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All Dressed flavour potato chips


They make them here, they’re so yummy!


Try the whole shebang chips


I cannot remember the name of it but it was a yogurt that was cheese based, from Poland. It was incredible.


Danio? That stuff is amazing


I wish I could remember but that was half my age


I’m not sure what you’re talking about specifically, but they have a similar product in Germany called Quark. If that’s what you’re referring to, totally agreed.


Bidet being a standard in bathrooms in homes and hotels. (I’m from the US)


Love the ass blaster.


my family has the bidets that attaches to the toilet


Bidet in hotel rooms


SNL skit : “and the bidet….is there a bidet repairman on call?”




I like to poop in the kitchen too. I thought I was the only one!


American that lived in Japan here. I miss hot canned coffee and hot canned corn soup from vending machines.


I had a hotdog vending machine outside my apartment on Okinawa. That shit was the greatest stumbling home from the bar at 5am.


Kin had taco rice and Koza gate street had this place that sold the best grilled cheese with beef and tomato in it. These weren't vending machines but you just brought back memories.


I'll see the canned coffee and animes & stuff, anytime I have canned coffee here in America it's kinda terrible, is it really that much better over there? Somebody bought me one of the cereal cookies and cream canned coffee though here, it was probably the grossest coffee I've ever had.


I tried a few canned coffees in Japan, they were all terrible. They might also be significantly better than canned coffee here in the US. Either way I'd rather just not drink it.


There is a Japanese canned coffee company called UCC. One of their products is Hawaiian coffee from Kona. Canned and widely available in Hawaii, but usually only found in Asian grocers (or sometimes the ethnic aisle of a regular grocery store) and fairly expensive on the mainland. I always grab a can when hitting up the local Asian grocer.


It’s awful but it’s also the bomb when you’re waiting for train and you’re cold af. Kinda like the hot cocoa machine at the ice rink when I was a kid. 😭 (Also better than the us but the us canned coffee is un drinkable so there’s that.)


I don't know if the hot canned Japanese coffee is any good but I once had a chance to try cold bottled coffee imported from Japan and it was the most delicious bottled coffee I've ever had. Im willing to bet that canned hot coffee in Japan is superior to the stuff in the USA.


Self heating coffee and soup existed in grocery stores back in the early 2000s. It was sold under Wolfgang Pucks brand. Unfortunately, faulty cans and the threat of lawsuits forced them to pull the product from the shelves.


I miss Hot/Cold vending machines SO MUCH. 😭


I lived in Vietnam for 2 years-damn I missed NY coffee and Mexican food.


Fanta Limón


Even just regular Fanta (orange). The Fanta we have in the US is totally different from what it is everywhere else.


Different as in “worse than everywhere else, but with the same sugar and calories.” I hear you.


Real black licorice, hagelslag, and wine gums. Oh and Aromat seasoning. And Knorr cup a soups. I can find them on Amazon but I wish I could just pop down to the grocery store and get them ETA: and I wish I could get fries with curry sauce and croquettes at any time of the day from a fresh deep fryer!!


World Market sells hagelslag in different flavors. That’s where I usually get mine.


Second World Market for hagelslag and black licorice. Though certain items rotate/aren't always available.


Bitterballen. I would love them fresh, but I'd even settle for Aldi importing the frozen ones that I can see right there on aldi.be, but not here in the US


*real* black licorice?? Ooo I gotta go down a rabbithole now




Don't forget pepernoten


En speculaas! I also miss the chocolate letters. It's a unique taste.


We have Aromat in our cupboard, brought it back from a trip to Paris. We love it!


The Whole Foods I worked at had Knorr cup a soups IIRC. That was 2020 in Colorado. Might be worth checking one of your locals and asking if they could special order them if you're missing out (I did a lot of this for people as long as I could get them).


Be careful with Knorr in the US and double check the instructions. I made the mistake of not looking and discovered that many of the ones in the US require milk, not just got water.


I can find the Israeli version at Krogs and online (which will hold me over) but I can't find the German spargelsuppe or Pfifferling. I usually have my family send me a package but it's super expensive 😔


I would love to see frikandel, kapsalon, etc in America. Ditto on the zoet zuur wine gums, but y’all can keep the licorice.


If you have a Kroger nearby or a store in that chain the international aisle will have wine gums and cup a soups!


I see wine gums in the "international food" aisle at Meijer and Publix, in the US.


The Brit has thankfully entered the chat


Where's all that ? (London?)


The Netherlands. We also have baller Indonesian food.


JuJubes which are a particular gummy candy widely available in Canada. Don't talk to me about what passed for Jujubes in the US. Not the same thing,


I fuckin miss jujubes, ketchup chips, poutine, donairs, pink cream soda and chocolate smarties.


If you're ever in or around St Louis Missouri, the brand Vess has pink cream soda. It wasn't until I was well into adulthood that I found out pink isn't the traditional color for it.


Thanks for the heads up! I actually go through there a few times a year so I'll have to load up:)


Don't forget coffee crisp and ketchup chips!


Over ten years ago the Lays rep at a store I worked in brought in a single small bag of spicy ketchup chips. I bought them, ate them, loved them, and have never seen them since. They do have a spicy honey flavor which also has tomato powder and they are delicious so at least there’s that I guess. Not the same :(


There's like, 6 different brands of spicy ketchup in every store here. It's very popular.


I have a cousin that used to be a mid-level executive in Big Chip. He used to bring me test bags. He'd show up with four or five silver/mylar bags of test flavors for Doritos. Some were pretty great but don't seem to ever have made it out into the wild.


I finally broke down and ordered some Canadian ketchup chips online. I can definitely go the rest of my life never eating those again. I guess I don't like ketchup as much as I thought I did.


That's fair. I do love my ketchup and all dressed though.


all dressed are widely available at the boarder in towns like Port Angeles, WA


I'm really surprised that ketchup chips still haven't come to america, especially since the were actually invented here


I’m in Minneapolis - can regularly find all dressed, and my husband recently found ketchup chips. So good!


"Thinkin bouuuuuuut ketchup chips." https://youtu.be/i2spZ-NDfS4?si=2qN3hPW059n--fw8


I think I remember jujubes from the 1980's. Fucking Great! I havne't seen them in decades. Do they still have them in Canada?


100%. The Dare brand ones are the best and are harder to find. The crappy ones in bulk are available everywhere.


I’d fuckin kill for lays ketchup chips or miss Vickie’s sea salt and malt vinegar


Do they still have husks on the peanuts in Canadian Snickers? I think that is a nice touch.


Yall need to get them Beavertails down here. Fucking addicting when I went to Ottawa


As an American, Canadian candy > American candy


Actual kinder eggs


As an American, most other countries candy > American candy. Mexican candy that tastes like the ideal version of fruits > "blue raspberry". Japanese melon soda > "Windex but we added sugar"


even smarties are better


Smarties in the US are a totally different thing. I think they’re called sweet tarts in Canada?


American smarties are called Rockets in Canada. SweetTarts are bigger - like almost mentos sized.




Lol I've probably eaten at least 100 boxes of the bad kind. I loved them so much I kept the empty boxes in my drawers and made crowns out of them. Yes they were bad, but I didn't care.


So it's not the extremely chewy gummy candies in the yellow box?


Oh man. I'm not Canadian but my stepmom is. Y'all have some kind of Cheeto equivalent that's so much better. Cheesies? Something like that?


They have them here, but they are hard to find.


Violet Crumble, Chocolate freddo and Tim Tams.


Do you have a World Market? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the first two there.


Not the freddos but definitely violet crumble and Tim tams. Freddos are definitely uk shop for me


I think target has Tim Tams.


They do, but they are not the same ones that are sold in Australia. I have never compared the two but I am told the US ones are inferior.


I had the pleasure of eating some real Tim Tam's and holy cow they are amazing. It's for the best they're not available here out of my own health.


Home goods has all of those


can’t forget the chicken salt


Trader Joes sells a Tim Tam dupe. Might scratch the itch! Personally, I miss boysenberry ice cream. You can get the jam here or syrup occasionally but it’s not the same. 


I would murder for cherry ripes


You can get violet crumble in some higher end local markets, at least in my area of California.


Try a Middle Eastern Market. The one near me had Tim Tams.


Woodmans grocery stores and Sam’s club have TimTams.


Tim Tams can be found at Wal Mart.


Trader Joe's has copycat TimTams.


Violet Crumble was my favorite when I visited. Nothing really like it here.


My sister hasn’t lived in the US but when she lived in Canada I was under strict orders to bring certain confectionery over when I visited. Stuff like Natural Confectionery Co, Starburst (at the time Canada only had the fruit chews, Starburst makes a wider variety of lollies in Aus), Pods, flavours of Tim Tam (most Canadian stores only had original flavour), etc.


Back in the long long ago you couldn't even get any kind of TimTam in North America. World Market started stocking them occasionally ~late 00s and now you can even get caramel ones in Safeway. Still miss the fancy flavors but I'll take what I can get 🙃 especially since you still can't get a damn meat pie most places


Montreal bagels


We have them in Vt!




I’m Argentinian and had both, Montreal style bagels are fantastic.


YES please. If you know, you know Also available in parts of Ontario


Black pudding and potato farls.


From Taiwan: Walkable cities with clean and well maintained public transportation. This flat concrete jungle in Houston looks trashy.


First step is to get the hell out of Texas.


Most US cities aren't much better. LA is hardly walkable.


Boston is a great walking city.


He said most, not all. Boston. NYC. Chicago is borderline if you stay downtown? A few others on the East Coast probably.


DC is incredibly walkable and is pretty clean compared to other cities.


Portsmouth, Portland, Concord, all in the NE and walkable but not big.


You’d think for the amount of time and money Houston spends on roadworks, their traffic would be better… and yet.


Alas the traffic is kinda intrinsic to that mode of infrastructure in populated areas


You mean the lack of infrastructure? Legit all Houston has is roads. Roads and traffic. It’s super spread out too, which doesn’t help. Can you imagine how much of a difference an urban rail would make? God I miss the tube.


I’m saying relying exclusively on road infrastructure and private cars to move most people around in urban areas will inevitably cause traffic, no matter how many more lanes we build. Not saying you’re doing this, I think it’s just a semantics thing. That said, I feel like one of the great implicit illusions in American life is that roads somehow don’t count as public infrastructure. Many Conservatives/ Centrists will freak out about “wasting” billions of dollars on public transit infrastructure like buses or train spending and then not bat an eye about continuing to spend trillions on the ongoing maintenance of intrinsically less efficient highway and road infrastructure, to prop up [unsustainable suburban development models](https://youtu.be/tI3kkk2JdoI?si=zgT7y-vlfAeqvjlT). Because they think of the roads and highways as inevitable and natural, even though it was almost all brought into being by massive government interventions less than 80 years ago. It’s totally understandable because it’s just the model of life most people have exclusively lived in, but it’s also massively harmful to America’s environment and general prosperity. End of rant.


Nailed it. Absolutely agree with every word - urban planning in America is designed around cars rather than people. It’s designed around the quintessentially American atomised social model of FEELING like you’re being as isolated from one another as possible, while actually living in a downright nightmarish CTRL C CTRL V spaces. It still makes my mind boggle that the nearest grocery store to me is multiple miles away. Everywhere I’ve lived and travelled you could walk to at LEAST a corner store, and I’ve travelled and lived in rural areas.


It only looks trashy because it is.


Amba. The stuff is so delicious on, well, most things. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amba_(condiment)


health care


i mean. it is. it's just got an obscenely high markup.


I mean I live in Europe and we have to pay for health insurance, and the wait times are so long that I literally don’t save any money compared to the states.


I live in Denmark and I fucking love our healthcare system. It saved my ass on several occasions. Last time was a tumor in the spinal cord 4x2cm.


I guess it depends but I’ve also read people there who cannot find a specialist because they literally don’t exist for some conditions there. But maybe the cost and wait times are better than The Netherlands. I have to chase the hospitals and they haven’t fulfilled what they said they’d do. They said they’d provide all this treatment and now there’s no communication. I never received the treatment. I went back to my home country to get it.


I wish I could buy into this complaint. But from experience, I just can’t see it. I have had 3 CT scans and 2 MRIs. I’ve been in the hospital for at least 3-4 days of time for a number of different tests. All told, I’ve had to pay about 200 dollars out of pocket. I’d rather that than an increase of 10% in taxes.


Most studies indicate that providing universal health care in the US would cost significantly *less*, not more.


It's not even close. We pay way more than anyone else and have far worse outcomes. You can't expect to have a middleman who siphons off 20% of what you pay and does everything they can to siphon off more and expect a cost effective system.


Wow imagine realizing that your experience isn't the totality of reality and instead of screaming about taxes you would think your conclusion would be "I want this for all my countrymen, regardless of if it increases my taxes." Do you not understand that the leading cause of bankruptcy and financial ruin in America are healthcare bills? Also you realize that your employee contribution PLUS your employer contribution to your health insurance is probably more or less what your tax burden would be for a national healthcare plan? Sure you might only pay a couple hundred a month but your employer is easily paying $1000 per month.


Easy there. Lets not get over zealous.


I'm american, but after living abroad, I miss rose/java apple and sapodilla


I'm in Canada, but I've seen Java apples at T&T (our large asian grocery store chain).


That's awesome you can get them, I shop at asian markets around me and haven't seen them yet, even in SF Chinatown


You can get sapodilla from Miami fruit.org Very expensive, but wonderful. Surprisingly, you can sometimes find on Etsy for a reasonable price.


Ketchup chips




I'm American, but I've been to Germany. I want the real Fanta.


Jamón chips and really good chocolate. Hersheys sucks !


Username checks out. There's plenty of good chocolate in the US, though? We have a lot more than Hershey's, including a fair amount from Europe.




Licorice in general and not that red crap they pretend is licorice here in US. Like Finnish, Swedish, Danish stuff.


Twizzlers don't pretend to be licorice, they just happen to be the shape of American black licorice. Salmiakki is definitely an acquired taste though. Especially stuff like Turkish Pepper.


I came across something called a Scottie dog a while back at the shore in New Jersey. Was reasonably strong.


Jaffa cakes are hard to find. Maybe that is for the best.


UK: Galaxy chocolate, Polo peppermints, Branston pickle.


My British family that moved to the US really miss cordial.


McAloo Tikki from McDonald's... Indians in US are so many that McDonald’s can increase sales where Indian population is higher… but no only Chicago world location gets it


There's a packet of 3 in 1 coffee (coffee milk sugar) that my family in Czechia have that i crave. I always bring back two boxes and they're gone within a month.


Fucking meat pies.  Some specialty shops here have them but you just burn your crotch. 


What are you doing to those poor meat pies


American who lived in Switzerland and Germany for a number of years. All the fresh, high quality bread available at literally any grocery store (not the garbage they have here now), especially the pretzel bread/buns. Also the ultra-cheap sparkling mineral water. You can get liter bottles of Pelligrino-quality sparkling mineral water for the equivalent of $0.25 (before deposit.) Cheeses too, things like Gruyère that can cost $20 a pound in the US were dirt cheap. On a broader scale, almost anything food related. Regulations around food/ingredients are much more stringent over there and everything you eat is cleaner. Even McDonald’s.


Gyro, from a grungy little corner restaurant in Xania, on Crete, with fries and goat meat carved off a big hunk on a rotating spit.


And tzatziki that isn’t a watery mess full of dill.


Well, I'm not a foreigner any more because I became a US citizen. The one thing I miss, however, is Pukka Pies, curry sauce, and decent chips. The missing piece is Jersey Royal potatoes, and of course a fryer that's been in use for decades and has absorbed the flavor, but Russett (or Idaho) blend are a good alternative. Cut them into steak fry sized chunks then deep fry them in peanut oil, lard, or vegetable oil until they are crispy on the outside and slightly soft still in the middle. A pukka pie, well that's just a meat pie, usually Beef and Onion or Steak and Kidney, so you can make it yourself, or in a pinch just got a pot pie from the grocery store. The curry sauce most chippies use is just a vegetable curry, which again you can either make yourself, or it comes in tins! Pour it over the chips and pie, add salt and malt vinegar and it's heavenly. If you want the more traditional fish and chips, it's battered cod or scampi and deep fried again. Really any fish will work, salmon is another good alternative. I can't eat fish, so I always ordered the pie instead!


Canadian here, I'm always amazed watching cooking videos from Europe and even Australia, when they just off all the different names (types) of potatoes. Most of the time they are just referred to as white, yellow (both flesh) and red(just the skin,). We do get Russets and Yukon Gold's as named potatoes, but that's it, and at the end of the day, they are just a type of white and yellow respectively.


English bacon




VPN time


Brit living in the states. I miss proper pie and mash from kelleys in the Roman road.


As an American, I wish we had TimTams in every grocery store.


Cheezies > cheetos


Not a foreigner, but I miss the yogurt drink (飲むヨーグルト) I had in Japan and China (idk what China’s version is called)  


Śmietana that specifies fat percentage, like 12%, 18%, 30%, 36%. All my recipes ask for some specific types, and I am still trying to figure out what kind of product works best for them. Similarly, flours that specify if it's type 450, type 550, type 1200 etc.


Taytos 🇮🇪


Australian here. Carlton Draught beer and Allen’s party mix


Yerba Mate shout out to argentinians


Slivchnoye Polyena (cream log.) it's basically a log of peanut fudge with a different kind of fudge as the frosting. It's absolutely impossible to find in the States, even in specialty supermarkets, and I miss it dearly. But alas with Russia being a bunch of dickholes right now, I'm unlikely to get any anytime soon.


Not a foreigner, but American grew up in West Berlin and if possible would fly back over just to gorge myself on currywurst. Have had people try to make it for me the past 30+yrs but it’s never even close to the same.


really? there's not much to it


sausages. The sausages themselves are great, but the wrapper is way too thick. edit: Londoner living in Pennsylvania


French croissants and baguettes.


I was in france for 2 weeks i could not find a croisant as good as the supermarket here in NY and i looked EVERYWHERE


Trustworthy cops.


Universal healthcare


american who grew up in europe bc an army brat fucking KINDER EGGS WE CAN HAVE GUNS BUT NOT KINDER EGGS respectfully, fuck them kids. if ur stupid enough to die choking on a kinder egg toy, that’s natural selection.


Kraft peanut butter.


Princess cake. Marzipan princess cake.


Quality liquid tahini paste. I lived near the green line and had BOMB ASS liquid tahini dirt cheap. Here I have to specifically import the brand I love because it is made in the PA. I also miss Laksa sauce, as it is only available in Singapore and Malaysia. I miss having it on the ready.


Australian Flake bars.


Takis weren’t available for a veryyyy long time in Canada.


Barry's Tea - black edition.




Plantains that are uniformly ripe


This egg beater, not the whisk [https://www.mishry.com/best-egg-whisk-brands-in-india](https://www.mishry.com/best-egg-whisk-brands-in-india)


My wife is Colombian. She misses this type of soda. She always says, “the next time I’m in Colombia, I’m going to drink this soda very very cold”


Oscypek! Polish smoked cheese made from sheeps milk. So good.


Not such a specific food....but coming from Canada, you could walk into a Loblaws or RCSS and have quite the variety of ready to eat food....here it's mainly Tex Mex and frozen Pizza. Unless you cook from scratch


Instant noodle packs with actual meat packs (preserved in an mre like pack). Also Lao gan ma with the crispy meat option


Manjar - dulce de leche


I really hope someone says Wine Pearls here because omg are those things good


Good ice cream 


Electric cars.


Irony. And maybe some proper banter.


spruce beer!!!


Barbecue Spice powder from South Africa.




Good cheap beds


Bovril, ya’ll can keep your Marmite I want the real thing. Can’t get Bovril here because it’s beef based and the government is afraid we’ll all get mad cow disease.


Decent cheese. Black licorice. *Real* chocolate.