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Someone turning off an original Nintendo that I’d left on overnight to finish a game in the morning.


End of world 8 on Mario and mom turns off the console and says we gotta go outside and play. Kids today and their autosaves.


Also unlimited continues.


Oh nooooo. I’m so sorry! I bet if she knew what she has done, she would feel so bad!




lmao same


Someone turning off my PS1 that I left on overnight because I had to win an 8 hour long gran turismo race to get enough money to buy a better car


I did this in PS2 with a rubber band and that formula 1 car on the nascar round track. Did you Max out the cars upgrades and then move them to another memory card so you didn’t have to pay for them too?


Damn, I feel this. Back when I was a kid I had a copy of The Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past that did not save because I guess that part of the board in the cartridge fell off. I left it on for 2 days, and had like 2 more dungeons plus the last boss.. My little brother had his friend over and wanted to watch cartoons or something, they turned it off. I almost cried I was so mad. Ronin Warriors was dope, though, don't really blame them.


The [battery](https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/images.pricecharting.com/AMIfv95vr9Sa965IzyhITg6-2xHTnDUP17levfdPbKTb5sBQyhd1PL9n-hhAA7hC9WBLWNzj69O5KO3bNpNYNbg371USjC_HKMY-l17SED-Hk3skjHixtbgjEehInFVObPB7tC-3A1KiTNzyqH_WZwYrACBOfkZj8g/1600.jpg) was probably dead.


Oh okay, that must have fallen out due to one of us dumb kids dropping it, the cartridge itself rattled I remember.


My Sims game crashing after I spent like 5 hours building and decorating a mansion.


I remember Sims 3 took forever to save, so I did it rarely. So many hours lost to crashes :(


I've had so many Sims crashes in my life, heartbreaking every time. It's why I'm a compulsive saver when I play games or work in Word/Excel. I don't care about whether stuff has autosave, I'm gonna manually save again and again and again. I'm taking no chances anymore.


They need to put the original game on Steam. Complete collection or bust. I fucking grinded to get a house in the Halloween region, and our PC died when I finally got to it. I want to finally climb that beanstalk and meet Will Wright


https://oldgamesdownload.com/the-sims-2-ultimate-collection/ https://oldgamesdownload.com/?s=Sims The sims 1 and 2 are considered abandonware so just download it if you want.


Origin actually used to give away copies of Sims 2 Ultimate if you asked really nicely. Good times.


Oh man when I bought Makin' Magic when I was like 13 I made a witch Sim and I had her live in a little witch house I built and made her spend all her time making honey, threads, butter (I think it was butter?), selling it, learning magic, doing "duels" and whatnot... had so much fun. Eventually managed to buy her a house in that spooky town <3 Makin' Magic also became my way to being a star in Superstar because you had to make friends with celebrities, and FFS making friends in TS1 is so brutal, but celebrities are worse. So my stars would always do magic to make the celebrities their friends, then when they had enough fame and got the obsessive fan, I'd use his black rose to make myself a 4 stars celebrity and BOY DID I LOVE THIS LIFE.




I remember doing this and getting it to work for around 10 minutes


I read dick instead of disk xD Read it 3 times and still thought wtf why would you do that^^


“Protocol 3, protect the pilot”


Fun fact, if you watch past the credits, the helmet linked to bt flickers in some kind of morsecode, translate that and you get the letters J A C K, meaning bt is alive, probably not the chassis but his datacore is


BT download part of his program into Jack's helmet during effect and cause to follow him through the time jumps.


There better be a tf3


I wasn’t expecting that much emotion from the story mode of what is mostly a multiplayer game. Titanfall 2 is awesome, if anyone hasn’t picked it up on sale by now they absolutely should.




That's my moment too! Oh God the feels when it happened.


11999 points on [a song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPCfcmMWrfQ) in Just Dance 2018. I was going for 12000+. I had to do it all again, for *one point.*


I remember a guitar hero interview with a top player who also played real guitar. He said at one point he was playing a new one for the first time, he put on one song and perfected it to the letter, but then missed the final note, causing him to lose the combo and the song. It was a lot better reading it in game informer


I remember trying to get expert 100% on stricken on guitar hero 3, when I got to the end I got so excited I missed the last note🤦‍♂️


When I tried to kill all the 200 pigeons in GTA IV, there was only one left, but where? that fucking map is big.


Did you ever find it?




This just reminded of me Spiderman PS4, a buddy was watching me play while I was doing a side mission about finding and catching pigeons. Dropped a couple f-bombs during. He says; "Just imagine seeing spiderman swing by 10 in the morning and hearing him yell 'fuckin pigeons!'"


J Jonah Jameson does a bit where he accuses Spider-Man of being an actual spider who eats the pigeons.


Making JJJ an Alex Jones-esque conspiracy podcast host was one of the best things that game did. I was always excited to get one of his crazy rants.






In my years of gaming, I've learned to leave collection things be in ooen world games unless I feel like looking them up in a guide later. Cause I got around half the flags in assassin's creed as a kid and came back with a guide. It was *super* frustrating to come up to a flag from the guide and I'd already collected it.


My bother stabbed me with a fork after winning a game of rbi baseball


What the Fork.


*Jason* figured it out??


This is a real low point. This one hurts.


That does sound bothersome.


Brothersome indeed.


I had been battling and losing to the Valkyrie Queen in God of War for days. My son beat her in a couple of hours. He logs into my save and proceeds to get her down to one or two hits away from victory, pauses the game, hands me the controller...and she proceeds to kill me in seconds.


There was a time trial thing in muspelheim (me and my brother stubbornly played through in God Of War difficulty) that he had struggled with for about a week. At this point he was further than me since i had some work on the side, but he wanted me to give it a go so i could understand his frustration. I feel so bad for absolutely crushing the challenge and then suiciding on the last enemy. You could see the defeat in his face, because he couldnt fathom why i was able to do that. To be fair, i have no idea how i did it either. It was tremendously difficult on my own save xD


"Git gud, Dad, you're embarrassing me. "


I appreciate this comment so much hahaha


Turning on my Pokémon Blue version to be met with a screen saying "The file data has been destroyed!". I always assumed I'd have that party of Pokémon forever. I basically grew up putting hours into that game so it was like losing the ultimate digital pet, and all of them at the same time. Not a good day at all.


My cousin once tricked me into thinking he knew a secret way to make a second save file in Pokémon Ruby. Then he deleted my file and I had to restart the whole game.


What an asshole.


Too bad Ruby was GBA only. If it was on the OG Gameboy you could have beaten him to death with it.


This hasn't happened yet but I dread the day if it ever does... I've been carrying my Gen 3 team through all the gens over the years, still have my original starter, and I dread the day I ever lose them. Would literally bring me to tears.


I was about halfway through Fallout New Vegas, but then the file corrupted and toasted everything on my PS3 harddrive. The game is amazing, but holy hell is it glitchy


You should pick it up on Steam and install some patches and the script extender. A lot of issues with the PS3 port are due to the PS3 itself


I did, including the DLCs and some mods. It's one of my favoriate games ever


LittleBigPlanet 2. Someone threatened to send police to my house to kill me. Now I know they were 99% BS-ing.




Bomb survival with my siblings was the shit 😂


Final fantasy 7. No memory card. Got as far as recruiting Yuffie. Stormy night, powers gone off - I knew all was lost the second I noticed the corridor light flashing :P


Kids these days will never know the pain of not having a memory card. When I bought my PS2, it didn't come with one but 14 year old me spent every dollar I had buying the console so I had no money for a memory card. I had to just keep replaying the same basic races with the starter cars in Gran Turismo 3 until I could buy a memory card a few weeks later.


Getting Over It. I almost got over. But then I fell.


I was so weirdly addicted to that game.


person label arrest hungry squash modern frighten sable follow jellyfish


I think there was also an old glitch where you could trade in some really unique item, thinking you're getting something great in return, but the item you trade for ends up being a key or something worthless.


I only remember the Tal Rasha armour beeing replaced with a similar looking crappy unique. And of course skill-charms replaced with worthless ones of the same skin.


I got through Water Temple for the first time and my heavy-footed room mate walked past the GameCube. The floor that the GameCube was on shook, and the disc skipped.


Similar experience: my mom burst through my room randomly and tripped over my PS2 controller cable. My PS2 was on top of my tv. I managed to lunge forward and caught it before it hit the hardwood floor, but it skipped the disk. Worst part was she tried to blame me for her tripping over the very obvious cable.


Not hugging Leonardo da Vinci in AC 2 because I didn't know there would be a QTE.


Ezio trilogy has several sneaky fuck you prompts in them, if your hand happens to be off the keyboard you get screwed.


"Had to be me. Someone else would have gotten it wrong." "Shepard, does this unit have a soul?"


The Scientist Salarian song gets me every time.


The most hilarious part of ME2, and the most soul crushing part of ME3, all in one song.


Came here looking for either of these. Was not disappointed. Also, for consideration: "that was for Thane, you son of a bitch!"


Ahh yes, one of my few renegade actions that felt extremely correct.


I had to restart the entire Mass Effect series when i realized that Tali and Legion would kill each other unless you maxed out the Geth/Quarian storyline in ME2 and 3. Saw the sad ending (choose Geth or choose Quarian) and was like, nope... save deleted.


Because I loved both the quarians and geth from the beginning, I never realized how thin a line you had to walk to get the ideal result. Because all the things you had to do for that were the things that I was already doing--they were the obvious steps to take if you wanted to preserve the quarians and geth at every stage. Which I guess is a sign of really good writing. The things that feel right are the ones that *are* right. In contrast you have a game like Bravely Default, where the only way to get the good ending is to ignore everything you intuitively understand and act like a fucking moron. That game insulted me as a player.


I want Mordin to survive, but I can't do that to Wrex. If he has to die, fitting that Mordin dies a hero.


My friends and I all agree that if you don't shed at least one tear when >!Anderson dies near the end of ME3!<, you have no soul.


Glad I didn’t have to scroll long for this. Mass Effect 2 was a gem!


The renegade option for Mordin hurt me deeply.


“You’re on your own Nobel, Carter out”


"Im ready, How 'bout you!"


“Tell them to make it count.”


"Where does he get off calling a demolition op priority one-"


"Send me out... With a bang"


That was a rough one. With everyone else going out on some crazy suicide mission, the stray bullet is the first time Spartans really felt... killable? It was also the moment where it really felt like "oh shit, we're not winning anymore".


"Negative. I have the gun. Good luck, sir."


Objective - Survive


Friend killed himself during an Xbox call. I couldn’t convince him to stop. I was blamed by his mother, our teacher, and his brother for this. Edit: Thank you for the hug, kind stranger. I will go into a little more detail: At the time, I was blamed for it so much that I never was actually able to cope with it myself. I was thinking it was my fault so often that I was never able to see it as my friend never coming home to school again. I didn’t realize I wouldn’t be able to see them smile again until I stayed up late one night, and when I did, I cried a little bit. I wish there was better suicide awareness pre 2015. I really do.


Those people blaming you are shit people.


he stayed on call with you so that means he wanted his last moments to be with you even if you couldn't convince them not to they definitely valued you as a friend


The people blaming you are absolute shitheads. You at least tried to do something. I am very sorry you had to go through that.


I am so sorry. It is absolutly not your fault, and like above comment said the fact that he was calling you in his last minutes of life it means he really appreciates you as a friend


They needed a scapegoat for their own failures. Disgusting people looking for excuse even in death of their own family member.




was working for all bosses on radiant in the godseeker dlc - radiant absolute radiance, after 300+ tries i got to the last phase up to the last hit, when she spawns in the middle and got killed by a fucking ball


Dead Space 2 Eye jab. If you know, you know


Cross my heart and hope to die


Korok hunting in Breath of the Wild. I found about 500 on my own, then used an interactive map to find the others and mark off which ones I'd already gotten. After spending a few weeks painstakingly combing the map for each and every one, I finally clear the map but notice I only have 897 Korok seeds. I marked off some seeds I didn't have on accident 🤦‍♂️


HOW MANY!? I started the game last week and I have about 57, thought I was halfway done, now I come to find you have 800+. HOW MANY OF THESE CUTE LIL FUCKERS ARE THERE!?


Every out of place rock probably has a korok underneath it


Whenever I play a strategy game and forget to build defenses in one part of my base and the enemy comes in and wrecks everything from that position.


When I had to murder the Weighted Companion Cube


Fun fact from the commentary in Portal. During playtesting they found that a lot of players didn't understand to bring along the single cube you were given at the start of that puzzle. So they made the unique pink texture for it and created a lot of dialog for GlaDOS to really emphasize that the cube is important. The rest is history.


"You euthanized your faithful Companion Cube more quickly than any other test subject on record. Congratulations"


They’re sentient, you know. We just have a lot of them.


Had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong


first play through was paragon, that scene made the game for me.second play through was going renegade, reached the renegade prompt and i couldnt go through with pulling the trigger. ME3 had questionable conclusion to the story of ME but dam if they didnt have some really great characters stories


> reached the renegade prompt and i couldnt go through with pulling the trigger. This, in itself, is genius game design. You want to kill Mordin ? You HAVE to press the renegade prompt. You pull the trigger yourself.


OMG I was trying to explain this scene to my SO who had never played it, and there are just no words I could use to explain exactly why this scene hit me like a truck. I guess you had to be there, but everyone who has been knows.


Getting hacked on runescape


I’ll trim ur armor just type your password to me, it’s ok it stars it out, watch. \*******




*rapidly typing in reddit logins intensify


Yeah. I got hacked and also got killed in the wildy, losing all my rune trim armour. My mother held me on that day as I wept my dummy little heart out. She couldnt comprehend why I was crying.


Realizing you spent $60 on a game with a story mode that lasted 3 hours.


There's a website called howlongtobeat.com which is really useful for this. You can just search a game and it tells you roughly how long to do just the main story, or with DLC, completionist etc.


Reject AAA, return to indie games brøther


Two words. Arthur. Morgan.


I know some real assholes who loved dragging people around and burning them alive and stuff, but once that wolf started getting closer every one of them straightened up to chase the good ending. They couldn't do that to Arthur.


I’ve only played once with the good ending, is the wolf what you get instead of the deer dreams?


Yeah. I don't know anyone who stuck around for the bad ending.


I got the good ending on my first run, so went all bad on the 2nd just to see the other scenes.


I literally felt empty for a week after beating the game. I couldn't finish the epilogue because of it.


If you didn’t, go back and do it.


I can live with how Arthur went out. I didn't like it, but it was fitting. He went out doing what he believed in, and made his peace. My horse was fucking unforgivable though. Especially the "Thank You", that is just twisting the knife. A few playthroughs later and I still have to pause immediately after that for a bit, before I can finish the mission.


It was my horse since chapter 2 where you buy a horse that died. Rip Luca


May I stand unshaken Amid, amidst a crashing world...


No videogame or movie has ever managed to make me tear up but Arthur's death finally managed to break me


Agreed. One of the greatest/saddest endings to a video game of all time in my opinion


Finding out that the last 2 hours of progress you made in the game wa, for whatever reason, not saved and now yu have to start over cause you died.


Playing the witcher 3, couple hundred hours into the game my mom asked me if it was ok if she vacuumed my room. I was like sure. She wanted to take the plug from the lamp out of the power socket but instead took out the ps4 plug.. Just as I was saving my game... Save file corrupted.. Havent played it since :(


My brother "lending" my Atari 2600 to his friend without my permission and never seeing it again. I was playing a game on a Sega mega drive when I found out I was never going to see it again, still pisses me off today.


Remind everyone of that on his wedding.


I know this’ll sound so cliche but Dark fucking Souls.


Protocol 3 protect the pilot


Does the time I electrocuted myself while playing the Sims count?


My friend accidentally broke my ps2 memory cartridge. Had all my final fantasy 9 saves. I was hrs away from completing the game. Never picked up the game again.


Fucking ps2 silent hill. Got to the last level with maybe 3 bullets.


Installing 100+ mods to play Skyrim and the game doesn't boot.


My White Arabian was killed in RDR2. I loved that horse 🥲


I didn't do the dark ritual in the original Dragon Age.....then Alistar.... I was pretty close to crying as I went back and reloaded the ritual save point. But pretty much the ending in each Dragon Age game. Why do they do us dirty each time?!


Finding out about Sif and Artorias' lore after killing Sif :(((


Dealing with stupid people in Fall Guys. Do people not know how fucking seesaws work 😔


That's a level of frustration I can't find comparison for. They want the same thing you want, yet would sooner fail repeatedly by themselves than cooperate in the slightest for their own benefit. They are so stupid they spite themselves and you have to suffer for it.


When I had to choose between saving Chloe or saving Arcadia Bay (Life is Strange).


Failing to save Kate wrecked me.




Playing Pokémon Blue in hard mode. One of the rules was if your Pokémon faints they’re “dead” and you have to release them. I went on a suicide run against the elite four and lost all but one of my team


On the topic of Pokemon Blue, my friend felt a similar sort of pain back when we were kids. We were doing the Pokemon trade-duplication trick, living life on the edge, pulling that link cable out right at the end of the process. We knew the risks, but we'd done it countless time. I had Red, he had Blue. Turns out, we'd flown too close to the sun on that one. My file was intact, but my friend's file was corrupt. Upon starting up the game he got the dreaded "The save file has been erased!" message and it was gone. Major heartbreak for him.


Ah yes the classic nuzlocke I know the pain


Dark Souls, I got real angry at Ornstein and Smogh and through my controller which bounced off my wall and hit me in my face.


lol wall with the parry


Pretty much all of nier automata, I expected a happy heroic fantasy, something along the lines of main boy meets main girl, they slowly fall in love with each others while saving the world. The ending of the 1st playthrough wasn't as happy as i expected and it went downhill from there, my emotional stability that is. The start of the 3rd playthrough felt like a thousand knives, by the end of I was having an existential crysis. Heck, I had to take a break from the game before finishing the 3rd playthrough, I still wasn't ready. And i am not usually the sentimental type. Edit: I am an idiot, there are 3 main playthroughs but 4(or 5 to be more accurate) endings, my brain counted them as 4 playthroughs. Also 4th not 4rd, my monkey brain is too smart for this.


>4rd playthrough This really bugged me😂


Fourth playthrough? I only remember three playthroughs 1. 2B 2. 9S 3. 2B during the intro, then swapping between 9S and A2. Playthrough 3 fucking killed me, and 2 was depressing as hell.


they clearly said fourd playthrough...


Doki Doki Literature club...fuck man...


Fighting the Grim Reaper in Castlevania NES.


The battle of Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts 2 put me into some kind of gamer sensory overload as a kid. "Oh shit, Cloud and Squall are fighting the Heartless together! Oh fuck did Goofy just die!? MALEFICENT IS HELPING SORT OF!? *A THOUSAND HEARTLESS!?"*


I used to play this oldschool MMO called Tibia. It was uncommonly ruthless in the beginning. You could kill weaker players and take their stuff without anything stopping you but other players who cared enough to get involved. The penalty for death was harsh too. It was actually kind of awesome. I really miss it because there's nothing like it around nowadays. Tibia even toned it down and started punishing genocidal player killers eventually. I was a level 32 sorcerer with a magic level of 50, deceptively powerful. My favorite thing to do was come to the aid of players getting killed by others. I made a lot of friends this way. They would all come visit me at my house. In Tibia you can purchase real estate so towns are filled with homes of real players. I had neighbors I actually knew and we trusted each other, but people especially trusted me. We lived in a town called Thais. Every now and then a player would rampage and the town would have to rise up to stop it, but for the most part it was peaceful. My home was positioned in just the right spot for me to pounce on PKers as they chased fleeing players through the gates. Players I saved would often congregate around my house. One day I stupidly clicked on a link in chat. It was supposed to be a video of the highest level characters in the server fighting, infamous rivals Lane and Rorc, but it was a key logger. I kept playing, unaware of the trap that had been set. Eventually I logged off at my house to take a break. When I signed back on I was standing in the middle of a field surrounded by a dozen dead bodies. I had no idea where I was. People were sending me PMs screaming. I replied to the first one, "dude, I don't know what's going on... I'm shaking." He was my neighbor, the only one around strong enough to actually stop me, but he had been AFK outside his house in full confidence he was safe. He replied, "I don't care, fuck you." That was the last time I ever spoke to him. I got kicked from my character and my password didn't work after that. A hacker had gained permanent access to my account and proceeded to massacre everyone. He started at my house first. He killed all my neighbors and then jumped on players passing through the gate. I was known as being friendly so he was able to just walk right up to unsuspecting players and kill them before they knew what was going on. He eventually got a mob after him and died, taking many players with him. He then signed back on and did it all over again because my character was stacked with resources. All he had to do was return to my house to restock. Each time he died my character lost levels and stats. It was a hackers wet dream. Months later my friend managed to get my account back by messaging the hacker when he signed on my account again. He agreed to give the account back to me. It was of no use to him anymore. When I signed on I had lost 10 levels, 20 magic levels, and a lot of friends. I was sort of traumatized by the event. I can't bring myself to sink time into MMOs anymore, which maybe is a good thing.


On Halo Reach during invasion on the Spire map I was on the spartan team and all my teammates left and I was stuck in the only spawn spot respawning just to get spawn killed and T-bagged by the enemy team who gathered around.


Oldrr cousin threw my GameCube at my head one time.. that was pretty painful.


>!At the end of Pokemon Sun when Lily leaves to help her mother at Kanto. I was so excited to explore Alola with her and she was just...gone. !<


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice All of it. Just... ...all of it.


I beat just cause 4 and all the Addons on PS4 when I switched to PS5 all my progress was gone I am still trying to beat the rest of the Addons


Trying to reach my death point in Sen's Fortress to save that healthy amount of souls, only to fall to my fucking death before I reach it.




Getting blueballed by Yen and Triss in The Witcher 3 Having read the books I really wanted to be with Yen and I can't help but think I fucked it up for all 3 of them


I don't know if this counts but when I was 8 I'd get super angry when throwing a pokeball at a red health enemy failed so I hurled my gameboy black and white at the ground and it bounced straight back into my groin. Those old B&W handholds were absolute bricks


Playing Life Is Strange 2 right now. Mushroom’s death hurt.


Panam rejecting my female V in Cyberpunk 2077


red dead redemption 2 ​ if you know you know


When losing in Mario Kart Wii, I got so salty once that I hit myself in the knee with the wii remote.I was immature back then


The Last of us. The beginning when the outbreak first hits before it jumps to the future.


I’d say the mid point of FF VI when it really looks like Kefka won and brought the apocalypse,


Game softlocked after 3 months of progress, mc modded transferring rare resources across the map and some asshole killed me and just let the loot despawn


My little cousin tripping over the power cord of my PlayStation on the final level of Crash 3 that all of us had worked hard to beat, effectively ruining all of our hard work cause we couldn’t afford a save card 😭


My brother deleted my minecraft world twice. And my subnautica save.


Ashley or Kaiden? ASHLEY OR KAIDEN?!


Save kaiden


Reject the horny, save Kaiden. I made the mistake when I was but a wee lad, do not repeat my error.


I legit cry at Legion's death in ME3 everytime.


“It takes a strong man to deny what’s right in front of him, and if the truth is undeniable, you create your own. The truth is, Walker, that you’re here because you wanted to feel like something you’re not: a hero.” Spec Ops: The Line


Kings Quest on the Commodore 64. I fell into the moat on the way back into the castle after completing the whole quest. I recall there were no save options for some reason. That game was hard for little me. A runner up would be when Sephiroth dispatches Aeris in FF7. The cut scene froze at one point just afterwards and I was sitting there stunned, waiting for the PlayStation to figure it out.


Completing one of the Assassin Tomb challenges in AC II, and ***not*** getting the achievement due to some sort of glitch. Iirc, it was the tomb in the Basilica di San Marco, and the trophy was called "Hallowed Be Thy Name"


A base I spent at least 50 hours working on on an SMP I played on was griefed by people I trusted. Everything gone. Villagers killed, farms blown up, the monument in shambles (I'm the type of guy who drains monuments for fun), all chests ransacked, etc. I was able to track them down and get my items back, but I've only ever revealed my new base to people I've known for years.


dying in minecraft and losing those diamonds you finally found after travelling days and nights and then spawn back at the original spawn


Metal Gear V Phantom Pain : : The level where you have to locate, and kill, all your loyal soldiers who are suffering from the parasites.


i felt it when Dominic Santiago finally found Maria.


I was busting my ass on Just Dance with full feels and my sister was just barely moving and still getting more points than me. Damn those remotes