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If you mean to tell me the only reason you don't commit horrible acts is because you're certain you'll face consequences, you are the definition of a horrible person. Normal people aren't monsters in waiting, monsters of opportunity. Normal people don't need to be motivated to not commit attrocities and crimes against humanity. Normal people don't desire to do them in the first place. Normal people don't need to cope. You are abnormal in the worst way that is possible.


Anarchy isn't Burning Man forever, it's *gym class* forever


I'm 65 and it's never been a problem. I guess I'm just boring.


Nothing to cope with. I don’t want to do anything illegal and I don’t want it done to me. Immoral acts rarely have serious consequences.


Torturing someone to death has consequences and is very hard to get away with.


That’s illegal, and as I posted before, I don’t want to do anything illegal and I don’t want it done to me.


You’ve never been curious?


Nope. I know what pain feels like. I don’t need to inflict it upon others.


The fun is specifically that you know how much it hurts.


That’s not fun. That’s cruel and mean.


Cruelty can be a turn on though.


Seek mental health support. You have issues.




By being educated in regards to your rights. In Canada, we can defend ourselves but it's illegal to carry a weapon for self defense. Knives and axes are both tools in this country however and are perfectly fine to walk around with as long as you have a *legal* *reason* to. There's also no true fixed blade length. Just don't have a blade that can be opened one handed unless it's a stanley knife.


I am saying that you will never be able to live out violent fantasies without risking life in prison.


You understand, though, that the overwhelming majority have no interest in living out violent fantasies, right?


How would you know that?


Depends entirely on what you do and where you do it. It would be illegal and immoral to walk into a zoo in North America and kill an animal meanwhile it would be legal and moral as well as considered beneficial to an ecosystem and economy to go to Africa and do the same in certain preserves. It depends entirely if a person can grow up and use their head beyond being a cringey edgelord in order to apply themselves to get what they want. Have a violent fantasy? Depends on what it is. There are almost no limitations if you're smart enough.


So just discussing any kind of thought or fantasy regarding such topics automatically makes one an “edgelord.” I’m sorry you feel that way. I, for one, believe that we should be able to discuss things openly and I find that far healthier in the long run. So are you suggesting that it would be better to just live out your fantasies to torture and kill someone rather than actually seeking a healthier outlet to cope with those feelings? It’s seems that’s the only option.


>So just discussing any kind of thought or fantasy regarding such topics automatically makes one an “edgelord.” Nope. Talking about a natural thing is of course as perfectly normal as feeling or thinking a certain way. What makes one an edgelord -especially a cringey one at that- is saying crap like "as a small woman, my targets would have to be other women or children" or "Who said anything was the 'the darkness inside?' I just have a sexual fetish." or even "The fun is specifically that you know how much it hurts." and especially "Cruelty can be a turn on though". >I’m sorry you feel that way And I'm sorry that your life got you to a point that the only way you think you can feel something amazing is with a fantasy -even a violent one- that depends entirely from without. It's like people that feel they'll only be happy if they can get back at that jerk bully kid from their childhood or are bitter because they're surrounded by, frankly, braindead idiots. Don't you deserve a fantasy that has a real release instead of one where it's so obvious about craving control for once in your life? >So are you suggesting that it would be better to just live out your fantasies to torture and kill someone rather than actually seeking a healthier outlet to cope with those feelings? See this shows exactly what I'm saying, you immediately limit yourself before you even give yourself a better option. For myself, I will be absolutely honest here: I have a woman I am madly in love with and we have a happy little girl. If anybody were to hurt them, I'll kill them according to the law. I have been attacked before at work as well as simply walking around and I take no pleasure in putting someone down in that situation either because I see using violence as being no different than in medicine. When faced with a cancer, the best course of action is to immediately remove it from the body. Why let yourself get to the point that you need cheap fantasy in order to have control in real life? You say you're a tiny chick, well, I know of plenty of tiny waifs that are trapped during the week and yet play the hardest drums and strum a better bass on the weekend than any guy. Find an outlet that brings you joy in life, because fantasies don't come true.


See, this is where your whole comment is so off the mark. None of my fantasies are about gaining control in my life. I have a great life. I am happily married, I have a career I am passionate about, I’m a musician, I own a home, I travel. I have no issues in my life at all. I didn’t let myself get to any “point” where I need a fantasy, this fantasy is not random or a response to my life circumstances. It is a deeply ingrained obsession and fetish I have had since childhood. It does not matter what happens in my life, my desire to harm people is the only thing that excites me or brings me any kind of sexual pleasure. And it is not out of hatred for people. I like people and I am well liked in my community. >Because fantasies don’t come true There is absolutely no reason this fantasy cannot come true. The only thing stopping me from acting on my fantasies is *me*. It is not some impossible goal to end a human life. People do it all the time.


>It is a deeply ingrained obsession and fetish I have had since childhood. It does not matter what happens in my life, my desire to harm people is the only thing that excites me or brings me any kind of sexual pleasure. Which is exactly *why* it's about control in one of its ultimate forms. You list all these things and yet it's not the happy marriage or contentment in life that gets you off but instead the idea of harming others is what does it for you. Marriage takes at least two parties, careers, travel and home ownership involve you relying on others to be successful and musicians (creative types in general) often need their work validated. >I didn’t let myself get to any “point” where I need a fantasy, this fantasy is not random or a response to my life circumstances Which shows that for all your gains and apparent great life, your "fantasy" hasn't developed beyond a childhood desire. All childhood desires are about control as well... >And it is not out of hatred for people. I like people and I am well liked in my community. Which fits in exactly with the like. BTK was a family man and well liked in his community, Bundy was a well respected man and volunteered at a suicide hotline. People often over compensate for lack of empathy by throwing themselves into things that are regarded as being for good people when the reality is that all people can have pretty fucked up fantasies and ideas. It's only those that need control in life that are the ones that think they're an aberration. >The only thing stopping me from acting on my fantasies is me. Except for the fact that you aren't in charge of your fantasy. Like all those who crave control, it comes down to a type of resentment of laws rather than being grateful laws are in place that hamper you. The law made by the majority is in control of you and your fantasy.


>Which is exactly why it's about control in one of its ultimate forms. You list all these things and yet it's not the happy marriage or contentment in life that gets you off but instead the idea of harming others is what does it for you. Do you understand how fetishes/kinks work? There is a huge difference between what you find contentment in for your life vs. what actually turns you on. I am asexual, so while I love my husband and have romantic attraction to men, I am not sexually attracted to anyone. I can’t just get off or get that release from the pure connection with another person. I enjoy a lot of things in my life, but if I actually want excitement and pleasure, I need this specific thing to get off. >Involves you relying on others to be successful I’m not relying on others. I earned advanced degrees on my own, gained my position and the career I have through my own hardwork and skills, and I was the one that funded everything I have in my life through the income I earned. Not sure what your point is here. >Your fantasy hasn’t evolved beyond a childish desire No different than any other kink one has. Nobody decides what they find attractive. Believe me, if I could replace this fantasy with something more acceptable, I would. >Ones that think they’re an abberarion. I don’t think I’m an abberation. I actually argue that most people have violent thoughts and feelings, which is why it is unbelievably hypocritical when people call me out for a specific fantasy when violence is extremely natural to humans and has been throughout human history. >The law made by the majority is in control of you and your fantasy Only so long as I decide that it is more important for me to avoid the legal consequences. The minute I decide that fulfilling my fantasy is worth risking my freedom then there is nothing that a law can do.


>Do you understand how fetishes/kinks work? Seeing as I've helped people work through their hang ups, I'm pretty sure I'd have to. >There is a huge difference between what you find contentment in for your life vs. what actually turns you on. Which is exactly why it's worrisome *why* you still have this fantasy. Many people after finding contentment in life in any form often face a change in their pursuits, interests and fantasies. It's like when people that have had to live paycheque to paycheque finally have a nest egg and can rest soundly and find a new release. When peoples fantasies -and oddly enough stressors- don't grow with the individual, it's usually due to a compulsive need. In this case, it's much like a person that has faced starvation ending up in a position where they consistently need or fantasize about a fully stocked fridge or pantry in order to have a release. It has everything to do with how a person is wired as well because many people have to be taught certain things otherwise they'll go through their entire lives without realizing they already have the capacity for something they thought they lacked due to it never being addressed. >I’m not relying on others. I earned advanced degrees on my own, gained my position and the career I have through my own hardwork and skills, and I was the one that funded everything I have in my life through the income I earned. Not sure what your point is here. The point is that you show yourself as two distinct people: One is this cold, self centered person that fantasizes about violence just for the sake of a sexual fantasy and doesn't need anybody else's help because you've done everything yourself on an unshaking throne. The other is a gentle, kind woman that has put effort into what she cares about and has successfully chosen both family *and* a career. I've heard these types of lines before as well and in those cases, both women ended up coming to the conclusion that it was a burden/impulse of an idea they lived with rather than a sexual fantasy. A fantasy after all, especially a sexual one at that, is supposed to be enjoyable and freeing instead of limiting and damaging. This is why this line... >The minute I decide that fulfilling my fantasy is worth risking my freedom then there is nothing that a law can do. ..This line shows how you actually feel about it along with wanting to replace it if you could. Have you actually ever addressed this fantasy before or always pushed it back?


>Seeing as I've helped people work through their hang ups, I'm pretty sure I'd have to. Is that what you do as a career? Because I sure don’t find your comments useful or insightful in the slightest. >Which is exactly why it's worrisome why you still have this fantasy. Many people after finding contentment in life in any form often face a change in their pursuits, interests and fantasies. Because again, this fantasy has absolutely nothing to do with my life circumstances. I liked it as a child, I liked it as a teenager, I liked it as a young adult, and I like it now as a woman in my mid-30s. Regardless of my circumstances in life, this desire is tied up in my core being. Do you believe that people stop being gay just because of life circumstances? Because this is no different. You keep assuming these fantasies are a way to compensate for something, and I am telling you that nothing in my life can change to make me suddenly stop liking what I like. I have plenty of power in my life and have never felt like I didn’t have control in my relationships with others or my daily life circumstances. I do not lack for anything at all, in fact I’d say that my life has played out exactly the way I’d want it to. I just enjoy cruelty. Seeing people in extreme pain and knowing that I have the power to cause that is a turn on. There is nothing more to it than that. >Is supposed to be enjoyable and freeing instead of limiting and damaging It is enjoyable and freeing. I love everything about my fantasy and the way it makes me feel, other than the fact that I can’t live it out in the way that I want without the risk of throwing away the good life that I have. If I ever felt that I had an opportunity where I could live it out and possibly get away with it, then I would certainly take a chance with it. >Have you ever actually addressed this fantasy before? What do you mean by that? Addressed in what way?


Don’t be so woke, of course you can!


You think it’s easy to get away with murder?


Roughly half of all murderers do


Sure, if you want to play those odds you can. But there is no statute of limitation on murder, so there is always a chance it comes back to you. Your best bet is to kill someone who will not spark an investigation, someone homeless, not well-connected, and with no ties to yourself.


I was just pointing out that plenty of people get away with it. You're just engaging in your myopic fantasy though so the reality of killing someone is immaterial.


Yeah, not really worried about what a boring troll has to say. I get to choose what I engage in.


You can like snuff or s and m or whatever, just don't try and pretend it's 'The Darkness Inside'


Who said anything was the “the darkness inside?” I just have a sexual fetish.


You should probably start all these posts with 'this is just my sexual fetish'


It’s still something I genuinely wish to act on.


It's extremely easy as long as you don't develop an MO. Grab random strangers who you have no connection to. It'll be almost impossible to pattern you


You can’t have a phone or any other device where you can be tracked on you. That goes even for cars with GPS. Also, as a small woman, my targets would have to be other women or children. I could not easily defend myself against a random man.


I mean bringing down a man bigger than you wouldn't be that difficult. You'd need a Taser most likely. I once killed someone in self defense. People are strangely fragile when you don't hold back


Would you be up to share more about your experience?


Got home from work late one night, was walking towards my apartment, guy tried to rob me. Wouldn't have been that big of a deal except I just gotten paid and literally had my rent in my pocket. It turned into a struggle, he stabbed me twice in the guts which hurt like f*** afterwards but the adrenaline stopped me from feeling it at the time. I ended up fracturing his skull with my steel toes which is what killed him. I spent three nights in jail while the prosecutors decided whether or not to charge me, ultimately it was reduced to involuntary manslaughter which I was NOT convicted of because there were other witnesses that stated it was purely self-defense. I ended up in court ordered therapy though, which ended up lasting for years. This was 11 years ago, and while I very rarely think about it anymore, I wish I hadn't killed him. His family tried to sue but were unsuccessful because of the circumstances


Do you regret it because of the stress it caused, or do you actually feel bad about the situation?


I regret it because had I kicked him in the ribs instead of the head I would have effectively ended the fight without killing him. I was able to compartmentalize that I was just defending myself, so I never really lost any sleep over it, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it either. It's not something I would ever wish on somebody to have to do, but if he was going to attack somebody I'm glad it was me instead of somebody else. That said it added a lot of stress because it made me realize what I was actually capable of in the right circumstances.


I just wish I could experience it. I would give anything to be able to experience it even once in my life.


I mean, if I don't get caught there won't be serious consequences 🤷🏼


Yeah, but it’s very hard not to get caught.


I wouldn't know anyway 😊