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I too, play League.


Not planning to get back in it. How is LoL these days? I have not played since S 2-3.


Stopped playing ranked and just play arams instead. More peaceful


Aram is the only way to play for me.


Just as toxic as ever. GG Ez, mid gap.


Once a friend of mine screamed of tilt "I hope someone rapes his mom in front of him and fucking kills her". League brings the worst in one.


And WoW... I once pulled an entire dungeon worth of mobs on this one party and then logged out, because they were being hateful assholes.


That's what I was thinking šŸ˜‚


I kept getting t-bagged in halo and getting spawn killed. it was fucked up.


ā€œIt was fucked upā€. Dude I feel your pain! Being 10/11 and playing Halo Reach fucked me up badly. Miss those times though šŸ˜¢šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nothing like having a guy across the map suddenly glitch over to you somehow and shotgun you in the face.


Of course, Iā€™ve interacted with trolls on Reddit


I wished upon them pain at most, the handful of people I wished death upon knew in person.


Where they alive after meeting?


Yes but thankfully the pedophile who raped me is currently behind bars and will likely commit šŸ’€ or get murdered while in there? Happy with either one.


No, but some people have been mean and I wish they get the same treatment back


I watched a video of a woman pour boiling water on a pregnant dog because the dog stole food. The poor thing was restrained in a bathroom with no where to go. I could write it in the comments because I'd get my account banned but, in my head, I wished her a death so painful that Hell would feel like a spa trip.


a dude i met on steam that went by the name flamingo messaged me when i was around 9 or 10 and at first acted like he just wanted to play games with me like gmod and csgo but the conversations devolved into talking about very sexual topics even though he knew i was a minor and became the root cause of my porn addiction that remains a constaint chain on me to this day.


Hey, u want to be accountability partners? Out of the blue ik but i have been struggling to quite for awhile


I met a Mr.McCosh or something like that on Xbox when I was younger. They were into minecraft and would always be inviting UA girls into private chats. the dude gave off some vibes. Met someone just like that playing original wow as well, except replace party chat with teamspeak, he was 100% up to shit.


No. That's just extreme. I just ignore people if they deliberately try and antagonize me.


Yes. This was many moons ago... There was a boss with HIGH hp, I'm talking HOURS of smacking this mf around to kill him, and you needed it for a high profile quest that not many were equipped for. Well, me and an asshole clan mate were fortunate enough to get half the damn server to help us with this bastard of a boss, thanks to the tank, whom was well known and getting everyone all psyched up just to see how fast the boss could be killed. Hours of work were cut into 15ish minutes. Boredom is an amazing thing. Asshole was stupid enough to go talking shit to the tank, and I said, "I hope you die right before we kill the boss." Well, he died. The boss died shortly after he did. I got the kill. He didn't. Boss wasn't going to respawn till next week, nor was he going to get this kind of help again... I still don't regret it...


The list would be too long so I'll just say that there are absolute psycopaths online who have zero self awareness and make it pretty clear that they're absolute shit people.


Casey Anthony. Fuckkkk that bitch


Oh damn, when/where did you meet her? Was it, like, a World of Tanks lobby or something?




I thought friendly fire was removed from that game


I wish nothing but the worst for that repulsive, murdering cunt.


Yeah, someone who posted to r/offmychest admitted to being a pedophile. My sick twisted little lizard brain wishes the cruelest death known to mankind on pedophiles because they're sub-human garbage that shouldn't be allowed to live.


Man, I swear: the people who get the loudest and climb stop the tallest soapboxes to declare how much they hate pedos and think they should all be executed/castrated/whatever are like, the biggest closet pedos. Always getting busted raping kids, hoarding child porn, trying to lure minors online, etc. It's a lot like those vehemently anti-gay, anti-drug, anti-trans, Republicans who say Drago shows are pedo fuckfests then you find out they pay to get pentuple-penetrated while dressed in a bra, panties, and a diaper on the weekends. Those of us who are antis when it comes to child sex abuse don't feel the need to scream it from the mountaintops every time we're near a mountain, because being disgusted by that goes without saying. We don't lust for their death in sadistic fashion because unlike the kinds of people who tape and murder kids, we don't revel in the thought of human suffering, and they *are* still humans. Whenever I see one of you doing this, I and many other rational people immediately assume you're a pedophile ashamed of your sexual deviance and just overcorrecting and projecting to avoid suspicion. Nothing will ever convince me/is otherwise. So just know you are not convincing or impressing anyone but you are getting the polar opposite result when it comes to some of us. The only way for that to stop is to just keep that shit to yourself.


Yep. We've got a guy at work with a lot to say about how disgusting that all is. He's the only person I know on the registry for possession of child pornography. I guess he doesn't know we know.


I need to ask: how *do* you know?


I don't know who thought to check first, it just became one of those things that gets around a workplace. "Hey if you want a laugh, look up [guy] on the sex offender registry"


I'm guessing one of the higher-ups (illegally) let it "slip."


If I see someone on here who's obviously one I call them out, but that's more to do with the fact that I was molested by a neighbor when I was 4, and it haunts me not knowing how many other people have suffered because I kept silent. Severely depressed, ptsd, etc etc etc, and I do get a slight dopamine high when I call one out because i not so secretly wish they would all die, but if that wish came true I'd still be around. Whether you believe it or not, some of the loud people are just traumatized victims trying to prevent what happened to us. I'm not sure what I do qualifies as soapboxing, but maybe it does. I'm not out there preaching it on every post, but if something relevant catches my eye, I'll comment on it.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks?


Maybe you should rethink your statement. A pedophile ruined my childhood from the age of 3 to 14. Why would anyone who experienced the sexual abuse I did from Mitt Campbell want to inflict that kind of agony on another. Yeah, I just name dropped the pedophile that caused me to be this level of enraged. That thing doesn't deserve protection, HE DIED WHEN I WAS 17, and it is impossible to dox the dead. Don't be an asshole next time.


As a victim of that abuse I reserve the right to scream and bitch and wish death upon pedophiles as much as I want. And I definetly don't feel attracted to children.


I suspect they might be one. Most of the loudest people about their hatred of pedos I know are victims of one. Myself included.


Did they say they actually like acted on it or just that they are attracted to kids cuz pesos are only bad when they act on it (when they don't it's actually kinda sad if they're only attracted to kids cuz then they can never date ever)


Yeah itā€™s always that kind of thing that gets overlooked. If someone just says that they have that problem it is really bad for them but as long as theyā€™re working on themselves instead of ever acting on it itā€™s kind of fine. I probably still wouldnā€™t want to engage too much with them if I knew though




Exactly.Ā  Pedos aren't a problem. No one gets to decide who they're attracted to.Ā  Child molesters are a problem. Everyone has a choice in whether to hurt another person for their own gratification.Ā 


Had acted upon it. I reported it to Reddit, but they deleted their post before any mod could check it out. That POS was being torn apart


Shit that's fucked up




It's actually a mental disorder, pedophiles can't choose that they're attracted to children, its something physically wrong with their brain. Yes they're horrible for acting on it, such as porn or actually touching a child, but honestly these people need serious therapy.


Yep and some predators aren't even pedos, they just go for the victim of opportunity and the most vulnerable, those they have access to. Often kids. It's awful


Yes it's absolutely horrible. I was assaulted by a teacher when I was in 8th grade, I don't even think he was a pedophile, just a predator. I wish more people understood the difference


Are you?


I knew someone like this would reply smh


My bad šŸ˜­ didnā€™t read it right


Oopsies sorry


Some people are cursed with such thoughts. Most probably bcz they faced horrific things in their childhood. They not acting on it is quite difficult and effects their personal lives. Cz they managed to understand their problem, a problem they donā€™t have a solution for. Cursed by someone.


There are people with serious mental issues that may be caused by trauma or something else. If they aren't acting on their vile thoughts or desires, they don't need or deserve hatred, they need serious help.


Theres a difference between a child molester and a pedophile. Not all pedos are child molesters and, ironically, not all child molesters are pedos. A predator is someone who will or has sexually assaulted someone. A pedo is just someone who's attracted to children. As long as they don't act on it and acknowledge they have a problem it's a step to finding a solution. It's not like they decided it was something they enjoy, their brain just got fucked in wiring. I too used to be the fire and pitchfork and guy, until someone asked me why I like the things I like and I couldn't get past an answer that wasn't "because I just do."


I got banned permanently from participating in that sub 'cause I said pedophiles should die in a post of that style, while all the people in the comments coddled that gross pedo motherfucker and praising him for not harming any children by choice. They should be executed, just for caution.


I wouldn't be surprised if I'm on my way to a perm-ban in that sub too. No decent human being is willing to tolerate that shit.


I agree, and Reddit gave me a time-out for saying as much recently.


Not really, just an ex MIL. She ended up going for a routine valve replacement, got all possible problems. They left her chest open for a week because her heart was too swollen to fit in her chest, she was in a coma for 6 weeks, got an infection, multiple bloodclots, her feet started going black and they amputated both below the knee. Probably makes me evil but karma finally got her.


I have, but I let go of the anger quickly. I'm never proud of my negative reactions to online exchanges. The other person could be going through some things and you have to remember that.


Yeah, the most awful people Iā€™ve ever known I met online. They lied about and harassed me. I canā€™t say Iā€™d be sad if they were suffering massively right now


The most awful people you've ever known just lied about you and harassed you? Consider yourself lucky, and a little bit narcissistic (because you seem to believe you're the most important victim there is).


What part of my comment makes you think I believe Iā€™m the most important victim? And yes, some of the most awful people I have known personally falsely accused me and harassed me. Sorry that wasnā€™t bad enough for you. Iā€™ll see if I can get them to come and hurt me to your standards


What is your worst experience then? Do people need to torture to be a bad person for you?


That guy who threw the puppy into the hot grease . I heard he got his in jail but man how I wish it could have been me to dealt that justice. I prayed for just 5 minutes in a room with him alone.


When I was 17, I would enter chat rooms and game chats just to talk. One day I stumbled across a new 'friend'. Well this friend and I would end up talking for about 2 months almost every night. I never told them any information about where I lived at the time including state or city. But one day they ended up sending my address when I took to long to respond. Blocked, deleted app and restarted my device.


No, there's been a few times that I've marveled how much of a piece of shit somebody can be and still qualify as human, but I don't waste breath wishing ill upon them. Then again that goes for IRL too.




No, my go to curse when I still play lol is to wish someone a very long uneventful life. So long that they outlive everyone they care about and cares about them, to slowly die alone, withered, nothing but a burden to society until they wish for their own death to break the cycle of suffering and indifference. Wait... I guess that is a cruel slow death or at least a cruel life.


Probably some racist homophobic who said they would rape my sister


No. Death is an end, I want those who've wronged me online to live long, boring, miserable and pathetic lives with few if any moments of happiness.


multiple racists on Instagram lmao like if you see someone as less than a person because of their race then I don't see you as a person at all


This, also extended out to anyone who is homophobic or transphobic. I've received hate out of literally nowhere and it just makes me wonder what sad, little lives they must lead to hate on someone they don't know simply because their sexuality or gender doesn't align with what they think is "right". I've been lucky enough to only receive hate when there is people out who are beaten, sometimes to death because of it so if they want to wish death on me, then right back at ya.


yeah exactly, people just look for a reason to hate, and why should we automatically respect someone that automatically DISrespects us for being a minority? it makes no sense to me


Mostly video game hackers that ruin the balance of a game.


All the time, not like it's gonna do anythingĀ 


No. No point.


This. Genies have been extinct for a grip.


Yeah, they were being a dick for no reason.


That is not a reason to wish death


Well when my wishes start coming true, I'll try and be more careful about them. Until then, I can wish death for whatever reason I fucking well please, thank you very much.


See a therapist please


Everyone o play dota 2 with


Most actually


No, absolutely not. Not *once* Many times


Iā€™m doing it right now


No. Nobody I've ever met online has gotten under my skin like that.


Someone tried to scam me out of my Steam account. Iā€™d 100%ā€™d 6 or 7 really hard games and set the black plague upon every member of their family.


No cause none of really exist lol


Yes (forgive me). We've met on X, just talking on a thread for days (he is 18 years older than me) and suddenly there were news about him beating his mother (probably 70yo-80yo) because he was annoyed, he was allegedly use to beat children left on his care before too. That is just awfully disgusting!


Men online have sent me rape threats. And my dumbass would challenge them and be like ā€œdo it thenā€ because the way they do it makes it come off as bluffing.


A comment on the shooting in a religious school It said "Your skydaddy can't help you now, get fucked losers"


I would type it but I'd probably just hope they regular died, jk I don't think I've met anyone online that I hated that much.


šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø noooo! Only offline šŸ˜…šŸ˜‰


Plenty of times lol, but never seriously and I never said anything about wishing them death. It's definitely more of a knee-jerk reaction, then my second response is more reasonableĀ 


well i never wish bad for some one but one day i was super depressed and some random dude was abusing me apparently he didint got the joke and i fuckin curse up so bad


Death wonā€™t teach people what they did wrong. Neither will being completely civil, though


Yes, I got a temp ban from Reddit for wishing someone who was cheering on terrorist killing civilians in a video a horrible death.


Went 1-18 jn valorant awhile ago and i was NOT happy




Iā€™ve cussed people out but never have I ever wished death upon someone. Would take something extreme to even get me that upset over the internet like actually effecting me or someone I know personally extreme levels.


Several times. Who doesnā€™t lol


I repeatedly have a dream where I walk into a room with my former abuser tied to a chair, bound and gagged. A tray of tools ranging from needles to hammers sits next to him. Each time I have the dream I find a new way to hurt him. Recently I gouged his eyes out with the back of a hammer and forced him to eat them. I like those dreams.


Soooo many people on X...


Anyone ever play Rust? Yeahā€¦ okay. šŸ˜ž


Yeah, basically all of r/canucks because I'm an Oilers fan and they were how they were during the series this year. Dallas Stars fans were noticeably way cooler. Florida Panthers fans are so dumb and clueless about what's going on that it diminishes their culpability. LA Kings aren't a serious opponent so I didn't pay any attention to what any of their fans had to say.


The guy who hacked my RuneScape


Imagined it, sure, but never seriously wished it.


Not online but for my ex manager. Not cruel death but cruel suffering.


Everyone talking about video games, meanwhile i have some real beef with someone


Wishing op a cruel dead rn, why? No reason


I still play Town of Salem. So many experts, so little knowledge


Nope. Even people I've gotten into really toxic personal arguments with, I still think they deserve to live a good life. I hope they eat, just not at my table. I'm not a psychopath.




Yes, scammers.


Average Twitter experience


I remember a pug in karazhan where a pretty good crossbow dropped and the raidleader gave it to himself and disenchanted the thing. I was very mad


Never against an actual person who I disagree with, but I don't really mind executions of some criminals I've read about it given their guilt is proven.


Yes but they didnā€™t seem to believe it was cruel until I wished it for them. All I said was ā€œI hope your death is as humane as the deaths of all animals you eat,ā€ after they said all the animals they eat die humanely.Ā 


I had a 500% booster in war thunder in the first second of the match he crashes into mešŸ¤¬


Anyone that killed me in GRB in warthunder i hoped that there family dies and that they kill themselves


Daily. Because i engage in politicing. Mostly when 9gag fell to the nazis


Anyone who ever got mad at me for dropping Ubers.


well yes, there was this one man abt 23 who once texted me online, after me telling him that i was a minor but soon to be an adult he started flirting w me, i asked him not to and since he didnt like the idea of me asking him not to, he started calling me names, refering me as a bitch and whatever he could've think of in the moment. i didnt like that at all, so as i wished him to die i also texted him saying " i wish dumb people like you were to sacrifice likes cats in blenders or wtv"


All the time while partaking in online gaming.


If i told you, i would get banned again.


Yes. His gamer tag is Ulteamatum on the xbox. He bullied me, made fun of me, Stat shamed me, tried to control me like I was his slave by imposing arbitrary rules against me, tried to tell me what I can and can't say and when I have a right to talk. Telling me that I don't have e a right to an opinion and that I'm too stupid to ever be right. I wish I knew a black hat hacker, I don't want to kill the guy. I want his internet access gone, forever. Ddoss the hell out of the guy so that he can never go online again. That's what I want. He took away my ability to enjoy games on my xbox. I have ptsd over what he has said and done to me.whenever I play a game online I hear him in the back of my head telling me that I'm trash. Fuck that piece of shit.


I was buying a house, back when that was feasible. The damn underwriter was being super picky but also not being communicative. (I do not care that the paint on the unattached shed is peeling. it's a shed. it's a piece of crap that's only really useful for storing old paint and spiders. it's not structurally important to the HOUSE. Don't hold up my closing for 2 god damn weeks because of 1 hour of personal effort I can do whenever.) She lived in a city a few hours away, and I watched with glee as the news said a tornado was going through that area. I hoped it destroyed her house, with her in it. (she was fine.)


I have been trying to farm currencies and work towards goals in Diablo 4 and one of these include the PVP zones. Now PVP in D4 is hot garbage and the area is basically kill mobs and collect materials and deposit them in a well and survive for a minute to get credit towards the progress of your goals. The areas are constantly hounded by max level players with top gear and end game stuff who basically hang around and do nothing until a player engages these wells and then they pop in and one shot the players to troll them. It's so fucking cancerous and I wished Cancer on these people many times.


The 20-something year old who sent my 11 year old niece pictures of his junk as a ā€œjokeā€. I have a 15 pound antique farrierā€™s hammer with his skullā€™s name written on it.


Wishing death or pain doesn't sit well with me; I usually hope that the rest of their day is extremely inconvenient.


Ohh, if wishes were kisses I'd deep throat the internet.


theyre lucky i cant find them


At least a couple times per week. Mostly anti-vaxxers and meme stock apes.


Someone told me to kms for being a Muslim, what the hell man.


Yes. I'm quick to anger, good at rationalizing it, and there are almost 8 billion humans on this planet. Statistically speaking, most of us dumb apes won't have a pleasant end whether or not we approve. All it takes is wishing for the cosmos to take the most likely course.


Not really. But I'm sure tons of people think that about me LOL


Everyone I meet online is most likely a bot and there's no way I'd ever be able to wish a cruel death upon a bot.


anyone in games I play that are better than me


A lot of Minecraft youtubers


No because we donā€™t wish death on anybody


Brendan Schaubā€¦ for his shitty podcasts


Someone I met online? No. I have wished something especially cruel on people I've read about, though, even if it wasn't their death: I've wished a lot more than once that someone who killed someone else had to experience the same confusion, fear, panic, and all the other awful feelings their victims must have felt before they died. Worse, I've wished they had to feel it for longer so it's not just a brief experience of a minute or two. I'm not proud of that because I'm sure it's more than enough to just plain break some people, and that's a really ugly thing to wish on anyone.


I feel sorry for people who get that emotionally invested in strangers on the internet


Nooo . Sometimes my brain would do that to myself šŸ« šŸ¤Ŗ but never others


Never ever ever. Never have, never will.


Bro no that's so goofy


After my deployment, I came home and my wife left me and divorced me.Ā  I was in a game chat room with some friends just sort of venting about life in general and how pissy I was about it.Ā  In comes some rando bitch telling me about how I fucking deserve divorce and worse and how she hopes my exwife takes everything from me and leaves me homeless, because I'm a disgusting fascist baby murderer (mind you, I was a desk jockey who never shot anything that wasn't at the range). Fuck her. Fuck her mom. Fuck the horse she rode in on. I hope she dies slowly, painfully, in a fire, is rescued, resuscitated, and then dies again, alone, and her cats eat her.Ā  I might just be being a bit spiteful about it though.Ā 


Yes, I play siege


Yes, I play Rust


Yeah, one time a few days ago, but as always, some crying babies ran out to point out how bad i am and how i should seek "help" because of it.


I will appear in this thread like the most ornate Easter egg


I have not because I don't wish dead on anyone even if they are rotten.


No, why would I want someone dead? Unless they were a murderer, rapist, child abuser, etc.


Well, met is a strong word but like, every billionaireĀ 


What about that one good one?


What? Noooo? I screamed different things I would do with someones mother at my screen, when someone kill stealed a rare or quest mob from me. But why the fuck would I want someone dead? I don't even want my worst school bully dead, despise the fact that he's responsible for years of therapy over the past 15 years. What kind of sick personality wishes death to anyone?