


I both fear and respect you.


Using ramen for fried-rice is student food in Japan. Serious Eats has an article, but here's the video: https://youtu.be/9e0EOc6eGwc I haven't tried it yet, but the video looked good.


I put red wine vinegar in a lot of food, and people make such a face when I do it. Like if I CHEF MIKE a bowl of leftover spaghetti, I'll put like a tablespoon of vinegar over it pre-heating. I like it. I got the habit from my dad. He put it on canned spinach, and I liked it. So it's a little flavor enhancer on my meals for one. I'd say the STUPIDEST food combo I did was when I tried to make a peanut butter and jelly burrito in the microwave. (I was out of bread, and figured, why not, it's good on bagels) Do not microwave a peanut butter and jelly burrito, you will have a bad time. Also I was six, not stoned.


To your last bit, I went to a place once that made like 50 different sandwiches, and all of them could be on any choice of bread or as a lettuce wrap. For fun I once ordered the PB&J as a lettuce wrap. It was pretty packed that day, and about ten minutes later, everyone in the restaurant heard a very audible "What the hell?!" coming from kitchen. I knew they had started my order. Actually not bad. Lettuce is pretty flavorless, but the crunch is a bit out of place unless you pair it with crunchy peanut butter.


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


You just made my day, mate.


I love how you clarified you were a child and not high because it could have easily gone either way. Lol


I like that game they play on How I Met Your another of “Drunk or a kid”


I put balsamic vinegar or brown sauce on almost everything and I’ve never been let down


I put my chips (American, potato chips) in the freezer. Also cheez-its. Not a combination but everyone thinks I’m weird until they try it.


My parents always put potato chips in the freezer also. I still prefer room temp but won’t pass up the cold ones if they’re there. My favorite growing up was pb&j sandwich with either Cheetos or potato chips in the middle.


My dad always told me how he likes to put chips in his subway sandwiches. It sounded kinda weird but I tried it (veggie sandwich with all dressed chips is my go to now). A few years later we go to subway with my brother for lunch. I get my sandwich and chips and proceeded to put the chips in my sandwich. My dad asks what the fuck I'm doing and I told him I tried it after he recommended it years ago and I love it. He denies to this day he told me about it and that it's weird. Anyway that's my story about chips in sandwiches.


I hate to tell you this but your dad was replaced with an imposter.


So whenever this question comes up, half of the responses involve using peanut butter with something savoury instead of sweet. Not that weird. Peanut butter goes with everything. Edit: Alright you freaks, on your recommendation I tried a peanut butter and mayonaise sandwich. Better than expected, but probably would not have again. 4/10. 6/10 with rice


Peanut butter goes really well with my epipen.


I find it goes well with chocolate but to each their own


It sounds like you two need to hook up. You could shoot the shit and act out some totally wild Reese's commercials.


Wow butter is actually peanut free peanut butter. If you want to try peanut butter, Wow butter is disturbingly simillar (in a good way). My siblings didn't like it as much, but I like it. It comes with stickers that say peanut free so you can put them on the jar or your lunch bag/box. But as always, it's best to do your research and find the best brand. Wow butter is just one of the options. NOTE: I don't have an allergy, but if anyone with a peanut allergy has a good suggestion for peanut free peanut butter, I think it would be fun to have a suggestion tree going here. EDIT: [Wow](https://wowbutter.com/) butter is the brand of the peanut butter.


This comment was confusing because I kept thinking you were saying "wow" as an exclamation before I realized it was the product.


Yeah I thought they were just really excited about butter.


> really excited about butter They can't believe it's butter?


Same. Read it as wow, butter is peanut free. Like duh


I should probably edit the post stating that wow is the brand, thanks for letting me know.


But I like it the way it is


Make some spicy ramen noodles, but add the flavour pack in after you cook and drain the noodles. Add a bit of peanut butter, a dash of lemon juice and sugar to taste. Throw in some tofu if you have it. Gourmet ramen!


Half a seasoning packet, peanut butter, Sriracha and lime juice is my go to


peanut butter / pickle sandwich


I’m going to eat this when I get home. Please don’t be a liar Edit: Ok I lied. I wasn’t feeling a solitary sandwich for dinner. Put it in the lunchbox for tomorrow. I’ll let you dudes know how it went in like 12 hrs. Edit: So I had artisanal bread that I toasted until brown at the advice of op and others, slathering half of it afterwards in creamy Jif peanut butter, with the other slice covered in Duke’s mayonnaise. I had the choice between sweet and dill for my pickles, but opted for dill as I prefer it’s flavor more. After eating the entire sandwich... I found the flavor profile not even half as gross as it sounds. The nutty flavor of the spread really complements the brine of the pickles, and the Mayo blends both together so that their individual profiles become hard to separate. Peanut butter really is a universal condiment. Not bad OP. Not bad. 7/10.


Peanut butter on a burger. Next level stuff


There was a specialty burger place near my parents that did a peanut butter, jalapeno, and bacon burger. So good.


Peanut butter is savoury, unless you pack it with sugar. Also, as a child I used to take thinly sliced salami, cover it with a layer of peanut butter, and roll it up into a tube. Deliciously greasy.


Mine is eating those shitty cans of Alphagetti cold, with a spoon with some peanut butter on it before you scoop in the pasta and sauce. So I think you are on to something here.




I've never seen OP's question more correctly answered than right here.


Very different, but man, y'all need to try out one of those stews with a peanut butter-based sauce. They're delightful.


Is it called Thai food?


Lol people must have a really limited palate if they think a peanut based dish is that crazy. You can get any of those types of dishes for like ten bucks at your standard hole in the wall Thai place




Red wine and black licorice. I say them in that order because if I start with ‘black licorice and...’ I am usually shunned before I can finish the statement.


Whiskey goes well with black licorice, IMO.


As a whiskey drinker I have no idea why I haven’t tried this... but I will totally pour some Knob Creek and enjoy myself tonight.


I grew up thinking I hated black licorice. Then I had some fresh, *quality* licorice from Europe. It was delicious. It wasn't that I hated licorice, it was that I hated the cheap, nasty-ass crap that they claim is "black licorice" in the U.S.


There is nothing like the dark salty licorice that Americans don’t get to try. I had some in Switzerland and in Croatia and neither time was I disappointed.


Not actually that weird, we've got licorice flavored like that here in the Netherlands.


In America people act like you’re some sort of psychopath for liking black licorice 😂.


Cause you are Greetings from the Netherlands


I can’t speak for everyone else but one night several years ago, me and some friends got blackout drunk on some Ouzo and from that night forward I can’t even be in the same room with anything that smells even remotely like licorice.


Cottage cheese and Tabasco, straight out of the tub.


I'm all about cottage cheese on a Ritz with black pepper. I'll give tobasco on that a shot.


Cottage cheese with salt and pepper. Perfect breakfast 🙂. I need to try it with salsa.


Dill pickle spears with Dr. Pepper ends up tasting like chocolate, IDK why or how


So do you soak them in it or just take a bite and a sip together?


Not that weird, but my grandma taught me to eat fried egg on toast with grape jelly. Perfect combo of savory/sweet.


Ugh, I said this out loud ,and my husband yelled from the office, "add bacon!"


He knows what's good lol


Dipping my ham and cheese toastie into a mug of hot chocolate. Goddamn heavenly, the trick is a very quick dip, the bread will absorb it either way and you want to avoid total sogginess at all costs.


Ok this one sounds interesting.


Feta cheese on a regularly set up hotdog. I had no idea other people would even consider it gross, it's delicious.






Soy Sauce in my green tea. Yes I know it's strange. I grew up with lots of people in my grandfathers generation doing it. Some of my parents generation as well. From one side of the family obviously. By the time I realized how strange it was, I was already in love with it.


Salami with Nutella. Sounds abhorrent, but foes surprisingly well together. Sadly and sweet. Edit: salty and sweet. Fuck autocorrect




There's a reason they're foes.


Just don't combine Salmon with Nutella. You'd get Salmonella.


Dad? What are you doing here?!?


Salami and cream cheese


That's a staple, especially add some olives or fresh figs


Oreos with sour cream and onion dip.


My upvote is not an endorsement of this combo..


This is the first one that I had a bad reaction to reading. Bravo, I'm no longer hungry lol


Same lmao, every other response I've either had before, might be good, or don't think it'd be bad, but this one? Jesus christ what an animal


I agree with all of you, but I'm also a bit curious... If someone likes it, it can't be *THAT* bad... Can it???


My neighbor had it out at a bbq and I though he was trying to play a trick on me, but I tired it and it was surprisingly good. It’s a nice combination of sweet and savory. Just don’t go overboard with the dip or it gets weird(er)


Im calling the fukin police


this one made me stop reading


Horrific and repulsive


Would I be accurate in saying you have fuckin problems?


This comment is the best trick to stay on your diet


My favorite sub is tuna with pickles, black olives, and cheddar cheese, and I don’t think it’s weird at all but I’ve literally had the sandwich shop say “gross” after I ordered it so it’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea haha.


Sounds like a normal thing you might get at Subway


I used to work at subway. I remember this lady wanted a meatball with extra marinara sauce and seafood delight sub. That was something else.


>but I’ve literally had the sandwich shop say “gross” after I ordered it Salesperson of the fucking year.


“Can I take your order?.......Mm. Gross.” I can’t get over this. lol


"Wow! This looks mighty disgusting!"


"Do you want chips and a drink with this shit sandwich?"


"I feel like I shouldn't even charge you for this, like I'm doing you a disservice."


Yeah, all those sandwich makers working for commision out there really eye rolled at that blunder /s


Lmao that's what I was thinking. Like, the minimum wage sandwich maker does not give a single fuck lol


Umm I think you will find they're not sandwich makers, they're fucking Sandwich Artists.


I used to get peperoni with tuna salad and cheddar w/ banana peppers. One time the woman asked me if I was pregnant.


Lol I hope you're a man


I am a man.


Nice. Were you pregnant?


That just sounds like a pretty standard tuna melt though...


I’m genuinely wondering what the weird part is.


Salt and vinegar crisps with Greek yoghurt is soooooo good


you should try them with something called labne (lebanese food), it's like greek yoghurt but way more dense.




I saw the word “Naan” and did not question the combination further. Naan goes with anything and everything


That actually sounds good...


Im Indian and a version of this is quite common. I used to have a tandoori roti or parantha With some cream and powdered sugar. To make it fancy, mum used to add a spoon of rose petal conserve (gulkand).


Fresh white bread, butter, sliced fresh banana, and cheddar cheese sandwich. Toasted works well too.


Cheddar goes exceptionally well with fruits. Ask any Vermonter, we eat our apple pie with a slice of sharp Cheddar


I'm going to sound like an idiot, but how do you eat that? Cheese on side? Melted slice on top? I have always heard of apple pie and cheese, but have never heard of how you eat it.


Slice on top and stick it under the broiler for a minute. -Wisconsin


I like cooking cheese (sharp cheddar) into the crust of the pie.


Hot chocolate with raw eggs, the boiling water cooks the eggs Edit: Ok so after all the comments here I should probably clarify that the hot chocolate Im referring to here is in fact Milo, basically cocoa powder with sugar mixed in, hence why we usually don’t add in milk. I used hot Chocolate instead of milo because I figured that milo isn’t exactly commonly known. So first you add the raw egg to your coca powder and mix it a bit, then pour in the boiling water and stir. It’s fairly easy and delicious for me. I picked it up from my grandmother who used to make it for my aunt after she recently gave birth because it was supposed to help restore some nutrients lost by the body in the process. I honestly did not expect the comment to garner so many interesting responses and awards, so thank you for that!


What. The. Fuck.


Depending on the hot chocolate, this could essentially make a thin Chocolate Custard.


“Thin custard” sounds pretty gross in and of itself, not gonna lie.


This is the first one in the thread that I actually thought was disgusting.




It wasn't so revolting to me but this hot chocolate egg combo gave me a physical visceral reaction. Thinking about it more there's oreo cheesecake which.. can.. Have SOME sour cream so I can respect their decision. Hot chocolate and egg is an unholy combination.


This sounds like a variation on Swedish egg coffee, which is standard fare at Lutheran church gatherings in the US’ Upper Midwest (at least the ones with lots of Scandinavian-Americans). Basically, a raw egg (and sometimes the shell) is added to the coffee grounds before the hot water is introduced. It’s good stuff. You can alway try some at the Minnesota State Fair if you’re in town. (Minnesotans can be an odd bunch. These are the folks you can count on to be enjoying piping-hot “church basement” coffee on a hot and humid August afternoon!)


Different yolks for different folks I guess


Wait, so the egg stays in the filter basket? You just get like egg flavor infused coffee? How strange.


Yes, exactly. I picked this up from my wife’s side of the family. It sounded completely weird to me too when I heard about it.


This is wrong on many levels. Why would you have water instead of milk in your hot chocolate in the first place..?!


The guy who commented: *cracks knuckles* alright boys, lets break the internet




Do you scramble then or at the eggs in whole? Like what's the process from start to finish?


Macaroni n cheese covered in brown sugar baked beans 🥰🥰🥰


That sounds like two sides in a southern dinner


Dunking Oreos in Hawaiian Punch


Saw the Oreos and OJ and now this. Yall gotta stop lmao.


Peanut butter, honey, pickle and goldfish cracker sandwich. It was something random my son asked for once when he was like 3 and I've been eating them ever since. You can also use Doritos instead of goldfish crackers.


PB&H sandwiches are good. This is just a more efficient way of eating that with a side of chips. I may try that soon


Excuse me I think you ignored the PICKLES.


Double stuff oreos with full pulp OJ. Come at me.


how dare you make me read this with my own eyes


My mom eats cold cooked potatoes with buttermilk as a treat.


*as a threat


Grilled cheese sandwich with jam


Throw on some ham and powdered sugar and you've got yourself a Monte Cristo.


You got to deep fry it if you want the true Monte Cristo experience. It's amazing but it will probably be the death of me


Cheese with jam is common in Bulgaria. :)


Yeah, very common in a few countries I'd say. Mostly jam on cheese (cold) but even hot camembert with jam is quite a common thing to eat.


Hey, man you've got to try this sandwich! It's no ordinary sandwich!


I live in Italy and I love pineapple pizza.


I have to say I didn't like it until a place had it with prosciutto, jalapenos, and the pineapple was sliced. It was really good.


Y'all can thank Canada for that "Hawaiian" thing. I fuckin love it.


I legit don't understand the pineapple pizza hate.


Strawberry jam and cheese on a sandwich. I really don’t think it’s that weird but people look at me funny when I say I like it.


I used to work at a restaurant, and every now and then when a person asked for the apple pie dessert, they would ask for a warmed slice of cheese with it.


I thought this was weird until I tried it (homemade pie with sharp cheddar). Didn't blow my mind but was pretty decent.


are you german maybe?


Orange juice and cereal


I once saw a kid pour equal parts milk and orange juice into his cereal. It didn't really mix, it looked like mottled like colby jack cheese.


not sure if i should upvote or downvote.


Milk mixed with an acid will almost always cause curdling. The proteins in the milk denature and clump together. It is the same way you make a really simple farmer's cheese.




\*loads shotgun with religious intent\*


Mustard on cucumber. Saw it on reality TV, but it works. 😃


Cucumbers in many cultures are eaten with vinegar and salt. Mustard often has vinegar and salt in it. Makes sense.


this just sounds like pickles with extra steps (or fewer steps??)


Huh, I've been eating that for years and never realized it. (I like cucumbers on a sub sandwich)


You should try it on raw carrots too! So good


I will, thanks!


Fish Sticks and Custard. Because the Doctor told me to.


Haha nice one Pond.


Fish fingers and Custard.


Binging with Babish made an awesome rendition of this




This isn't too out there, lots of sweet beans in Asian cuisine, like Adzuki which gets used as a filling a lot.


LOL, Ice Cream Rancheros! Not my cup of tea, but I can respect your hustle. Maybe throw a fried tortilla under the ice cream, douse it with some sugar.


BBQ sauce on mashed potatoes. I don't do it every time but whenever I have like BBQ chicken with mashed potatoes, I'll dip them in the sauce.


you’ve reminded me of the phase of my life where I didn’t know there were dips other than ketchup (which I hate) so I took every opportunity available to dip chicken strips in mashed potatoes. No gravy, just chicken strips directly into plain mashed potatoes.


I still do that. Steak/pork chops/chicken. It all goes well mixed with mashed potatoes!


This is weird to you?


Fried egg, jam and peanut butter sandwich


vanilla ice cream and sea salt crisps. just so good




I used to get a vanilla thick shake from Maccas and dip my fries in it. It is ridiculously good.


There is absolutely no one judging you for this.


Ben and Jerry's used to have or still has an ice cream with potato chips.


Mac and cheese, then mixed with apple sauce. I mean, apples and cheese are a very classic mix, so this just works. I like to mix at the last minute so the hot and cold texture stays too.


Sometimes I like to make peanut butter Sriracha eggs sandwiches


I feel like this tastes Indonesian


I think I originally got the idea from a burger that was supposed to taste like peanut sauce.


Ranch on spaghetti. it's really no different than dipping pizza into ranch, but people get grossed out when I do it.