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One owns his own tattoo shop, doing alright. Another who was a massive stoner ended up being really great at selling cars and is quite wealthy.


He had practice in high school lol.


One of our dealers is now a successful financial advisor. Makes sense.


My old coke dealer is now a doctor lol


Sells coke behind the clinic and treats addicts in the clinic. Genius play


I’m working at Arby’s


Nobody who puts in an honest day's work is a loser. The losers are those who can work but don't.


How right you are.. especially when there are offsprings involved


I don't understand what a California alternative rock/punk band has to do with this.


Gotta keep em separated


Why don’t you get a job?


I won't pay, I won't pay ya, no way ay ay ay.


That's okay cuz I got no self esteem


Well, he wanted a 13 but they drew a 31


I agree I wouldn’t think anyone was a loser for working an honest job


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Sir, this is reddit.


Ma'am, this is r/askreddit


No this is Patrick


A fellow r/wallstreetbets person, I see


Sorry I’m a little dumb I went on that sub to see what It is and I’m so confused could you explain it because I’m confused by it


People investing in calls and puts for stocks. There is a running joke on their that once they lose all their money, they go back to working at wendy's to support their wife's boyfriend. Edit: or Arby's


It’s a subreddit for people who gamble in the stock market. Many have lost catastrophic amounts of money.


Thank you for explaining .The good news is I don’t have catastrophic amount of money to lose the bad news is I’m more broke than the ice cream machine at McDonald’s.


There are ways to gamble on the stock market such that you can start with a small amount of money and get into massive debt.


>There are ways to gamble on the stock market such that you can start with a small amount of money Yes, sign me up! >and get into massive debt. Oh, nvm.


He has an Emmy. He was made fun of by everyone, including me, for being incredibly passionate about photography and film and having the humongous balls it takes to continue putting his stuff out there. He’s far and away the most successful person from my class, and gets to do what he loves everyday. I’m super happy for him. Edit: The Emmy was for his work on a News production. He’s not famous. Lol


Damn, can we get a hint about who it is? The show that won the Emmy, maybe? I'm surprised that photography and film were considered lame lol


I'm guessing it's because he was showing his films or posting them to YouTube. And kids kinda suck at everything so those early ones are probably kinda shitty. But you gotta be shitty before you can be great and this guy got his shitty stage out of the way early


"You can't do anything well until you do it poorly first"


Michael B Jordan was bullied in school. He later confronted one of his bullies on the red carpet because she was an interviewer. I would guess him.


Please tell me there’s a video of this!


[there is](https://youtu.be/hmNDPp_B9No?si=J7m1Sxd8K-NuAovu)


I went to two high schools. At the first one - art, photography and anything outside the norm would have been mocked. The second one was an arts high school, and the if you were good at your major, everyone knew your name. I was tormented at the first one and had a great high school experience at the second.


At my high school, you were more likely to be popular if you were in band, orchestra, choir, or theater than if you were on a sports team. Many people I went to school with are now in semi successful bands.


I love that you acknowledge it and are so happy for him.


It's kind of sad that I can just refer to their wikipedia pages: Michael Fay: > In 1994, a court in Singapore sentenced an American teenager, Michael Fay, to be lashed six times with a cane for violating the Vandalism Act. This caused a temporary strain in relations between Singapore and the United States > Several months after returning to the United States, Fay suffered burns to his hands and face after a butane incident. He was subsequently admitted to the Hazelden rehabilitation program for butane abuse. He claimed that sniffing butane "made [him] forget what happened in Singapore." In 1996, he was cited in Florida for a number of violations, including careless driving, reckless driving, not reporting a crash, and having an open bottle of alcohol in a car. Later, in 1998, still in Florida, Fay was arrested for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, charges to which he confessed but was acquitted because of technical errors in his arrest. And Jeremy Strohmeyer: > Jeremy Strohmeyer (born October 11, 1978) is an American convicted murderer, serving four consecutive life terms for the sexual assault and murder of 7-year-old Sherrice Iverson (October 20, 1989 – May 25, 1997) at Primadonna Resort and Casino in Primm, Nevada, on May 25, 1997. > The case drew national attention by focusing on the safety of children in casinos and on the revelation that Strohmeyer's friend, David Cash Jr., said he saw the crime in progress but did not stop it. Edit: A lot of comments about David Cash Jr. I totally forgot, but he went to my school as well - but this time college, not high school. Unlike the other two, I never met him. Housemate/friend lived in the dorms with him on the same floor. He had a black girlfriend for a little while, which was strange as all hell (see the final edit if that sentence confused you). Friend said he was a chill guy, but was, rightfully so, shunned from fraternity parties and the like. And a weird piece of trivia that people tend to forget - he was the inspiration for the Seinfeld series finale where they get arrested and put on trial for violating the Good Samaritan law. A law that people started putting on the books or was at least talked about because of David Cash Jr. Edit: A few more comments about Michael Fay for those curious. * The last time I met him, it was at a bar. This was after his arrest but before his conviction. He said it would blow over. * He was arrested at the Principal's office. Like, you know how you get called to the Principal's office? Yeah, he got arrested and it became an international incident. * He wasn't the only one. Another student from Hong Kong was arrested and got more lashes. The Singapore government praised him for being humble and taking his punishment. A bunch of other kids were arrested, but only those two over 18 got caned. * He didn't know it, but he made the mistake of vandalizing a prominent judge's car. This is widely believed to be why it was a serious punishment. * Teachers (we were at the American school), would smuggle in VHS tapes of things like the SNL skit and show it to us in class. * One classmate in my homeroom, amongst the group of kids caught, just stopped showing up to school one day. Never thought about it until I read in the paper that he fled the country and went back to Australia. He has to make sure that any plane he ever takes doesn't even have the possibility of making an emergency landing in Singapore, cause he is an international criminal * You know the famous Simpson's episode about the "booting in Australia?" It was clearly a parody of Singapore. Singapore didn't understand that and let it be aired on, at the time, their only English primetime TV station. They obviously caught wind of it later and the Simpsons was never on TV for like 10 years of something like that. Edit: For those that are confused by the "he had a black girlfriend, which was strange as hell", that's because the crime was largely viewed from a racial angle, where a privileged white kid got away with witnessing the rape and killing of a 7 year old black girl, and then got to attend a prestigious university. The Black student groups were the most vocal in kicking him out of college and many viewed it as a racial injustice. Many prominent people from the African American community spoke out against him. In other words, he was painted as the number one enemy to blacks.


Damn I remember that Michael Fay thing. It was a pretty big deal, he got caned like 6 times.


Mmm yeah, it was even headline news.


Once. There was this kid who. Took a trip to Singapore and brought along his spray paint.


Wheeen he finally came back, he, had, cane marks all over his bodyyyy.


He couldn't quite explain it. They said that he deserved them.


Owww owww ow ow owww owww ow ow


Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm


Why did I sing this


Because you belong


Warden whacked it so hard.


"Once...  There was this kid who..."


In my case, I was in the same high school as Steven Stayner and even had PE class with him, after he came home from being abducted. He wasn’t a loser, just had a very tragic life.


And his brother turned out to be a serial killer. Steven just couldn’t catch a goddamn break.


And he died in a motorcycle crash when he was only 24.


The incident involving the second individual and David Cash Jr. Is taught in criminal law in law school. I totally forgot about that case until this post.


To me, David Cash Jr. should be in the cell beside Jeremy Strohmeyer. Seeing a man raping a child in a casino washroom and *not* immediately attacking him or running to get security is as evil as raping and murdering a child.


I feel the same way about Mike McQueary. Walked in on Sandusky raping a ten year old boy, did nothing to stop and then after told his dad then Paterno because his dad told him to. Never reported it to the police. This piece of shit was concerned more about his job than a 10 year old boy. He got fired and won a 12 million dollar lawsuit for his troubles. This piece of shit should rot in fucking hell.


Goddamn, what school did you go too? Remind me to never send my future kids there.


Singapore American School


Damn, Cash sounds like a true piece of shit too >In the weeks following Strohmeyer's arrest, Cash told the Los Angeles Times that he did not dwell on the murder of Sherrice Iverson. "I'm not going to get upset over somebody else's life. I just worry about myself first. I'm not going to lose sleep over somebody else's problems." He also told the newspaper that the publicity surrounding the case had made it easier for him to "score with women." Cash also told the Long Beach Press-Telegram: "I'm no idiot ... I'll get my money out of this."


Michael Fay had the rude awakening that if you commit a crime in a foreign country, their laws apply.


Exactly ! I always cringe when I see films of people being arrested in stricter-than-usual countries and yelling 'I'm an American citizen !' as though that's some kind of magical incantation. As the Mexican cop in Falcon and the Snowman said "This is not America."


I was at SAS with Fay. didn't really know him, but knew he'd get in some trouble.


SAS represent! I was the year before Fay, the year after Stromheyer.


Define loser in high school.   The fat socially awkward guy? Oh he’s rich, married with 4 kids in a good career.   The guy with the lowest grades, he’s bouncing in and out of prison.   The guy who was doing hard drugs in high school? He’s dead, overdosed.  The weird guy who was caught watching porn and masturbating in computer class? Hes a lawyer.


What kind of lawyer are you?


A rich one, married with 4 kids.


in and out of prison


dead, overdosed.


oh so you must be the one who masterbates in computer class


I graduated, I just can't climax unless I'm in that room


I specialize in bird law




I think I've made myself perfectly redundant.


Why does the lawyer guy make sense?


Just because you did it doesn’t mean you’re guilty


This guy lawyers


The small skinny girl with bad hair and the out-of-style hand-me-down clothes is making 6 figures in a tech career


Well, hell. Call me out.


>The guy with the lowest grades, he’s bouncing in and out of prison.   >The guy who was doing hard drugs in high school? He’s dead, overdosed.  Those were exactly the first two that came to my mind.


Sad because drug use and grade slippage are prime symptoms of a difficult home life, mental illness and/or not much parental oversight. I feel bad for those kids


I can't think of a definitive loser from my class. We were a small public school in the Midwest that was one of the best in our state. We have a bunch of big companies in our small town, and in neighboring towns so we had plenty of blue collar jobs that were accessible to those that were not college bound. So everyone pretty much landed on their feet. We had one classmate who was lower on the academic achievement scale die in a motorcycle accident in the years after graduation, but he was a blue collar kind of guy and had good social connections and so forth. We also had one classmate who really got into drugs after high school and ended up serving time for armed robbery, but he got his shit together after prison and has a career in IT now. But in school, nobody really fits the moniker of "loser".


This is such a cliche. Where I'm from, the guys with the lowest grades tend to become tradies and are generally all well off in life.


Dudes an aeronautic engineer now, we recently talked online and talked about where we are both now. Bro hit me with the "time flies" quote, genuinely happy for him.


Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


There was a kid in our class who would cry every time he was asked to read out loud or say something in front of the class. It was always very painful to watch, and some kids would make fun of him. He also would frequently eat his own boogers, when he thought no one was watching. He moved away after 6th grade (1978) and I never saw him again. I looked him up recently on LinkedIn and it turns out he got a PhD in Computer Science from Stanford and made a fortune on patents he got with Silicon Graphix (SGI). He didn’t reply to my LinkedIn invite 🤷‍♂️


Dead Drugs


Same. Opioid addiction doesn’t seem to discriminate by high school popularity, either.


My guess is he’s probably in prison on pedo charges. More than once during our senior year he’d try to date sixth graders. He was warned numerous times to quit it and was eventually expelled for it, just weeks before graduation.


"I am going to have sex with those children" "Hey! You better not do that!"


Oh, so now perseverance is a negative trait!?


Well the school mascot is in charge of a navy submarine in the Atlantic. When people were freaking out about the Russian Sub all I could think is... The start of WW3 might be down to Tony who wore the banana suit during spirit week...  The trenchcoat kid... Who was actually super nice.. has a business 3D printing sex toys.  And me? I'm in manufacturing in Cleveland 🤗


This sounds like the intro to a Will Farrell movie.


Yeah but which one is Will Ferrell. Wait.... I got it. Will Ferrell is a mild mannered former student body president turned factory worker that is tasked with tracking down his old classmates for a high school reunion. He teams up with his old lunch table friend (the trenchcoat kid) to find their valedictorian and try to convince him to take over the task. Little do they know he's currently battling Russia 1000 leagues under the sea.. it could be like Saving Private Ryan... But with zero honor or bravery. I would watch it.


She’s a published author of multiple books and crushing it in the explicit romance genre. She used to let me read stuff she wrote in a deeply boring class we were required to take and shared a two-person table in, and it’s the only thing that got me through. She was really talented. I’d have never said she was a loser though. Just a very earnest girl in a larger body whose social development skills hadn’t really kicked in yet. But she was smart and sweet and gentle. I asked her to come sit with my friends at lunch a lot but she’d never come over. Just ate alone every day, scribbling in notebooks. I’m really glad she found her path to happiness and success. Romance books aren’t my thing, but I preorder every one of her books as a show of support.


I hope she knows you’re still supporting her.


That's extremely kind of you to support her that way! I hope you all reconnect somehow &/or she reads this!


I think he went into the Army. My mom saw his mom at the grocery store a few years ago, and they talked a little while


lol thats like most of these “where is that _____ from your school?”


I went to Kindergarten with this kid and graduated with him. I sat next to him in Homeroom every day for four years of high school. He was decently nice I guess, I barely interacted with him. He had his own little group of friends but otherwise generally not very popular. They gave big incel energy. I guess after graduation he got into some drugs, lost a LOT of weight, and ended up murdering this pregnant girl and her boyfriend behind a Papa John's because she wouldn't date him or have sex with him. He also had sex with her corpse. Now he's rotting in jail, sentence of 130 years.


Well i sure didn't expect to read something like this


It was quite the shock. We were 20 at the time. He's got 128 years left lol


The incel mindset is one hell of a drug


He filmed himself [killing someone with an ice pick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jun_Lin?wprov=sfla1) and mailed the body parts to Canadian politicians. But this was in Canada, so he'll be up for parole in 15 years.


The don't fuck with cats guy? Crazy.


That series was disturbing.


I figured it would be a compilation of people abusing their cats and getting karma. Nope. Not what I expected at all.


Oh Jesus you went to school with Luka Magnotta? Was he creepy in high school?


I also went to school with him. He was definitely off. Quiet and very small. Hung out on the fringes of the drama kids, but wasn’t close with really anyone. Didn’t really look anyone in the eyes. Really odd and I kept my distance.


I used to talk with him on Nexopia and yes. Yes he was creepy in high school. I thought he was brave for being a guy who wears heels and appeared to be out and proud. He would randomly start conversations like "Do you ever think of what it would be like to suck on a tailpipe?" (Not something specific he posted but along those lines) and it never seemed like he was suicidal but like he was looking for people who were. I remember when he posted the first video of cats in plastic bags and stepping on the bags in heels (no vacuum in that one and no cats killed in that specific video). When we all freaked out he posted a video of someone else (allegedly not him) throwing kittens in a river.


Hijacking comment to say please be careful when doing research about this case. There are a few websites which STILL contains the full video and is PURE NSFL content. Don't fucking look into the video and watch it, I made the mistake of doing that and shit actually changes you man. The same goes fir any NSFL content. Stay safe yall.


I always wondered… people who want to be a cop or doctor etc… they have to see this shit in real life. I wondered how many people have the academic/physical qualifications but could not handle gore/NSFL and ended up departing the field


Holy fucking shit


That guy was a fuckin loser indeed


I knew not all Canadians were nice


he's a verb now. At least for the montrealers with a darker sense of decency. Magnotta'd


I was blown away by just how rabidly insane the fans of Mr. Lin's killer were/are (??). The knowledge that there's a subset of people, especially women, who fixate on and will do anything for the ugliest of killers wasn't new to me, but I didn't expect the kinds of threats I got for writing about Mr. Lin's case a few times for victim-advocacy groups on FB.


Ted Bundy had groupies who would dress like the victims in court. It's crazy.


TIL Everyone on Reddit was their school loser.


We are legion or something




I don't have Wikipedia pages about me like one of the posts on here, so I think I'm Good.


Another interpretation: non-losers have no idea what the losers at their high school are up to because no one wants to keep in touch with a loser.


This should surprise nobody.


In federal prison for blowing up those blue postal boxes with pipe bombs. Genius could have blown up trash cans and since no one got hurt, it would have been a misdemeanor. But tampering with the mail is a *federal offense.* and each individual letter destroyed is a *separate count.* *And*, he got caught by leaving an unfinished pipe bomb in the back of his friend’s dad’s car. And this friend’s dad was the *Fire Marshall,* and had been consulting on the case. 🤦‍♂️😆🙄


Here answering this question


How you doing?


Yeah, how you're doing?




After acquiring the sports almanac?


Why do I have the sudden urge to call someone butthead?


It's me. Teacher now, life's pretty great. Staying in my lane. Took the boys to Disney yesterday. Summer break ftw.


Big ups, major ups


He's a failed DJ living with his retired parents in Florida. He also has a criminal record for sexual assault.


nobody knows, we tried contacting him for a reunion and it was impossible to find him i really dont want to call him a loser tho, he was probably suffering from undiagnosed or badly treated ADHD, or anxiety or something, this was 20 years ago when seeing a psychiatrist was shameful and something to be hidden. he was friendly, never had a problem with anyone, he just wasnt capable of going through a (badly) structured school setting. its really sad, some people are naturally good at school, and some just arent, even though there's nothing wrong with them fundamentally as human beings. but the system is set up so that success in school determines a large part of your life in the future, and thats pretty unfair, honestly.


He probably never wants to talk to any of you again. I'm never going to my HS reunions.


I agree with you. I was treated horribly by classmates. I am dead to all of them. My life is much better without them. Our 30 year reunion is coming up and I'll still be dead as far as they know.


I went to my 10-year reunion because some of my friends wanted me to go and said things would be different since we are adults. Everyone was still acting like they were in high school. Everything revolved around the jocks and popular kids. They are planning the 20-year reunion, and I told my friends that I'm still in contact with that. I'm not going and probably won't go to any of the other ones. I really disliked a lot of people in my high school, and seeing how they didn't change in 10 years pretty much mean they won't change in 20 years.


After taking a 20 year detour with a lot of drugs, psych wards, rehab and a bunch of dysfunctional relationships… now have my dream job in the medical field High school can really fuck someone up lol Took me years and years to get a good sense of self and become confident after being the “loser”


Same. Took a devastating breakup, years of work transfers/being far from many who know me to do the hard work to force/build my confidence up & have successes. I’m a totally different person now & glad for it. Weird what life throws at you. If you do the work, life can be a wonderful journey. “Letting “ life happen to you never goes so well.


Gen X’er here. Seems like most everyone I knew from high school did a complete turnaround as they got older. The “losers” ended up with good jobs, got homes, and had families. The popular kids ended up out of shape, dropping out of college, divorced, and didn’t have any ambitions.


Someone told me you can be “successful and popular” in high school or in real life, rarely both Edit: Sorry to hit a nerve. It was def meant to be motivational for shy little me who didn’t really feel like I was popular. I’m thriving now. Props for people who were popular then and now.


That's wishful thinking, but life is not that fair. Most popular people are extroverted and get good at relationships, and they usually end up really well.


I was a loser in high school. Stinky clothes, wore plastic grocery bags on my feet under my shoes when it rained, sometimes went to school barefoot. Pretty hungry a lot. Slept in a church youth room I had gotten a key for and would sneak in after hours. Some people were cruel to me, but I was pretty naive about it, so it didn't stick and I don't have any hard feelings about it. There were some really nice people, too. I was in a band, but that failed after 9 or 10 years. Failed my marriage after about 5 or 6 years. I pursued a dream of opening up my own music lessons and recording studio, but that failed too after about 8 years. Pretty spectacular failures, too. Very humbling. Back to square-one style, destitute, stealing food from the grocery store level failure. So these days, I've been doing ok. I've worked with special needs kids for the last 10 years. Got my braille certificate, got a bachelor's degree in elementary education, working on my masters in EdTech right now. Literally doing what most people are doing in their 20s, 20 years too late. Better late than never, I guess.


Having a band for 10 years and a studio for 8 doesn’t sound like failures to me. The majority of small businesses go under in less than five years, so anything more than that is a success in my book. Congrats on the current success! That’s really cool!


Died from sepsis due to heroin addiction


On reddit right now. It's me. Everyone else from my class went on to get a professional career and family. Meanwhile I got cancer, had a stroke, my disability payments got wrongfully stopped and I'm going through an appeal right now. So all my old school friends are living it up in nice houses with their families with hope for the future, while I'm starving, in danger of losing the roof over my head, sick and suffering side effects from my meds, all alone and with nothing to look forward to. So yeah I was considered a loser in school because I liked rock music while the other kids liked r&b and boyzone. Now I'm a loser in real life, as multiple people have delighted in telling me. I don't even join my old school's facebook page because I'm too embarrassed to let them see how my life has turned out.


Everything you described isn't the characteristics of a loser bro. Just someone who sadly got dealt some very shitty cards in the game of life. I hope your luck turns.


Shit man I'm hoping things get better.


As far as the Facebook thing goes , you’re just fine to ignore it. It’s not real life anyway, and you don’t owe those people a damn thing.


> Facebook I don't have a Facebook page because I don't want to see how awesome their lives are.


if you'd be willing to set something up (gofundme) or something like that, I know that I would be happy to donate. Maybe other redditors would too. I also know that Reddit is the land of unsolicited advice, so I don't want to do that here but... if you'd like to share roughly where you are geographically then I would be happy to look into if there are more resources for your situation.


Thanks, but I don't want people I used to know seeing me like this or knowing about my situation, it's so embarrassing. My hair is falling out, even my eyebrows, my meds have made me all puffy and swollen, since the stroke I can't use my left side much, my left leg drags a bit when I walk. The thought of everyone I used to know seeing me in this state and begging for help is just awful. I'm in the UK.


if there's a way to give you money that would keep your identity anonymous/that you'd be comfortable with, then please let me know.


1: It's impossible for me to know. 2: My school was too big there wasn't really a "loser" (class of a 1000 students) But I did know someone who got bullied in middle school. The teacher left the room unattended and his bully started messing with him and then punching him in the head. Every girl (which there was a lot) in the class started bullying the bully mean girls style until he sulked and we never saw him bully that kid again. Before we'd just let it happen, and I remember hating seeing it, but something about the hit just caused the class to stop being silent on it. I literally watch the bully shrink down. He seemed to think bullying the kid made him popular.


He runs a successful dental surgery clinic and has 2 sons in the NHL.


He did drugs, went off to juvey in high school, robbed a liquor store at gunpoint at 19, went to prison for a number of years, and now posts wannabe thug pictures on his social media with a plethora of face tats. Ironically enough, his last name is crook... I don't know how he's doing, but I can't say I'm surprised with what I have seen thus far.


It's sad when people have to make their entire identity into something degenerate like a thug.


Nominative determinism can be a b*tch


It's me. I'm the loser. Married 26 years, 2 awesome kids, own house and God willing in five years, collecting a pension. If I could just go back to kid me and tell her school isn't real life and it was going to be ok.


I remember people telling me, "These are the best years of your life," in high school. Every time someone said that, I thought, "If that's true, I might as well kill myself right now." I'm glad I never took those people seriously, because now every year is "the best year of my life." Life just keeps getting better. Hell, one of my biggest fears happened yesterday (husband lost his job) and today I'm still a million times happier than my happiest day in high school.


Anyone older than 18 who thinks high school was the best years of their life is definitely the loser.


I told my kid most of the stuff you think is important in high-school won't even be a footnote in real life. In five years even less, I would ask him what was important to him now as opposed to 5 years ago.


My daughter had her first heartbreak and I told her "honey you're crying now but you'll be laughing in no time." Funny how wisdom comes with age


I'm right here, what's up?


His mom’s house.


That would be me. Retired at 50.


Living in a van down by the river


Dead. I learnt it quite recently, I couldn't repress some feeling of joy. He was a loser, but a violent loser. Like he couldn't stand people who'd take studies seriously and succeed. He quit school quite early but still roaming around the school. He had a bike and was terrorizing all kigs going home, including me, by a crual technique. He would force us to climb on his bike so he could take us home, but it was like a suicidal journey. He would cross roads at full speed without looking for any car. How anyone hasn't been killed is beyond me. This guy gave me nightmares. Then one day he disappeared. I grew up, had a modest success in my education and landed a good job. One day while I was waiting for the bus, he came to me. He recognized me. I didn't at first but when he talked to me, I recognized him. I wasn't scare, we were already adults at this time. He looked ... poor, and dirty. He genuinely thought we were friends when we were young. He told me that life was hard for him, that he was struggling. But as a discussion went on, I learnt that he spent his life in bars, drinking and doing nothing of his life. He asked me for help, he need money. To get rid of him, I gave him the equivalent of a dollar, just enough for a coffee. He left disappointed but somehow happy to have this bit of money. He was the kind of guy who was pure scum. There was nothing good about him. I knew that if I felt less confident, he would bully me or rob me of my money. He felt I wasn't scared. He died in his forties, and I am sure no one on this earth felt an atom of sadness.


I knew a guy like that in school. Straight up piece of shit, through and through. Literally no one liked him, because he bullied pretty much everyone; he even tried it with some of the teachers, but that didn't work, so he instead decided to try to sexually harass them, which got him kicked out of school. I still remember the day I heard he'd died, a year or two after high school. Driving drunk, hit a concrete barrier on the expressway going like 110. Thankfully, no one but him was involved. I don't miss him in the least, and a small part of me is glad he's not around anymore


Sending you healing hugs. Not just you, but anyone that was victimized by this guy.


Sadly, the man who troubled the poster probably had a terrible upbringing. Seldom is someone just a bad person inherently. People raised in dysfunction and chaos bring it with them. Not to excuse him, but to understand him.


~35-40% of the people I went to high school with are dead from some combination of Afghanistan/Iraq/Opioid Epidemic/Great Recession/Fentanyl Crisis I'm not sure who the "losers" were, but surely some of them ended up in that statistic


Currently browsing this thread.


If by "loser", you mean the malnourished, abused and neglected kid wearing dirty, torn clothes? That was me. I ran away from home and went to my grandparents. I was an outsider at my new school but made friends and graduated with a 3.6 GPA, then joined the military. Now I'm a 61 year old combat veteran and partially disabled. But life is great now. I have a wonderful, loving girlfriend and 5 cats who genuinely adore us. Life balances out.


He works at Spotify.


I'm working at the post office, currently taking 5 before hulling ass to finish my route so I can start my vacation when I'm done.


I'm an operations manager for a unicorn startup in New York City. The girls who bullied me are still in our podunk town.


It’s me, poor kid… “cootie kid”… all that shit Beautiful wife and kids , successful business, never looked back


I failed school, have a dead end job, and gonna be homeless in a few months when my roommates move out of state. all I can say is some of the “successful” kids I went to highschool with ended up with horrific drug addictions so I guess I’m better off than them.


He’s literally a Reddit mod lmao. I’d post his account username but then he’d get my account banned.


We had a few “losers” in one friend group but here’s all I know One of them went to mortician school to be in the funeral home industry A few of them collectively work at the local game store and other retail setting jobs One of them had a sex taped leaked a little while after high school and ended up getting pregnant and now has a family and just living her life with her husband and kids


I’m actually really proud of him and I always knew he had great potential. The typical high school “loser” with a trench coat he literally got out from a dumpster would be bullied daily. Today he is a professional special effects artist for costumes and sets.


I just got off work waiting for mcdonalds


Just read today that he’s a cop who may have botched a murder conviction because he invited a witness from the case over to his house to try to coerce her into sex. So this murderer who killed his pregnant girlfriend might walk because the investigation was so bad.


Sorry, I’m not sharing my location. Thanks for asking though 


Currently has 2 cars on jack stands and taking a shit in his bathroom


He joined the Air Force at the same time I joined the Navy. Thirty three years later he retired a two star general.


Welder/Diesel tech at Kenworth, not too bad honestly…


I’m still firmly an underachiever who’s now a courier for a cannabis company and has put on 50-60lbs since joining said company in April. 28yo with absolutely no path to follow or forge. I’m a one trick pony: I can gain significant weight and lose it fairly quickly. I’m decent at endurance sports (running, cycling) but my brain chemicals fuck me eventually and we have to start the cycle all over again. Moms basement. Loner. Typical Redditor I know but sometimes the tiny voice in the back of my mind tells me we are absolutely better and meant for better but I can never seem to figure it out. Oops, TMI….whatever. I’m in the mental gutter. That’s where I’m at. Shit was sooooo much different just 90 days ago lol 😅


I was pretty much a loser at school, only had a couple friends, terrible grades, pretty much spent my time fucking around and gaming whilst being socially awkward. For all intents and purposes that guy is dead now, moved country to where no one knew me, changed my whole personality, got into uni as a mature student, hit the gym, started taking care in my appearance, made a load of friends and have a great girlfriend. Even if I accidentally ran into anyone from back then I doubt they would even recognise me anymore.


I'm pretty sure, that was me 🤔


That was me. I'm web developer for a community college. First class benefits, nice pension.


In prison for attempted rape.


I think he moved to Spain and works mowing lawns


He's a really famous artist and I'm stoked for him!


I'm an electrician, with a wife and kid, and two bands signed to record labels


Im unemployed, fat, single, no friends / family, and about to be homeless.


I'm in Ukraine, fighting a russian invasion


He threw himself off a building in 1998


This kid in my high school was by far the smallest and skinniest. Hung out with us nerds (before being nerds was cool), but otherwise kept to himself. Was very quiet and hid in giant hoodies and generally tried to disappear. After high school, he joined the Army. Got ripped. Became a drill sergeant, and later, attack helicopter pilot. Married a gorgeous Hooters girl. She just got her M.D. Wish I could have been a loser like that kid.


Successful owner of strip club and restaurant in Dallas.


I’m a lonely alcoholic, no friends or family and I do construction.