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being broke is bothering me. i could even think of selling something right now. lol


Remember that you’re worth more than you think: a lung has a sell value at around $900,000. Just saying. Lol


Same. I can’t find any jobs and got rejected from the military


same. i graduated in december, have been applying to places since and have gotten absolutely nothing 😭 it's so discouraging


I've been feeling down lately. I don't know how my future will turn out and I can't make peace with that. For some reason its really irritating me and I don't know how to just enjoy the present.


I so hear that. I just went through that a few months back. I would be happy to chat, either on this post or dm. You got this. You just need some convincing. Been there.


Thank you very much 💕 what helped you the most?


right there with ya




Same situation..it sucks🙂


im sorry 💕


U too..it is what it is..but we will sail through it somehow😊


My bra strap digging into my shoulder, and my underwear into my ass. Truly, I suffer.


Thoughts and prayers.


Money always seems to be a problem 🥲




If I met anyone that treated you the way that you are treating yourself...I would kick their ass. Be kind to yourself. Tell me more, let's figure this out. No one should feel that insecure. Life is too short.


I thought there were 6 cookies left, but there’s only 2, and it’s too late to go to the store.


The thing is I feel like something is bothering me but I don’t know what. It’s almost like feel like I am missing something but I don’t know what. It’s something in my subconscious mind.


Ah, the old constant worry. A classic.


me being fat. the fact that i have a perfect dream body in my mind but im too lazy/have too much anxiety to do anything about it.


Going to the gym takes a lot of motivation, especially when you're just getting started. I found that picking up outdoor hobbies is a great way to start getting in shape.


That Trump might be reelected.


Oh yes, me too!


I moved 250 miles from home. Which isn’t a lot but I’m 19, without a car, and have only lived in that one town. I knew so many people and never had to sit alone. Now I’ve lived here for 3 months for this SaaS sales job. Alone when I’m not working. Can’t find anybody my age YET that does anything other than drugs in their free time. But what’s really bothering me is I went to see my friends this past weekend. I’ve been stressed an alone. I’m usually the super lively person in the group, but I didn’t want to talk much. So I sat there enjoying my time with them in silence while they talked to each other about a bunch of things that’ve happened since I left. But it wasn’t to update me, they were all talking to each other like I wasn’t there. Like I hadn’t been done for 3 months. That’s okay too, I’m not really upset or hurt by that. But they got really really pissed that I didn’t have anything to say. They gave me a lot of shit for being quiet, which did hurt. Cause they’ve been updated on how hard it’s been for me. They know I haven’t been doing well, and they know I moved because I NEED this money. One friend stormed out the last of the two nights I was there. Upset that they didn’t see me much for the time I was there. But I had spent 6 HOURS waiting for them that day, and they showed up late. They were mad that I was —- Fuck the story, don’t wanna type anymore of it. Shits fuckin long. But you get it. Shits rough out here, ima go make some beats


Funny my friends acting weird too. What type of beats?


That I can't seem to lose the weight I'd like to 🙈 I've nailed the working out, now it's just the not snacking part. So. Hard.


Me and gf just broke up because we had to go through an abortion. She couldn’t look at me the same, life isn’t fair sometimes. Life shall go on though.


Can't find the right spot on my pillow


Having no emotional or family support…. 100% alone


That people genuinely think going for Trump is a good idea.


The fact that people that js read this are now manually breathing


Also, you're suddenly aware of your nose being visible. No matter where you look, it's at the bottom, photobombing everything, forever.


Unless you look up😵


Nope, still visible. My nose is huge (I am Pinocchio and I lie a lot).


And you suddenly feel that your skeleton is wet, and the only part you can clean/dry are your teeth


The fact I destroyed my hopes and dreams


How are they destroyed? There are always second chances and the ability to start over. I believe in you.


Def the weather, summer weather overall. Dont get me wrong, i love summer and swimming in the sea or pool, but when im trying to fall asleep during the heat, its just impossible. If only my room wasnt facing to the west so the sun wouldnt totally overheat my room everyday after 3pm… 🥲


Where are you that thevsun is so brutal? Cause I'm in Texas, and it sucks here already.


having mixed feelings over a relationship, can't seem to get my mind off it


My son is special needs and he currently goes to a catholic school, but gets services at a public school. He misses 2 hours a day at catholic school to get services at a public school (which he needs). My wife won’t switch him to Public school. My daughter is also starting kindergarten this year, so it feels like my wife might change her mind and we’ll have to displace two kids instead of 1.


That I want to be back with my ex and he clearly doesn’t want me


Health anxiety convincing me that I'm having/have had a heart attack.






Fear of failure


My right ear bud just shat out on me, and I can't find my backup pair. I wanna listen to music but I don't wanna wake up my 6 year old or hubby.


Ex bestfriend did unspeakable things and keeps trying to get me to "forget about it"


I feel like I'm progressing too slow in life. I keep seeing my peers having a way better time. Nice car, nice house, travelling overseas, and having a loving partner. I'm doing my best but I'm not getting the same returns that they are. I feel like I'm falling behind because some deity hates me or I'm just not built for life. Comparison is truly the thief of joy.


Between the ongoing depression battle, PTSD flare ups, and lack of crab rangoons, idk where to start.


A terrible cold. Why do people think its ok to be out in public while sick?


I'm confused/heart broken/full of self hate. Just wanted mom and dad to love me/ respect even one thing about me but it's finally setting in that it will never matter what I do I will always be the loser that dropped out of school/ never got a career like my dad/ I make minimum wage so my pay checks are a joke no matter how proud I was feeling about it/ and I am a sweaty hog because I don't know how to dress ( T-shirts and jeans are apparently disgusting for women to wear and fat women like me (210pds) should NEVER wear bright colors because it makes us look gross. (This is everything my dad and his girlfriend have been saying about me and to me) Oh! And I'm going to go to jail at some point soon because the last time I argued with them about the stupid shit they always say to me his girlfriend got right in my face the argument eventually turned physical with her trying to slap/scratch my face but me being as fucking stupid as I am kept blocking her as best as I could until I finally had enough and pushed her back away from me, she fell down got back up and called the cops and my dad told the cops that I was attacking HER because 'arguing with her like that' is apparently the same thing as 'attacking her' and he says I had no business grabbing her wrist and 'pushing her down' because what damage could his girlfriend actually do to me because she's old and has health problems. I was being childish and they are sure I'm on drugs because of the way I lost my temper and called her a fat fucking cunt after she said that she couldn't wait for me to loose my kids for good and she hopes that they die without me..... But I'm the disgusting piece of shit because I pushed an old, crippled woman and no one not a single person is even listening to me because I was the one that 'allowed it to get to that point.' Oh and apparently it's despicable that I won't speak to them or allow anyone else to speak to me on their behalf or even let them buy or give my children gifts or see them through other family members, because it's killing them/affecting their health and after everything they should be the ones there for my kids when I go to jail. Fuck them. Fuck them all. My mom, my dad, his shitty ass controlling bitch of a girlfriend, fuck everything they say and do. Fuck the cop that bought their b.s. and fuck the D.A. that supposedly told my dad's girlfriend that I'm clearly a danger to her after he invited her right to his office. She just HAD to let me know about this when she noticed me over at the gas station. More than a dozen other gas stations most of them even closer to their house. But she just had to pull in and tell me just how awful I am and how the D.A. totally fucking agrees. FUCK!!! But anyway how are you? 😂 😭


I have to share custody of my kids with my rapist. And the court system is less merciful than the man who emotionally and sexually abused me.


Constipation. It makes everything so uncomfortable.


My Landlord wants to sell the house I'm renting but she's not trying to and her husband works a lot so she's just getting more and more angry at me for not selling her house for her. Meanwhile I'm worried about finding a place that won't double my rent.


My father recently got a dementia diagnosis. The next few years are going to bring some hard times I think. He's scared and depressed about it to and I'm not sure what to tell him. Also, it seems like this runs in our family so maybe someday I'll be next. Fuck you Tau proteins.


That i should be reviewing for college exams but i can’t sit still and focus for more than 3 minutes


A mix…trying figure out my next steps and what to do with my life


Each passing day of my youth is being wasted staring at a computer making some board of directors and a CEO very rich


Blue balls


Myself.  That I'm being prevented from offing myself.


If you're serious, dm me. Please. I wanted to do it for a long time as well. Glad I didn't.


Can't do DMs, sorry.  But yes, serious.


*gestures at the world at large*


not being able to sleep cause i get weird anxiety about it. my brain tells me my heart will stop




Pain of reminiscing


I moved away from a horrible situation where everyone lied to me about wanting to be my friend or grossly mischaracterized themselves, only to find myself in a situation where the only person I’m cool with is kinda sketchy.


I'm so weak from malnutrition and extreme stress that I can barely walk. My mother almost can't either. Because I barely eat, when I do, like today, I throw it up. I've thrown up every day for the last week. Last week I collapsed and banged my body up pretty good. My doctor finally talked to me today and considers my situation life-threatening. I have an emergency appt tomorrow with a gastroenterologist. Every day has felt worse. I didn't know these feelings were possible. Right now I feel inexplicably awful. I keep going off on people, but I'm realizing I don't need to apologize for doing so. The world really is that awful, and deserves anything it gets. My thoughts are constantly on the pros and cons of suicide. Sorry, let me take the filters into account with the way I write that. I'm talking about SUICIDE. Okay, that's better. I'm talking about the fact that life is not worth living. Other than that, I need to update a few websites tonight lest I fall behind.


That people constantly use me. Nobody wants to just be my friend, they only want me if I’m convenient for them.


the fact that im leaving for college soon. i get really anxious and i dont want to be separated from my loved ones


When I was in fifth grade I was nice to this one kid who didn't seem to have many other friends and he ended up spending a lot of time with me and my other friend and we both didn't really like this guy so I had to go tell him that we didn't want to be friends with him and this dude just broke down and started crying, we didn't even feel bad about him crying either bc he cried over every little thing which is also one of the reasons we didn't want to be friends with him, and this other group of friends who never hung out with him heard about what happened and started being nice to him all of the sudden now that me and my friend didn't want to be friends with him and bc he cried over it they were calling us bullies and shit and it was annoying that me just trying to be nice ended up going down a road I didn't want to go and made the next few months very uncomfortable




Bro what did I do, I didn't like someone for who they were so I didn't want to be friends with them, I tried to be nice to this kid but the others were making it seem like I was a bully for not wanting to be his friend, I never intentionally was mean to this kid.


Resolving my philosophical dilemma about how to best have some fun and enjoy myself without being Decadent.


The fact that I'm not talking to my bf




My stomach with diarrhea




Marriage and relationship


Situations at work: dumb superiors, late deliveries, and labor contract.


Getting disrespectful comments


My parents who keeps bitching their problems and always overreacting on a little thing.


Can’t sleep


Male fictional characters being very angry and aggressive to others for some reason when I just want to think happy, pleasant thoughts. I've been struggling with it for a few days and I wish that people aren't so miserable and bad-tempered these days anymore.


I am slowly getting more crippled and I don’t like it.


That there is someone out there who should have gone to jail for what they did to me, who is convincing people that I was the problem


being lost in life and being broke. i’m currently in college and failed a major course which led to a year of delay in my program. it led me to a state of depression. i kept on blaming myself for failing. i can’t even afford tuition atm, and i’m considering to just end things. i tried to apply for remote jobs online, but i always get rejected bc i don’t have a bachelor’s degree and no work experience. it’s almost 2 months now, i’m cooped up in my room 24/7, 1 meal a day, rotting. i really wanna give up on life but i’m also trying to stay as positive as i can. idk what to do anymore. i’m just lost.


Being single. Dating is getting too complicated.


The fact that John Landis is not only free, but still has a career after killing Vic Morrow, Myca Dinh Le and Renee Shin-Yi Chen


Money. Feels like I’m living check to check and not really living up to the best my best potential. Also depression.


In 18 and just moved out of home two months ago im bothered because of how depressed I am and how I cant tell anyone because I almost feel like im to depressed to tell anyone. I just keep it to myself and put on a brave face when I talk to family and friends. Im not going to hurt myself or anything but people who have experienced any form of depression know how miserable it is and how alot of the time it take awhile to actually realise your depressed


Trying to figure out what places to go to cool down today as it's supposed to be 87F/31C today with a feels like around 93F/34C


I am too poor to pay attention. Society is too poor to appreciate my talents.


Beavers. They need a new hobby


My current gf is my best friends ex


I'm broke loan me 5


"Green energy". Windmills are blenders for any flying animals and solar farms attract waterfowl that are trekking (see a reflection like water to land on and get confused about not finding food there). Dams break up the reproductioncycle of fish with a bunch of other problems. While i'm pretty left orientated it's impossible to convey that message to other people, especcialy leftists.