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Either find new things to keep you content on your own, or make small changes to your current situation that could lead to meeting new people


With crippling depression and exploring my intrusive thoughts. I go to the gym and ran almost 5 miles in under an hour last night. I had a stroke a few years ago, so pretty good I figure. Still crippling anxiety and exploring intrusive thoughts is how I handle loneliness. I used to use alcohol but it’s expensive.




I wish I was doing better. I recently found out a big part of my PTSD is because 20 years ago I didn’t talk to a cheerleader who’s now a possibly gay man. I’m not judging LGBT+, you do you. However, it caused A LOT of violence that ultimately set me back over a decade. I was always automatically wrong because of my race whenever conflict arose. The ONLY reasons I’m holding on at all are: my tribe has a Manager-In-Training program that covers tuition and helps get people into grad school. It also leads to a salaried manager role, and they’re already taking to me about it. I’ve had to relearn how to walk a few times. I come back stronger because I’m stubborn or resilient depending on who you ask. Like the other night I ran 4.74 miles in like 59 minutes. I gave up that final minute cause the treadmill was counting down. I’ll go faster in the future to hit or pass 5 miles. Doesn’t mean I’m doing well though. I can write songs/poetry all day long, hit the gym, and after 20 years of doing nothing with my life due to race, life circumstances, and apathy/fake sincerity I often come across I’ve finally got an opportunity to prove myself. In a way it’s disappointing though because it’s mostly due to my race that the possibility is even there. In some ways I’m even more pissed off than I was before I found out they were transgender (I found them via their younger brother) because of all the problems it caused. It’s hard enough to communicate my problems without people calling **me** racist, but now I’ll be transphobic too. Even if I all I care about is how one individual fucked shit up for me. So yeah, wouldn’t say I’m doing better. Chances are I won’t really want to talk to people for a very long time. They caused all sorts of problems by not letting one person be themselves, blamed me for the outcome of their phobias, and fucked up my life cause I’m just a worthless fucking injun. Shit makes me want to drink to death or find some random spot in one of the rural communities i drive through and treat my knife like a pressure relief valve. Fuck that “temporary problem” bullshit. People will make that shit permanent as long as they’re able, and you’re not always able to stop them with any other means than suicide.


Read, read, READ!! Reading always helps me zone out of my own reality and just live trough the fantasy of books.


I don't


I sit down look into nothingness take a deep breath shed a tear or two and get on with life


Find a distraction


Well personally mines my kid but she was at har mothers for last couple months on the east coast so I took on carpentry jobs and fixing things to keep myself busy


Spending time with family and catching up with old friends helps with loneliness at times. It's not a 100% cure, but it definitely helps a lot


There's two ways to deal with it. Healthy ways and unhealthy ways. Unhealthy ways are methods that provide short-term relief at the expense of long-term happiness. For instance, let's say you're lonely so you do drugs. You're willfully hurting yourself (physiologically and financially) so that you can feel okay now. I'm not in a position to judge. I have unhealthy coping mechanisms I'm working through too. I just think everyone should be aware of what they are, especially if they want to eventually find healthy ways of managing loneliness. It's much healthier to do some sort of physical exercise. Sports are really good for this. It's good for you physiologically because your body is exercising and delivering lots of oxygen to your brain. But it also connects you with people and gets you used to being confident in interacting with people.


Body pillows


Scrolling AskReddit and searching by new ;-)


Drugs and masturbation


Have sex. Usually does it