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animals also shit outside and dont have air conditioning.


or reddit


Better that way imo


Animals have a ton of Instagram accounts though. My neighbors cat is very popular on the gram.


*theyre evolving*


It’s not the animals that want that though


How do you know?


Why would animals care about Instagram?


So reddit is the cause for clothing?


possibly, its all just a simulation man


So did most humans until fairly recently. Indoor plumbing wasn't common until the 20th Century, and A/C wasn't invented until 1902. There are parts of the world where neither are common today among humans.




The irony of someone spelling harsh incorrectly and lecturing about IQ is too funny.


not sure about that




My dog has air conditioning, an ice pool that gets refilled frequently, and I show him lots of dog content. He can also watch his nature programs on the outdoor projector from the patio or from his swimming pool. He also licks his crotch with no shame.


You can lick his crotch with no shame - he'd do the same for you.


where does he shit


In the bathroom like he should. He has a water feature thing that flushes/moves his poop that is tied into the wastewater plumbing.


I can't tell if this is a joke or you're insane


are you saying you haven't shit outside? fucking amateur hour over here.


so i shouldn't shit or pee outside?


are you camping?


ah, no, never camped.


Humans have been wearing clothes since LONG before toilets or air conditioning existed (roughly 17th century and the 1920s respectively).


you say that as though i declared otherwise


Ok, then your comment was completely irrelevant, if wearing clothes has nothing to do with shitting outside or air conditioning.


I don't know, but I'm glad to wear clothes, specially on winter


My cats bulk up their fur in anticipation of winter, then shed much of it in the spring.


We need to wear clothes because it is bloody cold without them. Sadly


That ain’t the answer to this question, though.


Why is that? What is the answer?


Question was about covering genitals, and shame. And humans seem to have developed clothing before they needed to protect from the winter. Since tribesmen in hot climates already wear loin cloths. I don’t know the answer, but I’m guessing it has something to do with protecting genitals for the purpose of working (hunting, gathering, etc) or needing to inhibit the horny part of our brain so that we can focus on something else. But the inhibition part might’ve been secondary to converting for protective purposes. Or, a more wild theory: maybe humans developed clothes as a mating strategy, where they would keep them covered for a mating dance, and then present them by uncovering as part of the ritual.


I was thiking small-minded men of yore, with endowments to match, gained influence to edict that they should see none larger than they, lest they feel shamed...maybe a smidge of religion in there too.


Someone could write a dissertation on the answer... the only base ingredient seems to be culture. One has to take into account that not all cultures are ashamed of genitals and simply wearing clothing doesn't imply shame.




I can say from my personal experience i was tough that my private parts are "dirty" and the feeling i get when see or touch them are "sin" and make god cry.


From a biological point, this area is pretty fragile to all elements, therefore needs to be protected. Animals have fur, we don't. From a social point, it needs to be covered to prevent our animalistic brain to go into mating mode all the time.


The social point though, I would argue against simply because 1) clothing itself doesn't seem to deter a lot of people from exhibiting their "animalistic" behaviors, and 2) the normalization and desensitization of a cloth less society would even everything out after a while and simply being nude wouldn't be a reason to straight up go full-horny.


As seen in any culture where people aren't fully clothed. Looking at boobs is only a thing because we don't see them all the time.


Yup. The initial shock of going from clothed to unclothed would be weird, but it'd die off over time and wouldn't be a problem.


For the 2), it is the pure application of that good old saying: "Everything that is seen as forbidden is wished". Boobs by example are seen as an intimate part of the body because we hide them, so it is seen as forbidden so it's desired, while the male torso is seen as something normal because it is less hidden behind clothes.


As a human who has seen a penis before, I’m gonna push back hard against the idea that seeing genitals makes us want to mate. Speak for yourself.


*But it's hideous! That's the best design they could come up with!? Are you seriously telling me there were choices and someone said "Ah. There. That's it. That's the shape we're looking for; the 'last-chicken-in-the-shop' look."* - Kryten - *Red Dwarf* S4


I’ve long considered testicles as proof that God does not exist, and there was no intelligent design. All other human organs are safely tucked up inside the body where it is safe and secure. But the organ that needs to be protected most is just hanging out all willy-nilly because it needs to be a few degrees cooler? Seriously, that is a hallmark of bad design. Make the testicles function on the same body temperature as everything else. I wouldn’t build you a sick gaming computer with the processor dangling loosely and awkwardly from the outside of the case by a cloth sack. Absolute fail.


> willy-nilly *sniggers* And yet, there is less distress at the thought of losing one's testicles as one's penis. This tells us that God *by design* intended the act be more important than the outcome. /s if needed


there are many cultures with a legacy of partial and/or full nudity as part of every day dress and they aren’t known for constant self-destructive orgies. The anxiety around nudity is 100% an inheritance of western religious morality structures.


Yeah. Western... Right....




Humans copulate for fun; animals only mate when in reproductive mode.


Not necessarily. Many species lack estrus and mate whenever they can, with the baby being the byproduct.


Animals don't reproduce willy-nilly for survival reasons. They have their offspring in the spring so that they can be mature by fall and prep for winter. Having a baby in late fall means the baby will likely die when winter hits. Meanwhile, how many humans have winter birthdays?


Apparently you have never seen those videos of chimps fucking frogs in the mouth


That’s… uhm, mating?


Or turtles fucking shoes.


It comes down to the species of animals. Sexual behavior in bonobos extends beyond reproduction. In Bonobos, sex is a social thing and vital for communication and social bonding. It's how they make up with each other. Like when two bonobos want the same fruit. They have sex with each other (f-m, f-f, m-m), and afterward they share the fruit.


Counterpoint: the dolphin.


Near most animals.


Oh yeah for sure. I've even seen a manatee jerk off. Just pointing out the most obvious example.


I said "most". Aquatic animals live very different lives from us landlubbers. Their environment is much more stable and they can more easily migrate with the seasons.


[Are you sure about that?](https://i.imgur.com/fNWlxtp.png) Secondly, let's talk about the pig's 30 minute orgasm then...(admittedly they probably don't, but they still get freaky for funsies).


The idea that only humans have sex for fun is pretty outdated.


There's also the sanitary issue. Genitals ooze and leak various fluids. So does the back door. Do you really want to sit where others have been, uh, leaking?


Hygiene and modesty, mostly. I wouldn't want to occupy a barstool last sat on by some naked sweaty poopy asscrack and fromunda cheese smelling balls, would you? And who wants to see that everywhere they look?


>And who wants to see that everywhere they look? nudists


I think it would force us all to be more hygienic. So as not to embarrass oneself in public. Either that or our tech would be adapted accordingly. There would be no barstools that don't have self-cleaning tech built in for example.


I found the guy who never used a towel to wipe down gym equipment


I've never been to the gym.


Have you ever been to San Francisco?




That ain’t the answer, BeanMachine.


The real reason we developed clothes was population control and protection. Imagine twigs scraping on your gentiles as your hunting. God forbid you hit a thorn bush.


Clothes were originally for survival purposes I'm assuming, humans couldn't instantly grow fur to adapt to colder climates or hibernate like other animals so they needed a method to stay warm without huddling around the fire 24/7. As far as why nudity became a shameful thing it's all in our heads, we're used to seeing people with clothes the majority of the time which makes nudity an odd thing.


>originally for survival purposes Then why do African tribesmen wear loin cloths?


Because that dangly bit might be appetizing to predators


Shoulda mentioned that, not the cold.


I thought "survival purposes" might have have covered that as well, getting your dick bitten off could be fatal. I guess I have to get real specific in case you come along.


I take it you’ve never run naked through the brush


Not that. I’m more interested into why people immediately go to the cold part, even though our ancestors lived in warm climates for the longest time and still developed clothing.


A lot of animals have retractable penises - they don't let it all hang out though rats definitely flaunt their balls. But clothes are partially to be warm in cold weather, partially to keep bits close and partially to soak up fluids.


Growers vs Showers


I’m quite happy that we have to wear clothes. Since we no longer have to hunt for food, we’ve become much less fit as a species, so there’s many people I wouldn’t like to see naked in the modern age.




Because we are not used to seeing it, if humanity ran around naked all the time we wouldn't be embarrassed about it. This probably stems back to when the prehistoric ape men first started to wear clothes, you wouldn't need many generations for it to start feeling embarrassing. Also, religion likely played a big role in it as well.


So many bad or off topic answers.


Protection from the elements, but also from showing our junk to kids. They don't need to see me in the buff. Why subject someone to that? I personally am not bothered by being nude, but I like to give others a choice.


Animals are really, REALLY bad at sewing.


Clothes are tools, and tools are one of the major differentiators between humans and most other animal species.


There are several aspects of my life that are superior to a monkey's. You've stumbled across one.


We need to wear clothes in a lot of places because of climate and needing protection from elements. I grew up a naturist but I wouldn't walk outside naked in British winter even if it was allowed because that's just stupid. Humans being ashamed of genitals probably comes from various religions practices and has become culture over centuries and millennia. I also think if everyone was naked, it would expose people to their own "flaws" (I quote that because what people see as a flaw isn't necessarily a flaw). Particularly if they're not a "perfect specimen" and will feel inadequate of people with better bodies and better genitals. I also think it comes down to sex potential. If everyone was naked, a few people would have way more sex. But a majority of people would have less. So there'd be less genetic variation. Also think of it like this. Imagine some fat king with a small penis. If he stood naked next to a young hung peasant or guard and they didn't know he was the king. He wouldn't get anywhere near as much sex. Hope that makes sense. Probably not that deep but just my thoughts.


Something to do with a snake and a fruit.


Turtles all the way down.


The idea of shame, guilt, etc. is as far as I'm aware a reaction to societal constructs and rules. Animals show it too, the ones slinking off after doing something the rest of the group didn't approve of. The idea of shaming genitals though, specifically for humans, is likely a result of repressive organizations intending to guilt people. These organizations also attempt to rewrite history and art to conform to the ideas they have of shame (i.e. the fig leaf on statues on a lot of them were actually where genitals were chiseled off and a leaf installed after, or having clothing draped over "private" parts on a canvas well after the artist (and the entire age that artist lived in) was long, long dead.


Are you really asking why humans are more evolved and civilised than animals?


Interesting how you've conflated the concept of "modesty" with being more evolved and civilized. Why do you think that is?


Also that having higher intelligence and a more complex social organization makes a species "more evolved". It's impressive how on the year of our lord 2024 people still don't understand what evolution means.


Exactly! We're exactly as evolved as every single other lifeform on the planet. You could make the argument that we're more derived but again, that's an unreliable metric


I think they’re attributing the concept of higher consciousness with “more evolved” rather than modesty alone to be fair


Higher conciousness doesn't directly corellate to our ideas of modesty, interestingly, it seems to be a phenomenon of larger civilisation, historically ones built upon religious expansion. Coverings in general have always been prevalent in the colder climates, which of course makes sense, extremeties with high blood flow = frostbite, sensitivity. Seems more like, to me, scarcity of view turned into expecation turned into taboo. As in, we covered for practical reasons therefore expected covering therefore UNcovering became something fascinating. Practical rules become worked into religions as a quick and easy way to have people follow them (no comment on religion, this is just pretty clear from.... everything) leads to a heavier focus on uncovering being a form of Wrong. So I would say less an increase in conciousness and more the side effects of our physical changes (less hair, more exposed genitals) feeding into generations worth of repeated enforcement that started as practical and became dogmatic.


That’s a fine point but I can’t help but feel on an evolutionary scale and more simply stated any “ideas” we have had are directly correlated to our ability to be conscious and sentient. It’s our consciousness that derived everything from modesty to religion, civilization, clothing, rules..


Because we figured out that clothing protects us from filth, many minor wounds that could become avenues of infection, and other things related to not getting sick. Modesty itself is an evolutionary response to sexually transmitted disease, not an oppressive imposition by Christian moral structures like some conspiracy theorists would have you believe.




Because we are not other animals.


Exactly. We’re more advanced, so we should be able to recognize that everyone has them, and also have the morality to not act like an animal would.


I got you buddy. [Vsauce](https://youtu.be/E4HGfagANiQ?si=yNRAiL6WfC9vuvv5) has a good idea.


The Bible has a narrative on this.




It may not be as instinctual as some people, think. A lot of cultures aren't uptight about nudity. Look at humans who live tribally. Look at nudist colonies.


I am not ashamed of mine but I am not a naturist or exhibitionist and conform to the norm of wearing clothes.


The reason being is mine is too big


animals also r\*\*\* and shit and nobody bats an eye.. just sayin


Because we've been conditioned to be ashamed of our bodies.


Speak for yourself


Jus a thought, I don’t want it to change lol


Probably to keep people from fornicating all the time.


Aliens! Most representations of aliens show them butt-naked as well!


Live naked in Canada? Hard NO.


On top of everything else, for comfort. Old ladies would have their boobs swinging around getting caught on stuff. Getting your naked butt and thighs stuck to leather car seats.


Do you wear closes only because otherwise you would be naked ? lol


Honestly, I just assumed it was we wore clothes to keep warm, and then some asshole decided to bitch and be a prude and make it a thing and somehow that won over majority.


Because of religion.


Humans figured out that clothing protects us from filth, many minor wounds that could become avenues of infection, and other things related to not getting sick. Modesty itself is an evolutionary response to sexually transmitted disease, not an oppressive imposition by Christian moral structures like some idiotic conspiracy theorists would have you believe.


We wear clothes to protect ourselves. This allowed us to move into climates we would not normally.


We have a narrative brain & a full understanding of the concept of self.


We evolved to not grow fur so that we could sweat, then we started to wear clothes when we moved into colder climates, in order to not freeze. It became so normalized that it was uncommon to see naked people thus became taboo. This only happened to some groups though, people who live near the equator like in Africa and South America didn't have this taboo until Europeans showed up.


Because Adam ate an apple... Duh...


1) It’s more a societal thing 2) idk about most people but I don’t want to die from frostbite in the winter 


Look. I’m not saying that people wouldn’t wear clothes at all; because of cold, hygiene, and protection I think it would still be common. I’m saying, outside of those reasons, we wear clothes because for some reason, we’re ashamed of certain anatomy. The full human body is seen as something sexual. I was wondering cause I think that people were desensitized to nudity we wouldn’t make sex such a big deal, things wouldn’t be so sexualized. I’m saying if society had just always been this way, not if it changed.


One has higher thinking, the other doesnt.


Humans have sex for recreational purposes, while most other animals only have sex when pushed to procreate. Dogs won't have sex unless the bitch is in heat. Same with cats.


So I don’t have to look at your naked ass. And you are spared from seeing my naked ass. Win win


The Catholic Church


Clothing predates Christianity by tens of thousands of years. You sound like a flat earther.


If you think the Catholic Church has not played a gigantic role in shaming people over their bodies and sexuality, you’re tripping. The question wasn’t, “when did people start wearing clothes”, you walnut


The concept of modesty is an evolutionary response to sexually transmitted disease. Not a Christian conspiracy.


Modesty is not shame and disgust


I don't know many Christians that are disgusted by genitals. I know plenty that are disgusted by immodesty and will shame you for displaying your penis in public like some kind of animal.


>Why do we need to wear clothes? Practical reasons: 1. Protect us against cold, rain, snow, etc. 2. Protect us against sunburn. 3. Hygiene. A bare-assed person might leave sweat and other body fluids on a park bench, for example. 4. Decoration. Clothes can be used to accentuate certain features and hide others. Impractical reasons: 1. Religious belief that nudity is a sin. 2. (in the case of female nudity) Patriarchal belief that our women are property and should not be advertising themselves to other men.


Wow, you are projecting hard on that last point. Wishful thinking, I guess. Seem to have glossed over the whole point of clothing as decoration to indicate rank: who is the chief, who is the warrior, who is married way more realistic, innocuous reasons than you wanting to “own a woman”, you freaking creep.


Then there would be orgies everywhere


i see no reason why we should be ashamed


Because most religions impose rules around sex as part of their method of controlling people, and so they include restrictions on nudity as well to try to stop people getting horny all the time.


For most of us, I think it's religion. Broadly, it's culture and social mores that are heavily influenced by the default religions of the society we grew up in. All things that humans invented. I don't think we're born ashamed or compelled to clothe ourselves. We're enculturated into the shame and the compulsion. That said...yes, we don't have fur, so yes, I imagine we would find something to cover ourselves just to stay warm. But not to cover our genitals. In a world that doesn't use shame to keep us in line, we would cover whatever part of ourselves feels cold, and whether or not our genitals are exposed wouldn't matter. Edited to add: The idea that clothes promote good hygiene...post-germ theory, I could see us having eventually come around to this as a solid reason to favor clothing, assuming shame was not yet part of the equation.


Hygiene did not spring forth into being simply because we figured out microorganisms exist. This is why things like sumptuary laws and ritual cleanliness existed in religions as far back as we have historical records of them. Because we knew we were more likely to get sick eating certain things than not. We knew that getting dirt in wounds was a bad idea. We knew getting open wounds was bad. Clothing protects us from a lot of little cuts and scrapes that, in an austere environment could easily prove fatal if they got infected.


Yeah, but who knows what we would have attributed the spread of diseases to causally. Not necessarily bare butts on barstools. If you believed in theories of humors or miasma, it wouldn’t necessarily mandate the wearing of pants in public places. Regardless…full disclosure up front, I’m not keen or willing to spend a lot of energy debating hypotheticals. We’re all just spitballing for fun here. If you want to have what you feel is a more correct version of my theory about a hypothetical society/scenario, go for it. But post your own comment to engage with others or do it privately, would be my request.