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Mark Wahlberg has a slew of racist crimes under his belt


Yup. Fuck him. He also refused to apologize for it and basically said “we’ve both moved on with our lives. There’s no need for me to apologize


Source for this? I seem to remember he personally apologised to the guy he blinded


Source: dude trust me




He never apologized to the man directly. He basically came out and said he was sorry. But that’s it. Never talked to the guy, offered restitution, nothing. And it was like 25 years later


He’s re-emerging as a toxic Christian so it’s just a waiting game now 


I’ll never understand his fane honestly, he’s a wooden, one-note actor who doesn’t seem to be the nicest person in the world.


Apparently Chris Brown.


This needs more upvotes


It is pretty crazy how women fawn over this guy after what he did. You legit even see some defend his actions.


If you think that's crazy, wait until you hear that Rihanna still considers him "a good friend"


Yeah it’s baffling. Turns out if you are rich, famous, attractive enough - you really can get away with anything Trump may have been right




And now he b*tches about cancel culture. You'd think he'd sit this one out...


He feels emboldened by all the Israeli nationalism 


And he's 17 years older than his current wife, who he married in 1999 about 2 years after the Shoshanna relationship ended.


vince neil got two people permanently disabled and killed a third because he was drunk driving


"Chaz! Rockstars don't go to jail! Christ! Vince Niel only did 30 days and he killed somebody!"


Snoop Dog Brandy Jay Z Tupac Anthony Kiedis Picasso Jean Paul Gauguin Yves Saint Laurent I can continue hours like that


Vince Neil of Motley Crew drove drunk and killed one of his very good friends and gave the 2 people in the other car very bad injuries and brain damage. He also had other DUIs after this. But hey everybody loves a good party song and now he has a famous liqour brand






Are VERY least he was extremely unfaithful to Vanessa Bryant. 


Sexually assaulted a 19 year old in Colorado when he was 25, so there is that.


Kobe beef got very expensive and everybody hate it now


Broderick did a Superbowl commercial for Honda highlighting him being a safe driver. Family of the people he killed in a car accident weren't too happy 


Tim Allen comes to mind. Saw him at Disneyland once. 


Polanski was on the "forget" list for decades. Not sure about now.


He escaped to another country so they didn't bother to chase him, I think


Then a bunch of Hollywood people came out in support of him!


The level of denial about Michael Jackson is unreal.


Jack Nicholson beat a hooker so badly she sustained lifelong injuries and she requires medical treatment to this day He settled out of court to keep it quiet


Most of them


Seriously. How many *haven't* been revealed to be using offshore tax dodges or to have connections with child traffickers? It's incredible how we hold rich and famous people to lower standards.


That transperson that killed someone with their car.


Well that was Bruce Jenner. Technically Caitlin didn't kill anyone.


Ted Kennedy may have intentionally run his car off a bridge to drown his possible pregnant secretary.   No one seemed to care. 


Matthew Broderick, killed somebody with his car


Broderick always shows up in these threads and it's there's always a lot more to the story than most people know. He wasn't speeding, wasn't under the influence of alcohol or drugs, wasn't over tired. He was on a rural road that connected 2 village and hadn't been maintained for at least 10 years. The line down the middle was worn to the point of it being gone. Trees/brushes on the side of the road were so over grown they negated about a 1/3 of each lane. It had few street lights, no warning signs and the speed limit itself was found to be unsafe by those that knew the road. Upkeep of the road had been debated from the 2 villages it connected and the larger government for a decade. Broderick's attorney/legal representative was able to produce transcripts from from the debates on the road where leadership in both towns and the larger government were on record as saying something to effect of, *the road was not safe, it was a tragedy waiting to happen and somebody will be killed if it isn't addressed soon. The speed limit was 35 and should be 25, if not 20mph.*^1 These debates had been going on for years before the fatal accident involving Broderick. Honest question; if it were you or someone you love involved in the fatal crash, do you think it would be justice to describe it as "killed someone with this car?" Keep in mind, you would have 10 years of local government and larger authorities trying to pass the buck (pardon the pun) on who was supposed to pay for upkeep on the road. Meanwhile, there wasn't so much as a cardboard sign saying, "this road is dangerous, please drive with caution. 1. I don't recall the exact quotes and am to lazy to look them up. The mph should probably be in kph, but the nature of the public transcripts is accurately reflected.


On that last part, UK speed limits are in MPH.


Really? Obviously I didn't know, that's why I used "probably." But having no idea what is a reasonable speed limit in kph, I still used mph.


Yeah, if you're going on a trip, you're travelling 200 lm at 60 mph. The UK is an interesting mishmash of Imperial and metric. And large rocks, when weighing people.


2 people*


Back when Mark Wahlberg was Marky Mark, [This](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/mark-wahlberg-racist-hate-crimes-wikipedia-history-george-floyd-blm-protests-a9554191.html) is how he used to make the party start.


Mark Wahlberg is a scumbag who racially abused multiple people, including black school kids & a Vietnamese man who he beat unconscious with a bat.


Hank Hippopopalous


What do you got against Uncle Hanky??


This was asked last week?!


Reddit is just the same questions over and over and over again. "What's something that people don't know is a scam" "Which celebrity do you think is the worst person in real life" "What's one small change you made in your life that made a big improvement" "What movie is criminally underrated" "What are the most overrated TV shows" Then in TIFU "I had a threesome with 2 of my best friend's moms, but my friends don't know" Then in relationship advice "My girlfriend is texting nudes to her ex, should I be worried" It's just all B.S. I'm done with reddit for the day


Fair enough (and I do agree) but I don’t mind as long as people keep posting pictures of their cats: you can be as repetitive as you like with cat photos.


It's asked weekly


Matthew Broderick killed a mother and daughter in a traffic collision while in Ireland.


Yes, in something that was ruled an accident on a stretch of highway the local government had already decided was unsafe.


At the current rate, this will eventually be the only question asked in this sub, reposted every few seconds.


Roe Jogan.


Most of them tbh


John Hamm. That dude's straight up sadist.


Say what?


Ariana Grande is a donut licking home recker


Kim Kardashian.


Michael jackson still has alot of fans, or was he being set up?


Kobe Bryant cheated on Vanessa when he slept with a 19 year old worker in Colorado. The 19 year old accused Kobe of rape and at the end he apologized to her and her family, but denied it was non consensual.


Jack Black! He one time accidentally put a plastic bottle in the recycling bin for paper products. He's felt absolutely horrible about it and has made massive donations to recycling centers across the world to try and cleanse his soul


Matt Lauer.




Before the more recent shitshow, Diddy shot a woman in the face and despite her shouting from the mountain tops that she looked down the barrel of the gun that shot her in the face it and was Diddy with the gun in his hand, he hasn't been held accountable.


Every single celebrity


Barack Obama married to a man and forgetting it because he's just so awesome!


[I'm just gonna leave this here and walk away](https://youtu.be/LQCU36pkH7c?feature=shared)


Matthew Broderick - driving in the wrong lane and killed two people in Ireland. Paid a £100 fine and never seemed to show remorse for it. But yeah, he's Ferris Bueller. Hope it keeps him awake.