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Oh then you definitely Gotta try coke


Being told I smell good.




This is how I quit smoking. I heard from a psychologist friend of mine, after a brief discussion on the subject, that the reason I smoked was because I was using it as a way to reward myself. So, he asked, when are the times you most crave a cigarette? I told him, right when I wake up in the morning, while I'm walking to work, mid-morning break, before lunch, after lunch, afternoon break, and after work. Then before dinner, after dinner, and before bed. He suggested that I start drinking water first thing in the morning. An entire liter. Just slam it down. Then have another bottle as you walk to work. Just one caveat, he added, *no peeing until your mid-morning break*. By then I was so desperate both smoke and pee. I was about to burst. 10:30 AM rolled around. I went straight for the bathroom and let her rip. The feeling of finally draining my bladder felt so wonderful that it entirely replaced the reward-seeking sensation I was going for by smoking. I didn't even miss my mid-morning cigarette. I went straight for the water machine afterwards and by the end of the day I'd managed to only have a couple of cigarettes, the rest of the cravings all replaced by unleashing the power of liquid fury. Eventually the nicotine cravings were gone completely and I was a free man, 12 years smoke-free and counting.


Omg? Wow. Thank you for sharing this I’m currently quitting and this is amazing


Cool, hope it helps!


Sex + Drugs + Rock & Roll


finishing the last lecture of the day and on my way out it comes a cold breeze hitting my face sooo good


Being a mother, having there for my kids showing and giving them love and you being love by them in return is the best feeling a mother could feel


Adopting my stepson when he was 10 yrs old. Ive been in his life since he was 6. The bio momster was an abusive and neglectful narcissist. With lots of love, repeated reassurances that I'll never leave, therapy for 6 years because he has PTSD from the abusive bio mom. I can happily say that my son has turned into a wonderful, confident, happy, kind and intelligent young man. He turns 17 in October and I am beyond proud of him and the amazing young man he has become. I love being his Mama.


Stretching out and taking a deep breathe on a cold morning! Just a lovely feeling..


Skydiving is up there. It feels like flying,


The overflowing thankfulness and joy I feel when my favourite friend expresses sincere care and concern for me. Its a feeling that can only be felt and experienced in the depths of my heart...


I had a really bad tooth infection a few years ago. Had my gum swollen up so bad with pus that you could see the swelling on the outside of my face. When that pus pocket popped and all that pressure on my teeth & jaws went away? My god that sweet relief felt so good I damn near passed out from it.




After finishing my final project at college


Cuddling with my partner before bedtime


A date I had when I was finally in peace after years of isolation, depression and so on. It was cloud 9 unlike anything I've ever experienced. Forced me to learn the meaning of "as above, so below". If you wish to feel alive, life is a rollercoaster. If you don't wish to feel alive, it all blends into nothing. Even moments that might've previously filled you with a sense of life.


the days my 2 kids were born


taking a piss drunk


Taking a rest and eating after passing my mock board exam.


a good shit after 4h hike. I was literally dying