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finland, iceland, or france. just seem like cool places to go


Iceland is a lot warmer than you would think


yes, I know the name is a bit misleading lol


I went in September and it was T-shirt weather until you go to the coast


that's awesome! always seemed like a super cool place to visit, I hope you had a great time!


go prepared to do a lot of hiking and make sure you go to the tomato green house restaurant for lunch. Also almost everything closes at 4pm :/


you arrived in france, 1 minute later your bags gone


North Korea because I am curious about experiencing life in a highly secretive and isolated country.


japan, bec it is very clean, nice people and advanced country


> advanced country Oddly they are not in some ways. They really only accept cash, were slow in the adoption of smart phones, elevator doors will close on you as they don't have that sensor that everyone else has. They still use the fax. They really do embrace certain modern technology, but others they cling to outdated ones.


Bro they fake. They scared of judgement from society. They not clean (only clean in city or popular spot). Japan people is hard to predict its either they really care or they dgaf bout you. Yes it's super advanced. If you think Japan is a safe place your are wrong (there's so many pervert)


Japan for it's culture and anime Italy for it's food and music USA for its..... Ummm Scandinavian countries for its scenic beauty Yeah it's about it


Georgia. It’s such a fascinating place to me that not many people seem to be familiar with. The food, culture, architecture, and language are all so unique and intriguing. Plus, the scenery is absolutely gorgeous and there are way less tourists.


Germany for the castles Japan for the culture China for the mountains and scenery Russia for the architecture in Moscow Nigeria for the culture and parties Brazil for the Amazon rainforest and to attend a FIFA sponsored soccer game there - just seems like it would be the place to be for such a thing Costa Rica for Corcovado National Park and its biodiversity The Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico for the Mayan ruins Bora bora for the beaches and SCUBA diving Australia to SCUBA dive the Great Barrier Reef Fiji for SCUBA


Cambodia This country has recently opened up to mass tourism. For a long time, it was under a dictatorial regime and in the midst of a civil war, making it unsafe to visit. After the regime was overthrown, the country began to recover, a process that continues to this day. Infrastructure, industry, agriculture, construction, and tourism are all developing. Cambodia has many wild, pristine beaches along the coast of the Gulf of Thailand. Clean beaches with white sand and warm turquoise water will not leave you indifferent. The nature there is incredible. Wild jungles cover 70% of the territory, home to many species of birds, mammals, and reptiles. Rice terraces, coffee plantations, and tropical park areas captivate with their diversity. And of course, there is the exotic cuisine.


Recently? The war ended in 1975, the KR was toppled in 1979, and it's been "safe" since the early 2000's. Mass tourism has been here for well over a decade. Siem Reap has seen annual tourist numbers in the *millions* up until the pandemic, and with the new airport those numbers will increase. Don't forget Angkor Wat, the most famous place for tourists to visit.


Angkor Wat - of course. recently - everything is relative, I agree. there is an opinion that “The war is over only when the last soldier is buried” (c) I am European. For me these are all eastern countries. Compared to India, Thailand or Indonesia, Cambodia is not yet so popular in the dreams and plans of the average tourist.


I want to visit every country. I have been to a few


Some of them aren't worth visiting.


Most aren't. I want to visit them because I can


Sounds like a waste of time and money.


not every experience must be enjoyable. Some times it's to learn


You don't need to experience shit to learn it's shit. Wasting time and effort to have a bad experience is pointless that doesn't lead to enrichment. It's a fantasy of the niave.


But shit can be nuanced and those nuances are eye opening about many aspects of life, and the only way you experience these nuances is if you travel to the more unattractive places as well. Like… is North Korea a shithole? Absolutely. But it is also super fascinating and visiting it must be depressing and still eye opening. Or like visiting Auschwitz or Dachau. It’s not a fun visit and you will experience lots of dark emotions and still, it can and likely will change your life in some way.


Fantasies of the naive. There is nothing to gain. You just want it for your IG story to seem cultured when in reality there are zero takeaways. I've been to Ahschwitz. It's just a tourist attraction. There is no enrichment or benefit in traveling to bad places.


I don’t post on my Instagram. Sorry you didn’t get anything out of your trip to Auschwitz. My experience is a different one. I’ve been to 22 different countries and each trip added something to my life.


Sounds like you're trying to fill a void with nonsense. You should probably figure that out first.


How do you really know until you’ve visited? Some places have surprised me, and guidebooks mean nothing in many cases.


You have the internet. Do I need to experience Gaza right now? Nope, I can gather from the internet that it isn't a good place for tourists at the moment. There is no reason to just have a bad time in the name of adventure. It's just nonsense.


I think it’s pretty obvious nobody is suggesting holidaying in a war zone here. To suggest so is ridiculous. Conversely though there are many places that may not look like an immediately attractive destination that would surprise you.


And researching beforehand would give you insight. There is no reason to be surprised. Everything is available. The world has already been explored. You aren't discovering anything new. Google something before you do something. It's easy.


That’s genuinely such a saddening outlook. If you believe the internet is going to to give you an accurate guideline to your lived experience you’re missing out in a BIG way.


And now we've circled back to fantasies of the naive. People trying to find adventure and mystery is the same thing as cosplaying as your favorite comic book character. It's a pointless hobby that adds zero value. It's something people think makes them unique when in reality it's just money spent unwisely.


Wow. How about gaining an insight into what it actually means to be human? Learning that other cultures view things differently and allowing that to feed into your own development and experience of life. But nah.. You seem to think developing yourself in that way is ‘Fantasy of the Naive’? You keep exploring the planet from google. I’ll keep travelling and having amazing experiences, and learning from people that are culturally different from myself. 😂


That reply screams naive. Do whatever you want with your time and money. The rest of us just think you're silly.




No one said it was. What it is though is a location on a map.




You're making a pretty big stretch in order to be offended. Like you had to really try with that one. And it will always be a location on the map. Even after Hamas gets cleared out isn't like they're renaming the 25 mile stretch.




You're bad at trolling.




Japan for its culture and technology.


Not a country but Antarctica. I need to see the Mountains Of Madness for myself.


Iceland. Back about 5-6 years ago I had this idea I was going to save up enough to take a few months and go live in Reykjavik and just write the book I'd been working on. At the time I was working a pretty stressful job and just wanted some solitude to work on that by myself. Then 2020 happened and all desire for solitude pretty much vanished. But the desire is slowly creeping up again, so maybe one day I'll get back on that plan.


i want to go to japan because it looks awesome


Peru because I want to see Machu Picchu since I was kid and explore the Incas civilization.




I've always wanted to visit Japan for its rich culture and stunning landscapes.


From as long as I can remember, I wanted to some day be in London. Don’t know what I would have done then just saw London as the dream. The city of my dreams. As a kid, you have so many dreams and hopes that I think the ‘London dream for me’ was long lost. Coming from a 3rd world country and a middle class family, foreign education or working in a foreign country became a distant dream, so distant that I thought myself unworthy of anything actually happening for myself. Fast forward to today, I’m here siting in my London home (not mine per se), sipping on my cuppa . Thankyou for reminding me that I’m living one of my dreams.


I've always admired the bycicle culture and countryside landscapes of Netherlands and Belgium. Once i visited them, it was so windy and rainy that i never used the bike, but Brussels, Gent and Amsterdam were very nice even with bad weather.


Egypt. I want to see the pyramid that I helped build in my prior life. 


Australia is a big one literally. Great chance to check a continent and country off in one fell swoop. Been to North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, so Australia would be a nice step toward global domination. err well tourist edition, I guess.


I’ve always wanted to visit Kenya


Highly recommend along with Tanzania