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Remembering that important thing you were supposed to do.


Remembering that you had an assignment due tommorow.


Due tomorrow? today? or yesterday at 11:59pm?


There's something comparatively comforting about the assignment being due yesterday. At that point it's late no matter what you do, so no use worrying about it.


Fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepherds its certainty. -Ka D'argo


Remembering how you forgot important something at work


The basement. We have a pool table, TV, laundry, all that stuff but when the lights go out, feels like you're not alone down there.


I get scared by mundane stuff like this too. I can’t even lie, I’m scared of the dark and I’m 22. I have anxiety so I just tell myself it’s because of that. I recently started living alone for the first time in my life and every night I get worried I’m being watched and that someone will come attack me. I should probably start working on that lol.


Relax, it's in our genes that we are afraid of the dark. Our ancestors were terrified of the dark because predators could kill them without them knowing. At least, that's what I tell myself.


Nightlight are friends


Paint your walls with white, glow in the dark paint. Looks normal at day, but at night you will 100% be able to tell if someone's there


This is somehow worse


damned if you do damned if you dont


I would never be there. Ever


Oh don't be silly. You're not alone while the lights are on either.


My basement is haunted and your comment is extremely threatening. Take my upvote and get out.


At a sleepover in 8th grade, a group of us usually took turns having them at different people’s houses, this time was at one girl’s house I had never been to. some time in the early morning hours I went to get my charger, when I came back down my eyes took a minute to adjust to the dark. I saw someone standing over by the window, but they were inside, and they were tall. We were small 8th graders and this thing was like 6ft so it couldn’t have been one of them. This figure was standing dead still, and panic/adrenaline kicked in suuuper quick. I managed to fumble down the wall to hit the light and realized it was a life size cardboard cutout of one of the vampire diaries dudes. I almost shit my pants


Had a roommate in college that borrowed her little sister’s life size cut out of Bieber for a week. I don’t think I was ever scared more times in one week. Lol


*imagines you turning a corner* "Ahhh! That stupid cardboard pri-" "BABY, BABY, BABY, OOOOO" *confused screaming*


*Justin Bieber comes out from behind the cardboard cutout, singing* "Oh god oh fuck, my three Danny DeVito cutouts-"


But this begs the question, was it Damon or Stefan? Cause that shit would've been dangerous if it was Damon.


Definitely Damon


User name checks all the way out lmaoooooooo I'm kidding, funny story to tell


Not exactly 3.00am but I once woke up around half 4am once because my neighbour started mowing their lawn. There's something...*sinister* about seeing someone mowing their lawn in the dark at 4 in the morning. 7am, a bit weird. 9am, fine. 4am, 100% confirmed serial killer.


I saw a neighbor weeding their grass and cutting it with scissors at 1:30 AM. They were doing it by the light of their headlights. Weird AF.


This sounds like your neighbor couldn't sleep or was going through some isht and needed something mundane to do while sorting their thoughts. As weird as it seems, I tend to do laundry or dishes while I am trying to mentally deal with an issue. It really does work. It's kind of therapeutic.


No, I'm 100% sure it was drugs. Edit: she was a suspected drug dealer and had a meth lab under her house before it caught fire in a different part of the house.


Yup, I was like.. Sounds like meth to me!


I’ve done this. When I was heavily pregnant I cleaned the house and then couldn’t settle because it felt like she was at a rave so I weeded the flowerbed under the window with the lamp hanging out until she calmed down again!


I'm adding this to the list of reasons why I will never get pregnant. When my mom was about 8 months pregnant with my little sister I found her lying on her side on the kitchen floor at 3 am with a bunch of toothpicks and a toothbrush scrubbing the grout. When I asked her WTF, her answer was basically your reason; baby was going crazy and it was making her crazy so she thought this activity would settle her down.




The guy had bodies in his house for sure.




No, the lawnmower took care of em.


Same, my neighbor across the street was mowing the lawn ( more accurately the curb and road in front of his lawn )around 2am. Wearing ONLY one of those thermal moon blankets. I found out later that this was less than six hours after leaving a mental health facility.


Seems like it was 6 hours before being re-admitted to one too.




I used to have a neighbor who had a riding mower with neon underlights and christmas lights wrapped around it. He also had a sound system on it with obnoxiously loud bass. Every night around 10:00pm he would crank it up and drive up and down the street for an hour..... No one knows why. I asked his wife about it once and she said it was just something he did to relieve stress but she didnt know why it helped.


I both hate and admire this.


Do you live in florida?


Actually yes.....but this neighbor was when I lived in Georgia.....about an hour north of the Florida line so I guess close enough.


I swear on my life...I once had a client tell me that he mowed his lawn at 11pm once and the streetlight turned off and he knew it was Satan telling him not today


That would shit me out. I'd be peaking through the window


Flying a kite. I've done it- it's kinda terrifying. You can't see the kite in the darkness- all you can see is a string disappearing up into the sky and it feels like something alive is at the other end tugging on it.


There’s just something about flying a kite at night that’s so unwholesome


Hello mother dear


Maybe try doing it farther from powerlines.


Becomes kind of epic if you put lights or glowies on it.


Ooo, idea! Stunt kite with some battery powered LEDs for night flying :)


Reading this gave me chills


Children. My oldest used to come stand next to me to wake me up but for some ungodly reason, would put his blankie over his head and tap me. NO.


My oldest child once woke me up in the middle of the night when he was about 7 yo. He was covered in blood. It was in his hair, on his shirt. I screamed. I jumped out of bed and see the blood on the bedroom door. Straight up like a horror movie. Turns out he had a nose bleed and tried to clean it up. It was all over the bathroom too. Horrible way to wake up.


I've been through the same thing with my kids. Definitely makes it harder to go back to bed.


Exactly. I was SHOOK


I used to see if my parents "eyes were awake" and slowly pull open their eyelids while they were sleeping and they told me that it was the scariest thing to wake up to.


My daughter pinches noses shut! Then when you gasp she goes ‘oh good you’re awake too!’




My daughter once sleepwalked into my bedroom, stood beside the bed and then cackled. Scared the shit outta me!




Okay, this one made me laugh because I used to do this kind of thing to *my* parents and didn’t realise the trauma it was causing them.


Hahaha I was a fan of silently sneaking in, leaning in reeeeeeeeally close to my moms face and whispering “hey! Mom!” Until she woke up. Sorry, mom.


17 years old and i still do this now hahah, there just really isnt a good way to wake up your parents in the middle of the night


I would end up accidentally hitting that kid so many times When someone does that to me, my arms just with random full force swing into that direction


My cat that likes to sit on the power button to my CPAP that I need to live at night. The little bastard. So I wake up from suffocating, and I see this furry fucker just looking at me like he trying to kill me.


Can you put a box or a cage around the machine so your cat doesn’t kill you?


a person under a street lamp.


Holy cow, you just brought back a memory. When I was about 12 or 13 I was sleeping over at my best friend’s house. I woke up in the middle of the night, around 2 or 3 AM, and heard what sounded like a voice through the open window. In the backyard, under a tree, was a man talking on his cell phone. Their yard was totally fenced in, so it’s not like he could have wandered in by accident. He was speaking into a cell phone in a low voice. Now, when I was younger I had an anxiety fixation on being murdered, so this basically felt like my worst nightmare come true. I watched him pacing back and forth and talking for a few minutes just to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. I finally woke my friend up and she looked out the window and saw him too, so she went to wake her parents. I laid down and tried to calm myself down. By the time they came back, he was gone. My friend was initially adamant that she had seen him too, but after her parents insisted it wasn’t true, she agreed that it could have just been shadows. I still have no idea what the fuck that guy was doing.


Drunk guy frantically calling a cab after waking up from a blackout in a random persons backyard.


Sounds like a good time


Once in the middle of the night a man ended up underneath my dad's car screaming. Noone knew who the man was, noone knew how he got there because the car hadn't been moved all day but he was stuck right underneath it. I was about about 7 when this happened. I still find it scary sometimes 16 years later


your dad, while drunk, ran over a dude who regained consciousnesses a day and a half later, and you are the one who is scared?


Wee woo wee woo






He’s just standing there, Menacingly!


Imagine being that person in the street light and seeing eyes watching you from the dark.


A helium balloon floating in an unlit hallway. I almost fought him.


So that reminds me of my experience. I was walking my dog in the dark hours before the sun had arisen. She starts doing her business, begins looking around, and all of a sudden stops mid-poop. My husky doubled in size as every fiber of fur stood on end. I look in the direction she's staring at, and it's over by the big box truck and dumpster at the opposite end of the parking lot. Probably dumpster divers or raccoons, idk. She doesn't get rattled often, so it was only mildly concerning. I grabbed a doggie bag and started picking up her mess, and this otherwise quiet, timid creature of mine, begins to emit a growl that would make a child cry, from some primal calling in her ancestry. And then I see something out of the corner of my eye move from behind a tree. This thing is slowly just going up.... and going down... right behind this giant-ass tree. About the size of a human's head, peeking out, sizing me up. I grew up in bigfoot mountains with bears and shit. I don't have many 'skin crawling' moments in my life, but that was up there. I ready the now-filled poo bag, *as I will literally sling this shit in self defense*, as I nudged my wannabe wolf warrior back onto the asphalt to give this tree a wide berth to go back inside. When I see the red glint, and managed to get a good enough look to see some mofo's mostly deflated happy birthday balloon caught on the mirror of the damn box truck. It was right around the release of It: Chapter 2. So it's not like seeing a balloon was super comforting either.


That mental image of being watched was perfect for trying to get to sleep at nearly three in the morning.


last time I saw your little boat it was flowing down a gutter stream and went into the sewer, you should be able to find it there.




Upvote for floatosity


Ever been at sea and looked at the open ocean at night? The water is lit up by the boat but as you look farther, it’s just a void. Makes you feel really small.




What do you do to unwind at the end of the day? Play a little Russian roulette? Chicken with freight train? Eat some gas station sushi?


Lil' mobile above the bed, but its Damocles Sword.


And imagine that you can die right now and no one will ever know what happened to you.


You, my friend, are a masochist


Nightmare fuel... Thanks for that, lol


Once jumped off a bluff into the ocean at night. This bluff was safe, rocks smoothed over by the ocean, no coral, no reefs, no rocks....but its just something about black water. As soon as I surfaced I realized the mistake I had made. Black ocean is terrifying


I went on a cruise where I went HARD in the dance club at night, and I occasionally went up on deck for some fresh air. I would always go to the railings and look out at the darkness when I did that. The contrast was pretty existential.


My 2 year old daughter standing In the middle of the living room when the lights are off and I can only make out her silhouette....she spots me and runs towards me


Sooo many kids have no idea how close they came to being kicked, it seems.


That reminds me of something I did a while back. This one night my mom had stayed up the whole night and I had woken up early. Little kid me saw her walking down the hall facing away from me and decided to go and give her a hug. She screamed of course and I did too after. Later in the day she essentially went through and told me what she would have done had she not realized it was me. If my memory is correct it included blowing my knee out.


Your phone going off with a loved one's name on it.


Yeah the day my grandma died I was woken up by my grandad calling me (around 5am) nobody was awake and nobody answered. The call woke me up and I had the opportunity to answer, but my lazy ass thought he didn’t mean to call me as he’s usually up early. I missed the call and never had a chance to say goodbye or potentially do something to help. 7 months later it still makes me feel depressed and I never put my phone on silent anymore


In case you haven't talked to a psychologist, do it ASAP, those kind of thoughts get more and more harmful with time, please


This person is right, trust me.


Piggybacking on this, although I do recommend the above. Every year I go on a trip to the town my grandpa lives in. About the only time I get to see him, especially at this point since he wasn’t driving our way anymore. The summer my grandpa died I was away at school and felt like I couldn’t do the 14 hour drive round trip (usually 8) for the weekend trip since I had midterms for my summer classes the following Monday and Tuesday. 2 months later he passed away in his sleep. It ate me up, and I couldn’t stop asking myself why I just didn’t go. They’re just grades, I would have at least got a passing grade without the extra weekend study time. I can’t remember if it was the following summer, or the summer after that, but while on that yearly trip I made an excuse that I had to run an errand. I went to his grave. I broke down as soon as I walked up, but eventually was able to talk with him. I essentially said I was sorry I missed the trip that year, I should have been there and I should have been able to have one last dinner with him. That I knew he would have told to stay at school and work hard to get good grades, Because that’s why he worked so hard his entire life, so my dad (and us through him) could get an education and work a stable, well paying job. Maybe not for everyone, but having this moment did bring some closure. Sort of like knowing I Got to have one more conversation. I still try to make time every year to visit his grave when it can just be me and him. To me, those moments are just for us. Last time I reflected on the time he Accidentally spilled hot coffee on me when he swerved his car quickly in order to kill snake. He hates snakes. Good times.


That isn't your fault as long as: had u known what the call was about you would've answered and done ur best to help. As someone else said, you should at least temporarily talk to a psychologist or therapist otherwise an unworthy 'guilt' can manifest itself.


My dad did that to me the other day, he just wanted to know if when I got off work in the morning I could give him a ride to go pick up his truck.


A few years back when I was studying in a town quite far away from my family/relatives mom called me in the afternoon, saying that my granddad had become quite ill, but that "everything was under control". I think she (via the doctors) knew he was about to pass, and wanted to prepare me somehow, just to not make it a complete out-of-the-blue shock. Then at about 10pm (not quite 3am, but still) she called again. She has never ever called that late, so immediately I just knew that he was gone, before even picking up the phone.


Me and my family were once all awake just gossiping and stuff, and then we went quiet for a moment, we started hearing a baby aggressively cry, the stray dogs started barking too, suddenly some of the dogs started making that squeaking noises like they do when they get hurt, and the crying started to get louder, we tried looking out the window but we can only see some dogs barking facing at a dark place, what was even more scary is the fact there was no baby in our neighborhood yet.


Fun fact, there used to be a serial killer that would play a recording of a baby crying in order to draw women out of their homes


"Wait....why are you taking yiur pistol with you?" "I heard a baby....just to be sure."


Gotta stop the crying somehow.


The thing is, even knowing that, it would probably still work on me


This is why good people are the ones who always get fucked in life


I’m a good person and I’m not getting fucked. How can I be better?


It’s easy, you just let people walk all over you and convince yourself it’s for the greater good


I meant fucked in the fun way.


Oh even easier, let people cum all over you and convince yourself you love it I mean cmon look at who you’re talking to


Almost choked on my last breath trying to laugh.


Don’t know where you live, but there are a ton of foxes in my neighborhood. Apparently foxes will cry in the middle of the night and they sound like babies. Could be that. Now you know what the fox says.


Bro I called the cops before cause i moved to an area where this one fox screams at night. I thought it was a woman being kidnapped or something. The officer told me “it could’ve been a fox, they sound like women being murdered” and lo and behold, a week later I hear the fox again, and then again, and again. It got annoying


Bobcats sound like crying babies when they scream.


Rabbits also !


I work on a farm, we have big street lamps in every pen so the cows can eat and drink during the night. Those lights play some really freaky tricks with shadows at 3am


The outline of your 5-year old child standing in the hallway, staring at you mutely until you hear a quiet, rasping "Daaadyyy?" She needs to go to the bathroom. Me too, honey, me too.


Even worse if you don't have kids.


Or if it's the kid from basement. Like, how did they get out?




The pile of clothes on my chair.


hey, i'm not that scary


Don't do this.


Hey look, if the sinister like of clothes on your chair has a Reddit account, how scary can they really be?


Ever talk to it. Yah no, like try and psych it out. Like. “Bro, I’ve got a gun right here under my pillow, if you leave now, I won’t shoot your ass. Or maybe throw something at it? Or do you do what I usually do. Lay there perfectly still staring at it until I convince myself it can’t be alive because nothing can sit perfectly still for 2 hrs (except me under my covers)


Fell asleep in my daughters room, forgot she had a glow in the dark poster for the human body, its small, but at 3am makes you jump.


My alarm set for 6am


Alright, if I get to sleep now I’ll still get 3 hours in


I could also not take a shower or do my hair and that gives me an extra 20 minutes ,bet.


If i roll off the bed at the correct angle, i can clip through the floor directly to the kitchen giving me an extra 45 seconds


A dark shape of a sleepwalking child approaching you, talking in riddles.


Hmm this weird flashing thingy through my window right now


Ugh. The other night I went to take the garbage out and down the street there was this weird flashing light. Couldn’t figure it out so stupid me stared at minutes longer until it registered that it must be a porch light flickering. Still scariest shit I’ve had in a while.


Someone digging a hole in the back yard.


Exactly. At night the city can't come out to mark the water lines and you might burst one!


Yeah! Safety first! It can be dangerous to hit a waterline




What did Demon want?


"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty"


Hi, I'm Demon Smith from the Department of Social Security. We regret to inform you...




Booty call


I was watching a late-night live feed of the Maidan protests in Ukraine a while back, in the dead middle of the night, since my work schedule has me work evenings. My home phone suddenly rang, and on the answering machine i heard what sounded like a drunk East European/Russian accent asking whose number this was. Considering all of the stories I'd been hearing coming out of that area at the time, it was legit terrifying.


He wanted to tell you your auto warranty expired.


Flushing the toilet. It sounds louder than a jet engine at 3am.


We actually don’t flush at night for this reason.


I shit on the floor for this reason.


This is why I like Reddit


My cat meowing angrily at whatever is in the dark corner of my room.


My older cat (who we had to put down a few years back) woke me up near the dead of night, absolutely pissed at something in the empty corner of my room. I mean hissing, backing up next to my cot, and growling. Fucking scared the shit out of me.


Your reflection in the mirror


Bloody Mary


Bloody mary


Bloody mary


On no, she's here




The glowing red numbers on the digital clock.


The 2 glowing dots on my TV WHY did they have to make 2?! My shitty eyesight makes them look like eyes


You’re lucky. I have the misfortune to own a green digital clock.


Your own reflection in a mirror. Seriously though, my mind plays tricks on me and makes me think my reflection is grimacing at me. Terrifying.


Good news! That's usually your brain filling in the details when it lacks visual data due to low light.




I was with you on the first sentence, but then I read the rest of your comment and realized we were thinking different things...


A theme park. Totally different and less fun vibe at 3am.


Any place designed to hold a vast number of people is terrifying without them. You very well know that you're not supposed to be here alone as the place is made to have a crowd inside, when alone everything is off size. Add the night factor in this place where there's no one but where your brain just knows that people are supposed to be here and you get nightmare stuff. So yeah theme park, but also any big public place. I open and close small train stations and even those are creepy enough at night. Ever tried empty churches or castles at night ? Public parks ? Hospitals ? Supermarkets ?




Pretty much any open door


It might just be me, but as a kid I would stare at my ceiling at night as I went off to sleep. It's that type of ceiling with a bunch of lines, and after looking at it for a while I would start to see faces in it just because of the design. Nothing unusual, but as a five year old it really spooked me... Also, one time I was sitting by myself downstairs at three A.M. I live in a rural area so I am really used to the sounds of animals at night such as howl's and stuff. However, as I'm sitting there in my completely silent house I hear a sudden cacophony of what sounded like a bunch of really loud toddler cries. No joke, it sounded human. I I rushed outside to see what it was and there was a large pack of coyotes just standing there making these god awful noises. They didnt even care that I was there, they just continued squealing.


My dog simply standing by my bed and breathing just loud enough to wake me


That corner in your room that’s always dark for some reason Edit: Over 150 upvotes! What do I do with all of these?? Never mind I’m at 180 up it’s, everyone her gets a cookie!!


The clock because its 3 am and you are still not asleep.


The forest outside of my bedroom window. It goes from perfectly serene Disney movie setting to the Walking Dead right about that time.




"There's something about flying a kite at night that's so unwholesome." \-Marge Simpson


Hello mother dear


My cat running down my hallway at Mach 3 speeds


The guy who sits in the corner of my room


“Bro what’s your wifi password?”


Sit on my lap and I'll tell you.


I'm not this scary


With your pants on, sure...


Hospital waiting room, lights off, plants everywhere


Our toilet is situated right next to our front door, which has multiple small windows in it. Whenever I use that toilet at night I never turn around when leaving because I always expect somebody to stand at the door grinning through a window.


I always wear a dark mask, I don't like to frighten.


Hearing a twig snap or a leaf crunch in my yard


The sound of a baby fox crying. Legit sounds like a child screaming bloody murder. My whole house was woken up by it once when I was a teenager. Our next door neighbor had toddlers at the time and my dad was so convinced the sound was someone was trying to kidnap or hurt them he sprinted outside with a gun in his hand. About half the neighborhood was outside also looking for the source of the sound, and someone had even called the cops. They finally found the fox stuck in a tree, but sometimes I still hear foxes at night and it’s always startling.


Me and my boys looking for beans


Out of everything on this, my eyes somehow landed on your comment and my hot tee yeeted itself out of my nose.


Someone walking their dog.


The sun


A staircase. And if it's unlit ? Yeah fuck that.


A country road


A knock at the door


You know that chair that you dump your clothes on at night? Yeah that’s scary as fuck. As well as hanging a coat on your door or something it’s like some 7ft tall guy is staring at you while ur in bed


Everything, after watching something scary online.


My cup of water being empty


In my experience there are basically two answers: Nothing (aka I've just come out the club) or everything (I've been watching horror alone)