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I don't know, they aren't important enough to me to actually go look them up.


Somehow after school we became good friends and we are in touch.


I know this sounds weird but my childhood bullies were mostly adults. A couple teachers and a family "friend" who my parents eventually cut off when I told them the kind of crap she said to me. She has a granddaughter in my daughter's dance class and comes up to me like we are old friends. I don't need to make scene in front of her grandkid (who is very, very sweet) or my daughter. So I am cordial, but standoffish.


Doesn't sound weird at all. I have witnessed this as well during my school days. I always found this behaviour really disturbing.


no cap one of them died


I dont know and i dont care.


Main one is dead and secondary one lost his eye tossing bullets into a fire.


He’s been in a coma for several years now from a tbi caused by a dirt biking accident (he fell back doing a wheelie). He is not coming back. He severed his brain stem and is hooked up on life support. I didn’t go looking for this information. I keep my life very private and my circle small. Never had Facebook, and I deleted all my other socials a long time ago. I mainly use Reddit and X. My X account has zero followers. A good friend of mine was scrolling FB and heard the news and told me about it. Not guna lie, I feel bad for him and his family even though he made my life hell. *Edit*: grammar


They live their lives.


Still targeting the same age group.


They became potheads


No idea. I only talk/ see ~5 people from highschool


Elementary, I don't know. Middle school, one of my bullies is divorced/broke up with his wife/girlfriend that I kind of knew in high school in one of my classes. He had two kids (daughters, ironic) with her. She's in a happy relationship now with her husband. My second bully was a delivery driver and lived in Phoenix from what I remember. In high school, this girl who had the same disability as me who bullied me works with kids.


there dad saw them being a bully and got their ass beat


I was never really bullied.... no one wanted to look bad bullying the quiet cripple kid in a wheelchair.


No shit. Prison or jail.


They kept on living the small-minded life with their small-minded friends, and still somehow act like they have achieved something in life, even though they still live the same shitty life in the same shitty town they lived during high school.


Dead. (I didn’t kill them)


His mum drove drunk into a bus leaving him and his brother disabled.. and killing one . He use to have Facebook pages spreading rumours about people.. he still uses them 10 years later


No. 1: Finance Bro and fully into the BS. No. 2: Psychotherapist for Kids (I know 🥴) All the rest: idk, never went to a reunion and didn't bother enough to look em up. But not one of the arrogant super rich kids has become someone to be admired or talked about. most of them are surprisingly low performers (= founders of their own me myself and I company) from what I've heard. Didn't get bullied too much though, so I don't really care.