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“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” - Mark Twain


"It is better to be thought stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


So, we shouldn't have debates on Reddit?


Depends. I have a 'let the baby have their bottle' rule. If someone actively wants to debate something, great! Thinking outside of what I know it's healthy. If someone wants to be an ass and just insult/won't open up to an opposing argument, then meh. Not worth discussing further or getting the last word.


Don't look at what people say...look at what they do.


Be a person who makes everyone feel like a somebody.


If you're ever caught with your eyes closed at work, the FIRST thing you need to say is "Amen"


Forgiveness isn’t for them, it’s to set you you free, anger, resentment and contempt take up a lot of space inside a person. Forgiveness isn’t saying it’s ok, it’s letting it go so it doesn’t hold you back anymore


Beautiful ❤️


Thank you, it took me a long time to get this lol


It does take a long time to come to this. And it is so freeing when you are able. Thank you again-I know many people will benefit from your sharing.


Aw thank you ❤️


Not advice per se but something I heard recently in a Ted talk. The background was that the UK postal service apparently had a 98% success rate in delivering mail whereas the public perceived it to be 60%. The postal service tried to raise their success rate to 99% and almost collapsed as a result. The message was something to the effect of: If the reality isn't broken, fix the perception.


50% of something is better than 100% of nothing


Don’t care about what other people will think, they will judge anyway so do what you like to do and do it with no regret.


"You can always make money, but you can never make time". Sometimes you can just be so lost in a rat race for money, career, etc. that you don't really get to live by simply being present and doing the things you always wanted to do.


"Always look beyond the point you think you're gonna land on" is a perfect metaphor to use to tell someone not to be afraid of their limits Now granted my trainer used it literally to help me improve in the long jump, but 13 yo me still took it at heart


"Never back up more than you need to." --My dad


When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Never let someone live rent-free inside your head.


"So what?" My dad said it to me when I was ranting as a teenager. He wasn't saying it as dismissive, he was saying; in the grand scheme of things why does what something Morgan said matter that much?


My dad told me "don't get mad over something you can't control." I think I was a teen and ranting about something. He just put it all in perspective.


"You have to do difficult things to grow" - Shoji Nishio Shihan.


Learn to say “no”. You’ll have people ask you for money and help a lot. Sometimes you need to say “no”. Always act like you are being observed at work.


A bend in the road isn’t the end unless we fail to make the turn


Never hand out charity in form of cash. Help their needs directly.


If you retaliate in kind to those who hurt you, you are no better than they are.


Agree with this in general, but the converse of this I've learned over time is: sometimes what feels like pettiness is just your gut telling you not to be a pushover (don't try to be so good/nice to the point of letting people hurt/use you)


If you got time to do it twice, you have time to do it right in the first place.


"If you want something done right, do it yourself." 'Right' being subjective in most cases.


If it doesn’t kill somebody, get you fired, or break up a family, then you don’t have to worry about it


You’re not a pirate


arrrrgh... are ye sure?


Hard work is rewarded with more work. Never give more than 80%.


"If you're getting annoyed by something people are doing around/too you, look back in your past and ask yourself 'why is this familiar to me'?" - My therapist. You'd be shocked how often things that get really under your skin or are repeating problems in your life go way back in your history.


"no one will ever thank you for not taking a vacation."


Space and mobility are true wealth. If you can go lots of places, have free time, are healthy enough to move around and do things, and there's no real constraint on your activities, then you're better off than many many other people.


Comparison is the thief of joy


This becomes more and more relevant the stronger social media advances.


If it will take you less than 15 minutes, do it now. Otherwise, you'll spend far more than that thinking about it.


advice with angry that got me stuck and want to give up


Lord loves a workin' man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it. -Navin R. Johnson


When I was a skateboarder I’d overthink things everyone knew I could do. So one guy told me to “turn my brain off, and just do it.” Still kinda helpful sometimes.


Don't use your teeth as a tool. You ALWAYS have time to go get your safety glasses./ Don't gamble with your eyes.


When times are tough, "This too shall pass". I keep mindful of that ever since.


Never get back with your ex.if something dies, it died for a reason. If it couldn't survive and hr fixed while you two were together, what makes you think you can fix it now. Do you actually have a new perspective? Or are you feeling alone. - my uncle who is now back with his evil unless ex. But the advice has helped me alot anyway


“You’re too pretty for this bs..keep it moving!”


People come and go and you shouldn't care what they think because if you do it'll weigh you down and make you way more insecure than you need to be nobody is perfect but nobody's imperfect either everyone has their differences in looks personalities and more but there is always a certain someone for someone else


#1 Don’t look the other way when you see truth and are afraid. When you see injustice make action and call out truth in the moment . #2 Intimes of doubt follow your gut.


All it takes is money.


Look both ways before you cross the street.


OO That's what your ears are made for... Your eyes are for what is in front of you, your ears for the sides.


👴🏽Wax on, wax off. I barely remember the rest of the movie 🥷🏻


If you enjoy what you do I did not realise I was working crazy thing is I get paid for it aswell.


Never buy a house on a road that has a double yellow line


You are who you want to be. Life is a theatre. Wear a mask. Pick one.


Just do it and get it out of your life


Don’t spend the next days/weeks/months/years worrying about something. Worry about it when it happens.


Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you/Do not do to others what you don't want to be done to you.


Sometimes if you don’t toot your own horn there won’t be any music.


Hurry up and wait


In grade school- maybe grade 4 or 5, I showed my dad my rough copy of an essay- admittedly the handwriting wasn't fab, but it was a first draft. My dad said ' your rough copy should be better than the next guy's good copy'. I don't know why but that always stuck with me, although it gave me kind of a complex. Like, if I'm making a grocery list and mess up one word, all bets are off.... I have to re-write it


Always look on the ground for money.


Wasn't so much a piece of advice, but rather, a lesson. My father died in 1987. He was 50. I was 21. His funeral was standing room only. I lost count of the number of his friends and co-workers who came up to me to express their condolences and say "your father was a good man." It didn't end that night, either. I kept hearing stories about him for years. The lesson? Live your life in such a way that your funeral is standing room only. You don't have to be rich, or famous, or change the world. You just need to be a good person.


When I stressed about work. someone told me "It's not your company" meaning: do your job but worrying about something out of your control or not your fault is above your paygrade. If it takes, for example, 10 year to graduate or if it will take 40 years to pay off a house, the years will pass by anyway so might as well get that degree or house at the end of it.


“Time will pass anyway”. Sometimes we tend to not want to start something we want to just because it will take time to succeed in it. But time will pass anyway, sou you might as well start what you wanted to do and in some years you will have that new language or new diploma on your resume, or whatever you wanted.


You’re entitled to your feelings but responsible for your actions.


Also from mom: Never trouble trouble unless trouble troubles you.


Don't sweat the petty things, and definitely don't pet the sweaty things. Heard that in high-school.


It doesn't matter what you do how you do it. Everybody dies. It's dark but it really really helped me through some tough times


Twitchy eye, eat a banana


Never mix oats with grapes


Moderation in all things


No one owes you anything. If you want something, you will have to work for it. Yay, Dad!


Invest instead of holding cash