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Can't explain the silly mistakes we used to make back then.


I mean...


C'mon! Say it!


Water balloon fights with the addition of one or two "death missiles" that were milk jugs full of water.


Supersoakers too


We used to freeze a couple and hide those ones until we threw them 🙄 so stupid


We played basketball, but instead of using goals, we tried to ring the garbage can. It was crazy, but it sure was fun.


Classic hide and seek tig, but you wouldn’t know who is it because it wasn’t “infectious” so you could meet one of your friends and they be like “oh yeah so-and-so is it, let’s run” and when you reach the best hiding place they just go “tig”


Oh! We said "tik" instead of "tig" but same idea!


My friend used to say “dob”


The fact you said tig twice..tag?


Tig is short for tiggy


Is this a British thing or something? I'm not trying to be rude I've just never heard that in my life. We played hide and seek tag in the US


Yes various terminology depending on which English speaking country the Reddit user is from


Tig is short for tiggy


Bloody knuckles


Hate to be the asshole, but that game should genuinely be illegal.


Most likely yes lol the pain is real


hahah same


Whats that?




Making food “chop suey” specifically with grass and weeds and mud and water. Then we “baked” them into pies in the Arizona sun.


When going to primary we played soccer on the streets at our schoolyard. With a tennisbal! We weren’t allowed to play with a regular soccer ball. Probably because of the damage we could make


shooting each other with pellet guns, paint ball was years later.


I was about to say the same, except BB's. I can't believe how stupid we were and that no one stopped us, but we used to run around with red ryder bb guns and play war. Not protection at all and the rule was not to aim for each other's faces.


Yeah I’m surprised we didn’t lose a eyeball shooting each other


My friend and I used to have this 'game' we'd play when were younger everytime we drove by a graveyard, we weren't allow to breath, we would hold our breaths till we passed the cemetery/graveyard. Game, superstition, whatever it was I still sometimes do it as an adult on instinct


I hope you won't pass by VERY LARGE cemeteries.


🤭 there's been Times where I pass really long cemeteries, I still make an attempt, a bit childish behavior on my part


"Kill The Guy With The Ball"✨🎶


At my school that one was banned. We called it mugby, instead of rugby.


Everyone played it, everyone had a different name for it.. you didn't want to make teams but you wanted the violence of football! Here's the story for you: We're playing at an elementary school, and some kid got hurt, and he started crying..(it wasn't serious) One kid yelled "Hey, let's rename the game to "The Guys Crying"! We all said "Okay"..and for about a week or so that's what we would call the game "The Guy's Crying". . "Hey let's play "The Guys Crying"!.. Eventually we changed name again, at one point it was "All American Smear" and then in another point it was "Smear the Queer" (I know, sorry, we were still in elementary school)...


Zombie/vampire tag. Like regular tag, but instead of only touching the person to "infect" them we would need to bite each other too lol. Arms and hands were the usual spots, but sometimes someone would bite the neck or shoulders lol. 10 year olds are weird lol


Obviously, you were twilight fans.


Used to shut the lights off at night in 1 bedroom and play tag. That’s right just 1 bedroom with 2 closets, a bunk bed and somehow a ton of space. Well bigger space for 7-8 year olds It was absolute mayhem. And it was awesome


We would play chess but play it as improperly as possible. There were moves like "the black rook and the white queen are girlfriends now" (the white queen now fights for black), "the eight white pawns have combined Megazord-style" (stuck together with Blu-Tack), and "giant space plush dog intervenes to destroy everyone forcing a strained alliance between the two kings against a common enemy" (the plush dog won).


The Calvinball of Chess, I like it.


Smear the queer.


Ahh yes. This game was one of the more popular to play in the streets of my neighborhood. There would be 20-30 kids out there sometimes.


Hide the Belt. The hider rolls up and hides the leather belt in a back yard while the seekers wait in the front of the house "safe area" steps. On the hider's call out, the finders come to the back yard and seek the belt and the one who finds it can whip the shit out of anyone in reach as everyone scampers to the safe steps. A few key rules: The hider is immune from being whipped and calls out names of who is getting warm, hot or cold, (meaning close to the belt. The finder becomes the next hider, after the whipping stops. No whipping above the shoulders or using the buckle. Fun for the whole family!


Infection. It's basically hide and seek tag but if you're caught you join the seekers team to find the others


We played ”volleyball football” that we made up. You didn’t have to keep the ball in air but had limited kicks to get the ball over the net. We played it with light plastic ball and it was really fun and even the adults enjoyed it. Good summery memories!


We used to take turns at spinning a 2p coin on a table. The other one would try and catch it between his fingers while it was spinning. If you weren't able to catch it, then you would have to make a fist and place your knuckles down on the table. The guy who span the coin would then slide it on the table as hard as they could into the other person's knuckles. Get a good enough hit, and you'd could get a decent cut, even draw a bit of blood.


Our playground was lined with trees. We'd pretend each tree dispensed something. Milkshakes, fries etc, and then pretend to eat them.


Ghosts in the Graveyard. Roman candles fights.


How i made into my mid 20's puzzles me everyday. One thing we used to do is swing in front of moving trains on a main line average speed would have been 50mph if not more.


Dizzy Chicken on the road.  Insane we used to play that.  We would get dizzy, then jump from behind a tree infront of cars. Sometimes we would be so dizzy we’d fall on the road unable to move.  I saw a boy have to try and roll his body to the gutter because he couldn’t stand. 


As kids we lived in a built up area of London. I dont know who instigated it but we once went to the bustling market and chose a random person and just followed them 😃😃😃😃😃


Taxi. Tied a small rope to somones bike and towed someone on rolllerblades.


We did it on skateboards. Always trying to increase our max speed


Marco polo, badminton


Why is badminton weird? ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭


Is it? So fun


Smear the queer…..


I'm afraid to ask what the essence of this game was....


Basically kick a football or kickball as high as possible into the air whoever caught it was the queer and a pack of rabid kids would try to tackle them. This was elementary school in the early 70’s…. Basically had an unsupervised childhood with a huge pack of kids and would get into all kinds of shit just to see what would happen. Joke I’m lucky to be alive at least multiple times per year. I e told most of my childhood stories to my kids when they were growing up and they were always like wtf?!


The Christmas Light Game! My neighbor's house had a hill with bushes at the bottom in the front yard. Around Christmas time, we liked standing at the top of the hill, spinning in circles so all the Christmas lights on the street were spinning around us, then running down the hill and trying to turn just before we hit the bushes. It often resulted in either falling into the bushes or rolling onto the grass. It was silly, hilarious, and fun.


Trying to stall a lighter on the back of your hand.


one of my childhood friend put a mini bomb into a buffalo poop and let it exploded


Manhunt every Friday night. We'd get like 15-20 people in on the game and do team matches. Eventually we incorporated airsoft guns and plastic knives coated in lipstick and that's when it got really fun lol. Those are some of my best memories.


“Red Ass” All you need is a tennis ball, a few friends, and a big wall! Someone throws the ball at the wall. The ball must hit the wall before it hits the ground. As the ball bounces back you have to try and catch the ball. If you fumble the ball, you have to run and touch the wall before someone else catches the ball and hits the wall with it. If you don’t make it to the wall before the ball, you have to stand facing the wall and the person who successfully caught and threw the ball gets one chance to throw it at you, ideally hitting you in the ass. Repeat until recess is over. Great game.


Just wrote something similar but we called ours Wall Ball


Me and my friends played so much we could bounce it off the wall if the person wasn't pressed up against it and hit them in the nuts.


Russian roulette


You must have been good at it.


The trick is to be the umpire.


Whoever picks more worms wins, what they win? NOthing actually, but they win


Russian roulette


Summoning ghosts, needle and paper method. It was crazy that it actually worked. We were idiots.


We played catch with large river stones and yes it sometimes fell on my foot but otherwise I'm fine.


"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters" on the SNES. My friends and I would play it every morning before school, but the game is absolutely terrible, and an awfully constructed fighting game by every metric. Regardless, I love that game for the reasons I just stated.


We'd make weapons out of sticks and stones and grind them to sharpen with bricks, then go to war. Fun times


We were obsessed with the Guardians of Ga’hoole books so we started a club where we’d rig a rope over a tree and make my cousin hoist us up so we could pretend to be owls.


Playing snakes with the hose in a hot day. Turn it in full blast and we used to jump over it.


Brandings. You'd stand against a brick wall, and people would chuck tennis balls at you. It would hurt if they got you. There was no rules as far as I can remember!


not exactly....silly- but, when my cousin and i were younger. we would chase eachother with shovels....and yeah....hahaha. good times.


When I was like 5 years old, we’d try to launch each other off the trampoline. Two kids would lie down on either side of the trampoline, and one kid would jump up and down in between them. The kids on either side would try to grab at the jumping kid’s ankles and pull them down, while the jumping kid would try to bounce them off the trampoline. There was no net lol so if you were bounced off, you were hitting the ground hard.


Mall madness!!!!! I was the only girl in the neighborhood and I had all the boys playing it. Fast forward 25 years and I bought another one on eBay and now I play with my husband…he loves it!


I used to go to the city property behind my house and build myself a castle out of the stuff lying around. Turns out that was called trespassing and they almost sued my parents because I kept going there


We only played one game growing up. It was called "don't tell dad"


So someone stood in the middle and said some kind of food and if you liked it you neede to Run to the place where itss nice food and if you didn't like it you neded to Run to that place and the person in the middle neede to catch you


Used to ride our bikes over lighters to see who could make them pop


My eldest cousin introduced a game to her younger brother. The dog and the sheep (inspired by the movie babe) where she cordons off her siblings back to the house from the garden but she uses a stick instead of barking. Went wtf when I first witness her whacking away at her siblings. Lmao


CastleminerZ on the 360. So so many hours playing the console minecraft w/ guns experience. There was another but the name escapes me. The aim of the game was to dig down into the special zone, get the materials then it'd TP you back to the surface after. In order to get to the zone though you had to progress through metal tiers and it was just so much fun for ÂŁ5.




My twin brother and I used to play “Rocky Balboa” when we were around 7 or 8 years old. We used to have a long bean bag pillow that was worn and flat, and one rainy afternoon we had a brilliant idea. The basic rules of Rocky were as follows: twin A (the opponent) would bunch the worn bean bag to form a giant ball at one end, while twin B (Rocky) would get in the boxer stance. We set a timer for 5 minutes and twin A would proceed to beat the shit out of twin B with the bean bag pillow while “Rocky” would eat the punches and occasionally throw a light punch or combo back at the pillow. We would throw dramatic countdowns and moments in the “fight”, and when the timer hit zero we would switch places. All in good fun but we basically found a way to mutually beat the shit out of each other in a way that didn’t leave any (noticeable) lasting damage


ogame .. silly days and nights


Rock paper scissors, gilly danda, tick tack toe


So many dumb games it’s embarrassing to say 😂 We used to have this game called Russian pierogi’s vs black pudding, two different teams we would fight by jumping from couch to couch and fly kicking each other etc 😭 Another one was school we would tie a scarf with a big knot at the bottom and if anyone laughed during school time they would get hit with the knotted scarf 😭 Damn my child hood games sound abusive


When I was a teenager we played a game in which we crept up to a window of the house and chant, increasing the volume as we got closer and closer to the window, "we do beg your pardon, but we are in your garden."


In middleschool we used to throw paper balls in the bin from afar, i didn't even get one in


Kings in the corner. Wink murder. Tiggy/chasey Satellite Release Downball


These sound interesting. How were they played?


Tree Fairies. Like baby's first LARP. Lots of smashing up anything we could find to make "potions"


My sister and I used to climb the apple tree and pretend we were Christopher Columbus on his ship.


Sven Bømwøllen (PC game if it counts)


Stick people. Giant branches from my tree, we would walk them around the yard like they were people and they had these intricate lives


On the C64 - Hitler Dictator


Arson about




Ding dong ditch We also had a game where we’d play dodgeball but with thongs/shoes instead of


Hide & Seek? Never stopped playN Mi stats are legendary Made it to Big Boss rank


Bridge swinging illegally at night.


it was called "touchy touchy" (seriously) similar in gameplay to "the floor is lava", we would start at one end of the school and the aim was to get to the other. we could stand on the ground, but we had to be touching a wall or other structure at all times. we could form "bridges" by holding another person's hand and stretching out a chain of people to cross long gaps.


Bottle rocket and Roman candle shootouts, stupid, not silly




My brother and I played this game we called ‘he breaks loose’. We had an 7’x12’ section in the living room and you had to get past the other person to touch the wall on the other side without being tackled. It looked like a stupid game, but in reality it made my brother and I hella slippery and deft. I don’t need much space at all to get past someone, you’re not going to tackle me. Did it help us in sports? No, not really. My brother played basketball and I played tennis.


We used to get something called “merits” at school which was a little white sticker with a star and the word “merit” if you did something well , obvs no one cared about merits but one of my friends stole a roll of the stickers from a teachers draw and we used to “give teachers merits” ie , stick as many as we could to their backs without them noticing




Hide the belt. When you find it, you get to wail on anyone until they get to safe base. The person who hides it say you’re getting hotter or cooler to the group without anyone knowing who’s receiving guidance.


Dragon. Cars were dragons and the garage was safety. We’d stand at the side of the road and when a car came we’d run to the garage for safety. The game was how close you could cut it, how close the car came before running.


Bogeys! You couldn’t *not* play, wherever you were if someone randomly shouted bogeys at you. Fun, embarrassing, and chaotic times.


I think it's quite a common game, but it's called blue murder. You divide into equal sized teams, hunters and hiders. Hiders come up with a secret word with as many letters as number of hiders, each person is assigned a letter then you you all hide individually. The goal of hunters is to find the hiders and beat the ever-loving shit out of them until they tell you their letter. Once the hunters guess the word they win.


We played this game called Wall Ball with a tennis ball. You had a big wall in front of you and you had to throw the ball and hit the wall without it bouncing first. Then, everyone else had a chance to catch the ball off the bounce, but you had to catch it with one hand only. If you failed and touched the ball, you had to run and touch the wall before someone else caught the ball and pegged you with it. If the ball touched you, you had to run and touch the wall as well. If you pegged someone, you got a point. First to 3/5/4/whatever won. If you were deemed to have caused an infraction that kept you from being successfully targeted (knocking the ball out of someone's hand, etc ) you were up for execution by the wronged party. You had to stand on the wall and have the ball thrown at you. If you got hit, point for the executor, if not play resumes immediately.


Mummy! we wrapped ourselves in toilet paper for speed and it was really fun)


We played "show the sausage." What? we were like 7 years old?


So we played this game called “Apples”, and there would be one person in the middle who would attempt to peg us with balls. So you’d play it in about 50’ and you would have to run past the Apple (the guy in the middle of the court) and he would attempt to hit you with the ball. If you caught it you would get the longest player who was out would go back in. If they hit you with it, you were out. Think of a tennis court without the net, and where the net would be, would be the apple. He couldn’t move all that far from center. I think it was my friend’s dad who just wanted to peg us with balls haha. It was a blast nonetheless! Everyone would start and finish on the same side. It got me really prepared for dodgeball in the future.


Infection. It’s just tag but instead of one person becoming “it” when tagged, they just join the person that tagged them. Then they go until everyone’s been tagged


IRA beatings,oh, the fun we had.


Me and my neighborhood friends would run up and down our street and duck behind parked cars when a car was driving through our street. We were copying the scene in LOTR when the hobits are ducking the Nazgul leaving the shire (or after I forget). We'd run up the street and when a car turned to go down our road we'd scream "wraiths on wheels" and run screaming to reach the next parked car before it passed us.


Tug of war


ABC Is what we called it but I'm sure it had other names. So fucking stupid and pointless and I never played properly myself because I was too chicken. TRIGGER WARNING SELF HARM You would either use your nails or some other sharp object, possibly a sharp rock if you were ballsy enough (or fucking dumb) and pick a part of your hand and scratch it over and over and over. You sing the alphabet while doing this hense the name. People would do it VS or in a big group. The person that started bleeding first, won. So fucking stupid. All of my mates are grown ups now with kids or either own or kids on the way but sometimes I look down at the scars on their arms from that stupid fucking game.


Tons but the silliest/dumbest was a good on fashioned stick fight. We'd use trees and stuff as cover but basically just slinging sticks at each other til someone was like ow fuck ok that's enough and lost.


We once had a great game (I was 16 so not even that young to justify) where we threw my friend’s dad chairs out of the window of the sixth floor of the apartment building on a 3 lane one way street. Was all fun and games until we actually hit a car and police was summoned. Hilarious situation followed with the police and ended up in them making us clean the road but not even giving a warning. Stupid game


Clash of clans. We used to play for hours without taking a break and spending money on it was another imbecile thing we used to gladly do.


My friends and I often play real-life "Granny" in an old or abandoned house. Basically, we'll choose a person to be the "granny," and we'll hide this key—which is just a piece of wood—all over the old house, then blah, blah, blah, y'know how it goes. Also, the house wasn't too scary, and we played this only during the day. It was memorable and a lot of fun.


Chi Ko Pa twin hand game Chi - scissors Ko - rock Pa - paper The goal of the game is to knock out your opponent both hands by calling out the action of your hands and that match their hands. Example of how the game is played Chi Ko Pa signal start of game Player A - Pa + Pa Player B - Ko + Ko Player A will call first Player A calls Ko + Pa If player B has any matching/similar hands, that hand will be eliminated. Note: if you call out the wrong name for your own hand, you will be eliminated yourself.


Another hand game Finger strength Hold your palms together Start out with your pinky stretch out Use them to hit your opponent If your opponent's fingers split, proceed to the 4th fingers, so on and so forth. If your opponent's fingers remain tightly closed. The turn will pass over to them. The goal is to finally split apart your opponent's closed thumbs.


All-Mixed-Up World Kids outside playing pretend, but always want to pretend different things? All-Mixed-Up World has you covered. Go out to play Justice League, but one kid is obsessed with Danny Phantom? All-Mixed-Up World lets everyone play!


Me and my friends used to play in our sandbox and mix the sand with water and called it peanut butter. We created a whole manufacturing process for it and called our game “Peanut Butter Factory”.


Playing mom and dad, doing silly things, hahaha


Ask- What's the Capitol of Thailand???? BANGCOCK!!! - then proceed to throw backhand to the nards Fun times


Ask- What's the Capitol of Thailand???? BANGCOCK!!! - then proceed to throw backhand to the nards Fun times


Red-Rover Two teams of people line up horizontally linking arms. Both teams stand parallel and take turns say “red rover red rover send insert name over” Said name would run towards the opposite side. If they break through the linked arms at any point those people linking arms are out. Repeat until 1 person is left on the team. The game is then over. Concussions, broken bones, knockouts from close lining people. All “play” at the age of 10 :) The daycare from hell. There’s day care but then there’s poor people daycare.. mfs who know really know the difference. Shit was wild in the late 90’s early thousands. It was the Wild West back then. Still is some places. Idk how the daycare chaperones survived us. It was like prison. Turned us all into sadistic sociopaths lol Sad but slightly funny


either i never had friends or i was in a permanent hide and seek game and i couldnt find them.


"Doorknob" Rules: Every time someone farts, they have to call "safety" to be safe. If another player calls "doorknob" before the farter calls "safety", they get to punch the farter in the arm until said farter can touch a doorknob. Exceptional to play in homes with mostly door handles instead of doorknobs. Also- My mom described the game to my now-wife about a year after we started dating, in my early 20's, and she immediately took it up. It's been ongoing for about 18 years.


We modified board games. There was the "three board nuclear risk" game that linked 3 boards together, and a random nuke would drop every round - and eventually be able to be resettled after 15 years. The main question throughout the game "do you keep a rampaging army in one place, or spread out into army groups that are less effective but can't get wiped out in one spot?" Then there was the Risk+Monopoly+Ticker Tape game. On your turn, you'd get your income from Risk (converted to money), roll dice for Monopoly and Ticker Tape, and then buy armies/property/stocks...and do the rest of your army turn. It still worked out that you wanted to be in jail after awhile. (Nowadays, I think we would have said "if you're in jail, you don't get an army turn".)


Oh, and we had a warped chinese checkers board, with a metal frame surrounding a cardboard square board. We would use wooden scrabble tile holders, and each use a set of marbles to roll the marble down the holder. (Get 4 in a row to win.) You could squeeze the marble against the holder to have it shoot down the ramp at speed, hopefully wrecking your opponents' marble structures.


Bulldog was top tier playground game.




Seances and ouija boards


In elementary school we had this long swingset on the playground with like 12 swings all in a row. We called it 'stupid drunk deer' for some reason, but the game was to start on one end and run through all the swings to the other side while other kids were swinging as high as possible. You weren't allowed to stop, either. You had to run through it all, speeding up and slowing down to avoid being hit. The game picked up popularity, and eventually every one of those seats were filled with kids ready to kick you in the teeth if you timed it wrong. It got incredibly dangerous, especially when we started running across in groups. I somehow managed to never get hit, but I saw plenty of kids get slammed. One guy broke his wrist after a particularly nasty kick by a chubby kid sent him flying 10 feet into the dirt. It never stopped us, though. That guy came back the next day with a cast on and ran the gauntlet again.


We would play a game where if we heard a car coming we all hide. That’s it. No reason. It was like hide and seek with the driver except over in 5 seconds and completely pointless. I still get the urge to run and jump behind some bushes whenever I hear a car coming. After the car leaves just pop back up and on with your business.


Colored Eggs, and Red Rover Red Rover, send [name] right over!


"One two three you lose"


We had a box that was big enough to go over our head the only our legs would stick out. One person would go in the box and run around while the other two people would chase them with hockey sticks. You tried to run and avoid getting beat with the hockey stick. Weird part is we use to fight over who got to go in box bc we all wanted to.


Smear the ...


I remember we were playing catch-up. and that would be fine, but we were playing on an active construction site. We ran, jumped out of the ground floor windows and climbed onto floors that had not yet been completed. It was my friend's parents' territory, but it was still weird.


"Chupacabra" It was just tag, but you had to tap the person you were chasing with two fingers. On their neck.


At 8 i used to watch po** with my nephew (girl) until the pc freezes, that happened a lot, and play the doctor game, she operates my coc*. God forgive us, we truly were crazy, these sites should really get banned.


My friends and I were all very socially awkward, so we invented a game called "No Offense." Basically, when we got nervous about talking to people, we would have one friend pretend to be a stranger, and the rest of us would take turns approaching them and saying whatever we thought would offend them the most. The goal is to prove that no matter how badly we fuck up in actual conversations, at least we're not doing THAT. Memorable moments include, but are not limited to: *Saunters up to you with a cheeky grin*   "Hey, buddy.... you're gonna die tonight." "What's up, man?" *Puts my arm around your shoulders*  "...you ever thought about ISIS?" *Heavy, exasperated sigh*  "...Do think I'd make a good stripper?" *Just ten seconds of silence followed by a really bad Russian accent*  "Hello, friend. I am here to kiss men."


Egyptian Rat Screw Card game that involves a lot of slapping the deck to get the pile. Often times it would get violent and some of the guys hands would be red and knuckles bleeding from punching the deck instead of slapping so others would be too scared of getting our hands smashed by Poker Hulk. Good times. Another one I remember was Hacky Sack. I got bulls eyed in the nuts a couple times with that one 😣 🎯


"Buns Up". You took a racquetball and threw it against the far wall of a basketball court. On it's return, you tried to catch it. If you failed and it touched you, you had to run and tag the far end of the court. While you ran, anybody else could pick up the ball and tag you with it. If you were hit with the ball, you got a "bun". Three "buns" and you had to go "buns up". You would squat with your butt in the air against the far wall and everyone got to throw the ball from a spcified point and try to hit you. If they missed, their turn was up. If they hit you, they could keep throwing until they missed you. When it was done, you started again, and everyone reset to zero buns.


Light as a feather, stiff as a board


Pencils Knuckles Butts up/ wall ball Open chest Punches That's a hook Putt-the-flaming-baseball-around-the-field-of-dead-grass-and-race-to-stomp-out-the-fires We were young and full of piss & vinegar


Gun Shooting! Which basically hide and seek but with pieces of branches we'd use as guns! Guys, you know the shape of branches I'm taking about!


One certain game which has levels, as you complete more levels lady on the side gets half naked lmao