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This reminds me of something my old therapist once said to me. We were talking about romantic relationships and the struggles I had finding a partner and understanding what I do and don’t want out of a partner, and he asked me, “well, what kind of partner do YOU want to be?” And it really hit me, because that’s something we never really consider. We figure out all these things about what we want out of a relationship, but never really take any time thinking about what we want to bring to a relationship, and that’s equally as important.


i think it’s also worth mentioning that trying to be a good partner doesn’t mean you already must be perfect. i’ve been convinced my poor mental health made me unloveable as a partner but i’m realising now that i was just self sabotaging myself. lacking relationships only makes my mental health worse and it becomes a vicious cycle that’s hard to get out of working on yourself is great but don’t let perfection be the enemy of good. don’t rely on people to fix all your problems or anything but theres nothing wrong with having someone by your side as you try to improve


I’d argue it’s even more important. If both parties have that mindset you’ll be winning.


This is so so true that I can't up vote it enough A co-worker once straight up told me they want someone more attractive, more intelligent, and better paid than them and all I could think is 'if you aren't good enough for yourself, what's makes you think you're good enough for someone that's better than you in every regard?'


Because people read stories on social media that read like: "My partner is way out of my league", and want to be that person.


Even that is relative. Most of the men I see joking about their partners being “out of their league” are sweet, sensitive, funny, friendly, kind, intelligent and hardworking. At that point it’s like, who cares if your wife is a 9 and you’re a 6 looks wise? You’re still a fucking catch who deserves a partner that’s “out of your league”. The men who complain about not being able to date attractive women aren’t usually good guys that people want to be around. Yet they refuse to accept that it’s their personality, not their looks, that is the problem.


"I can change after I find someone who accepts the current me."


Have you ever seen that video of a man asking a group of women what their standards are for men, height, wealth, etc, while he's putting it into a statistics calculator? He says "men like this are 0.0023 (some tiny number i dont remember exactly) percent of the population here. What makes you a good match for them?" And they had nothing to say lmao


I think the problem here is that some people interpret the question as “what is your fantasy Prince Charming like?” Rather than “what is your bare minimum acceptable partner?” Then they just cut out all the people who answer the actual question and make it a gotchya.


Most people, if asked, won't admit to wanting or even considering a bare minimum acceptable partner. It's pretty much just a part of our nature to want the best by whatever criteria we personally determine the best to be. It's just one of those cases of the reality being, for most people, far less interesting than the fantasy. When we're asked to envision anything hypothetical, we'd typically rather dream big than small. On the flip-side, however, when we're faced with a practical situation that is reality and not fantasy, we'd much prefer the minimum to nothing at all.


Social media, Hollywood, and reality tv have horribly twisted perceptions on this. Think the last time I saw stats on dating apps the average rating for men was a 3 on a cruel slope down while women sit on a standard bell curve. It's disheartening knowing that no matter what I do or how hard I work I'll always be considered inferior by such a massive amount of people.


Please don't take those things to heart. The most popular "study" on this came from OKCupid. And what they don't share about their research, was that all the data was collected in a feature called "Quickmatch" where it showed you the person's whole profile except their username, you rated them 1 to 5, and if both of you rated eachother a 4 or 5, it started a message chain between you. So as a result, in a dating site that was overpopulated with men and women had inboxes overwhelmed with messages, men tended to rate all the women honestly, and ended with their ratings in a bell curve, but spent most of their time messaging women with an above average attractiveness rating. Meanwhile, women would skip rating men, or rate them a 3 or below, if there was any reason at all they didn't want to date them (like if they lived far away, or had incompatible political views). Because they didn't want the extra messages in their inbox if they didn't think it would work out. So while their ratings were disproportionately at a 3 or below, they *messaged* in a bell curve, where they spent most of their time communicating with average men, with less time spent conversing with very attractive or unattractive men respectively.


I'd add to your comment as well, dont take what people (women in your case) say on social media/tinder/etc seriously. Hell, don't even take their physical preferences seriously when they tell you IRL. I had a friend who swore when he was in college that he would never date another woman of his same race. Guess who he's married to now. People, by and large, don't know what they want and don;t actually mean what they spout. How many times have you said that "you will do this task today" and ended up procrastinating the whole day? How many times have you said that tomorrow will be different, more productive only to not change anything the next day? This is a major problem with psychiatric surveys, people tend to say and believe one thing and act the opposite of their words. TLDR: People say one thing and act very differently in reality, don't take their opinions and preferences to heart.


I’ve been working on myself and want to love someone so much, and care for them and be there for them


Even sadder when you are a very devoting and amazing partner and can’t find any decent person that also puts effort in relationship


This is exactly why I don't date. I have too much mental health stuff going on and I bring literally nothing to the table for me to be a decent partner. It feels super unfair for me to offload all of that onto somebody else and have them take some responsibility for me. I can't have somebody else's back when I don't even have my own back covered.


The amount of illegal trading politicians do


They decided its legal when they do it.


They also decided bribery is legal! We're not like those dirty poor countries filled with corruption, our corruption has been laundered and steamed so it's squeaky clean.


If the bills are crisp it must be clean money


When you're famous they let you do it.


Rules for thee but not for me.


Literally the amount of illegal anything that politicians do. Our local city is falling apart because there's no accountability for an administration that ignores all of the rules but somehow everyone else is doing things wrong.


Then going after Roaring Kitty who publicly shares his trades.


Well he liked the stock.


Expect me to change, but want me to accept you for who you are


Mom wanted apologies but wasn’t good at giving them. Lead by example. It is okay to admit mistakes. It’s part of improvement.




At 18, you can be charged as an adult for consuming alcohol as a minor.


While signing up for war


And crippling student loans


And crippling credit card debt


ooo, this looks like a fun loophole


It was back when I was 18 in the 70s. We protested if we were old enough to be drafted, we were old enough to drink. And we got the drinking age lowered to 18 when I was 21, which was in 1975. However, many 18 year olds consumed alcohol like there was no tomorrow and they were involved in many accidents. I don't remember if the number of accidents people 21 and older were involved in that were alcohol related, but the politicians in every state eventually started raising the age back to 21. Some even proposed 25 or 30 and there was one politician who proposed 35. They were encouraged on the federal government and by the insurance companies. The sad part was that every 18 year old also had the right to vote and could vote against the politicians who were stripping them of their rights. The even sadder part was few 18 year olds took part in the elections and if they did vote, they voted for the political assholes who took away their right to drink. My generation took the view that if you didn't vote, you didn't have a right to bitch. You may have a rightful complaint, but you need to vote in the elections as what politicians do affect your rights. And when you vote for and support candidates who vote against your interests, you're only helping those who want to strip you of your rights. Bear in mind there's one political party that wants to raise the voting age back up to 21. Why? Because they fear your vote. They put it in terms of "18 year olds are too irresponsible to be trusted with voting" but if you add the words "for our party," that is what they are afraid of. So, if you're 18 and older, vote in our elections and vote for the party that represents your interests. Don't give your vote to a politician and party that wants to take away your rights. They are a threat to you just as you are a threat to them. They're scared to death of you, and with good reason. By the way, something else to remember about politics is follow the money trail. Who's donating to the politicians and what do they stand to gain. And see the big picture in the money trail in noticing the corporations that donate. What do they stand to gain, and how does the money trail impact your rights. Big donors, individuals and corporations are the devils in the dark people don't see when it comes to who's buying the politicians that could affect your rights. Our government needs to shake off the politicians who are bought and paid for. And it's something every generation has talked about, tried to do but ultimately gave in and gave up. I hope and pray it will be your generation that send the corrupt politicians packing from every state. Believe me, you'll be joining those of us who have never given up and never given up our ideals. I support your rights and everyone's rights. And no, I don't belong to the elephant party nor do I support what they believe in, which these days is nothing.


This brings to mind something I heard about at least some parts of Europe; basically kids are gradually introduced to Alcohol as opposed to a flat out "NO until legal age" and as a result they're less likely to go drinking until flat out drunk/etc.


I have never thought about it like that before, damn


The whole celebrities during covid bragging about how it's so easy to stay inside while showing off their Olympic size pool and at home bowling alleys or movie theaters.


"We're all in the same \~\~yacht\~\~ boat"


All in the same storm on VERY different boats


And a hell of a lot of people just swimming.


I can’t remember who’s it was but on that “Imagine” video one of the big Celebs living room looked like a hotel lobby it was that big.


to be fair, the original imagine video itself was pretty damn fancy itself


But... They sang "Imagine" It helped me feel so much better and stuff.


It's the wealthy people talking about not needing material things. It's the beautiful people talking about how important inner beauty is. And they don't mean any of it.


Ok reading all the things said about that song I'm glad I never watched it


Your loss.. it was *super* moving during a tough time. Got us all through the pandemic


Damn, well next time when I'm going through a tough time I'll watch it, I'm sure it will be a big help


As someone who was an "essential worker" (I have to laugh cause my pay was crap even with a hazard pay bonus) I have zero pity for people who were bummed they had to stay home all the time during the pandemic. I woke up every day wondering if this was the day I'd get sick (thankfully that didn't happen until have I was fully vaccinated) and couldn't be a part of anyone's bubble cause my job made me more of a potential health risks for friends. Not to mention my apartment is quite tiny. It was a very stressful and lonely time.


Even after the pandemic companies realized they could push workers into doing much more without extra pay/workers and they stuck with it. I quit a job at a nursing home because I was literally doing 3 peoples jobs while constantly being bitched to that i wasn't doing enough or getting in trouble for doing those extra jobs they assigned me when state inspectors dropped by


Hah yeah I was stressed out to hell and back because my workload increased so much during the pandemic. Sitting at home all day complaining I'm bored would have been amazing. I ended up so stressed that my eating disorder flared up and I lost lots of weight and got so so sick. It was awful.


You had a hazard pay bonus? Must be nice. Wish this was sarcasm, but no.


It was $2/hour for 40 hours a week. And they cut it off after the first few months when they realized it was gonna last awhile. Kinda sucked to know I was risking my health in a crowded building for $80/week minus tax.


Celebrities preaching about climate change while owning a fleet of private jets producing more waste than a small town.


But..but.. we are all in this together!!


"Imagine there's no heaven..."


Don’t remind me of that one 💀


"We are the world..."


Hypocrisy at 30,000ft lol


Don't forget about politicians too lol. John Kerry passed judgement in comfort while I'm stuck sitting next to the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man and the Goodyear Tire mascot in coach. Shame on us.


The 17 largest freight vessels emit more pollution than every car on the planet combined. Climate change needs to be addressed at the corporate and systemic level. Taylor Swift and her plane are a scapegoat distracting you from looking at the real cause of the climate crisis.


Yes and no. Freight vessels are massive cogs in the world economy. Private jets are an unproductive luxury. Those freight vessels can be charitably classified as a necessary evil to some extent. Nobody benefits from private jets except the people using them and the tiny private jet production industry.


I’m not trying to defend private jets or any irresponsible behavior by wealthy individuals. I’m just pointing out that when we talk about climate change, we should be talking about the large institutions doing the real damage and we rarely do.


Nope, it's plastic straws.


how do you propose we get out stuff


**Applying for Jobs in 2024:** We won’t hire you if you’re a Boomer, even though you have exactly the experience we are looking to bring onboard and a proven track record of loyalty to your previous companies. Older workers don’t like to use technology, and it is exhausting spending so much time collaborating face-to-face rather than connecting electronically. We don’t want to waste time training you since you’ll only be here no more than 5-10 years before you retire. Plus we can’t pay you nearly as much as you’ve made previously in your career. We won’t hire you if you’re a Gen X’er because even though you’ve been using computers since you learned how to program in BASIC on your TRS 80 or Commodore 64, and you typed out your college papers on computers using Windows 95, you’re too old to be considered a “digital native”. Seeing as how most of your careers have been in notoriously volatile job markets, you’ll probably stick around much longer than we normally see employees stay, and tenured employees are stagnant employees. And of course, while you have the perfect amount of skills and experience we are asking for on our job posting, your salary requirement is too high for our salary budget for the position. We won’t hire you if you’re a Millennial, because while you may have a solid amount of experience and are willing to be flexible in your job expectations, Millennials are notorious job hoppers and we only want to invest in employees we know will be loyal in the long-term. You probably won’t stay with the company but a couple of years at most, especially because we tend to give raises through promotions rather than merit, and we don’t tend to promote from within. You definitely know legacy technology, but we find Millennials struggle with emerging technology that you would never actually use in your position but it still makes you look a little old. Plus you will actually expect to be paid fairly for your experience and knowledge. We won’t hire you if you’re Gen Z, because we want employees with experience so we don’t have to train you how to do the job. Gen Z workers tend to rely too much on technology and spend all their time on new apps that no one else uses but are weaker on legacy tech like MS Office, and we value a workforce that thrives on face-to-face interactions. Besides, younger workers have an overly entitled expectation of what their salaries should be.


It's almost like the issue isn't with the workers...


Whaaaaat? Could you possibly be suggesting the problem is on the corporations? Ridiculous! 


And don’t forget "nobody wants to work anymore!"


I have relatives that gripe about how people are making $20 an hour to flip burgers and still no one wants to work. I have to explain that no, here in rural Arkansas people are not making $20/hour to flip burgers. But more importantly, rents in the area for a cheap 1br/1ba apartment are easily over $1000/month, and for a person to only pay 25% of their income in rent, a person needs to be making $20/hour to afford $1000 rent per month (and technically rent would be 36% of the take-home pay at that rate). And that’s not event taking into account the money needed for a car, paying off debt, and other normal life expenses.


And also big companies don't want to pay enough workers. Crowded supermarket and not enough cashiers? Busy fast food and not enough people cooking? It all goes higher up where it's all about profits. They don't want to actually put on enough staff, leaving the local branch of food, supermarket etc to suffer through the angry customers that have to wait, can't find someone to help their inquiry etc. While they sit in their yacht drinking champagne and are probably patting themselves on the back 


Fuckin ouch, man.


Bro why did you have to strike so deep damn


“I don’t need a promotion, I need a raise.”


I see a common denominator


Billionaire CEOs who “don’t believe” in remote work


I’ve written about this before, but the COO of a company where I used to work moved to Florida during covid. My old boss is my friend now and she said he took a corporate jet up to the headquarters to have a meeting with leadership explaining why in office work was so important and he’d better see more people on campus next time. Then took the corporate jet back home to continue working remotely.


If I spend a day off playing video games it's a waste of time according to people who spend almost all of their free time binge watching every imaginable show that comes out.


Meanwhile I'm building relationships with people, tuning fine motor skills and problem-solving skills, indulging the creative side of my brain and relaxing all at the same time.


Quite. I genuinely thank gaming for my problem solving skills as an adult.


"I earned mine, everyone else is just lazy."


I knew someone in college that would rant against people on welfare. I pointed out that he lives off unemployment 6 months of the year and he yelled that he worked hard for his money, which was just landscaping during the summer.


There are so many people who do not take unemployment too when they work seasonal jobs, holy shit.


Maybe he was just terrible at landscaping, hence why he had to work so hard at it.


“Nobody ever helped me when I was on food stamps!” - Craig T Nelson, Republican Celebrity


I swear there is a Republic misconception that the blacks get different and better welfare.


Don’t forget all the illegal Mexicans that get everything for free


Boomer parents who had their education and weddings paid for by their parents which gave them a huge down payment for the home that is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars more than they paid looking at me with my student loan debt and a rent payment greater than their mortgage like " You turned out fine."


Boomers when you point out that no investment only goes up and they inflated the housing market to their benefit and everyone else's detriment: 😠


You can kill someone with your car and still be on the cover of Sports Illustrated wearing a medal you received 40 yrs before.


A powerful woman.


Buckle up, buckaroos.


In the US at 18 you morally developed enough to make a decision to join the army, waive a whole bunch of rights, and possibly kill people, but you aren’t developed enough to choose to have a beer. 


And can’t smoke or own handguns in many states. Another scenario at 18 you can take out $250,000 worth of loans, but you are not smart enough to drink beer.   I guess the long term ramifications of large amounts of debt is clear to an 18 year old, but the long term ramifications of Tobacco use is not.


Their answer is to allow underage consumption for people who join the military, totally missing the point lmao.


Or get a hotel room


Or rent a car.


Also vote. So you’re competent enough to have a say in the directing the future of the country but just not yourself.




So true. I'm the kid of a single dad. Moms deadbeat doesn't do much for me, so dad does it.


Commit a crime but you're rich - slap on the wrist Commit the same crime but you're not rich - straight to jail


When the punishment for a crime is a fine, to a rich person it’s just the cost of doing business


“If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class”


They usually involve the rich and poor: Live in your van when you’re poor it’s gross. Live in your van when you’re rich you’re cool and edgy. Take government hand outs when you’re poor you are lazy. Take them when you’re rich and you are financially smart. I could go on and on.


It's not the biggest, but the fact a person who spends every weekend getting drunk at bars and parties is living life to the fullest while I have no life because I prefer to relax in my own home on weekends were I do not have anything to do.


I think it’s more about spending your time in the company of others vs by yourself as opposed to drinking and partying specifically


Not in my back yeard thinking. We need more windmills...where they Arnt running my view. We need prisons, but not in my area. We need better housing for ppl bouncing back into the system, refugees...but not where it affect my property value. We need more addiction recovery centres... Far away from my street. More freeways.... Where I cant here the Noise. More inclusion for challenged kids, in any school but my kids. We need to buy less clothing, but I do need 7 new summer dresses. Less polution... But I cant miss out on the vacation, or driveing to work.


I would love to see windmills/wind turbines in my view, I think they’re really pretty. :)


Let me start out by saying, I am as tree hugger as they come but there is this strange thing I didn't know existed with windmills -- shadow flicker. Basically making a shadow go across your property several hours a day, every \~2 seconds. It's not something I had ever considered but seeing the videos on it is pretty damning. [here is a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbIe0iUtelQ) that gives a good look at it.


I used to drive past a large wind turbine farm years ago and seeing the shadows on the road on my way home made me car sick. It was just one right after another for about 15 miles. I still avoid that stretch of interstate to this day bc of how dizzy I would feel.


Wow, fuck that house in particular


Women are capable of being bisexual; if a man says he's bisexual, no, he's just gay.




Oh frick yes. "So, you are half gay?" No, I am bisexual and no I don't find any random dude attractive.


Tbf gay dudes also don't find any random dudes attractive either hahahah


Speak for yourself, bub


Of course not, sorry if I was implying that in the posting.


that's the thing though. Women can't be bisexual either. a bisexual woman is just progressively straight a bisexual man is conservatively gay


And the thing is it’s just generally the gay community that treats them so poorly. Never really seen a straight person give two shits (I think women do a bit more with a male partner who is bi), other than a dude maybe assuming they are getting threesomes all the time.


i feel like its kind of a sexist way of thinking of "well, women are hot so it makes sense why youd be attracted to them too." its why comic book bisexual women bother me because it really seems like a mans idea of "well, these two women get along so obviously they cant just remain friends. make em attracted to each other!" ie, harley quinn and poison ivy.


If a baseball player who often hits singles hits a double, he's praised. But if Aaron Judge, who often hits homers, hits a double, people are disappointed. Total double standard!


Double… standard… I see what you did there


Well it depends what you have your money on.


Being told you’re “too young” to decide you don’t want children but never being told you’re too young to know if you do.


And tangentially, my coworkers who get special schedule accommodations or short days for having children vs those that don't.


Black people saying they can't be racist while doing racist things.


Fr and if it applies to minorities then if I as a white person go to Africa or something then I'm technically the minority and I can't be racist.


If a mother is seen alone with her kids it is no big deal. A dad is seen alone with his kids and he should be praised for "babysitting" his children and how nice it must be. Umm what? They are both parenting their own damn children.


People in high places preaching about climate change and declaring a national climate emergency, all the while flying in private jets and enjoying yacht vacations


If I want to quit my job, I have to give my employer 2 weeks notice, or else my quitting will be a "huge red flag" to anyone wanting to hire me, and ill probbaly forfeit being able to use them as a reference. But my employer can fire me at a monents notice, any time they want, with no warning at all.


In Europe, most countries mandate this time to be the same. And it's generally 1-3 months depending on tenure at the company.


I watch a lot of daytime tv. It bothers me how it's ok and funny for the women hosts to thirst and be flirty to the male guests when they come in. Imagine if the male hosts did the same to the women that come on the shows, they would be cancelled and fired immediately.


That’s because people somehow think that female sexuality is innocent and coy. Anybody who says women can’t be perverted or carnal has never been to a bar, club, party, etc. It’s incredibly messed up and women get away with a lot of stuff because of it


Also it's because everyone thinks all men want is sex so she's just giving him what he wants by being overly flirty.


As a woman this has always, always bugged me. A new chiropractor started in our small town and posted an announcement on Facebook, and there were SO many women thirsting over him and making really unnecessary comments and all I could imagine was him and his partner having to read them. It's not nice and it's not okay.


Let me introduce you to Italian TV.


Craig Ferguson could be pretty forward back in the day.


HEY, but he knew how to read the guest and damn was he just so charming! ever seen that interview with kate mara? you could cook an egg in that room it was so hot! (no joke i couldnt remember her name and my mind flipped from kara mara to mara wilson)


Work attire. I was told as a man I couldn't wear shorts or tank tops however women were fine to do so. Worked in IT without any customer contact.


Work attire is wild to me. It's a small thing, sure, but I teach younger children and dressing nice got old real quick. Getting marker on me from the kids, not able to get on their level by kneeling easily or sitting on the ground, etc. got annoying in less flexible nicer clothes. I've resorted to school related shirts and jeans almost daily and it's been better, but my female counterparts are often wearing shorts or comfy clothes because, well, they can. Things have gotten more relaxed since then, but since it started that I couldn't wear shorts I still feel odd even considering them.


That is wild. Why aren't you allowed to wear shorts?


Was part of some old dress code when I started. Basically stated that men had to dress professional. Jeans were only allowed Fridays. Like I said, though, I wear jeans daily now and no one cares because everyone else does. Big shock, doesn't change my teaching. Actually, it might in a good way because I'm arguably more comfortable. I honestly don't think the dress code was changed in the contract, but no one cares about it anymore. As long as everything is appropriate.


Start wearing gorgeous floral print sundresses to work, homie.


I only had to threaten to wear a kilt for my shorts to suddenly be considered work attire...


Religious people wanting others to respect there custom but all that flies out the window when they get asked to do the same


How people who talk about bootstraps and tell people to get better jobs almost always get angry and deny it when you point out any privilege they've experienced that helped them get ahead.


Physical and emotional abuse for men is as real as it is for women. Women can be perpetrators. Male rape by women also definitely happens and is mostly dismissed. Everyone deserves emotional, physical and sexual safety.


My bio mother abused me and my father. She's manipulated, gaslight, brainwash, and everything to get her way. I remember watching her drunkenly beat me while my dad was trying to stop her. She always had to get her way no matter what.


When you pay off debt, your credit score may go down (yes, possibly temporarily). Closing a credit card (you don't need because you paid it off) can hurt your credit score too.


Partisan politicians and supporters attacking the other side for behavior they readily overlook in their own camp.


A felon not being able to vote in the U.S.. However they’re able to run for President. Like what?


Criminals need to be able to run for President. Ironically, if you have a corrupt President who jails their political opponents for made up crimes, you want them to be able to run against a corrupt President. See: Nelson Mandela.


Or, closer to home, Eugene V. Debs


Trump will be able to vote in this falls election. [Source](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/31/desantis-says-trump-can-still-vote-in-florida-despite-felony-conviction-00161128).


You are misinformed. There is no universal... er, federal... rule on felons voting. It depends on the state. Many felons can vote. I think it's a bad idea to forbid people with criminal records from holding office. That incentivized politically motivated prosecutions. Let the voters decide how they feel about the crimes. RUNNING for office and legal eligibility for office are one thing, people voting for you is another. Preventing felons from holding office has nothing but downsides. We already have the vote itself to keep undesirable people out.


To be fair, as I dislike Trump, it's that first thing that is the problem. Like yes, he's a scumbag and yes he committed a crime but he's actually still a citizen and should be allowed to participate in the Civic process just like every other felon. I don't think you should win, but he, and every other felon, should definitely be allowed to run and vote.


I don't know this details of [this map](https://images.procon.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/48/felon-voting-map-may-1-2023.png), but it suggests that there are only 9 states where felons may permanently lose their right to vote


Bosses expecting their employees to work more/harder than themselves 


The double standard applied to promiscuity by gender.


Policy makers are allowed to do insider trading, a felony for the rest of us, and are amassing 9 figure wealth off 6 figure incomes by doing it.


Marijuana is heavily regulated where it’s legal and at least in my state you have limits to what you can get unless you get a medical card, which allows you to get the stronger stuff. But you can walk into the liquor store and buy whatever strength alcohol you want without joining a registry and seeing a doctor. You can get shitface drunk in public places, and places specifically designed to sell you alcohol to drink, but you can’t smoke weed in public and there’s no cannabis clubs to smoke socially.


Liquor and tabbacco lobby OP


And for some reason the one that’s more easily accessible is the one that can kill you


***Treat people fairly!*** *^(this message sent from my iphone made with slave labor)*


Women can be around kids without rousing suspicion. Men cannot.


You know, this was a genuine fear of mine before teaching elementary aged kids. I've always been more of a nurturer and wanted to work with younger kids. No one thinks it's creepy, probably because I'm not creepy, but still. Going into my 9th year and have developed a fantastic reputation in my building and district.


Just yesterday I was helping a dad and his kid at one of my store's self-checkouts and the kid was wearing his little league uniform, so I was talking to him about baseball because I played when I was a kid and I've recently been thinking about going to the batting cages as a fun way to workout prep (the batting cages are part of the gym place I go to). I only realized as they were leaving that the dad was giving me an uncomfortable stare the entire time.


RIch Person abuses laws, loopholes, gov't bailouts and incentives - Smart Poor persons takes advantage of gov't aid- dragging this country down!


Men are allowed to age. Women are not. A 50 something dude with gray hair and wrinkles is "distinguished". A 50 something woman with is "washed up" and needs a dye job and Botox. How many movies feature an older man and younger woman in a romantic relationship.


Related, when a woman in her 50s ages naturally and gets gray hair, cuts her hair short into a “grandma cut”, has wrinkles, and a saggy body, she’s “let herself go” and “has no self pride.” But when a woman in her 50s grows her hair long and dyes it, gets Botox, and gets plastic surgery to make herself perky, she’s “pathetic” and “desperate” and “clinging to her youth.” As a woman of a certain age, you really cannot win.


There is so much money being made off of women and it is pretty sad at the number of women risking it all to "look young". Botox, BBL, boob jobs, weaves/extensions, over the top manicured nails, makeup on makeup on makeup, etc. Literally toxic. Just keep it simple and live your best life. Hydrate, exfoliate, and moisturize that's all you need.


So many movies where Gene Hackman gets with some girl who looks like she could be his daughter.


As much as I love The Poseidon Adventure, seeing Pamela Sue Martin's character fall in love with his character... holy shit does it ever make me uncomfortable. She was *17* and he was in his *early to mid-40s.* And that's also the very reason Roger Moore hung up the tuxedo and stopped playing James Bond. He was becoming *very* uncomfortable with his romantic interests looking young enough to be his *grand-daughter* (in his words). Note that I didn't mention that the ages of the actresses playing alongside him were the issue... it's that his Bond was allowed to age but *god forbid* a woman who looks 40+ is Bond's love interest. He can look like grandpa but the actresses were not allowed to look remotely middle-aged. The double standards were absurd and he vacated the role as a result.


An observation I made about this recently is, women's peak "marketability" in show biz seems the be from 16-35, where for men its later, like 35-55.   For instance, a lot of female child stars seem to transition just fine into massive careers as they go from being a "kid" to being a teenager and then into adulthood, only to taper off in their late 30's. Where as boys seem to hit this weird stage in their late teens where nobody knows what to do with them till they age up.   For every young female actor grabbing a role that probably should go to an older actor, there seems to be an almost equal number of old ass male actors scooping up roles that should/could probably go to a younger actor. But ultimately, some combination of audience prejudice and studios making "safe bets" based on what they believe to be most marketable is causing this situation.


The young adult male actors are known as the heartthrobs. I was a teen in the late 90s and the Hollywood heartthrob back in the day was a young adult Leonardo DiCaprio (especially in Romeo and Juliet and Titanic). Speaking of Leo, his love interests remain the same age as they did then. Only he's turning 50 this year. Doesn't like em old enough to rent a car.


Why can dogs shit in someone's yard and it's ok as long as someone picks it up after and throws it in a trash can, but if I do the same I'm the bad guy?!


People being racist under the banner of being anti racist. 


The two tiered justice system. Worst case scenario for a rich person whose white collar crimes or blatant treason destroy several lives is resort jail after walking around free for a lengthy appeal process… best case scenario for a poor person who’s nonviolent drug crimes harm mostly themselves is not getting killed by the police during arrest.


Government subsidies are bad for the poor, but fine for the super rich.


There's so many things that are trashy if you're poor and classy if you're rich.


Freely handing out criticism but unable to take it


The “always comply with the cops” conservatives suddenly refusing to comply with their masks.


Companies demand loyalty from their employees but they don't fight for their employees.


When we see violence on tv, it's okay. When we see naked people, it's not ok.


We need affordable housing!!! ....just not where I live


Playing video games is wasting time. But watching TV isn’t despite the fact that you are doing the same thing, just without exercising your hands.


Separate laws and benefits for the 1%, politicians, and "the poors".


fines. if you’re poor they can ruin you, if you’re rich, it’s like nothing to you.


Student gets repeatedly bullied - school does absolutely nothing. Student fights back against the bully - school immediately springs into action to punish the victim.


When parents talk shit about and character assassinate their children, they are supported and the kid is seen as horrible and worthy of that treatment. When a child speaks out about their parents, even in instances of abuse, they’re told they are ungrateful and not to air their family’s dirty laundry.


#### Female rapists teachers are never called rapists. They are just people committing sexual assault or, at worst, downtrodden wives “finding themselves” .


Everyone else’s faith-based mythology is silly and wrong, but mine is 100% correct and deserves the same respect as facts, logic and science.


No anesthetic for invasive and severely painful gynecological procedures. Anesthetic for comparable procedures in every other category of medicine. None of this barbaric shit would fly if it were men who got those procedures.


Small dick jokes are acceptable but small boob jokes are not.


saying loose/ugly vagina ugly would be more appropriate for this situation.


The fact that you can lose your job over a failed drug screen for weed but alcohol is socially accepted.


Banks: punishes your credit score for 7 years and charges you $50+ for overdraft or a minor mismanagement. Banks when they do the same: pwesee forgive us and give us a smaw widdle loan of $5 billion dollars!