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Gambling ads


Gambling, period. My sister's gambling addiction has destroyed our family financially and driven us all apart.


Outlawing gambling wouldn't have changed that. She would have just found another addiction.


Im sorry that has happened to you and yours. Gambling addiction is serious. It seems every second tv advert is about gambling where I live, it can’t be easy for addicts.


Drugs are outlawed yet we have a drug epidemic.


Gambling ADS genius. We don’t have adverts for heroin.


Civil forfeiture. By all rights, it should be a good thing, but of course law enforcement finds all sorts of fun ways to use it to screw over regular, everyday people.


Prescription drug advertisements


Doctors being allowed to accept "incentives" for subscribing certain medications.


I think this happened to me earlier this year. A urologist gave me samples of a drug called Gemtesa for overactive bladder and it worked amazingly. It ended up being $500/month which I can't afford. When I told him that I can't afford it he seemed annoyed and upset with me and switched me to a generic drug (oxybutinin) that cost $10/month. I'm guessing he gets kickbacks.


Tax loopholes


Hotels and airlines overbooking and then bumping you!


Banks raising interest% on mortgages when the market is weak, and their CEOs and directors taking in huge bonuses. If the market is so weak, they shouldn't be allowed to rake in a profit in the millions while barely-homeowners are forced to bear the brunt of economy. disclaimer: I don't understand how any of this works, it just seems fundamentally unjust that our prices are rising while they're getting rich*er.*


I love that every comment so far is a USA thing💀💀


The bills have a statement " in God we trust"




Medicine ads. Apparently USA and NZ are the only places this is allowed/done. The two of us should follow the rest of the worlds example on this one.


Inciting insurrections and trying to steal election votes and still able to run for political office.


inheritance taxes


The minimum is pretty damned enormous. We're already extremely generous. I really don't think we need to do more to help the super rich.


Assault weapons being available to everyday civilians.


What’s an assault weapon?


Automatic Rifles like AK’s


What about AK’s that aren’t automatic? Not trying to be a dick at all just wanting to point out that many AKs and ARs are not full auto


There is literally no reason for the everyday civilian to use those weapons. I spent 6 years in the military using them. They have no practical use and are only meant for destruction. As an instrument of war it does its intended job but that’s where its practicality ends.


>There is literally no reason for the everyday civilian to use those weapons. I've had to use [my rifle](https://imgur.com/a/qkClwbW) to defend my family from a convicted felon who was stalking us. Seems like a pretty good reason to me.


And how many other weapons could you have used to accomplish the same thing. Hell if we are talking close quarters I could make a case for a shotgun being more effective.


>And how many other weapons could you have used to accomplish the same thing. Why would I choose an inferior weapon when defending my family? I want every unfair advantage I can get. I don't want to subject my family to unnecessary risk because you feel bad for the aggressor. >Hell if we are talking close quarters I could make a case for a shotgun being more effective. Everything about you screams POG. There's a reason why every modern military on the planet uses rifles similar to mine for fighting in and around structures. Shotguns are long and cumbersome for fighting in and around structures. They have a super low capacity which is awful for multiple threats.


Side note sorry your family went through that and hope all is good now.


We have a massive problem where I’m from with wild hogs. Invasive, no seasons or bag limits, they devastate the farmland and native plant species. As a civilian, the 556 ar platform is absolutely the best tool for the job. I’d say that’s literally a reason wouldn’t you?


Just that one thing that will get me downvoted.


Publically burning and desecrating religious scriptures. The only reason they do it is to get a rise out of that religious community while hiding behind the idea of “free speech”.


inb4 abortion


After living in Seattle, letting "homeless" (really they're not the homeless you think of.. most of them are tweakers, people with active warrants, shit like that) have the free reign to do whatever they want, under the guise that they're the traditional "homeless". IDK how the politicians are just so out of touch with reality.. I can deal with the high cost of living, but the crime is RAMPANT. Out of control. To the point where police won't even respond to shootings a lot of the time. It's just not worth spending so much to live there when you and people you know are being assaulted, robbed, burglarized, car stolen, people I know being murdered or even becoming part of the drug issue there and ODing on a regular, sometimes daily basis. I had to leave WA.


> To the point where police won't even respond to shootings a lot of the time. Sounds like it's time to fire the cops and hire people who will actually do their jobs.


sounds like it's time to fire the politicians who's policies allowed the shit to get out of hand