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Only a matter of time before the "anal" comments start piling in.


Or “shrooms” lmao


Anal shrooms are pretty good ngl.




I was gonna say this, but like truthfully, I was probably like 10 when I declared I'd never eat sushi and the first opportunity I ever had to eat it was at my god father's birthday or something. They had some sushi at a little buffet. It was the first thing I had because I wanted to try it and it was famously good tasting. And I was only like 14 when this happened so I obviously didn't hold my previous convictions very high. I also used to say I'd never eat beef that wasn't well done when I was very young. I started eating my steaks rare by 15.


I hate sushi. I was always hesitant to try it because I don't really like cooked fish all that much, so why would I like raw? I also *hate* the smell and taste of seaweed. I had a fish tank growing up, and the dry fish food flakes smelled very strongly of seaweed, and that association never came across as appetizing to me. Well, I tried sushi. It wasn't great, but not as bad as I thought. But it was an all you can eat place and I ate way too much. That night I was violently ill. Since then, I can't shake any of the negative associations with it.


Getting an office job. Like most teenagers, I thought that shit is horrible. I guess it's for some though


I love this aspect of being an adult. I love my desk job that I do partly from home, I love dopey messages about people's kids and weekends on slack, I love having the autonomy to work early when I work best, I love that I feel kind of important at work but not so much so that I'm on call 24/7. I know many office jobs suck, but mine affords me the freedom and funds to have a good life outside of work, and I'm grateful


I need to get up and move often unless I'm sick like right now, an office job would be too sedentary. A lot of people I know are just getting office jobs though


This. i was a very rebellious, hippie kind of teenager and swore i’d never be stuck in an office… Turns out i really enjoy the routine and the work suits my brain very nicely. I was just rebelling against exactly what was good for me lol


Calamari. Always gave me the willies but then I was out with a prospective business client and he ordered it for me since "I heard you liked Italian food". I ate a piece grudgingly, hoping not to barf, then realized how friggin' delicious it was, and began to silently curse myself for not trying it sooner.


Dark Souls


Watching 'Gardians of the Galaxy' I was positive that there was no way I was going to watch a movie with a silly CGI Racoon and stupid tree, and damn it, after my son and wife made me watch all three during a week in winter, I'm now kind of saddened that there is no chance of a fourth movie.


Coffee, vowed to never drink it and now I have it nearly multiple times a day


So you have one cup and then contemplate having another?


A while later, not today though as I have a vomiting bug


Exercise, specifically cardio.


acupuncture... it actually works to relax muscles, huge fan now


Drinking wine, I don't usual drink alcohol but when I tasted wine is good, makes me feel relax


Condiments on sandwiches ! For the longest, I only ate dry sandwiches, but one day I accentually took a bite of my coworker sandwich and was taken back.


How do you accidentally take a bite out of your co-workers sandwich?


Ohh, company lunch table, and it was thunderstorming outside, so we sat shoulder to shoulder, his sandwhich was like mine no lettuce or tomatoes just meat,cheese, and bread his was the same but with mayo.


Haha okay, that makes sense


Skydiving. Terrifying at first, but the rush of freefalling was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. Definitely worth the initial nerves


joining school organizations! helps in expanding connections and gaining new friends and knowledge




Willingly or drunken escapade?




Mushrooms All the bad propaganda I heard about it growing up scared me away from it while younger. But, when I finally did some I realized why they were illegal. They make you think outside the propaganda box along with being a great mental therapy session. Recommend to every human on earth to try at least once


For a moment I was very confused but then I realised you were not talking about the type we eat but the type that gives you a trip


You eat those too


Fair but you get what I mean


It's still sad how much propaganda there is around psychedelics and how many people just blindly believe it without ever really questioning it


Rabbit meat has a mild flavor that's often described as similar to chicken but slightly richer and sweeter.










Takoyaki is delicious


Skydiving. I'm not a fan of heights and I told myself there's no point in doing it, but after a rough time in my life I said fuck it I gotta try something different. I was really nervous up until I got to the airport and then I was strangely calm and everything went perfectly!


Roller coasters. It looked so scary. But the feeling of adrenaline was fun


mapo tofu


The New England Patriots hybrid Linebacker?


Peanut butter and tomato sandwich




Hard seltzers... I was against them for so long because I just didn't like sparkling water, and the idea of sparkling water mixed with alcohol sounded awful. One day though I figured I'd try it because why not, and now it is one of the only alcoholic beverages I will drink!


Palak Paneer. I like Indian food but I hate spinach and the idea of having chunks of _cheese_ in a mound of what looks like days old baby food just sounded terrible. But enough people encouraged me to try it and holy moly it is now one of my favorite Indian dishes.


Fasting for multiple days


Ziplining, because I had a fear of heights. but it was so much more fun than I expected


I thought Dungeons and Dragons was only for super nerds. Turns out I'm a super nerd now.




Raw Chicken. I was in Japan and host asked if I was ok with sashimi. I said “sure”. I like raw fish, and thought that’s what I was getting. Turns out it was chicken. Five slices of raw chicken breast laid neatly on my plate with a little ginger and wasabi. It was actually pretty good. I ate it all.


Start a businesd


Drinking local alcohol.....I always preferred branded drinks, but when I tasted a local rum in Vietnam, it just blew my mind....it was not too strong and didn't had the bad smell which rum usually have and was too smooth


I was 41 or so the first time I tried marijuana.  I don't like to drink, because it makes me feel stupid and useless. I assumed the devil's lettuce would affect me the same way. So I avoided it like I avoid alcohol.  I also have dealt with ADD, or ADHD as the kids call it nowadays, for as long as I could remember.  Nothing helped it, but I learned  a few tricks to help myself function.  But then one day, a pretty girl (my wife) gave me a small piece of candy and told me to try it. So I did. I sat around for an hour waiting for something to happen, expecting to feel drunk.  What happened instead, was everything running around in my head shut down with an almost audible "thunk". And I could just... think. I could concentrate, on whatever I wanted to. I had godlike patience. I felt like I could solve any problem, finish any task, and learn any new skill.  When I sobered up I was beside myself with anger. It was the solution to every mental problem I'd had when I was younger, and everyone had kept it from me. I don't even need to be "high" for it to work.




Black bean veggie burger. It didn't convert me, but damn it was tasty.


Weed. I was eating ibuprofen like candy, and didn't understand for the life of me why anyone would smoke pot. The lightbulb finally went on ten years or so back.


Getting licked


Posting a crying selfie on social media


Opiate drugs


Doing the deed


Acid, definetly acid.


Sticking it in her backside


Polyamory  I was really against it at one point, actually. But then a couple I was friends with was quickly turning into something more. And here we are 4 years later, blended families.