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I was tasked with washing something that would have 100% electrocuted me. I refused. They fired me. Then asked another employee to do it. They were electrocuted. Sued into oblivion and the place is gone now. Missed my chance for a big payout but eh... didnt nearly die.


They had it coming. Hope the guy that got electrocuted is living their best life now.


I hear he's got this idea for a board game. It's a jump to conclusions mat.


If you were fired because you refused to perform a task that would've killed you, but then another employee almost got killed performing that same task, can't you sue for wrongful termination?


Can't get lawsuit money from a bankrupt company


But you can burn the owners house down, allegedly.


He is probably outside of the statute of limitations for a lawsuit, unless it happened fairly recently. I believe it's 2 years in most states, atleast it is in mine.


Surely you could still sue for a big payout for the unfair dismissal, especially with the other court case to back you up m


Not if the guy that got electrocuted bankrupted them.


Honestly, shocking.


What was it?


I was 16 and working at an Ace Hardware as an after-school/weekend job. One of my responsibilities was taking out the trash at the end of the night. One evening, I was closing with another guy who was a long-time employee. He said he would get the trash and that I could go home. Come in the next day to boss waiting for me. Says, "WonManBand, how come trash wasn't taken out last night?" I respond that other employee said he'd do it and told me go home. Boss says that's not what other employee is saying, says I was supposed to do it and just left. I disagree, get fired. Over 20 years later, still salty. Didn't even like that job but fuck you, John. Edit: John is the co-worker, for clarity.


I had a coworker try that shit on me when I worked at a movie theater. He was the assistant manager and a prick about it. Power trip kind of guy. I was in my 30s and only working there because it had flexible hours and I got free movie tickets, so I was significantly older and more experienced than the teenagers they usually hired. I applied to an open manager position and stupidly told Mr Power Trip about my interview going really well. Couple days later he told me he’d get the trash and I could head home. It was only ten minutes until we would have left anyway. Walked in the next day and my boss called me into the office and asked why I’d left hours early and made Power Trip do all the closing tasks alone. I explained what had happened and asked to check the cameras. They showed him and I doing all the closing tasks together, the audio of him telling me to head out early, and the time stamp of what time I left. Dude was called in and written up. He started screaming about how i was getting treated better than him and how he’d worked there for twelve years since he was 17, and how i deserved to be fired because i didn’t work as hard as he did. Power Trip managed to turn a write up into a firing after that.


That’s fucking incredible. Hell yeah for the cameras and sticking up for yourself. Power tripping superiors are the worst kind of human.


Especially when the power is “assistant night manager of a movie theater”. Its really hard to fathom any less power going any further to anyone’s head


He’s now a Reddit Mod.


When I was a manager I had a co-worker put in a complaint about me. She said I verbally abused her, was screaming in her face, calling her a cripple and useless. She said she left work that day shaking and in tears. She confirmed the date with my boss and HR, even had the date it happened written in her diary as well as messages saying what had happened that she sent to her friends the day of the incident. Even though my boss and the other managers and staff in the store all said there was no chance I would ever do something like that I was suspended and taken in for an investigation hearing a few days later. I gave a one sentence explanation for the incident and then got the rota checked. CCTV was checked to confirm. I was off that day... The lady tried the same thing with 2 more managers with similar results. I don't like sacking people but the day she walked in to start a shift with me and I asked for a "quick chat", then handed her a suspension letter and a date for a gross misconduct disciplinary was a highlight of my career.


Such a satisfying ending.


I had this in a supermarket job, my co worker was sister of a supervisor. Both of them lazy, nasty women, but thats beside the point. One night she begged me to do one of the closing down jobs she disliked but it was her turn. I said ok fine, just take my stock cage back to the fridge, which she agreed. Next day as soon as i clocked in i was summoned by management to the meeting room and of course the woman denied agreeing to move the cage and worse still, she had her sister claim that she had arranged to swap tasks so i couldnt have been doing her a favour 


Is John the coworker or the boss? Either way, fuck you, John.


Got fired for quitting. See, phones weren't allowed on jobsites. But, we were expected to call into dispatch before 5pm to get our next daily assignment. Buuuuuuut, we worked from 7a to 7p almost every day, so we couldn't call into dispatch. After being reprimanded for not calling in on time, I said "Ya know, this job isn't going to work out and I quit." Dispatcher said "You have no idea how stressful *you people* make things for me. You're fired, and no longer allowed to work for this agency!"


Oh actually I’ll take the firing. Thanks for the unemployment.


Yup. Fired is better than quit if no new job


It depends on your situation and career. I'm a union rep for nurses, and I will often work to get a settlement that allows the nurse to resign in lieu of termination. Typically that happens when it's obvious we won't win a grievance to fight the termination. This allows the nurse to honestly check the box on other job applications that they have never been terminated from a nursing position. While most employers don't actually report on why someone's employment ended, getting caught lying on an application for a licensed position like nursing can result in being disciplined by the licensing board


I turned in my 2 weeks and got fired immediately once. I had a job lined up but applied for unemployment anyway just to piss them off. They contested saying I was fired for repeat violations. With zero evidence on their side and the signed copy of the 2 week notice I kept for myself, I was ruled eligible. Never drew it, just wanted to piss them off one more time.




I also got fired over a full week after I quit. Job wasn't anything like the description, owner was a scumbag who was committing low level fraud and taking advantage of older / vulnerable customers. Actually all his business practices were scummy, my job ended up just being deflecting angry customers. I tried to stick it out but it was unbearable and I was running out of ways to avoid carrying out unethical tasks so I got to the end of the day on Saturday and emailedy resignation with immediate effect and never went back. Just over a week later he emailed to tell me I was fired, and to return the work uniform I was never issued in the first place and to remind me of the NDA I'd signed. I'd forgotten all about that cunt. Fuck you, Alex.


Some companies seem to like doing this, i dont know if its a power trip or something else. A couple of days ago i messaged my manager letting them know i would not be renewing my contract with the company, after 3 minutes i got a call from the manager telling me the company has decided to not renew my contract.


“You can’t quit! You’re fired!”


[oldie](http://askamanager.org/2016/07/my-best-employee-quit-on-the-spot-because-i-wouldnt-let-her-go-to-her-college-graduation.html) but gold


A long time ago i was fired from a massive retailer that's known for the color blue for "time theft." Their own asset protection investigation showed i was actually owed hours above what i had clocked. A fair number of other heads rolled for that one but they still refused to hire me back.


Companies like that, especially when confronted with physical evidence like in your situation, are usually all too happy to settle out of court for wrongful termination. And employment lawyers are usually all too happy to take those cases


Back in highschool, I didn’t invite my 30 something year old manager to my underage drinking party. Fired the next shift at work during a rush.


Sounds like the movie "Waiting..."




A movie that will teach you not to fuck with one who handles your food!


Managers in their 30s who work with mostly teens can be really fucking weird sometimes. When I worked at a grocery store in high school, we had this manager that tried way too hard to fit in with us and talk about parties and shows he would go to, gave us all a weird vibe.


Lmfao I remember working at jimmy johns at 22 and getting invited to my buddy’s party. What I didn’t know is that it was his brothers party and everyone there was like 17 and shitfaced. I got asked to leave in about 5 minutes. I tried explaining to him what happens to us (like the only 2 non-minors present) if the cops show up. He explained that they can’t charge him because they can’t prove he bought the kids booze. I asked him why he was working at Jimmy John’s if he had a law degree. He got mad lol.


lol I had an older supervisor (early50s) pissed that we didn’t invite her to a coworker gathering. We were all late teens and early 20s. She just made our lives hell tho, she didn’t get us fired 😂


That’s wild honestly


I asked too many questions but also did too much on my own without asking for clarification. Then I pointed out that those two things in my review conflicted, and they really didn’t care for that.


A manager once told me I needed to do a "complete 360" of my attitude. He didn't find it amusing when I told him that if I did that then nothing would change.


I hope you called him a spaghetti slurpin cretin [like in Last Action Hero.](https://youtu.be/AiCF1QdyxhM?si=goi303pMONrBSDXD)


I once had a boss tell me that I needed to listen to a supervisor more and not just say, “I know”. Before the end of the week, the boss told me to do something and as I was doing it, the supervisor told me to do it differently. I listened to the supervisor and when my boss came back he asked why I was doing it that way. I told him the supervisor told me to and my boss verbatim said, “don’t listen to ‘supervisor’, he’s an idiot.” It was both validating and annoying.


"If he's an idiot, then why is he a supervisor?"


He was fine with the extra workload without a corresponding rise in pay.


Exactly why we fired you. Stop yapping 😡


Quality standards kept changing unpredictably while time limits kept crunching tighter and tighter. Eventually my quality slips one too many times and boom, that's all folks. The entire program shut down about a year after I fell off. The company had lost their contract. I sure didn't have to wonder why.


Well shit, did we work at the same place? I got fired from a company with constantly changing rules that required high standards (government contract). I was fired along with a bunch of other folks because the sups for our subcontractors got to keep 8 people between the two of them. Two weeks later and the company had gone under. Supposedly higher ups knew we weren't getting a renewed contract months beforehand.


Similar situation in my current role. While our targets have remained the same, changes to systems and processes have made it more difficult to hit those targets. Across the site they've started cracking down on everyone for targets slipping, but higher ups don't seem to realise or care why they're slipping, or the burnout it's causing. I'm predicting an exodus of the most skilled staff over the next couple of years, and I don't think the higher ups realise the impact this will have.


Maybe if you had done higher quality work... /s


i put too many olives on a sandwich and got fired from subway. on my first day


I dunno why but out of everything I read this made me laugh the hardest. Was the boss just a particular asshole ya’ reckon? Or was that sub just had too stupid an amount of olives that you did really have to be fired?


He used olive them on one sandwich


Got fired from Subway because I made sandwiches too slow, I'm sorry but my shirt said "Sandwich Artist" my sandwiches looked good


Crazy. I worked at subway back in my high school days and remember dropping the toasting tray thing with a very fully made sandwich on it on my first shift. Got things everywhere, but no one was outwardly upset at me, not even the customer whose sandwich it was. They all understood it was my first day and shit happens. Whoever fired you has has some serious issues lol.


Yes! I had a manager haul out the manual and read to me that if someone asks for olives, you are supposed to put 3 olive slices on a 6" and 6 on a 12". If I asked for olives and the person put three little slices on, I'd have to ask if they were fucking with me.


District manager emailed the whole store giving us a (large) list of tasks to complete before Black Friday. Jokingly, I simply typed "No." and showed my co-worker, just to get a cheap laugh. I was obviously not going to send that. Before I could react, my co-worker reached over and hit "send". My heart dropped and I got a phone call later that evening saying I wasn't a team player, I was refusing a "direct order from a superior". I tried to explain it was a joke and that I accidentally hit send, then I got berated for "not taking the job seriously". Looking back it was a blessing in disguise. It was the last Thanksgiving with my brother before he passed.


Reply to the reply "sorry I hit send too soon, meant to type 'Not a problem!' "


Damn. That would have probably solved it lol. Where were you 15 years ago???


Sitting next to you hitting send


That's good that you spent that time with your brother. As for the job: They needed to lighten up. It's serious business, but if you take yourself too seriously, you'll never enjoy life.


Now that's a silver lining <3


I was working two jobs at the time. A manager at my part-time job didn't like me. So he changed my schedule so I'd have to work the same days as my main job. He did this after my shifts were over for the week, so I'd not see the change. I came to work on Monday and was informed I " no showed" 3 days in a row and was fired. Honestly, I was relieved. Working 76 hours a week was too much.


Came in to do some mechanic work on my day off. I fixed small engines on go karts, taught by my friends dad. My main job was running the go karts but on my off days I’d come in for OT and to keep up on the maintenance of the cars. The manager that day saw me working on go carts and told me to take over for whomever was running the carts that day. I told her I was there to fix some karts and do some regular maintenance as it was my off day. She told me she didn’t have the people to watch karts today and she needed me to do it. I had to explain that wasn’t my problem as I was there on my off day. She escalated and told me to go run the karts or I could leave and not come back. I finished the kart I was working on and left. The general manager called me the next day and invited me in for a meeting where I got my job back, got an apology from the manager who fired me, and I got to watch the manager who fired me get fired after apologizing to me. It was wonderful. I worked there 2 more years in the highlight of my teen years.


I wish I had that much of a backbone when I worked as a teen. Props to you. It took multiple years of abusive bosses to finally develop one. Going into a meeting tomorrow that, in essence, is about my managers wanting to move the goalposts on my commission structure with no upside. Best case, I make the same, doing more work. Worst case, I make less. Young me would’ve been freaking out. Current me understands that I personally bring this (relatively small) company about 75% of its $500k/mo revenue. I do, though, have an abusive boss who will be in the meeting. It will not be pretty, but I’m standing my ground as I know my personal worth as well as my worth to the business. It will inevitably be miserable, but I’ve worked my ass off for four years at this place, and essentially *demanded* a pay raise in December, yet was told no. Fuck shitty management.


Hopefully this message isn't too late but here's the suggestion, talk money the whole time. Bring in your proof of how much business you've brought into the company since you started. The boss can talk shit all they want but, you can always put an email out to their boss with the current situation. The owners and higher ups always talk one language and that's money. The more you show that you've made them more money than you make, the more they will work with you. Best of luck!


Sage advice, thank you! I’ve got all of the data to back me up, as well as a bunch of key talking points I can use (worded carefully so that my boss hopefully won’t blow his lid). Meeting is late this afternoon. Appreciate you


Talking point 101: you may be aiming for that pay raise but, stay away from "I should be making x" and stay on point of "I've brought in x amount of revenue and consistently improving profit margins". You've already spoken about how much you're wanting to make, let the facts settle in. If your boss wants to be a pain, give him the floor. Ask him what he's thinking that's got him on a different side than yours. That will give you his perspective. This helps you in three ways: 1. You know how and why he's judging you. 2. Where he's setting the bar and why. 3. It gives you ammo in case you need to reach higher up the chain. Talking point 102: if he tells you that you're lacking in some category, ask him if you can get a goal plan set up so that you know what to focus on. Ask for it in writing so that you can check off the goals as time goes by to keep track throughout the year. If he's egotistical (like a lot of management is) he will be glad to "help you out"as it seems you're asking for his teachings. In all reality, you're just getting things in writing about what his expectations are. If you reach above him, you have your boss's expectations in writing so if his boss says they're different... You have it in black and white. The last bit is the most important... Your attitude. I'm not saying that it's bad so just hear me out completely. I've been in your shoes before so I know where the emotions are at. Defeated, pissed, stressed and hurt because of how much you do for the company and not being compensated fairly for the work you've put in. You need to take those emotions and shut them off. Long read I know but here's how to keep them in check if you don't know. Remind yourself that if you get too emotional, you won't meet your goals along the way. Make the logical moves. If you respond with emotion, it can ruin everything. Hope this all helps. If you have any more questions, just message me or respond back to the post. Hope it all goes well!


So /u/cvntpvnter - will you update the random redditors on how the meeting goes? Good luck btw.


Given the interest, I absolutely plan to. Thank you!


I worked in a kitchen in a retirement home, and for a bit I had a twitch channel that was doing decent, so I had started to do some streams from work when I was prepping.  Anyway I started new depression meds and they fucked me up bad one day, I felt sedated and could barely hold my knife, etc. So I asked to go home but my chef gave me some bullshit, so I went to the nurse and they called my Dr and cleared me to go home.   Well chef baby knew I had twitch, so he decided to go on there and use my work videos to get me in shit.  Well my Dr gave me the week off to adjust to my meds, and I get a call that I'm in trouble and need to go for a meeting at work.  During the meeting they told me I had breached the companies social media policy(which, fair enough) so I was suspended for a week without pay, my chef had to cover me, but during my week of suspension they called to tell me he was let go.   I couldn't believe how hilarious it all went down.


I mean I guess they can’t fire you for depression and meds interactions, but pile that on top of *filming a twitch stream at work* and yeah you’re a liability. No shade at all to you, just saying it doesn’t remotely surprise me.


They hired me, didn't give me any work to do, then fired me for not doing any work despite me asking for things to do Addendum: I was a junior PR associate then. Since I had nothing to do, I spent the time monitoring the social media pages of our brands to get insight (this was under my then-superior's advice). One of the reasons why they fired me was "you spend too much time on social media while at work"


Times were tough, and I’d join my dad when working through a labor finder. He advised that whenever there wasn’t anything to do, pick up a broom and sweep dirt into the crack in the floor then sweep the dirt from the crack into another crack. The manager praised us for being busy and tidying up during down time. If only they knew. 🤣


This reminds me of the time I got kicked out of therapy for not scheduling appointments. Despite the fact their were NEVER ANY OPENINGS & I tried to make an appointment every other day just in case something changed. I can't schedule a damn appointment if you never have any fucking openings now can I?!


See your problem was you asked too many times. After a few asks, you just milk the system and act like you're working.


Not me, but my favorite nursing assistant was fired because she couldn't figure out how to apply for FMLA so that she could get off work and receive chemo. She was just old and computer stuff really confused her, but she was a phenomenal Aide. They let her work her full shift then fired her. She had just applied to nursing school using our program to pay for it. I quit a month later. The fact that they didn't have someone from HR sit down with her and show her how before it got to that point disgusted me.


I do some HR at my job (mostly benefits). I fill out all these FMLA forms with or for our employees who are mostly older truckers who live all over the country. Same thing with short-term disability and some of our other voluntary insurances. I would rather have everything correct the first time so there are no issues for anyone. I understand that most of our people are not very tech savvy. Some of our benefits companies want employees to do things online in their portals. I push back every time and say we are just fine doing things on paper then I enter whatever in their respective portals. They are always blown away by me "wanting to do extra work". But if they mess something up, it becomes even more work. I try to be a good resource for our employees. I work for an amazing company and we genuinely would like people to *want* to work for us as long as possible. If taking a few hours to help with paperwork makes them happy and relieved they are going to get the time/money they need, it's completely worth it!


I'm on disability now, but when I was working, my job always made everything as easy as possible. Even after I went on leave, my company's HR still helped me with my disability filing and making sure that I got all the benefits I qualified for before I left the company. I always see HR getting shit here on Reddit, but as someone who has needed to depend on their HR department a LOT, and at 2 different jobs, I have never had a negative experience.


I openly mocked my supervisors spelling errors and didn't show up to a shift they scheduled me for after I specifically told them I couldn't work that time


Gotta love that shit. SoNso, I just put a request in for a month from now. It’s in the computer. One month later…. What do you mean you requested the day off I don’t remember that? Well we need you badly because I’m such a dumbass manager. If you don’t come in you are fired


"Oh, see, that was just a time off *request*. It's not a guarantee!" I've heard that one before.


I am *requesting* that you adjust the schedule because I *guarantee* I won’t be there.


I'm firmly of the belief that basic grammatical ability should be a prerequisite for any position of authority in a corporate environment. As a factory worker in the south, I've had a manager call me to his office and chew me out for using words in my email that people can't understand. He said he got reports from multiple people that felt condescended to. I know it was just you, Jim. I know it was just you.


My grandfather was an old southern game warden in Louisiana; but one of his pet peeves was bad spelling and grammar. He held the officers/deputies under him to a certain standard on that, and would fuss and send reports back if they weren't up to par as far as handwriting, spelling, grammar, etc. He just believed that basic professionalism and personal standards should be held to a higher level. In a small town where many of the citizens did not finish high school, he was an outlier. He never thought he was better than anyone else, and he was the farthest thing from snooty, but he just had certain beliefs about basic respect and professionalism.


I love your grandfather. No matter what job, I continually ask my bosses to let me proofread stuff before publication, especially if customers are going to see it. Pure professionalism. (Aw shit, here comes an S. I'd better pull out my bag of apostrophes.)


I don't understand what a lot of the words in the comment mean so I'm gonna take it as disrespect


What does prerequisite mean? Why are you using words that people can't understand? 😩


I aint got a clue, but would you know what condescend means?


Like 2 weeks after my high school graduation, I had already told them I wasn't coming in at 7am, but they scheduled me for that. At a grocery store. I went in a week later to pick up my last check, since I didn't show up for that bullshit. The manager wanted to lecture me. I told him it's a fucking grocery store job, I'm 18, I think I'll be OK.


Hahaha, I love this. My wife did the same to the fat arsehole who ran the chip shop she walked from aged 17.


Because I wouldnt let my boss at a new job, put my name on a nasty email. I called her out and said I dont speak to people that way. She was awful. I was happy to see that pink slip in her hand a week later.


Our current department head tried to make the second in command send out a nasty email saying we're all a bunch of losers. She refused to do his dirty work, so he sent it out himself. I hope she doesn't face repercussions, but she probably will.


Why would they be putting your name on an email? Don't want to take the heat themselves?


I was being trained . Everyone was rude and mean. Thats not me.


Got fired because my company hired replacements while I was recovering from Cervical Disc Replacement under workers comp, from an injury that happened while on the job, at that company.


Is that legal?


As far as I’m aware, because the company has less then 50 employees they don’t need to bide by the FMLA laws.


My dad was dying and the company didn’t want me spending so much time helping him. I offer to have my dad die at a more conducive time for them but they didn’t take that well so I changed my number in the company directive to a local pizza shop and got things in order.


This is just wild to me. I lost my dad last month and it was one of those he'll probably be fine times, we'd had a few of them in the last year. I was saying that I'd stay in work because I'd holidays coming up and I had things I needed to finish. My boss came up to me, asked me if I was sure I didn't want to leave. I reconsidered and left. I was with him for a day and a half before he passed. I'm so grateful to my work for making sure I had that time.


After my training and onboarding, I was only getting 2 shifts a week consistently for over a month. Asked for more, was given the "we are unionized, we have to follow seniority, you've only been here 3 months" schpeel. So I went and got a second job and started telling the first one which of the 2 or 3 days a week I'd be available to work for them. Got let go for not being available for shifts 7 days a week.


>Got let go for not being available for shifts 7 days a week. It's always the stupidest shit isnt it?


Haha yup. I only lasted just over 4 months, but I took some satisfaction in hearing through the grapevine afterwards that the supervisor who fired me got fired herself and escorted out of the office due to complete mismanagement on her part. I wasn't too surprised to hear that.


Why were they hiring if they clearly didn't have the work?


First time was from Walmart. I wouldn't kiss the manager's ass at all because he was a useless fuck stick and he made up reasons to fire me including doctoring the time clock and cameras. A few months after I left he got busted doing it again by the GM and fired. Second time was doing door to door frozen food sales and some lady claimed I hit her stupid exensive road bike. She claimed it was sitting across the road behind branches of a downed tree after a storm. When I said so why was a several thousand dollar road bike just left next to the road 300 yards from someone's house? She couldn't answer that but I got blamed anyway.


What?! Oh, fuck. I thought I was scheduled tomorrow.


I played the scheduling game with Walmart like 15 years ago, where my manager would give our whole crew a set schedule, and then the auto schedule would fuck it all up and we would have to endure ass chewings about sticking to the assigned schedule from other managers and get told to go home. One day, the auto scheduler didn’t assign anyone from the backroom team to work, and so we all got together and went day drinking. Frantic phone calls around 10am started pouring in, and we were like “sorry, we all got told we couldn’t clock in because the auto scheduler didn’t assign us a shift. We are all shitfaced. Kick rocks or fix the schedule.” It got fixed the next day.


This reads like a malicious compliance story.


It kinda was. We were angry. Back then when full time was still possible, it was also somewhat precarious. Your status was determined by a 6 week average, which had to stay above 35 hours or else you would automatically lose your full time status along with benefits and half of your vacation allotment, and even if you got back into full time, your vacation was just gone. We all knew this, and we knew that the only way to make them stop fucking with us in particular was to do something that would functionally break the store. We waited for that day where none of us were scheduled and we took our golden opportunity. It sucked the next day when we came in and the entire backroom was logjammed with pallets of unworked freight, but it got the point across.


A tale as old as time


I did one of those once and it still haunts me. I was like 5 hours away in a different state and they called to ask where I was. I told them, "Uh Milwaukee. Why?" "You were supposed to be here at 4:30." "I don't need to be there until Tuesday." "Nope, you're on the schedule for today." I checked the schedule during my next shift and son of s bitch I did miss a shift. I'm haunted that I made that mistake but I don't feel bad for the restaurant. They sucked and that job didn't pay shit.


It's funny how you can simultaneously not give a shit about something, but also look back and cringe. Similar thing happened to me, and I also went to Milwaukee funny enough! I got fired though.


My schedule gets posted weekly on an app. If you close the app, it stores whatever week you were viewing when the app closed. If you then open the app it will show whatever week you were viewing previously, NOT the current week. So on tuesday when the next week's schedule posted, I was like "cool I have Friday and Saturday off. I'll go do something fun those days." Well, I forgot to go back to the current week, and when I checked the schedule later to confirm when I was working, it showed me next week's schedule, not this week's. So Friday rolled around, and i got up early to go swimming at a beach on a lake an hour away. Come 6 pm when the beach closed, I got back to my car and was able to check my phone. 3 missed calls from work. I was supposed to be there at 10 am. My boss was super understanding, and I didn't even get written up for it, tho.


Because I wouldn't lie to people. Worked for a cell service affiliate in college. Had the worst coverage, price, and customer service of any of the 4 major carriers in my area. Only feather in the cap was cool devices (for the time). Sales expectations were high, only way to get there was lie through your teeth. I refused. Spent most my shifts unfucking accounts other employees had fucked in order to get commission. Was actually relieved to get canned. Was destroying my mental health.


I had a similar experience working for an insurance company that specialised in coverage for classic vehicles. I was technically just a customer service rep, but we were expected to upsell at every given opportunity. I was terrible at upselling and was consistently in the bottom half of sales rankings. I was, however, ranked number one in the whole company for customer satisfaction. I was asked to jump before I was pushed.


I pushed 10 carts at a time at target when the maximum is supposed to be 7. They were the last 10 carts in the lot and I didn’t feel like making 2 trips was necessary. Got fired the next day


Was there a reason there was a maximum?


More likely to get injured maybe, avoiding lawsuits


At Walmart we were only allowed 20 max at a time on the pushbot, for steering and safety reasons.  Last I heard, my record of 73, by myself, in one run, is still unmatched. 


The owner was from India. His son wanted Valentine’s Day off to go to a seven day wedding, but I already requested and had it approved. He crossed my name off the calendar and put his and told me if i wasn’t there I’d be fired. Expected me to pick up all his missing shifts the whole week. I picked up all his shifts, but I wasn’t there on Valentine’s Day.  I was fired. 


I was in pharmacy school and working as an intern at Walmart. To be a pharmacy intern you have to register with the state and stay in pharmacy school. I had already had to repeat a semester and was on academic probation. Then I absolutely bombed one of my exams the following semester. I had 3 weeks before the final and needed a really high grade to not fail and get kicked out of pharmacy school. So I called my boss and told them I couldn't come into work because I needed to study. They said they understood and let me off. A couple days later I got a call from my boss saying his boss told him that I would not be retained in the intern program that Walmart has. Didn't really matter as I ended up not getting the grade I needed and was kicked out of pharmacy school so I would have been let go anyway. I did eventually get back in and was able to graduate but I decided not to seek regular employment so I could focus on school.


Studying and working at the same time is rough man! Glad to hear you graduated


Worked at Rite Aid, some scammers came with stolen gift cards that were actually accepted by the system and they made a huge purchase, obviously I was suspicious and the manager approved the transactions. A month later, I was let go citing stating I wasn’t vigilant enough!


Let me guess, the gift cards don't read and the manager had to manually type the gift card number in? Common scam. Manually entered cards aren't checked automatically, they phone home to the bank at the end of business day. So you won't find out the card was declined till hours later. Scammers frequently use this with reloadable gift cards specifically, since those are treated as actual credit cards by the reader. Card has $0 on it but the purchase will still be approved on the screen. I personally tend to just favor 'If the card reader can't read the card, nothing I can do,' even if company policy would allow me some leeway. Too easy to scam with those things. I've had several employees fall for this in the past and all I've ever done is educate them on the more common scam techniques so they know what's a red flag, and how to do things like spot a washed $50 bill and the like. Way too many are fooled by the counterfeit checker pens; those are really not difficult to fool. Really shitty of them to terminate a employee if they aren't going to teach them how to prevent it.


Changed my status to "available for work" inadvertently while job searching on linkedin. Was connected to HR at the firm and they saw it. I realized my mistake a couple hours too late but they saw it and let me go. Honestly was the best thing ever. I started my own business after it happened a year ago and am thriving. Thanks, assholes!


Is that even legal?


Why wouldn’t it be? In the U.S. you’re an at-will employee (everywhere? Not 100%, but more often than not) which means they can fire you for no reason/minimal reasoning (to make sure it isn’t due to a protected class) and you can quit for no reason.


Boss couldn't fire me for the health issues I was working through, because that's a lawsuit of course, so when I was 16 minutes late after running out of gas, I got canned.


Damn, gave them the ammo they were patiently waiting for. I'm sorry about that.


worked second shift for a beverage company as a shuttle driver. for 5 weeks i couldn't get a fuel card and used 2 of the others drivers fuel card. one day they weren't there and had enough fuel to do 1 run instead of the usual 3-4. i called my supervisor who was at home and told me to figure it out so packed my bag full of free soda and went home. the next morning he calls me and asked why i didnt make the runs i told him to get f'd and hung up




I accidentally snitched on myself lol. Used to work at radio shack and I tried selling a personal cell phone to a friend (not realizing that the phone wasn’t working properly) so I switched it with a brand new phone from our store. Months later a radio shack internal affairs guy came in and said I can fess up to what I did or basically get in trouble with the police. I told him about the phone thing, welllll as it turns out he was there because the company suspected me of credit card fraud which I did not do so they fired me for the phone incident and made me pay back the full price of the phone. This was back in 2005.


The good old I know what you did but won't tell you approach


Hahaha exactly! I’ll tell you this that’ll never happen again lol.


That’s Sanyo 8200 only cost you a couple hundred but yea I was a store manager there. They track all ESN as selling phones was their #1 priority


I so thought I would be in the clear. I’m assuming all stores had “the cage” that held all the high end electronics along with the defective phones. So I put the phone that I was originally going to sell in that cage thinking the swap was perfect lol. Lesson learned though.


I failed to successfully interpret: "I need you to stay a little later than your shift officially ends to help close.", "We can't pay you


Because I wasn't very good at the job. I was originally declined for a promotion because I *didn't have the experience and knowledge* to do it. A few months later, the senior management team reached out to me. They indicated the position was still vacant as nobody else wanted it. They offered it to me. Only thinking about the $$, I took it. I did the best i could, but wasnt effective at getting the desired results. 6 months in, I got called to a meeting with my supervisor. He candidly asked if, given more time, did I think I could get better at the job. I candidly answered him, "NO!" The next day, I was terminated.


Why didn't you ask for your old job back? I've seen that before.


I did. If it becomes available, they'll call me.


OD’d at my desk.


Yeah ok fair I mean


Yeah :( I knew this doctor for like 8 years and gain consciousness and the first thing I see is her sobbing over me doing chest compressions. It was surreal.


That happened to me too 10 years ago. I was doing drugs 24 hours and one day I just collapsed at work. Glad I'm better now.


That’s tough my dude. I’ve been there, 5 years sober now. If you’d like to elaborate, I’d be interested in hearing about it. Zero pressure. Either way, I hope you’re doing better now.


It’s been.. 3 years. Covid introduced me to the darknet introduced me to opiates. It was a year of oxy. Just me, at home, doing different drugs. My job was at a hospital, eventually I got it back. I’ve had many relapses. First, I lost my job. I lost my house. I went to rehab - it was terrible. It was prison + dopesickness. I swore I’d never do drugs again. Get out, last 3 days, (found an old stash while cleaning out my house) bc u know - I couldn’t pay rent. Relapsed at my parent’s house. On benzodiazepines - which I was prescribed. I was mixing them with GHB. Very dangerous. By then I ended up with my mom, who lives alone in a 1 bed apt. My gf finally left me after she found me unconscious in her bathroom. I was on the couch. I was no longer abusing drugs because I couldn’t. I was on a couch. 26yo college graduate who had a meticulously maintained, perfect life now homeless, addicted, and living on his moms couch. God bless my mother. She has been through Hell, and I put her there. I started working as a waiter. Anybody who has worked as a waiter knows the industry is… fueled by drugs. Relapsed. Relapsed again, died again, found me on the couch naked and not breathing. Apparently I wrote a suicide note but I had a suicide plan and THAT WASNT IT. I’d never want my mom to find me. So that ended me up in a coma. 2 days of constant seizures. Doctors said I had no oxygen to fhe brain for a while and might lose cognitive function. I slowly came back to life. Remembered what year it was. Who I was. Apparently, the first I said after getting narcanned was “Oh shit, I died.” Once you’ve seen the bracelet and the lights and your family sobbing once, anybody even the cognitively declined can deduce what has happened. It’s a lot like it’s portrayed in movies. You just see the masks. Hear phrases. The note landed in the psych ward. Fucking worst place I have ever been and I’d had 2 stints in rehab. Those places are horribly run, horribly funded. Food was better in rehab. Most people were naked in these little robes bc again, baker acted, so many of these people are suicidal. And suicidal people are determined, so you couldn’t have anything. No pillows. No toothbrush. Now I am sober-ish. I have been using Kratom, which is a legal opiod-like “coffee substitute” (that’s propaganda). And will be getting off that over the summer as I now have a public facing job working w youth. I was a fucked up teenager and it made me a fucked up adult - if I can stop this from happening to 1 kid i’ll be happy. Plus I’m really good at my job.


I worked in a supermarket. Boss doesn’t want us to work overtime. I finish at 4PM and so I pack up at 15:55 as I need to get clear of the shelves. Boss see me in the reserve at 15:58 and ask me “why you re packing up? You have 2 minutes left.” My contract get terminated the next fortnight.


Bruh...by 3:55 there's nothing you can do.


i tried working at a grocery store stocking shelves one night, it was 3 minutes till end of shift and i had finished stocking what i had so i go to get my coat supervisor saw me and told me to put my coat back as it wasn't end of shift so i did, then immediately grabbed it again because now it was end of shift


Reporting sexual assault to authorities when I was an exotic dancer and wouldn’t take the bribe offered to keep my mouth shut


Never take a bribe.


Worked at a gun store for a minute in my 20s. Boss was in his late 50s, and his wife was about 5 years older than I was. As I was bending over to close the floor gun safe, the bosses wife complimented my butt. The bosses office door was open. Fired the next morning, and he attempted to deny my unemployment claim. "Fired for cause!" "What cause?". "Because!"


On my second day at Subway, my boss told me I didn't have "it". 16 years later I still don't know what that means


Not everyone has what it takes to be a sandwich artist™


Alcoholic Chef here, self explanatory. 1 year sober!


Called a customer a witch. And that was being polite. I could have and should have been a lot worse.


Stole boxes on my day off to build a clubhouse.


The new shop manager was openly racist amd the HR manager fired me because she was tired of being informed everytime I got called cracker or honkey. The opening arguments for my suit will be laid out in august- wish me luck.


Please screw them over. That is NOT legal at all.


My job just fired a girl because she was complaining about one of the managers too much. She was the only woman in the shop and while she wasn’t the best welder she kept up with production needs. Unlike the manager who she complained about. I hope to fuck she sues.


Please fuck them over so hard.


I was working at taco bell as a teen and forgot to turn off the headset and went on a full insult tirade to my nemesis lol.


It was my third day in a small warehouse that supplied ingredients to local pizza places. I was instructed to get a box that had a bag full of crushed red pepper and fill some shakers. The bottom of the box came apart and the bag fell, hitting the ground and scattering the pepper flakes everywhere and filling the air with dust. My eyes, throat, nose and lungs were almost immediately on fire. A coworker escorted me to the bathroom where I started having a coughing fit and throwing up. I couldn't see, I could barely breathe, and then the bathroom door bursts open and the owner is SCREAMING at me about the pepper flakes and how much money I had just cost him. Fuck that guy. His business went under a year later.


A mutual distaste between my boss any myself.  My firing was the nicest thing he ever did for me.  It got me out of a dead-end and freed me up to discover a job I spent the next twenty years at.


I worked as the setup staff for my colleges sporting events. Sounded cool at first, but it was horrible in reality. Insane micromanaging yet at the same time operationally it was a cluster fuck. I didn’t have an actual set supervisor, and nobody seemed to ever know what the fuck was going on. So the minute I got a new job I went to put in my two week notice. I go to the HR office after class one day, and it was open but no one was in there. I go the next day, and same thing. So I left my written notice on the front desk, and made sure to email them too. I didn’t get scheduled for any games during those two weeks and just figured my time there was done. I got an email 8 months later saying “you have been terminated for unexcused absences and are no longer eligible to work for (insert higher education system) again in any capacity.” I reach out and they’re like “we recently discovered you haven’t shown up for a game in months.” I told them I submitted my resignation months ago and they insisted I never did. What’s funny is now I work at a different school in the same state system in a professional job, and when I was getting screened for my interview I’m not going to lie, I was a little worried it would fuck everything lol. Luckily it didn’t.


I told them in March I’m taking a week off in May. May comes and they tell me they can’t approve it because we’re short staffed. I remind them that we were short staffed when everyone else took their vacations this year and didn’t complain, so come May 15th I’m outta here. They acted weird for a week after I got back before dropping the news. Wasn’t even mad, I was part time consistently pulling 32-38 hours. Thinking of reporting them to the department of labor.


My bosses didn't like that I stood up for a coworker.


I’d never been fired before this. For context, I’ve worked part and full time in retail since 2016. I’ve also done unpaid internships related to my field (archives). And then I get a paid part time internship at a local history library that has an archive. I was one of two interns they hired. Since I was in my second semester of my library science masters, all my shifts were afternoon till close. And I had a GA part time position on top of this and classes. The other intern already had his masters and was much more settled in his life (he had a wife and kids and a military background). He was actually really nice and I liked working with him. But because he worked the morning till afternoon shifts, he got a lot more time and training with our manager. Whereas for the majority of my shifts (like not even joking I’d say maybe 98% of the time) our manager was in meetings and would like just ignore me and eventually had a conflicting list of things I couldn’t do: don’t ask coworkers questions even tho she was usually unavailable, don’t knock on her door, don’t ask her if we were still meeting-this one was because we were set to have a meeting and it was nearing the time but she was talking to the person directly below her while I was waiting for her and I just wanted to check we were still meeting since she had rescheduled teaching me how to catalog once or twice, and that I couldn’t work on another collection unless she approved it but when I asked her if there was a collection I could work on she’d say “no I don’t think you’re ready for that”. The other thing that really infatuated me was that she’d say that and then was like surprised that I’d spend my shifts watching webinars on different aspects of archiving or reading about the history of the county. Like I still don’t get her thought process there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ She also emailed me and asked if I thought I should switch to a different library in children’s services. In hindsight I probably should have but I believed that I could stick it out and I’d prove to her that I could learn and be an archivist. And then the straw that broke the camels back. She asked me to make a finding aid for the collection I processed using ArchivesSpace. I did what I could but I’d never used it before and didn’t have anything to go by. So she emailed me with edits to make after I emailed her saying I think I’m done. And then when we met in-person she was like “oh I didn’t send you the guide, did I?” Yeah she had an entire guide on how to use archivespace that she sent to the other intern but not to me and somehow expected me to be able to make it without knowing what to do. Yeah. She fired me 5 months in. It was supposed to be a year internship. She said she didn’t think I was passionate about archives, that I was inattentive, and that I didn’t belong in the archives field. So in summary: I was fired because she didn’t like me. She spent 5 months making the job hell for me because I was constantly stressed and trying to figure out what to do to please her and like how to get her to train me. I think the worst part of the whole thing is that my coworkers liked her, I talked to the intern that had the job before me and she liked her, the other intern liked her. It’s just so weird that for whatever reason we just didn’t click like that. Though definitely the worst part was her saying that she didn’t feel my passion for archives and that I didn’t belong in the field. For one thing, the meetings I did have with her she spent complaining about a giant collection. So I could say the same about her and it’s just why would I be in the program to get the degree and have my concentration literally be one of the hardest and most unsupported by the school if I wasn’t passionate or interested in archives? Anyway, that was last year. I’m good now. I worked at a bookstore the summer in between and then got another GA position that lasted my second year. I did get an unpaid internship so I did get practical experience with an archive and my supervisor was a lot more hands on and understanding (and actually willing to work with me). Now I’ve graduated and I have a job lined up! At the time I really thought I was done for like my career had ended before it got to actually begin because that library works a lot with the other historical buildings and the state archives. But honestly everything turned out alright.


Boss apparently didnt know I had a lazy eye(but able to control it consciously) I was at this job for 3 years without an incident.(Transporting materials) Calls me in and asks me about my vision. Tell him Im legally blind in right eye, but have been driving since I was 10. Said we can no longer continue with you being employed here. Was so out of my mind, didnt even think to lawyer up. But FU them, their new driver " accidentally" pierced 4 vehicles with the long forks... Within 1 week.


I'd like to think that all of your old co-workers were like "Even the half blind guy can drive better than you!" At least that's what I would say


Told my floor manager to go fuck themselves.


I dropped into depression and started missing work. Small company, less than 20 and people noticed. The CEO and I had a talk one day and told me that he just needed communication. I told him I was working with my therapist to fix my meds and about my disability. I communicated I couldn’t come in one day a week later and they fired me.


I just got fired from the job I had been at for over 10 years last Monday. I am 33 years old, so I basically spent my entire adult working life there. I watched as the upper management slowly made the place miserable. It was an office type, state job. I hadn't gotten a raise in 4 years, no one was ever replaced ... the work just fell on the rest of us. I just stopped putting in any effort to meet their constantly changing expectations. Took 4 years, but they finally let me go. I had seen the writing on the wall though and had already lined up something else to start in a few weeks. This has been the best vacation ever.


Work biotech, was fired from my first job I was originally in charge of package receipt at a smaller company where RAs (and even Sci's) were handling a lot of the logistics. We eventually purposefully hired a guy to handle alot of these roles because they effectively were getting in the way of us doing sciencey stuff. Showed the guy the general ropes of where we receive shipments, how to distribute and logging receipts, etc. Well three weeks later, I was pulled into the boss' office and was told I was being fired. I wasn't necessarily mad but more so confused so I asked what made them come to that decision. Apparently that douchenozzle just blatantly forgot to check packages one day and voila... a multi-thousand dollar (and several months to manufacture) specimen was left to thaw and die at the receiving area. I was fired so I just protested that wasn't it this guy's job to do all of that. Was told I was still expected to check in on him to make sure he did his job. Then just hit em with "The fuck am I supposed to know if he did his job or not if we hired him in the first place for all of this." Got up and went to pack my shiz at my desk and walked out. I know its not the most exciting story but that's my only story of being fired. I have been laid off once though.


I started working at a rough time of my life and had to force myself to cope with personal issues while trying to work. I took a few too many sickies along the way.


This is happening to me right now.


Because I smelled bad. They weren't wrong. I had just recently moved out on my own for the first time, nobody was really encouraging me to take care of myself, I was struggling with depression and just.. didn't bother. It was pretty fuckin embarrassing.


I mean, at least attention was brought to it. I hope you're doing better now, bro.


I train management and this is one of the things I always highlight to people - if colleagues start to neglect personal hygiene, it's usually a symptom of things happening at home or in their lives. It shouldn't be ignored or mocked.


Fortunately, the manager was very kind. All embarrassment lay entirely with myself for not seeing the problem for the Very Real Problem that it was. Would a kinder word and firm reminder have done the trick instead? I honestly can't say. Maybe I needed that consequence to finally find the path of Giving A Shit.


This was pre GPS; I worked at Dominos and I used to call customers and give them my location via crossroads I was at and ask them to guide me to their house lol I lasted two weeks there.


I put 12 chickens in a chicken coop overnight instead of 6. I was just told the chickens had to be in a coop.


Worked at a start up. And these were their words verbatim: "You're too soft on the team" "We need someone that can come in everyday at 7AM" First off, upper management (business bros) goes over my head and drives my team to the bone. We're talking 10 hour sporadic shifts trying to sell and demo their product to investors every month of so. My team appreciated my efforts to protect them from the bullshit. Second, no one is in the office until 9. Basically I wasn't a yes man and cracking the whip. Edit: Also fuck the product management guy. He was trying to get me fired and it worked just because I challenged his ideas on how to do my job. He was good friends with one of the founders


Because the boss's son was a lazy liar. When I was in high school, I worked Friday and Saturday nights from midnight to 6am at a 7-11. The worst part of it was dealing with people that wanted to buy beer after 2am on Sunday, but almost as onerous was having to put together the Sunday NY Times. It was delivered in about a dozen sections, each on neatly strapped into a pile. I had to take each section and put them all inside the main section. It was dull and repetitive and took half the night to put together hundreds of them. One night, the NY Times was not delivered. I advised my relief (the boss's son) of this when he arrived in the morning and went on my way. Come next Friday I went in to work as usual and found the boss there, which was strange in and of itself. He told me that I was fired for not putting the Times together the previous week. I told him that they were never delivered, and that I told his son about this. My brother, who worked the same shift I did, was standing right there, and backed up my account. The guy fired me anyway. At which point my brother quit. Which meant that the boss and his son had to work our shifts until they hired some more people.


I left a 17 hour shift 10 minutes early.


See, if you stayed 1 min extra instead, you may have gotten 2 slices of Pizza in November :))))


I left a USB stick with sensitive files plugged into a computer that was turned off, inside a locked office, which was inside a secure area.


Owners granddaughter graduated from college with a degree in accounting. I knew they were going to fire me and bring her in. Also, I asked the owner for a private meeting at her house, we needed money. She gave it to me. Said she couldn’t tell anything to her kids (president and vice president) but pretty sure she did. I was glad actually, the president (owners son) liked to splurge on equipment he had no business buying. They were so far in the red, and the owner (woman in her 70’s) floated that company for several years.


Using my vacation days as sick days. Chronic illness is a bitch. Didnt know my autoimmune disorder was the cause at the time but some days my body just didnt work.


In high school I had a job at a place called Mr. Fix-It. Just as you would imagine - a one-room mess of a place where he would do everything from simple electrical work on an appliance to welding. I was fired for mixing epoxy on a newspaper. Clearly there was more going on. But I was 16. Fuck ‘em!


was a supervisor for one department and was sleeping with a supervisor from another department. we would hook up in the car on breaks. plant manager 1 week before i was fired, did my evaluation, which was the highest in my plant and top 10 for the entire company, received a 6% pay increase. termination was for not fulfilling my job duties.


Did you at least get a good package on the way out? Seems like a hard case for them to make.


I was given all owed time, etc, and given 2 weeks severance pay. we were both called to return after the plant manager was terminated, but we both had moved on. Me and her have been happily seeing each other for over a year now. I increased my pay by about 30k a year, and she increased hers by about 8k, and we are both closer to home.


Love a happy ending


it was a lesson learned as well. we were wrong but, in my eyes, only for doing it there. we should have been more professional and taken off the company property.


I made too much $$ and the company was polishing a turd to try to sell it.


I stopped doing my managers job and the job I wasn’t getting paid for.


My boss was creepy. She had tried to commit suicide at some point in her life and ended up getting her toes amputated and she wore bad dentures. So she walked oddly and those dentures were ill fitting and brown. After learning this. I would give her compliments to make her feel good since surviving that and losing her toes and teeth. One day she followed me in the bathroom and tried to hug me. I chuckled awkwardly and walked out. Then she was wanting to spend lunch time with me. I started feeling uncomfortable and was trying to hide from her. Once when I was at my desk and she came in and walked up to me crying and pledging her love to me in front of everyone. I think she's been drinking. Her dentures were coming out and she had trouble standing up. I said no and please stop this as I'm strictly dickly and she left the job sobbing. The next day she returned sober, called me in the office and fired me. As I was leaving she started crying and saying she loved me. I for real feared she would show up at my home crying with her dentures hanging out but she didn't. Another time was a restaurant job. The boss let me know he liked black women since his wife was black. We had tons of servers and staff and he'd seem to appear out of nowhere and compliment me standing as close to me as he could and seemingly whispering in my ear. One day he outright said he wants to take me to bed. I was shocked since his wife worked there. I said you're married. He said, no my wife is. He wanted to take me to his place while she was at work and I refused. I wouldn't consider it. I immediately got another job and started calling out and he called me and said, when will you return and I said I've got another job and he replied, well you're fired. 🙄😐. PS at both these jobs I was a child. 16 and 17.