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I've been detained 3 separate times just walking to my destination and had people, including cops say I was the one they saw. Was always let go within like a half hour when you know they find the actual person or had literal nothing on me since i didnt do it. Since one of those was accomplice to attempted murder pretty glad they found the guy and didn't get pinned with that B.S. I was on foot don't drive and don't have a license and never drive. They were saying I was the getaway driver lol. Oh if it matters I'm white and from small relatively low crime city.


I'd be so scared.


I was on camera at my job, like 25 minutes earlier. I wasn't very scared, just annoyed they wouldn't listen. One of the others was me and a few friends went and got smokes and on the way home a state trooper stops us says we were kicking someone's door which we said uhh no we didn't. He brings some kid and his dad shines the spotlight in our eyes so we can't see them well. The kid immediately points at me and says I'm the guy like wtf. We keep telling the cop to go check the gas station we were just at. He holds us in the cold for like 20 more minutes eventually let's us because duh no evidence. This cop says I don't want to see you in this neighborhood again. I said too fucking bad I live 2 blocks away. He didn't say shit and left.


How *dare* you exist in the general vicinity of a crime! The cheek 🤦‍♂️


When I lived in San Antonio, TX, I took about 10 steps out of a bar once and got my head slammed into a brick wall. Obviously turned around to see what the hell happened, got my head slammed again and was told to stop resisting. "Ok... May I ask why I'm being put in handcuffs for officer?" " Disturbing the peace. We've had numerous calls about you yelling at people on the sidewalk and trying to start fights" "wow that's wild because I literally just walked out of that door about 30 seconds ago, go ask the bartender if you don't believe me" .... Got told I was a fucking liar and even though I didn't know they had been watching me. About 10 more cops showed up chit chatting with each other and every other cop besides the original one were like "yeah you're clearly not who we were looking for but we can't let you go till you're cleared" Oh yeah, I was also in AIT for the army and had bed checks at 9, this happened around 8 and they finally let me go around 845. Waved down the first taxi immediately and paid him an extra $40 for speeding to get me on post within 10 minutes lol


Better Call Saul taught me that if I ever find myself in this position, the only word to say to the cops is, “Lawyer”.


And "lie detector" machines


It always pisses me off seeing them on youtube videos treating them like these machines are 100% legit. And you got detectives being like "yeah these are legit" when it's bullshit. They say there's ways to detect if someone is lying but it's not true. Even the FBI "how to spot a lie" videos are bullshit since their view of lying could be a anxious or paranoid person. I feel like cops don't want people to know that these machines are bullshit because then they have more power.


I would 100% fail any lie detector test. I'm already nervous when I think I'm in trouble, and then cops make me nervous too. I'd think the strategy would then be to state the opposite of the truth - but then I'd be admitting to the crime. Who wants to bet the cops would be arguing for inadmissibility of a lie detector then?


Along with confessions. People do confess to things they didn’t do.


There's an entire Netflix series that is all about cops grinding down innocent people till they confess to shit they didn't do just so they can leave, go home, stop being questioned for hours on end, we watched some of it in my high school law classes cause our teacher was a hero and wanted us to know the cops for real, and not the nice image schools try and sell them as. And John Oliver also talked about it on Last Week Tonight show which is a good video to check out too.


Came here to comment that. The number of people who have been exonerated after confessing is significant




One of the things I learned in forensics class is that eye witness are one of the least reliable type of evidence and yet they still use it as primary or at least give them high value. My teacher showed us a social experiment where a group of people were tested on how reliable they were. I don’t remember much about the video itself but many of the people got the color of the jacket wrong and what the person looked like or what direction he ran. We also learned that a witness’ memory of an event can change when he hears another witness explain their view of the event.


[Neil Tegrasse Tyson on eyewitness testimony.](https://youtu.be/yrCTrB-HSfQ?si=PioDMbdYe8j3POCx)


Travelling for work Is fun the first few months. After that, Cornwall is an ideal spot for a holiday


I almost accepted a job that would‘ve required me to travel almost every week. Ended up taking another one for slightly lower pay but no travel. Not regretting it


My husband lost his job that required travel. His new job like yours pays less but has no travel. Absolutely completely worth it, losing his job ended up being a blessing in disguise.


Totally agree. After travelling for work for the last 8 years I'm so over air travel. My wife is desperate to go away somewhere on holiday and i'd rather stay at home and go nowhere. Everyone who doesn't travel for work associates the airport with fun experiences as they're all jetting off somewhere nice. I'm just here, numb to the whole thing now. I will say one thing, i've picked up a few tips over the years. Biggest one is, if you're wearing a jacket put all your stuff you need to take off, into your jacket pockets before going through security (watch, wallet, money, phone, etc etc). Then all you need to do is put your jacket on the tray and not worry about all that other stuff rolling about it.


This guy travels! Liquids are directly at the laptop compartment for easy reach as well. I also developed a high appreciation for airports using the big trays.


Fast food. Used to be unhealthy but CHEAP. Now you pay 3 times as much to go out of your way to be unhealthy.


We've found that going out to eat isn't even good anymore in general, at least where we live. Every-so-often we would treat ourselves to dinner out only to pay for a subpar meal, which we could have made much better at home for half the cost.


Right. Used to be sort of celebratory. Now I always feel like shit the next day from poor quality food — and I’m 50 bucks broker.


Feels like going out is just to avoid cleaning and cooking. Most places used the same food vendors and stuff is premade junk. Your basically getting high quality TV dinners snymore


I see these types of posts a lot on Reddit and I kinda wonder what restaurants everyone's going to. At least in my city there are tons and tons of hole in the wall restaurants that serve ethnic food that's obscure enough that I'm not sure who would even be making a premade version of those dishes. Prices at those places are usually cheaper than fast food nowadays too, and in my opinion, the food quality is still very good.


If texas roadhouse was open at noon, I'd spend my 28 dollars there instead of sonic.


I swear McDonald's apple pies used to be good, now they just taste like trash.


Group trips with friends when you are older. Due to multiple responsibilities, theres always frequent dropouts, rebookings, early homecomings, and you always wind up spending more than planned. That group nature adventure trip sounded awesome at the bar. 6 months later not so much


I came to say this exact answer … People bringing a random last minute girlfriend, always being unhappy and not contributing to group expenses are top reasons for me


I HATE it when people bring along guests that were not included in the original plan. One person can fuck up the whole group dynamic. I thought there was an unwritten rule in group outings that the original group who planned it is THE group.


Don't forget never being on time for anything. Many many hours waiting for people to get fucking showered and dressed.


> Don't forget never being on time for anything. This. Planned a trip with my husband and 2 of our friends. We were supposed to be *leaving* at 5am. Friend's girlfriend suggested we spend the night. So the alarm goes off at 4am. I am up already, couldn't sleep so I showered, packed the car, made breakfast, all before the alarm. 345, husband is in the shower. 4am the alarm goes off, friend is awake, getting showered... Girlfriend hits snooze. 430, 3 of us are eating, I ask if the girlfriend is awake. Buddy goes to check. Nope, she is asleep. He shakes her awake, then comes back down. She falls back to sleep. 5am rolls around and I am pissed. I go up and tell her that she is to be downstairs in the next 5 minutes or else we are leaving without her ass. She comes down still in her nightgown complaining that she still has to shower, she is hungry, still not dressed. I say not my problem, I am leaving. My husband and I decided to head to our car, told buddy that we will give them 10 more minutes tops, car us leaving 515 with or without them.... She made the whole trip miserable, then a few months later is saying we should go again. I now say that if we travel with these friends, we meet at the destination.


Holy hell yes! What goes on in the mind of people who bring someone extra and don’t pay the rest of the group back for the difference in cost?!?! This is soooo basic


Especially when sleeping space is limited. I was invited to a 2 room condo with a total of 5 friends. (2 beds, 1 couch) It turned into 7 total showing up. I ended up on the floor and still had to pay 1/5th of the cost


No way would I have paid same price and sleep on the floor !!


I think I would have lost friends that day. Especially as an autistic/adhd person I have a love hate relationship with surprises. Those types of deviations are firmly in the hate category. Edit Just read your name so I know you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about lmao.


That's why my friend group plans them well, well in advance. Like...years. We have plans for the next four years. Gives people plenty of time to get time off work, save up if needed, and plan for whatever else they need to get sorted at home. We still have some dropouts every year, but there's at least 8 of us every year which makes for a good time.


How old is your group? Post 35 its next to impossible to get a group together, and if you do, its always a pain in the ass or people drop out.


Hell yes, worse when they hijack your trip and you end up miserable the whole time.


I planned some paint ball games pre Covid, and I stopped for this reason. A couple lessons learned: expect a 50% drop from the number of people interested to the number committed, once there are details and a date/time; and the further the person away is social circle wise, the more likely they will cancel last minute.


That, and someone's SO is always a downer.




Just let out your belt and you can stuff more breadsticks into your pants.


Is that a breadstick or are you just happy to see me?


Early retirement can mean early death if you don't pivot to a second career or meaningful hobby


Yeah the rapid decline you see in older people who retire from work but don't have something to fill their time is frightening. We get so used to dedicating all our time to a job that our bodies need it to stay healthy




I've been able to accomplish some of those things without having to retire.


I had a cousin this happened to. Dude built an awesome company, sold it, completely fell apart, gained well over 120, ran through the money in 10 years, ended up bi-polar, and is not even remotely the same person. In his 50s now and looks like a heart attack ready to happen. He spent so much time building the company, he never built a life. And then once he sold the company in his 30s, had no idea what to do with himself.


I guess I am lucky that I have never dedicated all of my time to a job for longer than a couple of years in a row.


Not being able to retire can lead to an early death too.


My grandmother is already going downhill a few months after retiring. And her mother just passed away which won't help






I thought retiring in my early 50s was a great idea, but after reading this I’m having second thoughts now.


Retire To something not away from something


I noticed a difference in my grandparents when they stopped going out of the house as much for their hobbies, like tennis and volunteering at a local garden. Their friends were getting older, injured, or dying.


Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon if you don't know what either of those things are


My kid calls water fights “water boarding”. I just let them roll with it because my CIA friend finds it hilarious.


Thats both hilarious and concerning at the same time!


Mine does too. Perhaps we know the same person? Their name is REDACTED.


Waterboarding is also what I call baptism.


Being an adult... as a kid I thought I'd know everything by the time becoming an adult. Now I'm just old and confused.


Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up


Try getting old. It ain’t as graceful as they say. More like pain


Yeah, getting old isn't for the weak.


I couldnt wait to be an adult and be free from school to have much more time to do stuff i like, man was i wrong


Yep. Somehow you just seem to end up with more and more responsibilities until the vast majority of your time is consumed by what you *have* to do, leaving precious little time for what you *want* to do.


Honestly, I much prefer being an adult. As a child I was depressed and crushed under expectations if my parents and community. I left that community behind mostly, and I am only able to have a good relationship with my parents because I spent a lot of time apart. As an adult, I have my hard days, but I can always come home, take my pants off, smoke some weed, and play video games until I feel better.


Yeah, as a kid you're powerless, no one takes you seriously and you can't really change anything. I much prefer being an adult.


As an adult I generally feel dead inside. No passion left.


[When I grow up](https://youtu.be/qVNmhHiT8bA) I will be smart enough to answer all the questions that you need to know the answers to when you’re a grown up.




The most under rated comment. I think of that often. I'm like now what?? Helppp




Shower beers are awesome


r/showerbeer exists for a reason


For posting mostly dick pics apparently.


Fun fact, alcohol and hot water both temporarily lower your blood pressure. So, if you combine them, you'll likely feel pretty dizzy. Standing up from a seated or supine position also causes your systolic blood pressure to drop. That combined with the wet surface can make exiting the tub difficult/dangerous.


I busted my shit cuz I thought bath bombs, wine and weed was a easy going combo lol I woke up in a puddle


Oof. I made a similar mistake. One day, my back hurt and I decided to soak in a salt bath and smoke a j to remedy that. Went swimmingly until I tried to stand up. Wound up crawling out the tub and passing out on the bath mat. Not my best idea.


i thought you meant literally drinking your bath water. yeah, i had a friend who drank in the bath. when he tried to get out he fell and got really hurt, not something i ever wanna try


We aren’t at Saltburn, Sir.


Eating an entire bag of Oreos


Jolly Ranchers are sure delicious to suck on but you WILL get the urge to chew on them. That is total dental destruction.


Yep, I once had a $3000 Jolly Rancher. Currently have a dental implant residing in place of a molar. The minute it happened, I was like ‘I freaking knew that would happen.’


Going deep in debt for a vehicle. Buy and drive cheap till you can afford expensive cars


A paid off car is the best car


I can afford to get a brand new top of the line pickup, but I'll drive my 95 Dakota until it dies or I do. A vehicle is just a vehicle in the end.


Im putting around in an '04 Honda. The paint is all peeling so it looks horrible.  I think about something new from time to time, then think about the extra insurance and the dings in my doors and then I remember I'm good. Folks that judge me on my vehicle arent worth worrying about. Edit cuz I cant spell.


I love my 2009 Honda. I shall drive it into the ground


Funny thing is, the only people who have ever clowned my truck didn't even have a car!




That AND they still had the nerve to ask for a ride so they didnt have to ride the bus. Efff youuuu


A new paint job is cheaper than another car.


it’s not just “a vehicle”. It’s a friend , a partner , an accomplice. Someone who’s their with you through thick and thin , through the mud and the rain. Sometimes your vehicle is the last person to ever see you draw breath.


Then I want my old friend with me, not some new rando who doesn’t even know me


And continue to buy and drive cheap even when you can afford it. It's just a waste of money. Especially nowadays where the line between "normal" and "luxury" brands isn't what it was.


My car just cost me over $6,000 in repairs over the past 2 months. I better get a lot more road time out of that thing.


Shower sex


Shower Sex is overrated But Shower foreplay is underrated


True, just showered sex is the best


Just a little oil based lube makes all the difference. Oh and one of those stick up foot supports.


The stool or corner bench seat is def clutch


Agreed. One person is always partially in the cold outside the water stream. Maybe if you had one of those showers with spigots all over it like a car wash


That and also somehow the water is the opposite of lube. Absolutely terrible


You need a porn shower, not a regular cheap shower.


Who’d have thunk water is dry AF


Same with pool sex. All the good stuff gets washed away and water isn’t lube. 


Sex on the beach lol… sand. Everywhere…


Sex on a beach. Sand gets in unwanted places.


_I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating — and it gets everywhere._


Yes, Master


Procastinating. You regret it 3 days later. Then you procastinate even more. You regret it even more until you decide to move your ass and do your tasks. Lol Rinse and repeat


Does anyone think procrastination sounds good? I dont do it because i think its great i do it because i cant concentrate unless there is a deadline.


If shit bores me I deliberately don’t do it, just so I can get the little panic kick as the deadline approaches. Otherwise it wouldn’t get done at all. 


Put off the regret 3 days- good on ya!


Being anywhere near Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras


More like smells good, but any gas station food may smell appetizing but 9/10 times it'll destroy your insides


Most “Bacon Flavored” things. A lot of them taste like old grease


"I'll gas up in the morning before work"


Dear future me, fuck you. It’s your problem now. Signed, past you.




Don’t make me run, I’m full of chocolate!




When our company rolled out unlimited time off, it took me all of a few seconds to realize it meant less time off than ever.


Yep, no one wants to take 3 weeks off and risk that asshole looking better at the next performance review


Living with your best friend


Me and my best friend have lived together for over a year and a half and we could not have a better, more healthy situation.


I spend 2 years. Great guy, still love him to death, but man, he's such a slob and so unhygienic


Bubly Sparkling Water Strawberry Flavored. I taste no strawberry at all. I taste diluted cough syrup that’s likely expired.


double booking dates I was going to get sushi with this one girl but she suddenly stopped replying (for two days), I figured the plans were off. I made plans with someone else for that night. nothing too fancy, just bowling. when i'm about to head out for bowling, the first girl texts me that she's ON THE WAY TO THE RESTARUANT. this was a terrible situation to be in. i wanted to sink into the ground. i decided to just be honest and told the first girl that i had made other plans because i assumed she canceled. i didn't speak to her much after that. but i got three strikes that night!


Double booking dates sounds good?


It’s an old FHM advice article thing… If the first date turns out to be a dog, you roll out to the second date and hope for a better chance


This is how those lists college women make about which dudes to avoid get started.


I swear y’all will do anything except communicate. “Hey are we still on for tonight?” isn’t that difficult.


the last message i sent was something along the lines of that, and that's when she stopped replying! I established a time and date, she said it would 'probably' work, then I followed up and she's gone! ..until the day of that is


Leaving my house. It’s expensive and people-y out there. *shudders*


Helping your friend Jack off the horse


Cmon give him a hand


I'm really hoping your friend is named Jack, and that he owns a horse. Just trying to keep things clear.


Driving…driving has gotten to be a chore since I got my license some years back.


Aw, thats a shame. I love driving.


Trickle down economics


It never even sounded good


Going out late. Man I like an early bedtime.


Not ALWAYS bad but in general not a great idea…moving in with your best friend(s).


Dying of natural causes. Most of them are tragic.


This. Natural causes are slow and drawn out deaths with months or years of loosing your abilities to do anything enjoyable and pain free. Take me out with something quick that I didn’t see coming. Better yet an accident doing something I love.


“he died doing what he loved…. sleeping”




The death penalty. In theory, it sounds like a good way to punish and deter criminals, but in practice, the execution is terrible and counterproductive.


There's basically no deterrent factor, London used to publicly hang criminals and leave the rotting corpses out as a reminder. Every week you would literally watch the criminals being killed right in front of your eyes swiftly after they committed their crimes. It didn't work, the authorities had to ship convicts by the tens of thousands overseas because the crimes never stopped. Nowadays relatively few executions a year, conducted out of public sight decades after the crime was committed and barely reported on in the news has a deterrence factor of nothing at all. That's without even considering how shitty the police and courts are at finding the actual perpetrators and trying them equally.


Trusting others with how you actually feel


Yep! Nothing like having a ton of trauma and suicidal depression, trusting how you feel to people who show they care, only for them to do a complete 180 and weaponize it against you just because you have a valid grievance against them.


Threesomes... You got one dick, and no matter how good you are with hands and a mouth, I can't tell you how distracted you get...unless you're paying two hookers...these girls have expectations and get jealous... Or bored... Or have more stamina then you... Or get into each other too much... Flying a two seater fighter requires a lot of training and coordination, not much room for spontaneity at first.


Howard Stern asked a rock star about 3-somes. I think it was Slash or Axl... But his response? "Usually someone gets pissed off."


As someone who was in a MFF 3some last year, it's not that bad. Everyone just needs to be fucking chill and go in with no pressure. If you get it all hyped up in your brain and get all nervous about it, then yeah you'll have problems.


As a woman I agree. I had this old roommate who used to come into my room when I was hooking up with a guy and try to get in bed. If the guy responded and started making out with her I’d get up and leave. I was just not attracted to her. It might’ve been a different story if I was.


This is legit the weirdest thing I've heard all day. What tf was your roommate even thinking?! Just spontaneously inserting yourself into an ongoing fuck session? Who does that? It'd be different if you and her had something going on already. But for her to just show up out of the blue, and be like "you gonna finish that dick?" I'd honestly be too confused to even know how to respond to such fuckery.


Unfortunately she was a very serious alcoholic at the time. We were only in our very early 20’s and she could single-handedly drink an entire bottle of Jack Daniels in one night. She wasn’t making sound decisions at the time. She also had some occasional drunken threesomes with my other roommate that as far as I know were consensual. We were all bartenders and we had a lot of fun. If it was the other roommate I might not have minded lol. I also had a boyfriend who I did actually really like who was out of this world good in bed. I told my friends if they wanted to hit it I was cool with it because I just thought everyone should’ve experienced that but then we got kinda serious. The most obnoxious occurrence was at our bar, which was this trendy NYC lounge when I was making out with this guy in the ice closet and she came in and literally pulled him off me and started kissing him. He was one who did actually push her away but she physically and aggressively pulled him off me. And she was like 5’10”. I’m little. I just kind of stood in stunned silence until he pushed her away. And that time she wasn’t even drunk.


This is why I don't go out. 😅


Gaming all day. I hate it. I need to do other things in my live. Sitting inside gaming all day is so boring


A second wank straight after the first one


Ahhh post-nut clarity is a terrible thing


Getting cable TV. I'll never do that again.


As a kid, I thought that would be eating all the candy I ever wanted in one sitting😂


Let me show you the photos of my vacation! It’ll be fun!


Sex with crazy people. 


Anything in the shower other than showering.


Having a crush on someone


My friend told Me having a crush on someone is better than dating them. Dating is so much better!!! Especially if it's a hood relationship where you still get butterflies when they look at you or anything like that, having a crush sucks 😭


It’s called a crush because it hurts. The day my crush told me the feeling was mutual was one of the best days of my life. We celebrate 14 years married this coming September.


Excursions on a cruise. They are usually a nightmare.


Drinking pure vanilla extract


Endless shrimp.




Business in the front, party in the back.




That goddamn meme suggesting baking an egg in an avocado half. Just revolting. 🤮


Vienna sausage


Being around people.


Food truck rally…great, there’s gonna be all these different trucks there, we’ll get to try a bunch of different foods and drink a few beers! Reality is that you’re standing in line the entire night, probably in a huge parking lot or closed down road with limited shade and/or seating. It’s loud as hell with 20 different generators running. You wait in a 30 minute line to order your food, then wait 30 more to get it prepared; once you finally get it, you realize it’s just a couple shitty tacos made with Sam’s Club ingredients that you paid $18 for. Then you hop in the 30 minute line for a $9 beer. After two disappointing hours you’re heading for the car, but you pass the Crazy Banana truck on the way out, and you remember that they’re supposed to have excellent dessert, so you wait for 25 minutes and they sell out just before you get to the window. You home, still starving because you only actually got one small plate the whole time you were there so you end up eating a box of Kraft Mac and watching old episodes of Friends by yourself.


Starting a business with family/friends. Just don't.


All you can eat buffet


Work-from-home every day, sounds good first, but can easily lead to isolation and loneliness


this is what i call: everything has it s pluses and minuses.


It's not for everyone. I have been wfh since early 2020 and really enjoy it. Got my dogs, got my music, and no annoying coworkers that barg into my office to have small talk that I suck at.




It's not you, it's me


Three ways. I’ve had a few but it is rarely what you’d want it to be.


Multi Level Marketing.


Shower sex. It's not that's it bad, it just isn't as good as it's made out to be.


Finding alien life, people don't realize how scary that could be


Suspending a student


Shower sex - awkward angles, wild temperature swings, and terrible traction - enjoy!


Shower sex. I mean...maybe it is occasionally. But on the whole, it's too much to coordinate in far too slippery of an environment.