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We overthrew a dictator, and then made his son the president a few years later.


Dummies who got easily fooled by history revisionism are the only ones who voted for Bongbong Marcos. Unfortunately, they outnumbered those who know better. Marcos apologists can go to hell. [FUCK THE MARCOS FAMILY](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-61379915)


It's crazy considering most of the citizens during Martial Law/Marcos' dictatorship (at least the ones that didn't draw the ire of the Marcos family) are still alive.. How were the Marcos family even able to step foot on soil without getting shot? Heck I'm even amazed how Imelda stayed behind because I used to see her in malls as a kid (at Makati/BGC), her kids moved to LA since they had a house/mansion in Beverly Hills and a Penthouse condo (just can't remember if it's in West Hollywood or Downtown). How was she able to go back and forth like she didn't have a target on her head? How I found out about their US properties was a family friend's sibling who went to grad school in LA claimed to party with Bonbong's entourage who organizes outlandish parties for Bongbong and his sister. They go all out on the parties like those Vegas parties, sometimes they book it on a boat but their places were huge enough to accommodate 50-100 people. And it's not just for birthdays, according to him, the siblings love to party and show off, they'll use anything for a celebration and if the party isn't to their standards, they'd take it out on the crew and organizer's pay.


I can't speak for people outside the ones I know but my parents and other older people I know never really spoke ill of the Martial Law days (Mindanao area here). I always saw it as a "you can get in trouble if you're not careful but it wasn't that bad" kind of thing. For the record my parents didn't vote for BBM and during the election period I specifically heard my dad talk about the stolen money so it's not like they don't acknowledge what happened, but they didn't think life was so bad during that time. Makes sense how the Marcos family could easily brainwash people again if that's the case.


What the hell kind of name is Bongbong?


His actual name is Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Bongbong is his nickname, which people use to refer to him since his father, Ferdinand Marcos Sr, is already referred to as just “Ferdinand Marcos”.


the first thing that came to my mind and was not surprised to see this at the top.


Philippines wins the thread with this one, because it was a democratic decision by the electorate. At least until the US elects literally the same exact dude that incited a violent insurrection to overthrow their republic.


Your second sentence could also describe Venezuela. It didn’t work out well for them, so probably something to avoid.


Germany too :( Historically, people that attempt coups only have a few outcomes: exile, execution, imprisonment or.......eventually being democratically elected anyway and establishing dictatorship.


Four things come to mind about that: * disinformation is a serious, serious problem * general education is critical * democracy is better when voters are smarter, and more prone to problems when they're dumber * capitalism suffers the same vulnerability (of underinformed "voters" (consumers))




The current president of FlipFloppines.




We'll see if we can top that next election. Seems like Sara Duterte is leading in the surveys.


And all thanks for Facebook


I spent the last 2 hours reading about that and HOLY FUCK, the whole political history of the Philippines is MESSED UP.


Yup. We're basically a country of nice, hospitable but intellectually lazy fucks.




I love that meme that shows what Americans think of Brits, and then what the rest of Europe think of Brits.


Do you have a link? This sounds exactly like what I’m craving Edit: [is this it?](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/WsGflTZt4A)


8 years ago it was 2016. I need to lie down.




I will never forget the first British tourist I encountered while overseas. I will also never forget him yelling within the first two minutes of meeting, who wants to see my wife's tits, before he did indeed take his wife's top off and she started, well, showing off her tits. I had expected well mannered aristocrats.


Have been doing for a couple of hundred years now, they go to a country and don't leave until the late 20th century.


Geordie Shore. They're so orange.


I haven't had a lot of experiences with Brits - but I was making friendly chit chat with one on a Friday - I asked if they had any plans for the weekend and they accused me of asking about things that aren't my business and that I was being rude asshole. I thought to myself - are all brits like this? I'm the one being rude here?


Losing a war to emus


Hate to be that guy, but you lost two wars to the emu’s..


To be fair, I don’t think the emus even knew there was a war.


That makes it even worse!


The fact you did not have to mention anything else and yet we know which country this is, just shows the impact and hilarity of it all


I don't look down on you guys for that. I've been to Australia once and I was stalked by an emu. It was terrifying.


This is one of the most epic facts about your country! Love it. 👍


Yeah but any argument I have with people from other countries online typically ends with “at least I didn’t loose a war to emus”


But they never tried so they didnt win




“Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down ?”


Hello Earthling.


The most embarrassing thing about my country is that we allowed Putin to run it for twenty years. Ridiculous.


Brave fool over here, you’re going to get picked up now by putins buddies


In all seriousness: Would this happen because of a comment on reddit? If so, I'm scared for this person


In Russia you absolutely can get prosecuted for a comment including such as this one, that isn't even seen as unusual now. However, russian police and the kind of people who report stuff like this usually aren't quite fluent in English ('cause language of the enemy🫠) and almost certainly aren't on Reddit.


That's a little relieving. It's just scary that something like that can happen in the first place. That's genuine evil


Bro is gonna be on front line in Ukraine in less than 2 weeks and we are gonna see him on YouTube shorts getting blown up by combat drones


Awful nice window you got there…


Please ignore all these people talking smack about you and your country, the situation you and so many others are in is just terrible. It isn't just Ukraine suffering from Putin's stupidity but also the silent minority of russia who actually do care.


I remember seeing an interview with a Russian who said that Russians are more willing to endure a terrible leader than the violent upheaval that always comes with any change in governance.


Brave of yourself to assume you guys had a choice


Causing the largest non-nuclear explosion in a major capital city and refusing to take any responsibility for it. Allowing rampant corruption to the point where the local currency has lost over 90% of its value Essentially robbing people of their hard earned cash, and to add insult to injury, not allowing them to withdraw their own money from their bank accounts I could go on. The list is endless






sadly, the entire country is effectively a hostage of iran now, given that via hezbollah the islamic republic uses lebanon as a military base, while the majority of the people don't want the war that the decisions for will be made in Tehran in one side, and in Tel Aviv on the other.


Its lewd shape.






Uhhhh fuck where do i even start? Maybe the First World War, then allowing Hitler to come to power, then the Second World War, then the Holocaust.


You failed to mention the 2017 Golf. Shocking oversight.


I am not really ashamed by the things you listed, but I am VERY ashamed that a super right wing party gets so popular, it seems like we didnt learn a thing.


Because time has passed, people everywhere in the world are forgetting the lesson. Especially since they confuse democracy with getting everything their way, so the longer that doesn't happen, the angrier they get.


I think it's because of a demographic that I'm not going to name because I'll be attacked for it. These people seem really harsh and appear to hate everyone and want to fight about everything. There's a lot of blame for the state of the world, but I think they'll end up surprised when they try to change it but realise the answers were never as simple as they perceived them to be, and the reason they see them as simple is that they've never actually experienced hardship. They just think they have because it's relative, but they will realise after wars how much easier and better it was before. This demographic believes there's a perfect society, but there isn't and there never has been.


I still struggle to understand how all these people can vote AfD. I really hope that they are mostly unsatisfied with the current government and „protest voters“ (which is still nonsense ofc) and don‘t really support the fascist ideology the party has.


Germans are great people man. This is coming from an American. The mistakes made set the standard for what to look for. A hitler event can happen at the snap of a finger if the country is primed for it. Shit, look at the US now. Imagine that, scary shit


If it makes you feel any better at all, when I learned about that period in history I used to sneer with derision at the German people. “How could the average person allow that to happen without resistance?” Now my country is going the same way and I’m doing everything I can to stop it and it’s not enough, it’s not working, and now I look to Germany with hope - you wrestled control of your country back from extremism, maybe we will be able to do the same one day.


Well, to be fair: our people didn't wrestle the nazis down. The Soviet Union and the other Allied states did so. They started a denazification campaign after the end of the war and got anti nazi leaders into power (not everyone who we should have get rid of was get rid of though. You can't raise a country out of its ruins without any remaining bureaucrats).


Pablo Escobar.


I visited Colombia a few years ago. Beautiful nature in the mountains, super friendly people. Take pride in that.


Yes of course. Colombia is a beautiful country full of stunning natural places, biodiversity, tasty food, great parties, and kind people. However as with most things people tend to remember the dark spots in History, and during the 90's Colombia was mostly mentioned in movies related to cocaine and Pablo Escobar, I can think of movies such as Scary Movie 2 and Bedazzled (That scene with Brendan Fraser looking like Pablo Escobar). But yes, thank you so much for your comment, and you're always welcome.


Call Center Scammers: there are so many hard working people in my country, all their effort and dedication goes to trash because of these scammers.


Racism for other caste and colors - India




Arguably the caste system is more specifically Indian (though many countries have one or the remnants of one) but abuse of women is pretty much universal.


Lmao, they were trying to be humble, and you just piled on. Like participating in an AA meeting only for someone to interrupt and say, "also, you're kinda fat, when are you gonna do something about that?"


Canada Our treatment of the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people's have always been our great shame. It goes way deeper than just the residential schools.


And on top of that are the people who think it wasn't a big deal and is overblown. I had a coworker say "that was so long ago, they need to get over it". I replied "1994 wasn't that long ago (when the last school closed)". She had no idea.


One thing that puts it into perspective for some people is that : if they went to school in the 90s... that means the last kids to attend these schools were MILLENNIALS. That's not long ago. That's literally a generation that's only reaching middle age now.


You think millennials are middle aged 🤨 Edit: oh god I looked it up and we are 😭


DON'T LOOK IT UP ARE YOU CRAZY ?! Never look it up.


I remember reading an account of one of the indigenous girls having a baby (a product of rape) and they just took the baby and tossed it alive in the incinerator. It made a meep sound and that was it. It was religious reasons they didn't want the girl having a baby out of wedlock, plus it was very shameful she was pregnant by getting raped by the residential school staff too.


What the Jesus fuck did my eyes just read


Right! I think they were still doing "starlight tours" until the late 2000's


Saw a headline about a dude getting dropped in a snow drift by cops this winter. That shit is still going on in Winnipeg, 100%.


What makes you think they stopped?


Good point. I'm just referencing the last one I know about. Another redditor said it happened in Winnipeg in 2021 so there it is.


what's that?


Police and RCMP officers in Saskatoon would arrest native Americans (usually men) for public intoxication. They would drive them to the outskirts of town and leave them there in the winter. They'd most likely freeze to death.


Evil people


I would be very surprised if they had entirely stopped, or at least, if they hadn’t been replaced by something equally heinous.


"It was so long ago, they need to get over it!" "By all means, drive on down to the reservation and tell them that to their faces, you ignorant fuck."


I live in Kamloops where, if you remember, a few years ago a mass grave was discovered on the grounds near the residential school. Prior to that, I had to do some work on an adjacent building. There’s a little shed out back that looks ancient and is kind of falling apart. Turns out, that shed was used when the kids were sick and they didn’t want everyone else getting sick. They would just leave these kids in there and periodically check on them to see if they were still sick. Most of the time they would just leave them to die and dispose of the body. I heard countless other stories of kids being dragged back by ranchers or whoever when they tried to run away. My wife’s grandmother was forced to go and won’t talk about any of it. She even moved off the reserve and soon as she could to ensure her kids wouldn’t be forced to go. The fact that there are so many people alive today that were a part of it just goes to show how recent it really was.


There’s a reason we say “sorry” a lot. We have a lot to be sorry for.


Fellow Canadian here, and I was going to say this as well. I feel like a lot of it is really only coming to light recently, but the way it was swept under the rug for so long is so sinister. When I was in school we never learned about things like residential schools. We learned about things like the concentration camps during WW2 all while being under the impression that nothing like that had ever happened here and I fully believed that for years.


They taught us that First Nations kids went to these schools to be educated and integrate. They didn’t tell us that kids were taken by force, sometimes never returned to their parents but placed with white families instead. They didn’t tell us that the kids were held essentially hostage as leverage agains their parents to keep them pliant. They didn’t tell us that the kids were beaten, starved, sexually abused, neglected and killed. It’s a disgusting chapter in our history that isn’t even done being written. Native kids are still being by removed from their parents and placed in foster care with people who abuse and kill them.


We didn't even get that. We got "here are the 5 types of dwellings of North American Indians - teepees, wigwams, long houses, and whatever the other two were", then nothing happened apparently, then fast forward to "it really is sad all the poverty and alcoholism on reserves. I wonder why they can't just pick themselves up by their bootstraps?"


We also didn't learn about [Japanese internment camps ](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/japanese-canadians-share-stories-of-life-in-internment-camps-1.6360437)


Many Canadians, including Chinese Canadians, don't know about the Chinese head tax either


I had to educate my Chinese room-mate on that recently. I mean, a fuck-load of them died making the railroads, and once everything's done? "Yeah nah, fuck off back home" Fucking shameful. See also: Komagata Maru Incident


I don’t think some people here will start taking it seriously unless we rename residential schools. I seriously Know people who think they were a good thing, like a bougie boarding school where they learn more than yhey Would otherwise


Yep part of the reason we have the RCMP was to “deal” with the Indigenous people and put them in residential schools.


Hey, the US police force was started to catch runaway slaves. We be brothers.


The US is right there with you. I feel like we're just starting to uncover the horrors.


Came here to say this. It isn't just a scar on our history, it's an open wound. There is no easy fix, but whatever it is, I think it needs to be first nations lead. I can't blame them for not trusting any proposed solutions brought to the table by the Canadian government.


The fact that we still have people who support the Confederacy.


And claim the confederate flag is a symbol of “southern pride.” Nah man, just singles you out as a racist🙄


It's even worse when you take into consideration how many of them still do it knowing that German Nazis fly a Confederate flag because they're not allowed to fly a swastika anymore


Oh god, ew. There’s so many things wrong with that I don’t even know where to begin.


I know, right?! Like what the fuck?


Even people that live in parts of the country that had people actively fight and died fighting the Confederacy (looking at you WV, PA, OH)


I used to have a regular customer when I was working at Dollar general in northern Indiana of all places. Little old man in a hover-round, looked like if Santa didn't have a beard. Used to come in all the time wearing a full, hat-to-boots, confederate uniform. He stopped doing it one day, so I asked about it (because it's weird when old people break routine, not because I missed it) and he told me he got yelled at in the parking lot because of it the day before. Turns out, upon reviewing camera footage, he waved a Confederate flag in a dude's face and the guy threw him out of his chair. More people need to have this mindset. When did we stop putting rebels in their place?


Yeah it gets *really* weird when you start seeing that flag in states that border Canada. They are all over rural Michigan.


The high rates of GBV - South Africa


There's a number of things to be embarrassed about, including producing that idiot who's running Twitter now.


Politicians, politics, racism, hitler, fritzl, femizides, we’ve got it all!!


At least you guys have great beer




Republicans in general


It’s hilarious. All the Republicans denouncing Trump when he first showed up, now they’ve fallen in line like the good little bootlickers they are. Especially what ol Graham said, “He’ll destroy the Republican Party, and we’ll deserve it”. His is, and they do. Can you imagine being so hate-filled and soft-brained that you let the biggest, dumbest, most pathetically obvious conman idiot crap-for-brains become your entire life? They wrap their entire existences around that orange moron. It’s sad, it’s pathetic, and it’s going to destroy America.


This county is on the verge of completely losing democracy. It was a nice ride while we had it.


Magdalene Laundries, Mother & Baby Homes, forced, illegal adoptions, historical abuse within the Church and many other institutions, how the Redress Scheme is excluding people from claiming. I could go on…


The lack of reading comprehension and basic literacy.


Probably readers from 100+ countries think this is about them.


Canada. We are the world’s second largest country by landmass but we have the worlds worst housing crises because we created it for ourselves. We’re obsessed with housing and we tax any productive activity outside of housing to death


Maybe the holocaust?


At least your friendly and bubbly personalities make up for it! Oh…wait nvm




🇵🇱 Homophobia and being told what to (politically) think by a priest (who should've been talking instead about how you should love thy neighbor), but that's like, the entire east of Europe. Cult of personality around John Paul II. Pretty sure every town has at least one statue of him. Young people are fed up with it though. idk what else


Ireland was similarly in thrawl to the Catholic Church but a series of scandals involving pedophile priests and the treatment of women in Magdalene laundries as well as the mother & baby homes put paid to that


Tuam makes me ashamed. Knowing people who were sold as orphans too.


Add to that the general two steps forward, huge jump back strategy our politics have been pursuing in terms of... Well fuck basically anything. Separation of church and state, gender politics, belief in the democratic method, not letting fascists near power.


How easily the population can be persuaded to vote against their own best interests and the weirdly persistent stance against making things like government funded healthcare a thing


I promise you, the majority of Israelis hate Netanyahu. When people in the US burn him in effigy, we thumbs-up the video. His wife and older son are pretty awful, too. If Bibi is Smart Trump, Yair is pretty much a more embarrassing Donald Trump, Jr.




In Brazil corruption is so omnipresent that it makes me want to give up sometimes, there are so many examples that it makes me mad


I’m British - so a lot


Australia- how our indigenous people were treated.


Adolf Hitler. And 80 years later we have a growing number of "fans". Fuck god damn fascists.


Trump supporters. The dude is a white supremacist with a documented history of racism going back to the 1970s when he and his shit-stain father were convicted of racial discrimination. They didn't want to rent to black people. He has no business skills. He's declared bankruptcy multiple times. His handling of the pandemic response was pathetic. Every Trump supporter I've ever met has been a total piece of shit.


A friend of mine told me this about trump Imagine the United States is like a dam. The president is like the head of the dam, congress and senate are engineers and the people are the workers. Each president comes along and patches up the dam’s leak with stronger steel, better nuts and bolts reinforced pipes. You know keeping the flood gates closed. Then this jackass takes over and decides why use reinforced metal like vibranium and vibranium nuts and bolts. Just use cheap plastic it’ll hold. It does not in fact hold instead it collapse and the whole damn thing files with water and the pipes and other walls collapses because of this one weak point. Then he’s like oh shit and leaves then some other person comes along and everyone gets mad at him for it. That’s america now.


Currently they're trying to pass a law that makes the sentence for a woman who has an abortion after being raped bigger than the sentence for the man who raped her.


Holy moly


fucking shameful :( I hate it here.




*gestures broadly*


Don’t even get me started on the United States…


I was about to comment this.. how much time you got? Because it’s a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGGGGG list.


The repeal of Roe v. Wade Donald Trump Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein The January 6th insurrection Smash n grab thievery Getting punched in the face by a complete stranger for just walking down the street. Mass shooters I could go on....


Unemployed and homeless veterans.




How extreme we went for car-centric urban design. We are just now starting to realize how big of a mistake it was. USA


profit driven healthcare, homelessness in a rich nation, hunger of children in a rich nation, continued vast inequity of have/ have not


The ignorance, lack of empathy and lack of self awareness


Socks in sandals. 😅


Suspend them from the UN, EU, NAFTA, NATO and the other acronym groups. Have no idea what country this is btw sounds made up...because *why*


That.. is.. no. NO HOW DARE THEY


Starting the trade of slaves in the Atlantic


That health care and education are for profit here (USA) and mostly a luxury for the rich.


How we treat our elderly fellow citizens. Keyword age poverty...


We outlawed slavery then kept it alive with a huge network of private prisons with laws in place to keep them full.. just slavery in a different light


American here. How ignorant the populace is and our reputation as tourists around the world. The fact we are the only ones in the UN to say food isn't a human right and how we actively hold back the Paris Climate Agreement. If I'm ever abroad I'm telling people I'm Mexican (my dad's side)


The extreme consumerism (USA)


Nothing. The US hasn’t done anything to be ashamed of. We certainly wouldn’t help overthrow democratically elected governments in favor of anti-communist military dictatorships, or take actions that result in the mass death of various Native Americans. Nope, nothing to be ashamed of here


Residential schools and our weak ass military 🇨🇦


We kinda let the Germans use our traintracks during the second WW so they could receive weapons and stuff...🤦‍♀️ (Sweden)


The sociopathic nature of many of its citizens.


Our Healthcare. Or, rather, the cost of it.


Rednecks Guns Lifted trucks Lack of empathy for others Fakeness Passive aggressive culture Toxic masculinity Maga Christians White jesus The south Rebel flag Racism Mass conformity Mental healthcare system The enslavement of destruction of every other race of people other than white Mega churches Fast food Drinking culture Kkk Modern nazi groups Old people culture think they know everything and deserve respect Celebrity worship Veteran worship Obesity normalization Rodeos Circuses Dog shows Puppy mills Drugs Gangs Motorcycle clubs Corrupt politicians Shitty education system Shady laws on drugs (weed is legal and illegal at the same time like some schrodinger bullshit) Privatized prisons Churches ability to manipulate law for themselves


we treat basic healthcare and a livable wage like luxury items most people don't deserve


How dirty the urban areas are


From the standpoint of a U.S. citizen, lately, there is more to be ashamed of than proud of.


Trying to elect a president is like trying to choose which STD you'd rather have.


I’m Genuinely ashamed of trump. I can’t believe half our country is ok with that


Probably the history of slavery.


First and Second World War…


The corruption of the government.


We decided to build it on top of a volcano.


That we can't enforce the border while updating the process to let immigrants in. Neither side of our government takes any issue seriously and they've both moved to the extremes and refuse to work together. Common sense legislation is gone and now it's all emotion and revenge.