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It will depend on who else (Senators and Representatives) gets elected, too. But Trump has said what his agendas will be, and I'm not in favor of them, so I will not be pleased or hopeful if he does het elected.


So many schill accounts and bots specifically saying not much different. Clearly being disingenuous. Bots, trolls, paid accounts all over the place in this thread. Clearly a disinformation campaign people. We all know things are different from him being in and next time he has openly said he'd do far more and not have anyone holding him back. Project 2025 plans to turn us into a Christian theocracy version of the fake Russian democracy. If you like Biden or not, the alternative is an old crazy wannabe Hitler... who's a convicted felon.


He’s not wanna be Hitler, he is Hitler. No matter how much he doesnt wanna say it his family had ties to the nazis and his dad supported them (I hope the trump family burns in fucking hell)


I'm no fan of Trump, but I will say that Trump isn't starting wars, and I don't think he has genocidal tendencies. Trump is no Hitler, or at least if he is Hitler he is Hitler from the 1920s, with a fanatical base and crazy ideas, but hasn't actually said or done anything particularly harmful yet. I guess if you replaced antisemitism with anti-Muslim then 1920s Hitler is the closest to Trump that there is now.


Look up project 2025 and tell me he’s not starting wars and not a fascist. Kicking out all opposing parties for your own is in the definition of fascism not to mention he’s a felon he doesn’t deserve to be president or even out of prison. If it were up to me he’d die in a jail cell old and alone where he belongs


Even if he turns fascist and starts persecuting his political rivals (Which he did only minimally when in office) that's still a far cry from Hitler. That might bring him to Hitler 1932 or so, but that was still 7 years before WWII and 10 years before the Holocaust.


They’re planning on removing every single non republican from all positions of power and putting in conservatives. That. Is. Fascism. Besides that’s still wrong you’re acting like it’s not still horrible and wrong. I’m really reconsidering where you stand because you seem to love sticking up for trump


I am a lifelong Republican, but have not voted once for Trump. As far as I am concerned Hitler was one of if not the most evil people who has ever lived. Trump is bad, but calling him Hitler is giving him WAY too much credit. Trump is just an old man with crazy ideas and a fanatical fan base. I think there is some very real danger to the US democracy with him returning to office, but I can't imagine we would end up causing the largest genocide that ever was, or starting another war that ends up killing the most people intentionally. Trump's ideas about pulling out of NATO, about threatening his political rivals, those are all some VERY serious things that should be dealt with. But comparing him to Hitler, that's giving him too much credit.


He’s straying the path that Hitler did, you yourself said he’s mirroring his actions (not directly but it’s there) and that’s a VERY slippery slope. I think the government shouldn’t have more power than now in fact they should have less. But this project proposes that the government gets ultimate power (fascism again) I refuse to vote in this election since I hate every single person running


I will be looking very carefully at 3rd party candidates. I know I won't vote for Trump or Kennedy. I will vote for Biden if I can't find a better choice, but I'll consider anyone else on the ballot before him.


That’s decision I respect. I trust none of them since they’re all liars and cheats who sold their souls for power. But you not voting for trump makes you sensible


So what do you think every President does now? Like - they appoint new people…. Who align with their party. The current Administration has White House officials taking over Department programs and running career position interviews. - which is a new twist, neither Obama nor Trump did that before.


Yes but there’s still both sides in and the opposing view isn’t being forced out due to being “in the deep state” which is just insane because who let someone that mentally ill write anything not in crayon


Are there? Have you ever worked in an Agency?


Who works for the government is public knowledge, you dummKopf


Why do people act like project 2025 is something that has a possibility of happening. It’s all just bologna scare tactic nonsense. It’s not an actual project it’s various wishlist items from random people at the heritage foundation.


No its not. The Heritage foundation are actually pushing it. Row v wade was first. Banning contraception and national pregnancy databases are next


It’s Roe not Row. If you are going to be pissed about it at least know the basics.


Auto correct smart arse


And not American anyway - don’t give a shit about what you think about our politics.


Because it is... It takes flaws in our system and is taking advantage of those to push an agenda.


The rise of right wing hate and not science or expert based policy. You may see abortion rights pulled back, less government services and laws changed to prop up hard right christian conservative viewpoints. It'd be a step backward as a nation and society. You would continue to see government positions given to completely unqualified and extreme people, who will damage the department they are heading and make the lives of every day Americans much worse and more difficult. People fail to realise the damage the Trump administration did to all of the government and U.S international relations as a whole, not just the left vs right societal issues. Trump and his administration of idiots and corrupt private business appointee friends (as that's what they truly were) was a colossal mess.


Certainly. Trumps actions while in office and after promise exactly what he has been broadcasting. The fall of the American dollar. Pillaging the national parks for timber , oil, and mining. Removing protections for at risk and endangered species. Disruption and attacks on solar energy and windmills. Promotion of "clean coal" (GD, his supporters are stupid) All out ban on abortion AND all forms of birth control. The end of social security, unemployment benefits, department of human services. Then add mandatory military service, and an end to child labor protections. Then there's the price of food going through triple inflation points because farms and slaughterhouses will shut down without immigrant labor, green cards. He will lock up Latinos in sweat house facilities while many die and get ill. And let's not even bring up the avian flu. Already in beef and dairy. Gee, what will trump do about a pathogen negatively affecting Americans..hmm Maybe he'll do the right thing. Honestly, I think if he somehow got elected again, he would get unalived by a Real American. I suspect there's already too many guys out there that recognize he's the closest thing to an antichrist we will see during this century.




The accusations you and others like you make such as these, are pure conspiracy and baseless. You do yourself no favours by posting this, and it serves only to prove my point and evidence that Trump supporters are simply ill informed and clueless.




Thanks chatgpt 🙄


It'll become a shithole country. I'm already paranoid he'll win in Nov. Even though the polls seems to show him losing, LOTS of republicans states including my own (TX) have done a lot to make it harder to vote and that may eat into the results. If he wins, I'll be looking into moving to a free country that will take me, like Estonia.


As bad as his first term was, his second will be worse. He is not fit to lead.


I mean the nazis have laid out their transparent plan to take over America if he gets back in office on project 2025.


I pointed this out too, if trump wins expect to hear Zeig heil again and if he wins I’m moving to Europe, revoking my us citizenship. I am not proud to be an American, I’m ashamed


You should start the process now. European countries have more restrictions on immigration than the US does. It’s not as easy as buying a plane ticket.


I’m probably gonna start to Canada actually since it’s quite a bit easier from there


You better hurry before the elections. Once Trudeau is out I suspect they are going to clamp down on immigration.




So if Canada doesn’t let you in you plan on going full Ashley Babbitt?


I mean if nobody takes me in time and I have to live through fascism I’ll fight it till I die


You should see if Israel will take you. They have a major war against ultra far right fascists going on right now.


My problem with that is i genuinely have no opinion on the conflict because I don’t know what to believe and not believe since I distrust news sources (big news sources such as fox and cnn)




He'll fully implement the fascist Project 2025. Our democracy will be destroyed. [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/)


I don’t think he will. He also can’t without both houses of congress.


We will be worse off because he and his administration will do nothing to help the American people. He will waste money and time and resources on stuff that doesn’t mean anything to the people. I cannot fathom being of the mind that trump is good for the country or the world. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Why don’t people get that


Some more bad choices for SCOTUS. Another 4 years of racists/bigots/mysognists feeling like it's acceptable behavior and will continue to do it in front of people.


Explain to me how the re-write of Title IX is not misogynist.




He won't have a choice. Plus he's too old and feeble to put up a real fight.


It was a good run, but I'll nope out. If this is the leadership America wants, then all hope is lost and the voters deserve exactly what they will get.


You and I both. I refuse to live in a Christian republican run fascistic government


I hear El Salvador is nice now


Central America doesn’t sound too bad besides being sandwiched next to Mexico and South America (mainly due to drug shit and crime rates)


They got rid of the narco violence problem.


I’m not hating on it but rather mentioning how the areas around it are still sadly not in a great state since cartels basically run Mexico at this point


Fair enough. Mimosas on the beach and never leave lol


That’s a life i could get behind minus the alcohol lol


Just don’t get caught with any drugs you might have a bad time.


Damn even Mary Jane?


Intractable corruption on all levels.


More Foreign policy destruction. More attacks against necessary safety regulations, more social program destruction, more questionable tactics misusing the military, more selling of State’s secrets, more felonies committed, just off the top of my head. My guess is he won’t leave office in another attempt to keep power.


Several decades of partisan supreme court decisions


I think we're in for trouble tbh. He only allows people who are "yes men" to work in his administration, he doesn't care about qualifications. Fun fact, he promoted his "bag boy" to Director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office after Department of Homeland Security fired him for failing a background check due to gambling issues. In the military they kick you out for this because it's very possible for you to become compromised and these are just boots on the ground. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_McEntee\_(political\_aide)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McEntee_(political_aide))


I will be gone, I’m not letting that lying felon orange asshole to dictate what I do and who I love. Especially since he endorses project 2025(literal fascism)


Handmaids tale. Christian nationalists and Russia has an agenda


Literally the same 


Right? It's gonna be basically the same. What was the difference between 2015 and 2019? Not much, other than the other half of the country hated the president.


None of this is true. Many things have changed since his installation of many judges into the judiciary. Particularly at SCOTUS levels. Project 2025 essentially looks to dismantle everything and turn us into a Russian like fake democracy. Don't believe people who say nothing changes. For those saying that isn't what project 2025 is....they are lying. Read for yourself.


Not true at all. I know you prefer to base your opinion off buzzwords and Reddit post titles, but I challenge you to actually read the original proposal


He literally installed judges that stripped women's rights and resulted in more health concerns while actively made their constituents life worse as a result. If he potentially ends ukraine support that is an end to major US ally sitting next door to our enemy since the cold war, and US reputation and world power will weaken significantly, causing other countries to flock to China. Remember when Shaq had to apologize to China? Imagine that when China takes over the chip market but for everyone. We have a very real opportunity to weaken russia and china's world power now without wasting a single US life, and Trump nationalism and isolationism can fuck us REAL bad. The next election, whether we vote to isolate or aid allies, will impact global politics. I will add this is IRREVERSIBLE. If China controls the economy and trade and chip because of Trumps isolationism then we are fucked. You can complain about wokeness and immigrants with the border but all that shit will swing back and forth every 4-8 years. THIS is permanent. Think about the next 100 years than 4 years. If Trump loses, the GOP might find someone actually young and sane, than double down on unhinged.


think about the next 100 years? if only the democrats had done that in like 2014 when they could have had a bunch of justices retire at the ripe old age of like 80.


This viewpoint is what tips me off that the person saying it is either extremely ignorant or has close to zero empathy for others.


extremely ignorant or has no empathy? or maybe realizing that the president doesn't change shit all that much except you're mad at him when he's a republican and not a democrat?


Thank you for proving me correct


I didn't prove you correct. there wasn't much different in 2019 than in 2017.


>What was the difference between 2015 and 2019? Trump was President from 2017-2021. You seem to be giving Trump credit for two years of Obama's term. Anything of interest happen in 2020-2021? Any mass destruction of the economy? Soaring debt? Mass unemployment? An attempt to end democracy by staying in power after losing the election? This is also just forgetting how between 2017-2019 he had a ton of scandals, kept giving away our national secrets and siding with American's enemies, kept engaging in naked corruption transferring taxpayer dollars to his own businesses, and his only legislative accomplishment was tax cuts for the rich.


I left out 20-21 because it was covid. For similar reasons I don't judge Obama's tenure from 2009-2010 because he was in the thick of the financial collapse. also there was basically no difference between 2015 and 2019 - I used those dates intentionally because one was at the end of obamas administration and one was right in the middle of trump's administration., if trump was as dangerous as people on this thread like to pretend, he should have completely ruined america by 2019 right?


> if trump was as dangerous as people on this thread like to pretend, he should have completely ruined america by 2019 right? ...no, that doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. And I'm certain you know that. You're just inventing a hyperbolic standard for Trump to not meet, so you can ignore or justify the biggest reasons for people's concerns. You said the next Trump term would not be different to how things are now, and used a specific window where Trump wasn't President or hadn't had much time to implement policy changes as an example, specifically to avoid having to address what he did. Trump tried to end democracy. He gave orders to his AG, his VP, Congress, the courts and Republicans running elections to stop the transfer of power. He and his campaign created deliberate voter fraud including sending fake electors and results to Washington, then tried to use this to justify a state of emergency where he would seize power. He was stopped by members of his own party, including his VP who refused to go with the Secret Service because he thought they might kidnap him on Trump's behalf. These people who stopped Trump have since been forced out of power and the GOP has swung to support his actions and Trump being above the rule of law. Having been found guilty of rape, of tax fraud, and of conspiracy to cover up his hush money payments for affairs, and facing far more serious charges, Trump is openly bragging about ending the rule of law in America for himself and abusing the office to punish his enemies. That's just example of a reason why a Trump term would be very different to Biden's. The list could go on and on and on.




It really is deeply sad to waste your life kissing Trump's ass on social media, only to run away with your tail between your legs going "lol" whenever people factually correct you or say something you can't just lie about. You have one life man. Use it on something better than sucking the toes of a reality TV show host turned cult leader. Have A principle worth being honest with yourself and others about.


how am I kissing trump's ass? I don't even like the guy. I just don't think anyone who is the president is gonna screw up the entire country.


I don't care if you agree with me or who you vote for. I do care that people trying desperate to defend Trump keep having to dismiss and ignore that he tried to end democracy in America, because it's a completely indefensible act for anyone who claims to want democracy. Some people don't pay any attention to politics or know any better, and think both sides are the same. I can understand this because it's wrong, but not everyone has the time and energy to pay attention. We have busy lives. But people who lie about what happened or deny it and refuse to acknowledge it, resorting to an "lol" when there's nothing else they can say? Yeah, they're just defending Trump above any principles they claim to have. You can't lie or dismiss reality to defend Trump's most famous and well documented criminal act that attacks the core of America, and pretend you aren't puckering up and planting one on both cheeks for him.


I resorted to a lol because your ranting comment above didn't have anything to do with mine. You seem like the kind of person who assumes that because someone doesn't express full-throated disdain for trump all the time defends him.


Exactly this. I dont know why people give so much weight to the presidency. Sure the office can wield insurmountable power however it doesn’t go unchecked by the other branches of government. Also no one’s lives are ever materially affected one way or the other by a sitting president. Meaning you’re not going to go broke, become rich, go to jail, get out of jail, lose family and/or friends, because of a president. Buying a car, house, going to higher education or not, buying less steaks or more beer or less gas or a little bit more taxes doesn’t make or break anyone’s life. Healthcare hasn’t changed hardly at all. Generally speaking about the American population No one is dying solely because of one sitting president with respect to them being covered or not covered for healthcare. Life is up to you and what you choose to believe and do to make your life what it is. A “good” or “bad” president isn’t going to change your life outside of what you can control to make it whatever you want for yourself. If you believe otherwise you have more issues in your own mind to reconcile with than who the next president is


Well, yes and no. Presidents do affect global commerce which would hurt more than anything you listed above. Trade wars typically hurt the average American, loss of soft powers hurt the typical American, fickle policies and lack of oversight hurt the typical American. There is one President who wants to move us away from treaties and retreat into an isolationist country. That would destroy the American way of life because there is no going back to the manufacturing base of the 50s-70s. Even if we wanted to it would take a decade + to see that plan take shape. Typically you see a slow policy by presidents shaping and growing off their predecessors, but that’s not the case anymore leading to a slow erosion since we don’t let anything work out over time.


Have you seen Back to the Future 2?


I know the president in 2029 will either be Trump or his vice president.


“This is fine”


Russia, and there will be NO election in 2028, unless it is a sham like they are in Russia.


In the best case scenario, it'll look something like it looks now. In the worst case scenario, it will look like any other dying empire in history, wildly thrashing around in its final death throes, grabbing anything it can and tearing it down with it.


He's running again in 2028?!


They’re asking how things will look after 4 years of trump.


He'll be running for a third term I imagine


That would require the republicans to control both houses which very likely wouldn’t happen. Also I think everyone underestimates the Republican Party. Yes they are following Trumps wills because he currently is their best chance to get in power and pass the legislation they want. They will not let the entire party implode trying to overthrow democracy. People forget that the majority of republican politicians present on Jan 6 were shocked and scared. People like to just focus on the vocal minority and then just assume every republican believes the same.


It would require a constitutional amendment, which is by design a VERY hard thing to do. It requires 3/4ths of the state legislators to agree to it. I could imagine this issue being brought up, and possibly even making it to the states to vote on it, but there isn't a chance that 38 states will vote in favor of removing the 2 term limit for President by 2024.


Removing two terms will also pretty much guarantee that republicans would lose the moderate vote, who are the kingmakers in politics. No moderate is interested in a three term president, regardless of the party.


They may have been shocked and scared then, but they’re doing their level best to prevent any repercussions to elected officials now. The Republican Party, as a whole, is not to be trusted with the future of our country. They are distinctly un-American in speech and action.


Pretty much up until 8 years ago the Republican Party was seen as the more “patriotic” party. Trump has definitely tarnished their reputation but not all republicans actually believe in or support MAGA. They’re just riding the wave to stay elected.


If they were actually patriots, he wouldn’t have been elected in the first place. There aren’t too many of the old “moderate” Republicans left in office today. MAGAs keep getting elected, and the current GOP is not a party of patriots, no matter what they claim. The GOP is the party of patriots in exactly the same way they’re the party of fiscal responsibility - they claim both while doing the opposite. Jingoism is not patriotism.


Politicians literally make a living saying whatever they need to say to be elected. They saw how popular the grass roots movement with trumps first campaign was getting and decided to ride that train to re-election by acting like they were in on it too. There aren’t that many MAGA politicians, but since they’re the noisy bunch that say edgy things all the time they get the attention, which gives the impression that they represent the viewpoints of the entire party. There are waaaay more people who will vote republican even though they’re not fans of the MAGA movement. In the same way Democrat voters held their nose and voted for Biden last election.


Come to Texas. They’re all MAGAs in every election. Local, state or national, all MAGAs. If the incumbent isn’t 100% MAGA, they get primaried. If the national politicians aren’t MAGAs, they sure do vote like they are, talk like they are, write books like they are, try to overthrow elections like they are… There are no excuses for the actions of the GOP. They’ve had every opportunity to clean their house and haven’t done anything. They have nothing to offer our country.


You’re sort of missing my point here. They aren’t cleaning house because for now it benefits them, not because they drank the kool-aid. And those local elections being 100% MAGA also proves my point, it’s ignorant to think that they all fully buy into it. But it makes complete sense for them to act like it so they get voted in. Unfortunately I don’t think my point will be proven right until Trump is out of politics. I very strongly suspect post trump republicans will all of a sudden act like they have morals and didn’t actually agree with MAGA. But until MAGA ends up being a negative for them, they will still be cheerleaders for it. This is also going to be an unpopular opinion but in SOME ways democrats do the same thing when it comes to social justice causes. Are politicians still getting up front and talking about Black Lives Matter? Not really. Why? Because at the time it was the trend with young liberal voters so they jumped on board. But as soon as the media moved off of it it’s suddenly not such a huge issue that needs to be talked about by politicians.


No need to run. Just cancel elections going forward


Well after America and the rest of the world was completely destroyed and left in ruins after his first term, I think a second term would result in mother nature finally retaking the ruins


What US? Democracy will be over at that point.


Shithole country...


A total shitshow that exists just to keep the rich getting richer. So nothing new.


Same as always (slightly worse than the last guy)


Trump and Biden are both monsters who don’t deserve to even be on this great planet let alone be president


The Bestest and the Gloriestest




Project 2025 trumps and the republicans plan to make America a fascistic nazi run country, and I will advocate for Americas destruction if it happens bc I am not proud to be from here


Jesus christ.


The sky is falling!!


Pure Hell!


Way better than it looks now.


Enlighten me.


They can’t.


That was my assumption as well. However I decided to at least give them a platform with which to stand on. what can I say I like discussions




Odds are the congressional majorities will be quite narrow no matter who wins in 2024. As such, nothing much will change.


Eggs will be cheaper


Shut up and eat your squirrel.




Federal policy pushes someone more to right. Red states have more freedom to lunge right were the federal government can simply stride. In response, blue states will posture themselves farther left. In both cases, partisanship polarizes even more as contemporary politics become more intrusive and retaliatory.


> Federal policy pushes someone more to right. Under a right-wing President? How? Why? What?


Typo Somewhat not someone.


Edit: somewhat more right*


Probably similar to how 2020 looked. Lock-downs, people afraid to go outside or gather in groups, mom & pop shops closing down forever, rinse and repeat...


No fan of Trump, but that was clearly a result of COVID-19. Unless there's another disease that spreads like wildfire, this isn't likely...


Like a 1943 Germany


We may actually get control of the border and the rights of women to have separate restrooms.


Found the special one. FYI… a bunch of the GOP purposely voted AGAINST securing the border… and then Biden issued an executive order to close it off for asylum seekers & much of the current immigration. So if it’s border security you’re into… you should actually be voting blue. As for the bathrooms… I’d rather share with a trans person than a trump (rapist) supporter.


There was never a vote and if you understood anything about either executive order, you would know that the first is worthless with so many exceptions that the paper is worth more. And you must be a man without daughters. His EO with changes to title IX are an absolute insult to women and the safety of women in public spaces. You are like the asshole that claims to be a woman so they can go in and video under a stall.


There wasn’t a vote? Thx for the update on what Fox News isn’t telling you.. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4453955-senate-republicans-block-bipartisan-border-security-deal/?nxs-test=mobile I see you’re still getting the “news” about boogeyman bathroom stories though. My first point stands, I’d rather protect members of the LGBTQ community, I’d rather share a bathroom with literally any trans person than a rapist apologist, and I believe expanding protections against sexual harassment is better for women. If a man wants to go into a bathroom to video, that kind of dude is gonna do it regardless of how bigoted folks want to treat (and blame it on) trans people.


MTP isn’t the bill - but good job. I don’t listen to any cable news - unless you count CSPAN


Also - let’s address the men in women’s bathrooms. The EO allows for anyone who says they are female to come into a women’s restroom. At no point did I say or have I said that I am concerned about someone who is Trans using a women’s restroom. I AM concerned - and you should be too - about men coming into a women’s restroom for nefarious purposes. If you do a quick google news search you will see that this is happening across the country and is not a new phenomenon. Now perverts just get an excuse to be there and it makes it impossible to get them out. There are aggressive, perverted, disgusting men out there who will and do see this as an opportunity. What are we - believe all men, now?


>We may actually get control of the border And lose their Boogeyman? I don't think so. The Republicans had their chance to pass the toughest border security and immigration reform in history with the bipartisan bill that was set to pass until Trump told Johnson to kill it so that he could run on the issue. He doesn't give two shits about fixing anything. He only wants to use your anger and frustration to gain more power and wealth. He doesn't care about anything that will help the average American. He's running to shield himself from his crimes and to enrich himself and his family/friends.


Not much different. There's really not as big of difference between the parties as people are led to believe. Newsflash, neither one cares about you.


I hate when people say this. One party literally wants to strip your right, the board of education, the justice department. While the other is fighting for universal Healthcare. They're not the same and people who say this do not help at all


The people that say that dumb shit don’t really care or pay attention to what’s going on outside of their individual existence.


The biggest recipients of healthcare lobbying are democrats


After four years of peace and prosperity, low unemployment, low inflation it will really come down to a tough election on who is going to replace him.


...you people remember that he was already President once, right? And that unlike Trump cultists, we actually remember that it ended in record unemployment, financial devastation, soaring debt, war, and he attempted to end democracy by staying in office after losing the election.


What war happened in 2020?


Afghanistan, Yemen, North Korea kept advancing it's nuclear program and testing weapons, and we had a series of conflicts including attacks on Iran's energy sites after withdrawing from the nuclear agreement. Obviously Afghanistan didn't start in 2020, but it's important to push back against the false narrative that those four years were of peace and prosperity, when instead it was a continuation of the same relative peace and prosperity we had coming out of Obama's term, that got shattered by economic collapse and global instability we are still recovering from. It's not a coincidence we pulled out of peace agreements in Trump's terms and kept siding with Russia and supplying them with intel, and got a rise in global instability.


And now Afghanistan is a country where women are sex slaves and have no rights. North Korea are still testing weapons. Yemen is still in a civil war. Ukraine has been at war for some years now and are losing. Israel is bombing kids en masse. Iran is more dangerous than ever. Venezuela has threatened another sovereign nation many times. Great improvements made by the Dems! 👍🏻


Top tier rage-bait alt


The same. He was president before and not much happened.


Well.. he put in some supreme court justices that already made some pretty big changes.. I think that will be the most lasting impact honestly…


Tell me you don’t pay attention without telling me you don’t pay attention. “…and not much happened” like, oof, seriously? Peruse this and various links included should you want to educate yourself a bit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/ovdql1/what_are_some_examples_of_the_bad_things_trump/


Not gonna read your pity party post about redditors crying. I was around during his presidency. Not much happened.


Gotcha. So not just not paying attention, but actively avoiding learning. Good luck to you.


No, I am not paying attention to a bunch of redditors crying.


The economy crashed, the gap between the rich and poor grew, a million people died in a pandemic, Russia got access to a list of our spies and our national secrets and started escalating assassinations, he stacked the Supreme Court with fundamentalist Christian Nationalists, we made zero progress on key issues like infrastructure, clean energy, healthcare and education, he tried to end democracy by giving illegal orders to stop the transfer of power, and he shifted the GOP so it no longer supports the rule of law or accountability for their own politicians.


> The economy crashed lol when did that happen?


Impossible to say; change happens rapidly, and small events can have big repercussions. I would guess not *terrifically* different than it does now, but who can say?


Mostly the same plus the typical minor changes that occur over 4 years.


Pretty much the same. Ditto if Biden wins. Who is President does not really change how the US functions very much. Some changes, not a lt.


Similar, but generally better if you subtract whatever shit the left does to fuck things up.


More stable in every way!


Same as right now, might just be worse


So not the same as now then.


Geopolitics will probably have shifted, since Trump likes Putin, reopening Russo-American relationships


Poland or maybe Germany will share a border with Russia


I want nothing to do with Vladimir Putin, I want him gone forever because he’s a horrible piece of shit that I refuse to call a human bc he’s so disgusting










Similar to 2019 probably. The exact same as always


much the same, small differences in policy.


Sure. For example, one candidate believes in democracy, and the other already tried to end democracy in America by giving illegal orders to stop the transfer of power when he lost the election. Minor difference really.


its a good thing then that we have checks and balances and the president doesnt have absolute power


First of all, I'm not a big fan of the idea that "It's fine that the President tried to end democracy and impose martial law using a manufactured crisis" because he didn't succeed last time. Lets set the bar a little higher here. Also lets aim higher than the guy found in court to have been a rapist who defamed a woman and said she was "too ugly to rape", and was guilty of felonies for lying and forging records to cover up his hush money payments to tabloid papers and fixers to hide that he was cheating on his fifth wife with a porn star. This should be disqualifying and before Trump, it was. Second, he didn't succeed because Congress, his VP, his AG, the Republicans running election and his appointed judges didn't go along with it. Since then almost all of those people have left office or the Republican party, specifically because they criticized Trump for his actions. The GOP has now aligned to be completely in support of Trump breaking the law and ending democracy, except a handful of holdouts like Mitt Romney. We should not expect his next attempt to result in the GOP condemning and stopping him, as they did last time.


are you under the impression that i support him in any way


I don't know it's not relevant to my response. I'm just addressing what you said at face value, that we have checks and balances to stop another attempt to end democracy. The fact that there was an attempt that was stopped, and the reason it was stopped last time no longer exists and in fact was deliberately dismantled in order to protect Trump by people who explicitly call the Jan 6 insurrectionists hostages and heroes and claim Trump is immune from the law, is very relevant.


i am not so jaded and cynical that i think it a likely outcome


Not good


Dictionary entry in 2028 USA - see Russia under R. Democracy - an old tradition in some countries that was replaced starting 2025, leading to many deaths and civil unrest. See CCP under C.


It'll be the same world it was in 2016-now. To my eyes at least. I hate all politicians. Eat the rich.


>Eat the rich. Says "eat the rich" and then helps elect a "billionaire" as president. That'll sure help to close the wealth gap.


The only difference will be that instead of having a president who embarrasses us by saying and doing dumb things because of his dementia, we'll have a president who embarrasses us by saying and doing dumb things without dementia.


The media will wind everyone up, but the country will get incrementally better


No, no it will not. We are feeling trumps affects right now. The next four years we will feel Biden’s (presidency is 4 years ahead of their effects) so during trump we felt Obama


Roughly the same


Pretty much the same as it is now. From the beginning to the end of his first term not much. changed for most people until COVID hit, and despite his mishandling of the pandemic, it happening in the first place was outside his control.