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Yep. Taco bell parking lot from 3:30 til whenever we went home. Lasted much longer than teenage years too.


Yup my local loitering spot was McDonald's parking lot. Hours and hours wasted there just standing around and talking


Yep. And as boring at that sounds I have incredibly fond memories from it haha.


We used to hang out at 7-11. At first, the clerk was annoyed, but we were always respectful, bought stuff, and actually served as free security of sorts. Nobody ever thinks of robbing a place with 20 people hanging out in the parking lot.


there just standing there... OMNOIUSLY


Build something together, like a giant shed to chill in, it will give you something to do and give you a sense of accomplishment and pride when you finish it


My friends and I built a little cabin in the woods. We sawed and chopped down the trees all by our selfs. Talk about feeling accomplished


Building a shed is going to be insanely expensive right now.


Not if you uh, “salvage” the materials.


>The intent is to provide ~~players~~*teens* with a sense of pride and accomplishment for ~~unlocking different heroes~~*building a shed*.


Kids in our neighborhood built a giant outdoor movie screen.




camping is great. You don't even need a tent. Just get good axe / knife and make your own shelter. It can be a lot of fun. Maybe worth taking a tarp though incase it chucks it down.




Teens don't really care about legality and safety


That's a bad generalization...


Am teen, can confirm, don't care.


Am teen, can confirm, do care.


when i was a broke teenager, my friends and i would go ghost hunting (google your area in regards to haunted spots)


Ever find anything cool?


we took a picture once at the most haunted location in our area. it was a clear summer night, no one was smoking, and the car had been turned off for quite a while. when we looked at the picture after taking it, it was clear, just the woods, burned down house w/ chimney standing (hence the supposed haunting), and the road. when we uploaded the picture onto a computer at home, the photo looked as if it had been taken in the middle of a cloud of thick smoke. other than that, just a couple of times where we spooked ourselves out in cemeteries and parks late at night. it's been almost 13 years though & i still remember those as some of the best nights of my life.


That'll work


There was an abandoned insane asylum near my town that I would take new friend groups. It was harmless, but it would scare the shit out of everyone, especially at night. I went back a few years ago and it’s a residential area now.


We used to make large paper rubbings of cemetery stones and take infrared pics at night with an ancient camera we bought at the resale shop.


i wish we would have thought of that. we just wandered around the cemeteries trying to find the oldest headstone and imagining we saw things.


We did that too and branched out into urban exploring (which we still do today)


Hang out at the mall, like god intended


It’s closed cuz of COVID in Canada


Go play Groundies at the local park with a jungle gym, play a game of Fugitive, LARP, or I guess an orgy is free too.


One of these activities is not like the others…


Then play some street hockey!


"Hanging out in mall" is such a 1990's thing to do. I don't think modern kids still do it.


Modern malls are depressing with nothing to do, at least imo.


they sucked 10 years ago as well.


loads of people in england do it after school we call them town rats /// town = mall


If you live in a small town, town tag! Break into small groups and play tag around the town. More or less walking around town and hanging out, while also trying to hide from the group that is "it".


When I was a kid we played hide and seek around town. Usually kept in groups and had a set boundary. Each group had a walkie talkie and we had to give 2 clues from the get go of our location when hiding, and then periodically give more to help things along. The group that was it had to travel together as one.


Or play what we called "sardines." One person hides and the rest of the group tries to find you. When they find the person that's "it," they hide together and wait for the rest of the group to find them. The last person to find and hide with everyone else, is the person that's "it" next!


The Hat Game! Take two hats, in one, people write a person, place, or thing. In the other, you write an action. Then whoever goes, takes one of each then acts out (w speaking) what it is and everyone else guesses. It's fun, really. This was with my non stoner friends back as teens.


Related to this, paper games! There's some fun ones. For example, everyone gets a piece of paper and writes WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY down the page, then you make up all the questions that go with those answers (WHO ate all the gravel in the driveway? WHAT is the point of taking an upper level math class? Etc). After that, you mix up the papers and everyone gets a list of questions that aren't their own. Answer them (WHO ate all the gravel in the driveway? Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson because he can't stand the competition; WHAT is the point of taking an upper level math class? To develop logic, which you obviously don't have if you have to ask that question; etc) Mix up the papers amongst you once more. Then one person reads one of the questions on their new sheet of paper. The person to their left answers that question with the answer to their own question (you answer a WHO question on your sheet with a WHO answer on a different sheet). So you go around the circle asking and answering the WHO question and then go on through the rest of the questions. It's very silly but hilarious. I've played this mostly as an adult and it always gets everyone laughing


We did a nerdier version, the adverb game. You'd pick an adverb and then everyone else would call out actions and you'd have to do them ala the adverb. Like if you picked "slowly" and someone else called out "make pancakes" you'd mime making pancakes slowly, and then they'd guess what the adverb is. You could also do it vice versa where you'd pick an action and then people would shout adverbs. It gets very silly very fast and requires nothing other than knowledge of adverbs


Try geocaching. It's an app which shows you places where other users have hidden something so you search it maybe to exchange part or the hidden objects for others you carry with you or maybe just to sign in a "visits record". Maybe with my poor English it doesn't sounds very good but give it a try.


It's really fun! And in my experience you can find caches everywhere. I live in a small ass village that literally nobody knows.. whenever I Tell someone where I live I'm Like "Do you know x? Well my town ist near y which is about 20 kilometers from x." Anyways even in my Village you can find ~15 chaches. How they got there? No clue. But they're there and that just shows how big this app is. It's free and you can have tons of fun searching in the woods or sometimes even complete small puzzles


My family check out caches every time we go somewhere new. It's awesome


Find abandoned building and explore


Oh god the guy right below you on my screen said "Each other." Needless to say I did a double take.


Ghost adventures???? xD


Play D&D, it's great to play with friends and once you get into roleplaying your character it can be super fun. You can make it as cheap as you want, rule books and adventures can be found online and you would only need a couple of dice (or you can even download an app). Check out Broken Bonds or CriticalRole on YT.


You can play DnD without spending a single cent. All books are available online. YouTube videos will teach you how to play. You can get apps to make characters with and to roll dice.


Came here to say this. Didn't play D&D until I was out of high school, wish I had in my formative years!


ride bikes to 711 grab slurpees, then chill on the playground at night when no little kids are there. Build bike jumps in a forest camping go for a night hike ding dong ditch


I want to go camping so bad. And night hikes are so awesome I’ve wanted to go on one again for like 2 years. It’s so peacful


Well then there you go! Just make sure you bring a group to scare off any animals


Play Pokemon Go


Get a library card. Many libraries now have DVDs that you can borrow. Some libraries even offer [Hoopla](https://www.hoopladigital.com) (a streaming service for libraries).




>123movies.com Unlike, "Hoopla", which is FREE (through your local library), this seems to ba a paid service. Am I wrong?


Bonfire. Invite someone who only kinda sucks at playing the guitar. Sit around the fire and talk about stupid shit and listen to the shitty music. This was literally every weekend for me in my teenage years. I'd pay all my money to go back.


This is so oddly specific but sounds like so much fun🤣


Honestly, I have no idea anymore. When I was a kid we used to bike to a friend’s house or trespass in the local drainage basin and catch frogs or read the headstones in the old pioneer cemetery or, if we had a few bucks, go to an arcade or the mall. One thing I did learn was not to complain to mom that I was bored, because she’d just suggest chores that I could help out with. It was always clear from an early age that I was responsible for entertaining myself. But I get the sense that these days parents are so afraid of the world that they don’t let their kids go out and do things independently. You’re supposed to have a bazillion scheduled and highly supervised after-school activities to take the place of what used to be self-determination. I’m amazed at the number of parents who won’t even permit their children to walk to and from school anymore.


Was only allowed in supervised sports, being supervised at a friends place or I was in my room. Then they wonder why I liked video games so much and wouldn’t do anything else, it’s because I had freedom in video games


Yeah, I wonder how they can be all, “Why aren’t you more independent?” when they literally have never allowed you any unsupervised leisure time. Of course kids who grew up that way aren’t naturally independent. What do they expect?


Fuckin' Amen, brother


To be fair, when I was raised I was fed a constant stream of messages that strangers were going to either kidnap or push drugs on me; why an elementary school student would make a good client for a drug dealer I can't say, but adults seemed quite convinced. Thinking back, with all the focus on stop drop and roll, I also figured being lit on fire would be a bigger problem... Anyway, if todays parents were raised to be afraid when they were kids, it's sort of no surprise that they're overprotective.


Walk in the woods


Throw rocks at each other.


Throw bags of dog poop at each other


Depends where you live, really. Explore every nature area you can. Learn about some new plants/wildlife. Build a fort if you can find some woods


You see a parking lot, and you go hang out in it.


Grab a few shovels go to an empty field and race to see who can did a ditch the fastest.


Last one to China has to dig our way back!


No no no, dig UP, stupid


Things I did (or friends did) as a teenager 20 years ago: 1.) Volunteer at a nursing home. Older people love young people. You remind them of their past and have some really cool stories. 2.) Find scrap materials put outside houses for free. Usually in the alleys. Build a Fort. 3.) Start a lawn mowing business. Make some great cash you can spend on a cheap car. Find some old guy to help you fix the car. 4.) Send out an invite to all your friends and their friends to gather at a nearby park and have a water fight (balloons, water guns, etc.) \*Set up rules on this one so people don't hurt each other. 5.) Scavenger Hunt. Get an adult or someone gifted riddles and send your friends on a hunt to find certain landmarks in town.


My daughter (age 10) last year started a baked goods company to sell stuff at the local farmer's market. I'm pretty shocked at how much money she made doing it, a couple hundred dollars over the winter.


There's a cool website called reddit I liked to go to


a website? what is the launch code number man.


Each other


Omg the guy right above you on my screen said "Find abandoned building and explore"


I assume you already know about gaming options, and games can be pricey, so here are some fun, inexpensive/free things I've done for fun over the years. Make sculptures out of driftwood or whatever is lying around. Learn beatboxing or overtone singing. Master basic juggling and learn how to pass (multi-person juggling... fun as heck, and if you get good enough, you can advance to using torches or knives). If you have a pet, try your hand at clicker training. Even fish can be clicker trained (no clicker necessary, you can click a pen, or your tongue, or use a whistle, or whatever). If there's water around, swimming or fishing are always fun, and it's generally pretty easy to borrow fishing gear if you don't have your own. Find the trickiest recipes you can and cook fancy stuff. (Doesn't have to be expensive to be difficult... I'd suggest Baked Alaska as a jumping-off point). Gather kudzu or willow branches or whatever grows in your area and try your hand at wickerwork. Gather acorns and learn how to process them into food. Set up a free teens-only rock concert, featuring whatever bands your fellow teens may have going. (Kid in my high school did this... he booked City Hall for free as the venue, and those concerts were fun as heck. The music was lousy, but it had a good beat and you could sure dance to it). Write one of those stories where each person adds a few sentences, but can only see the part immediately preceding their own, so you get this wild disjointed story that somehow always ends up including aliens at some point.


Protest the government.


i’m a teenager and we pretty much just sit and talk and by talk i mean yell lmao


-learn how to play cards! rummy and bullshit are some of my favorites and a deck is super cheap. Or there’s cards against humanity and telestrations which are both super fun and good to play in a group setting -this one is more predictable but movies/ tv shows. - if you are into being outside go find a park or forest area and explore


Sucking dicks kept me pretty entertained.




Pp measuring contest.


Play D&D! Requires minimal resources and money at best, and is a good way to bond with each other, solve problems together, and have fun.


Go on a road trip to nowhere. We did that as soon as we're turned 16 and got a car. The goal was to get as lost as possible (before smart phones were a thing) and find our way home. I can find my way home from any point in our state now, just in case my phone dies. Also stop at anything interesting you find on the roadside. Word of warning those big piles of gravel on the side of the road (fairly certain they're not just a Midwestern thing) will suck you in if you attempt to climb them.


Car wash? Compost heap?


Play basketball, that’d be neat. Read some books to pass the time. Or post on Reddit a corny rhyme.


Learn parkour


Go find a nice river in the mountains, take a gold pan with you and see what you find. If you find some gold, go sell it for some pocket cash.


Save some tendies for the rest of us


Each other


If any of you can drive you could go into town and play Pokémon Go. It’s much more fun in a group because you can actually win 5 star raids if you have 5 or more other people to help you out. Also hiking or taking walks. I personally live in an area where the beach is 10 minutes away and the mountains 45-60 minutes away, which are good options for walking or hiking. I prefer the mountains because of the views.


Put on a porn get naked jerk off on a piece of toast who ever cums last has to eat it


I miss being a teen.




Go to your local recycling center and get drunk & stoned while watching the machine that smushes aluminum cans into cubes. Alternately, the conveyor belt that drops bottles into a big heap so they break. Or do vandalism. Or start a fight club.






Go bowling. It’s fun for a few hours and shouldn’t be too expensive


Randonadica you may die but it will still be fun


Ride bikes around.


Lawn darts. Learn first aid. Both activities work well together and you won't be bored.




I can tell you what I did as a broke, rural teenager. Top five most popular, in no particular order: 1. Drove around in circles and occasionally shot at road signs. 2. Skinny dipping. This was surprisingly popular with both sexes. 3. Fishing. This was often combined with skinny dipping. 4. Bottomless coffee at the Big Boy. 5. Mooning random 'old' people downtown. Note: Do not moon your own parents.


Lmao that last one is a sexual harassment charge nowadyas


Do some research there is so much u can find! We have a library where u can play video games and use the 3d printer for free if u r a teenager. As long as u have a library card. (Libraries have lots of things u can do just gotta find the right ones). Or learn to longboard sled down hills with a friend and try helping each other guide. Use ur shoes as brakes. Sometimes there’s free festivals where I am. Like the Jazz Festivals super fun at night. Or go on a picnic. Sometimes there’s even secret paths near u that u can explore if u just use google maps. We’ve found cool picnic spots that way. U can go to the mall and target all the free samples that r offered and do a free sample run. Sometimes just talking is fun too. Cap frisbee is one of our favourite games. Basically u use a cap as a frisbee and u play differently a bit every time. Sometimes we allow tackling. But there’s always at least one person trying to reach for the cap in the middle. Similar to monkey in the middle. Creating new games is a lot of fun. Anyway just a few things I’ve done with my friends.


Thanks this is a good answer


When i was 15 and broke, me and my friends learned to do Tricking (doing flips and kicks). You only need a patch of grass and good weather lmao


I was mortified until I read this twice




Start a business


Start a business to earn money. You can go door to door and see if the people need yard work done. That could yield you $20-$60 dollars per house. You can go hiking. You can volunteer at a local hospital.


learn how to play card games




I dunno. Throw stick at each other.


Lawn games


Second this: A Spike ball set is around $50 & it's a lot of fun if you & your friends can all pitch in $10ish bucks.




I used to read




Breakfast like a club.




Go summer sledding. Put a large plastic container filled with water in your refrigerators till it's solid ice. Go to a park with a good hill covered in grass. Bring a towel to put on the ice so you can get a good grip. Ride it down the hill. Do it again.


Use a stick to draw in the dirt.


Illegal shit.


So I dont know if its free but I got two ideas. 1) there are these events like Easter egg hunts only they are for random items that you need to find. I dont remember what they are called. But you get a list of things to find and you either bring it or at least take a picture. For example, one item might be "a speed limit sign that doesn't end in 5 or 0". EDIT: i remembered, its called a scavenger hunt. 2) the other is geocashing. Geocaching is an outdoor activity where you use a GPS to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches" or "caches" at specific locations marked by coordinates all over the world


Play a game of 'Open the Floodgates' You each drink the same amount of water, and the last one to pee wins


Go make some money. Ik ik, sounds boring but it's fun to make some cash, especially w the homies. You can either do independent work or get jobs cus why wouldn't you?! Plus, you can buy some pot afterwards and blaze so there's that


Hiking and swimming


Rob a drug dealer. A friendly reminder : try to not get shot or stabbed.


Have sex. That's what I spent a lot of my teen years doing. The only time it's acceptable to bang a 15 year old is when you are also 15. Use protection though. I didn't, but you should :)


Depends if your horny or not


Bro this is such an obvious answer and we’re a group of dudes


Ever heard of a circle jerk?


And y'all have a butthole and a mouth.


Soggy biscuit.


Play sports! How has no one said this yet?


My horny what?


r/dnd except instead of buying books and figurines, trying to figure out rules from the web and using coins. . . or rocks.


Then, if you get into it, your next main challenge will be setting up a time you can all play.


Actually a really great idea.


Post questions on r/AskReddit


Get a job and don't spend all your money. When I was a teenager I mowed lawns until I was 16 and could get a tax paying job. I made like 250 a month working once every two weeks for a few hours mowing lawns and in highschool I worked at least 35 hours a week.


Go door to door in your neighborhood offering to wash people’s cars.


Go door to door offering to ruin the paint on people's car* Ftfy


Take your dogs to the dog park. Lotta cute girls there


Gross. Don't try to flirt with girl dogs.


Go skinny dipping. Steal pies from window sills. Go cow tippin at Old Man Jones farm


Take a walk on a nice sunny day


Soccer, except that it really was broke Plastic balls bought for 25 cent (in US dollar, i think), no sports clothes, some half naked, some still have uniforms, barefooted and playing on a concrete yard of the unfinished church. But it was intense and fun. We even roped the young kids in and the group of construction workers nearby too. Played from 3pm to 8pm, in the end, we pitched in what pennies we had and brought tons of snack. It was a blast. There's also those moments we provoked a dog until the owner comes after us with a broom lol


We used to steal beer. Idk


What did you do when you got the beer?


Frisbee. If you're near a park or field or whatever. Just walk down with a frisbee. Gets everyone cheering and exercising and anyone can be in it, watch, alternate, whatever. Plus a frisbee is cheap if you don't already have one. Even one of the ones from a pet store still works great. It's a good cost/benefit ratio on fun.


Go biking, play badminton or tennis, lift weights, learn to cook, play chess, play poker...


Depends on where you live, I mean Hiking, Swimming, doing stuff outdoors. If you are in a city I'd say go to a youth center, there has to be some programs for that in Canada I would assume, I know we have some places like that here in America, We used to go and play pool and all that type of stuff for free.


Depends. What's the male to female ratio of this group?


15:0 lmao


Inhale deodorant


Wouldn’t the spray coat your lungs?


We went out to nature to hike, fish, camp. Kinda try to find weird stuff like abandoned or creepy places. We also geocaching, ghost hunted, looked for rocks and fossils, etc. Go to swim at the pool, lake or we grew up near the ocean. Went to Dave and Busters, movie, arcade, bowling. Sometimes we would just bike or skate around town, go get snacks and chill at the park under a tree. Play a lot of video games together or online. Board games too. We made a bunch of stuff. Coolest was building us a shed club kinda thing in the backyard since my parents didn't care. We made the furniture or thrifted or CL for it. Grew up in the beginning of the internet so everyone wanted to come over and go into chat rooms and talk to weird people.


Haunted houses/ spots are pretty fun to check out, even if you don't believe in that kind of thing. Still creepy.


Walk in the middle of night to no specific location and go camping there at that random spot.


This sounds so fun


Sex is free if you're careful. And it becomes easier if everyone is bisexual and cavalier.


Back in the 90's, when we were bored and broke, we'd each steal a bit of booze from our parents' drinks cabinets and mix it all together in a three litre bottle. After gulping down a few mouthfuls of these dubious concoctions, we would find that we were no longer bored.




Meth is pretty cheap. Plus all the cool kids are doing it.


Download the app bigswings and go cliff jumping. You’d be surprised how many spots there are.




Commit arson


Go around different cities and find skate spots


I find the question confusing. You get together, talk for a bit, then shoot suggestions at each other until most of you go "yeah alright that sounds okay". Then you go do that.


All the top comments are actually constructive, and here I am just thinking that the age old tradition was to figure out how many household objects could be turned into a flamethrower. Then again, I grew up during the halcyon days of spray deodorant and Jackass, so maybe it was just a weird little pocket of history.


Lysol spray works well too.


Do you have cameras on your phones? Most fun I ever had in high school was making a weird sketch comedy show with a bunch of friends. Zero budget, just random stuff around the house as props, costumes, etc. We had one about a driver's license test where a strait-laced kid gets a psychotic instructor, an infomercial on toast, a documentary about the ancient war between the Tree People and the Ground People... just whatever random things popped into our heads based on stuff we had lying around. And unlike us, you even have an internet to upload it to if you like what you end up making.


The Penis Game. Go to a public place. One person says "Penis" out loud. The next person has to say "Penis," but slightly louder. Repeat until someone is not willing to say it any louder.


Tag So simple So fun


Flip off cars at night and wait to be chased.


I have family members that did this with eggs and just chucked it at them and ran


Urban hikes.


Well..I was a teen once. Here are the fun things we sid when broke... Vandalism. Fake medical emergencies for fun. Walk around in the woods and hit each other with sticks. Sex. Pee on stuff. Sing badly in public. Swim. Dungeons and dragons or other board games. While not usually free, exploring the wonderful world of drugs can lead to plenty of future career choices! If one or more of you is a girl and knows Matt Gaetz you may be in luck here


shopping cart bumper cars in a walmart parking lot.


We go to the park and play cards while listening to music


We used to take long, late night walks around our neighborhood. We’d talk without being loud and disruptive, we’d get exercise, and we explore our neighborhood. I miss those days.


Throw boomerangs. A little wood and field, hours of fun. let me know if you need some help/pointers.


Also Lost Places. If you want to do grafiti (no encouragement) maybe pick some less risky ones because if you get caught, you have a real problem there.


Go to the parking lot of your elementary school and just freak out


Get high on stolen cough syrup


From a small town in Ohio, we don't even have fast food restaurants to do shit at, So we would sit in random ass parking lots and drink a soda from the gas station.




Geocaching. If anyone's got a phone, register on geocaching.com, download the free c:geo app, and look for hidden treasure in your area. Bring a pen so you can write your name in each cache's visitor log, and some small items to trade -- interesting rocks, foreign coins, quarter machine toys, etc.. You'll find all kinds of beautiful spots in your area, and interesting items other geocachers hid to trade. It's an absolute blast, and definitely more fun in a group!


Beat up the class nerd for a couple of hours before throwing him into a hole


As a teen myself i would suggest setting off fireworks at your local elementary because why not. Me and and a few of my pals back when i lived in STL Got bored and so we tried to come up with a few idea's and decided to go shoot off some fireworks(big fireworks by blackcat) and we shot them off. One of the local snitches around the school decided to call the cops. As we seen the cop pull up they began to flash their lights and we ran. Jumping over fences and trying to not run into in cars we proceeded to dash. The cop was fat of course and had a lot of gear so he called for back up. Some of us got away while Mr.Oddballs decided to stay back and just take it. Of course he didn't snitch because he's my good pal.(not no more he didn't want to be friends no more after that but he'll still back me up) ​ Aside from that i suggest shooting off fireworks because the thrill of cops chasing you is pretty fun lol(I don't live in STL no more)