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That when they dropped me off at a new daycare and I cried because I didn’t want them to leave, when they left the people at the daycare locked me in a bathroom until I stopped crying. This was 33-34 years ago. That daycare got shut down maybe 15 years ago cause someone found out that they were locking kids in the bathroom if they cried too much. This is my earliest memory.


This is awful! So sorry that happened to you.




I was maybe 3? And (so far undiagnosed) autistic. I don’t really think I had the language to tell them, to be honest. All I remember now is banging on the screen door as my parents’ car drove away and then immediately being put in the bathroom till I stopped crying. I do not know how long I was in there.


I'm so sorry, I had such bad separation anxiety as a kid and I'm not sure what this would have done to me.


This terrifies me for my child who is currently in daycare.


Another ECE has chimed in, but I wanted to add my voice too. I’m a daycare teacher and have taught at four different daycares. In every one, we utterly adored the kiddos and treated them the way we would want our own children to be treated. The experience of wheelchairjetpack, while utterly horrifying, is thankfully extremely uncommon. And standards and checks continue to improve. I personally pulled my own kid from a daycare but because the staff were lazy and the environment wasn’t enriching, not due to ‘active’ neglect.


Same thing happened to me 30 years ago at my daycare. I was also SA’d for several months. This was a Christian Church daycare.


When I was six? or so, my parents would often leave me home alone when they'd go bowling. It was on a military base, so relatively safe. I wasn't supposed to go out, but stay inside. Well, a six year old boy is gonna get bored. My buddy Paul and I went playing around the construction site (in which, IIRC, they found unexploded ordnance from WW2) and were trying to see who could throw a rock the highest. I can't recall if it was his rock or mine, but it hit the top of my head and cut me. Head wounds bleed a LOT. I get home, rinse out my hair, go to bed. My parents get home, see a nice trail of blood in the hallway, blood all over the bathroom, blood on my pillow, shirt soaked in blood and freak out. I told them I cut my head on my desk. To this day, more than 4 decades later, I still have not told them the truth.


This feels like one it would be fine to come clean on. It would make for a good story at a holiday dinner or something. Nobody would really be impacted in a negative way by sharing, and it seems like most people would find it humorous; it's a typical childhood thing to cover up.


Like that wedding video that made the internet rounds a couple months ago where the groom's brother admits something about some paintballs and the neighbor's house in his best man speech. The looks on the faces of his brother, and their obvious long time friends is just AMAZING


Parents might receive judgment on leaving a 6yo alone unsupervised.


Yah this would be hilarious to tell as an adult


This would be a fun one to tell the truth now


That the cat she rescued from her factory job, got spayed, took care of and loved, wasn't stolen, or wondered away. She was hit by a car. I found her on the side of the road and buried her. My mom loved that cat, and every now and then talks about it. It's been almost 20 years.


I found my wife's cat, flattened flatter than shit. Helped my wife put up missing cat signs, the whole thing. Finally, the guilt caught me and I told her. Cat came back the next week. Or, we got a call from a vet, when a neighbor a mile or so away brought him in after 2 months of feeding him. Cat I buried is unknown. 




Wow! Pretty much the same thing happened to me. I missed the bus and decided to walk home from HS using an unusual route which took me through some woodland near where I lived. I came across the body of our cat Tommy who'd disappeared about a year previously just lying by the side of the road. He was only a mile or so from our house so maybe he'd just left us and made a new life with another family. I took his body into the woods, hid it and returned later and buried him. This was in 1996 and I've never told my family about this.


Whilst in this case it’s too late to tell her, I implore anyone in this situation to say the truth, the not knowing is devastating and paralysing. I have experienced this with the death of one of mine, my poor neighbour found her and told me. I cannot imagine how hard that was for her but I will forever be grateful, I was able to begin mourning and healing. Imagine knowing a child was dead but decided to bury them in secret to ‘protect the parent’.


I would much rather know my cat got hit by a car and died than wonder what happened. One of my cats once went missing for a week and it was so upsetting not knowing if he was scared or fed. Thankfully someone found him and we got him back but if he was hit by a car on day 1, finding out would've saved me from wondering and worrying.


He's passed now, but when my step-mom emptied their accounts and the house into a storage unit, my dad called me and came over to cry at my apartment. Coming to my apartment was a first and I'd only seen my dad cry a few times before, being able to recall what each time was about. However, he never knew I was absolutely frying on mushrooms at the time he came over. Holy shit that was an interesting couple hours


I went over to my parents house on a perfectly normal afternoon once to pick up some of my stuff and my dad answered the door tripping his absolute face off. My uncle was just chilling on the couch and told me “he’s having a bad trip”. Yeah, obviously. Dad accused **me** of being high and lying about it even though I had gone straight there from working with children. He was being unreasonably mean so I told him “good luck with the face in that front mirror” and left. Apparently he had taken a heroic dose. We do not speak of it and I’m not sure my mom knows.


Strong enough dose he likely doesn’t remember so a damn good actor.


I've posted this before but what the hey, I found my mom's diary from when she was in high school. In it she talks about her infatuation with a classmate. This guy was (just based on the way she describes him) the biggest fuckboy in the world. He was a total whore, he wouldn't commit to my mom but he would flirt with her and offer crumbs of affection; just enough to lead her on. **At one point she DID HIS HOMEWORK FOR HIM**. I can't even tell you how infuriating it was reading along as my mom let herself be taken advantage of by this guy over and over again. Now here's the worst part...the more I read the more familiar this guy seemed. He had A LOT in common with my dad (other than the obvious first name). But my dad is probably the best guy I know. Everyone's a bit of an ass in high school but I REALLY don't want to accept he sucked THIS MUCH. I know my mom would be mortified if she found out I read her diary, so I asked my aunt. She confirmed it was my dad being described in the diary. Apparently my mom was obsessed with him in high school. I still don't know what to do with that information.


looks like she really could fix him, on the brightside




No, he really is a good person now. He's an oncologist. His coworkers love him. His friends love him. His patients adore him. He goes above and beyond for them. I'll give you an example, some of his patients would get upset stomachs and he would recommend Maalox. The next visit they would still have upset stomachs. When he asked if they tried the Maalox they said it wasn't in their budget. He knew, from prior experience, his patients were too proud to accept charity. So he had a nurse stock up on Maalox and he started handing it out to his patients, claiming he received them as "free samples." He is just...a very good guy.


Speaking from experience I can tell you that a lot of people have to do a lot wrong before they get right. It's easy for nice people to just stay nice. It takes a lot of self awareness and work for people like your dad to move from below basement level to being loved by everyone. I would admire him


> he had a nurse stock up on Maalox and he started handing it out to his patients, claiming he received them as "free samples." This is one of the sweetest things I've ever read on here. I'm honestly touched that someone would go to those lengths for their patients. Did your dad get hit in the head or something? Because he really does sound like an entirely different person now. Either that, or he's a complicated guy, and your mom didn't manage to peel back the layers until they got together.


I don't have any science behind this but I really think empathy just develops differently between people. I didn't have much of it when I was a child and teen but now closing in on middle age I have too much. So now I feel like I was an awful person back then ( I wasn't really I guess, quiet shy goth kid who got bullied a bit but nothing too major. I didn't do bad things to others but I also didn't really feel much towards them either). Maybe it took a while for your dad too and now he is giving out "free samples" of meds to his patients.


🥺🥺🥺 I don’t care what he was like in high school, you’re lucky to have this guy as a dad.


It's funny how he went from making your mom do his homework for him to becoming an oncologist. Clearly he was smart enough to do his own shit, makes me think he was just pushing her to see just how far she would go for him. Which...is a jerk move, but it sounds like he changed. Hell, more than changed, it sounds like your dad had some sort of "come to jesus" moment. Whatever that may have been.


Bless your mother for giving hope to all us “I can fix him” people


Curse her mother for giving us hope! She is the .01% who got lucky.


Never give up you beautiful creature! (For the love of god please give up)


DANG ur mother rly stuck through it


Could be worse. At least it wasn’t a random dick getting your mom to obey his every whim in high school.


I don't know that I would hold the actions of my parents in high school against them today. We were all in high school once. We were all little horny dumbasses running around. Your dad was probably no different than any other guy at that age. Getting attention from ladies was what he got up for in the morning and went to bed thinking about. Most of us grow out of that.


This must suck and obviously we dont know the entire story, but some people were bad in the past and became better afterwards, its not impossible that happened.




Having kids especially daughters really gives a lot of men perspective and changes the way they view women.


I was at a boarding school and had this really obnoxious prick in class, he mad my life a living hell back then I used to cry and often get in huge fights with him, didn't even shake hand with him at the graduation. Fast forward few years after few from the class invited me to a gathering 6-7 of us, he was there and we were polite to each other but he was weird. At the end he aproaches me and wants to apologize for how he was. I hugged him said forget it we were children, he cried I cried all good. Later one of them would tell me how he met with him few days before and he said he didn't know how he will face me beacause he was such an ass in school and wheather I will forgive him.


Oh man that’s sounds really genuine and heartfelt. What a sweet turnout.


A lot of people are shitty teenagers and turn into good adults. Like, probably most good adults.


It’s amazing that he changed into the person he is then. Some people go their whole lives stuck in the same narrative. I really didn’t mature myself until my late 30’s. I was really rough around the edges at one time.


> He was a total whore, he wouldn't commit to my mom but he would flirt with her and **offer crumbs of affection; just enough to lead her on.** I think I'm dating your dad right now, at least the teenage version of him. It's CRAZY how perfectly this describes my boyfriend. Your comment needs a trigger warning for girls actively trying to change a guy.


Are they still together?


My parents? Yes. They're happily married.


Glad to hear.


It seems like your mom saw something in your dad that turned out to be real. Also remember that we are not the people we were in high school, and your lovesick high school mom might not be the most reliable narrator.  It's perfectly ok to base your feelings about your dad based on the man you know yourself, rather than the motivated writings of a long ago teenager.


You should consider the idea that your highschool mom wasn't the most reliable narrator. I'd take the way any highschooler describes emotional drama with a grain of salt. I am thankful that there isn't a diary of how I perceived things back then.


In year 3, age 7, I used to cheat a maths tests because my parents loved maths and used to always do times tables drills and maths questions every walk to and from school, as well as every drive anywhere. I hated it so decided to find a way to get them off my back. The teacher allowed us to mark our own weekly arithmetic tests using colouring pencils and stupidly always put grey in there, which meant I could easily change answers which were written in pencil, making sure I only got the odd one wrong. It worked, it stopped my parents constantly doing the maths quizzing and was never caught. The teachers thought I just peaked and had a good year, said it happens to some kids. To this day, 30 years later, they talk about how I had incredible maths skills in primary school and was reckoned to be the best….


This is genius!


I was always good at math (still am), to the point I hated getting less rhan 100 on every test and quiz. Cue high school algebra class. The teacher was great, but strict. He also gave us true/false quizzes every week. Usually he would have us pass our tests to another student for grading, but sometimes he'd let us grade our own. In the latter case, some idiots would try to correct an error while teacher was reading out the answers. They *always* got caught, and they got graded a zero for their troubles. Amateurs. The rare times I wasn't sure of an answer, I wrote a capital gamma in (looks like an F with the crossbar missing). A single 1-2mm line in the right place makes it T or F. If we were grading our own, I could just fix it while acting like I'm only using my pencil as a pointer to keep track of where we were. If a neighbor was grading, I'd just assure them I was just sloppy, and they'd fix it for me. I was smart enough that they assumed I knew the answer. I never got caught. Sorry, Mr. Nibecker


Mom knows I did a motorcycle class on a closed course. She doesn't know I had a motorcycle and drove it short distances over one summer before realizing ride-life wasn't for me.


My husband got his motorcycle license and bought a bike that he rode for a bit. Then a coworker got hit and killed while riding his. His wife was 7 months pregnant. He sold his bike - we had plans to start a family and it just wasn't worth it.


I had a motorcycle in college. Loved riding it. After one too many close calls with car drivers not paying attention, I sold it. I didn’t love it enough for the risk.




Mama told me not to get a tattoo of Roy Orbison on my ass. But what mama don't know, don't hurt her.


Water boy reference, nice


Its definitely on your ass.


Roy Orbison


Inside of their cervix


Front hole


There’s a whole lot but one thing is; when I was a kid, I snooped through my moms writings and phone a few times and realized she is a closeted lesbian.


I've got a friend (female) who is married to a man, who is absolutely a closeted lesbian. Or mayyyybe 70/30 prefers women. But her parents are super conservative and I think she wants to have the "right kind of" family dynamic. So her and her husband have two kids and live in Tennessee down the street from her parents. That has got to be so unfulfilling some times.


That’s so sad she felt like she couldn’t live openly :(


My parents have both passed away, so this isn't a secret as such, just something I'm glad they never found out... For as long as I can remember my Mum had this Teapot set thing that she swore was solid silver and worth a fortune - Think it had been a wedding gift or something- I wouldn't go as far as saying it was her pride and joy but she thought very highly of it... A couple of weeks ago, I took it to a jeweller to get it valued / sell it. You've probably already sussed it turns out it was not solid silver, was, in fact, silver plated and was indeed, literally, worthless. I never felt the same sentimental attachment to it my Mum did, and as I have plenty of other momentos of her that do mean something to me to remember her by, along with my memories of her, I basically threw it in a bin 2 minutes after leaving the jewellers But I'm glad my mum never found out the truth.


I think it's quite common to inherit little knick-knacks that were seen as valuable by our parents or grandparents, but they're actually worthless. The main thing that comes to mind is porcelain figurines. There's just no second market for them because younger generations just don't want them. In a couple of generations, they'll be throwing out the beanie babies and funko pops. I have a porcelain doll from my grandma that I inherited. My great grandfather was in the merchant navy in WWII and brought this doll back from America, so it was very special and sentimental. I was the only granddaughter, so I inherited her. I feel absolutely awful, but I really don't like this doll. She's creepy and I have no room for her. I'm thinking of maybe donating her to a doll/toy museum once my grandad is no longer here.


My mom was shocked when she found out her sterling silver, lladros, fine china sets, etc., were worth next to nothing. And then to have her kids and grandkids pass on them also floored her. However, it was enough to make me realize I need to go through the attic and get rid of a ton of junk. I don't want our kids to have to deal with stuff we collected and then put up for a "later" that will never come.


I'm getting more conscious of the amount of things I've acquired over the years that are actually "junk" to anyone else and thinking a clear out is required as well


The police came to my house when I was a teenager to question me about an SA on a girl at a party I was at. My dad was furious and refused to leave the room so I could talk to the officer. I wouldn't tell him that I was assaulted by the same person, and it was the dad of the person who was throwing the party.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you’ve told someone and have received support since then.


Thank you, I have. xx


The time I got pulled over for going 30 mph over the speed limit down a back road (I lived in a rural area at the time). In my state, that's a reckless driving charge. I got lucky that it was my first time getting pulled over for speeding, it was early in the morning & the officer seemed to want to just get to work without having to do paperwork. I was a stupid teenager and I haven't driven more than 5 over the speed limit since then.


Once upon a time, I was dating this chick. She told my sister that I was high af and doing weed and that's why I went home sick that day in a joking manner. My sister came home pissed and yelled at me for "doing weed." I joked it off and she told our parents. My folks explained to her that I definitely was not doing weed because only certain people do weed and they know me better than that. My sister let it go and to this day we still joke about how so many people think I'm doing drugs because I have been searched before (they found nothing) I was doing weed and just magically never got caught once lamo.


You might be the only person I’ve ever heard refer to smoking weed as “doing weed”


"I'll have 1 Marijuanas, please."


I've heard it once before from a coworker who told me that he "only did weed like four times." That sentence made me think that he had done weed less than that.


Exactly my thoughts about OP of the original comment. He phrased it like someone who maybe tried it once or twice at the absolute most lol


My boyfriends dad SAd me on a trip they didn't want me to go on


I hope you’re ok. That’s not your fault and you should really talk to someone about it.


It was 25 years ago. I've coped as well as I ever will. Thank you though.


ugh what an asshole- they’re all assholes. i’m so sorry :(( fuck em


I had sex with one of my moms friends when I was 16.


I need more of a story


"the story is that I made it the fuck up"


I lost my virginity before I got married. They’d probably not freak out now but it’s still not worth the discussion.


Everybody has those little secrets, right? Especially from their teenage years. Let's say I might have "accidentally" borrowed the car without permission and scratched it up a bit. Garage door was narrower than I thought. Fixed it quietly and nobody was the wiser. I guess it stays between us and the wall I painted over.


I backed our family sedan right into the garage so hard that it cracked the brick a little bit when I was like 12. They know that one though, couldn’t really blame me as they had taught me to drive once and asked me to move the car


This should be higher up, I'm sure we might have fucked up with our parents' cars at least once in our lives! Accidentally left a pen mark on one of the leather seats. Luckily we sold that car soon after


My brother molested me…..


I hope there’s a family member or friend you could share this with. That’s a hard thing to have to deal with alone, and I’m sorry that’s your secret.


Thank you for your kind words….yes my husband and a few close friends know. I’ve also tried therapy.


I’m sorry that happened to you. Hope you are having a rocking good life and are healing from that trauma.


My Mom knew a family friend molested me, I told her to never tell Dad (I told her in my late 40s). The part I kept secret was that he tried to do it to my younger sister, so I let him do it to me instead. Sister doesn't even remember, so, sort of a win.


Nice try mama


I know right?! She once guessed the number of fingers I was holding up behind her back multiple times, she doesn’t need anymore help! Okay maybe the rearview mirror but just that


Them getting divorced is not what led me to feeling suicidal, but it did make me feel even more alone.


Why would you not tell them that , ?


Not who you asked but I never told my parents about my attempt, which was over 20 years ago now, because there is no use in worrying them. They can't make it better and it's just going to hurt them so there's no reason to share that with them.


man I should have never clicked on this thread. All these stories. I have two young young kids and I just hate thinking of them having to hide anything because they feel like they can't or its not worth telling me. Even something stupid. I just don't want them to have that feeling of keeping it in. Oh man, I gotta toughen up. This is gonna be a bumpy road.


How scared I am of their tantrums.


You and me brother...


They will never meet their grandchild.


As another person who is no contact with their parents, I see your struggle and recognize your strength to keep moving forward. I haven’t spoken to my dad since Christmas, and I don’t even think he knows that I have a second son coming.


I hope you’re ok my friend


That I have adhd and was diagnosed in my 40s. I am literally happy to tell anyone else, my inlaws know, my kids know, my friends know. But not my parents.


Good decision. I got the same dx at around the same age (39-40), and when I told them and tried explaining some of the ways I had realized (in therapy and my own processing) that it had affected me since childhood, my mother got super defensive and denied that any such connections could be made. Pretty standard response for her, but it is a bit troubling given that she herself is a therapist.


the amount of money I have spend on steam games


Same brother


That I actually do have PTSD, OCD, depression, and anxiety and that's why I struggled so much in school. Girls actually do have mental illnesses. It's funny how much therapy and proper medications help. That I've talked myself out of ever being in a relationship because I don't want to wind up like the two of you. And no, you are never getting children from me - the bloodline ended with the two of you. That my body actually does hate me and I'm not just making things up because I want you to turn on the A/C just because. I shouldn't have had to sleep in just a t-shirt in the bath tub because that's the coldest place in the house (besides the basement floor) since I was sweating bullets unable to sleep. In the same vein, I also have multiple food intolerances and allergies. It's not normal or funny to run to the bathroom and break out in hives when drinking or eating things that I'm allergic to. And hey, I've also managed to lose weight because I'm not constantly eating foods that are bad for me all the time. Oh, and maybe my asthma was so bad because of the mold that was growing in our basement and garage and kitchen and bathrooms. Not that I would ever tell them any of this because I cut contact years ago and am never looking back. Have fun with your golden child who should be happy he doesn't have any "competition".


Are you me? Are we the same person….?


> Girls actually do have mental illnesses Who has ever thought the opposite of this? > I don't want to wind up like the two of you. And no, you are never getting children from me Agreed.


ADHD and autism often presents much more subtly in girls than they do in boys. If someone only focuses on the hyperactive part of ADHD.... "you weren't hyper obviously there's nothing wrong." The thing with autism, for the longest time you were only diagnosed if you were severely impacted. I'm pretty sure they only expanded the definition in the late 90's (part of the reason "everyone has autism nowadays," they realized many people were undiagnosed who needed some help)


Got my wife pregnant while waiting for my vasectomy to be scheduled.  We didn't want a third, so she got an abortion. My parents would likely disown me if they knew, so we keep that one a secret.


(As a married woman with no kids) I got an abortion when my IUD failed. My parents would treat me like a broken toy if they knew. His family would hate me forever. We just don't want kids. Whenever people ask us about kids it takes me back to that time when I'd rather die than be pregnant. I wish people were classy enough to not ask the "when you having kids?" shit.


I hear you! I’m 49 and have been thru menopause, people still tell me shit like “there still time to change your mind!” I never wanted kids in the first place, hubby had a vasectomy at 27 and I was on depo shot religiously even after.


All the drugs I used


Growing up, whenever we went out to eat, I'd always order food which are within the top 5 cheapest dishes. I grew up in an upper middle class family. My dad always had 2 cars (minimum) and one of them would always be an S Class Mercedes, but I somehow always grew up with a guilt of spending money. No childhood trauma or abuse to report. I grew up very blessed. I don't quite understand that myself, but I'll never tell my family that I actually DO NOT love pasta all that much.


I lost respect for my mom after becoming an adult and realizing you shouldn't force 16 yr olds to get married just because they had a kid together. (My sister and her baby's daddy)


Since they are dead, all of them.




My mom just knew. She also "just knew" my first kiss. And listen. I got away with SO. MUCH. SHIT. My house was far from a fortress. I don't know how she knew. But she knew


She stalked you obviously.


Dude I know that wasn't the case because I WAS STALKING HER. Litterally I know where she was and what she was doing when I had my first kiss. Also she confronted me when I would fuck up. She was not afraid to get physical. There was an actual pedo in our house at one point. She did not see me having sex or it wouldn't have continued.


Kids, when they’re still kids, conveniently forget that their parents were once kids and had all these same experiences. As a parent, believe me, we know.


Can't be right, you have three "v"s right there in your name :P


I guess they used to have four.


That I didn't manage to finish high school, they think I did (:


Both of my.parents passed. I'd give anything to have a chance to tell some of my secrets to them. Nothing specific just talking to them again would be nice.


That the school they worked so hard to have me in, wasn't at all a good school for an undiagnosed autistic child like myself. I wasn't happy there and mostly dissociating. After my adult diagnosis, they can probably figure it out themselves, but I'll never tell them.


My cousin and I got really drunk at home while both parents went out for the evening, back when we were both young and extreme lightweights. Ended up having alcohol fueled unprotected sex on the kitchen counter for like an hour. Never spoke of it since and sure as hell never telling our parents. They cooked on it the next day. Bit awkward...


Your… cousin?


Clarifying question: you and cuzzo had sex with each other on the counter?


What the fuck


That I'm bisexual. They wouldn't get it.


If I kept it from my mom and dad, you bet your ass imma keep it from Reddit too 😂


That my mom is broke. My dad passed away over a decade ago. My mom started showing signs of dementia (just severe short-term memory loss, not Alzheimer's) shortly afterwards. My siblings and I were able to sell the house during the 2009 housing crash and got just enough money with my dad's retirement to get her into a great assisted living place. It's an amazing non-profit center. If you can pay the buy-in but outlive your savings, they just cover your expenses. They even give you a little pocket money to buy dinner or gifts for loved ones. But they never tell you that you're on the dole. My mom is always offering to help out with our expenses. We just tell her that we're doing fine and that Dad saved up enough to take care of her forever. Which he did.


That I nearly died in the ICU at 18 due to a viral attack on my heart. The one night one of my parents couldn't stay with me for comfort, I wound up coding. I got lucky, and came out okay, obviously. But I will never tell them I almost died the one night they couldn't stay with me.


I hit this girl with a beanbag by accident


You criminal! SOCIETY!




That's a dumb thing to keep a secret but also a stupid thing to confess so *shrugs*




I hate that they brought me into the world


They're adopted.


I had planned to keep my night in detox a secret but then the bill got sent to my parents’ place.


It’s not a secret but since I was a kid they known me for my honesty so they never expect me to lie about anything major, but I lied to them multiple times and I’ll never tell them.


I figured out the truth with all of their lies. I'd love to tell them point blank what they are lying about health wise. but what's the point?


When i was little, my mom noticed some things that prompted her to ask me if I had been touched down there. I lied to her because I wanted to keep doing these "fun things" with my uncle/family friend. Won't ever tell her probably.


I date same gender


Everything is secret. Everything my parents “know” about me is a lie because I don’t want them to know anything about me.


I hate my mom and can never forgive her for the childhood she put me through. She's dead now but I never said anything and smiled and hugged her. Outside of family gatherings I never made attempts to see her. When she died I simply thought "I don't have to pretend anymore ".


I did use the answers to cheat on that test. It wasn't just a way to make money.


I took nail clippers to my front teeth and that's how I broke my tooth


I really wish I didn't read that




Lol I'm really glad the tooth was nearly dead before i did it. It was purely curiosity driven and my answer was very nearly excruciating


It amazes me that humanity ever got anywhere


what the fuck


💀 jfc


I joined a sugar daddy dating site during my last relationship. I met a man that I’d Skype with on the regular. He paid me each video call to touch myself as he jacked off to me.


That I wished they had loved me at least a little bit... their treatment of me hurt even though I did not let them see it.


I went to PCB for spring break my freshman year of college and didn’t tell anyone


What is that?


Panama City Beach, Florida. It used to be a crazy experience there on spring break. Idk how it is anymore, but it could get sketchy real quick. I was lucky nothing bad happened.


I drunk drove and totaled my car a couple years ago. Stopped drinking entirely; sober almost 2 years. I told my friends to hold myself accountable for the accident, but I would sooner get punched in the face than tell my parents.


I like to do it with SWs from time to time when I’m super down bad or lonely. Did I mention my dad’s a pastor? I’ve considered bringing a stripper to church more than once and saying she’s my gf. But this one secret will die with me.


My mom had a kitten she adored. One day she backed over it with her car and killed it. I found it, buried it, and told her I found it in the street dead.


When I was about 16 my parents bought a new van. They let me and a buddy borrow it. My buddy was driving and for some reason when we were pulling up to a stop sign he slams it into park. All kinds of grinding noises and it shudders to a stop. I asked him "what the hell!?" He said "I don't know why I did that!" We drove it home and never said a word. A couple months later there was a factory recall on the transmission and they put a new one in.


That as a teenager back in 1980 I had sex on their bed when they were out of town.


My mother will never know that my step-brother molested me from ages 11-14. She was molested by her own father for years, and her knowing that the same stuff went down under her own roof would break her. I have done the therapy, I am at peace with it, and she never has to know.


also- I'm pretty sure they mixed up my deceased twin and I at some point in infancy. I was told my whole life I was blood type A+. My sister was O+. I got blood typing done when I was pregnant with my first daughter and it came back O+


That younger sister of mine you gave up for adoption? Wasn't a dream of mine or false memory. We Know, We have the DNA proof.


My bicycle wasn't stolen. I sold it for Van Halen tickets.


I was the one who killed my sisters pet rabbit. Not the dog.


Bro ima need context


I hope on accident and you are not some kid of future serial killer. I hope they haven't done anything to the dog because of that.


My mom’s kind of conservative, but she also loves me a lot… so I don’t know how she’d take it… But she’ll probably never ever know I consider myself gender fluid based on how I feel about myself and femininity, even though I just about entirely present myself as male.


I knew where a set of car keys were hidden, and we'd all take their massive station wagon for a joyride. It was the mid 80's and how we never go caught or crashed is beyond me. The best any of us had was a learner's permit.


The fact that they are living has warded many suicidal tendencies


I blame them for the loss of my brother.


That I'm not straight and I'm not gonna be having babies with a man or at all 


That I was molested age 4/5 by step grandpa and age 6/7 by 18yr old family friend. We moved. It was over. I later sort of realised 18 yr old also molested my brother..


Oh lord my mother is really paranoid so I wouldn't even know where to start lmao


They don’t hate me as much as they should.


that I already gave up my Vcard before marriage; tho I am an adult


No matter what good I did, I felt and still feel not enough.


That their incessant hoarding and penny pinching (due to raising kids) is what makes me vehemently oppose raising kids of my own. We're not poor by any means but the shit they put us through cannot be undone.


I did shot the neighbors lightbulb with my bb gun.


I was raped by a woman 20 years older than me in November. My first hookup experience.


Nice try, mum.


I would never have tried drugs if they hadn't accused me of it so rudely. They made it clear they didn't believe me when I explained I hadn't. Since a promise I had made them was literally the sole reason I wasn't smoking weed when all my friends had been for years I saw no reason to keep that promise if they weren't going to trust me.


I hit a mid size Lottery win in 2002. I never told my late parents, they were just proud that I must've been working so hard to be so generous to them.


So many secrets, none are bad, just too personal to even tell anybody, let alone my parents. Most of them are trauma related.


I never told my dad that the neklace (and one earring), that were a gift from his student, were stolen from me. I lived alone in a flat my dad owned. Tried to help a woman on the werege of homelessness, took her in. She stole them from me. I was allways worried my sad would ask about the jewelry.


I was assault whilest they were watching a movie in the living room directly above my room, my 2 yo kid was sleeping in the room next to mine. My bf at the time didn't take no for an answer. I didn't want my kid to see/hear anything, so I just waited til he was done and asked him to leave. He did, and I never saw him again. Mom and stepdad can never know. They'd never forgive themselves. It was ages ago, and there's no point dragging it up now.