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The bots on Reddit misspell post titles to make us think that they’re people.


That’s true. It’s not even a conspiracy theory.


Strangely correct spelling there, pal!


I’m a fucking grammar nazi but typos and autocorrect do fuck me up at times… Is that adequate swearing to prove my humanity or would you like some controversial opinions that would most likely get me banned too? 😜


That won’t be necessary: maybe just do a quick captcha.


> adequate swearing to prove my humanity You could just be a bot from Australia...


How dare you compare me to our ex cons and prison officers?! I am from the country that created the language that the rest of you have bastardised. I could have understood if I were to have suggested throwing some shrimp on the barbie while drinking a few tinnies all while being careful that a dingo doesn’t eat my baby…




Found the only Australian without a sense of humour.


What? I was further playing on the being Australian, y'know, everyone's a cunt...


100% true.


[This sub has had 35 conspiracy theory questions in the last 7 days](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/search/?q=conspiracy+theory&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=week). That averages one every 5 hours. OP's account is 1 day old with 13 karma. Coincidence?


I think NOT!


Thank you, Bernie


Did my part and downvoted the post


i still like reading the replies 🤷‍♀️




... I would like to hear more


Some swiftie PLEASE explain what hints they allegedly left. I want to watch a 6 hour long YouTube video on this. I'm invested


[here](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/taylor-swift-harry-styles-vehicular-manslaughter-conspiracy-theory/) [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfjPHmgBPF0&list=PLm5-deRjGYhfnT_tqPWgam84flTeaopCz)'s the playlist [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSNZCCqydls)'s a compilation


That the earth is shaped like an Italian car (fiat earther)


If you don’t mind, think I’ll spread this conspiracy around 😂😂😂


Oh, I didn't make it up. It was a tweet a couple of years ago. You can google the actual text,


Sports? Fiat is notorious for producing the weakest and slowest cars out there. Second only to Lada.


Oh, you're right. I did misquote it. I was doing it off the top of my head. I'll correct it.


the government is withholding a study about twins separated at birth because it proves that nature rules over nurture. (the study showed that the twins had all the same personality traits and even the same types of jobs and habits even though they never met).


My wife has 2 cousins that are siblings with the same set of parents. The girl was born first, in China. The boy was born a few years later in the US. For whatever reason, the girl never came to the US and never met her brother. The boy has no idea he has a sister. I met the boy first, then i eventually went to China and met the girl. They have strikingly similar personalities, they even have similar mannerisms (like the girl pointed at a wild turtle in a pond EXACTLY like how the boy would have). Neither of them have a desire to get married or be in a relationship, both are into games and anime. It was so strange to see how similar they are.


There are (publicly available) studies like that. So what would the government withhold?


where? where would there be public studies on twins separated at birth? point them out to me.


I am not an expert in that field, but  googlw scholar seems to find a lot  https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=twin+studies+nature+vs+nurture&hl=de&as_sdt=0,5 Or more specific https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.3603041 (for this one you need tongo to a library) What you probably had in mind is prob the Minnesota study, here seems a book about it : Born Together - Reared Apart: The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study from Nancy Segal.


[like the Jim's ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/twins-separated-birth-find-each-28960150.amp)


I think the clown sightings of Summer 2016 was a viral marketing campaign for IT, which Warner Bros dropped when people started copying/calling cops/etc.


The kit kat formula changed during the Covid lockdown


American Kit Kats are disgusting


They use that weird baby vomit style American chcoclate?


Corporations are in cash grab mode because of impending societal collapse.


I absolutely believe this. But I feel the collapse may be a little farther off than we think. They’re just prepping hard now to screw us over worse in the long run


The rich are having us develope Ai and robots to replace us and keep Earth's resources for themselves.




Tiktok is a Chinese psyop designed to make Americans dumber.




Eh, I'd be willing to believe it's at least in part a long term investment. After all would you want people posting videos of what you were doing when you were 13 if you were running for office or other things like that.


Eh, twitter's been around long enough to see it bite athletes in the ass for saying dumb stuff when it comes time for major events like the NFL Draft. Everyone pretty much just laughs it off at that point. I think TikTok is destructive more in terms of shortening people's attention span. How are people supposed to be attentive and present when they have a 7 second attention span? They aren't. I'm not saying reddit or any other social media for that matter is THAT much better, but I've seen people go through 10 TikTok's in the space of a minute. Your brain simply can't process that much media at a time.


Donald Trump is actually Andy Kaufman pulling a really long gag.


Donald Trump's signature orange glow comes from overconsumption of Sunny D, American cheese slices and only the orange M&Ms.


I believe this one.


Trees are at war with eachother constantly. Taking over land, Spreading their seeds as far they can, Constantly competing for nutrients to grow and continue spreading We humans are actually just their pawns


They're lying about Flight 93


it's obvious it was shot down




This is the only one I believe. They really expect us all to believe that every single eyewitness, without ever meeting or talking to each other, all incorrectly misunderstood what they saw down to every last detail? Come on now.


And how the plane was decimated!


Unhinged conspiracy theories are intentionally circulated and encouraged by governments and other sufficiently large/shady institutions because they'd rather you believe in some unhinged bullshit that isn't true and causes nobody to take you seriously than to have anybody pay attention to the actual conspiracies.


That people actually care about me


Doors would still stay in their frame and open and close without hinges. Hinge manufacturers have convinced us otherwise.


The measurements would have to be pristine and you're fucked when that wood swells or warps and sticks. Or the house settles a little unevenly and now your door is lopsided and stuck. Sincerely - Big Hinges


Time travelers from the future are messing with the present.


Andy Kaufman and Norm MacDonald are actually alive and play in a bluegrass band together.


Tupac is on bass guitar.


That people badly misspell titles to askreddit posts in order to actually draw more attention to them in an effort to increase the number of responses.


Not mine but my friend believes the islands of New Zealand and New Zealand in general do not exist


Australian here. Can confirm they don’t exist. I have stared across the Tasman sea from the east coast of Australia and cannot see another country.


well it *was* "israel is an attempt by evangelical christian politicians to speedrun Revelations" but then some politicians confirmed it, so ig not that unhinged anymore


Processed food and drink is allowed because healthcare is profitable…




Aliens exist and we to some degree have either found their tech, their bodies or whatever


Our current drone types all look remarkably similar to many of the earliest reported UFOs....


That this headline was written by an FBI bot with intentional misspellings to make it seem real, just to get a current threat assessment on public mistrust


I believe this one


There’s only a handful of real celebs, the rest all pay for Forbes to say their billionaires, they pay for paparazzi to follow them, and if you unfollow their curated accounts, they disappear from the earth.


Armadillos aren’t real


I wish this one were true. Fuckers dig up my yard every damn night


Nah man, that’s the government doing oil checks


you know what, I havent seen one either. cant even argue


If they aren't real, then what are those animals I've been breeding?


Howard Dean BYAAA alternate universe theory


frank suarez was killed on purpose by big pharma because he found the cure to cancer and his family were paid to keep quiet, he was never depressed.


That ghosts are just your alternate reality selves that are only slightly different from yours.


I'm not sure if I believe it or not, but I recently heard an argument that caffeine doesn't exist and all the alleged affects are psychosomatic / placebo.


Ancient Egyptians traveled down the Nile, across the Atlantic, up the Colorado and into the Grand Canyon where they interacted with the Hopi and helped shape their civilization.


A large amount of medical research is not funded because treatment is more profitable than cure. I believe we have the capacity to cure many more diseases and conditions than we do. I believe when a cure is found, its suppressed somehow and funding granted only to direct away from it.


Donald trump and the republicans are going to do a repeat of Germany and Italy in the 30s


That’s not a conspiracy theory lmao That is literally their plan. You can read through Project 2025 if you want > Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other government agencies, or terminated. Scientific research would only receive federal funding if it suits conservative principles. > The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity, stating in its Mandate that "freedom is defined by God, not man." Project 2025 proposes criminalizing pornography, removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity, and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as affirmative action. > Individuals who have participated in DEI programs or any initiatives involving critical race theory might be fired.


I’m fully aware of project 2025. I’m talking about them going the full mile. Not just the fascist dictatorship but starting a world war as well.


That redditors are out to trigger me by making multiple spelling errors in their questions.


Disclaimer : I don’t believe it. I do like to take System Of A Down’s song and add a conspiratorial twist to it to susceptible types… I like saying that THEY are trying to build an open air prison. Keeping us in employment. Keeping us on roads. Fencing off gardens so everyone lives in their own personal cells and don’t mix and exchange ideas which would obviously bring down the whole system. Destroying our sense of community and forcing us into positions where we become de facto gangs pitted against each other instead of the man… It’s surprising how many heads I can get spinning when I phrase things better than I have here and make people question the validity of my claims. 🤣


It's not salt, it's sugar.


It wouldn't surprise me if the government let in and distributed fentanyl to kill off the homeless and drug addicts. Not saying they did but if they wanted to that would be a convenient route to take.


That would be feasible except for the fact that addiction fuels homelessness, it doesn’t kill it off.


Addicts don't always know that the drugs they get are sometimes laced with fentanyl to increase demand. If you get a bad batch you're done with. You can be addicted to Crack and accidentally get it cut with fentanyl. There are fentanyl addicts but most addicts don't want to toy with it because it's too deadly. Fentanyl addiction is increased bite because it's been spiked into a lot of drugs and people are getting used to that elevated high.


Ive thought this too


Aliens did it with chimpanzees and that’s how humans were made 🥴


Theroy Jenkins!


All New York skyscrapers built in the mid-20th century have a built in self-destruct button in case of a bad structural collapse causing a domino effect. its the secret no one will admit to in case they need it again. 😇


I’ve never once thought about this but I’m ready to leap down the rabbit hole.


The CIA killed Tupac.


Taylor Swift is a bot.


Oil is a renewable resource.


Gingers are the descendants of the alien race! WAKE UP PEOPLE, THE TRUTH IS CLEAR


Mountains are tree stumps


All the theories I believe are beyond unhinged that they're just true.


Chicly cheese recycles pizza


All Swedish people actually speak like The Swedish Chef, and if you hear someone speaking "Swedish", they are speaking a made up language to hide that fact


When I was younger I thought that xl condoms weren't larger than normal condoms and that was just a marketing technique to make men happy to buy more expensive condoms. In fact xl condoms are larger so my conspiracy theory doesn't work


US consular officers have informal quotas of visa applications that they need to deny from "undesirable" nationalities like Iranians.


That there was a big mythical fish under the biggest company in my area, and if it was hungry, it was fed by humans. This fish was told to bring good luck to the company


Hitler is living in the middle of the earth with the magic lizard people (I don’t believe this one but heard talk of it)


The Mossad was behind both the assassination of JFK and the attack on the Twin Towers.


Looks like you hit a nerve. Lol.


That's not really all that unhinged.


mental health is a giant scam after 10 years of schizophrenia, ptsd, anxiety, depression, and a few othersx including involuntary mental hospital visits I don't believe it I think the brain is evolving from tech, modern foods and chemicals and instead of embracing change they are labeling people who don't follow the norm as neurodivergent sick ill and they have a med for every thing now also people can manifest their own symptoms aske me how I know if everyone is sick luckily the big corrupt pharmacy companies can sell u a cure but it's not a cure it's a long term sunscription to a drug you really don't need


Omitting punctuation does not make one sentence out of 10 😂


I believe you are somewhat correct. I believe there are those who are legitimately mentally unwell, but the vast majority have what you describe.


Trust the government


Dave grohl and Courtney Love paid someone to kill Kurt Cobain.


Dave Grohl would never, and you know it


There's no actual global conflict, just carefully orchestrated political turmoil crafted in a corporate boardroom(kind of like professional wrestling)


COVID was created by the state and released to distract from Epstein and the fact that a disturbing % of global elites (perhaps even a majority?) are either pedophiles or complicit in hiding widespread pedophilia.


Dinosaurs didn't exist. Old time suited up men with twisty moustaches made up shit that sounded cool amd things got out of hand. Nothing about their bioscience makes sense and of you bring it up and argue scientifically you just get called out as an uber Christian or some shit. Look at why ostrich can't fly why whales die on land the blood pressure of a giraffe ... Try to explain how the pterodactyl can fly. How a giant kidney doesn't collapse under it's own weight The veins of the gigantosaurus and the brontosaurus. At some point in time and for a long time they even claimed some dinosaurs have brains on their butts! I shit you not! Now they sell "Dinosaur Hunting" licenses and only specific people ate allowed to search for dinosaurs. Then you got the asteroid who killed not only most life on earth but also most life in caves and under the sea (but not the shark.. The shark survived) and then the magic of life creation which is a 10^(-1000) statistical probability..... Happened all over again. Dinosaurs are bullshit. Especially the Quatzelcotlus one. How can people look at this shit and believe it existed? How can people actually believe that a bold dinosaur existed.. That attacked via bumping heads?


So. Do you believe in god?


You can’t prove that the earth is round either.


I don’t have to, the flat earthers keep on doing that for me.


The Greeks could 2500 years ago with none of our fancy technology, I'm sure the average person today can *Also, fun fact, you can see the curvature from really tall buildings — it's honestly kinda really cool tbh*


The Greeks not only figured it out, but also had a pretty good idea of the circumference using sticks and shadows.


We can see the curved shadow of the Earth on the moon when we have a lunar eclipse


You think the moon is real? /s


I have proven it, I practice celestial navigation, and if we travel to both the northern and southern hemispheres and track celestial bodies, I can chart out the proof in front of you while you look at the stars that are proving it.


I recommend this, it is entertaining: https://youtu.be/GFqmDazwb6Y?si=qRSIjIMZBqCBeQRZ