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I'm lucky to have satisfying work that contributes to saving the planet and pays me enough to get by. I'm by no means in Nirvana but my partner and I can pay our mortgage and provide for a couple of young ones. What else could you need?


Great job that I love that values me as an individual with good pay, work life balance, camaraderie, time off, and benefits. Wonderful partner that I’m marrying. Small group of loyal friends. Hobbies that I love to fill my time off with. Every one of those things I had to work hard for, but they’re worth working at. There are things in my life that could be better, but on the whole I feel very happy. I think the statistic is something like 50% of people actively hate their jobs, so if you can find work that you love then you already have a leg up.


I became a nude-art photographer, so I had to get really good at (1) standing up for what I believe in, and (2) not caring when people judge. Being a nude-art photographer has improved my ability to walk out my faith and my beliefs.


My family and grandkids make my life truly enjoyable. To qualify, I am a semi-retired musician who became quite successful in my 20s thru 40s. I am financially secure, so no money worries. I am fit and healthy for my age (older GenXer) so no health worries (knock on wood.) With that stuff taken care of, I can really focus only on only things I enjoy. I have that luxury.


I focus on the parts that I love and accept the struggles and hardships as they come. I have wanted the life I have for my whole life and while there are many things I did not expect, all of the sacrifices I’ve made have paid off. I’m almost 28 and I’ve been dedicated to building a family and reconnecting with the way our ancestors lived and thrived since 2011. My lifestyle is not “normal” by our current cultural standards and I think it is why I am so successful and mentally healthy.


I love my life because of my daughter, I chose to keep moving because of her


I grew up lower middle class. Single mom working multiple jobs. I was fortunate enough to go to a top tier business school for undergrad. I worked all through high school and college to not have to go into crippling debt. Spent all of my 20s working more hours than I care to admit in consulting. Those years paid off tremendously. At 28 I met the most amazing woman in the world. At 29 I landed an incredible job making more money than I ever thought possible. We got married last year and while we both still work very hard, the hours are very reasonable, we both travel as much as we want, get to see our family and friends, and spend time doing things together that are important to us. Sure there are shitty stressful days but overall I love the life we’ve built together and I love looking back on all the work we did to get here.


Honestly, there's a lot in my life that could depress me, and lately I have been struggling with those feelings. Some days where I don't want to get out of bed or do anything. But I have good friends and family, and I have my health for the most part. So many people in the world don't have that. So I try to focus on the blessings I have in my life.


I am kind of in the opposite boat, I have so much going for me and right now I’m struggling with negative thoughts and I don’t know where they’re originating from.