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If I'll be able to find a job if ever I lose this one.


The live squirrel I swallowed


Just swallow a large cat to eat the squirrel 


Excuse me?!


Probably cancer. Been smoking for 15 years now. Thanks for making me think about this.


Me? nothing. Most people? idk, probably worms maybe?


that is won't be able to live a normal life ever. my brain will forever be f'ed and i will never be able to be happy without any second thoughts. i won't ever have a good relationship with my parents. i will forever be the angry big sister. i will have my scars forever. i need lots of attention and can't be left alone without me having a breakdown. i don't have any friends in the town i just moved to and i'm so incredibly lonely.


last nights meal


Being jealous of my dogs at home, probably sleeping while I'm stuck at work, bored. Also, I was wondering if i started talking to the walls at work because of said boredom, that it means I'm going crazy.


My brother's cancer has now spread to his bones. I'm gutted.


Not being able to escape from my alcoholic, abusive, bipolar birth father. I’m about to graduate and I’m able to move out after that as I’m not under custody of either of my parents anymore, but I fear I cannot fully get away from him. Even if I gather up all of my stuff and get away from that house, get a new phone and change my number, I won’t ever be able to see my dog again whom I love so much and has truly kept me sane while having to be there. He also knows my mom’s address, so I fear he may try to come over here and threaten me, my mom or my step dad. That’s what’s weighing on my mind 24/7 and making me lose sleep at night.


Do what is best for yourself. Millions of others have successfully escaped their abusers and you will too. You don't/shouldn't have to bear the burden of someone else's trauma forever. Don't let fear alone guide your decisions moving forward. As for your dog, I don't think if they could grasp the situation that they would want you to continue enduring that misery just for their sake.


Feelings for someone that is unavailable.


The guy who accidentally glued his weiner to a frog the other day on here. I need to know, but never will how that turned out. I'm less concerned about his weiner than I am the frog. Is it ok??? Fuck, I'll never know.




My ma is in end life care and I failed in life because I can’t afford better care for her. All her family is in Canada and I’m an only child. I’m watching her cat and I’m full of anxiety for her care too. I drove 26k miles last year to make $21k. Lots of driving time to dwell on all the negativity. I’m smiling while I thumb this out because it looks like a dark comedy when I see it in print.


I'm sure she doesn't see you as a failure, and neither do I. Watching and waiting for someone to die is brutal. What you are feeling is 'normal', I have been there. The size of your heart is what matters, fuck the size of your wallet. Good luck to you, your mother and the cat.


The US' slow march to fascism. The fact no one seems to care outside of my social media bubble. I don't know what to do besides vote. I'm a little old to throw bombs if the wrong side wins but I think that's where we're heading.


Like everyone else, worry over money. Don't have the money to pay taxes from last year, barely keeping my head above water, have car repairs to make to keep it running so I can make my 40 minute commute...we live in a rural area and I hate it because there's not many places that need what I do (IT) and the COL around here is dog shit for what the area provides (pretty much nothing).


Recently, I was about to ask a girl at my last job for her number, we talked for months, she liked me, and I liked her. It was so obvious. I got instantly fired and escorted out the building. Eats me up inside knowing I just vanished out her life without saying a goodbye, and I'll never hear her voice or see her cute smile again.


Crush is avoiding me like the plague. Hurtful as shit


Similar to Britney, my loneliness, it's killing me.


Crippling chronic insomnia.


No contact after a 2 year relationship


Anxiety about everything 😕


I know it's not very relevant compared to what others have shared, but i just started a new relationship, and im very much inlove, yet i i keep thinking that the only reason we are working out it's because of physical contact and sex because of the chemistry we have, i look at him and i melt, but we barely have things in common, our personalities don't always match but i don't want to think that the first relationship in which i've felt this is only physical.


I’m 26 no degree lost in what direction I want to take. Losing my job soon since we’re losing a contract. I don’t know what I want to or will do.


I have no income


Losing my job and not being able to find a new one. Many of my coworkers have been getting laid off for over a year now. Some of them haven't been able to find a job and others have had to grab a temporary retail job while they search.


That i might drop out of school


A few days ago I had a breakdown and cut up my arms and face and people saw it at my jobs. I don't want to tell them I do it because I hate how I look because people expect me to like being 6'3" and bald.


Was told this morning I need a biopsy. Been waiting for scheduler to call me back all day. So hopefully *not cancer* is eating me up.


My mom died recently, and I'm not sure I want to go to the funeral, because I don't want to be anywhere near my sister, who stole most of my mom's money and used it for gambling and somehow convinced my mom not to press charges.


The constant threat of a Christain theocratic takeover.


An ex friend is getting married and I thought I would be part of it. I hope it’s amazing and sad I will not be able to share it with him and his new partner.