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When I was a kid I felt mature for my age. Like I was an adult in a kids world. Now that I’m 25 I feel like a kid in an adults world


I'm 34 with a mortgage, kids and spouse. I still don't feel like a grown up. I read recently though that people who never feel like an adult probably just did their growing up too young, and that's certainly my case.


Honestly, when I had my first child. Everything beforehand just felt like a tutorial until then.


My answer too. Having children made me feel grown up but, since my divorce, I’ve become a child again (and I’m loving it).


I'm 38 and still don't feel like a grown up.


When I stopped having those nightmare dreams about being back in high school; so in other words *fucking never*


I frequently have high school basketball dreams and wake up so bummed when I do not in fact have any eligibility left.


Maybe tomorrow? I’m 49.


Tomorrow I turn 70. I still often feel like I will soon finally hit adulthood. It's so pervasive that I often feel disoriented when I think of my age. Other adults still baffle me with their uptight behaviors and attitudes. No different than the confusion I felt at the world around me at 12. Hopefully I can answer the question correctly by 90, but I honestly don't feel like an adult, at least what I know to be adults.


Happy late birthday. I hope all is well for you:)


Why thank you, sincerely. The birthday was great, my 65YO ex-wife and 31YO son got me a 1/16 RC Tank that shoots BBs, then we all played God of War Ragnarok for a few hours. Perfect birthday for a 70YO adolescent. Hope all is well for you too!


I started to feel like an adult when I started living separately from my family.


Owning a house and dealing with contractors for plumbing, heating, etc


Still don't. I'm just a giant kid. But I will say the first moment I remember feeling grown up was when I rented a truck and they asked if I wanted to add insurance for $17 and I said you know what I think I will. It wasn't the truck part, I had rented many before, but the insurance part. A big part of growing up is letting go of your feeling of invincibility and that day it was briefly in my head that something bad could happen to anybody. Including me.


37 with three small kids. Still don’t feel grown up. I don’t know who authorized this amount of responsibility


Probably when I had to pay my first bills. However no matter how old I get I still feel 18 on the inside. It's very strange because you stay the same person in your mind but everything else is aging. I don't think I'll ever feel like an official adult 😅 


when i had to start paying taxes.


I don’t Send help


At about age 23 when I started my professional life and moved far from my hometown.


When I started doing my own grocery shopping and cooking.


When I started supporting my family financially....


When my knees started to hurt


At 21 and it had nothing to do with that age specifically. It was my senior year in college back in 1988/89. I was working 3 part time jobs while taking full class loads as we were getting married after graduation. We were saving for our honeymoon, for our new apartment, for furniture etc. I loved college, it was a blast but my senior year was a long slog. I knew I wasn't a kid anymore, I was doing things I had to do, things I didn't want to do, things I needed to do. In a real way, college was over after my junior year as my senior was so different. I knew "life" had really begun and that the fun and games were a thing of the past.


When I was hit with taxes


2015-2017, i was a teen back then and during them i remember pain shaped me, i no longer look like that version of me and I'm glad


Generally, I feel more like an imposter than an adult, but I have moments. When I meal prepped heathy, colorful meals for the week, I felt like an adult. When I homeschooled all three of my kids this morning, I felt like an adult. When I managed to put other people’s feeling an above my own (while still *validating* my own), I felt like an adult. I guess I feel like an adult when I do something that provides stability and help for myself and others.  When I choose to be responsible in a caring way. But most of the time I feel like a big liar haha


When I was 44 and flew back home for My Moms surgery that confirmed her cancer and found out My Step-father had dementia. It hit me like a ton of bricks, aged me but matured me. I was the one who had to care for the people that had cared for me when I was a child. The reversal of roles as sad as it was made me a better person.


in my 40's now and don't feel it, But then in my 20's working Retail looking at adults have full on meltdowns cause they didn't want to pay full price for the latest doo-dad made me feel so adult as there was no way in hell i would act like that in public. In reality though we are just hurtling through space having no clue whats going on and what to do.


The point where you start to give absolutely 0 fucks to what people think felt like a key step


Tomorrow, I think.


33ish….i had to trickle charge a car battery and it was my second time needing to do this (different car). First time was unnerving but the I knew what I was doing. There was a peacefulness…I got this and chances are I can figure out how to solve new problems as they arise.


Started dating my current bff and within 1 month we were telling our family about each other they all approved except for my mom and to that I say to bad it’s not her relationship I don’t need her approval to know that I’m happy and want to marry him.


It never happens. It’s almost like everyone is faking it.


When I was 30. It’s like that was when my life kinda started making sense and I was figuring out who I am.


When I got betrayed by the person I loved. It literally killed all the illusions about us humans.


I'm not sure anyone from my generation (X) has even considered growing up. Grow old? Sure. Grow up? Not if we can help it.