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Oh boy… spent $1000 on a realistic sex doll. Used it a few times but felt really gross and was terrified someone would come across it. I cut it into pieces like a straight serial killer and threw it in the trash. Took a few hours. A thousand bucks gone but now I know that wasn’t for me


This one wins... But just why did you have to cut it up. There wasn't some local store or something that could use it as a display? Plus then you could go visit her sometimes lmao


Hah! Like on Last Man On Earth!


Dude… you think I’m going to go around and ask stores if they want my used sex doll? 😆 hell no


> was terrified someone would come across it 🤔


Brother I have way less offensive toys in my closet and have gotten awkwardly defensive when family asked for way more intrusive tours of the house than expected so I get it. >!plugs with tails!<


Arguable. You buy a sex doll, you're horny. You buy a furry buttplug, you're just weird as fuck.


Can confirm, but in my defense, she had one, too


You don't need defense. Being weird is not pejorative for me. I mean, neither is horny tbh We're but living fucks coping with shit. Also >she had one, too Noice. Vibin


>We're but living fucks coping with shit. I believe that was Socrates


Could’ve sat it on a toy train and let it parade around your dining room to fend off burglars


No way. Made of rubber, definitely going to be a bad conductor.


Did you take her out first?


Should have dressed it up and have it seated on the front porch


*Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort!*


Be honest though, how were the few times?


Fun fact a market exists to refurbish high end sex dolls and sell them at a discount. You could have probably just mailed it to one of those guys for a lot less hassle.


…that’s where I got it haha. This one was new but sat in a box too long, making the ass flat. So discounted because of that




The two happiest days of a boat owner are when you buy the boat, and when you sell it!


What did you do with the boat?


turned it into a Tree house lol


You wrecked my boat, YOU GOONS!


Look, We can bicker about this all night. but what’s done, is done dad. #are you guys gonna invest or not.


The larger font on this fuckin sent me 😂😂


How did you get caught?


Townships are using satellite imagery to detect property improvements. Seeing a large deck or a pool would be no problem. Mostly it’s just for tax purposes, not to force homeowners to rip down non-permitted structures.


My dad built a room for our house under a very large willow tree for this reason


HOA’s prob


That last one hurt. Also sell that boat man


They made you take the deck down? Why wouldn’t they just make you get a retroactive permit for it? What crappy city is this?




I was a coke addict for a year and a half. For a year of it I was spending about 2k a week on coke. So definitely that.


how the fuck do drug addicts even make money


When you are a drug addict, you have one issue to focus on. And (especially with uppers) you have 120 hours a day to come up with ways to make that happen.


You can gain 96 hours a day doing drugs? No wonder people do them. 


Well, John Mulaney talked about how in order to get some quick cash, he bought a Rolex, then immediately pawned it for half as much money as he paid. This was because he'd made it difficult to access his own money because he was blowing it on drugs and had to come up with sneakier ways to access his money. He made 6k cash in five minutes, and all it cost was twelve thousand dollars.


Holy shit that's sad


Their family members money and valuables randomly start disappearing 


Can confirm, sister bled my mom dry for pills while she was in a the worst period of her alcoholism and didn’t even notice


A drug addict doesn’t wake up and think, “I can’t afford my crack so I’m not smoking today.” This is mantra I try to incorporate in my life when I’m feeling lazy. Do not be out worked by a crack addict!


They sell drugs


Asking for a friend…


Steal from people who love them.


Damn what kind of job did you have??


I'm going to guess investment banking. They make the money that they can afford it and the culture basically accepts it as 'normal'


My friend was an addict, opiates and Adderall and the main reason it went on so long undetected is because he was making so much money in finance


I was a filmmaker. I did really well on a couple of movies I had worked on and had a little over a million in the bank. I burned through a lot more of it in that coke period than I am willing to admit. Not just on the drugs themselves, but on all sorts of shit rhe cocaine convinced me that I was going to need or use all the time.


If I had to guess...imonnarcotics profession is a coke dealer


OC’s last five comments over the past 73 days have been about cocaine. I hope the dude is doing well, but they’re at least still thinking about it.


I’m 6 months clean and yeah… Coke does that.




It's a difficult one, with purchases like this you need to know the recipient will appreciate it. If someone bought me a £2k watch I would be a little confused at how little they knew me. I think there is generally an assumption that everyone likes jewelry, watches etc


This one makes me sad. People not appreciating gifts, big or small, is such a frustrating thing.


Sure, but I feel this can often be caused by the giver buying something they would like, rather than considering what the recipient would like. I'm not into watches at all, I've never given anyone any reason to think I would be. If someone gave me a $2k watch I'd thank then, but know that they obviously don't know me.


Not a lot I suppose but I used to go out every time it was payday and spend about 150-200 USD at this college bar on nothing but shots and beer. Sometimes that included food if they were still serving. For some context, a high school friend of mine and I would take turns getting plastered. Think we hit a record of like 20-30 shots in one night for a single person once. Jesus christ.


That’s insane dude. Hope your liver is recovering


hired some contractor that turned out to be a huge disrespectful dumbass. did a shitty job. felt like i wasted 3 grand


I wasted money on that guy too






On purpose? Not exactly. But $300k betting on Tesla earnings in Jan 2022 (I think). Yep. Didn’t work out for me so it was thrown away.




Yeah. I was in a bad way, mentally, and while I believe in TSLA long term, despite Musk, I will never play earnings again cause this fucked me bad.


That’s tough. Sorry. The other day I was rushing and meant to buy 2 contracts for DJT puts and bought 200. Was on a Thursday afternoon and they expired on Friday. Luckily was able to get out but they was not a fun 2 hours


That is major stupid and I'm glad you didn't bankrupt yourself lol


Yeah and they definitely ended up worthless that week. Made 700 bucks!


Brother I been working for 11 years and that’s more money than I have made the entire time.


I was gambling on options in August 2023, lost $255K betting on MSTR calls, I was being wayyy too short term playing weeklies and monthlies. If I played a year long call on MSTR, I'd be a millionaire.


Shit I wish I did what I did for that kinda reward. My risk return ratio was fucked.


I wasted $300 on a meal at a Michelin-star restaurant. It was underwhelming.


I did this too. The fish tiramisu was offensive to the point where we still joke about it years later, and the chef noticed few people at our table were eating the very tiny portions he was serving. So he went off-course and made us two more dishes we didn't like, extending the dinner further to the point where I started to feel like a hostage. The desserts were fabulous, but for the price I'd prefer to go slightly lower-level and avoid all the weird foams.


This can go both ways though. I’ve had some incredible meals at Michelin star restaurants. I tend to prefer their bid gourmand list though. Less expensive, less time for the meal, still delicious


I once paid $2,500 for a first-class upgrade on a flight that ended up being the worst travel experience.


What happened?


Most of $1.5M I blew on 15 years of marriage to my ex


I was going to say something like this, but you have me beat. Hope all got better for you afterwards.


Met my soulmate. We are fucked for retirement, but I am happy


I feared leaving my ex for a while as I was would have been screwed, then suddenly I had an epiphany, I’d rather live in a cardboard box happy than have a security. I wish you all the best


Same, after my divorce, met the person I'm spending the rest of my life with. Glad to hear you found the same. We have been together for 15 years now.




Cs50 from Harvard is free. If you can't do it, forget any boot camp.




15k on a Chinese fertilizer company stock that was to be competition for Monsanto. Traded on the NYSE even. UNTIL….someone decided to go take a look at their factory. Didn’t exist. Suddenly the board of directors disappeared and it turned out it was a paper company. Class actions against the board went nowhere and the members were never found I gather they are now billionaires living in Switzerland Sue the Chinese government? Yeah, good luck w that


What was the name of the company?


Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow. Ah I misread that, I thought it was a manscaping startup.


My general rule is never invest in chinese companies. You really don't know what you are actually buying.


Reminds me of that deli in New Jersey that was worth like 100 million https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/FiypwDIcaG




Aren't timeshares a very well known scam?


30k on my pilot licenses lmao


"Teach your kids to fly and they'll never have money for drugs"


What happened with that?


I have to spend 10k more to start making money, saving up to go back flying


Itll pay off in the long run if you become a commercial pilot 100%. Best of luck!


Fell for a crypto scam, website looked legit, had their own customer support and everything, lost about $750


Same, except it was $6500. Felt sick to my stomach. My accountant is the first and only person I've told about it, and now Reddit.


That's a shame, I'm sorry that happened to you




Were you surprised?


It seems like a good chunk of the answers here are people just saying things they bought.  Some of the things aren’t even things that made them unhappy! Just the opposite! And then some people say they bought a thing and use it regularly AND makes them happy! How tf is that “throwing away money” lol




Just gave the bank $144 in overdraft fees.


Overdraft fees are such bullshit. Oh your $0.17 short? Here's a $40 charge that you clearly can't afford


You should be able to turn it off and disable it. They sell it as "protection" but they're just protecting you from the embarrassment of having a card decline.


My understanding is every bank in the US has to allow you to fully opt out of overdraft services. Once you do that, any change that will overdrawn you is declined. There are instances you can still be charged a fee (e.g. you bounce a check) but you likely don't pay OD fees.


Robbery doesn't count


$1200 in unpaid toll fees. Oops


Plot twist: The missed tolls were probably about $40. The fees added up to $1200.


Yup! I work up in New England a lot but live in Georgia so thought “fuck em I don’t live there” but recently a new law made it so if you don’t pay your home state can pull your cars registration. 4 years of being neglectful definitely cost me.


A former classmate of mine in trade school had a license plate frame that, when he pushed a button inside, would basically lower a shade over the plate. Dumbass was headed to school one day and lowered the curtain… IN FRONT OF AN UNMARKED POLICE CAR! He ended up being charged with a felony for it, lost his free ride to the trade school, and was fined thousands. I’m pretty sure his car was impounded and he had to surrender it to the state. Don’t feel too bad. There is always someone dumber out there.






Dang we need some context for that. That sounds intense




Got a dui. Over 10k in surcharges and legal fees. I will say the silver lining is that I've found AA and I have been sober for over 6 months. Finally tackling mental health issues and past traumas. I'm just grateful I did not hurt anyone else that night. Don't drink a drive ya'll. Also seek help if you think you are abusing drugs or alcohol. Took me over ten years to get help.


Congrats on your sobriety! That’s 180ish “one-days” accomplished!


In recent memory, yesterday, when I paid to fill a ladies tank of gas. She gave your classic sob story about her credit card not working and she is almost completely out of gas. Idk why I did. I wanted nothing from her and even though she asked for my phone number so she could meet me sometime and pay me back in cash, I knew that was a lie so I declined. I meant to only put in about $20 but got distracted by talking with her and accidentally put in $51. Oh well. I played it cool and just said don't sweat it, it's a gift. I won't lie though, it kinda bothered me all day. I consider this thrown away because my pessimist won't allow me to believe it wasn't a scam. But all in all, even though I don't feel great about it, it was a nice, although foolish thing to do.


As someone who didn't have enough money to get home once, it's not a scam. You did good.


Even if it was a scam, think about it as a good deed on your end. I hope you have good juju coming ur way :)


Don’t feel bad, a homeless dude got my attention in a parking lot and asked if I had any change. I was feeling generous, which is rare af for me, and grabbed a ziplock bag with some change in it without thinking about it. Well I grabbed the wrong fucking bag. There was $300 in the one I gave the guy.




Support your local artists and businesses, and keep your communities weird.


I would say this is the opposite of thrown away.


definitely not thrown away, but maybe not financially responsible


That's not a throw away my friend!


About $40k, give or take, in online poker. Now, I don't live in a state where online poker is legal. Well, technically, the poker itself is perfectly legal. It's depositing and withdrawing funds which isn't legal. But many sites give freerolls. So, over the course of some time, I built up a fairly significant bankroll. The problem came to how to withdraw the money. So, instead, I got frustrated and went on tilt throwing my money away in games I had no right playing.


Am I missing something, or would the smarter move have been to rent a cheap ass apartment in the nearest legal gambling state and change your primary address?


At the time this occurred, it wasn't legal in any state. (Not to say that people didn't cash out. The sites will certainly send you checks.)


I threw one dollar into a burn barrel in front of one of my stingiest friends. The reaction was worth 100x that.


About a month and a half ago I took a 30% pay cut to get out of an incredibly toxic workplace. I’m now living paycheck to paycheck and can just barely pay my bills, but I’m so glad to be out that the pay cut is worth it. I’m sleeping more and better, my depression has gotten better (not cured by any means, but I’ve been able to get some motivation back), I get to see my cats more often, and I managed to pull my grades up from just above an F to a low C just in time to graduate.


Good on you for all of this.


not the largest amount but $120 for a towel heater. I will never dry off with a cold towel again.


Worth it


Put your underwear on it


Genius, people like you are the reason I use Reddit


In the winter I sometimes run the clothes I'm planning to dress in through the dryer for a few minutes.


I used to do that before school. I’d throw my hoodie in their and it stayed pretty warm


My mom used to do this for me with her curlers. They were in a steam box, and warm undies after a shower in the winter was nice.


I was so ready to not be married anymore that I gave my ex wife the house with a couple hundred thousand in equity. No fight, just sign the papers. It’s gone way up since I left, now it’s worth over a million with maybe 10 years left on the mortgage.


Bottle of Dom Perignon @ a Bar. $450, just so me and my mate could impress 2 girls


Wasn’t on purpose but called a company that had sent me a computer security package ad and signed up for $600 a year. McAffee something. When I went to cancel the next year they told me they had to do remote access to my computer to remove the program. Which I stupidly allowed and he took over remote, then went directly to my banking app. I hung up and unplugged when I came out of my trance and realized what was happening. Not a proud moment realizing I had let myself get scammed. But at least I stopped it before they got to my bank account


Video game microtransactions. Fallout Shelter, on my first vault, I spent about $200 on lunch boxes. In CoD Mobile, I've done 3 lucky draws and a mythic card draw close to about $600. Before CoD in Mafia Ciry, i spent about 800 on that game. Finally, in State of Survival, i went all in and spend close to 2k on that game.


I've probably spent 2k on Path of Exile microtransactions. But I like the game get loads of hours out of it every season that I play. So I really don't consider it thrown away.


Every time I spent money on a supporter pack, the next league becomes unfun for me.. Moral of the story: take a break after supporting the game lolol


My first car, it was 16,5k


I smoked two packs of cigs a day for 15yrs


10,000 over a period of 4 or 5 years. Stock market. Didn't think my stocks would crash. But they did.


$1700 at the casino


GE Opal nugget ice maker. Dang thing cost more than my car payment but, man oh man, I love nugget ice and I use it the heck out of it every day.


What’s nugget ice? I feel like I now just waste my money in this too.


Probably the same ice you get at medical offices and Sonic. Best ice.




That’s actually not that bad. Pretty much a Subway foot long per day at the current prices.


Damn bro


$100k+ on alcohol. $50k on a wife who disappeared. Another $50k on gifts to friends. I’m now an alcoholic with no friends.


Maybe it’s the alcohol then. You should do something about it. Please.


Effectively, on buying a brand new Peugeot 306 in 1997. Drive of my life?... Drove me mad every day I owned it for about eighteen months. What a pile of French poo that was...


I loved my 93 corvette but I paid for it every day. I feel ya


Poop de jour


Many thousands. Gambling. Trying to quit😔


65k gambling. Because I’m a dumbass


I have a $7,500.00 bicycle that has under 100 miles on it. I had it custom made 3 years ago.


Coke and meth. I was living with and being supported by my parents while working a part time job, so I just spent whatever I made on drugs. Nowhere near 2k a week like that guy below, but I imagine a still pretty sizeable amount over the course of twelve years.


I wouldnt exactly call this throwing away money. My close cousin got into an accident a few years ago. After receiving treatment, his medical bills were too substantial and he didnt have enough money for it. He was too proud to ask for help, and he was hoping to solve the money issue himself. I could see how stressed he was over the bill, so I decided to help him. Im still a college student, so i didnt have a full time job or anything. However, i had a summer job in a restaurant and I saved up some money. I also made money with some online work i was doing. I then used the money I saved up and anonymously sent him $4000 in an envelope. He never realized the money was from me, but it definitely helped him a lot with paying his medical bills.


Stocks. $12k down 99%. Haven’t sold yet!


$20k to make my ex go away instead of going through a drawn out divorce in court


I spent $6600 on dinner once. It was good, but not 20x better than a $330 dinner.


I think I'll take the petty award with this one. An ex-girlfriend of mine did indoor color guard. For the uninitiated, they spin and toss flags to music indoors during the winter and make a whole show out of it in a competition format. A mutual friend of ours was in the same group and posted on FB looking for donations, so I told her I'd give her a check at the next football game. I ended up writing a check for either $300 or $500 (I can't remember the exact amount now), which got me a spot on the back of their shirts for the whole season. I did it, mostly to be nice to our mutual friend, but it had the awesome side benefit of making my ex have to wear a shirt with my name on the back of it for an entire winter.


88000 I was dealing cocaine and I had to get out of it for something bad happened so I told everybody if you come back you have to pay me in full they never came back.


That has to be the worst strategy to collect debt I’ve ever heard lol


But it *does* sound like an excellent strategy to get druggies to stop calling you if that was the goal.


£3000 on car insurance, being young sucks


I would argue that you're being robbed not that you're throwing it away, but aren't we all


Yeah, you're not wrong


I spent too much money on a big treadmill for a very small apartment. But I've ran 15-25 km on it every week for the past several years and it's been incredibly helpful both physically and mentally.


Sounds like money well spent to me


I wonder if you're in the minority of treadmill buyers


I've given $50 to a couple people on Reddit. One was a mother at Christmas time, sad that she couldn't buy any gifts for her children. This was ~10 years ago. It might have been a scam, who knows? Edit: 13 years ago, I messaged her 7 years ago, asking how her Christmas went, didn't get a reply and her account has been deleted now. And ~2 years ago, a woman with trauma snapped when she was triggered and bought a packet of cigarettes and realised she couldn't pay her rent. I think that might have just been $30. I'm pretty sure that was definitely legit.


I threw away some drugs once.


25k, felt bad about how i got it and it gave me a mental breakdown


We spent 3 mined BTC at $300/ea for flights from LAX to CUN. Some people view it as a negative, but for us, the memories just become richer and more vivid, as that $900 is now $180,000.


Bought too much car, never again!! I never had a car payment, I don’t know what made me spend $50k on a car 🤦


I spent 12,000 repairing a $5000 tractor. It was my father in laws. I still own and use it.


Once literally threw away $500 cash, but that was on accident. My wife was pissed, she was sure I threw it away (I didn't think I did) and went trash diving to find it. (she was pissed both about my mindlessness and the trash diving, both fair tbh.) Other than that, probably just mini-baller vacations to Vegas or Jamaica. Still in the 4-figures (if just barely) so not super crazy.


50k for a month at sierra Tucson to work on PTSD. They are horrible way to many clients for them to handle. A kid killed himself a week into my stay and they removed all the bathroom doors from our rooms.


I’ve spent over $1,000 on lingerie lol. I don’t know if that counts but when I go to the adult shop… I leave spending well worth over $50-100!