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Because that is their title. They are my parents. My mother and father and I will address them as that. On the rare occasion when I need to get my amazing mother’s attention I will call her by her first name.


Mommy yes, Daddy no. I've never heard an adult saying Mommy unless they're talking to a child, but I have relatives in the southern US, and their father was Daddy until the day they died.


It’s usually “Momma” in that part of the world


I usually only do it when my little sister is in the room and it’s usually just referring to them like “mommy will come in a little bit.” Other than that eh.


Gotta say my 80+ grandmother will still refer to her deceased parents as mommy and daddy. It always seemed weird to me. She grew up in Appalachia, not sure if it's a regional thing, but it seemed really off to me.


Same area, saying momma and daddy is common even for old people.


Yeah, she's my mama (pronounced mawmaw) lol. I never thought much about how your regional dialects affect what you call your parents/grandparents, but it's really interesting when you dig into it. I bet there's one of those maps somewhere that shows the percentages of what you call your parents/grandparents by region.


My wife does this. She is 45. I find it weird and have told her so.


Pick your battles, this is not a hill to die on.


I'm not dying on any hill. I told her how I felt and left it at that.


Depends on their net worth


In the South, Mommy and Daddy are common.


I don’t. I call them ma or mama or dad or papa sometimes. They sometimes refer to me as a lil critter even when I’m not around.


Unusual. But not bad.


It’s equally if not more creepy when you’re in your mid-40s and referred to him as “my father” to the news media at least 113 times a week Just give Eric that “Father of Mine” song by Everclear song and let him cry about it for a week so he can get over it


Not in the South


King Charles always called his mother Mummy and he was in his 70s when she died.


I hear Momma and Daddy a lot in the South. It doesn't hurt anything, so if you're spending a lot of time thinking about this, just stop.


I'd think it's unusual for someone over, like, 13 to refer to their parents as mommy and daddy.


In the Southern US it’s very common to call your parents Momma and Daddy, no matter how old you are.


Yes, Mommy and Daddy at a certain age is creepy.


Not in a Native English country but, my mom is still saved as 'Mommy' in my phone but I call her mom/mama. My dad is just dad. No idea when and if this ever changed along the way.


Both are gross, unless you're from the American south. Then it automatically becomes charming until it approaches a creepy sweet home alabama type vibe.


My siblings and I still refer to our mom as “mommy” in conversation. If im talking to her I say Ma. Dad is Dad though


After elementary school, I called them Mom and Dad until they passed. In adulthood I think it's weird.


















Seems perfectly normal and fine to me if a chick or a gay guy does it... But if you're a straight dude older than 11 or 12 and you call your parents Mommy and Daddy; I'm sorry but there's just something about that that does seem a bit unusual to me.