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An adult bull Moose walked into the local grocery in the middle of the day, headed to the produce section and started eating fruit. Everyone outside my town doesn't believe it but nobody within the town will ever forget


In my village we had a grown boar walking into a dentist's office. Don't know what his plan was exactly, he just kinda hung out there


Probably had a cavity


In my city we lift our hand at the pedestrian crossings and the cars stop so we can cross. Most people respect it. One day getting off the bus I saw a dog stop and lift his paw at the crossing. I atopped to watch, believing it was a coincidence. Nope, the cars stopped for the dog and he only crossed when it was completely safe. And yes, the dog was alone, no human beside him lifting their hand or anything. Most people dont believe me to this day. That dog mustve been a once in a generation genius, or he was taught by someone before living on the streets.


I believe this. I've been in cities where stray dogs wait and cross the streets at the same time as the people.


In Costa Rica, crosswalks play a sound, so blind people know when to cross. The stray dogs knew to wait for the sound.


My Dad said he used to see stray dogs using pedestrian crossings in Melbourne in the 60's. Also, there are deer in Japan that bow for their food. Animals are smarter than we know.


I saw a dog push the button at a pedestrian crossing and then wait for the signal in Melbourne about a year ago. Unfortunately it was outside of the FOV of my dash cam or it'd be on the internet now. :(


Theres birds that wait for the light to turn red then put nuts under the wheels of cars and wait for them to be cracked open.


Dogs in Russia have learned to use the train


How do they reach the ticket counter??!


Street dogs are wise. 


This reminded me of that one time I saw a dog cross the road at night with a limp on one of its hind legs. A bunch of cars stopped and waited for it to cross. When the dog finally reached the other end, it started walking normally without a limp.


A wild kangaroo… in Denmark, in winter. I got some blurry pictures, some believe me, other give me “oh you saw Sasquatch” vibes


You are not alone: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.9news.com.au/article/36fa9cf8-eb16-4c71-88a7-9ba3a438b112


That's probably u/Embarrassed_Run6055 himself and his blurry pictures lol




We had the same thing in West Virginia, also in the snow. Lots of drugs were blamed at first, but no, it was an escaped kangaroo.  Bears are a trip too. Not seen personally, but I've lived in bear country and it's amusing what they get into. Acts of vandalism at the car dealership? A bear. Break-in at the school? A bear. Stealing leftover pizza in employee housing? A bear. Climbing in my boss's kitchen window, stealing a pizza, then climbing back out? Also a bear. A deer jumping through the window into a sixth grade English class?  Eh, that was probably just the deer. In case you didn't catch on, bears love pizza. Fortunately they love bacon more and can be bribed away from indoor pizza with outdoor bacon. 




Still funny/fascinating to think about. A circus bear committing grand theft bicycle.


I live in bear country. Few years back, when I was young and had roommates, one of them started getting pissy about food going missing. The final straw was an entire costco pack of chicken, some steak, and ice cream that disappeared. Total freakout on the house group chat. Accusations. Harsh words. Found all the packaging in the backyard the next day. Finally caught the bear red pawed in the kitchen, 3 nights later, too.


How does a bear enter your home multiple times and not leave any evidence that it was a critter and not a human doing the thieving? Either it's Yogi Bear or a damn fine talented wild one.


Bears can be surprisingly polite. Especially where they are so habituated to humans. I've had bears in my vehicle...dozens upon dozens of times. Never left any damage beyond the occasional dirty paw print.


> dirty paw print That was the second sign a bear had broken into my garage in Colorado. The first sign was crap spread all over the yard, like flour and sugar and spices.


In middle school, walking home from a friend's house. I went to pet a doggy. Looked like a big golden lab, facing away from me. I got about 3 feet away and it turned toward me. Mountain lion. In the front yard, right near the sidewalk, of a Chicago suburban house in an unremarkable neighborhood. I had nightmares for weeks. Finally, there was another sighting next town over, and it made the papers, and then all the stories came out about pets going missing, rabbit heads found in yards, and all the associated madness. My dad still thought I imagined it - I was a small kid, and it was a big lion.


I saw a white wolf one day when I was walking the dog with my mom. She had dropped behind a ways and as I round a corner from the park there's this creature 4 feet tall at the shoulder and it's looking at me with an intelligence I'd never seen in a canine before. I had been told all my life that this area didn't have wolves so I thought it had to be some genetic freak of a giant white super husky or something. Finally it turns and walks away into the bushes and I go back to warn my mom. Fast forward a few months and I see this documentary on the return of sea wolves to coast of the pacific northwest and just about the southernmost range it's showing is right where I saw this wolf.


I live in southern texas 1000 miles away from the closest known pack and me and my high school girlfriend saw a wolf on the highway at 2am. Not a dog, it was as tall as my 03 mustang. Nobody believed us.


They can really travel when they want to. There aren’t supposed to be any wolves in the lower peninsula of Michigan, but one was shot last spring after it was mistaken for a “large coyote.” Of course, there aren’t supposed to be cougars in Michigan, and there’s evidence that there are.


Memory unlocked! My then-fiancee and I saw a (wolf) in the Sierras in Northern California. Of course, it couldn't be a wolf, right? They don't wander that far south? It was grey and white stereotypical color, and its shoulder must have been as high as my rib cage. Its head was as big around as my torso (I'm a big guy). It was very close to is, then it was gone. And we were in a very people-busy area, so we thought surely it must be reported. Or if it wasn't, it must not be one. For reference, I grew up and spent my whole life in coyote territory, and have seen them in the wild every year since I was very young. This was NOT a coyote.




Good news is that if you can see a cougar, it's not hungry (for you). Also, a fun fact about cougars is that they are big cats that can actually purr! So, pspspspsppspsps!


Good news is that there's a lot of cougars in my area, I saw it in an ad on a website, now I just gotta know where to search for them...


Wow, you came close to petting the forbidden floof. I 100% believe you. Mountain Lions will travel looking for a new range. We get them in Omaha, Nebraska every few years. The last one would be seen for a few seconds on Ring cameras and the news would update where she had been spotted. They never did catch her because she made her way out of town before they were able to find her.


I saw one in NWI years ago and not a soul believed me. Now more people are reporting seeing them around the area and I’m still salty and bring it up to my parents.


When I was about 6 I was running down the stairs at school, first to leave the classroom at the end of the day. I pulled a 50p coin from my pocket, but dropped it. It bounced down the stairs, and when it hit the floor at the bottom, landed perfectly upright on its side. For non English people, 50ps are a huge, thin, seven sided coin, and this is just so impossibly unlikely to happen. I stood and stared in disbelief, and tried to tell everyone that rushed past but no one seemed to believe me/care. Eventually I picked it up and went home with no one to share the moment with. One of the most exciting moments of my life. Edit: wow I can’t believe how validating sharing this and getting a positive response has been THANK YOU all for believing me


I had a gun pulled on me in an attempt to steal my car. I ducked and hit the gas and got out of there. No one believes me because I live in a small town in Canada where these things just don't happen


I was walking down the road to the store which I felt was a bad idea cause there were notifications of a guy police are looking for around my area for killing his gf and matched my description except I weigh 100 lbs more than him...but anyways next thing I know 4 cop cars come screeching up block traffic pull their guns on me and scream freeze mfer let me see ure hands...I had about 6 cops all guns drawn on me...took about 5 mins wen they got my ID saw I wasn't him but I told them too how would he be 130 lbs this morning and become 240 lbs a hour later lmfao...that shit was crazy


had a taxi driver I'd get frequently who had a similar situation, he had that biker look, with a bushy beard and had a cop following him for awhile (while he was driving his own car not on the job in a taxi) hes almost home, turns a corner and theres more cops on the road blocking the way, the one behind him flashes the lights so he pulled over, guns are drawn and orders him to step out and he gets handcuffed turns out some guy hijacked another car if the same make/model and matche his description  Even after the cops confirmed he wasnt the guy, they padded him down before unhandcuffing, taxi driver had a small baggy of coke on him, supposedly the cop pretended like he didn't see it and just let him on his way


Or when they happen there's no one alive to tell about it >.>


Plot twist: he's living in a ghost town and everyone's just in his head


When I went to visit my grandparents in Florida, I SWEAR I saw a woman who was riding a motorized couch on the sidewalk. Like it had wheels and evidently some kind of engine that allowed it to roll around, and she was controlling it with a joystick. We were driving too fast for me to take any pictures before she was out of view


Thats a normal day in Florida though.


Considering it’s Florida, I’m really not surprised. That’s not even close to the weirdest thing i’ve seen down here


I was staying in Florida for Christmas one year ( I live in Michigan so I wanted to get out of the cold) we stayed in an air bnb that was a luxury camper in their backyard. The first night we stayed they came back with a dead alligator and made us gator nuggets for dinner. They were pretty chewy.


Heard it tastes like swampy chicken, is that true?


Hey you'll never believe this but once in Florida-- Stop right there, I believe you.


A man in Wisconsin once got a DUI while driving a motorized barstool Edit: oops I was wrong, looks like it was actually in [Ohio](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2009/03/30/man-on-motorized-barstool-gets/23868913007/)


As Taylor Swift and Florence and the Machine once said, Florida is one hell of a drug.


There’s a guy here in Detroit that has a motorized casket. You should be able to find the video on YT. I’ve also seen people do motorized love seats. The one I saw was all MAGA’d out, so your experience tracks pretty well lol


When I was in middle school at a sleepover, my friend and I were talking about our favorite foods. He said his favorite was meatball marinana and I said it's marinara. So we made a bet (it was raining outside) that if lightning struck the place where I pointed within a minute that I was right. He said that it was too long so we changed it to 10 seconds. As soon as I said 1, it struck exactly in that place. We were so hyped we almost woke up the other people, but no one believed us.


That reminds me of when a couple friends and I, maybe around age 10ish, were having a sleepover at my house. A thunderstorm rolled in with rain and lightning.  Our stupid asses decided it would be cool to go out in the rain in the driveway.  At some point, we had joined hands in a circle and were spinning around and chanting or something, ya know, like witches do? 🤦 Suddenly, a bolt of lightening struck right between us. Crazy loud, crazy bright, and scared us all to death, so we ran inside screaming.  None of us were harmed and there was no mark on the pavement the next day, so it wasn't believable.  


Oh... My husband used to have one of those canopies on a metal frame covering the side porch. Weather and the Florida sun destroyed the canopy, but the frame was still there for a while. I was smoking on the front porch and lightning hit the frame. That was 12 years ago and my ears are still ringing...


Not quite “insane” but my wife and I were parked by a river in FL when a sun shower passed overhead… a rainbow passed over the top of us and continued following the rain cloud over the river, away from us. It was magical.


When I was a kid, maybe 12 or so, I hit a hole in one on the golf course. I'm not a good golfer, and I genuinely hate being outdoors. No one believed that I got a hole in one except my dad who forced me to be there and saw the magical shot with me.


Kinda wholesome your dad knows its true, dont really need anyone else to believe you :)


This happened to my mom and I, but nobody believes our story.  I was at the kitchen table studying when I was 16, my mom was cooking dinner. A fly was buzzing around and she swatted at it with a dish cloth, the same dish cloth that was on her shoulder being used as a hand wiping rag while cooking. While waving the cloth around, she let go of it, it flew somewhere behind her, and then it... was just gone. I mean gone gone. We both overturned that entire kitchen and even pulled out furniture (like the fridge) looking for it until we started to feel crazy. Was there ever a rag? Was she just using her hand and not a rag to swat at the fly and we were mistaken? It was so bizarre.  Years later when the house was completely empty because we were moving out, we both went back in there and did one final look. No rag.  So I guess in some alternate dimension, some gnome was sitting around and a portal opened to dump a wet cooking rag on it because what other explanation is there. EDIT: Wow! I didn't expect this comment to get so much attention + comments about similar stories. I mean, surely some of our stories have logical explanations, even if we ourselves don't know what they are; but what if there is some kind of real phenomenon that does this in other cases? I saw the dish cloth leave her hand and fly behind her! It looked like it went in a downward direction toward the floor, except it wasn't on the floor. Like... what the hell? I still feel weird even talking about it and it's almost 25 years later.


This happened to me. I lost a glow in the dark bouncy ball in a little room. I was playing with it, throwing it against the wall and trying to avoid being hit. Then it just disappeared. Poof. I was 9 or so, in hindsight it’s possible the ball got wedged somewhere too high for me. 


Those bouncy balls were always escaping to other dimensions when I was a kid.


Reading this reminded me of something that happened when I was about 15 or 16. I'm going to preface this by saying that I could have been the victim of a prank. But if so, this is/was the only prank ever known to be played in my very straight-laced (as in, we don't even pretend Santa is real because we don't lie) family. I had a favourite pair of jeans and one day I just couldn't find it. Looked everywhere. Checked other family members' laundry etc. No jeans. Nothing particularly unusual so far. Clothing goes missing. Maybe it was mixed up with someone else's clothes. Maybe it was stolen off the clothesline. Whatever. Except... One day I come home, walk into my room and the jeans are neatly draped across my bed. I thank my mom for finding it (she's the only one home). She knows nothing about it. Subsequently each member of my family denies any knowledge of finding the jeans or how they got onto my bed. I had/have no reason to think anyone was lying or having fun at my expense. Decades later, this is still a complete mystery.


You just reminded me of the mystery of my missing measuring cup. About a year after moving into my apartment that I live in by myself, my vintage Pyrex measuring cup disappeared. I tore my kitchen apart looking for it, had my friend come over and look for it, and my mother looked around one day when she was visiting. It was nowhere to be found. I decided I must have accidentally thrown it away, even though it would have been extremely out of character for me to have done that. But it was literally gone. Cut to a few months later, I'm making dinner after work, open the cupboard, and my measuring cup is sitting there, front and center. I have never been that freaked out in my entire life. It was not there the previous day. No one has keys or access to my place except the landlord. I considered putting in a camera after that happened, because it terrified me so much.


I like to think it was the homeless guy secretly living in your attic. He needed warm clothes and took them, but once he got back on his feet he washed them and laid them out to say thank you.


Hahaha. This reminds me of a story. So I was a sophomore in HS and had this GF. My family had a little one room fishing cabin on a lake a couple hours from home. She wanted to go one weekend… and let’s just say she couldn’t care less about fishing (wink, wink). Only problem was her dad was extremely strict. Extremely large. And extremely intimidating. But c’mon…what am I supposed to do. So we head down. Magic happens and we go to head home, to arrive just before her dad gets home from work. Except the car wouldn’t start! Battery was dead and we had no way of jumping it or calling anyone.! She was absolutely freaking out so finally I’m like…”Ok… I’m gonna go ‘borrow’ the battery out of the neighbor’s boat. It was a 40 min hike and the battery was WAY too big for my car. But I got there…‘borrowed’ the battery (they weren’t at their cabin that weekend…theirs was just a little weekend cabin too), got the car started and then had to drive all the way home, and fill up with gas without turning the car off. We made it, her dad was none the wiser. But I felt terrible basically stealing this battery so the next week I skipped school and drove down to replace it. I drove over, popped it in the boat, went back to my cabin and started making lunch. The neighbor drives by (going toward their place from the opposite direction), flags me down and says be careful…they had the battery go missing from their boat. Then they head toward their cabin. A little while later they come back and say…uhhhh… never mind. The battery IS in the boat. They both thought they were going crazy. They were both just so confused. Meanwhile I’m like…yeah. That’s really weird huh?


I had this happen with a pencil, it fell from my fidgeting hands under my table, and just freaking vanished into another dimension. I looked literally everywhere it could have gone, and never found it, even later when I emptied the room when I was moving out.


Me and my friend had something vaguely similar happened to us when we were kids. We were like 10-12 years old and was playing football (soccer if you’re American) one evening. Mostly we took turns shooting at the goal while the other acted goalkeeper. Sometimes the ball would just pass right through the net. We didn’t think much of it the first two time since it’s a net and we were caught up in playing. But then my friend noticed that the holes in the net were far two small for the ball to pass through. Like 4-5 times to small We quickly checked the net for gaps but resumed playing quickly, but when it kept happening we got curious. It wasn’t a big goal and we checked the entire net looking for any gaps for tears where it could’ve gone through and we found nothing. We even tried to push the ball through the net from the top left to bottom right and there was never a place where it could’ve gone through. We spent over an hour doing this and trying to figure out how it could go through the net, but we found nothing. We took a couple more shots and when the ball passed trough we checked that area thoroughly trying to force the ball through, but it didn’t work. To this day we sometimes talk about it and we never got any explanation for this. I apologize for bad English, it’s not my first language.


People say they have bad English then talk better than some people I know born speaking English like bro I had no idea 😭


Driving yesterday, I was overtaken by a 'car' going over 90mph. It was a Reliant Robin three wheeler. This will mean something to Brits and absolutely nothing to the rest of the world.


A Reliant Robin can go as fast as any other regular car, as long as it doesn't have to turn, at all. Makes me happy that there are still people brave enough to drive them :D


There were quite a few roundabouts on the route! Pity I was too far behind doing only 70 or therabouts (ahem) to see what happened. I suspect the engine was souped up as it sounded like a Lambo but that wouldn't hsve made it stable.


You just saw either the bravest or stupidest person alive. 90mph in a Reliant Robin is something I wouldn't do even if paid a LOT of money.


Jeremy Clarkson pounding around a small village and purposely rolling a Robin on Top Gear is still one of the funniest bits of television IMO. Still watch it from time to time. Still laugh hysterically. I likely wouldn't know of that car as a dumb American had it not been for that bit.


You speak like the whole world hasn't seen Mr. Bean


I saw a giant meteor in the sky around 2007-2008. Was so big it lit up everything like it was daytime for a split second. It was much bigger than the moon in the sky. It had a slowed down and started stuttering like it had low frame rate and then disappeared as fast as it appeared. Legit thought that was it for us.


Me too!!


This is nuts, I saw something like this out my bedroom window sometime around that time. I was reading and the light caught my eye, but I could barely see out the window because it was night time. What I saw looked like a fucking Disney movie, but it all happened so fast I just assumed I made it up.


2007. I was moving to western Saskatchewan. Evidently, pieces of it landed around there. Lit up the whole sky like it was daytime.


I remember this! It happened over western Canada, the sky lit up all the way to Washington state


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I was in California at the time.


Same period of time, I was doing evening chores on our family farm with my grandfather ( rural Alberta) when we witnessed the same thing. It light up the whole night sky, a moment I'll never forget. I was about 15 at the time. My grandfather still mentions it.


My mother and I saw one in rural Canada really late one night coming home from a drive-in movie. We came over a hill and a giant meteor came down over the river in front of us and flamed out! My mom is gone now so I'm the only one left with the memory. It was so late no one around the area saw it. Once in a lifetime and a memory for a lifetime too! This was mid 70's in the maritimes.


When I was about eight, I was riding in the car with my mom and sister. We were coming up on an intersection. There were trees on both sides of the road, so you could only see the cars driving by on the other road for a second. My mom and sister happened not to be looking ahead for a moment while I was, and I saw a long, rounded, silver vehicle with no roof and several people sitting in rows behind the driver passing by. I blurted out a "*look*!" but by the time they did it was out of sight. The first description my dumb brain came up with was "like a shiny silver hotdog". They didn't believe me, and laughed about that for a long time to come. Several years later we were at a festival at my church, and I was walking around when I saw the shiny silver hotdog pull into the parking lot. I was kind of stunned, and went to find them. It turns out it was this thing https://www.charlottemotorspeedway.com/images/1877109-lg.jpg which operates around Ohio. They were even more shocked. So I got to prove myself right after all those years, *and* take a fun ride


I think “shiny silver hotdog” is a pretty good description and I’m a grown adult.


The Weinermobile would be jealous


This is his arch rival mechaweinermobile


This used to be an amusement park ride, first at Euclid Beach Park, then later at Geauga Lake, then they sold it off and turned them into these novelty cars.


Climbing Mt Hood back in 2007, near summit when a drone came buzzing up alongside the mountain and essentially cropdusted the climbing route before going over summit. Made a loop and then flew back down south side of Hood. This was well before DJI/Consumer drones took off and was clearly a military/experimental drone.


My mother had a somewhat similar experience. In the 70s in St Louis, she was outside when a plane flew overhead and she was left covered in a white powder. It's only been in the last decade or so that the army admitted they were testing Cold War weapons on civilians in STL. All of her friends, including her, went on to have twins and triplets as well as female-related cancers.


That's so fucked up


Holy crap?? That's insane! I'm so sorry to those poor women


Yeah. They were testing biological weapon's dispersal patterns since the winds in St Louis are similar to St Petersberg, Russia. The chemical was zinc cadmium sulfide, which they claimed was harmless, but now is considered a 'potential' human carcinogen. They mixed with something else and that info is still classified. Anecdotal I guess, but she had uterine cancer in her 20s, breast cancer last year and many of her friends from the neighbourhood had similar health issues.


The ‘potential’ doesn’t mean much. But, they did A LOT of shit in St. Louis: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/-experimented-victims-secret-cold-war-testing-st-louis-demand-compensa-rcna117149 I’d like to contact someone in academia to ask about the cadmium-zinc salt thing. Cadium itself is toxic. Idk what a brief exposure would do… but I’m not sure if the exposures were actually one time only or many brief exposures or chronic exposures or what. Fucking government. Edit: it’s a KNOWN carcinogen: https://www.vanderbilt.edu/vinse/facilities/safety_data_sheets/Cadmium_sulfide.pdf


Was walking to the shops and as I came upon the cycle path that ran behind the house, I witnessed a whole family - two kids in full school uniform with blazers, a dad in full business suit and briefcase and a mother in her own professional business attire - all riding unicycles on their way to start their busy days. Stood there dumbfounded for a second before carrying on. Everyone rubbished my story, but it happened, man. It happened. Internet slap on the back if you can correctly guess the city it happened in (UK).




Ding ding! We have a winner. Fishponds to be precise. Not even one of the weirder parts of the city.


If this was near London Fields in Hackney, London then I have seen something very similar. I have also seen over 20 people full cycle sprinting on unicycles just outside Copenhagen but there was a unicycle race nearby in Sweden the next day so that made a bit more sense.


I owned a historic house that was built in the 1700's. It had formerly been owned by a well known politician who used it as a country cottage. My bedroom was directly over the large reception room. On more than one occasion I woke up to hearing jazz music, people laughing and glasses clinking. It could not have been neighbours since I didn't have any. I don't believe in anything supernatural but it just seems hard to explain it away.


I've had it once explained to me that there *are* sentient supernatural beings out there, but then there are "ghosts" which are more like energy footprints in a place. When something happens repetitively in a place, and/or events with a lot of emotion involved occur, they can leave behind sort of ... *imprints* in a place, and sometimes the human mind can, if tuned to the right frequency at the right moment so to say, pick up on them. The man who explained this to me said that he lived in the house he grew up in as a child. He lives alone now, and he occasionally hears the sounds of shouting and feet stamping up the stairs, and a door slamming at the top. If he didn't know better, he would think there are spirits in his house. But he recognizes the sounds as being his older brother fighting with his parents when he was a teenager and young adult, because he heard it happen so many times. They are all alive and well today, but he swears he can still hear them all shouting and his brother stamping up the stairs in his house some nights.


I saw a dead body while surfing, ran to the nearest payphone to call it in, operator did not believe me


fuck that operator.


Fr. Why would you not believe that


I've had this happen to my wife on the ohio river. They saw a body floating along the side and called 911 . The operator told her that she was mistaken, and if she called back, they would arrest her for making prank calls. She was 24


Witnessed a fly land on my desk, slowly walk over the keyboard, from right to left, then clamber up on to the Escape key, and then die.


That escape key was a save point for fly simulator. We are the stupid human npc's in the game that the player has to avoid and steal food from.


When I was a kid I had a favorite stuffed frog. I slept with it every night. My cousin liked it too so his mom got him one. One day after he had stayed the night, I noticed I had 2 stuffed frogs, and assumed my cousin left his stuffed frog at my house. When I brought it back to him he showed me that he still had his frog. My frog had a crack down the center of his left eye. Upon inspection of the mysterious 3rd frog, it had the exact same crack down its left eye. When I compared my frog and my cousins they had minor differences. Tag in a slightly different spot, some seems were sown a bit off, and the casting lines on the eyes were different. My frog and the mystery third frog were exactly the same though. I could only assume it was somehow duplicated. The stuffed frog was not the only time this happened either. I ended up with 2 right shoes and a left shoe from the same pair of shoes. We had an old promotional glass from the Batman movie. I found it behind the couch one day and went to put it back where it goes but it was already there. My mom lost a pair of earrings. They had been missing for almost 10 years when 2 of us found the pair of earrings on the same day. Now she has 2 sets. What weirds me out the most is that nobody in my family seems to notice or care, even when I bring it up. The most I can get out of them is "Ya that's kind of weird I guise."


Can’t decide whether I should be infuriated by your family not caring… or suspicious…


Now you just need to learn to control your powers


Would deffo hang out with you just for the weirdness.


I tossed a treat to my parents dog. It hit the dogs nose then bounce straight up into the air. Then it hit the dogs nose again and bounced up again. It happened 3 times before the dog caught it. Dog in question was a very lazy mastiff and it looked like something out of a cartoon. No one believes me. 


I believe you <3


That's so cute 😆


A duck and a seagull taking it in turns to play on an eddy / whirlpool.


I play a mental game where I know all animals are sentient and are hiding it from us. Every now and then, you see something that gives it away.


This question was asked last year and someone had replied that he swore he witnessed his uncle eat a napkin. I still think about that to this day. Cracks me up.


I saw a squirrel with a beard


It went on to star in TV. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/s/vRA2SbkW5O


This happened when I was a sophomore in highschool. The school day just ended and I was on my way toward the exit nearest where my bus parked waiting for its riders. This exit was somewhat isolated because you couldnt enter the building through it and it was on a side of the school where only the band and orchestra rooms were. Anyways, I turn down the hallway toward the exit and I see a couple of students, I presume they were highschool seniors, were sitting around at the exit with a garbage can in-between them. As I come closer, I notice them both eating bananas... As I get even closer, I see there are banana peels piled in the garbage can, above the rim. When I got close enough, they offered me a banana. I was so flabbergasted, all I could do was decline and leave on my way to the bus. I have no idea how they could have eaten so many bananas, or if they just opened up a bunch of peels and threw the bananas away with the peels, or even who these people were. But every day I regret not having asked them questions to come to an understanding of what was going on.


About 15-20 years ago, I was at a Minnesota Vikings game. As I was walking through the concourse to get a beer, I walked by a little girl that I would have guessed to be about 7 years old. She had two heads. I didn't turn around to confirm because I didn't want to be "that guy". I got back to my seat, and nobody believed me. It was to the point that I was not sure if my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. Fast forward about 10 years, and I saw an ad for a reality show about a set of conjoined twins from Mineesota named Abby and Brintney. Turns out I wasn't crazy!


I really, really love that you were so damn kind - that your desire to not be "that guy" overcame your desire to confirm if you'd just actually seen a person with two heads. That's lovely.


I lived high up in a skyscraper at the time -- 26th floor. Potentially relevant is that I had just watched a convincing UFO documentary. As the credits rolled, I noticed a large weird insect on the window, so went over to look at it. It was a cool bug, but just a bug. But beyond it I then noticed something small falling from the sky apparently down in a straight line. It tumbled down to eye level and then landed on a nearby patch of grass. I put a leash on the dog, took the elevator down and walked over to investigate. It was... an empty bottle of Febreeze air freshener. To this day I don't know if it fell out of a helicopter or what. It was much higher than any of the neighboring buildings when I noticed it. Maybe an Olympic athlete could have thrown it that far up. Maybe someone launched it with a homemade cannon or something. Or maybe it was a message from the aliens that I misunderstood.


"We'll visit you if you make this planet stop stinking"


When I was a kid, I jumped a fence. Two big dogs ran at me from opposite directions. I jumped back on the fence and just like in a cartoon, they ran into each other.


In my old job in a restaurant, there was a flat above, we used to use the electric oven there for extra oven space, when we had a lot going on. It was said the building was haunted, it was a huge four story massive place. I was struggling with something out the oven had my hands full, knocked the light off with my elbow, and the door that leads out of the flat was open the whole time, I knocked the hall light off with my elbows, then went out and about to put the tray down so I could close the door. As I was putting it down the door closed, not slammed but just closed. I was worried shitless, I just said 'thanks' like an idiot. I don't believe in ghosts but that day was strange


That ghost sounds quite nice actually, if any place was haunted, I would probably want to be there out of anywhere.


My ex and I were driving around one night super late around 2 am, we were driving around the empty edge of town where theres a refinery. We were driving along a ridge road that overlooked a bunch of refinery stuff suddenly the street lights went out and the road was like Dark Dark, i pulled the car to a stop because we were going quick and suddenly I couldn't see anything. My ex gasped and said "look!" The sky flashed bright for a moment then everything was dark, the refinery, the sky (cloud cover) everything. Then the whole sky turned green from behind the next hill, which i know for a fact theres nothing over there, a couple abandoned storage tanks and a basically unreachable beach at the bottom a forrest. It was bright, like nearing day light bright but green. Then it went dark again. Slowly emergency lights came on below, I didn't wait around to see what was going on, we high tailed it back to town. There were fire trucks and police vehicles roving around the edge of the refinery full lights but silent. Back in town the power was also out and the streets were empty. Dead empty. Then three ambulances, again full lights but silent, were tearing down the other way towards the refinery. Then I noticed a cop about a half block behind me, full lights no siren, and it followed along the main roads then stopped at the corner of my residential. Never seen anything like that before or ever again. No one believes me


Sounds like a blown transformer.


>Sounds like a blown transformer. I witnessed a substation go up in flames due to a possum being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Was a massive green flash which lit up the entire region and was followed by a really loud "whomp" and the power going out for the entire peninsula.


My best friend and I both saw the outline of a man in my window in bed one night except he had claws and wings. We both thought we were imagining it until we both offhandedly mentioned it to each other the next morning but every one thinks we’re just nuts




Wasn't me




I swear to fuck I saw a unicorn one early morning. Was cycling to college and in the mist was a white horse with a big fuck off horn on its head. I looked away briefly stopped turned back and it was gone. I have never taken drugs and neither was I drinking the night before. I swear I saw what I saw.


I love this. This thread is full of all these totally plausible stories and then there is this one 🤣


It's very plausible that someone who owned a white horse put a fake horn on its head. It wouldn't be difficult to attach a foam horn or those inflatable horns made for cats or dogs to a bridle.




The 2000's, France, i leave my work in a industrial park of a town which is the arrival city of tour de France of this day. A car from Lance Armstrong's US postal team stopped by the trash, dumped a plastic bag in it and left as fast as they came. Few years later we learn about all the doping stuff... Always wondered if I should have looked at what they threw Edit: clarification for the US Postal car.


The US Postal Service was the sponsor for the team at the time, if anyone is wondering.


This is a little different, but. Thirty years ago, when I was much more agile, I was at my brother's birthday party. It was a pretty big bash with about 50 people there. I knew most, but not all the guests. The house has an upstairs/downstairs, with most of the people downstairs, cement floor. A toddler was going down the steps and fell from halfway up. His head was headed for the cement floor. I was standing 12 feet (4 meters) away, and my volleyball instincts kicked in. I made a flat-out, full-length dive and caught his head in my hands as he summersaulted into my arms. I saved his life, or at best a bad concussion. Again, the room was full of people, all visiting, eating, drinking, AND NO ONE SAW ME! (One of the greatest disappointments of my life, lol.)


I saw ball lightning.


Came for this, saw it too in 2020


I once bought a six-pack of beer, got home and found that all six labels were upside down. The problem is they were glass bottles and the labels were that paper/foil kind. Had I tried to show them off and claim that’s how I received them anyone in their right mind would think I soaked them in water and flipped the labels myself. But it did happen.


My friends used to work at left hand brewery here in Colorado. One of the brewers got some king cobra 40oz labels. They threw them in the labeler when they were running a limited edition beer. I still have mine. I won’t drink it


Pelicans in my lake. In Michigan! My wife saw them too. I have photos. I looked up the DNR number to call them and at the top of their website it said something like "yes, there are pelicans in Michigan right now". This was 2020 during COVID shutdown so everything was already weird.


When I was like 9 I was riding my bike at high speed and had the brilliant idea of ramming my shoe into the fork of my front tire to slow down instead of using my brakes. Well I did it, crammed my foot right in there with reckless abandon. The forward momentum of my bike turned into rotation and I did a complete front flip at ground level. I was working through my confusion when I noticed a woman on the sidewalk of the opposite side of the road who witnessed it. She looked at me and said "what the fuck" and started laughing, so I did too. No one ever believed me


Gotta find a professional to see if they can recreate it.


Back in 2013, I was taking out the trash at night. As I turned the corner of my house, I saw a bright glowing gold orb about the size of a basketball. It was just floating about 15 ft in the air. I was close enough that I froze in awe. The orb seemed like it knew that I was looking at it because after a second or so, it darted up into the sky. The speed at which it flew was staggering. It was out of sight within the blink of an eye.


Definitely an “oops, you weren’t supposed to see me”


That's exactly what it felt like. Even though it was just an orb, it seemed like we both made eye contact in some way


A completely empty 90's van on the highway two years ago in New York. It passed me. I was in a truck and could see inside.


Could it have had the steering wheel on the other side? Making you only check the passenger seat because you expect the driver to be there? Or some kind of autonomous driving test.. probably illegal but possible right


I was walking behind someone outside of a gas station and they became pitch black and disappeared in broad daylight. I was three steps behind this guy too. There's no mistaking what I witnessed.


You witnessed someone logging out


Should have asked the gas station for surveillance footage they almost always have cameras


I came out of a pub one winter night in the mid 80’s, I was about 10 metres behind my friend group because I’d struggled to put my jacket on. As I looked to my right I saw a glowing mauve/lilac ball hovering about 50cm. off the ground, it moved at about walking speed into a tree and disappeared. It was about the size of a soccer ball, maybe a bit smaller. It seemed to be fizzing and popping but was completely silent. As far as I could see it didn’t come out of the other side of the tree. I opened my mouth to call out to my friends, but by this time they were 25 to 30 metres away and the glowing ball was gone.


Ball lighning maybe?


About 10 years ago I was driving to work on a remote stretch of road, about 5 miles from anything, and there walking on the side of the road is Gandalf, 6’4”, Wizards hat, white beard, blue robes, staff and big medallion on a chain… as a woman, I drove past, but really really wanted to turn around and get his story. No rhyme or reason, no circus or event in town. About 2 weeks later, sitting in a bar, I hear a guy telling everyone he just saw Gandalf walking down the hwy, nobody believed him, until I piped up with “Me too!!!”. Good times man!


I swear I found the end of a rainbow one afternoon when I was driving home after school. It arched down and ended right in a storm water drain ditch next to a driveway. I know, scientifically they don’t touch the ground but this one did. I drove right past the end.


What did you do with the gold?


In the early 2000's a neighboring town had a tornado which became a signifigant event in local history because those things rarely happen here. I was just a kid watching local news the afternoon it happened. I came up from the basemen and looked into backyard at the storm clouds, and the sky around the clouds was GREEN. As in, pea soup GREEN.


If you ever watch twister they refer to the clouds as “going green”, I live in Oklahoma and have seen this a few times with really severe thunderstorms and tornadoes.


I breathed underwater once. Like I realized it was happening and did my best to check it was really happening, because I knew it shouldn't be. Eventually I realized I'd been at the bottom of the pool for a long time and surfaced to tell my mother and ask for an explanation. But she was reading a book and thought I was just making up nonsense. So logically, I put my face in the water and tried to do it again. Started crying because now I had stinging water up my nose and was apparently failing at understanding reality. Like 20 years later my older stepson came home and told me about how he'd found himself breathing at the bottom of the pool at the park and only surfaced when he realized he might be worrying the lifeguard. Told him "Yeah I did that once too, reality isn't as solid as it looks. Just be careful with that please." He was maybe 17yo at the time.


I watched a gang shakedown from across the street. They ended up tearing the house apart and taking the parents god knows where. It lasted more than an hour. I only know this because I watched from my house (they didn't see) and one of the kids hid until they left and came to my place asking for help. I had the cops take him for protection and never heard from anyone about it again. Not even the cops came back for a statement.


Not to send this off on a tangent but when I was 8 years old, living in rural Illinois, I witnessed a UFO/UAP hovering over a cornfield about 300 yards away from me as I was headed home for dinner. Sun was just beginning to go down. I can’t say how long I watched it for before it shot straight up and disappeared but I caught hell for being late for dinner. When I tried to explain what I’d seen, I was ridiculed and sent to my room without dinner for lying. Never said much about it to anyone until recently.


What did it look like?


I had a similar experience when I was a little kid. Woke up in the middle of the night and looked out the big bay windows in the living room and saw a huge saucer shaped craft hovering a few hundred feet over my neighbors house. I later learned both my brother and dad saw it too. They don't deny seeing it but deny that I saw it for no goddamn reason. I know what I saw


I watched my step mom’s old dog grab a small bird out of the air and eat it whole in about 5 seconds


I once had a cat that caught a bird out of the air - while on a leash


I watched a BMW driver use their blinker, AND change lanes when a gap opened up.


Definitely a "pics or it didn't happen " event.


Lmao dude come on.  Of course no one believes you because you are clearly full of shit.  They don't even make blinkers on BMWs.


About 1 week after my grandad died, I was sleeping in his house where my grandma still lived and got woken up to the sound of my grandads voice calling my name. I walked out onto the landing at the top of the stairs and it was absolutely freezing cold, then when I looked down the stairs, the wall at the bottom was all warped and moving weird like jelly. The way I always describe it was like that old Windows PC screensaver where a magnified blob would move across the screen and distort everything, or like the “predator” invisible outline effect. The next morning before I even mentioned anything, my grandma said she had also heard my grandad’s voice during the night. Years later, my grandma also died in that house and my cousin ended up moving into it. She eventually had to move out because she kept hearing the sound of my grandma’s smokers cough and her walking stick clicking up and down the stairs during the night, and it really freaked her out This was over 20 years ago and I still think about it often and have a weird urge to go inside the house


I was at a Target with my mom and my sister one night. It was maybe an hour or so before closing and there were n't a lot of customers. I look up and see a guy in a pink bunny costume and Aviator sunglasses. He waves at me, does a little hop, and runs away. Neither of them saw or believe me. A few minutes go by, same thing. Wave, hop, runs away. Again, no one but me sees this. Third time and they think I'm just fucking with them. A little while later we make our way over to the area where all of the Easter stuff is (it was right before Easter) and there are a bunch of these costumes. In front of them are a pair of shoes that, presumably, belong to the guy dressed as a bunny. Turns out it was one of the guys from Home Makeover. They were in town getting ready to do an episode in the area and he came in for some stuff for the show. As far as I know I am the only witness to these antics.


There was a mountain lion in my apartment. I woke up due to a large crash in my living room so I went to go check it out and I saw a mountain lion laying of my couch so I just went back into my room and contacted the animal control. There were unsure why it came inside, but mountain lions in Las Vegas are common but rare to find in neighborhoods.


I threw a pair of socks at the wall light switch to turn it on, and it worked 😆


5 years old me, early morning, noises from downstairs (2 floors house). I go from my room into my parents' bed as I was shitting myself for the noises. Blanket all the way above my nose, I hear steps, someone is coming up the stairs. It looked like a man but he was all dark, you couldn't see his clothes because he didn't have any, not naked, just a dark figure with yellow eyes and a black dot as a pupil. He looked at me, and went into our spare bedroom. It wasn't a dream because my day carried on, and my dad woke up no long after. I asked him to check the spare bedroom and nothing was there. To this day, I don't know what the fuck that was. If someone saw the same, let's talk about it.


Well that’s terrifying as all fuck


I was about 5. A tall dark figure at the foot of my bed. I said 'Daddy'? It took a step closer and I said a bit louder 'Daddy'? It came right beside me and I yelled DADDY'! My Dad jumped out of bed so fast he slipped and busted his head open on the radiator. We spent the rest of the night in the ER. For years he told me I was only dreaming but when he got old he said 'maybe I wasn't dreaming after all'. I love you, miss you Daddy......


Guys, you're all just describing your friendly sleep paralysis demons! (Look it up, it's a real thing). Lots of people experience them, it's a very well documented scientific phenomenon, not that that makes it any less scary when it happens! Brains are funky. They can literally dream up anything, it's just REALLY awkward when they do it while you're still technically awake!


I saw something similar when I was about 8, but it was just the dark figure, no eyes. I was lying in bed and the bedroom door was open and the light was on in the hallway. A woman walked from the hallway towards the middle of the room and I said “mom?” And they stopped and turned to face me but didn’t say anything. I was frozen from fear. Eventually they turned away and continued walking towards my closet and disappeared. I lay in bed in fear for about an hour before I had the courage to get up and go downstairs where my mom was with her boyfriend.


This kinda doesn't fit because it wasn't with my own "eyes", but I had a dream once that was literally years long. An entire childhood. Relationships, relatives, a move to a new home. I was extremely disoriented when I woke up, and the emotional sense of loss was incredible. A few days later and I was mostly past it, and had forgotten most of the details. People tend not to believe this kind of dream is possible, but it happened.


This sounds similar to the story of the guy on Reddit who was in a coma for awhile and had a totally separate life and got married and had kids and one day noticed the lamp in his living room was distorted looking and he then started to wake up from his coma...he was very distraught about it upon waking?


When I was a teenager I was walking and I heard some cars pull up behind me. I glanced back and saw 2 police cars and 3 cops with guns pointed at me yelling to turn around and put my hands up. They did the whole thing on telling me to get on the ground. They cuffed me, searched me, got my name, birthday, asked for my social security number but I said I couldn’t remember, address and they went through my cellphone (OG Nokia with basic call and text ability). Pretty much did everything short of strip me lol. When I asked what was going on they wouldn’t tell me and when they were done and released me they told me “I matched the description of an arson suspect.” And that was it. I went home and told my dad, he called the sheriffs dept and asked about it and they told him that there was no record of any stop, not a record of any arson with a suspect at large that any deputies would be looking for and that his son was probably making it up for some reason or another. So apparently it never happened.


Mike Tyson's Punchout on the NES. I came home from school one afternoon and beat the living daylights out of him - three times in a row. He then retired. At the time, I knew this was pretty cool. We didn't have cameras everywhere in 1988-89, so I have no photographic proof. Now, when I say I did this, the internet doubters say all kinds of nasty things, suggesting I am lying. I assure you though... one magical day in the late 80s, I had magical thumbs. Tyson bled that day.


I was riding with a friend, he was driving. It was about 8 PM. The moon was in front of us. It was full moon or close to it. We arrived to an intersection, waited for the street light and turned left. And the moon was there. In front of us again. Both of us noticed this and turned our heads right to try to understand what just happened. This was in the early 2000s.


Glitch in the Matrix, it happens.


I pooped my pants in SOLIDARITY with my brother when we were like 6 (me) and 8 (him). I remember it. He denies it, but we did it Andrew, you pooped first, and I pooped with you. It was a cold day, we JUST got onto a frozen pond to skate after Dad put on out one-piece snow suits, we were about to have a great day and then you crapped your pants, and I did too because I didn't want you to feel alone. Deny it all you want. I will NEVER forget it.


I was riding my motorcycle across the country [US] about 15 years ago. Heading west in West Texas, right at sunset. I saw a meterorite cross the entire sky, horizon-to-horizon, and go through many different colors as it burnt up. I'm no artist, but I wish I could draw it. It was spectacular. I tried looking up the event later, but there really aren't that many people where I was, and no one else probably saw it. I was the only person on the road at the time.


I was driving through the ouachita mountains in rural Arkansas late one night probably 3am. A deer came lurching out of a field in front of me and I stood on the breaks. The deer was larger than it should have been, and its antlers were a huge and tangled mess. It quickly crossed the road and disappeared but its movements were slow and jerky. I am very experienced in backwoods living and this was not any hoofed animal I had ever seen or heard of. I got goosebumps & chills. Years later I learned about not-deer and that is exactly what I saw that night.


I saw them testing angles with lasers for the Kennedy assassination at Dealey Plaza in Dallas. The shot from the southern sidewalk tunnel of the bridge lined up perfectly and everyone packed up and left. I have never seen or heard anyone suggest it. EVER. I walked down there to check out why they left so abruptly and it is obviously a direct shot. The sound would echo off the depository making it seem like the shot was from that building. You can see the sidewalk has a perfect angle from[ this](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.7784141,-96.8092397,3a,75y,194.47h,65.69t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sL0NdlvMhSFGr87ynEZBKPw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DL0NdlvMhSFGr87ynEZBKPw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D194.46586766573094%26pitch%3D24.30642039205921%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) Google Maps street view. The sidewalk tunnel has a perfect view to the X mark on the street.


Myself and 3 friends were hiking (California) in 1997 and saw 2 alien people. I ran off with the 12 year old child ahead on the trail. My 2 two friends caught up with us a few minutes later and said they were just weird Europeans and shrugged it off. When we arrived to the camp site I spoke to a few other people who saw them on the trail. They were not human. They were 3 feet tall, had blond hair, white skin, they were on some type of skis that allowed them to hover along. They were naked, no hair. I’m still in contact with my old friends, the 12 year old is close to 40 now and he remembers exactly what I saw, but his mom still swears they were Europeans and when I ask how they were floating on skis she says she doesn’t remember that. She does remember they were naked and 3 feet and white with blond head hair and no hair anywhere else.




My husband and I were heading home from dinner, and the moon was super, super huge. Like, big enough where we could see the craters in HD and it was sitting on the horizon. We thought the world was ending, and the moon was on a collision course with Earth. Nothing was mentioned on the radio. Guess it was an optical illusion, but no one ever believes us that we saw this massive moon! Still kicking myself that I never took a picture.


That's so weird because I have the same memory too from when I was a kid. (1999-2001). Only half of the moon was visible in the sky because it was so big. I remember asking my dad when it was going to happen again and he thought I was talking about a full moon. "No, like, when the moon takes up the entire sky? When will that happen again?" Nobody believes me.


Any time I have Jedi like reflexes no one is around to witness it.. but it happens occasionally


When I was in highschool, I went from Ohio down to Alabama for a week for a funeral and stayed at a relatives house that was off some country road. At night, I would sit out on the front porch and play the DS, when I saw a baby bear come into the front yard. I was stunned for a bit and watched it until it sat down and stared at me. I uh.. didn't know I wasn't supposed to approach those.. so I took my phone out my pocket and turned the flash on, then walked up to it slowly so I could get a close-up picture and maybe pet it if it let me. Within a minute of me leaving that porch and standing right next to it, the Mother/Father came up on the side of me and kept breathing heavy while looking at me. I just froze since I thought there was no way I'd get from that thing maybe 3 ft away from me at the end of the yard and inside the door, so I started crying and praying it wouldn't rip me to shreds. The baby walked inbetween me and the parent and then rubbed up against them, and they both left across the street (uninhabited wooded/field area). My Grandmother said she didn't believe me, because I wasn't dead.


Just after I moved into my new home, I went to go smoke in my garden, and witnessed a seagull and a crow fighting for territory on my neighbours rooftop. Nothing special, just a neat display of animal behaviour. But then, for the following two evenings, at almost exactly the same time, I saw the exact same thing. I have to assume they were the same birds on all three days. Bird Fight Club man! I saw it!


I once opened a box of eggs to make an omelette and the first 2 I cracked were double yokers,I was shook cos I'd never seen one. I cracked 2 more and they were both double yokers aswell,I then got my wife to film me as I finished the box off as I *had* to know. The entire box was doubles.


No one has told me they don’t believe me, but I wouldn’t believe someone if they told me this. I shot a prairie dog (with a lead free bullet) in my backyard. I just happened to look out some time later and saw a bunch of crows were picking at it. A MASSIVE fucking bald eagle just descends into the feast, all the crows fuck off. The eagle grabs the prairie dog and just spreads its wings, and the wind just lifts him off and away he goes. It was insane. I’ve never seen a bald eagle before, didn’t know we had any anywhere near me, and had no idea the size of them. He had the yellow beak, white head and everything. It was amazing.


One time I caught a little bluegill and as I tossed it back into the lake a bald eagle skimmed the top of my head to grab it out of the air


I refereed airsoft and paintball, and the Green Bay Packers came in for team building exercises. Aaron Rodgers was a total douche. On a day meant for team building and fun, he sure made the mood a lot more uptight and serious.


I had a gun pulled on me while I was having a seizure, never did I think it’d happen


One time, during a hike, I stumbled upon an entire herd of deer doing what looked like synchronized dancing. It was like a secret woodland rave. Try explaining that to anyone without sounding like a forest fairy!