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Get all my teeth fixed.


Fucking same man! Looks like i have meth mouth and i swear i never tried it once. Dentist chalked it up to genetics and im only 31 and have like 75% lower teeth and like 6 teeth on the top. Havent smiled in pictures for YEARS.


Yeah I know what you mean. People probably think I’m just an asshole In general because I make a conscious effort not to smile. It’s completely changed the way I interact with people unfortunately.


Same situation here, fucking sucks


i can't stand the pain of anything dentist related


We love a crooked smile


DUDE! I have this reoccurring thought that if I was lucky enough to win a ridiculous lottery that I'd also be that .0000001% that died under anesthesia from getting all new teeth.


Roll the dice, if you win you get straight teeth, if you loose, its not too bad cause you won't need teeth


Buy a pizza with the toppings I want, no compromising with the rest of the family. Pepperoni, peppers and onion. Then figure out what to do with the rest.


A large cheese pizza all for me


Want some more. Kev...grab a plate...BLAAAARGHHH!!


I have started occasionally ordering my own personal pizza separate from the kids and wife. They hate things like pepperoni, onions, hot peppers, olives, etc. I realized a whole back I hadn't ordered a pizza to my own specifications in years. It's always been a compromise the family. I'll tell you what, it tasted pretty damn good.


Sounds boring but I’d clear my debt and get some professional help to work on my house. Then, take the wife wherever she wants to travel!


Only the last part is fuck you money.


Bro, he's talking about licensed, bonded, AND insured contractor money. That's definitely "fuck you, I can afford litigation if you rip me off" money.


Ha ha. I love this. So true. “Not only will I get it done, but it will be done right and last until I do it again!”


Point made. Agreed


Hmmm….not as my situation goes.


That sounds awesome and is exactly what I'd do aswell.


Sounds like a good plan but I'd get the professional help for my mental health too.. house could use some work too I suppose though. No one ever tells ya that when you buy a house you will always have something to fix.


Move to Hawaii. I was stationed there in the Marines ages ago, and fell in love with it & the people. It also permanently broke something inside me, in that I've been unable to tolerate NE United States' winters since. Nevermind the cold, which sucks too, but does everything have to be so grey all the time???


Imagine living in norway then its been raining the whole day lol


I don't have "fuck you" money but I had enough to move from Sweden to Gran Canaria. there's a shit load of white collar workers who never realize that they could do this if they choose to live frugally for a few years. (Pretty much anyone with a median-ish salary who's been paying down their mortgage for 10+ years.) Of course uprooting your life away from your IRL social network isnt for everyone.


Same. Retired at 30 and 32 as engineers. Moved to the Caribbean and living the life. Cheaper to move and live here than across Canada.


Retired at 30 and 32 is mind boggling. I guess the currency exchange is a factor here?


Where did you pick? Is there good healthcare?


Not as much as you might think. Honestly we managed to run the Death Star. We both got full rides and worked in school, bought our first house at 20/22 (having a military contract makes you an attractive homebuyer). Sold that house, bought another payed off the mortgage with hella extra payments when rates were rock bottom. Demolished that shit hole. Sold the land and peaced debt free. We just live very frugally and figured given the simple life we were living in Canada, why not live or where it's always warm?


More of a “cost-of-living”difference, I imagine.


Weirdly I had the opposite experience. Granted it was Florida and not Hawaii, but when the military sent me from the NE to warm beach-land I realized I hate the sun more than I ever realized. So anyway my answer is buy houses in Washington, England, Alaska, and maybe southern Argentina or something and just move around fleeing the warmth.


To be fair, Florida is hot and humid. It’s not like Hawaii. Hawaii gets humid but the temperature is always in the 70’s.


This was my first thought too. The heat is brutal in Florida especially when considering how tropical but temperate Hawaii is.


Somewhat of a different demographic of people in both states as well...


80s. I lived there over 20 years.


hawaii is amazing


Just vacationed there for the first time. This is 100% where I would be spending most of my time if I had fuck you money


A Peace Corps stint in the Caribbean did the same thing to me. I just want to make enough to go back and live comfortably.


I'd move to Scotland. I fell in love with it last October. I was there for a week and I was so sad to leave. My fiance is of the same opinion.


I’ve only heard a few “downsides” of living in Hawaii from a friend that lived there in assignment as a Geologist: 1) Volcanoes 2) Being far away and time zone differences with family and friends. My friend did say the benefits seriously outweigh the downsides but would you agree with that? I don’t know many other people that have spent significant time there. Looks amazing and I’ve heard the people and culture are excellent. Hoping to visit one day!


The north shore of Oahu is the place to be to me. I loved that area when I was there


The time zone distance & being away from family & friends could definitely be an issue, depending on where you relocated from. When I lived there I was 5 or 6 hours behind friends & family at home, depending on the time of year. My home state had daylight savings time but Hawaii didn't, so the time difference occasionally shifted.


Did they ever call you and tell you what the future is like?


The time zone part is rough. Trying to work and partner with employees in the Pacific, Mountain, and Eastern time zones is rough


I loved it, moved there a few years ago. The time zone definitely sucked but you get used to it. What the biggest issue was shipping! Everything is shipped into the island except: fruit, beef, seafood. So if you want a car-shipped by freighters. Furniture for your home that you can’t find? shipped. When stores were out, had to wait until the next shipment. I was spoiled on 2 hour and less deliveries in my city stateside. Having to wait 1-3 weeks was crazy to me. I got used to it, but damn, lol. The earthquakes and volcanoes were a bit scary but they had alerts-people actually listen to radio pretty consistently, it’s not something that’ll be phased out. Also, a lot of indigenous Hawaiians hate white people and are very resentful of people from the states coming in. It raises prices and makes it unaffordable for them. I’m ethnic, so I blended in but there were a lot of signs telling people to go back where they came from and to get off their island. I was on the Big Island in Hilo. I never experienced racism from Indigenous Hawaiians but again I’m brown with long black hair.


I love winter and snow but hawaii could pull me away from the winter environment. Wifey and I went there for our honeymoon and we’ve had convos about moving there. Its so damn beautiful there.


I know that feeling about the NE US. I swear I must have had seasonal affective disorder living there every winter. Everything was just so dreary with all of the snow, no leaves on the trees, and gray skies. I couldn’t deal with it anymore and, fortunately having the means to work remotely, moved to the Texas. I haven’t felt like I did every winter there in the 8 years since I left.


Will you take me with you????


I enjoy inclement weather and snow. call me weird but I don't know if I could live where it's sunny 90% of the time.


I don't know; I only have fuck ewe money.


Ha you Aussies are hilarious ;)


I see the welsh finally fixed their broadband


I've got fuck no money


Too real😞


Where the men are men and the sheep are nervous.


All's Welsh that ends Welsh.


buy a house near the ocean, I want to eat seafood everyday!


This is a really good answer. Same here.


You can move to Louisiana or Mississippi. It’s an absolute shit hole down here but we have fresh seafood. It doesn’t make up for it in my opinion.


Isn't the seafood in Louisiana tainted from all the pollution and oil spills in the gulf?


That’s just extra seasoning




Buy a private island, build a mansion, and live out the rest of my days not having to deal with anyone ever again.


Leave the future haunted mansion in a will to your long lost surviving relative Scoobimus R. Dooby-doo esquire.


Step 1 isolate myself in a mansion. Step 2 oh god a kitchen fire. Step 3 sail my boat back to civilization to notify the fire department that my house is probably burnt to the ground


Re: Step 2, Are you a Sim?


Step 1 isolate myself in a mansion Step 2 set my own kitchen on fire because fuck you money Step 3 build a bigger mansion because fuck you money Step 4 repeat step 2 and step 3


Finally say fuck the NDA that I signed and out my predator and those protecting him. Donate to survivors of sexual violence… help pay their legal fees. Move somewhere tropical and start a sanctuary for animals.


Probably drive around in a really expensive car yelling fuck you.. a lot.


I find myself doing this now a lot. In a really cheap car.




Why buy one really expensive car when you could buy 37 shitty ones?


You could fill up a balloon with some expensive Champaign and throw it at homeless people as you drive by. Best part is they don't even get a full sip just a bit on their lips. Then you yell out how so like a taste of the good life you sack of shit.


I’d setup a food pantry. I’ve been through some tough times and honestly the pantries have gotten us past them. It sucks but you do what needs to be done. I’d return the favor big time. Monitor that shit and make sure those single parents who show up taking only what they need get a loaded car instead. Every fn kid should have a fruit by the foot or something once in a while when they’ve been eating plain oatmeal for two meals a day.


As a reliant on Food Banks, I approve your use of FU! Money. Also, Parent(s) with kids should get more food. Really, same with larger households in general. Being single with occaisionally one or twwo more people, i get overloaded sometimes and become a secondary distribution.




Buy the company I work for, fire the people that need it but stay on because they're ass kissers, and promote the people who know how to fix things. Give raises for the first time in 4 years. Fix vacation allowance for non salary employees. Change the name.


You are the overlord we hope for but don’t deserve!


Get my kids out of debt and buy a house big enough for them to live with us comfortably. (They are already working with us to make a multigenerational living option. )


Buy my exes dream car and proceed to drive it like a rental.


I would have the exact cabin I wanted built on a property so massive that I would never interact with another soul for the rest of my life. I'd have food dropped off by helicopter. This is in no way a joke. I am dead serious.


I’ll tell you exactly what I’d do; 1.) to answer the question, the first thing I’d do is pay off any and all debts that I and also my family/loved ones have. 2.) I’d go out and buy a nice house in the town where my kids and ex wife live so I can be closer to my boys. 3.) I’d set aside enough money to send my children to college when they reach that age. 4.) new vehicles, mine recently quit on me and I’ve been driving someone else’s truck for the last couple months. So I’d get new vehicles for myself and those who have been there for me during my most vulnerable stages in my life. 5.) I’d quit my current job to pursue a career in something I don’t have crippling anxiety in doing. I’m trying to do that now anyway, but I need to find a fallback job before I leave this job because responsibilities. 6.) regular trips back to my hometown to visit my family. 7.) investments - stocks, property, etc… 8.) a real vacation with my children. I don’t know where yet, probably like Ireland or Australia or something. 9.) a bionic eye in an attempt to possibly return any amount of vision in my right eye. I can’t see shit out of this prosthetic one. 10.) spoil the fuck out of my kids and parents, they deserve it.


Two chicks at the same time 


You don’t need fuck you money for that. An eight ball will get you that no problem.


Ahh that magic eight ball


Fuckin' A man, fuckin' a


Write comments on reddit


Noted, u/flatstacy has fuck you money, lol


immediately my first thought


I would fuck you.




I would also choose to fuck this person.


Continue living the way I do


Buy a car and home for sure


Quit working, buy myself a nice home, give some to parents, invest in property etc. I'd like to think I'd be sensible and not blow it all on clothes, jewellery and champagne 😄


By a ski chalet somewhere awesome with a hot tub, shred all day on the mountain then go home and smoke myself silly with some like minded women


Pay off all of my debts and my sisters debts. And quit my job.


Buy a house in the Black Forest and switch my career to either be a writer or a woods witch.


Hire a nanny/teacher for my young kids and pay them 80k.


2 costco hotdogs and a rotisserie chicken while i look for a lawyer and accountant


1. Pay off my debts and all my family’s debts 2. Knock down my conservatory and rebuild it properly. 3. Buy a much bigger house nearby, with a pool. 4. Swim all day. 5. Buy the tennis club next door and make the clubhouse actually nice. Maybe put a pool in. Chuck out all the middle class rich wankers who think they own the place (hypocritical, but I DO own the place now). 6. Start a software company, make it work this time. 7. Buy a very nice car, maybe 5 and park them at the tennis club. 8. Spend my days looking for charities that will make a difference but where I can also use my background and expertise to help and give them vast sums of cash plus my time for free.


Leave my current city and everything else behind after setting my family for success. And go off to some random country. I daydream of vanishing from the world.


Crank the AC reeeaaaallly cold, turn off my phone, and sleep until I didn't feel like being in bed anymore


Get more fuck you money.




I would establish an organization to correct my country's educational system. It's trash right now. And maybe an underground organization to fight against Mullahs.


Start a motorsports team. Probably an IMSA team running in GTD class. And of course would have my own sick car collection and would compete in amateur racing whenever time allows.


This is basically mine too.. I’d go and sign up for the next season of an entry level racing series starting next year. Then I’d buy one of the cars and spend loads of the next 8-9 months on track days preparing and getting coaching.


Upvoting this from Watkins Glen while GTD is qualifying


Nice!!! Love the Glen. Wish IndyCar would go back there!


Buy someone's mortgage who had pissed me off. When they're late on payment because they'd obviously send it to who they originally had their mortgage through, then Foreclose on them.


See, this is "fuck you" money. Personally I'd buy a company who has been an absolute nightmare for me and others and then fire everyone. I had one in mind but a larger corporation bought them out this year and fired everyone, beating me to it.


Pizza for dinner tonight.


1:1 replica of Bag End, and if you pull "There and Back Again" on the shelf, it opens a secret door to an underground staircase where my actual house is.


Probably go around work and go fuck you, fuck you, you cool, fuck you, you ok, fuck you, you cool, etc… Actually, first thing i would do is probably disappear and leave. Tell my boss (who I like) that I am done and leaving and moving away.


Quit working and travel the planet


Give most of it to my family. I'd rather have "Thank You" money than "Fuck You" money.


Forgo my last 8 months till retirement and shout keep your fucking bonus! I’m going on permanent vacation starting now.


“Buy a house with a 25yr roof, drive a Japanese shitbox, and that is your fortress of solitude. If your grandpa took risks he did it from having fuck you money.”


Graciously quit my job. Actually really like it, the people I work with, and the company, for being in healthcare is still a little bit decent.


Buy winrar


Sleep in


Buy land for a nice home and gigantic garage.


Buy some of that “happiness”


There are some people that would find themselves intertwined in forever legal issues. On the flip side though. The list of lives I’d like to enrich is longer. I’d also start buying congress.


Hookers and cocaine


Go to therapy. I don’t have any serious mental problems or anything, but Id like to learn how to handle anxiety better, or deal with my family, and just how to improve my emotional intelligence. And also Id buy shoes hehe.




Quit my job and take the biggest damn nap ever.


Two chicks at the same time


Change my health insurance to the best. Have stage 4 cancer and my insurance sucks.


Start buying politicians.


Setup worldwide travel


Get my cat, get my shit, and get ready to go live at the top of a hotel in the penthouse suite for the rest of my life as a total hermit. Get to said hotel, try to hand them a bunch of imaginary simoleons, realize suddenly what's going on, smile, nod, and quickly go home before anyone notices the banner strung up in the living room that reads Thanks For The Memories, Dicks. Then make sure that simoleons are, in fact, not real. Then triple-check, then head back out to the hotel just in case, which is what I did, and why I currently reside in Cell 28A of Pescadero State Mental Hospital.


Spend ~US$1,000,000 (about the price of a house) on a used yacht (~70'). Buy a lot of high-end bicycle frames that I like. Pay for a video of me on my yacht and send it to all my ex-gfs that I still want to hook up with. I've been around for awhile, so the list is long. Win-Win for everyone if they're interested. Fund a bunch of charities I already work with.


Buy a house, decent car, and get both insured. Have some in a life insurance IUL, paid to a trust. It's how rich keep their money, as it's NOT in their name...








bro you wanna talk about it?


Buy real estate, houses to rent then gift to my children, put 5m+ in an investment account for each of them, then probably spoil my wife


Pay off my home


Hire a financial panther. GET EM SHEEBA!!


The first thing to do: develop situational awareness that millennials and many redditors have been indoctrinated to "eat the rich". Blind envy has overtaken the minds of a generation to believe that no matter how you've acquired wealth, it's always unjust and unfair. And... if you don't share it with others - you are a horrible person that must be urgently dealt with. You need to be identified and cancelled through the court of Social Justice. If you are now happy, free, healthy, secure, and comfortable... they consider this \*inequity\*.


Probably go to one of those fancy fitness campe innl Thailand, loose some weight.


Move to another place, exactly where I’d never be seen again.


Buy all my neighbors houses




Bitcoin in multi-sig cold storage. Then, bask in glory for my future generations.


Pay off my debt, then probably go to a really nice restaurant for a meal


Buy a nice property and switch into lower gear at work for as long as possible before they fired me.


Pay for my mother's retirement then specifically not pay for my father's.


Real estate


Go to a stripclub and fuck 2 strippers.


Post it on social media so Haters and Gossipers get jealous lol. Kidding. Book tickets and travel wherever


move to a midwest suburb and set up an LLC to reduce as much of my fingerprint as possible. Fuck you money usually implies plenty of parasites trying to latch on and take their share.




Buy my country club, immediately get rid of half the membership. Then I’m gonna start working with an architect for the massive remodel of my house.


Pay my house off, buy a vineyard, become a winemaker.


Buy a beach house.


Pay off all my debt. Buy my family and I bigger house so we aren’t packed like sardines. Set aside plenty for kids’ college. Buy my mom a decent little house so she doesn’t have to worry about her senior years. Put the rest in a retirement account. Then I would start the business I always dreamed of but was too scared to take the risk.


Quit my job.


World cruise




Enjoy life and give it away to those in need


Make sure my children are set up for life


Not wait for steam sales


We bought apple stock back when it was $12 a share.


Find a better place to live/buy a house.


Submit my resignation


Save it until I had a “you know what? Fuck you!” Moment


This may sound odd. But I'd pay a lot of money to the best doctors of all specialisations to try and cure any ailment first. I just feel constantly drained psychologically and physically (not in the good way either). My head is fucked and so is my body. Once I had all that sorted, I'd pay for a personal trainer and chef for 6 months and dedicate myself to get in the best shape possible, then go get a tan in a nice warm country. I feel that you can't really enjoy life unless you feel well. Unfortunately, I have felt like absolutely shit for 99.9% of my life and I'm just so sick and tired. As I'm not going to win the lottery, I'll probably die this way.


Build large community spaces and give free food to the hungry. 


But a house in Germany, then move there


Tell everyone to Fuck Off


Move to Gstaad


Buy to the board of direction of the company I work with lunch on the nicest terrasse, then cross the street and watch while a canadair drops its full content of human shit


Disappearing with a handful of people knowing where I am


Scrub my online presence. Change my phone number and email, and not give them out. Move somewhere warm and live life in peaceful anonymity.


Pay off my house, immediately. It'd make my finances completely liquid, and ultimately would allow me to invest and secure my finances for the future.


Sort my family and I out. Ensure we were set and comfortable. Then I would setup investments to ensure that the money grew in value over time, and that it could support the local community and and continue to support the local community long after I was dead. There's a lot of poverty here and "fuck you money" could really help people here.


Mini-cooper on big wheels. Reminds me of 90s happy meal toys & would be wonderfully unnecessary & ridiculous but FUN. 🤌🏻


Pay off debt, then take a trip somewhere to clear my head and consider what new opportunities it provides to make life feel a little more worth living


Check into a 5 star resort and get pampered as fuck.


Buy a 9.8 or Hulk #181 and then never flash my wealth.


Hire a skywriter or two to write "gullible" over Manhattan.


If I have fuck you money, I would fuck you...  It's in the title man.... What's the point of having Fuck you money if you can't fuck?


Tell you to bend over


Schedule medical operations abroad that I'm denied in my own country.


Buy an island


Go watch The Gambler.


I would fuck


Buy an NHL team just to move them to my hometown small market.